#I HAVE BEEN DOIN THIS FOR HOURS. AHHH but thanks for the tag friend!
manabingu · 6 years
Tagged by @since-the-900s what a great surprise! Thanks fam!
 (Answer 11 questions, tag 11 people)
1. Describe and inside joke with little to no context
One time me and @tyrestgwa described a situation where we watched shows and needed to “Catch Up on HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEH!” xD
2. Describe something that makes you happy
Lately it’s been a mix of things. One of em is Utapri Shining Live, that game may be just a rhythm game but it has kept me sane/happy when I start feeling depressed or anxious. Also finally getting the courage to keep making more Okudaira comics/art in general. Any time I get to talk about Ginga,Himeko &Fuya I just feel happy cuz they mean a lot to me.THAT and doing anything abridged (scripting/voice acting) and singing an actually posting song covers!
3. What’s the funniest joke you know by heart?
Any abridged episode ever made by either myself or my abridged community friends  (I have way too many)
4. What’s the craziest conversation you’ve overheard?
One time someone used the words “too maleish” as an adjective. Ever since that day, I have questioned as to what the heck that means XD...also apparently that person pretending to tolerate a franchise they don’t enjoy just to fit in with a person that had influence in a fandom they were also in just to get street cred, only to talk bad about it behind their back *SLOOOOW CLAAAAAAAAAP*
5. What’s your favorite song at the moment?
Y’know I am a person who listens to a BUNCH of music a LOT. ALL THE TIME but I play a lotta stuff on repeat. Lately  (BESIDES “JAP” by Abingdon Boys School because I have to rehearse it for Anime Idol)
I have REALLY been feeling these 2 equally:
“Bright Burning Shout” by Takanori Nishikawa
and “Eclipse” by Aoi Shouta 
6. What languages do you wish you could speak?
I really should start on taking learning Japanese seriously cuz it would be beneficial to not just hobbies but who knows what doors it can open for me. I’ve been told by people that my singing is already hella accurate & maybe I can do something with it. But aside from that I think learning Quechua from my mom would be cool!
7. Describe your idea of a ‘perfect day’
Wake up at a decent time, play some Shining Live, get ready for work so I can have money, come back, play more Shining Live, work out for an hr, shower, then the rest of the night I can either do some song/voice recordings, scripting, drawing, cosplay progress or if I just wanna be a lazy cat, just watch a movie, tokusatsu, or anime that I been meaning to get around to while checking social media in between breaks. I know that is what I already do. But my perfect day/life would be actually being in the music or acting industry and doing that schedule, but for now, this is fine ;w;
8. What’s the worst movie trope in your opinion?
Honestly I don’t like it when a minority gets stereotyped.That drives me up the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllll.
9. What made you laugh the hardest ever in your life?
I think there was this one moment in Hunter x Hunter Abridged by CoffinJockey & EarlofBassignton that gets me EVERY TIME. THE SET UP TO THAT PUNCHLINE IS ONE OF THE MOST BRILLIANT THINGS I’VE SEEN. ((I PUT A TIME STAMP ON THIS LINK. OMFG WATCH IT AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND XD HAHAH))) ITS SO GOOD. THE DELIVERY OF THE VOICES MADE IT EVEN BETTER! I haven’t even seen the original show and I love this parody XD! 
10. What animal is the most majestic?
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11. If you could afford everything, what kind of clothes would you wear?
*RUBS PALMS TOGETHER* 8) no budget eyyy???
Well I always wanted lolita clothes tbh but it can be expensive ;w;o But I wanna own at least one dress/outfit someday. But also I want some really fancy or cool jrock/jpop inspired things. So a combo of stuff like this:
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(((totally doesn’t use this as a chance to look at Takanori Nisikawa pics XD)))
1. What is the best music related thing you bought in 2017 or 2018?
2. Cats or Rabbits?
3. What Disney character do you think is underrated?
4. Name 3 films you liked this year!
5. What is one of the best memories you’ve made in the past 5 yrs?
6. If you could ask aliens 1 question, what would you ask?
7. What types games do you like to play?
8. Favorite magical girl?
9. Strawberries or Raspberries?
10. If you could have 2 superpowers what would you have?
11. Would you rather be a Fairy, Mermaid, Alicorn or Dragon?
I dunno who to tag but yee!
@pandaloverwwf @laurathia @ahsimwithsake @malik-leena2418 @t-chan @sylphwriter @akachuscifo @galaxyeyedphoton @shiro-no-sekai  @rosey-ballerina @kittykatsandbox @two-dorks-and-a-grump  dunno if @cozymochi  or anyone else wanna chime in on these but yee~
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bobalafullaaaaaaaaa · 7 years
was tagged by @duckybeth99 !! I gotta tag 25 people at the end but I ain't doin that
Last drink: orange juice before bed 🍊
Last phone call: uhhhh one of the 200 patients I had to make appointments for yesterday
Last text message: 🤡🔪
Last song you listened to: oh it was this neat mashup of the Luigi's Mansion theme and a Missy Elliot song on SoundCloud
Last time I cried: I don't cry a lot! but uhh it was actually. Tuesday bc I uhhhh fucked up at work and mom was yelling at me 
Dated someone twice: nobody thinks I'm good enough to date me for more than uhhhh two weeks so ha! No
Been cheated on: again, no one wants to date me so cheating isn't really an option
Kissed someone and regretted it: ANY time I kiss someone would be a Ragret bc that's uhhh my worst fear
Lost someone special: not in the sense hat this means (death) but I've had way to many fallouts/betrayals (?) by close friends that have fuckin wrecked me (boy oh boy I am a social hermit I Can't Trust People and Don't Want To)
Been depressed: end of high school (like last 2 years) was. really really bad for many reasons (the whole situation with mom's boyfriend, all my "friends" fuckin havin a great time pickin on me and singling me out, general school stuff, etc)
Been drunk and thrown up: nope! 
