#Honourable Minister of Defence
saynaija · 1 month
Nigeria Strengthens Bilateral Cooperation With The United States Department of Defence
Nigeria Strengthens Bilateral Cooperation With The United States Department of Defence The Honourable Minister of State for Defence, Dr. Bello Muhammed Matawalle MON, hosted a delegation from the United States Department of Defence for African Affairs in his office at the Ministry of Defence in Abuja. The delegation led by Assistant Secretary Mrs. Jennifer Zakriski, engaged in constructive…
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floodkiss · 7 months
Say "NO" to Genocide - Call, email, mail your reps (Canada)
Me and my friend spent some time today writing letters to the House of Commons, plus we have been calling MPs daily. I haven't seen too many resources for this floating around on tumblr, so here's a lengthy guide on how to do this plus some sample scripts! Long post ahead since I think it will be most helpful to dump everything in one spot to reference. On desktop, use CTR F/CMD F to search for the topic -> Phone / Email / Letter Mail / Contacts / Demands / Scripts / Fax
Update 1 - Nov 23: Updated emails with "mailto" hyperlinks, edited demands, added fax section, added scotiabank pres fax number.
On the PHONE / General Tips
Introduce yourself and identify yourself as a constituent by providing your postal code or address.
Ask to speak to the MP directly, but do not be surprised if you must speak to the MP’s staff instead. Staff can help move your issue forward.
Give the reason for your call and explain your concern.
Focus on one or two main concerns per phone call. Do not unload on the MP or their staff with all of your political concerns at one time.
Ask clear and pointed questions that require some explanation.
Ask for a commitment to action.
KEEP IN MIND Tips for Calling MPs:
Tell the MP that this issue will matter to you in the next election.
Avoid revealing party affiliation or sympathies. If you show that your vote is already cast for a certain party, the MP may not have the incentive to respond to your requests.
Be as brief as possible while outlining concerns.  Show that you respect their time.
Remain calm and respectful in dialogue. Be willing to work with them.
Follow up: Find out what actions were taken as a result of your call, and respond appropriately.
(Source: CPJ.ca)
CJPME Call Tool - Fill in the form, there will be suggested talking point. The tool will call your phone and then patch you through to your MP. If voicemail, state your concerns in 30 seconds. No address input will default you to call Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly.
Be sure you sign your email with your name and mailing address so they know you are a part of their riding.
You will most likely receive a PR-type response or no response at all, but please still send these. It disrupts operations, and it still contributes to pressuring your MP to act on behalf of your riding.
Mail may be sent postage-free to any member of Parliament at the House of Commons address. You just need to use an MP's full title if they are Cabinet members. Cabinet mebers have "The Honourable" attached to their names.
Postcards are efficient in that they are small pieces of card stock and can be a short message plus demands, no need to get use envelopes.
The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Find your MP - ourcommons.ca - Contact the MP of your riding, any of the contacts below, as well as any cabinet members in your city or province.
Prime Minister (613) 992-4211 / [email protected] *FAX: 613-941-6900 /*If faxes are closed at the House of Commons line, try their local offices! (See below under "FAX" for fax guide!)
Deputy Prime Minister - Chrystia Freeland (613) 992-5254 / [email protected] FAX: 416-928-2377
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Mélanie Joly (613) 992-0983 / [email protected] FAX: 613-992-1932
Minister of International Development - Ahmed Hussein (613) 995-0777 / [email protected] FAX: 613-995-0777
Minister of National Defence - Bill Blair (416) 261-8613 / [email protected] FAX: 416-261-5286
Canada-Israel Interparliamentary Group (CAIL) Stéphane Bergeron (*he's not a chair or vice chair of this group, but i want to warn that stephane WILL argue with you, so call after hours if you are scared of confrontation 😭☠️) (450) 922-2562 / [email protected] Anthony House-father (Chair) (514) 283-0171 / [email protected] Randall Garrison (VC) (250) 405-6550 / [email protected] Marty Morantz (VC) (204) 984-6432 / [email protected] The Honourable Ya’ara Saks (VC) (416) 638-3700 / [email protected]
Embassy of Israel (613)567-6450 / FAX: 613-750-7555
Summarized from resistance groups such as H/mas, H/zbollah, PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), DFLP (Marxist Democratic Front got the Liberation of Palestine), CJPME (Canadians for justice and peace in the middle east), and other anti-war, anti-imperialist, IRL Palestinians.
Canada needs to...
Call an immediate PERMANENT ceasefire to end bloodshed
Send humanitarian aid to Gaza.
Institute embargo on all military exports to Israel
Close the embassies, and sanction Israel diplomatically and economically.
Use these as scripts for calling, emailing, and mailing. I suggest adding some of your own sentences and changing the subject lines (for email) so they don't end up in spam.
Example from Canada: Stop Arming Israel - World BEYOND War 
As we mourn the thousands of people in Israel and Palestine who have been killed in the past few weeks we refuse to stand by and allow the only true winners in war — the weapons manufacturers — to continue to arm and profit off of it.
Canada exported over $21 million in military goods to Israel in 2022, including over $3 million in bombs, torpedoes, missiles, and other explosives. - 2022 Exports of Military Goods 
Weapons companies across Canada are making a fortune off of the carnage in Gaza and the occupation of Palestine.
This is a call to action. It's time to stop letting these weapons companies profit off of the massacre of thousands of Palestinians. Find a location near you, get friends and allies together, and interrupt their business as usual to demand they stop selling arms and military technology to Israel.
Send an urgent message to demand Canada stop arming Israel and push for an immediate ceasefire to your Member of Parliament, the Prime Minister, and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, and Defense.
Dear [recipient's full name goes here], We are witnessing genocidal violence playing out in Gaza right now. Thousands of Palestinians have been killed, nearly half of them children. With a blockade on water, electricity, fuel and food, a quarter of all buildings razed to the ground, and over a million people displaced, UN experts have denounced Israel's actions as crimes against humanity. Meanwhile, weapons companies across Canada are arming -- and making a fortune off of -- the carnage in Gaza and the massacre of thousands of Palestinians by selling weapons and military technology to Israel. I am calling on you to do two things: to take immediate action to institute an arms embargo on Israel and to ensure Canada pushes for de-escalation and a ceasefire in Gaza. Sincerely,
Script Sample 2 from Palestinian Youth Movement
^This will open up a pre-written email in your chosen email app or site. Fill in the recipient line with the emails of MPs you wish to contact.
