#I didn't think it'd actually let me post it-- OOP--
craykaycee · 10 months
idk how I did that---- whelp----- puss in boots: the last wish meme be upon ye
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skrunksthatwunk · 5 months
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positivelybeastly · 3 months
Can I ask about your bg3 Hank? What’s his class, who’s his guardian? Durge or no? Any romances?
You absolutely may ask about my Baldur's Gate 3 character who may or may not be Hank McCoy!
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This is my most recent screenshot of him!
I have literally just finished Act 1, so please no spoilers, but at current, he is:
A Level 5 Bard in the College of Swords, with a Level 2 multi-class into Monk! I figured this made the most sense as a translation for Hank's high intellect and martial prowess while still maintaining a more pacifistic outlook - it also means he gets just as many funny answers in dialogue as he does wise ones.
A Half-Orc! This accounts for his incredibly cute tusks. The yellow eye make-up is meant to evoke his feline form's yellow eyes and give him a more striking look. The earrings are a holdover from Dark Beast, who has very similar rings in his art.
STR: 10 DEX: 14 CON: 12 INT: 14 WIS: 13 CHA: 16. These aren't necessarily what I think Hank's DnD stats would be, but frankly, Hank doesn't really have a dump stat, he'd be, like, 18-20 in everything, and you miss out on fun feats by doing that.
Currently wearing Gloves of Dexterity, setting his DEX to 18!
Currently wearing Warped Headband of Intellect, setting his INT to 17!
Not going Dark Urge for Hank. Doesn't feel like it'd fit - but I definitely plan on doing at least one other playthrough. I might do it as Dark Beast, who would definitely qualify - he might be a Rogue/Druid or something of that type? I know I want to mess with Druid at some point.
I actually didn't take any pictures of his Dream Visitor/guardian. Oops. Next time they appear in a cutscene, I will make sure to take caps!
Romances? Oh, hell yes. At the moment, I'm romancing Shadowheart, but flirting heavily with Halsin, since it's my understanding you can go poly with those two, and . . . honestly, I really like them both. Halsin's got the big daddy elf thing going on, and Shadowheart is honestly just sweet. She's nice. We cuddled.
Lae'zel craved Hank's moisture, but I did not relinquish it.
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I'm also wearing Minthara's At-Ease Clothes dyed yellow around camp because they feel very classic Hank, not least because they show off his muscles and chest hair.
If you want the exact settings (colour tones, hair, etc) that I used to make Hank, then let me know and I can post them - I'm playing on PS5, so everything available there will be available vanilla on PC. Wish I could have mods to give him glasses, but tbh, I'm very happy with how he's turned out so far!
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azurecrystalz · 1 year
[Translation] Bon Appetit! (Niki FS2) / Chapter 1
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Hiiro: I ordered the lightly vanilla scented "pudding a-la-mode"!
Hinata: And I got a parfait filled to the brim with seasonal fruit!
Niki: I got this super fancy fruit waffle, and it even comes with a little parfait on the side!
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Hinata: All three treats in a row make for a pretty sweet sight~ All these sweets loom scrumptious!
Hiiro: Just like the name of the place, “Fruit Parlor”, says, theres a variety of different fruits on everything on the menu. I’m unfamiliar with what a “parlor” is, but after following Shiina-san I was able to discover beautiful food. I’m so happy.
Niki: When I go out to eat so that I can come up with new recipes, I usually go out alone. But I’m glad I let you both tag along~
Hinata: Ahaha. When I heard you were coming to the Fruit Parlor, I couldn’t resist since I’ve got a sweet tooth.
Hiiro: Umu. Same here, I heard it was a good place with splendid food…there’s still so much in the city I don’t know about.
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Niki: …Oop. I’m gonna dig in now. Thank you for the meaaaal~!
Hinata + Hiiro: Thank you for the meal!
Niki: Just so you know, a "parlor" is a Western-type restaurant that offers a bunch of casual foods and drinks.
Hiiro: Heeeh, I've learned something new. Thank you, Shiina-san!
Hinata: Oh right, if you're gonna need a reference for a recipe, do you wanna bite? Cuz this parfait is taaaasty~
Niki: Is it really okay?! I'd love to!
Hiiro: Please try some of my pudding as well. It's delicious, so much so that I can't think of any other way to describe it.
Niki: Uuu, you two are too kind! When I finish this recipe I'll absolutely let you try it...!
Hiiro: Fufu, I'm looking forward to it. Shiina-san always makes such delicious food.
Hinata: Soooo true~ Shiina-senpai we're lucky to be in the same room as you. Ah, that reminds me--
Niki: ? Why did you just point your phone at me?
Hinata: Oh don't mind me! While you're eating so happily like that, just turn this way a bit please!
Niki: Like this?
Hinata: Ohh, I got a pretty good shot~
Niki: What's with this all of a sudden? Are you posting it to SNS*?
Hinata: ...Not exactly, I actually overheard something back at the agency. Shiina-senpai's turn for a "Feature Live" is coming up.
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Niki: Heeeh, my "Feature Live"...wait, what?! It's my turn already?! But didn't Rinne-kun just have a live performance a few days ago?
Hiiro: That's true, Nii-san's show was recently. However, is there a specific rule for the order?
Hinata: No clue. Anzu-san might be looking at the schedule and deciding that way? ...But let's just leave that be for a bit. The pamphlet for the "Feature Live" features a bunch of off-shots** of the idols. I thought having this fun time with Shiina-senpai was the perfect chance for an off-shot picture, so I took one~ Shiina-senpai, if out on your day off from work, that means your "off" now right?
Niki: I guess? I mean I'm eating food and being really random but it isn't any different from what I do everyday...so maybe it's fine for an offshoot?
Hinata: I know right? And here's....another shot~!
Hiiro: Then, I'll give it my best to take pictures of Shiina-senpai too. I've improving at using a camera recently~
Niki: Having two cameras being pointed at me feels weird but if it really is my turn then it would be a big help if I had a few pictures. I'd be grateful if you randomly took a few.
Hiiro: Umu, please leave it to us. Would it be alright to send these to Anzu-san later?
Hinata: That's right. Instead of sending them to Shiina-senpai it'd just be faster to send them to Anzu-san first. I'll send them and explain~.
Niki: Thanks a bunch, you two~ ...Oh, once you're done taking pictures you should probably get back to eating. You'll miss out~
Hinata: Uwah, the ice cream is gonna melt!
Hiiro: That's true, we need to eat it quickly...!
Niki: Even if it's sweets, savor it well you two~
That Night
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Niki: (Tomorrow's prep, check. Sweeping the restaurant and keeping the kitchen clean, check. That's pretty much it for work today, all that's left is waiting for Nee-san here--)
Niki: --ah, Nee-san, when did you get here?! Please come in instead of staying by the door! You didn't want to get in the way so you watched and waited for me to finish work? Nono, Nee-san didn't you contact me beforehand? You could've just talked to me at any point with no problem yknow.
Niki: ...So, um. About my "Feature Live", I know it's my turn for it but what did you want to meet up today for? Eh? A picture? Oh you're talking about the one the other two took? I'm happy you like them, it's all thanks to Hinata-kun and Otouto-san...Is this...what I was hoping for? You're asking what kind of moments do I want to post and which off-shot pictures I think are good? Uummmm, I mean if it's just a picture of good food then I have no problem, but it's gonna be in the pamphlet so I have to be in the pictures right?
Niki: .....
Niki: Sorry, I should stay quiet. It's an "off-shoot" so I was just thinking about my time off...
Niki: ? You're asking if I even have time off, what do you mean by that? ...Of course I do, I spend it prepping food at night like this. I'm at the cafeteria or at "Cinnamon" in the kitchen when I'm not doing idol things too. But, today I used my time off to think up ideas for a new recipe. Wait, wouldn't that count as a chef's job?
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Niki: Uuu I'm gonna go crazy. What in the world do I consider as time off? You're asking if I don't have days off to at least tell you what I do in my spare time?
