#I don’t want the anti-gillovnys coming for me lol
gaycrouton · 1 year
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January 2016 was such a special time
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I never wished for Gillian’s relationship to fail, but I was largely indifferent to it and it has nothing to do with Gillovny. Funny enough, I do actively dislike David’s relationship for obvious reasons.
I wasn’t super involved in the tumblr fandom during 2015-2016, but I do remember all of the fuckery that went down with David and gillian. Their behavior was what ignited dormant and new shippers. It added flames for those who never let that flame die.
So, you had all of G and D’s antics and shit, which many were going crazy over. Some notable people as well who have since distanced themselves from that era. Like most people were for this shit because whatever was going on between them was too hard to dismiss as being friendly or professional behavior. Or even harmless flirting.
Now, there are those who always insisted that G and D were acting and putting this show on for the fans. I guess to drive ratings, but this argument has always been nonsensical to me. For starters, people who are interested in Gillovny are going to watch regardless. Almost everyone else don’t give a shit and was going to watch the revival for Mulder and Scully. The things fans went crazy over wasn’t enough to even get anyone interested in the show who wasn’t already interested.
Like, the kimmel interview is mostly only interesting to someone who follows Gillovny or knows of their history. Other people would find their behavior interesting, but would they really make them watch the show??? And it’s barely even a headline.
So, what they were doing back then was enough to get philes excited, but not enough to drive ratings. Which cancels out the idea that they behaved the way they did to garner attention.
But, the naysayers kept insisting that this was all a PR ploy.
After (???) season 10 premiered, Gillian was spotted with Peter I suppose. And she kept being spotted with him. Don’t know the true timeline. But, when this happened, suddenly, these same naysayers were Gorgan. They were all in on Peter and Gillian and throwing shots at Gillovny fans and how we were “played.”
(It must be noted that just because Gillian ended up dating Peter doesn’t mean she didn’t have a thing with David. Lol)
Over time, they were gassing up this relationship and talking about Peter’s greatness and how he and Gillian balanced each other.
For me, my bullshit meter was going on.
Yes, some fans just wanted Gillian to be happy and shit, which I’m all for, but the loud gorgan supporters used this relationship to “get back” at the Gillovny crowd. I honestly don’t know how hostile it became between the two groups, but from what I did see, this support was superficial, which was proven years later.
Because, imo, how can you be for a relationship that just started and you barely know anything about it? How can you know all of this about two people you have no insight on? Gillian keeps her relationships largely private and we know even less about Peter’s relationships (read: marriage), yet there are posts about how these two are a good fit? Lol
What solidified my indifference was Gillian’s behavior. Pre like 2013, Gillian wasn’t really featured in the media all that much because she wasn’t doing any noteworthy projects. Then, she did the fall and was featured more. She was very vocal about being a feminist and shit. “Future is female”, talking about her same sex relationships, didn’t want to be in relationships unless she was in control. Isn’t this the woman who famously ended a relationship by going home and leaving her then boyfriend on the beach to find his way home? Lol.
Gillian’s image was very independent, assertive, I’m the boss, blah blah blah.
Then, she gets with Peter and it’s “he’s responsible for my success.” Peter this, Peter that, blah blah blah blah.
Gillian’s image is now submissive, insecure, handing the reigns over to her man.
That was something that made me look at her differently and not care for her relationship. It felt like whiplash from her previous image.
That image she cultivated with Peter was so contradictory in what she presented herself as while they were together. So, although I still supported her professionally, I just wasn’t here for the relationship.
Ironically enough, Gillian and Peter are the ones who come off as having the PR relationship compared to whatever David and Gillian were doing. Maybe not on the red carpet, but Gillian has (always) been silly and sexual with David. There are x files outtakes that proves this. She jokes/“jokes” with David about wanting to suck his “cock” and David has said shit to her like “did you just cum?” In many of their interviews, Gillian is the the giggly and silly.
Even when Gillian was with Mark and David was still with Tea, that dynamic was there, but a muted. 2015/16 was more pronounced, but it didn’t come out of nowhere. So, the idea that this was PR doesn’t track.
