#I GUESS.jpg
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would you love me more if i killed someone for you?
(couldn't help but color the w!master and gill! doctor sketch immediately. it's 2 am now oh god)
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domirine · 1 year
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yeein their haws dangerously close to a campfire
full spice on my patreon
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juleskelleybooks · 7 months
Jumping on the Black Friday / Small Business Saturday / Cyber Monday train (with some extra days thrown in because sometimes your paycheck hasn't come in yet, you know??).
Check your favorite online retailer, the e-books of these two titles are on sale for $0.99! [Some retailers may take longer for the sale to show as active than others, so please check back if yours isn't showing it yet.]
WELCOME TO THE SHOW is a polyamorous romance about a celebrity couple in an open relationship who finds a third they want to keep, and their struggles to make that work with their own mental health and the weird tightrope of having careers as openly queer entertainers. Set in 2012 because I originally wrote it in 2012 and it needed some of the trappings of the time to make it work. High heat; if you like on-page sex scenes, this one's for you.
STARS STILL FALL is a Southern Gothic style novella about Lilly, a young woman in rural Alabama in 1995 who is dealing with long-term PTSD after the death of her family in a car wreck that only she survived. She's taken refuge with her late brother's best friend, but the stability of her existence is threatened when his infamous ex-girlfriend, Jolene, comes back to town. But all is not well in Jolene's life, either, and she and Lilly find an unexpected bond in helping each other survive. Heat level: Very low. No on-page sex, a couple of vague references and one kiss.
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thegeminisage · 5 months
i don't know what the hell i spent so much time taking drugs for when i can get nearly the same effect with sleep deprivation
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wildwood-faun · 2 years
Laid up in bed, frothing at the mouth because I can neither sew nor tidy up in preparation for sewing 😠
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imreszekeres · 2 years
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Im not in the fandom any more so I can only imagine the plague = covid joke has been done to dust but i thought this was funny ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you get no context.
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thankskathrynobvious01 · 11 months
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the more i analyze the type of people i am attracted to (including like fictional characters) the more i realize i have a Type (or multiple Types) and i feel sooo called out every time i say i like someone and people are like 'yeah that makes sense'
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4th-make-quail · 13 days
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cooking up a lil somethin-somethin >:3c (Cid improvements to come cos i found stubble mod and some slightly improved highlander faces, and also better glam, but ahhHHHHHH)
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salemruinseverything · 2 months
literally this morning i was gonna put my patrick keychain on my jeans but then i saw pete sitting next to him and was like "no.... i have to keep them together." and now im hearing they did what
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nygleskas · 6 months
me if i was in succession and slayed idk (technically lost all my whimsy [jean jacket with 20 buttons and patches and also black/pink hair] but that's fitting for corporate america)
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ofhouseadama · 2 years
my therapist has nerfed me and is the first person to ever explain to me the mechanics of enmeshment and ptsd in the brain and WHY "lack of identity/lacking a sense of self" are prominent symptoms and how to actually go about developing my own sense of self and identity and i! don't! like! it!
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marmotsomsierost · 3 months
As much as i am not used to my notifications being this notification-y, i do find it entertaining that there is a small but not infrequent population tagging Quentin from the Magicians series. I've never read the books, though i watched the first couple of seasons. I have Questions, because i do not remember Magicians!Quentin being that beleagured by blood. I also kind of want to read whatever happens when Magicians!Quentin gets thrown into A Situation alongside TobyDaye!Quentin.
I feel like that would be highly entertaining.
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virgoevenus · 10 months
no bc why do jason and my mom share birthdays
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merrymorningofmay · 2 years
wait is hob gadling being a history prof a hivemind headcanon or was it in the comics somewhere bc that’d be extremely funny, like
hob gadling frantically looking for peer reviewed sources to confirm something he’d experienced was real and finding none, all his vast first hand knowledge rendered completely useless
hob gadling eventually beginning to doubt this or that thing actually happened, like that one cartoon you saw a snippet of on TV when you were 7 and now you can’t find evidence of its existence anywhere for the life of you
hob gadling learning new things about the eras he’d lived through bc he had limited access to information back then and now he reads about some fact or event and feels that the Vibe is off but he can’t actually tell for sure if it’s fake so he just goes “I GUESS.jpg”
hob gadling gaslighted and driven mad by the academia
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vi0lentquiche · 3 months
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