Niki: J-just wait a moment please. I'll try to figure out how I normally am!
(*): An abbreviation meaning "Social Networking Sites", social media basically
(**): Hinata calls them off-shots in the dialogue box written in ktkn. The idea of it described in other FS2 stories is that the pamphlet needs candid (in the moment) pictures of idols in their free time.
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stargazer-sims · 9 months
Journal Entry #57 (part one)
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Journal Entry #56 (part three) // STORY INDEX
So, uh... it's been a really long time.
I'm embarrassed to say, I actually had to check to see when either of us last recorded anything. Turns out, the last entry was Yuri's, and he posted it way back in the middle of March, the day I got my glasses.
It's the seventh of June today. Oops. Talk about major radio silence.
But, just because we haven't posted anything, that doesn't mean our lives haven't been eventful for the past three months. Yuri and I have had quite a lot going on, and maybe our lack of updates is a testament to that.
We were consumed by planning, packing, and preparing Yuri's immigration application for part of the time. Somehow I forgot how much work is involved in an international move despite having already done it before, a little over two years ago. This time is different because it's not just me. It's also Yuri and our dogs, and we've got the purchase of a house thrown into the mix as well, just to make things more complicated. Add that to my and Yuri's respective recovery, continuing drama with the extended family, and some much-needed relationship repair with a few of our friends, and you'll see we've got a very full life indeed.
I'm happy to report that I'm fully recovered from my accident. I was in physio for my arms up until the end of April, but the physical therapist said I could stop the day I told her I was able to lift my own body weight — all 86 kilograms of it — on the pull-up bar at work. I showed her the video Tomiko made of me doing it with just one arm, and the PT said it was obvious I could manage my own physical rehabilitation from that point.
As for the post-concussion symptoms, I'm no longer getting any headaches or random bouts of nausea, and I'm not nearly as light-sensitive now. The first day I was able to go up the mountain again, I had to wear ski goggles because the light reflecting off the snow made my eyes hurt. I really don't like wearing those, and I was glad when I was comfortable enough to take them off.
Yeah, my return to the slopes... that was an event. It probably deserves a whole entry of its own, but let’s just say Yuri, Sakura and Sakura's husband Takeshi made such a big production of it that it's not a day I'll soon forget.
Yuri said he had to be there, so I bundled him up in his warmest clothes, and then Takeshi and I wrapped him in a blanket and hauled him up the mountain on a rescue sled that Takeshi borrowed from Mountain Patrol. Sakura followed with our gear.
Takeshi situated Yuri in a good position to see everything, while Sakura and I got ready, and then it was time. We only did a few runs on one of the intermediate trails, but that was fine by me. I was admittedly nervous, and I didn't think I was ready to practice on the slalom course or the expert slope.
My first run was awful in my opinion, but I felt like I was getting my form and my courage back by the middle of the second one. When I pushed off for the third run, I felt the old, familiar rush of adrenaline coursing through my body and everything was as fluid and natural as if I'd never been away.
By the end of the third trip down the mountain, I was ready to stop for the day. It'd taken way more energy than I'd anticipated, and I was looking forward to going home for a hot bath and then maybe some cuddling and a nap with Yuri. He was exhausted too, mostly from waving his arms around and yelling himself hoarse, cheering me on.
Anyway, you guys all know that I could go on and on forever about snowboarding, so I'll stop here before this entry really does become all about that.
I should tell you about the relatively new thing in my life, which is my glasses. I wasn't sure I'd be okay with them at first, mostly because I didn't like having something constantly touching my face, but I got used to them pretty quickly and now I barely notice them at all. For the first couple of weeks, I wore them throughout the entire day, at the suggestion of the optometrist, and only took them off if I was driving or snowboarding. Now I just put them on if I'm doing something where I need to see clearly close up, like playing games, using the computer or reading.
I'm thrilled that Dr. Ishida was totally right when she said my ability to read was more about vision than intellect. Since getting my glasses, I'm going through books like crazy. I didn't realize how entertaining reading could be, but I guess that's because it's difficult to have a good time doing something when you can only do it for five minutes before you start to feel like your eyeballs might fall out from the strain. Now, I can read for hours at a time if I want to, and it's awesome. Did you know there's a genre of action novels? Kind of like action movies, but you read the story yourself and create the movie part of it in your imagination. It's great.
Yuri likes my newfound ability to read just as much as I do, I think. There's also a genre of historical novels which he happily introduced me to, and then he convinced me that I should read to him at bedtime. So, that became our thing up until I left. We'd curl up in bed together and either I'd read some of his current book to him, or he'd read some of mine to me.
It's been hard for us to read to each other lately, though, since I left Japan on the fifteenth of May. Mom and Julian let me stay with them for a few days until the transaction for our house closed on the eighteenth, and then I moved into our forever home. Except, it didn't feel like our forever home without Yuri there. If I thought leaving Yuri behind in Japan was painful, settling into that spacious house all alone might've been one of the most heartbreaking experiences I've had in recent memory.
Okay, I'm not technically alone. Sachiko the ghost is here, but sharing the place with her hasn't turned out to be as fun as I imagined.
For the first three or four days, I didn't see her at all, and when I finally did find her, she scared the crap out of me by making the tea machine levitate. Apparently, she was mad that I'd used her favourite mug for my tea.
Robert and Kim had left a few dishes in the house, including two mugs, and I'd used one of them because it was conveniently there. How was I supposed to know which one was Sachiko's? Up to that point, I didn't even know ghosts could drink tea, much less that they'd have a mug preference.
I think Sachiko and I are going to need time to get to know each other. She doesn’t seem to trust me, and after the tea machine incident, I’m kinda wary of her too.
The first night I spent in the house, I barely slept at all. Yuri and I chatted on FaceTime until his mother told him to get off his iPad and come have lunch, and then I was on my own. Noon for him was midnight for me, and there were a lot of hours between then and morning when I'd be able to talk to him again.
That was probably super confusing, wasn't it? I guess I should back up a bit and properly explain what's going on.
Just as Yuri and I both feared, he couldn't leave in the middle of his nutrition rehabilitation therapy. We found out that even with Dr. Kasongo's string-pulling to get him onto Dr. Kim's patient caseload, there still might be a months-long waiting time for him to see the doctor and the other professionals for the treatment he needs. He's already on the list, but since there's no way for him to transition seamlessly from one care provider to another, Dr. Kasongo suggested that it'd be better for him to finish his therapy and get his eating routine stabilized before he moves to another country. We agreed with her recommendation because he's been making such great progress, and we didn't want to derail it with a long interruption of his care.
It was a tough choice, but we ultimately decided that I’d travel home by myself to deal with the house closing, and so I could walk my mom down the aisle at her wedding. After the wedding, I'm planning to spend a week in Brindleton Bay with Grandpa Michael, and then I’ll return to Mt. Komorebi to be with Yuri until he's ready to travel. It isn't ideal and neither of us particularly likes it, but as they say, needs must.
The other half of the plan was for Yuri and the dogs to move in with his parents while I'm away. Neither his parents nor I felt comfortable with the idea of him staying alone, and since Mrs. Okamoto is on a leave of absence from work so she can devote her attention to taking care of baby Kinai, that means Yuri will never be without someone nearby if he needs anything. He complained about having to live with his parents temporarily, but I think he's secretly relieved to be close to his mother and to let her help look after him.
It's fascinating to me, how Yuri and I slipped so easily into our old habits that we had at the beginning of our relationship. We'd originally met online in November, not long after Yuri turned twenty and just before I turned twenty-one. His birthday is the twentieth of September and mine is the second of December, in case you may not recall. By February of the following year, we knew for sure that we were in love and wanted to be together forever, and I literally spent the next three years hoarding my money and learning Japanese so I could eventually travel there to be with him. Anyway, During that time, we talked on the phone or on FaceTime least twice every single day, and there were usually lots of texts and pictures and the occasional email or video exchanged in between.
