#I assume I'm allowed to do 2 for the same prompt. i was inspired!
kerryweaverlesbian · 1 year
An Angel On The Bus
There's an angel on the bus today,
Coat rumpled as his hair,
He is special, yes, but just as much
As any person there.
Next to mother with her baby,
Next to disaffected teen,
Next to tired, poor and grubby,
Here the angel is serene.
Rests his head against the window,
Lets it rattle to his jaw,
Lets the world go by, decisions made
by councils years before.
There is comfort in the letting go,
Relinquishing control,
Only his the destination,
Not the tire on the road.
To be trusted is a kindness,
To be followed is a faith,
To become the one who cares, a choice
That anyone can make.
Sit beside me, gentle angel,
Let us share together peace,
Let the motion lull and rock us,
To a warm and restful sleep.
I did a second poem about Castiel supernatural travelling by bus, the image is just so special to me. Another for the promt 'on the road' for @spnpoetryrenaissance
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