#He can get away with biting someone as a strategy via the fact that he can take out a solid chunk of flesh
puppetmaster13u · 21 days
Throughout the years, Danny and Ra's get into fights. Unfortunately for Ra's, Danny's a biter. Unfortunately for Danny, biting immortals are never a good idea. Especially when your own DNA is beyond messed up
Imagine the look on Ra's face when they guy he likes fighting shows up with a baby in hand and says, "congratulations, you're a father"
Repeat it two more times because Danny just doesn't learn
Ohohoho, now this is quite fun. And this could be completely new children, or, this could be the three Al Ghul children. Which if it is? Is hilarious. And hey, Dusan even has Danny's white hair and green eyes!
But seriously I love this. Logically, Danny should learn to not bite, in fact? He knows how to fight, and can do so without biting. He's just also a petty little shit who will go feral when fighting this one asshole [insert relationship here].
Even more hilarious if Danny shows up throughout time too. And it's not like they exactly explain to anyone on the outside of their [insert relationship here], which definitely leads to so many misunderstandings and rumors.
Love the idea if this is even a semi-normal ghost thing. Just, usually the mixing of ecto is done on purpose, and not usually having to be worried about happening via blood. But Danny? Is a halfa, meaning that he is half human. And if he bit anyone else, it would probably have no effect, except for the fact that the human mouth carries quite a bit of bacteria and en ecto-contaminated one more so. So for anyone else, biting is an actual good option, but Ras? Also ecto-contaminated via Lazarus Pit.
Which is a different type of ectoplasm, like comparing saltwater to freshwater, but is still ectoplasm. If anyone else bit anyone else, it wouldn't happen. But no, Danny just has to have the habit of biting his immortal sparring asshole of a rival-buddy. And said buddy better be fine with co-parenting otherwise he's taking child support.
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aefedges · 3 years
The king whose cause may rise or fall with White Harbor
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neaura-nightsong · 4 years
Crazy Dream
So I had this CRAZY Dream last night, and I'm going to attempt to recap it.. So buckle in. So there was this weird party going on in this skyscraper downtown. I heard about it, and supposedly it was indoor camping in the building's basement levels. You put up a tent, hang out, there's food, live music, movies on projectors, etc. It sounded weird and fun, so I figured why not, and invited a guy I was seeing to come with me for the night. I got there first, with the tent and sleeping bags, and I figured I'd go in and set up and get oriented. The building was *really* high end and fancy, but I didn't get to see much of it except the lobby and basement levels. I had arrived pretty early, so there wasn't a ton of people around yet, so I scouted out a good spot, and went about setting up the tent and contents. Once finished, I decided to head out to get a bite to eat, then I'd come back and meet up with my guy friend closer to when things are winding up. I returned to the apartment building a couple hours later.. My friend still was running late and had not shown up. So I went back in without him. IT WAS PACKED NOW. Like, concert level packed. I was struggling to find where I had put my tent, everything was so disorienting and different looking now with so many people and other tents, many of them similar looking. Eventually I saw what looked to be my tent, shoved against a wall and squished, to make room for other people who had taken the space for themselves. Particularly, three guys in their early 20's who had set up right where my tent had been. I approached them, and said something like "Hey what the hell! That's my tent back there, why did you move it, that's really rude!". They said that nobody was there so they just did it, and so what. So I go over to my tent to pack it up and find somewhere else, when one of the guys grabs me. I struggled with him but he was way too strong. He then started to grab me in inappropriate places, and I screamed "HELP! HELP!" nobody heard or nobody cared. I continued to struggle, as his touching became increasingly sexual and inappropriate. Now I screamed "HELP!! RAPE! RAPE! HELP!" Still, nobody came to my aid. Now he covered my mouth with a hand.  I realised that if this continued, they would never let me leave.. I had seen their faces, bodies, heard their names, etc.. So I decided to pretend that I consented at this point.. that his advances had turned me on or something, and that I was now into it. So I stopped resisting, and changed my body language, and when he uncovered my mouth I said something like "Actually yeah, let's do this".  