Needless to say, scheduling our calls was important because of that pesky twelve-hour time difference between where I lived and where he lived. We used to talk at seven in the morning and seven at night. We took turns contacting each other, and to avoid confusion, each of us would call when it was morning in our time zone.
Morning calls were harder for me because I was going to college when we first met and then working once I'd graduated, and I could never talk too long as I was getting ready to go out for the day. Yuri's morning calls were better since he worked from home and could still get things done while chatting with me. Plus, it was evening for me then, so I had plenty of time.
Time isn't as much of an issue for us now, since neither of us are working. I resigned from my position at the fitness center in Kiyomatsu, and of course you already know Yuri is on medical leave until at least September. We still begin our video calls at seven o'clock, though. It's nice to have that consistency.
Something we've started doing in this new version of our long-distance relationship is eating together. I’ll usually have an evening snack while he has his breakfast, and sometimes he nibbles on a little something while watching me have mine.
Anyone viewing this might get the impression that we’ve become totally obsessed with food and eating over the last few months. That might be kinda true. but you gotta realize that for Yuri’s therapy to be effective, we always have to be mindful and use a lot of positive reinforcement around eating. So yeah, maybe we do talk about it a lot and maybe I do make a big deal of it even if he eats one small bite of solid food, but one bite without fear or stress is way better than being too anxious to eat at all, and I’d prefer to keep the forward momentum going.
When I first got here, Yuri was still having almost exclusively formula feeds at breakfast time. Then, one day last week when he called me, he appeared on screen with some sort of juice at the corner of his mouth, and when I asked him if he'd been eating, he proudly showed me the tiny bowl of pitted cherries he was snacking on.
"I like these," he said. "I ate seven of them so far."
A quick count revealed three left in the bowl, which he finished during our conversation. Ten cherries may not seem like a lot, but for Yuri, it's huge.
"Have you eaten anything else for breakfast?" I asked.
"Rice crackers with apricot jam, and Yuki let me try her cereal," he said, and then hastened to add. "I used my own spoon."
"You're doing great," I praised him. "Do you even know how proud I am of you right now?"
"Thank you."
"Are you having your formula too?" I asked.
He slid his chair back and lifted up the hem of his shirt so I could see the tube snaking out from under it. "I need the protein. But, guess what?"
"I didn't have formula at lunch or dinner yesterday. I ate everything on my own. Oh, and I tried sparkling water."
"Did you like it?"
He wrinkled his nose cutely. "No."
"Better stick with regular water, then."
He nodded. "Mama's making salmon onigiri today. I'm going to try to eat a whole one."
"You like those," I recalled. "You've eaten a whole one before, so I know you can do it."
"Hopefully I've got room for it after my milkshake," he said.
I'll confess I was rendered momentarily speechless by that. I stared hard at the screen, wondering if I'd heard him correctly. "Your... milkshake?" I stammered after a second or two. "As in, actual milk and stuff? But, aren't you—
"Lactose intolerant?" Yuri said. "I'm not, actually."
"What?" I blurted.
"Trust me, I was shocked too."
"But, how...?"
"Remember, Dr. Kasongo scheduled me for all those food tolerance tests? You know, to see if I'm allergic to anything, or to see if I have low tolerance for gluten or sugar or... whatever?"
"Yeah," I said. "Mostly, I remember being stressed out because she scheduled it for after I left, and I couldn't go with you."
"I would've liked for you to be with me, but it was okay," he said. "Papa came with me, and it wasn't as scary as I imagined. We got the results yesterday."
"And you're really not lactose intolerant?"
"I'm really not. My nutritionist thinks it may have been a psychological intolerance more than a physical one."
"Meaning what, exactly? Like, dairy products made you feel sick because you convinced yourself they would?"
"Something like that," he said. "Mama says she thinks it might've been partially her fault. She says she tried to get me to drink milk and eat cheese when I was little, but it always gave me an upset stomach, so she eventually stopped trying. I guess we all just assumed I was lactose intolerant after that. Then, any time I had anything with milk in it, it was more my anxiety that was making me feel sick than my body's actual response to it."
"Huh," I said. "So... milkshakes?"
"Strawberry milkshakes. They're delicious and they're packed with calories." He beamed, clearly pleased with himself. "After my appointment yesterday afternoon, we all went out for American food.”
“That’s where you had the milkshake, I guess?”
“Mm-hmm. Mama and I shared a salad, but I tried one of Yuki’s French fries. Papa and Yuki both got milkshakes with their meal, and Yuki talked me into tasting that as well since we found out it wouldn't hurt me."
"And you were okay?"
"I was a little nervous afterwards and I thought I might be sick, but I kept telling myself not to panic. When I settled down, my stomach settled down too."
That was major progress. The old Yuri likely would’ve panicked, and he would’ve been throwing up and miserable for the rest of the day. Of course, he still might have had pain and an upset stomach regardless of what he ate or drank, but it made me wonder what percentage of his problems in the past were due to real digestive issues related to his illness and what percentage were caused by his severe anxiety around food.
He keeps telling me that he doesn’t like his psychologist and that he doesn’t think their sessions are doing any good, but I’m convinced somebody in that equation must be doing something right. Three months ago, Yuri wouldn’t have gotten within ten meters of American food, much less tried fries or a milkshake. Just the smell of deep-fried food would’ve been enough to make him nauseous back then.
Honestly, I don’t think he even realizes how far he’s come since he first started his nutrition rehab back in March.
"That's awesome," I said. "You’re doing amazing. And you’re having another go at milkshakes today?”
He nodded. "Papa bought strawberry ice cream. Did you know he knows how to make milkshakes at home?"
"I didn't know he knew how, but it's pretty easy anyway. Not much different than making a smoothie."
"Oh. So does that mean I could have extra strawberries in my strawberry milkshake? Or some other fruit?"
I laughed. "If you wanted to."
"When Papa comes home for lunch, I have to tell him." He looked excited. "This could be an adventure."
"Let me know how it goes."
He grinned at me. "I will."
I have no words to describe how happy it made me to see Yuri like that, and for the first time in a while, I let myself believe we were approaching something like a normal existence.
If he keeps going this way, he might be off his feeding tube entirely by the end of the summer. Then, we'll be able to come back here together and settle into the life we're both dreaming of.
I'm not naïve enough to think it'll be all smooth sailing after this, but I'm optimistic enough to believe we’re finally going to make it through the worst of the proverbial storm.
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curejiraiya · 11 months
For fun; heres all the secondhand KOP merch that is decently priced somewhere on the internet, and ships to the US without a proxy, that I am currently considering buying, but something is holding me back. (it's usually money, but for some it's me knowing I would be upset that I didn't have all 3 members of Over the Rainbow)
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Here's me ranting about why I haven't bought some of these
I really want the KakeTai doujin lol but $25 is just more than I can budget 😔 I think it's a fair price too I just would be pissed at myself if I spent that on 4 books in a language I do not read.
I also really want the $10 Kouji and Kazuki mochi's but I'm being held back because the Hiro I have will have a different outfit. I wish I could find Kazuki and Kouji in their Athletic Core outfits.
I'm really eyeing the Pride the Hero soundtrack CD too. I probably won't get it because I'd be mad at myself for buying CDs in 2023
Also the ebay listing for those 7 acrylics for $25 is a steal, I just don't really like the cast of characters it's so random. Same with some of the paper stands, if it had like the strong duos or OTR or Shin Louis or something I'd probably buy, but they're just a random assortment.
In the Mercari stuff the $26 listing has a pin I REALLY want, it's the Kouji cafe pin and I have the Hiro one so it'd make a good set, but I don't really want much of anything else there so I can't see myself dropping that much (A few of those listings have additional shipping costs and that's definitely one of them)
Now that you've read to the end (hi) let me explain that I'm disabled and cannot keep a job and therefore have no income, but I got $90 in a settlement and I plan on spending all of it on merch lmao I just need to be picky because once it's gone I'm not getting any more.