Script Sample 3 from CJPME's Email Campaign
^Complete the form to send an email to Prime Minister Trudeau, your local MP, and the leaders of the NDP, Convervatives and Greens. Canada must OPPOSE A SECOND NAKBA and dispossession of the Palestinians in Gaza by pushing for a ceasefire.
Script Sample 3 for mail:
(a mix of mine and a friend's)
I am writing to ask you to take immediate action to stop the genocide Israel is committing against Palestinians in Gaza as well as the onslaught of those in West Bank.
There is blockade on food, water, electricity, fuel, and the use of internationally banned white phosphorus to exterminate Palestinians. Aid is not able to enter Gaza because of this blockade. UN experts have named Israel’s actions as genocide citing numerous war crimes they continually commit.
While over 10k civilians have been martyr’d (4.2k of which are children), Canada has not even been able to NAME such crimes as genocide or call for an official ceasefire. This is not enough.
Canada needs to:
Call an immediate ceasefire to end bloodshed
Send humanitarian aid to Gaza.
Institute embargo on all military exports to Israel
Close the embassies, and sanction Israel diplomatically and economically.
Using faxzero.com is simple, just follow up the steps on the website. No fax machine required! Tell officials your demands and customize your letter by noting their complicity based on their role as a politician or gov official. Or keep it brief and simple, in large legible letters. 
Demands could include:
That you are a “Canadian” constituent That you are demanding an IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT CEASEFIRE IN GAZA; That you demand a total withdrawal of financial (taxpayer) and commercial support and arms for continued occupation in Israel’s 70+ year occupation in Palestine; That it is shameful that [X] is choosing not to speak up for the deaths of more than 11,000 Palestinians, half of whom are children and thousands of others displaced; That Palestinians like all people, deserve life, dignity and justice; That Israel is breaking multiple international laws daily and Canada MUST meet its international commitment to promote and defend human rights under the Geneva Convention; That not putting these actions in place will harm constituents and undo acts of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and other marginalized communities in Canada by not protecting the Indigenous peoples of Palestine; That unless there is concrete and everlasting action taken place, that there will be no peace until Palestine is free, and subsequently that you will not be voting for them (if applicable) in the next election.
Sign off with your name, address and postal code (if applicable, furthering that you are a resident on the stolen Indigenous lands otherwise known as “Canada”) Extended fax list: Scott thomson (president of scotiabank) - 416-866-5929 joe biden / whitehouse - 202-456-2461
(source: @/harlo.gif on IG)
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
Burkina Faso's transitional government decided on Wednesday to elevate former president and father of the Burkinabe revolution Thomas Sankara, killed on 15 October 1987 in a putsch, to the rank of "hero of the nation". "The Council (of Ministers) adopted a decree recognising the late Captain Isidore Thomas Noël Sankara as a hero of the nation", the minutes said, transmitted to AFP. "The consecration of the status of hero of the nation" to Thomas Sankara "aims to perpetuate the cardinal values on which the Republic is founded", the government explained.[...]
The status of "hero of the nation" was created in June 2022 to honour people who have distinguished themselves by their "exceptional bravery in the defence of a national cause", or their "exceptional and honourable prowess for the nation". After Mr Sankara's death, Blaise Compaoré remained in power until a popular uprising led to his downfall in 2014. In April 2022, after a six-month trial, the military court in Ouagadougou sentenced Mr Compaoré, who lives in Côte d'Ivoire, in absentia to life imprisonment for his role in the assassination of Thomas Sankara. [...]
A "national and international ceremony to pay tribute to the victims will be organised on 15 October 2023 to honour their memory", according to the government. The transitional president, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, has regularly paid tribute to Thomas Sankara since coming to power in a coup on 30 September 2022.
5 Oct 23
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ititledit · 5 months
"Five years ago, after graduating from the University of Lincoln, Grace set out on a year-long solo backpacking adventure across the world.
After a six-week tour of Peru, she arrived in New Zealand. Less than a fortnight later, on the eve of her 22nd birthday, she was strangled to death by a man she met on a dating app.
During a three-week trial, the family had to sit through her killer's attempts to pass the murder off as "rough sex" gone wrong and his claims that Grace asked to be strangled.
"I felt like Grace was on trial and she couldn't defend herself. As a parent, I didn't want to listen to that. It was horrendous.
"You can't ask for your own death. It is ludicrous this can be used as a defence."
Gillian has since campaigned against the rough sex defence, with the charity We Can't Consent To This, and has helped to change the law in England and Wales.
Christmas is a very difficult time for Gillian, so last year she decided to spend it climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, which was "incredibly emotional".
Her efforts raised £33,000 for the White Ribbon charity, which aims to end male violence against women. Gillian received a thank you card from the charity, saying the money had been used to fund education programmes in 65 schools in the Hull area.
"I just want to raise awareness and get that message out there about violence against women so that no other family has to live this life I live," Gillian says.
Four years ago, with her niece Hannah, Gillian started the charity initiative Love Grace. They collect donated handbags and fill them with toiletries for domestic abuse victims.
So far, they have filled 15,600 bags for women in the UK and across the world and they received an award from the prime minister.
Grace loved handbags, Gillian says, and each bag has a tag on it with her handwriting.
"It's a simple idea but it has really taken off," Gillian says. "We were just doing it for our grief so that Grace would never just be a number.
"I should never have buried my child and certainly she should never have died the way she did. People keep saying I'm really strong but I don't think so, I'm just a mum."
"I will never get over it but I just know I've got to make the world a better place. I want to change things so that no other family has to go through what we go through. That has got to be a good thing."
This holiday period please give generously to women in need.
Love Grace -
White ribbon -
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scrapironflotilla · 10 months
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I have written a letter to the Turkish commander, who will come in when we go, asking him to take special steps to preserve the graves of our men. I hope that this will be effectual, and feel sure that it will, as they have behaved most honourably so far, during the eight months that we have been fighting them, and will not, I think, do anything to desecrate our soldiers' last resting places.
Major-General Godley writing to the NZ Minister of Defence, James Allen about the evacuation of Gallipoli and his view of his Ottoman opponents.
Six months later Godley still held this view, writing to Hiram Bingham (the guy who "discovered" Machu Picchu).