But, Gillian gets with peter and, suddenly, she has a personality change and is singing the praises of her boyfriend who she later works with.
Do I believe this was a PR relationship? Tbh, I don’t give a shit either way. But, PR relationships exist and have always existed in Hollywood. They function many ways: to bring attention to one or both parties, to deflect from (potential) rumors, to build hype for a project, etc.
Peter and Gillian were gassing each other up and shit, selling one another and their relationship. Many famous married couples don’t even talk about their spouses like them (and, yes, I believe these married couples love one another).
The thing about David and Gillian is that, even tho some thought something may have been going on around 2015, some people have always thought they were fucking at one point in time. Others think they just have massive chemistry. But, why would they need to fake a thing between them that they won’t admit to to manufacture interest in the show that people were excited to see come back? It sounds contrived, doesn’t it?
Compare that to: a well loved and acclaimed actress who hasn’t had meaty work in a while getting together with the creator and writer of a show that’s an Emmy darling. They’re always singing each other’s praise, which is noteworthy for a person who doesn’t talk about her relationship much. Who she then later works with on said show.
Which one sounds more like PR?
The actors who’ve had mad chemistry since they’ve auditioned together? Who’s chemistry never wavered even when they couldn’t stand each other and now are in a better place?
The actress and writer who talk about how wonderful their partner is and that this relationship is so mature, and then later work on his show together before breaking up a month later?
I honestly don’t think it’s absurd to have skepticism towards gorgan. Many of those adamant that gorgan was real and others are delusional are invested in gorgan because their anti Gillovny. And some did truly want to see her happy, but most weren’t invested in that way.
Whether someone thinks gorgan was real or not, I found it embarrassing on Gillian’s part. It’s probably more embarrassing if it was PR and sad if it was real.
And I know ppl will disagree with that because they found the relationship mature and supportive, but again, crediting Peter with the success of her career??? You can’t even argue, “she means now” because Gillian was getting a career resurgence and rave reviews for Stella Gibson and bedelia de murier (???). She had her role in American gods (I know it was one episode).
And in each of these roles, it was “omg! Gillian Anderson!!!”
She was so loved in Hannibal, they fucking expanded her role. And this was all pre Peter (American gods may have had some overlap).
Gillian isnt “struggling” for roles because people don’t want to hire her, she’s “struggling” because she’s trying to find roles that balances being a working actor with being a hands on mom.
And that’s why I was always “meh” about the relationship. I don’t think Peter’s a bad guy and he’s good at his job, but the way Gillian’s persona changed during this relationship was off putting and I didn’t care to get invested in them for that reason. But, as I mentioned on other occasions, the vocal support of the relationship and notable silence when they ended will always be fascinating to me. I honestly believe that gorgan support was fueled by the anti Gillovny crowd and backlash to David’s relationship (its a 🤮 for me too) and behavior towards Gillian regarding the x files’ potential continuance.
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Honestly, I don't understand what some GA supporters, Gillovny haters and David haters, which I believe are mixed groups, against David and a friendship, albeit at a distance and occasionally with Gillian. At SM, the haters draw him as if he were the same arrogant actor who was portrayed in the 90s, who didn't have a friendly off-screen relationship with Gillian (hello, they are both very introverted and worked 17 hours together. How much could they handle this work overload? (to be continued..)
 Are these followers afraid that GA is getting involved with a "rapist/misogynist", just because his have a relationship with a 27-years-old girl? Why did David write about incest is his last book? Why did he say that he wouldn't like to with Gillian on anything but The X Files? Why was he openly a sex addict? And this arguments being based entirely on facts and gossip from 15/20 /25 years ago?
People draw David as if he were a maniac who can attack Gillian at any time, and that she doesn't know his true nature, so he has a relationship. It's amazing how people make assumptions based on the past things and don't even bother to keep up with what they're doing today. And even worse: they think they can govern your personal lives. I saw it from Gillovnys in the past, and now i see it in these groups.