Here's a bonus that I did buy today:
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This photo sucks but I got the notif that the seller lowered the price on this one to $25 and I could not help myself oops!
I also almost got the diner amo cafe stuff on amiami but I couldn't decide if I wanted everyone or just OTR and I didn't realize preorders were closing soon so I missed them rip. I don't doubt there will be more up there eventually though, they did just announce a new amo cafe line the day after that one closed, but I'm not big on this new one. it's not on amiami yet though
Also no my biggest merch regret is not getting the Rainbow Live 10th anniversary Over the Rainbow acrylics. I love those outfits a lot a lot but I didn't go for them and it's like . not going to be possible now lol.
I also have like $60 left so realistically I could make a big purchase on Buyee from Yahoo auctions and get what I actually want, but god the fucking shipping is just so much it's disappointing.
I wasn't expecting to write a king of prism merch roundup holy shit I'm sorry have a good day 🤭 let me know if people enjoy this post and would want to see something like this again? or if you want a link to any of these specific items so you can poach them from me (if you buy the doujin I'll cry lmao) they all ship to America for like $10 or less. Also if money isn't as big of a problem for you as it is for me just buy from Buyee or ZenMarket please, if you can handle the $40 shipping you can get a ton of stuff at way better prices
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satanfemme · 2 years
contemplating/venting about work under the cut
also. fuck my job for giving us such a low borderline-meaningless raise. I wanna know what kinda raise the CEO got this year. all the higher-ups are like "YAYYY!! you guys are making more now!!! isn't that so exciting ^_^!! see! we care about our employees!!" meanwhile it's still nowhere near enough to live on, all of my coworkers and I are poor as fuck, and the job is inherently emotionally/physically destructive. it's a sacrifice we all knowingly signed up for, but NOT for the "reward" of poverty. imho.
I have coworkers living with both a partner AND roommates just to afford one tiny apartment. one of my coworkers moved down the street from work to save on gas money (among other reasons). lots of us have side hustles, needless to say. whenever I mention having a whole studio apartment for myself, the first thing I'm always asked is "HOW?!?!?! how do u afford that?!?!?!" and of course the answer is "I don't, lol. nearly all of my paycheck goes towards it and then I take on debt to afford most other things". but I mean, look at that exchange, isn't that insane? an adult mentions to a co-worker that they're renting one (1) shitty room for themself and a dog to spend most of their time in, and the co-worker's immediate reaction is shock cause that's a fucking Luxury lifestyle? might as well say I own a yacht. but the reaction is literally rational and correct!!!!! it's so depressing. it's so so depressing that this is just reality. our CEO was making the equivalent of $80/hr last year. all the higher ups think we should be over the moon for $16/hour this coming year. what kind of raise did the CEO give themself? what will $16/hr cover a year from now really; in autumn 2023? cause in autumn 2022 it's already not covering much.
the deafening silence during our budget meeting, when all us wage employees were asked if we had any questions about the raise. we were previously told (tho, in no on-paper legally-binding way) it'd be to $17/hour. $17 was the Bare Minimum living wage for this area back in 2019. it's now 2022, and we were denied that wage. why? that's my question. but I didn't ask it either, obviously.
I know I'm not the only one feeling stuck and scared. every convo with my co-workers lately, no matter what topic it started with, has somehow turned itself into mutual grief of "I wish I weren't struggling to survive. I really like this job. there's no better animal welfare jobs in the area. this was my escape from a shitty animal welfare job. there's no guarantee that any other job, in any field, would let me be gay/trans/disabled/mentally ill/myself/etc the way I can here. many jobs would turn me away immediately. I feel overworked. I don't know how to afford things." ...and then I bring up the "CEO makes $80/hr" fact and lol. the unspoken tension that plain statement adds to the conversation.
I'd call myself a lil firestarter for it, but the info is public and easy to find. I'm surprised I'm the only one who did the math but I'm glad more people are becoming aware of it. the wage employees are the ones DOING the actual work here, u know? the paperwork, and blog posts, and emailing bestie PETA (ugh), and handshaking the governor (who's actively attempting to pass transphobic legislation but shhhhh) are all very important for the business the cause as well I'm sure, but an animal welfare org would not EXIST without the laborers who know how to, you know, care for the animals. even at the expense of ourselves and our safety.
oops idk, is this rant getting mean? the higher ups are always very nice to me, I'm being a lil mean. but I had to help give a co-worker first aid the other day, and when we were like "hey, you clearly broke something, you're covered in blood, you're fading in and out of consciousness, and we don't know how long you were out before you were able to call for help. let's drive you to a hospital now." they refused to go anywhere but an urgent care clinic cause, u know, money? and then I clocked out late cause we're so overworked we can't afford a single detour during our shift like that. (and can't clock out til all the work is done ^_^). so yeah if I'm coming off a lil bit like a mean commie rn maybe that experience is why. I wonder how often the CEO gets injured on the job? do u think the $80/hr is to cover all those dog bites they get on the daily ... in their personal office space nowhere near the animals?
idk if we're gonna unionize any time soon, but I know I'm not the only one feeling this way. maybe that's the silver lining. still, it doesn't stop the nightmarish elephant in the room either. anywaysssss that's my rant for the day thx
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oriigirii · 2 years
anyway i like to assume that the canon twisted wonderland world is different from the world where the fandom's ocs are. this is because it gives me more freedom to include several ocs into my brainrot, and the school isn't much of a "boys only" or "mostly boys" school. SO i get to cheat and simp for pretty women ocs and have female ocs for my own personal entertainment.
WHICH IS WHY.. i thought it'd be funny to categorize turbule's favorite people in each dorm, whether its an oc or not :)! the only problem is i dont remember anyone's names except like- four people, including charlie so bare(?) with me 😭
POST-CHERRY HERE HI- so idk if you'd notice but I ran out of ideas in the middle of it ahskhsnd 🥲👊
*an attempt to be organized
Heartslabyul - Deuce
Okay they probably have the same thought about eggs; that's why they're homies. The only difference is that Turbule is that Turbule's still oblivious to the truth while Deuce is well- traumatized??
Savanaclaw - RUGGIE- oh wait Charlie oops
Can't decide. Ruggie's only on Charlie-favoritism level because Turbule's easily impressed by his "skills in being sneaky." Well I think that's what you call it-
Charlie's just Turbule's big brother. It's like if you took the Canon!Aduece + Grim and Yuu relationship, reduced it to two(2) people, and made it a tiny less chaotic. Turbule drags Charlie into whatever seems like a "tall person" problem that they can't solve.
Octavinelle - Deeva is Top Tier (@/deeva-arud)
DEEVA IS SO PRETTY OMG!! Udi(?) did so well in making her design snakhdksd idk maybe it'd cause she has white hair- Absolutely solos the Octavinelle trio but that's just me.
I imagine Deeva and Turbule's relationship to be a mutual "I don't get you but you're chill." The only thing that separates Deeva from other Octavinelle members is that she doesn't look at Turbule like she's about to do something bad, y'know?
Scarabia - uhm, uh- Jamil. Yeah
JAMIL'S SMART BRO- I like to think that Turbule's really desperate but their dorm mates won't answer them so she asks smart people. Jamil just has to be one of those people. He doesn't have to agree, just has to acknowledge that Turbule's asking the question :')!
Pomefiore - Rook??
Rook has a cool hat. That's it. Turbule's words, not mine.
Ignihyde - e v e r y o n e
Turbule loves her dorm! They're so cool with everything to their technology, rooms, uniforms- eh? Why are they all shying away from them..?
Anyway, Turbule still doesn't hesitate to ask her dorm members for anything. Whether that be for a quick game or if they have any spare Kool-Aid. Hey, it's an essential.
Diasomnia - Alina!! from (@/tedearaminta)
I'm not gonna lie- I don't know if Turbule would know anyone in Diasomnia to reach the favorites list.