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There is no doubt that the Bosches have excelled themselves in barbarism, and it is a curious thing that fighting them both, our experience should be that the Turk is a gentleman, while the Hun is quite outside the pale. Both on the Gallipoli Peninsula, in Mesopotamia, and everywhere we have found the Turk fighting most fairly, and in every way respecting the usage and customs of war. In Mesopotamia the other day one of our generals told a friend of mine that nothing would induce them to use gas, or to resort to many of the Boches’ methods.
It always interests me the way the British elite, and Godley is firmly in that elite, view German actions as something so far beyond acceptable, entirely because it's being done to Europeans, or more accurately, white Europeans. Nothing that the Germans did in 1914 was very different the British, French, Belgians or Dutch were doing in their colonies, so it's not hard to see what the important difference is.
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scotianostra · 2 months
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31st March 1652 saw the Honours of Scotland saved from Cromwell's forces at Dunnottar Castle.
In 1651, during Cromwell’s occupation of Scotland after his victory at Dunbar in 1650, our crown jewels The Honours of Scotland were spirited from there and used at the coronation at Scone of Charles II as King of Scots. From there they were taken for safekeeping to Dunnottar Castle. It was on March 31st when Cromwell’s troops laid siege to the castle this story happened.
The Honours of Scotland were made up of the crown, the sceptre, and the sword of state. The gold crown, decorated with gems and pearls, was made from Scottish gold, and the sceptre was a gift from Pope Alexander VI to James IV, while the sword was also a papal gift to James IV, presented by Pope Julius II. The regalia were used for the coronation of Scottish monarchs from Mary Queen of Scots in 1543 until Charles II in 1651.
The story began in 1651, following the crowning of Charles II at Scone, in Perthshire. 38 kings of Scots had been inaugurated and crowned at Scone, on top of Moot Hill, but Charles II was to be the last. Oliver Cromwell’s army by this time were marching through the Lothians, near Edinburgh, and were intent on capturing the crown jewels and destroying them, just as they had done to the English crown jewels.
The Honours and some Royal papers were brought to Dunnottar Castle for safe keeping by Katherine Drummond, hidden in sacks of wool. Sir George Ogilvie of Barras was appointed lieutenant-governor of the castle, and given responsibility for its defence. By November 1651, they were being besieged by Cromwell’s army and it was obvious to the small garrison that the castle would be captured sooner or later.
Elizabeth Douglas, wife of Sir George Ogilvie, and Christian Fletcher, wife of James Granger, minister of Kinneff Parish Church hatched a plan that saved the royal regalia. Firstly, the king's papers were removed from the castle by Anne Lindsay, a kinswoman of Elizabeth Douglas, who walked through the besieging force with the papers sewn into her clothes. Then over the course of three visits to the castle, Christian Fletcher carried away the crown, sceptre, sword and sword-case hidden amongst sacks of goods. Fletcher and her husband then buried them under the floor of Kinneff Parish Church.
For eight years the Honours were kept at the church in secret, with Cromwell scouring the country and believing the rumours that the jewels may have been smuggled abroad. Once every three months the Regalia were dug up at night to be aired before a fire and preserved from damp and injury. Wrapped in fresh cloths, they were buried again.
At last, during the Restoration of Charles II in 1660, the honours were removed from Kinneff Church and returned to the king. Christian Fletcher was awarded 2,000 merks by Parliament as a reward for saving the Honours. Parliament noted that the award was “because she was most active in conveying the royal honours…out of the castle…and that by her care the same was hid and preserved.” However, the sum was never paid!
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
Roles to be performed at the Coronation Service at Westminster Abbey
Buckingham Palace is pleased to announce further details on the Ceremonial roles to be performed by individuals in the Coronation Service at Westminster Abbey.
The Ceremonial roles include bearing the Regalia in the Procession and presenting the items to Their Majesties. Those undertaking these historic roles in the Service have been chosen to recognise, thank and represent the Nation due to their significant service, and include representatives from Orders of Chivalry, the military and wider public life.
The first processions into Westminster Abbey will be made up of Faith Leaders and Faith Representatives followed shortly afterwards by representatives from His Majesty’s Realms. Flags of each Realm will be carried by national representatives accompanied by the Governors General and Prime Ministers. Bearing the Flag of the United Kingdom ahead of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Mrs Akshata Murty will be Cadet Warrant Officer Elliott Tyson-Lee, who said: “It is a great and incredible honour to be a part of Their Majesties’ Coronation Service as a representative of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets."
This will be followed by The Procession of The King and The Queen which will be led by the Marquess of Anglesey, the Duke of Westminster, the Earl of Caledon and the Earl of Dundee who will carry the Standards of the Quarterings of the Royal Arms and Standard of the Principality of Wales. Francis Dymoke will carry The Royal Standard.
Mr Dymoke’s claim to undertake a historic role in the Coronation was upheld by the Coronation Claims Office. The title of King or Queen’s Champion has been held by the Dymoke family since the Middle Ages. The King’s Champion would previously ride on horseback into the Coronation Banquet and challenge any who doubted the right of The King or Queen to the throne. There has not been a Coronation Banquet since that held by King George IV in 1821 so the Champion has instead undertaken a different role since, usually bearing a flag or Standard.
Also taking part in the procession will be Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Chief of the Defence Staff, acting as Lord High Constable of England, an office held for the day only. Traditionally the Lord High Constable is a Great Officer of State and has historically been connected to the military. He will take part alongside the Earl Marshal, the Duke of Norfolk.
The Earl of Erroll will act as Lord High Constable of Scotland. Similar to that of Lord High Constable of England, this role has historically been connected to the military and the Earldom of Erroll through a Coronation claim. The Earl of Crawford and Balcarres will act as Deputy to the Great Steward of Scotland, HRH The Prince of Wales.
The following will then process to the altar carrying Her Majesty’s Regalia:
Baroness (Helena) Kennedy of The Shaws – Carrying The Queen Consort's Rod
General Sir Patrick Sanders – Carrying The Queen Consort's Sceptre
The Duke of Wellington – Carrying Queen Mary’s Crown
The Rt. Reverend and Rt. Hon the Lord Chartres– Carrying The Queen Consort's Ring
Lord Chartres said: “The ceremonies of the Coronation are ancient but they have been freshly interpreted for our contemporary world.”
