#I can't find any dang songs with lyrics for her but damned if I'm not good at collecting Mel Vibes Tunes lmao
blujayonthewing · 1 year
Are there any songs that remind you of your OCs?
jhgjsdgfjd OKAY SO-- the short answer is Yes, lol. The longer answer is that I have full playlists for a bunch of them, so, at this point any song on any of their playists now reminds me of that character (including ship playlists, because I also have one of those each for elyss/june and juniper/fengling), although not all of them would be equally good examples of 'here's a song that makes me think of X' as far as like... show and tell is concerned? Elyss and Juniper's playlists for instance are both roughly chronological and a couple of their songs are specific to A Situation, and several of June's are about her relationship with another character (mostly our sorcerer; I've had a hard time picking just one or two fengling songs for june's regular playlist, so those are pretty much all just on the ship one exclusively, lol).
UM I can also link to full playlists if you or anyone are interested, but I'll also put a show and tell of one or two specific songs under the cut :D
Elyss: Learn To Be Lonely from the POTO movie for pre-campaign, Not Your Hero by Tegan and Sara now
Juniper: The Greatest Adventure from the rankin bass The Hobbit
Idri: Don't Stop Me Now by Queen
Aubree: Fighting On by I Fight Dragons
Melliwyk's are all instrumental! Scheming Weasel Faster would be her theme as an npc in an rpg
Nyssa: Cult of Dionysis by The Orion Experience
Ambrose: Not I by I Fight Dragons
Kethri: No Hopers, Jokers, and Rogues by The Fisherman's Friends
Honorable mention: this is maybe Fantasy Racist of me because Tsakesh is not a thief at all but. Khajiit Like To Sneak by Miracle of Sound is just such a good song and I love it and it DOES make me think of my boy. he DO like to sneak idk what to tell you
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