I read these anons earlier and spent some time thinking about your remarks and the larger implications of certain accusations and DD/GA’s relationship. This response way longer than I intended, but like I said, I spend some time thinking about your comments. And when I say it’s long, I mean it’s long.
Anti’s alleged issues with DD is a combination of things: misogyny, sexism, homophobia, pedophilia, and being friends with an alleged sex trafficker.
David has said some homophobic, misogynistic, and sexist remarks. It’s one of those things that, although a handful of people knew better, his views were “normal” back then. This isn’t to excuse David, but rather, provide context. Because there’s problematic shit and beliefs from 10 and even 5 years ago. The question I ask myself is: has David unpacked these beliefs? Is he learning and growing?
The fact that they have to dig into shit from the 90s to find shit on him says A LOT. Maybe he’s learned to keep those views to himself OR maybe he realized that some of his beliefs were fucked up and left them in the past. I’m not saying that no one can’t be upset about what he said or even dislike him now because of it. However, I don’t think people who genuinely dislike him are sending hate anons to people because they like him.
I really don’t like talking about the pedophilia and him “knowing” he’s friends with a sex trafficker accusations because, even when accusations are proven to be false, someone will believe there's truth to them. It taints a person and that's generally speaking. The reason I’m addressing them now and with you is because I want to be transparent about what’s going on with Antis and my issues with them. I don’t want to be accused of bias or protecting DD because I’m “hiding” the truth.
This man in Hollywood accused David of being sexually inappropriate with a minor who later became his wife. Apparently, this happened in David’s trailer during the original run of the X-Files and was well known on set. This revelation occurred during the Me Too era, like when accusations were hot and took just about everyone accused of impropriety down. For reference, Harvey Weinstein, a powerful producer with more money and influence, was taken down. Louis CK, well respected before his victims came out. Pre Me Too: Bill Cosby. Aziz Ansari. Hell, even some of the faces of the movement were taken down.
So, this Hollywood dude claimed on twitter that David was touching on a minor while at work and EVERYONE on set knew, but somehow this story never caught on. Virtually no media outlets picked this up. And this accusation is worse than the Aziz accusation and he was torn to shreds as his career took a hit. But David can be accused of this horrendous thing and no one reacts to it??? Apparently, he must have better lawyers than Harvey, Louis, etc because the rumors never even took flight. AND, I believe the thread is still up too. Not even crazed right wingers or pizza gate fanatics were interested in this story. However, since David is involved with a significantly younger woman this means that that rumor is true. 
The thing is: there’s implications to this accusation that the antis didn’t think of and they got mad at me and others about it.
They said that Gillian hated David, didn't talk to him, and ignored him as much as she could because she knew about all of this. So, I asked, “If she knew David was a predator, why did she keep working with him? If you argue it was due to contract reasons, why did she work with him on IWTB and Seasons 10 and 11? Why didn’t she report him?”
Me and others were accused of holding women accountable for mens’ actions. But that still doesn’t answer the question, right? If Gillian hated David because he’s a predator, why did she still work with him? Her “hate” was supposed to be “proof” that he was morally corrupt. Since Gillian “hated” David, we’re supposed to hate David.
Another layer: David’s friends with a guy who allegedly is a sex trafficker, which to Antis mean that David knows and is okay with this. They’re friends, how could he not know???
This is important to note because they switch between Gillian knowing David is a “predator” and not knowing depending on the argument. So, when they swore up and down that she hated him, Gillian “knew.” Now that Gillian and David confirmed they are friends in some capacity, “just because she’s friends with him doesn’t mean she knows everything about him.”
Interesting, right?
They used examples of Harvey Weinstein and Ted Bundy to prove how someone can hide despicable acts after swearing up and down Gillian KNEW, which is why they weren’t friends. And, if you’re thinking...well what about David’s friend who allegedly is a sex trafficker, wouldn’t the same logic apply to him?
There are a million excuses and justifications when you apply their logic to Gillian, but they never give David the benefit of the doubt. They never critically examine any information they’re given if it paints David in a bad light. Then they put their heads in the sand if this info implicates Gillian. And the sad part is that I can go on a longer rant tearing their accusations apart.
