#I also don't really consider the video games bc they can change scenes and whatnot
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//So I re-read Naruto and Sasuke’s entire final fight to answer this question bc I hardly recalled all the details :D And oh how I got slammed with feels ;A; But nonetheless, I can now answer it~ The manga is the actual depiction of canon material Masashi wrote since the anime added in scenes and extended the fight. Which is why I’m delving into my take on this from the manga.
Sasuke does know how painful being alone can be, it’s what drove him to seek revenge, and leave the village. It’s not that he particularity wanted to live that way, but in order for him to enact his form of what a Hokage meant via his revolution, he thought he needed that last tie of friendship with Naruto to be cut permanently. Killing Naruto would not only complete that objective, but it’d also allow him to get rid of the last remaining jinchuriki that could oppose him. He wanted to destroy all the tailed beasts as well as the 5 Kage because they were of the past, caused former conflicts, and thinking if he erased them from existence, he could shoulder the newly formed hatred on his own.
And as many would counter, that if Naruto was dead then the Infinite Tsukuyomi couldn’t be broken. However, Sasuke can extract the Ten Tails chakra from Naruto even if he was killed due to the Rinnegan and use it himself to break the genjutsu. So it’s possible to be released without Naruto alive.
Sasuke’s logic is knowing hatred will continue to exist despite the current unification of the shinobi villages, but as he stated, eventually that’d come to an end as all peace did over matters of either grave importance or triviality.
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In becoming the only one capable of taking on hatred, he’d be able to dis-spell it as well as decide who would take the blame and face the consequences. And as Naruto stated he couldn’t do this forever because he’d die one day himself. Sasuke’s simple response was immortality due to his new powers, he’d find a way to continue living forever to take on this task. He wants to dictate solutions by making himself the true evil hatred can be focused upon. But in order to succeed in this plan, he knew leaving connections to those such as Naruto left on their own, they’d try to stop him down the line as they have continuously done ever since he left the village.
Sasuke’s sense of self would be like that of how his brother had lived his life. In the shadows, orchestrating a form of peace that can actually be achieved. Because all people like Obito, Madara, and Kaguya would no longer be an issue if he managed to take the brunt of further resentment/anger people had, he’d be able to set forth a reality where people could be happy and unified.
It’s not ideal nor is it completely plausible, however, his moral is in the right place. This is the effect of Sasuke’s mindset after growing up alone and combating the isolation he faced, and heartache of truth revealed to him before Itachi died.
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Itachi’s death and final words had an immense impact on Sasuke’s plan. He found solutions and answers to his former questions regarding what a village is, a shinobi, etc. But he felt hollow after losing his brother all over again. And in the process of joining Team 7 to defeat Madara and Kaguya, he devised the proper way to make those definitions have impact and meaning if he could rid the world of all those archaic methods used in the past that only managed to intoxicate people into perusing hatred and starting wars.
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And yes, I found the panel you were referring to below. But I think that was the problem. Sasuke could see himself living in that loneliness because he has done it and survived. His mentality hasn’t always been about his tragic backstory as he admitted no matter how far he fell into darkness, he couldn’t fully erase the memories of the past, his family, Team Seven, or Team Taka. But due to his experiences Sasuke understood that he could manage it and save others from the same fate. 
Unfortunately it meant killing Naruto. No matter what transpired, he’d always be his closest friend because they had a comprehension of an identical pain, being able to feel each other’s since the beginning. They wanted friendship but couldn’t approach one another. Naruto because he was jealous of Sasuke’s skill. And Sasuke because he saw accepting friendship as a weakness that’d get in the way of his revenge.
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Overall, Sasuke knew the price of his choices as he’s always known when making former decisions. He accepted the outcome and variables as something he could completely handle regardless of how hollow he’d be left in the aftermath. In the end, it wasn’t about him anymore. He wanted to do what Itachi couldn’t accomplish before he died, but in his way, acknowledging that he and his brother had different mindsets. Killing Naruto has been a reoccurring goal for Sasuke but for many different reasons throughout the series.
He wanted to see a better world, but as we all know, that tragic backstory tainted his foresight. Believing destruction and death would cleanse the future and allow peace to ensue in the ashes would only result in an imbalance. He didn’t take into account that it takes trusting one’s self to add to the unified process of making the world a better place. It wouldn’t change with one person controlling the populace because he couldn’t manipulate how others would react. He could use force, become the dictator of dealing with hatred, but he’d never be able to remove the impact the past had created because that’s how people grow.
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