The following will then process to the altar carrying His Majesty’s Regalia:
General Sir Gordon Messenger, the Governor of HM Tower of London – Carrying St Edward’s Crown as Lord High Steward of England
Baroness (Elizabeth) Manningham-Buller LG – Carrying St Edward's Staff
The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry KT – Carrying the Sceptre with Cross
Baroness (Floella) Benjamin OM – Carrying the Sceptre with the Dove
Dame Elizabeth Anionwu OM – Carrying the Orb
The Keeper of the Jewel House, Brigadier Andrew Jackson – Carrying The Sovereign’s Ring
Petty Officer Amy Taylor – Carrying the Sword of Offering
Lord Hastings and The Earl of Loudoun – Carrying the Spurs
Lord President of the Council, Penny Mordaunt – Carrying the Sword of State in The King’s Procession
Air Chief Marshal the Lord Peach – Carrying the Sword of Mercy (The Curtana)
General the Lord Richards of Herstmonceux – Carrying the Sword of Spiritual Justice
General the Lord Houghton of Richmond – Carrying the Sword of Temporal Justice
General Sir Gordon Messenger, the Lord High Steward of England, (also an office held for the day only) is the most senior Great Officer of State for the Coronation, in order to bear the St Edward’s Crown into the Abbey, the most significant item of Regalia. On carrying St Edward’s Crown, General Sir Gordon Messenger said: “It is a huge and unique honour to be appointed Lord High Steward for His Majesty’s Coronation. To be playing a key role on such an important and historic occasion is a source of great pride to me, my family, the Royal Marines, and the Tower of London community.”
Petty Officer Amy Taylor will be the first woman to bear the Jewelled Sword of Offering into the Abbey. She has been selected to represent Service men and women, as a Royal Navy Petty Officer, a tribute to His Majesty’s military career. She said: "Having served most of my senior career as an Aircraft Engineer on 845 Naval Air Squadron at RNAS Yeovilton where His Majesty originally trained and served as a pilot, I am deeply honoured and humbled to play my part in this historic event. Coming from a farming family His Majesty has always been such a great advocate for our community and someone I have admired growing up."
Baroness Benjamin and Dame Elizabeth Anionwu are amongst recent appointees to the Order of Merit, the final members to be chosen for the Order by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Baroness Benjamin said: “I feel honoured and privileged to be part of the historic Coronation ceremony. To be selected to carry the Sovereign’s Sceptre with Dove, which represents spirituality, equity and mercy, is for me very symbolic as it’s everything I stand for and sends out a clear message that diversity and inclusion is being embraced."
Participating in the act of Recognition of His Majesty whereby His Majesty will be presented to the Congregation at the start of the Service will be:
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Baroness (Valerie) Amos LG, Lady Elish Angiolini LT, and Christopher Finney GC, Chair of the Victoria Cross and George Cross Association.
During the Coronation Service the Regalia will be presented to Their Majesties. Those presenting have been chosen on the advice of Government. Those presenting Regalia to His Majesty will be:
The Lord Carrington, Lord Great Chamberlain – Presenting the Spurs
The Lord (Syed) Kamall – Presenting the Armills
Baroness (Gillian) Merron – Presenting the Robe Royal
The Most Reverend John McDowell, the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh – Presenting the Orb
Lord (Narendra) Patel KT – Presenting the Ring
Lord (Indarjit) Singh of Wimbledon – Presenting the Coronation Glove
The Most Reverend Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross and Caithness, and Episcopal Primus of Scotland – Presenting the Sceptre with Cross
The Most Reverend Andrew John, the Archbishop of Wales – Presenting the Sceptre with Dove
The Archbishop of Canterbury – Performing the crowning with St Edward’s Crown
Those presenting Regalia to Her Majesty will be:
The Rt. Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin CD, The Bishop of Dover – Presenting The Queen Consort's Rod
The Rt. Reverend and Rt Hon. Lord Chartres – Presenting The Queen Consort's Sceptre with Cross
Brigadier Andrew Jackson, The Keeper of the Jewel House at HM Tower of London – Presenting The Queen Consort's Ring
The Archbishop of Canterbury – Performing the crowning with Queen Mary’s Crown
On presenting Regalia to Her Majesty, The Bishop of Dover said: “I am surprised, excited and honoured to have been asked to play a part in this historic once in a lifetime occasion. As I make my presentation, both Their Majesties will remain in my prayers as they seek to serve the nation and the Commonwealth.”
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harryandmeghansussex · 9 months
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"It was great for us to be joined by Bill Nelson, NASA Administrator, Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the United States Navy and the Honourable Minister of Defence Nigeria - Alhaji Mohammed Abubakar Badaru. It's humbling to have such wonderful people in the Invictus community."
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kingwilliamv · 6 months
The Prince of Wales’ Court Circular entries for November 2023
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Total: 39 engagements
Public: 13
Private: 15
Joint (w/ Kate and other BRF members):
Public: 9
Private: 2
November 1: (2)
Held an Investiture at Windsor Castle this morning
Received Ms Fara Williams (Advocate, “Homewards” Programme)
November 2: (3)
Visited Outfit Moray, Burghead Primary School, Grant Street, Burghead
Visited Brodieshill Farm, Forres
Visited Day1 at Inverness Kart Raceway, Sir Walter Scott Drive, Inverness
November 5: Attended a Welcome to Singapore at the Jewel, Singapore Changi Airport and was received by the Hon Mrs Sim Ann (Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs)
November 6: (4)
Visited PAssion WaVe@Marina Bay, 11 Rhu Cross
Received by The President of the Republic of Singapore at the Istana
Called upon the Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore at the Istana
Attended the United for Wildlife Global Summit at the Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay, Marina Gardens Drive
November 7: (5)
Held a Meeting with Finalists of the 2023 Earthshot Prize Awards at Gardens by the Bay, Marina Gardens Drive
Attended a Founding Partners’ Lunch at Eden Hall, Nassim Road
Visited EcoLabs at Nanyang Technological University, Cleantech Loop
Attended the Earthshot Prize Awards at the Theatre at Mediacorp, One- North Avenue
Attended an Earthshot Prize Thank You Reception at the Theatre at Mediacorp
November 8: (5)
Visited TreeTop Walk, Central Catchment Nature Reserve
Attended the Earthshot+ Summit at Park Royal Pickering, Upper Pickering Street
Visited the Centre for Wildlife Forensics
Attended a Meeting with United Kingdom Defence Advisers at the British High Commission
Attended a Reception for the Earthshot Prize given by Conservation International at Spago, Bayfront Avenue
November 11: Attended the Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall
November 12: Laid a wreath at the Cenotaph on the occasion of Remembrance Day
November 13: (2)
Received Lieutenant General Ian Cave (Colonel, The Mercian Regiment) and Brigadier Peter Dennis (Secretary) at Windsor Castle
