#I do realize tvd was more focused on romance than a lot of shows but there is no reason romantic arcs should feel lifeless in anything
alphinias · 1 year
Right ??? Every single ship on tvd had something even the ones I didn't like you could see why they could be great, like almost all of them had top tier romantic moments like it's crazy that I shipped Caroline with Matt and then Tyler and then Klaus and then Stefan and same for everyone else, everytime they had people in a romantic arc I was here for it, granted the ending was a mess but still idk how they managed to give us like 50 couples people hardcore shipped. And now ships can't even do one single ship right???? You're right nancy drew was the best thing left on the cw but all American, Kung Fu superman and Lois are all pretty fun. There is no one that does good romance like the cw they understand the assignment, I mean who even has enough time to do it anymore, 90% of shows can't even get past season 2 and if they do the entire thing is over in 24 episodes which is what used to be a regular season used for set up. The tv industry is imploding on itself and it's only gonna get so much worse.
Literally!! No one ships like Matt and Caroline NOW, but even they had some genuinely cute moments. I actively shipped Caroline with Tyler, Klaus and Stefan all at different moments. Every romantic arc with the exception of maybe one or two like Carolaric had something I genuinely enjoyed or was invested in. And that’s why tvd will always be one of my comfort shows. I still don’t know what happened on legacies in comparison because that should’ve been ship central and I felt next to nothing for all of the options.
I forgot about All American! I did watch a bit of S1 for that and was enjoying it. I need to go back and finish it at some point. And I watched a few episodes of Kung Fu as well/enjoyed it well enough to where I’d be willing to continue it eventually. It just isn’t on Netflix so that’s kinda why I fell off with that one.
In conclusion. I want to keep the cw 💔
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cancerian-woman · 10 months
If u like Bonnie so much how can i ship her with white (whyte? yt? I’m sorry idk which to use, I’m new!) men? Especially ones that aren’t canon? There really are few other options, I’ll give u that. Genuinely asking!
“If u like Bonnie so much-“. No, i don’t like her at all actually. I just write metas/reblog gifs/follow and engage with Bonnie fans oh and write fics all on my own freetime. Just because I hate her. Sorry, sarcasm intended. You probably meant this innocently but I feel like you just called me a white man sympathizer so here we are. Keep it cute is listed for a reason. When I’m not sure what you implied by me here in the first place. You probably should’ve focused more on your wording and implication than the spelling of white.
You do realize that the few MOC we did have in the series died early? If I was posting about shipping Bonnie with Vincent/Marcel which I have no problem too. It would still be non-canon shipping? TVDU was never the home for diversity in the first place. LGCs probably has the most diverse cast and even then it was do shut the fans up who complained during TVD/TO.
Bonnie’s relatives are canonically included in multiple plots. Take Ayana with the Mikaelson’s. Grams with the Gemini coven for examples because I’m not going to explain them all to you. If you watched tvd then you’d know how heavily the Bennett’s was in creating things.
But why do I ship her with so many non-canon men or women. Short answer it’s because I can. Long answer is it’s because I can AND have an imagination. Bonnie’s canon love interests are white too. But, Bonnie’s romances have continuously been an afterthought because the writers racism with her. TVD is a romance show until it pertains to Bonnie with a lot of you then you come in with your critics and rules on how Bonnie doesn’t need…..So again, what were you trying to gain here off of me? You MAY be going for a “got you” moment and you’re not going to get it. Can I ask do you have this argument towards Elena and Caroline fans who participate in non-canon shipping? Elena can be shipped with the Mikaelson’s who have either a.) abused her or b.) referred to her as a doppelgänger/the one they were close to in the past and no one questions those fans. Caroline can be turned into a witch and be the queen of NOLA with Klaus and no one bothers those fans. Why do you have this rule to Bonnie ships? I’m not sure why you chose to bother me on how I engage. If you don’t like anything I share or post it’s very simple to ignore and block me.
I do make a lot of posts if someone asks me a question for my thoughts but still I never told anybody, not once that they had to a.) agree with me or b.) that I’m the one in the right. I don’t get why you think you can determine if I like Bonnie or not because I’m not posting canon ships for her that wasn’t fleshed out. If you only prefer Bonnie in her Mystic Falls bubble or with Jeremy/Enzo good for you! I’m not writing or sharing that so if it bothers you that badly how about you figure out what a block button is because I’m not changing for anybody. Period. You could’ve meant all of this innocently or dm’d me to ask but since you didn’t and I had to figure out what you meant and you’re rude as hell, very bold though.