There isn’t any consistency from Antis. I’d respect them if they’d dropped Gillian because she’s friends with the “predator” they hate. But no, their stance and justification changes so she's always in a good light.
You see how low they're willing to stoop to justify their hate. They aren’t content with disliking David, they need others to hate him too. They're too invested to admit they were wrong because then they’d have to face how foolish they looked hating David on the behalf of Gillian who doesn’t hate him at all. All that energy and hate for nothing.
Lastly, I genuinely do believe Antis are afraid that David and Gillian may be fucking or, at least, that casual fans will come to that conclusion. Think about it: who reacts like this to two people, who many thought hated each other, essentially announcing they are friends?
These are two adults with (an) adult kid(s). And they could literally become grandparents at any time. lol. These are two people who have known each other for damn near 30 years and Antis think they know David and Gillian better than they know each other.
But a simple photo got them rattled because they HAVE TO admit Gillian’s friends with David. She inadvertently put them in a corner and the only way out of it is to admit something they mocked others for believing. Their other options would fall into Gillovny thinking: they're fucking or dating.
And that’s what they’re really upset about.
They were left with options that fell into Gillovny thinking and had to choose the lesser of the evils. And they can’t say David and Gillian aren’t friends without looking delusional. Especially when they don’t have their handy dandy convenient excuses of “promo” for the x files or a charity. lol. Especially when they took a personal photo together and posted it online.
And I guess that’s the beauty of the picture: you’re only left with three options. Because, if you take friendship off the table, there is no other way to explain why David was there that doesn’t suggest them being intimately acquainted with each other.
I’ll say this: Antis don’t care about facts if the facts can’t be used as ammunition to shit on someone even if they have to distort it.
Now I know this is long and I’ve discussed things you didn’t intend, but I guess I needed this rant. LOL. Some Gillovnies and David fans may be upset that I discussed those topics, but most of the people on my blog either already heard about this OR have read me discuss it before.
Either way, Antis are hypocrites and shouldn’t be taken seriously.
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My first text post of 2021 will be to call out my anons from NYE. 🙂
If you don’t like what I have to say, ignore and move on, but don’t accuse me of shit I didn’t say OR pretend that I’m being gross and invasive towards Gillian and her personal life.
1. An anon accused me of wanting personal information about Gillian’s personal life when i flat out stated that Gillian volunteering information about her personal life at the rate she was was unlike her. Gillian/Gorgan stans GAVE me info unsolicited. I literally didn’t ask for anything except an article and clarification.
2. Whether or not anyone is Gillovny, for philes and anyone who has followed me has never seen me ask for any celebs personal information. Hell, I even blocked a tumblr that had paps pics of Gillian that were taken without her permission and showed her breasts, ass, and some of her vagina. The ethical lines this tumblr blog crossed was gross.
But, the fucking audacity to accuse and imply that I’m being invasive when a. People were literally talking about Gillian’s sex life and how she looked “thoroughly fucked” b. some of y’all know her every move without her saying shit c. The monitoring of her kids’ social media d. Tracking the moves of people associated with her so y’all know what’s she up to.
And i don’t know if this is true and/or if Gillian admitted to it, but some fans have even said that Gillian got her tubes tied due to fertility issues. If she didn’t admit this, how do y’all know that???
How dare anyone try to come for me for saying Gorgan likely was a real thing, but I can understand why some may see it as a pr relationship just because y’all feel however y’all feel about David and/or Gillovny. And this is all while tracking her kids, associates, and other means of keeping tabs on her.
3. Speaking of tracking, the way antis have “receipts” for every move Gillian’s makes is wild. Especially when it’s to prove there was no way she could’ve ever been involved with David even tho I literally said I don’t know if they’ve ever been involved and that I do think her and Peter were a thing.
4. People telling me “not to speak unless I have my facts straight” even tho most of what I said was correct. Furthermore, I gave examples of why people should be careful taking their assumption as facts AND explaining their limited understanding of PR relationships.
Regardless of if anyone agreed or liked what I said, that doesn’t mean anything I said was wrong. Any other people reblogging me doesn’t mean i share their opinions. I said what I meant. There may be some overlap, but i speak for myself just like they speak for themselves.