Now that I think of it, Turbule probably walked up to Alina and asked if she could braid her hair- Like, it just slipped out kind of moment 🤡
I don't know if Alina actually let them, but that's a Minta(?) thing to decide not me.
Ramshackle(?) - HIKARI >:) (@/wingblade1357)
I personally think on the first day, some classes have ice breaker activities. Gross, I know, but that's probably how Turbule got close with Hikari.
Reading Hikari's bio-thing for reference, but her talent is lock picking. Knowing Turbule, they probably asked for her to teach them and didn't introduce her part of the activity-
Ahhhhh this is so cute 💕💕💕 Dw i love looking at these and now i have new artists to follow so thank you for that 😩 i feel you on the struggle to keep it true to the character though 😭 (also deevas design is 👏👏👏)
Anyways heres for Charlie cause this giraffe may be quiet but hes got his own favorites haha, i made sure to put a cut here cause im definitely gonna ramble a lot so bare with me 😭
》 Heartslabyul
- Deuce
It should be clear by now that Charlie is a walking orphanage, he just adopts anyone on sight, you feel lonely? congrats youre his little sibling now, man has a lotta love to give with all his height and Deuce def screams little brother energy, i mean so does Ace, but Deuce is just too precious. Also they both livin that ex-deliquent life
(side note: i took 10 minutes to remember the word deliquent and i was ready to rip my hair out cause all i can remember is 'degenerate' and it sounded so harsh 😭)
》 Savanaclaw
- Ruggie (platonically) | Leona (Romantically / Rivalry)
Of course, Ruggies an obvious one here, he is, afterall, a big brother himself, so they kinda vibe a lot, he also feels bad that stinky (/lh) Leona always makes him do the chores so he helps him out
Funny thing is that, Ruggie was originally suppose to be the love itnerest for Charlie T0T but im a sucker for enemies to lovers troupe so i just made Leona into his prince charming (Although i still HC that Ruggie has one sided feelings so i can suffer)
As for Leona, theyre childhood rivals, went to the same school and everything, and saw each other quite a bit due to his mom being a seamstress and actually making clothes for Leona's family from time to time!
》 Octanivelle
- Jade
The chill type, the smart boi, the plant lover, so Charlie definitely vibes with him a lot, although hes still sure to be wary, afterall you can never fully trust those smiles of his,
》 Pomefiore
- Epel
I actually dont know much about Epel aside from the fact that hes that type to look soft but can kill a guy yknow? He probably lends an ear to him a lot, and he along with Deuce probably hangs out during lunch from time to time!
》 Scarabia
- Kalim
SUNSHINE. That is all.
Fr this man is the sweetest kid like cmon, who doesnt like Kalim 😭 (fr who? im ready to throw hands) But yeah Charlie probably first met him when he moved and was basically adopted by the extrovert, Jamil can trust Kalim to him cause Charlie will def protect this boy with his life
》 Ignihyde
His wittle sister now, sorry i dont make the rules either, but yes Charlie would be quite lost in video games if it werent for her, and i imagine that sometimes he wont even play, but he definitely would watch her play, she can ramble to him about everything thats going on and hed silently try to keep up but nod along anyways 😭
》 Diasomnia
- MATILDA 💕💕 (oc by @twosided-twisted-fate ) [hi fren]
Im not to familiar with too many ocs unfortunately, but Matilda will probably be one of Charlies favorite people in school, just cause shes chill like that yknow? He may not be as close to her as Wendy (my other oc) but he still think shes cool, a fellow brawler also 🫂
》 Ramshackle
- BABY LILITH HUHU💕 (by @twosided-twisted-fate again!)
Shes his favorite, literally gives her everything just to make her smile, braids her hair and stuff, and always brings her to his house if he visits so she can play with Asha (his little sister), theyre great friends and Charlie wouldnt have it any other way
》 Lostaria (Fandorm based on peterpan)
- Wendy
Def a hyper gossiper, but Charlie thinks he cool, he does try to get him out of trouble more than hed like to admit, but theyre both kinda the same deep down, they both are trying to adopt as many siblings as possible
Bless you for finishing reading, i definitely wrote more than i expected im sorry 😭🫂
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
if your blog got termed for spam its probably automated and not a personal attack, and half a month is typical/reasonable wait time for customer support to get back to you considering the company size/userbase. keep in mind, they probably have a BUNCH of other tickets/other users to look at FIRST. think about the 14 days they spent NOT paying attention to your ticket, they mustve been helping the maybe hundreds of other users inbetween that time. remember, there are millions of tumblr users and a fraction of that is sending tickets... and there are different levels of importance and urgency when it comes to customer support tickets. theyre literally only human and can only help so many people in such a short time. and, of course theyd have no warning, if they think you're spam then it'd likely be automated (if you werent reported), AKA, that IS the thing they're doing to prevent bots by terminating those with certain characteristics, just targetting actual users (lol oops). if youre a computer program, and a user exhibits behavior that's similar to a spam bot, then it's all fair game; it's not like it can distinguish between a real user who, for example, might be excited for and post frequently about a particular topic, and spam, it's not a real life human looking at it, and computer programs are bound to have errors. sure its annoying for it to have inaccuracies but its the nature of computing. its important to note that changes implemented are sometimes just TEMPORARY CHANGES, just testing features out, and not permanent, if you have any complaints or suggestions, go to @wip on mondays or send a DM to @humans or send in a suggestion ticket, because they can ACTUALLY at least TRY to help you. be nice to them though. remember, tumblr is a company, but theyre made of humans and can only do so much in a certain amount of time. finite level of resources.
Genuinely zero offense, I am unable to read all this because this is a long block of text so I'm going to skim
I already got my account unterminated. I did all those things and was very polite and kind to all the people I engaged with. It took me ages to get it back. The problem is it shouldn't have happened out in the first place. I was autoflagged as spam, yeah, so I should have had just had to do a some sort of verification. And besides that, I was just flagged because I used a VPN, which is ridiculous.
I did not get flagged for posting a lot. I got flagged for something absolutely normal in which I had no way of rectifying before termination without warning.
I'm aware of how many tickets there are. It's still ridiculous. I spent at least two weeks waiting. And then I emailed them from an alternate email and they responded immediately. I'm not stupid. The way you're talking to me makes me feel stupid. I know how these things work. I'm not stupid. I'm not an inconsiderate asshole.
And literally none of this applies to me because I didn't get terminated for those reasons. I was terminated for spam detection, not true genuine spam.
If their spam detection is terminating real people because I am NOT the only person this has happened to, then their spam detection sucks and their steps they're taking are half assed.
If you see this please let me know if I misunderstood anything because again I could only skim this message. But I feel like you are explaining a lot of things to me that I already knew and I feel like I am being treated stupid.
I hope my tone doesn't sound angry or upset at you. I am not. I appreciate that you are trying to tell me things and I think that this message is in good faith and intended to be kind
I think you are probably not trying to make me feel that way in which case I apologize if I sound pouty or defensive HFKSHFJKSF
But I promise I was very polite and nice to everyone who helped me. I didn't elaborate in tags because I didn't feel the need to. But like trust me I contacted everyone I could. And they didn't respond until I emailed them from alternate emails. And then they responded almost immediately. So there's dissonance in their help of individuals.
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pippuns · 2 years
Ahh oh dear this is more questions than I anticipated sorry!! I just wanna make sure I get it right xD
-Does Alwynn have any particular… for lack of a better term, speech patterns?
-Do they fluster easily?
-Roughly how old would they and Haurchefant be when the Romance Begins?
-Is there a real world equivalent to the sign they use? I swear I’ve seen you draw them signing something but I CANNOT find it for the life me lol
And just anything else you want to mention!!! Thank you so much for letting me have fun with them :D
LOL no worries!! i will do my very best to answer!!