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douxreviews · 5 years
Five TV Shows I Stopped Watching
More often than not, a show we enjoy or love to death will lose its way and test the extent of our faithfulness to it. We can either watch it until the bitter end or let it go once we realize the magic that hooked us is gone. I have done both. How I Met Your Mother was a TV series I stuck with for pure loyalty. The struggle was real, though, and I fast forward through several of the final season episodes. The thing is, it's much easier – and healthier, even – to just let it go. With that in mind, I compiled a list of shows to which I said goodbye before they were over, why I did it and if I would consider going back and finishing them.
Spoilers below!
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Why I loved it: I identified with Chuck a lot. His clumsiness, his insecurity, his struggles. Plus, the show was very funny. Season two of Chuck is still one of my favorite seasons ever. It's a terrific character journey, with Chuck completely focused on getting rid of the Intersect, only to sacrifice everything in the end for the greater good.
When I dropped it: At "Chuck Versus the A-Team" (S04E18), in which Sarah and Chuck are surprised that there is a new facility built inside the Castle, even though it wasn't secretive at all, their reaction makes no sense, it's dumb, it drove me crazy and I stopped watching the episode five minutes into it.
Why I dropped it: I defended season four for a while, but it lost me too. The show was taking itself too seriously but the plot simply didn't hold. If you are making a spy comedy and there are some plot holes here and there, that's okay. If the show becomes more spy drama than spy comedy, you better fix those plot holes. Chuck didn't. Instead, the plot holes were as prominent as the lack of comedy.
Would I go back to it? Not really, no. It's weird that I feel this way about a show I loved so much, but if I ever watch Chuck again, it's probably going to be the first two seasons and parts of season three, not a completion mission.
Battlestar Galactica
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Why I loved it: Season one of Battlestar Gallactica was sci-fi at its finest. The miniseries was enough to get me on board, I was blown away by the first episode, and by that episode in which Starbuck hijacked a Raider to return home, I knew that I loved her and the series. When everyone cheered that she was safe, I cheered too. This definitely doesn't happen often when I'm watching a TV show or a movie.
When I dropped it: During season two.
Why I dropped it: All I remember was that the last episode I watched ended on a weird cliffhanger (four main characters were on a planet, near sacred stones or something, Number Six and her crazy lover were in a temple somewhere else, it was all very mystical-y), I decided to take a break and forgot to resume watching. However, that's a false memory, because as I went through the list of season two episodes to write this article, I realized that I watched the episodes that feature Admiral Cain, which take place after the weird temple stuff. So I don't really know when or why I stopped watching.
Would I go back to it? Totally. Even though I know many people didn't like the finale (and I'm spoiled about the bizarre ending one of the characters got), when I stopped watching the show, it was still great. The problem is I lost my season one DVDs, and when I tried to resume watching starting with season two, I had no idea what was going on. It's been too long. I really need to restart from the beginning, but as of now, I'm not rushing to buy again the DVD set of season one. Should I?
Game of Thrones
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Why I loved it: I don't know if I ever loved it. I grew very fond of some of the characters, though: Ned Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark and Arya Stark. Basically, the Starks. Yes, even Sansa. Her decisions were infuriating, but she had "is going to have an awesome character development" written all over her.
When I dropped it: After the end of season one, to which a lot of people ask me, "you watched the first season and didn't continue?"
Why I dropped it: Well, don't kill me for this, but I think Game of Thrones is a bit overrated. It's a quality show, but one problem I had with it is that it was too much buildup. Season one has ten episodes: the first eight are buildup, episode nine is execution and the finale is setup to the following season. I understand that the political nature of the story means there will be some dancing around the throne, but still. Daenerys' story was the only one that had more dynamism to it. But the wall, for instance? Nothing ever happened there. There is also the issue that the series has ten billion different characters, and I tend to like stories with fewer characters.
Would I go back to it? Yes. Like I said, it is a quality show, and I have heard so much about that red wedding that I need to watch the damn thing.