5. “Don’t ship real people.” I can think any two people could be good together, that doesn’t mean I’m being harmful. I’m not writing RP fics, tagging or harassing the actors, or saying anything that, if the actors accidentally came across it, would take offense. Again, what some her fans and supporters of her relationship have done are actually invasive and she would feel uncomfortable about what they know and how they found it out.
Almost everything I know that voluntarily found out about Gillian is via her words. The things I’ve involuntarily found out is from her fans, which they acquired outside of official (Gillian) channels.
Don’t start with me.
5. I’ve read many people say that they’ve been harassed, insulted, and attacked, despite either a. Not even supporting Gillovny, but making a remark b. Making an observation that wasn’t well received.
Yesterday wasn’t the first time I’ve heard this shit, I heard it 2 or 3 years ago as well. Many fans, even those indifferent to Gillovny, but not gagging on Gorgan, being attacked for daring to say that Gillian was acting different or not liking her new behavior.
I’m not saying all Gillovny supporters are innocent or even that some have never crossed a line, but pro Gillian and Gorgan people aren’t innocent either and some of y’all definitely need to get off of your high horses if my posts and anon responses bothered you.
It’s real telling that I received anon hate (not all or most) for a largely non offensive opinion.
And for those who want me to keep this out of the Gillian tag...
Y’all don’t get to harass people for years for not saying what you want them to say, get silent when what they predicted comes to pass, and then demand that no one speak on it or appropriately tag.
Because the thing is: I didn’t even speak negatively on Gillian in any of those posts. LOL. I said I didn’t like her behavior change and it made me view her differently, but the tone about her was largely neutral. 😂
Lastly, me “obsessing” over the ending of Gorgan.
How dare any Gorgan supporter or anti David people accuse me of obsessing after the shit y’all pulled for the last four years and some of the things sent to me today. Gillian and Peter literally broke up two weeks ago. That’s a fresh break up.
I was truly baffled, and I still am, that people who went hard for this relationship for four years has jack shit to say now. Like, with the way some of y’all are behaving, you’d think Gillian didn’t just get out of a four year relationship and has been single the entire time. And, to top it all off, y’all are either hiding or sending anon hate messages.
And because I made a few sporadic posts about the ending of a relationship yall praised for years, I’m “obsessing” over an “old” relationship yall were shipping to antagonize Gillovny supporters.
Unlike many, I’ve never pretended to know information I have no way of knowing.
Some of y’all need to grow up.
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'It’s clearly a response to Gillovny as a way to shut those fans down, but antis truly come across as delusional.' You are right actually lol, one week later (hell it'll be two weeks this sunday) of that personal pic of Gillovny and YET antis are still out here pushing their fantasy narrative of DD and GA hating one another. I mean even with proof they are friends antis truly out here saying it is all for a lie.
My question is: what do David and Gillian gain from lying?
Neither David or Gillian’s non XF projects needed any connections to the XF or their relationship to succeed. And we know they currently aren’t doing any XF together in the foreseeable future.
According to antis, this photo only benefits David, but why would Gillian do charity for a man she allegedly hates? What does she gain out of this?
If David wanted an improved image and SM persona, he’d actively work on that. He’s not looking to gain more fans. And his upcoming projects don’t need a boost from GA.
Gillian has projects (or a project) lined up, but is campaigning for her role as Thatcher.
The only rational explanation is that they are genuinely friends. They’ve gone off the deep end and Gillovny friendship has exposed how delusional they’ve been for years. Keep in mind, these same people harassed me on and off months for date suggesting that David and Gillian are...friends.
I was the deluded one. 🌚
All I did was put together context clues and say, “even if they aren’t best friends, they are clearly friends.” I got a shit ton of hate anons for my trouble only for Gillian herself to confirm my speculations inadvertently and in the worst way possible for them!
The schadenfreude is delicious!
I can explain better why David and Gillian would lie about not being friends and other shit than they can explain, they can’t, about them lying about being friends. 😂
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