1. they typically leave others to do the talking for them, and more often than not keep their opinions to themself, but when they do elect to sign something they're generally frank and to the point. they're not someone to mince words or beat around the bush, but they feel bad if they inadvertently sign something rude because of this and it keeps them up at night even if it was something very small and inconsequential
2. haha yeah. their ears get super blushy too, before their face does
3. there was a lot of pining from the two of them back when alwynn still lived in ishgard, and then even more pining in the years up to the calamity (alwynn wrote a ton of letters they never sent that got burned up at cartenau). if there was a time when the romance would have happened though, it'd be at camp dragonhead after the bloody banquet.
i dont think there'd be a definitive start; they're probably just fall into a relationship naturally without ever actually defining it and stay like that a bit before haurchefant actually confesses, nevermind that they've been dating for a while.
post-calamity they actually do send their letters, so i'm sure there was a bunch of dumb medieval flirting between the two prior to their staying at camp dragonhead for extended periods of time.
less related but haurchefant does sort of remember them even after the calamity!! he has letters from them prior to them leaving ishgard saved, as well as his own journals to fall back on, though he's still missing a lot of information about who they were and why they left. he didn't recognize them when they first came to camp dragonhead post-calamity, but he did go off on a limb and guess that they were his friend which was very much a :o moment for alwynn
4. i typically use ASL for their sign but also I suck at drawing hands so it's not very clear oops
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James & Ava
James: [okay so we all know the mood is that he sees whatever she's posted and literally goes there immediately with no thought of who else could also be cos he NEEDS to check that she's alright. The drama of it all] Ava: [but luckily no one is there and she'd be so shocked but also grateful 'cos no one wants to be alone and feeling unwell, esp. not in hospital] James: [when he'd have to say he was her brother so he can take her #awkward] Ava: [lollol finding that more amusing than you would otherwise 'cos concussion breaking your awks] James: [oh she'd be so cute I can't] Ava: [just hugging him so hard] James: [we all need that moment but sadly it cannot last forever because he'd have some driver doing circles endlessly cos there's nowhere to park at hospitals ever] Ava: [seriously, and it's so expensive] James: [when you were so desperate to get in there you didn't think about how long it could have taken like she could've been admitted and that driver is just lowkey out there for the rest of time] Ava: [lmao i wonder how long he'd wait for that bag before getting bored, luckily they'd low-key be ready to get rid 'cos too busy and overcrowded] James: [practically pushing her out the door as soon as they saw someone show up for her so he doesn't even have time to give her a feelsy speech lol] James: [just help her out to the car boy, you've had a lot of practice with drunk girls in heels and it'd be the same vibe] Ava: [just saying thank you over and over] James: [meanwhile he's asking her if she's okay over and over like every step they trying to take here] Ava: ['Oh God, you must think I'm so stupid, I swear, they came out of nowhere'] James: ['We both know you're not stupid, Ava' shout out to that text cleverness 5ever tbh 'I'm just glad you weren't seriously hurt'] Ava: ['How have you been, I've been so worried' shoutout to this concussion giving me shameless freedom lol] James: [when you can only shake your head because 1. you ain't been good 2. you don't wanna tell her any of it and 3. you don't think you deserve her worry/ want her to worry about you] Ava: [sad face] James: [stopping to stroke said face, don't fall over girl, he's got you] Ava: ['James-' and then just looking 'cos what can you say] James: [looking back at her cos likewise but then you gotta drop them eyes cos so sad] Ava: ['you look tired' and making more of an actual effort to get into this car] James: ['I am tired' but helping her in and doing her seatbelt for her because not gonna see her struggle ever, telling the driver her address because there's nowhere else you can take her but home even though you have no idea if as soon as you get there someone is gonna show up for her and you obviously don't want that] Ava: [patting your shoulder like 'you can come sleep' like no no one can babe] James: ['no' but a little smile cos she's cute af 'I'm supposed to keep you awake'] Ava: [when you make a face like 😏] James: ['by which, of course, I mean, you've got a 8 hour date with Edward Cullen ahead of you'] Ava: [grinning like a fool but then being like, wait 'you'll stay though, can you?'] James: ['I'm not going to leave you alone' oh the heavy unspoken implication that she might not be if the friends or fam descend 💔] Ava: [resting your head on him as a silent thank you but then lifting it like 'so awake, promise'[ James: [stroking her hair and keeping an eye like] Ava: [being like let me tell YOU a story and honestly God knows but it'd be cute and she'd be trying to match his storyteller energy] James: [when that's lowkey the moment he falls in love with her bye] Ava: [asking the driver to play the new moon soundtrack] James: [loling and honestly when was the last time he did that, we all know it was when they were together] Ava: [live the emo life and love it babes] James: [he's GOTTA dance in his seat to keep her awake, no other reason #notanerd lol] Ava: [just clapping and cheering him on like nothing to see here driver God bless] James: [so not what that man was expecting to 👀 or 👂] Ava: [freaking out drivers is low-key a fave] James: [the one time you're happy about London traffic tbh] Ava: [even though we ain't gonna interrupt, you don't know that boy] James: [speaking of, probably send a text or something to check on the kids because you just ran like assumedly they at their grandparents but] Ava: [never leaving 'em with Chlo we all know] James: [lord her and Jay would kill each other] Ava: [I'd genuinely be worried for her safety so don't blame you remotely boy, least her parents are invested] James: [literally though & you can have those grandparents forever babs we ain't taking them away from you] Ava: [awkward that your mum never shows but that's just that on that] James: [lbr that's for the best stick with your dads kiddos] Ava: [we all know it, even if Matty might not end up remembering much] James: [Ava lowkey her mum now oops] Ava: [and Jay's actual auntie...lol what a tangled web we weave boo] James: [at least they can all stay connected] Ava: [true facts] James: [makes my heart happy even if it's weird] Ava: [lean in to how weird this family is James] James: [they weird af but they're better than the one he's got #noshadetoTeddythough] Ava: [all the shade to you Chlo, sort it out] James: [her poor future children & husband] Ava: [honestly, good luck] James: [he'd have to be about everything she is or else what the fuck] James: [anyway we've been sidetracked get to Baze's house you two] Ava: [movie marathon awaits, what else do we vibe or shall we just try and see what comes out, like] James: [let's just run with it and see what happens because we extra and anything could be said and done tbh] James: [imagine how awkward it'd be when they get there because he'd have to send her in first and just be shitting himself in the car like is anyone there or no] Ava: [at least you know full well no one is there 'cos business trips forever so you're just at the door shaking your head and doing the 'come on' gesture] James: [he'd just help her to the sofa like immediately & get her blankets and pillows and painkillers (even though it wouldn't touch a concussion headache) and a phone charger and everything else she could possibly need cos Chloe's got him trained like a dog] Ava: [low-key pulling at him, gently, like boy sit down] James: [when you are then looking at her like what did I forget/ do wrong before you realise] Ava: [squeezing his hand because you can only say thank you so many times, putting the film on but then pausing and gasping so dramatically 'coffee, I promised you coffee' and going to get up like can you be careful please] James: [thinking she's in pain or something because of that gasp so being at her side like 0-1000 and slowing her down cos they can do it together thank you] Ava: [making a face at herself like ffs when she catches on 'I'm not trying to age you' and touching his non-grey hair and wrinkles like totally necessary yep] James: ['but you're offering me coffee, what's next red meat or red wine?' but no actual shade cos we both know he doesn't care and none of that is what's aging him anyway, taking her hand from his face and gently kissing said hand before handholding to lead her to her own kitchen like let's do this] Ava: ['I don't know where my cigarettes are' shrugs and smiles like sorry not sorry, smiles even harder but lowkey stops breathing when, kissing ontop of where he just kissed her hand, then getting to this all-singing