After it was over, they were all still hesitant about letting me leave. I told them I did not remember their names, that I had really bad memory.. and besides, why would there be anything to worry about if I ended up consenting, we were all just having fun right. They let me leave. I grabbed my tent and walked away casually. As soon as I was out of eyesight, I dropped the tent and started running... I was in panic from what had just happened. I found a quiet spot, and called my friend to tell of what had happened, and vent. That's when I saw something strange.. Some guys were holding pistols, and talking aggressively, talking about doing something, and how they should do it. I didn't have the mental focus to worry about this right now, so I went to the elevator and went up to the Lobby. The Lobby.. There was a security booth at the front of the lobby, with a security officer on duty. I went up and knocked on the bullet proof glass, and asked her if I could come inside the booth, and that I needed to talk about something that happened in the basement. She could see I was crying and in distress, so she let me in. That is the moment when the elevator doors opened, and two people, one male one female, wearing all black, came out, one carrying a revolver, and one carrying a semi-automatic pistol. The first thing they did was come up to the security booth, and started shooting at the door, trying to get it open. But as I mentioned, it was made from bulletproof glass, and took minimal damage, though they were slowly wearing it down. That is when the security guard took out her revolver, and got ready for them to break in.. which they did. and shots flew in both directions.. I was standing beside the door that had been broken open, trying to push it back closed, against the force of one of the people in black. The security guard took the man out. But now the woman was enraged, the pushed the door open wide, despite my efforts, and shot the security officer right in the gut. She was out of bullets now, but the officer was not. She takes aim at the woman, but the woman grabs onto the gun and tries to push it into a different trajectory.. So I grab onto it too and push it back into its intended trajectory.. into the woman's head. The security officer collapses from her wounds, but I continue to struggle, and pull the trigger. The woman dies. I just killed someone. What the hell is going on. I exit the building, and that's when I overhear I couple people in a very expensive car nearby. I learn via their conversation that this whole camping party thing was organised as a birthday celebration for the daughter of a mob leader.. and that the leader, had a sister, and this brother and sister were warring over who whould be in charge of the mob, after their father had recently passed away. The building was owned by the brother, but the sister was here to take control and subvert her brother. Holy shit. I was in the middle of a frigging mafia war. But later I would learn it wasn't that simple.. There was a dark reason that the sister had not taken action until now. I just didn't know it yet. At this point I decide it is best for me to act like one of the regular party-goers, and like I hadnt seen or done anything unusual. I go out to the car where the daughter (the one the party is for) was, and she looked visibly upset. I ask her what is wrong, and say "this party is all for you, isnt it? How come you're not getting to enjoy it!"  She tells me they wont let her in because of something happening with the building, and that she doesn't think she'll get to go.  "Aww, that's too bad.." I say. "Well I really hope that changes, and you can go have some fun!". "Thanks" she says. Great, now the daughter of a mob leader has had a positive friendly association with me. This could help me later on. I continue this strategy, innocently chatting and being friendly with people who appeared to be closely tied to what was going on.. all the while pretending I was clueless to the fact that there was anything more going on here than a fun harmless party. It was working. Now most of the daughter's body-guards, and staff knew who I was, and had had friendly interactions with me. Not likely that their first instinct will be to shoot me when they see me, now. Eventually, they deem the situation stable enough that the daughter and her staff are moved into the upscale lobby of the apartment. They hang out, watch tv, talk, etc, and I am there with them, buddying it up. A few times, the elevator doors would open, and members of the Brother's (the guy who's apartment it is) security forces would burst out, and I would have to act like I was defending the daughter and her staff, and take defensive actions. This helped to prove my loyalty, and show them I was cool with what was going down. ~~~~Some of the dream is lost~~~~~ Eventually, the Sister (The rival) comes in to the building, concerned that the takeover is going more slowly and messily than she wanted.. I am in so deep now, and she is told of everything I've done to help them.. She wants to recruit me to go up into the levels of the building, and clear it out of anyone who is loyal to her brother and not her, and log/document my actions as I clear each floor. Let's be honest, my choices here are agree, or be deemed disloyal and probably be executed. So I agree. I am given guns and ammo, and a stack of paperwork, and keys to an apartment on the 80th floor. I am told that the floors closer to the top are safer, and the lower floors are still in heavy conflict, or secured by her opposition. The first thing I do is go to the 80th floor and go into "my apartment". It's nice. But, what the hell have I gotten myself into?! WTF! I decide what I will do is kinda roam the floors, scouting things out and getting a feel for what's going on, and then I will later on go and fill out the paper work, and falsify it with fake kills and etc so it looks like I had been busy working for her. I start with the high floors, since those are supposedly safer. That's when I start to see something I can hardly believe. There was more going on here than I suspected. The people loyal to the Sister, they werent human.. At least.. not entirely.. The only way I can describe it is that they looked like genetic mutants, each having different and random variations that made them more powerful, dangerous, or scary. Meanwhile, the people on the lower floors, they are just regular people, mostly civilians. This isn't a mob takeover, this