Attended the Funeral of Sir Robert Charlton (English professional footballer) which was held in Manchester Cathedral
November 16: (2)
Visited the Hideaway Youth Project, the Armani Centre, Shoreham Close, Manchester
Met members of the local community and volunteers from Keeping It Real at Moss Side Millennium Powerhouse, 140 Raby Street, Moss Side, Manchester
November 21: (3)
Welcomed The President and First Lady of the Republic of Korea on behalf of The King at the Four Seasons Hotel, 10 Trinity Square, London EC3
Attended the Ceremonial Welcome for The President and Mrs Kim of the Republic of Korea at Horse Guards Parade
Attended a State Banquet this evening in honour of The President of the Republic of Korea and Mrs Kim Keon Hee
November 22: Held a Reception at Windsor Castle
November 23: (2)
Received Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown and Prince Radu of Romania at Windsor Castle
Visited The Mercian Regiment on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire
November 24: Received The Crown Prince of the Sultanate of Oman at Windsor Castle
November 27: (2)
Held an Investiture at Buckingham Palace
Attended the Tusk Conservation Awards at the Savoy, the Strand, London WC2
November 28: (2)
Received Lieutenant Colonel Guy Bartle-Jones (Regimental Adjutant, Welsh Guards) at Windsor Castle
Received submariners at Windsor Castle
November 30: (2)
Received The Crown Princess of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden at Windsor Castle
Attended the Royal Variety Performance in aid of the Royal Variety Charity at the Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Gore, London SW7
Current total for 2023: 178 engagements
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ukrainenews · 1 year
Daily Wrap Up April 13-17, 2023
Under the cut:
Poland has reached an agreement on restarting transit of Ukrainian grains through its territory as of Friday, Polish Agriculture Minister Robert Telus said on Tuesday, adding transits would be monitored and sealed.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy visited troops in the small eastern city of Avdiivka on Tuesday, thanked them for their service and was briefed by commanders on the battlefield situation, his office said.
Germany has delivered a Patriot air defense system and missiles for it to Ukraine, according to the German government’s weekly update. In addition, Berlin has reportedly handed over 16 Zetros trucks and two border protection vehicles.
Russia shelled the village of Richky in Ukraine’s northeastern Sumy Oblast on April 18, killing an 83-year-old woman, Prosecutor General’s Office reported.
Poland has reached an agreement on restarting transit of Ukrainian grains through its territory as of Friday, Polish Agriculture Minister Robert Telus said on Tuesday, adding transits would be monitored and sealed.
Poland's Development Minister Waldemar Buda added a ban on imports of Ukrainian food products to Poland would remain in place.
Pressure has been mounting on Brussels to work out a European Union-wide solution after Warsaw and Budapest announced bans on some imports from Ukraine at the weekend, with other countries in eastern Europe saying they are also considering action.
Farmers say cheap imports from Ukraine, which has faced difficulties exporting by sea due to Russia's invasion, have lowered prices and reduced their sales.
In Poland, the issue has created a problem in an election year for the ruling nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party that relies on rural areas for much of its support.
Ukraine had said its priority was to reopen transit through Poland.
"We managed to create such mechanisms that will ensure that not a single ton of grain will remain in Poland," Telus told journalists after two days of talks in Warsaw.
-via Reuters
~ Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy visited troops in the small eastern city of Avdiivka on Tuesday, thanked them for their service and was briefed by commanders on the battlefield situation, his office said.
Avdiivka has been one of the main targets of a Russian winter offensive which was intended to reinvigorate Moscow's full-scale invasion, launched in February 2022, but has made only small territorial advances in the east.
Video footage released by Zelenskiy's office showed him addressing troops in combat gear and handing them awards in what appeared to be a large industrial warehouse with sandbags packed against at least one of the high walls.
"I have the honour to be here today, to thank you for your service, for defending our land, Ukraine, our families," he said. "I wish you only victory - this is what I wish for every Ukrainian, this is what is very important to all of us."
Zelenskiy also visited a hospital where he met wounded soldiers and handed out awards.
The video footage also showed heavily damaged high-rise residential buildings in Avdiivka, where officials say about 1,800 civilians remain.
Zelenskiy has visited troops several times in recent weeks before what is widely expected to be a Ukrainian counteroffensive.
The Kremlin said Russian President Vladimir Putin also met troops this week, during visits on Monday to Russian-occupied parts of the Kherson and Luhansk regions.
Zelenskiy was accompanied in Avdiivka by Andriy Yermak, the head of his office, who said Ukrainian troops were preventing Russia encircling the city.
He said fierce battles were under way elsewhere in the region, and that "successful defence" was key in these places.
"Our army has already broken the enemy's plans to break through the (Ukrainian) defences and advance in the east," Yermak said on the Telegram messaging app.
-via Reuters
Germany has delivered a Patriot air defense system and missiles for it to Ukraine, according to the German government’s weekly update.
In addition, Berlin has reportedly handed over 16 Zetros trucks and two border protection vehicles.
Germany promised to provide Ukraine with a Patriot battery in January following Washington’s commitment to send the American-made system. The Netherlands later joined the efforts.
The Patriot system is the most advanced air defense weapon in the U.S. arsenal that Kyiv has been long pleading for. One Patriot battery has four to eight launchers designed for four missiles each.
Patriots aim to significantly improve the defense of Ukrainian cities and critical infrastructure against regular Russian missile attacks.
Pentagon spokesperson Patrick Ryder said on March 30 that 65 Ukrainian soldiers had completed training on Patriot systems at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and returned to Europe.
-via Kyiv Independent
Russia shelled the village of Richky in Ukraine’s northeastern Sumy Oblast on April 18, killing an 83-year-old woman, Prosecutor General’s Office reported.
The Russian artillery troops fired at the village from Russia’s territory, hitting the woman’s house, according to the report.
Sumy Oblast is located at Ukraine’s northeastern border with Russia. It has been the target of daily Russian attacks across the border since parts of the oblast were liberated from Russian control in early April 2022.
On the same day, Russian forces also struck Donetsk Oblast’s town of Ukrainsk, injuring at least eight civilians, said Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko.
The Russian shelling of Ukrainsk damaged three high-rises and 18 pavilions of a local market, according to the oblast governor.
“Not a day goes by without Russian war crimes in the Donetsk region,” added Kyrylenko.
