#I dont wanna tag this as politics cause I’ll get eaten and I’m not looking for that rn
faye-circle · 2 years
I think what a lot of people miss about dismantling stereotypes is that they DO exist for a reason. Good or bad, they are there for a reason. For example the whole “women love shopping and getting shoes” stereotype. This stereotype is harmful! It paints women as vanity-ridden and is just generally icky.
The problem with the stereotype is that it is an inaccurate, and negative, representation of women and contributes to misogyny and sexism. The problem is NOT women who do happen to very much enjoy shopping and shoes. There are going to be people who enjoy shopping. There are going to be people that don’t.
If we force people who just happen to have aligning traits with a stereotype like the one I mentioned, we’re just coming full circle and pressuring people into not doing something they love.
TL;DR: The problem with stereotypes is not the people who happen to fit in with said stereotypes, but rather the assumptions made about a person without any actual information.
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