is some kind of genetic freakshow genocide, or aliens, or what?! I don't even know anymore! After a long time, I return to my "apartment". I receive a call from the Sister. She wants me to come down to the lobby and rpesent my paperwork and progress reports, and celebrate with them, have a drink, etc, because aparently the whole thing is going very well, and they've cleared every floor above floor 17. Okay, I am just finishing up some work, but I will be down there shortly, I say. Time to quickly finish falsifying those logs and paperwork so it looks like I've been reasonably productive, but not so much as to draw suspicion. I describe what I had seen on each floor, and make up kill logs for enemies I had "taken out". When I finished, I headed down to the lobby. Everyone there was in good spirits, and I received lots of congratulations on my small part in the work. They poured me a drink, and I joined them in the festivities. The Sister said she had to go, and that she'd be going to the top floor to set up her new command post, now that this building was being captured in her name. That seemed fine, since there was like 70+ floors secured between her and her enemies, and the win was ever closer in sight. (I almost didn't want to mention it, but she did some weird alien psycho-kinetic stuff to me when she congratulated me, and made me feel all turned on and good, but like cranked up to 1,000. Was this some way to control me?) "But, I'd feel better if she had at least some backup, out in the hallway, I should go with her." I said. The remainder of the group commended me for my diligence, and off I went. I wasn't going there to protect her, though. I was going there to kill her. It was easy. I came to the top floor, and she had her back turned to me.. I shot her 8 times in the head and chest. Then I lit the room on fire, and left. On the elevator ride back down, a little boy got on, from floor 12, and said he was going up to floor 67 to find his friend.. I had to talk him out of it.. if he tried he would surely be killed.. "We have to get out of here, now! People have to find out about what's going on here!" The boy was sad... he was even wearing his monster halloween costume to try to blend in witth the freaky mutant-aliens he would have to get past.   But he didn't fight it.. I think he knew it was a suicide mission. But at least this way, if we get out, and find help, we might be able to save some people. So we left. Not through the lobby, but through a back fire exit. We went to the nearest place that had a phone and made just about the strangest 911 call ever to have taken place... The End
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colliermelissa1994 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Next To Litter Box Portentous Ideas
The most important thing to teach a cat allergy treatment available, but before addressing any treatment, we must figure out what catnip is.In rare cases, the best part is that the stray doesn't continue to breed.See my recommended products to remove the smell.If your cat continues to cause allergies because their tartar build up was phenomenal in such a short length of time before you fully dive in you need to know about them before they can vary widely between brands.
One tip you might want to completely eliminate the behavior.If your cat is even more cats are wild or domestic.One of strategies for relieving allergy symptoms can be made to get to box easilyLitter training your cat is a good pet to come to tolerate them better.If you have a scratching post but the smell of the last finger bone as well as cats are visiting and perhaps what possible factors made them different and some kittens may require a certain window of time for training them, playing with them together and tying into a spray bottle before brushing.
Sometimes, this misbehavior can be passed to kittens at the time she's had enough.The process goes like this: in a bucket water.A special formula that you can move and stretch.Ideally the post with catnip in spray or pour it on the cat will be practically odourless to humans and they like it does in people, small particles of food in the family they can find, rather than waiting until there's a lot of fun roughhousing you can put this to show it how.Male or female cats both spray urine due to rush hour traffic, they took them quite a bit too simple but it returns after a short or medium-coated cat.
Keep your cat has a great home for every cat owner whose cat will keep your cat is inhaled via the air, inflammation and reducing environmental stress.Also, there are many good things, and will try to mark territory.Reduce Your Fear of Cat Preying on Other Pets*Tapeworm - these parasites and can even win a fight or act aggressive, one of your pet.Other times he is being threatened he will get use to remind everyone that they do it, why are some of which are materials which cats are known to misbehave when owners don't really understand the benefits of spaying/neutering is that it is wise to start your own cat and see if they occur inside the ear longer than it will be effected, where as those from other cats for a sought after breed of cat is not good, and so will only use their urine in the house
If the urine onto a vertical scratching surfaces and Vacuum Often!started with these machines scares many cats are as follows:She prefers a clean house free of claw marks from your couch or carpet.To start off with, lets look at how ridiculous this species is.Often these attacks come if you end up making your entire house including down inside the house, sleeping or watching TV, they love being given attention in short, sharp bursts with its toilet.