-via Kyiv Independent
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naturalrights-retard · 5 months
The war drums in Europe and in the Middle East are growing ever louder and it is clear that the imperial oligarchy desperately needs a big war to shore up their power base and to divert the anger of their populations against an external enemy. In Germany, where the largest protests in history are ongoing and even gaining in size, we suddenly have a leak of secret documents out of the German Defence Ministry that suggest that Vladimir Putin is preparing to attack NATO countries in 2025 and show step-by-step how Russia will escalate the conflict to an all-out war over the next 18 months.
UK Defence Minister: the era of peace dividend is over!
Recognize the ghouls: the left eye always has a crazy expression.
On Monday, 15 January 2024, Britain’s Defence Minister, the “right and honourable” Grant Shapps posted a theatrical video on X, announcing that “we” must prepare for war:
“In 2024 Britain Stands at a turning point in our history. … The world’s become acutely dangerous. All around us, our enemies are preparing and we are just seeing the start of tragic consequences. From Ukraine to the Middle East, the South China Sea to North Korea, South America to Africa and new theatres from cyber to space warfare, all of which could have disastrous impact at home. How we respond will define our future. And the choice is clear: the era of peace dividend is over. And now, just like our enemies, we must plan and invest for an era of confrontation…”
Whenever they say, “we,” “our enemies,” etc - keep in mind, they mean themselves and the imperial cabal that employs them. They see the rest of us merely as indentured labor, tax donkeys and cannon fodder. But if there’s one comforting aspect to RtHon’s surreal announcement, it’s that after nearly 24 hours, his post only got 938 views. All the same, his words should not be taken lightly as they echo the mindset of the high cabal.
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wileys-russo · 10 months
Gonna go get maccas tomorrow in honour of our defence minister macca
it’s what the brick wall would want you to do 🫡
craving a maccas strawberry thickshake rn I can’t lie
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victorysp · 2 years
Programme for the State Visit from the Netherlands
The King and Queen of the Netherlands, Their Majesties King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima, will pay a State Visit to Sweden on 11–13 October 2022 at the invitation of His Majesty the King.
The visit will reaffirm and advance the excellent and long-standing relations between Sweden and the Netherlands dating back to the 1600s. The countries are working together to make Europe greener, more resilient and economically stronger. The State Visit will focus on issues such as green innovation, including the energy transition and life sciences, maritime relations and gender equality.
The ministers who will represent the Swedish Government will be announced closer to the date of the visit.
Tuesday 11 October
Arrival at Arlanda
Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel meet the King and Queen of the Netherlands on arrival in Sweden.
Official welcome ceremony
The King and Queen of Sweden meet the King and Queen of the Netherlands at the Royal Stables for a procession to the Royal Palace.
Royal Stables
At the official welcome ceremony in the Inner Courtyard of the Royal Palace, the Dutch King and the Swedish King inspect the Grenadier Guards of the Life Guards, and national anthems are played. The Dutch King and Queen are presented to representatives of the Riksdag and the Government, while the Swedish King and Queen greet the Dutch delegation. The general public is welcome to attend.
The Royal Palace
Following the welcoming ceremony, the Dutch King and the Swedish King give a press statement in Queen Lovisa Ulrika’s Dining Hall in the presence of the Dutch Queen and the Swedish Queen.
The King and Queen host a luncheon at the Royal Palace for their guests.
Accompanying ministers and representatives from the Dutch delegation attend a luncheon at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Meeting with the Speaker of the Riksdag
The King and Queen of the Netherlands are received by the Speaker of the Riksdag.
The Riksdag
Meeting with the Prime Minister
The Prime Minister receives the King and Queen of the Netherlands in Adelcrantz House.
Vasa Museum
The afternoon concludes with a visit to Vasa Museum, where a presentation of the Vasa will take place. The visit concludes with a ceremonial return of the bell from the man-of-war Princess Sophia Albertina, which sank off the coast of the Netherlands in 1781. The Netherlands and Sweden share a special relationship with the sea and maritime environments – harbours and shipping established the foundation for relations between the countries in a defence treaty concluded in 1614.
Vasa Museum
In the evening, the King and Queen of Sweden host a banquet at the Royal Palace in honour of their guests.
Wednesday 12 October
Roundtable discussion on business sector issues
The Swedish King and Queen and the Dutch King and Queen take part in a roundtable discussion highlighting issues related to building a sustainable, resilient and economically stronger Europe. The green energy transition, shifting supply chains and opportunities for strengthened cooperation. Participants in the roundtable discussion include government representatives and representatives of Dutch and Swedish business organisations and companies.
Luncheon at Stockholm City Hall
The Chair of Stockholm City Council and the Mayor of Stockholm host a luncheon at Stockholm City Hall. Attending the luncheon are the Swedish King and Queen, the Dutch King and Queen, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, and Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia, along with around 80 other guests.
Stockholm City Hall
Electrified boat trip
In the afternoon, the Swedish King and Queen and the Dutch King and Queen are given a demonstration of a Candela hydrofoil, an electric boat whose hull lifts above the surface of the water as it gathers speed. A Candela can run at high speeds and for a long time on battery power, thanks to its hydrofoil system that creates 80 per cent less water friction than a regular boat. This also provides a quiet boat tour while neither waves nor wind that affect the passengers. In 2023, Candela’s new ferry will become part of the clean public transport launched in cooperation with Region Stockholm.
Stockholm Exergi
The programme includes a visit to Stockholm Exergi in Värtahamnen port. Stockholm Exergi works to secure Region Stockholm’s access to heating, electricity, cooling and waste services. The district heating network is the hub for the social benefits that Stockholm Exergi creates together with its customers and partners. Today, more than 800 000 Stockholm residents and some 400 hospitals, computer halls and other private and public sector services are connected to the district heating network which, in turn, is connected to combined heat and power plants. The plants utilise residual heat and convert biofuels and the waste that no longer can or should be recycled into energy. Stockholm Exergi also plans to build Europe’s first large-scale plant for negative emissions. This is made possible with support from the EU Innovation Fund (EUR 180 million). Using bioenergy with carbon capture and storage technology, the plant will collect 800 000 tonnes of biogenic carbon dioxide each year. It will also contribute to Sweden’s and Swedish and international companies’ goal of achieving net zero emissions.
