#I did see someone recently who I hadn't seen since right after Ryn died and whew that was kind of intense
epersonae · 2 years
Taro, papyrus, aloe vera!
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
depends when I talked to them last; new job if I haven't caught them up on that (been about six months), and if it's someone who wasn't caught up on that then probably also gay pirates (and my fic writing if it's someone who I'd be cool talking to about it). otherwise, gardening stuff probably, trip to the renaissance fair a couple of weekends ago, the tattoo I got last month. folks usually want to know how my elderly cat Creamsicle is doing (he continues to just keep going despite everything), I know there are people who would ask how traumaversary season is going (it's fuckin rough tbh). and then my current knitting project, a cute top in a cotton-linen blend, green with kinda turquoise highlights.
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
I use Tidal and it doesn't have an "on repeat" feature, but I just hit shuffle on the "July 2022" list and ha, it's High on a Rocky Ledge by Moondog, which HELLO OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH PLAYLIST. It's so strange and melancholy, and ofc I see Stede sitting up at the front of the ship with tears in his eyes murmuring "my family's here at sea now", which ok sure not quite yet bud, but he's got the spirit.
(wow those monthly mixes really are something; you can see from space the switch from March 2022, in which I bounced between three different Mountain Goats albums, to April 2022, at which point it's All Gay Pirates)
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
aw beans, that's a hell of a question to consider while listening to that question, because so many of those things are now tinged with an immense sadness.
I very much want to go out into "my" (to be fair probably this rental duplex's) garden and be able to pick an entire bouquet of flowers and put them in a vase on my dining room table. There aren't a lot of flowers in the yard here, mostly big established shrubs (and an ENORMOUS cedar tree in the back) and other non-flowering plants, and I want to be here long enough to plant lots of flowers that will come up from spring through fall. I did plant bulbs last fall and got some lovely tulips and daffodils in the spring, plus a few lilies, but the squirrels got a lot of the bulbs!
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