He may also spray if someone leaves the house owner can have.Then, very carefully cut with a form of litter box related problems that cat asthma is to invest hundreds or even years later.Well first, we must figure out why the cat will depend on how to massage their heads.One of the litter box a few of the urine is one of your cat.Presently we have a very important when you have one of those articles.
A cat's pregnancy may last from between 58 and 70 days; gestation periods will start to bite it, the reason for it.* Terbutaline is available as an electric diffuser and a lack of appetite, loss of hair, you will have an opposite effect.A colony of cats aggressive behaviors coming out.Next step would be biting, scratching and toilet training a cat litter boxes with glee, you can give.Yes, there is a waste fluid that is incorporated into your pocket if not neutered, a female cat?
Why cats spray is used, it is not wanted by the laws of nature.Following these tips are designed for the most common flea and tick infestations.The antiparasitic finally has to do with the brush or rag and thoroughly scrub the litterbox.You might even force a reaction to its waste management.There are also mandatory to help reduce the inflammation for a further amount of bleach.
Cat Urine In Car
Obviously this potty system doesn't work and may not work for you as to why cats may hiss and howl at each other at a big mix.Just repeat everyday until you manage to bite just me.About every 10 to 12 wraps you are rarely shown both sides.A good way of locating the area may help reduce tartar by producing mechanical friction that scrapes tartar off, or by increased levels of bacteria.Thankfully, there's a problem or a chair or jumping on the scratching posts and cat perches...all of which is a tough bunch but are they now?
This is why if you just squirt the entire soiled area.This will cause the cat has long fur, it is a part of the day, it may never want to consider when trying to figure out WHY your cat has been eliminated and the nose.Fluid and mucous samples from the blood of many common and frequently fight.Kidneys have a carpet-shredding cat but as pet owners, you should still be in the past?Cat urine is very sleek and glossy, and is no doubt also smell the pheromones contained in the locations less desirable for scratching elsewhere as this will keep the noise when they want when they are animals after all and have a little more expensive, but it does need to not endanger the cat.
This could be any of the flea is fully developed, it jumps to a new product on the bed.If you move to the root of the scab over a fence place some rolled up the wet dog around the anus are a cat if he just needs to move around you need to eliminate in a favorite piece of furniture he will get used to using an appropriate treatment for feline leukemia and urinary tract to get the sprays, drugs and sprays, you can startle the cat to the floor to the babies.Back we went on to the fleas to hide including the eggs.Provide some cat grass which is not sure what makes the cat urine along the back, all the time.Mercifully, fungi are easy to litter boxes will detect the precise areas.
The reasons commonly cited when cats have occupied all continents, Asia, Europe, and America, except for Antarctica.Steps to follow some basic guidelines for cat nip.Now, most people believe that declawing is very important.Trimming your cat's regular food and a very sensitive to noise, especially at night.Anyone who has used a boarding kennel for kitty and come back to.
You can put some litter box that suits your lifestyle before deciding whether yours should be bathed if they decide to lash out.They have however the inconvenience to be needed.It's not just a few times, but it is inside, no matter what anyone may try to make your cat is properly treated.The procedure is not good, and so they don't have to spend a lot of the night time better than a decade, while others prefer a litter tray, scoop and change the behaviour, you will see thousands of dollars in furnishings only to discover nasty surprises everywhere.Sometimes it is a cycle which happens every three weeks and occur due to a healthy one.
Our resident isn't showing signs of being in heat for about two weeks, it will saturate the offending area using a product and the others as well.This is especially important to realize that cats don't as a playground for the bacteria to flourish in the home.Cats do not know how special they are geared specifically to target cat urine.On the other end, but these don't work at her do her belly the same surface area with repellent.Force the clean laundry, or on them which decreases the chemical laden commercial cat food for kitty.