IN THE PAST YEAR HAVE YOU: Made a new friend: yes!! the past month actually!
Fallen out of love: I don't know if it was love in the first place so I can't say < : / (but it wasn't in this past year actually)
Laughed until you cried: absolutely (thank you mcelroys)
Met someone who changed you: not in this past year!
Found out who your true friends were: this is a question for High School Me bc oh boy that was... hard (true friends? at the time it was One Person from tumblr bc absolutely everybody fuckin turned on me INCLUDING school staff I thought I was good with, I was so fuckin lonely lol)
Found out someone was talking about you: yes but in a good way! mom told me she heard the patients talking in the waiting room about what a good job I do ^^
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: people I met irl first? god uhh nobody. people I met online and then met irl: 2 lol
Do you have any pets?: too many,,, it's so much work,,,, 2 dogs 2 cats 1 bearded dragon 2 turtles 1 fish 1 bird 1 hamster (brother's) 1 Betta (mom's)
Do you want to change your name?: Not legally, like officially, but when I start Making Content I wanna go by Clara and not Madeline
What time did you wake up this morning?: I wake up at 6 everyday for class and today I was supposed to sleep in but here I am laying in bed for two hours bc I can't sleep so. 6 again
What were you doing last night?: oh I saw the second kingsman movie!! not as good as the first but unpop opinion I liked it Name something you cannot wait for: UHHHH HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS TONIGHT
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: my grandfather and my uncle's names are Tom lol (and my brother's middle name)
What’s getting on your nerves right now?: my mom and how frustrated she gets (then proceeding to take it out on me)
Blood type: I think I'm B!
Nickname: Clara, Sissy, Mattie (in a couple discord servers uhhh Slappy)
Relationship status: single (ace aro looking for several quasiplatonic friends)
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius! (I actually fall into the category of the unofficial 13th sign jdbsjdbdj but also in Sagittarius)
Pronouns: she/her!
Favorite tv show: currently it's Boku No Hero Academia but I think of all time that's gonna be. Kim Possible
Hair color: brown : 0c
Do you have a crush on someone: nope!
What do you like about yourself: I think I'm a pretty good leader type,,, I'm really good at getting the most out of whatever experience I'm in, and my art has been improving lately! I think I can get a Andre on new materials fairly easily and my construction uhh in. general is pretty solid. I have a good hand/feel for whatever I'm working with
First surgery: hasn't happened yet!
First piercing: nope ain't nothin gonna pierce me
First sport you joined: I think it was softball when I lived in Maine?
First vacation: probably was up to Pennsylvania over the summer as a kid!
First pair of sneakers: I'm one f those Sketcher's girls
Eating: currently nothin but the last thing I ate was. jesus uhhh I think some caramel corn in the movie theater 
Drinking: nothin! Again, last night some OJ before bed
I’m about to: get up and start the daily grind Saturday Edition™
Listening to: nothin! I guess tho the sound of my mom snorin in the other room and my cat purring really loud while she pulls my hair over my pillow
Want kids: no and pregnancies really creep me out I think they're uhhh A Squick
Get married: nah prolly not! don't wanna commit to a relationship like that cuz if it goes sour what the hell you gonna do other than lose half your money, heartbreak, and anxiety
Career: I think the more immediate answer is that I'd like to have a show running in tv ala Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, etc, but dream job and big goal? I wanna be a character designer for nintendo. specifically zelda stuff

Lips or eyes: eyes? I'm not a Romantic person but in drawing I like eyes better than mouths. I think? if it was mouths it might be a tough choice but it says lips. 
Hugs or kisses: hugs, again
Shorter or taller: I'd rather be taller!
Older or younger: younger folks make a lot of necessary mistakes but I think this is a question about dating and I'd rather date someone a little older who's already made those mistakes
Romantic or spontaneous: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Sensitive or loud: I listen I music pretty loud in my car but otherwise I'm pretty sensitive to loud noise
Hook up or relationship: ?????
Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker. I don't make trouble really but I'm certainly not hesitant 
Kissed a stranger: nope
Drank hard liquor: nuh uh Lost glasses/contacts: don't wear em!
Sex on first date: what first date
Broken someone’s heart: probably!
Been arrested: not me!
Turned someone down: yes. 
Fallen for a friend: not sure! 
In yourself: yes ^^ I can't afford not to if I wanna get to my goal!
Miracles: they can happen! but it's not like "gods will" or whatever just crazy coincidence that happens to benefit one person
Love at first sight: it's lust at first sight. how the hell can you love who someone is by looking at them. it's lust
Heaven: I think this is a concept people have come up with for millenia bc the idea of just Leaving and not existing anymore is too scary 
Santa Claus: I used to! ahhh good times
I tag @phantomtype @lyzardy @pennydreadfuljournal @trickortreatryo @lyesander !!!
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