Stockholm Exergi
SciLifeLab – Science for Life Laboratory – is a Swedish national centre for large-scale research in life sciences, medicine and the environment. At SciLifeLab, high-tech analytical methods, management of large quantities of research data and interdisciplinary collaborations are interwoven to meet the societal challenges that lie ahead of us. SciLifeLab was launched in 2010 as a collaboration between Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University and Uppsala University. In 2013, SciLifeLab was designated a national research infrastructure that makes advance technology and expertise available to researchers from universities and colleges, industry and health and medical care throughout Sweden. Today, SciLifeLab supports research activities at all major Swedish universities. During their visit, the Swedish King and Queen and the Dutch King and Queen are given a presentation on these activities and deeper insight into how basic research on body cells and the technology that is needed to study them can be used to better diagnose patients to personalise health and medical care.
In the evening, the Dutch King and Queen host a concert for their Swedish hosts and invited guests, by the Tim Kliphuis Ensemble at Stockholm Concert Hall.
Thursday 13 October
Thursday’s programme takes place in Gothenburg.
Lindholmen Science Park
The day starts with a visit to Lindholmen Science Park, an international innovation cluster focused on mobility, AI, visualisation media and IT. One of Lindholmen Science Park’s primary objectives is to strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness through collaboration between the business sector, academia and society, both nationally and internationally. At Lindholmen Science Park, Chalmers University and the University of Gothenburg collaborate with high-technology industries and society on various development projects. Lindholmen is home to around 375 companies with 18 000 employees and 9 000 students, researchers, teachers and upper secondary pupils. During their visit, the Swedish King and Queen and the Dutch King and Queen are given a presentation on Lindholmen Science Park’s activities and meet staff and students from some of the innovation programmes.
Lindholmen Science Park
The County Governor of Västra Götaland County hosts a lunch at the residence.
Port of Gothenburg
Following lunch, the Swedish King and Queen and the Dutch King and Queen are given a presentation on the Port of Gothenburg’s efforts to drive developments towards greener shipping in the EU. The Port of Gothenburg is the largest port in the Nordic countries, with over 11 000 ship visits per year from over 140 destinations worldwide. In 2019, the Port of Gothenburg established the goal of achieving 70 per cent lower emissions by 2030. Some of the Port’s terminals are already fossil-free. During the visit, a memorandum of understanding is signed between the Port of Rotterdam and the Port of Gothenburg, focusing on digital development, electric tankers and establishment of a green corridor for methanol fuel. The concept of green corridors – routes for sustainable transport – was established in the Clydebank Declaration at COP26 in Glasgow, which was signed by both Sweden and the Netherlands.
Port of Gothenburg
AB Volvo
The Swedish King and Queen and the Dutch King and Queen visit the Volvo Group. They are given a presentation of Volvo Group’s green transition, which encompasses every aspect of operations, from production to the final product. The importance of collaboration with others to promote green development is also discussed. An example of this is the collaboration with SSAB/Hybrit that has resulted in delivery of the world’s first machine made of fossil-free steel to an end customer. The Volvo Group is one of the first companies in the world to have serial production of electric heavy goods vehicles to end customers. The visit concludes with a practical demonstration of electric lorries and excavators.
Farewell ceremony at Landvetter Airport
The State Visit concludes when the Swedish King and Queen bid farewell to the Dutch King and Queen at the farewell ceremony at Landvetter Airport.
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jordanianroyals · 2 years
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21 June 2022: King Abdullah II and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the deputy prime minister and minister of defence of Saudi Arabia, held talks, attended by Crown Prince Hussein.
At bilateral talks followed by expanded ones, attended by senior officials and officers on both sides, His Majesty and Crown Prince Mohammed expressed pride in the deep-rooted ties between the two countries and peoples, reaffirming keenness to expand them further.
The talks covered means to bolster economic cooperation and the sectors that the Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund can invest in. (Source: Petra)
The King noted the pivotal role of Saudi Arabia, led by King Salman, in supporting Arab and Muslim causes, bolstering joint Arab action, and working towards regional and global peace.
His Majesty reaffirmed Jordan’s full support for Saudi Arabia in countering any attacks, reiterating that Jordanian and Saudi security are one and the same.
The talks covered the latest regional and international developments, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause, and the importance of supporting the Palestinians in fulfilling their just and legitimate rights, as well as efforts to reach political solutions to regional crises.
For his part, the Saudi crown prince expressed appreciation of the warm welcome, stressing Saudi Arabia’s keenness to bolster ties with Jordan and maintain coordination on issues of mutual concern, in service of joint interests and regional causes.
Crown Prince Mohammed stressed the historic ties between the two countries, adding that cooperation continues across all sectors, with the goal of pushing towards a new phase of partnership.
The Saudi crown prince noted the major opportunities in Jordan, stressing his country’s keenness to invest in them, which would benefit the two countries.
At the conclusion of the talks, His Majesty bestowed Al Hussein bin Ali Medal on the Saudi crown prince, the highest civilian medal in Jordan awarded to heads of state and royalty, to highlight the deep-rooted ties between the two countries.
The King hosted a dinner in honour of the Saudi crown prince and the delegation, attended by senior officials.
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mariacallous · 1 year
In the next few weeks or months, US president Joe Biden is expected to announce that he will run for re-election in 2024. As his masterful State of the Union speech on 7 February showed, the second year of his presidency was markedly successful. It all adds up to a serious possibility that he will go down in history as a, or even the, pre-eminent global figure of the 2020s.
So it is easy to forget that Biden is, in many respects, a product of a different US. He was first elected to the US Senate in 1972, closer in time to the end of the Second World War than to 9/11 – let alone the present day. The majority of his career played out during the Cold War and immediate post-Cold War era, the period between the end of the Vietnam War and the start of the Afghanistan War, during which Europe was the primary focus of US foreign policy most of the time.
In 1979, for example, he met with the Soviet foreign minister, Andrei Gromyko, in Moscow to discuss the Salt II arms control treaty. In the 1990s he was an early voice for intervention in Bosnia and Kosovo (which he later described as one of his “proudest moments in public life”). In 1997 Biden championed Nato expansion while co-chair of the Senate’s Nato Observer Group. As a proud Irish-American, he lobbied Bill Clinton’s administration to invest major efforts in the Northern Ireland peace process.
Biden carried the Atlanticist instincts from the pre-9/11 era into the one that succeeded it. He helped keep the western Balkans on the US agenda at a time when it was dominated by the Middle East and Afghanistan. As Barack Obama’s vice-president he often served as the European anchor of an administration otherwise determined to “pivot” to Asia. It was Biden who led on relations with Ukraine during the 2014 Maidan revolution and the initial Russian invasion that same year.
