#I don’t know how the twins would call vale and marc because it’s basically papa in both spanish and italian (and catalan)
kingofthering · 8 months
Rosquez + 20
20. kiss on a scar
Marc has barely been inside of his home for 30 seconds before a tiny beast attacks him, her arms wrapping themselves around his leg.
“Hi, Lina,” Marc says before crouching down to kiss the hair on the top of his daughter’s head. “You’re on your own?”
She nods vigorously, hugging her elephant cuddly toy to her chest. “Babar wanted to watch Encanto. Papa is with Jaume, he wanted to ride his bike.”
Marc smiles, he probably could have guessed that. “Okay, thank you. Hey, I was planning on making some pizza tonight, you want to help me prepare it?” And when he gets a vigorous and excited nod in answer, he adds, “Nice, you can go wash your hands, I’m just gonna go check on the boys real quick.”
Marc finds them in the garden. Jaume’s bike is upside down, wheels in the air, Valentino crouched down in front of it. Jaume is standing right next to him with his fists set on each side of his hips. He looks so much like Valentino like that, it makes Marc’s heart feel stupidly full.
“Hey, what happened here?” Marc asks as he ruffles his son’s hair in greeting.
At the sound of his voice, Valentino gets up, leaning his head down for a quick kiss.
“Papa cut his finger earlier today and now he can’t fix my bike,” Jaume says.
“What? Of course I can fix your bike, I was just evaluating the situation,” Valentino protests with an half offended look on his face.
“Can we come back to the part where Jaume said you cut your finger ?” Marc asks.
Valentino immediately rolls his eyes. “It’s nothing.”
Marc grabs Valentino’s wrist, turning it around until he can find the tiny cut on the top phalange of his index finger.
“What happened?”
The cut is not even two centimeters long, it will already have turned pink by the time they go to bed, won’t even be noticeable in a couple of days.
“I was cutting some fruits for the twins to snack on after their nap, knife ripped when I was going through the blueberries.”
Marc winces in sympathy. It’s the stupidest of cuts that are sometimes the most annoying when they happen, like when your tender skin meets the edge of too sharp paper.
Marc uses his hold on Valentino to bring the finger to his lips. “There, magic kiss. You’re fixed.”
“Daaaaad,” Lina yells from inside of the house, snatching both of their attention. “My hands are ready to make pizza.”
Marc chuckles and catches the fond smile on Valentino’s face.
“Looks like you have your own mission,” Valentino says.
“Yeah,” Marc nods, kissing the inside of Valentino’s wrist once before letting it go. “Are you going to be okay with Jaume’s bike or do I need to declare you unfit and take care of it?”
His tone is gently mocking and it earns him a slap to the side of his hip. Marc starts laughing and Jaume’s shocked gasp makes him giggle even more.
When he joins Lina in the kitchen and she asks him what’s so funny, Marc can just smile and say, “Nothing, your dads are just being silly.”
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