all-dancing coffee machine 'you have to pick the most daring option, one you've never, ever tried before, okay?' and waggling her finger like so serious about this] James: [takes his own cigarettes out of his pocket and slides the pack over to her 'okay' and does pick, really concentrating on the decision even though there'd be so much shit he hasn't tried and we all know he could just pick option 1 and be done] Ava: [takes one out and puts it behind her ear for later 'cos no need to light up in your parents home, just watching him 'cos so cute and then nodding like yes, good choice and picks the same, setting up this machine 'cos they're always more confusing and/or time-consuming than they need to be I swear] James: [where's the lie you gotta have the knack I swear, his turn to watch her now though because she's beautiful doing anything ever and he missed her so bad] Ava: [ahh coffee goodtimes forever] James: [he needs it cos he is tired af so thanks Ava you babe] Ava: ['do we talk about what happened, or do we write it off?' when you just saying this casually whilst waiting for your coffees] James: ['I don't know' because he is genuinely torn between wanting to and also not] Ava: ['Wait and see how we feel' 'cos no rush or pressure here 'you better carry these though' 'cos we don't need burns as well ty] James: ['wait here a minute for me' because carries the drinks through and then comes back for her because why not carry her though as well obvs] Ava: [does and loves it 'I've missed you, you know'] James: ['I know now' just giving her 😍 casually 'I've missed you too'] Ava: [😍 right back 'Ask anyone' when you're talking about your mood but you realize that sounds like you been telling the world lol 'I mean, I've been a delight' 🙄] James: [when you shake your head like no it's okay 'I overreacted about your cousin, I'm sorry' takes a deep breath remembering that whole sad ending moment 'And I'm sorry for fucking up the start of your summer' because she loves it and he knows] Ava: ['I understand why, understood, whatever. And I am still sorry, I was just too excited and-' sighs like, you know, squeezing his hand again 'I promise, that's all sorted now though' 'cos clearly told her it's over by now, 'cos thought it was anyway; she nods like thanks but shrugs like it's okay too, don't worry 'Sure even I can't be grumpy in the Seychelles, like'] James: [blatantly almost kissing her because he understands the whole being too highkey thing because he was (*cough* is) too but doesn't because she's going away 'when are you going?'] Ava: [sad face like you didn't just say you aren't gonna be grumpy 'when my parents get back, couple of days'] James: [strokes her face again like he did earlier 'you'll feel better by then' because someone's meant to watch you for 48 hours actually NHS website says] Ava: [😈 me 😇 her looking at him 'how did you even- why- I-' continuously cutting herself off 'cos you know he was checking in on you now and you know he came without hesitating so it doesn't need to be said 'Oh, James'] James: ['Ava' saying her name with SO MUCH feeling that I cannot 'I had to' when you mean so many things by that like you had to go but you have to stay now and you had to make sure she was okay today but also you had to keep checking on her the whole time] Ava: [definitely gonna go in to kiss him can't stop that soz] James: [we all know it was only a matter of time and that this is gonna turn into a not at all casual make out session] Ava: [you honestly deserve it lads] James: [that coffee gonna be cold and they won't even notice] Ava: [the movies are also not being watched lmao but no one cares rn] James: [on pause forever sorry not sorry] James: [but eventually like after AN AGE one of them should lean on the remote or whatever so it starts playing and they're like wtf] Ava: [when you shit yourself like who is here but then loving 'cos hi Edward] James: [we all shitting ourselves and all loling] Ava: ['he's very possessive' no lie] James: [looking at Edward and then kissing her again like when you're trying to make someone jealous] Ava: [when you're loling too hard into his mouth like 'scuse me] James: [kissing her neck instead so she can have her adorable lol] Ava: [reacting to that in a v different way] James: [we back at it again at krispy kreme soz twilight saga] Ava: [i swear to god the ily curse is so real] James: [this always happens to us, don't talk for a bit lads, wink wonk] Ava: [its because we give them such high-pressure situations but yes, you should fully hook up 'cos haven't yet] James: [I wonder if the orgasm headache thing would work for a concussion one or not] Ava: [my boo says #experiment] James: [imma google it but I don't expect an answer] James: [nobody is telling me but if it can help a migraine I don't see why it wouldn't] Ava: [you'll be fine bitch, just a shameless excuse that he needs to hang around longer] James: [we should totally also do the shameless thing when he falls asleep and then wakes up immediately but is like oh no how long was I asleep because not only worried about her we know] Ava: [for sure, just there chilling like 🥰 'not long, but you looked peaceful'] James: ['I was' and more 😍 'I am' just snuggling happily because deserved af] Ava: [kissing the top of his head 'good' then lying down and snuggling harder 'I'm so glad you're here, that you're okay'] James: ['I'm glad that I'm here & that you're okay' kissing her forehead and holding her so tightly because he was so worried that something much worse had happened to her] Ava: ['It was kinda scary how much I missed you- like I said I WAS extra but I think, no, I still am, I can't lie to you'[ James: [when you are just falling so hard for her rn smiling like look at this perfect 😇 'you don't have to miss me any longer, minus however long you're spending in the Seychelles, of course'] Ava: ['Yeah?' trying but failing not to sound so hopeful 'And two weeks, so not as long as it has been, not that I was definitely counting or anything'] James: ['I was afraid, no, I am afraid but very few things have ever scared me as much as when I saw you were in hospital & I thought-'] Ava: [just holding him back even tighter like you could not be closer 'I'm so sorry I scared you, I won't ever do it again, even if I get hit by something more substantial than a 90lbs mum on a lightweight bike' and shaking her head with a lil lol 'cos it is funny even though it can be as bad as a car crash actual sometimes] James: ['You scare me in the best ways, you don't have to stop, I don't want you to' because think of the new things he's already done and the new things he's already felt, it makes me emosh goodbye] Ava: [when that's the hottest thing you've ever heard like 'scuse me round two] James: [you've actually got all night for once so make the most of it lads] Ava: [like literally no one needs it more than him so I'm allowing it, there's enough shit happened, happening and still to come] James: [amen to that] Ava: [happy bubble forever] James: [if only like, he is NOT gonna wanna leave in the morning but maybe we could say that like Jay has a playdate with friends or something cos soz babe you can't keep a secret so he just gets the baby and comes back] Ava: [that would be a moment] James: [just casually meet each other how cute] Ava: [have a normal, happy day like you're meant to oh] James: [you all deserve it truly] Ava: [meet your potential future stepchild babe] James: [do we wanna have them go out or stay in?] Ava: [🤔 obvs really want them to go to Kensington Park 'cos Peter Pan and like obvs I doubt anyone who would be bothered to report to Chloe is gonna be there but it is risky so maybe save it idk] James: [we will bookmark that for the future because MUST but they could take Frank on a walk somewhere cos we ain't referenced that sweet sir even if it's just through the streets like] Ava: [that's a good shout, you better be a good boy lol] James: [and don't cockblock them rn please] James: [they'd look like a little fam, I am FINE] Ava: [and lowkey behave more like one in one day like the bar is so low tah Chlo] James: [the scolding tea] James: how are you feeling? Ava: 😊 So happy Ava: Only a bit tired from the whole staying awake thing and you keeping me awake, like 😏 Ava: oh, and Frank said you've redeemed yourself so well done there too Ava: how're you and the girls? James: I'm happy to hear all of that James: has your dizziness gone? James: we're fine, but tired too Ava: Yeah Ava: barely a headache Ava: and my parents get in early AM so I should be all set to go when they do get here James: how much packing is there left to do? Ava: All of it but deciding which 14 bikinis I wanna take shouldn't take too long James: are you sure? I think it would take me a really long time to decide Ava: I'll put some stories up Ava: You can help me Ava: I reckon I need your clearly more considered opinion James: of course you do James: you wouldn't want to spend the entirety of your holiday wishing you'd chosen differently Ava: so true Ava: especially as I'm not allowed to pack my pout James: everyone is well aware of how important the pursuit of a tan is to you, darling, anything that jeopardises that, well, it's bound to be very pout inducing James: you'll be forgiven Ava: I don't know if my family is as forgiving as you Ava: perhaps they