#I did timeline math for this my head hurrrtttsss
teatitty · 2 months
We know Lambert was one of the last boys trained in Kaer Morhen. We also know, from Blood of Elves, that the last boys were trained there about 25 years prior to the events of that specific novel. Since Blood of Elves takes place in 1267, this would mean that Lambert was being trained sometime around 1242, or had just recently finished depending on his age. Dandelion was born in 1229, making him 13 during that year. Ergo: Dandelion and Lambert are very likely close in age and that is really fucking with me right now
The most we know about Geralt's age from an interview with Sapkowski is that he's "over 50" but hides how old he is because even though humans in the witcher verse live longer than humans during the real medieval period did, there's still a prejudice towards "giving a job to an old duffer over 50." And Witchers age much slower than humans - a 60 year old Witcher might look no older than a 45 year old man
There's a common misconception that Geralt must be over a hundred because of when the Pogroms happened, but two things make this impossible: 1) the Wolf School being active after the massacre up until 1242, as stated above, and 2) In Voice of Reason, Nenneke says that she remembers seeing Geralt as a child who only came up to her waist. Ergo: Geralt is older than 50 but younger than Nenneke and likely younger than Yennefer who was born in 1173, thus making her 75-76 when the djinn incident happened
Anyway point is: Geralt is way younger than you think and Lambert and Dandelion are, at most, probably only a few years apart in age. Wild to think about
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