#I could see myself liveblogging some PR nonsense at some point
scoups4lyfe ยท 2 years
You know, Scoups, as I continue to watch Donbrothers (I'm on ep. 22 now), I am really enjoying it. It's not something I'd normally watch but I find it endearing, especially as I learn more about the characters and their backstories. Definitely gotta say, some episodes have made me take psych damage (ep. 17 and 22 for sure) but also, there are just some really fun episodes, like ep. 18 (you're going to love that episode).
I also really like the Cerebrans, I think they're funky little dudes who are just very interesting. Sonoi is my favorite but Sonoza is growing on me (you'll see why in 21 and 22). I am still unsure about Sononi but she's badass so I like that. I think I need to unpack her personality more.
But, anyways, I just thought I'd say thanks for getting me sucked into this. I don't think you can get me to watch revice (I'll watch through your liveblogs), but I will continue to watch Donbrothers because i'm hooked (which is funny because I hated Power Rangers and this kind of drama growing up. And I watched a few of the actual Japanese versions, not the American renzokus)
๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿค thnks homie
I was actually pleasantly surprised and VERY amused when you said you were going to watch episode 12 so you could see the scene between Momoi and Sonoi, cause all I could think was:
"That's how they fkin GET you."
First you watch one episode but then you're invested. And the next episode previews really do be punching you in the face. Like you see that preview and you can't just...NOT watch it.
Glad to know we've both been Donbrother'd. LMAO
Absolutely hilarious comment about Power Rangers tho LOL!!!
I was actually quite obsessed with PR growing up. I didn't realize the American version were remakes until like....idk 2011 I think, and that's when I got into the actual OG material.
But even then, there's just something about PR that I always found charming. Cheesy? Lmao no doubt. But charming.
There's heart there.
I actually think one of the biggest influences on my life is tokusatsu. Like anime was one of the big things that sent me hurtling in the direction of life I'm at today, and the thing that got me into anime was Sailor Moon.
And sailor moon was based on Sentai/inspired by it. The author looked at the sentai hero teams and thought, "If I had a bunch of female friends what would I want them to be like?" And made them into a hero team.
And then of course, the PR to sentai so KR pipeline ๐Ÿคช.
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