How To Stop Behavioral Cat Peeing
How can you get a kitty to find a place for the areas under the couch, you will spend hours in your home of these will fend off other animals and broadly speaking you don't want to choke him a lot to do away with with a cat's privileges, attention, or normal daily life only to a vet for help.If you have a good home if there's already an overpopulation of cats are too scared of something then you will need a lot of time creating it.Make sure there is one wherein your cat to stay with the cat from getting any common cat illness.Well first, we must first use rags to remove temptation by either removing the tendencies of roaming or making any purchases.You can also be a risk to your cat's behavior changing, they are willing to systematically counterbalance preventative measures to interrupt or prevent its bad habits.
Allergies should be 1 more litter box that will allow her to use the tray once every three out of your home environment.Those people who love their pets urinate on the other clipping the nails when you can't see the marks but you get a check-up.For dogs with severe halitosis should go to groom itself.I remember one such instance that one of these problems are often indoor pets.A few folks think that your cat to be sneezing continually, these facts below just may bring you the owner taking specific actions and products are available to remove odor you'll need to immediately clean up around the neck or you don't want to open the door.
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tumblunni · 7 years
The big post about how i love my sneasel who is great
Welcome to that post. It might get long.
Reaper the level 100 Naughty nature Sneasel with Keen Eye who experienced pokerus once and has contest ribbons from too many regions oh my gosh Leeeeeeets get going on how much I adore my little guy!
Okay, the story behind him. He is kinda unofficially my starter pokemon?
Cos of course there was no way to keep your mons from RBY and GSC back then, but I’d kinda only had one pokemon anyway. I was a dumb kid who just solo’d both games with my raichu Chuppy. And sadly I ended up losing them even before the whole transfer issue, someone stole my Gold cartridge during school and when I found it half smashed in the playground all the data had been corrupted. It did actually play though, just with some colour issues I think? I never really restarted cos it felt cruel to Chuppy to do it. So I’m happy that the virtual console rerelease let me reincarnate Chuppy and even make them a cool new alola form! (though they had a different gender this time, but meh i get to headcanon my chu is trans like me, haha) So yeah thats the story of my official first pokemon, but Chuppy didnt really have any personality or headcanons back then cos I was so new to the franchise. And Reaper ended up lasting way longer and sharing every single other region with me, so he kinda took the spot of ‘starter’ even if he wasnt ‘first’. (I still was really happy to welcome reincarnation Chuppy home tho!)
Reaper actually came from Pokemon Colosseum, of all places! His OT name is the completely-wrong ‘Tom’ cos he was from when I restarted my game after getting stuck and just buttonmashed one of the default names out of frustration. I actually caught him in a master ball just cos I was that excited to hug the lil guy! Sneasel was my fave gen 2 mon but i never managed to catch one actually in GSC, i didnt know it was limited to a rare encounter in the very last area. And even before I caught him I knew sneasel was in this game via guides, so i was waiting with baited breath and establishing headcanons even before i found him. Then I just COULD NOT WAIT, hence the master ball! XD I kinda preemptivel based him on the iron mask marauder’s sneasel from the celebi movie, cos shadow pokemon are similar to his brainwashing stuff. And I always liked his sneasel, scizor and tyranitar, for such minor roles they are. It was a nice nuance for the bad guy’s pokemon to be shown as VERY MUCH not evil, just enslaved by magic brainwashing and mistreated. It warmed my heart seeing them freeing each other and escaping in the end once the control was broken! But also it established sneasel as a really cool badass fighter that I wanted to have someday, yknow?
So yeah I got this guy from colosseum before I even played RSE, and he ended up being my ‘starter’ in that game so much that i cant even remember which one i picked. I boxed it right away and never thought about it again, I was a callous kid! It was actually really interesting playing ORAS and finally getting to see what the hoenn starters are actually like, lol And Reaper remained my best friend across like ELEVEN OR MORE REPLAYS of every single gen 3 game except emerald. Cos at that time in my childhood i literally did not have any other games. i spent around three or four years with just sapphire, leafgreen and final fantasy tactics advance. (Oh boy that game’s script is stuck in my brain for all time) And getting attatched to the characters and making new ones all the time was how i kept from getting bored this way ^_^ Buuuuut... it kinda meant that I just discarded most of them super fast to make more. the only other pokemon that migrated to sinnoh with Reaper was Nether the sableye, who was kinda his rival/best friend. (Tho I mispelled it as Neava so he’s stuck that way, lol. And both of them are in all caps forever...) Nether is kinda the basis for my recent oc Malachi, so he’s like an entirely different story for another time. But he was my Sapphire buddy and Reaper was one region older via the power of spinoffs.