The Vampire Diaries
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Why I loved it: The Vampire Diaries was a great supernatural series. Initially looked down upon under the label of "teen show" (as if that were a bad thing), the first season grew and delivered great TV, with awesome arcs and interesting characters. After six or seven episodes, I was hooked. The story kept going to unexpected places, with a rich and ever expanding mythology. I remember that I loved the arc with the tomb vampires a lot. Season two was also a must, with Katherine Pierce and the introduction of the original vampires.
When I dropped it: After the end of season two.
Why I dropped it: The show used to kill too many characters, some of them way too soon and eventually one death upset me a lot. It was Jenna's, in the penultimate episode of season two. It's not that I was immensely fond of her or anything, but her death felt wrong somehow. To make it even worse, the season finale was emotionally focused on Damon and Elena, not on Elena losing her tenth parent figure. I knew right there and then that I wouldn't keep watching a show that valued romance shenanigans over the death of a loved one.
Would I go back to it? Not most of the time, but I have to admit that recently I watched a random scene of TVD on Youtube, a new one to me, and it was so delicious. It featured Damon being evil and twisted (obviously), Caroline being awesome (as usual) and Elena being dramatic (you know the drill), and it instantly made me remember why the show was so addictive. Maybe I should give season three a shot?
The 100
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Why I loved it: Like The Vampire Diaries, it was dismissed as a forgettable teen show and it took a few episodes to find its footing. Despite the rocky start, I liked it from the beginning and by the end of season one I was a fan. The main characters are complex but likable and face some impossible dilemmas, especially the leading lady. The sci-fi stuff is good, the Grounder mythology is awesome and the series knows how to deliver a climatic finale. What's not to love?
When I dropped it: After "The Tinder Box" (S04E05).
Why I dropped it: Even though I was enjoying season four, I decided to take a break after watching yet another guy ruin it for everybody. I'm referring to that grounder who blew up Arkadia. There was also that arkadian who nearly killed Roan and started a war. Just how many times do we need to watch Clarke et. al. work really hard to keep everyone safe, only to have said work undone by the reckless action of an ill-motivated person?
Would I go back to it? Yes, absolutely. If there is a show on this list that I know for sure I will resume watching, this is the one. In fact, writing about it has made me realize how much I miss it.
That's it, guys. Do you have anything to say about the shows I listed above? Why I should totally go back to watching them or avoid them at all costs? What about some shows you have dropped watching yourself?
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douxreviews · 6 years
Five TV Shows I Stopped Watching
More often than not, a show we enjoy or love to death will lose its way and test the extent of our faithfulness to it. We can either watch it until the bitter end or let it go once we realize the magic that hooked us is gone. I have done both. How I Met Your Mother was a TV series I stuck with for pure loyalty. The struggle was real, though, and I fast forward through several of the final season episodes. The thing is, it's much easier – and healthier, even – to just let it go. With that in mind, I compiled a list of shows to which I said goodbye before they were over, why I did it and if I would consider going back and finishing them.
Spoilers below!
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Why I loved it: I identified with Chuck a lot. His clumsiness, his insecurity, his struggles. Plus, the show was very funny. Season two of Chuck is still one of my favorite seasons ever. It's a terrific character journey, with Chuck completely focused on getting rid of the Intersect, only to sacrifice everything in the end for the greater good.
When I dropped it: At "Chuck Versus the A-Team" (S04E18), in which Sarah and Chuck are surprised that there is a new facility built inside the Castle, even though it wasn't secretive at all, their reaction makes no sense, it's dumb, it drove me crazy and I stopped watching the episode five minutes into it.
Why I dropped it: I defended season four for a while, but it lost me too. The show was taking itself too seriously but the plot simply didn't hold. If you are making a spy comedy and there are some plot holes here and there, that's okay. If the show becomes more spy drama than spy comedy, you better fix those plot holes. Chuck didn't. Instead, the plot holes were as prominent as the lack of comedy.
Would I go back to it? Not really, no. It's weird that I feel this way about a show I loved so much, but if I ever watch Chuck again, it's probably going to be the first two seasons and parts of season three, not a completion mission.
Battlestar Galactica
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Why I loved it: Season one of Battlestar Gallactica was sci-fi at its finest. The miniseries was enough to get me on board, I was blown away by the first episode, and by that episode in which Starbuck hijacked a Raider to return home, I knew that I loved her and the series. When everyone cheered that she was safe, I cheered too. This definitely doesn't happen often when I'm watching a TV show or a movie.
