#I couldn’t tell you where they are or what made Sven so upset but Dex strong arming himself to be there was so clear and I can’t even be
thedangelos · 4 years
take me home | dex & sven (spy au)
Dex had never seen Sven so angry in his life but that didn’t stop him from following his partner the moment the older spy took off, regardless who else was around them and what they were abandoning. Even as Sven sought out isolation and reprieve, Dex was only a step behind him.
When Sven spun on his heels to shout, bark, do whatever it took to be left alone, Dex was already in his space, breathing his air. Sven couldn’t even open his mouth before-
“Stop, Sven,” Dex’s voice was firm as his hands moved to the older man’s cheeks, forcing them face to face. Every muscle in his body was coiled with tightness, with surety and it was just as well.
He was forced to take half a step back as Sven railed his forearms against him, demanding with his body to be let go so the flames in his heart could eat him alive.
“Look at me,” Dex insisted as soon as Sven growled at him to be released. His brown flecked blue eyes pierced Sven’s, his jaw tight as he spoke, “Breathe.”
Dex’s footing fell back another half step as Sven tried once more to break out of his grip. But he recovered quicker this time, closing the space between their bodies again.
“Breathe, Sven. This will not work itself out as long as you’re feeling like this. Breathe.”
This time, when Sven pushed back against him, it was so half-hearted and exhausted that Dex mistook it for a simple shift in posture. He used his hold on Sven’s face to bring the man’s forehead down the few inches to meet his own.
“Breathe.” His voice was still strong, but less urgent now, and grew even softer as he heard Sven exhale deeply through his lips. “Breathe.”
After several thick beats wherein the only sound between them was Sven’s still labored breaths, Dex slipped a hand to brace the back of the older man’s neck. With the leverage, he pulled Sven’s face to his shoulder in a seamless motion and took a breath of his own in preparation to bear his partner’s burden.
He knew there were many things he could say, reassurances he could give the other spy on that which had gotten him so uncharacteristically shaken. But he would save those for a later time, when he was sure they wouldn’t fall on deaf ears.
For now, Dex’s muscles remained built of stone for all of Sven to lean on until he finally did remember to breathe.
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