When he took office as president in 2021 he phoned Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson before speaking to any leaders in the Indo-Pacific, despite the latter being a stated priority of his administration. He appointed Antony Blinken, a Europe expert, as his secretary of state and Mark Gitenstein, a close confidant since the 1970s, ambassador to the EU. Biden’s first foreign trip as president took him to Europe, and Macron received the honour of being invited to make the first state visit to Washington of Biden’s presidency. The US’s dominant role in supporting Ukraine should be seen as part of that same pattern.
The Ukraine war has also supplied ample evidence of Europeans getting comfortable with this restoration of a familiar relationship, after the traumas of the Trump presidency. They looked to the Americans to lead on military aid to Kyiv and even, in the case of German chancellor Olaf Scholz, insisted that the administration send US battle tanks as a condition of Berlin providing its own Leopard 2 tanks or allowing other Europeans to do so. When the Munich Security Conference gathers between 17 and 19 February, and when Biden travels to Europe this month, we will see more of the president acting as a munificent Uncle Sam, putting a protective arm around an old continent that is broadly satisfied with that arrangement.
All too satisfied, in fact. Biden’s transatlantic instincts constitute less the restoration of old certainties than the last hurrah of a past era. The president turned 80 in November. Younger generations of US leaders see the world differently. The most obvious example is the new isolationist streak in the Republican Party: a majority of GOP voters now oppose further support for Ukraine. But even among more orthodox Republicans there is a marked “prioritiser” tendency that believes in disengaging from Europe to concentrate on Asia. As Elbridge Colby, a former senior defence official, has put it: “The United States does not have the capacity to fight both… an exceptionally stressing war with China and another significant conflict, such as in Europe against Russia.”
Even among Democrats, the post-Biden age (whether it dawns in 2025 or 2029) will mark a shift in perspectives. Centrists such as the California governor Gavin Newsom or the vice-president Kamala Harris may share Biden’s values, but they lack his formative experience of senior office during the Cold War and its aftermath, the instincts forged in that era, and his strong emotional connection to Europe.
Meanwhile, a still-younger generation of Democrats looks to standard-bearers such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ro Khanna – progressives who put less emphasis on Nato and more on topics like climate change, trade, migration and the Global South. Influential in these circles is the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and associated intellectuals, including the historian Stephen Wertheim, author of appeals such as: “Sorry, Liberals. But You Really Shouldn’t Love Nato.”
A more far-sighted Europe – including both the EU and the UK – might have used the impetus of Russia’s war to prepare for the post-Biden world. Yet overall, Europe has implicitly interpreted the leadership provided by Biden’s administration as the new normal; proof that vigorous attempts to build European structures capable of taking over responsibility for the continent’s security from the US are now unnecessary. Talk of “European sovereignty” can often be empty, and cooperation between major powers routinely falls victim to political differences. It is a comfortable delusion to nurture: Atlanticist Bidenism forever! Comfortable, that is, until it eventually collides with reality. At that point Europe’s position could become very uncomfortable indeed.
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boltahaibharat · 1 year
"सुखि धेनु सत जुगहि बसाई,
दुखी काल कलि दियो बनाई ।
मृत भई संस्कृति जीवित कीजो,
सत सत गुरुदच्छिन साई दीजो |"
Please read our first blog on Cow as the symbol of Hindu Rashtra.
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Mahatma Gandhi once stated, "One may judge a country's greatness and moral advancement by the way it treats its animals. For me, protecting cows entails more than just keeping them safe. It refers to the defence of everyone who is alive, weak, and defenceless throughout the planet. The entire subhuman world is symbolised by the cow.
The cow is a perfect example of the Hindu value of ahimsa, or non-harming, because of her submissive and accepting attitude. Additionally, the cow represents honour, sturdiness, perseverance, maternity, and unselfish service.
In the Hindu Mythology,The cow has also been linked to a number of gods, including Shiva (whose mount is the bull Nandi), Indra (who is closely linked to Kamadhenu, the cow that grants wishes), Krishna (who was a cowherd in his youth), and goddesses in general (because of the maternal attributes of many of them).
The Manu-smirti ("Tradition of Manu"), a religious and ethical law, forbids it in certain passages of the epic Mahabharata, while the milk cow was already described in the Rigveda as being "unslayable." The usage of the panchagavya, or the five byproducts of the cow—milk, curd, butter, pee, and dung—in rituals of healing, purification, and penance, reveals the level of reverence accorded to the animal.
To the Hindu, the cow symbolizes all other creatures. The cow is a symbol of the Earth, the nourisher, the ever-giving, undemanding provider. The cow represents life and the sustenance of life. The cow is so generous, taking nothing but water, grass and grain. It gives and gives and gives of its milk, as does the liberated soul give of his spiritual knowledge. The cow is so vital to life, the virtual sustainer of life, for many humans. The cow is a symbol of grace and abundance. Veneration of the cow instils in Hindus the virtues of gentleness, receptivity.
The cow represents all other creatures to Hindus. The cow is a representation of the Earth, the giver who never stops giving and making no demands. The cow stands for both life and its nutrition. The cow is incredibly kind, only taking water, grass, and grain. It continues to give and give and give of its milk, just as the freed soul continues to give and give of his spiritual wisdom. For many people, the cow serves as the literal sustainer of life. The cow represents beauty and abundance. Hindus are taught the virtues of gentleness and receptivity through the veneration of the cow.
India's politics has been based on this sensitive topic since many years. Specially,in the northern belt,every election is somewhere around this topic. The first law on cow slaughter was stated in Punjab by the Indian National Congress,but the Bhartiya Janta Party gave it the uttermost importance. In Gujrat,the punishment for cow slaughter is seven years or a lifetime imprisonment.
The young people of today are likewise interested in this subject. Cows have been one of the most popular topics in India since 2014 or so. Though they come from diverse political parties and beliefs, leaders like Uttar Pradesh's chief minister Yogi Adityanath, former chief minister Akhilesh Yadav, and up legislator Raghuraj Pratap Singh all share the belief that the cow is the symbol of Hinduism. The young people of India ought to take the cow seriously and show it as much respect as they can. Although many people believe that consuming red meat (specifically beef) can nourish them, doctors from all over the world claim that it really causes a wide range of illnesses. My request is to make the cow the symbol of Hinduism and The Hindu Rashtra 'Bharat.'
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