When I dropped it: During season two.
Why I dropped it: All I remember was that the last episode I watched ended on a weird cliffhanger (four main characters were on a planet, near sacred stones or something, Number Six and her crazy lover were in a temple somewhere else, it was all very mystical-y), I decided to take a break and forgot to resume watching. However, that's a false memory, because as I went through the list of season two episodes to write this article, I realized that I watched the episodes that feature Admiral Cain, which take place after the weird temple stuff. So I don't really know when or why I stopped watching.
Would I go back to it? Totally. Even though I know many people didn't like the finale (and I'm spoiled about the bizarre ending one of the characters got), when I stopped watching the show, it was still great. The problem is I lost my season one DVDs, and when I tried to resume watching starting with season two, I had no idea what was going on. It's been too long. I really need to restart from the beginning, but as of now, I'm not rushing to buy again the DVD set of season one. Should I?
Game of Thrones
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Why I loved it: I don't know if I ever loved it. I grew very fond of some of the characters, though: Ned Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark and Arya Stark. Basically, the Starks. Yes, even Sansa. Her decisions were infuriating, but she had "is going to have an awesome character development" written all over her.
When I dropped it: After the end of season one, to which a lot of people ask me, "you watched the first season and didn't continue?”
Why I dropped it: Well, don't kill me for this, but I think Game of Thrones is a bit overrated. It's a quality show, but one problem I had with it is that it was too much buildup. Season one has ten episodes: the first eight are buildup, episode nine is execution and the finale is setup to the following season. I understand that the political nature of the story means there will be some dancing around the throne, but still. Daenerys' story was the only one that had more dynamism to it. But the wall, for instance? Nothing ever happened there. There is also the issue that the series has ten billion different characters, and I tend to like stories with fewer characters.
Would I go back to it? Yes. Like I said, it is a quality show, and I have heard so much about that red wedding that I need to watch the damn thing.
The Vampire Diaries
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Why I loved it: The Vampire Diaries was a great supernatural series. Initially looked down upon under the label of "teen show" (as if that were a bad thing), the first season grew and delivered great TV, with awesome arcs and interesting characters. After six or seven episodes, I was hooked. The story kept going to unexpected places, with a rich and ever expanding mythology. I remember that I loved the arc with the tomb vampires a lot. Season two was also a must, with Katherine Pierce and the introduction of the original vampires.
When I dropped it: After the end of season two.
Why I dropped it: The show used to kill too many characters, some of them way too soon and eventually one death upset me a lot. It was Jenna's, in the penultimate episode of season two. It's not that I was immensely fond of her or anything, but her death felt wrong somehow. To make it even worse, the season finale was emotionally focused on Damon and Elena, not on Elena losing her tenth parent figure. I knew right there and then that I wouldn't keep watching a show that valued romance shenanigans over the death of a loved one.
Would I go back to it? Not most of the time, but I have to admit that recently I watched a random scene of TVD on Youtube, a new one to me, and it was so delicious. It featured Damon being evil and twisted (obviously), Caroline being awesome (as usual) and Elena being dramatic (you know the drill), and it instantly made me remember why the show was so addictive. Maybe I should give season three a shot?
The 100
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Why I loved it: Like The Vampire Diaries, it was dismissed as a forgettable teen show and it took a few episodes to find its footing. Despite the rocky start, I liked it from the beginning and by the end of season one I was a fan. The main characters are complex but likable and face some impossible dilemmas, especially the leading lady. The sci-fi stuff is good, the Grounder mythology is awesome and the series knows how to deliver a climatic finale. What's not to love?
When I dropped it: After "The Tinder Box" (S04E05).
Why I dropped it: Even though I was enjoying season four, I decided to take a break after watching yet another guy ruin it for everybody. I'm referring to that grounder who blew up Arkadia. There was also that arkadian who nearly killed Roan and started a war. Just how many times do we need to watch Clarke et. al. work really hard to keep everyone safe, only to have said work undone by the reckless action of an ill-motivated person?
Would I go back to it? Yes, absolutely. If there is a show on this list that I know for sure I will resume watching, this is the one. In fact, writing about it has made me realize how much I miss it.
That's it, guys. Do you have anything to say about the shows I listed above? Why I should totally go back to watching them or avoid them at all costs? What about some shows you have dropped watching yourself? Hit it on the comments.
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