don't like my pout as much Ava: they definitely aren't as supportive in bikini related decision making James: I'll dedicate paragraphs to both James: multiple lengthy ones Ava: It'll seem gratuitous in the movie but nothing is too much for the book James: as long as it remains included in the director's cut James: or else I will be devastated Ava: I'll demand it in my contract Ava: I think it'll be a first in favour of taking your clothes off instead of keeping 'em on James: thank you James: you do deserve a multitude of firsts, honestly Ava: you deserve so much Ava: much more than I'm allowed to give you Ava: that reminds me Ava: as I can't give you anything as a thank you, I've had to get creative James: so much of what I deserve is negative & there is nothing you owe to me in any capacity, thanks included James: but I'd never want to discourage creativity Ava: Shh sh Ava: in the spirit of firsts and trying new things Ava: when you're all less worn out, go to [a sassy but kid-friendly cafe/restaurant that's a bit out there and exotic and definitely nowhere Chloe has ever made you take her] and tell 'em you're eating on me, yeah Ava: then when I get back and you're free, you're coming over and I'm cooking James: Ava Ava: It's already arranged, I go there all the time, it's the 2nd best Brazilian food I've had James: you've been to Brazil for the 1st, haven't you? I can tell Ava: Actually no, mores the pity Ava: but my Uncle is Brazilian and a chef, my cousin too Ava: having a big weird family has unexpected perks Ava: if you like it, I already have a recipe lined up that's meant to be 🔥 but even a novice like me can master it James: you'll have to wait patiently for my review because I regrettably can't send you a picture of my face after the 1st mouthful to serve as one, but okay Ava: I'll do my best Ava: though having any patience when it comes to you doesn't seem to be my strong suit Ava: arguably not a virtue I'm known for, ever, but especially now James: I'll do my best not to miss you so hard that it's physically painful but that doesn't appear to be my strong suit either & as previously agreed, I won't make any promises I'm forced to immediately break Ava: Oh Ava: Knowing it wasn't just me finding out that painful cliche is painfully real is somehow a comfort, to know you'll want to avoid the feeling as much as I do from now on but it also hurts me even more, the idea of you having to feel it at all in the first place Ava: but there is no conflict in just how hard I'm looking forward to seeing you again after this ill-timed holiday James: I don't ever want you to be in pain because of me, I have to insist on only the good cliches going forward James: devastatingly a postcard can't be included in that Ava: Hmm, got any long-lost great aunties I can pretend to be? 🤔😂 James: If I do my wife is bound to be aware of them, their current financial situation & any possible health concerns they are facing Ava: Valid Ava: Don't need to give her any more reason to 💀💀💀 me Ava: At least no holiday is complete without the obligatory narcissistic poolside shoot James: suffice to say I've never had a complete holiday, in that case Ava: I bet you've had to be cameraman plenty though Ava: so rude when you're so nice to look at James: & yet I've never been trusted to pick a filter Ava: 🙄 Ava: does she not know that you're an artiste James: no, it's our secret Ava: 😊 I like that James: I like you Ava: I like that more James: I wish I could see you again before you go Ava: Me too Ava: I kinda wish I weren't going James: how early are your parents getting back exactly? Ava: like 4am kinda early James: I won't make you stay awake again James: I know how tired you must be Ava: 🥺 James: I'm so relieved that I can't see that look on your actual face Ava: It's 💔 Ava: but I'll survive Ava: about James: you're a very strong person Ava: You James: I'm not Ava: You are though Ava: you put up with so much shit James: is that strength or is it weakness? Ava: I think it's strength Ava: You can't necessarily stop shit happening or get shit out of your life Ava: no matter how strong Ava: and you manage to do all the shit you have to regardless James: I'd like to think you're right Ava: Then you should Ava: I encourage it Ava: 🤓 me James: you are undeniably clever Ava: Try to be Ava: when I'm not standing in the middle of cycle paths, obviously James: I heard you say that bike came out of nowhere Ava: Yeah Ava: I miss you already Ava: Frank is not as good a nurse, like at all James: if you can fall asleep now, I'd feel less guilty about the prospect of asking you not to later James: should I hypothetically be able to get away Ava: 🛌🏃 Ava: Promise James: I can't give you a promise back Ava: I know Ava: but this way, I either stay asleep and that's that Ava: or I get the best surprise to wake me up James: what did I do to deserve you? Ava: This is the part where I say something very bad but Ava: you don't seem capable Ava: you're just James: whatever it was, I need to know so I can keep doing it Ava: just be you Ava: another cliche you've proven to be true and real James: this fortnight without you is going to be really cliche James: there's no chance of it existing beyond the 1st draft Ava: not even for my eyes only? James: well James: maybe Ava: Please please please James: okay James: you are my fairest critic & you do have beautiful eyes Ava: Yours are better Ava: but I won't be too jealous if I get to look at them more James: I definitely can't promise not to be envious of everyone in the Seychelles who will get to look at you more than I can Ava: Do you ever get a decent lunchbreak? Ava: we could facetime James: I'll figure something out James: because my dad takes the longest lunch breaks, you'd be forgiven for thinking it's the 80s Ava: 😏 we love a throwback 🙄 James: I'll take Matty to work with me, she'll distract whoever I need her to Ava: She is very cute Ava: I see it James: I won't be saying anything the like of that if she won't sleep tonight though Ava: 🤞 for you and her Ava: shame she's not yet at the walking stage Ava: Frank is so 💤 James: I can't keep her in any kind of routine, it's frustrating for both of us Ava: That's hard James: it's harder for her than it is for me, she never knows what's happening Ava: She'll get there Ava: I was the worst baby Ava: hopefully before you totally lose your mind, 'course James: I find it impossible to believe you weren't 😇 Ava: I was pretty premmie so my poor parents were confined to perpetual bright light for ages when I got home James: both the girls were so late James: that was an entirely different struggle Ava: I can imagine how delightful Ava: usually excusable but when you set the bar low to begin with 😬 James: the last thing I want to do is badmouth her to you, but as we know, sometimes things write themselves Ava: I feel you Ava: not a cliche I particularly wanna be either James: of course not Ava: but you can vent, you know Ava: I don't even have to reply, just if you need to put it somewhere James: no, I can't Ava: okay, just a suggestion James: so much of this is already not fair to you, Ava Ava: I don't think it is Ava: you've never lied about any of it, you're always realistic about what you can and can't give me Ava: and I'd like to help, in any tiny way I'm able James: you don't know what she's like & I'd rather you didn't have to know James: let's keep it at you don't do sympathy Ava: I know very little but that's not positive so it doesn't take your author level of imagination if I wanna go there without your guidance Ava: and it isn't sympathy but okay Ava: I won't mention her and you don't have to either James: I just can't have you seeing me differently because Ava: I'd never see you differently because of what she's like as a person James: it's too big of a risk for me to take, that you'll end up thinking less of me than you do now Ava: You can trust me Ava: but you don't have to Ava: I won't push anything, I don't need to Ava: as much as I want to take things fast in so many respects, I'm never going to take it where you don't want it James: it isn't you I don't trust James: I'm not a reliable narrator, she's made sure I'm not Ava: However...intertwined and diluted you feel your story got, because of her, because of whatever Ava: it's always gonna be your story to tell, if you want it Ava: and I'll always listen to how you tell it James: Ava Ava: James James: if it was a story I was in control of I'd come to the airport & tell you not to go James: cliche or not Ava: and I'd stay Ava: but that's far too much like a happy ending and we've only just begun James: you're right again Ava: don't sound so surprised 😉 James: I was actually trying to decide where it falls on the scale of ideas & habits, good, bad or somewhere in between James: that you always seem to be Ava: Have you drawn a conclusion yet? James: I couldn't possibly tell you James: you're supposed to be asleep Ava: damn Ava: you'll tell me in the morning? James: yes Ava: Okay, I'll go, as long as you know it is so reluctantly it's practically under protest James: & I won't stay here hoping you don't, as long as you know it's under identical conditions Ava: Noted Ava: Goodnight and sweet dreams for whenever that happens for you then, love James: thank you
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