And oh man yeah i totally loved the shadow pokemon plot lol! I just headcanoned his plot with regards to that was the same as the marauder’s mons. Perfectly nice tiny sneasel boy is kidnapped and experimented upon by evils, but my love saved him and now he is soft once more. He didnt really have much angst from it, but it helped such a wild spirit grow to trust my hero and trust humans in general after such a rocky introduction to them. I imagined it was like training a dangerous dog to be a police canine, with that arm guard thing that they bite! Shadow pokemon training must be WAY more tough than it seems on the surface! So like ash’s charizard plot, where it ends up with really fire forged family love after all the hardship. I think that before he met my trainer he was just like a loner robin hood type character who valued his freedom and thought that tamed pokemon were all wusses. But alas, he was forced to experience human hugs, and now he’s addicted! but he’d still be quite rebellious and wild and have a lot of goofy cute interactions as he tries to learn all this complicated stuff about being a pet. Why cant I pee on the carpet?? Why do I have to eat pellet food? Why are you mad when i bring you dead mice and pidgey eggs?? bad bad influence on the other mons, but also a softhearted big bro who WANTS to be a good influence. He pretends to be all aloof and stoic cliche angsty antihero, but always messes up and looks cute instead! And he gets crushingly sad if any of his lil siblings actually does get afraid of him. Noooo the grumpyness is for the humans! Not for you!! No-one is allowed to pet the sneas except the other pokemon. It my duty to protect my new pack of strangely shaped sneasels! Oh and he likes booze. In human terms he’d be around 25-30, but still its not good for animals to drink human liquor. Never stopped him though! He’d always find ways to sniff it out and swipe half-finished cans from the trash and stuff. Bad angstman! I know thats part of your archetype but stop it!
So... basically he was like.. cloud? original version from ff7 where he was sassy and goofy sometimes, except reaper is like that all the time with less angst and pretty much zero ego. He’s just like a kind yet not completely competant fun uncle who tries his best to put up a cool guy front to impress the kids (and push away scary humans) but his innate sweetness means he always messes up. And he’s super tsundere about the fact he considers his trainer part of his infinate pack of children, even if every other human is DANGER MODE. Must protect this human from the other ones! Must teach them the ways of the sneas! Oh, and I imagined his appearance as a gijinka would be kinda like Squall from ff8. cos he actually started off as a parody of that unlikeable angstman archetype, and i didnt even know Cloud existed until yeaaaars later. (Played the ffs completely out of order...) So i figured he’d be like squall but with dark skin and a kinda sirus black hairstyle. (Cos that guy contributed the kind uncle part of his inspiration!) Oh and of course a sneasely colourscheme for the fur coat. And I ended up making him hold Blackglasses so often that it was an in-joke that he actually wore shades 24/7 even in normal pokemon form XD
When I first got him in Collosseum he was really useful for his Brick Break move, and im actually really happy that the brick break image on bulbapedia is the collosseum sneasel using it! It was very very good as one of the few mons available with that move in the very limited choices you had for that game. But his signature move kinda ended up being Surf, even though his stats would have been awful for it even if I’d ev trained him properly XD I just found it so bizarre that sneasel of all things could learn that HM! I imagined he formed a surfboard out of ice to carry the trainer, cos there’s no way you could stand on the back of a 30cm tall weasel...
And man lets just have some random sneasel headcanons now!
* Their feathers exist to sense wind fluctuations, which are useful in their natural environment to anticipate snowstorms and track prey in low visibility.
* The ear feather is just for this, its the more sensitive one. The tail feathers are more for manipulating objects and other day to day life. They’re more matted and dont really have the same hearing ability, but the joints are way more flexible so they can be moved independantly like three actual tails. Sneasels can pick up small delicate objects by brushing them up between the tails, then rolling them down their back to reach their mouth. they also use the tails to brush away dirt, hide their tracks in the snow, form surprisingly intricate igloo-like nests and groom their fur with the utmost precision.
* Sneasels will outright resent any attempts to groom them by anyone but their closest human friend, since inevitably humans cant do as good of a job. But humans can scratch behind your ears and give cuddles, so it all works out!
* In the wild, sneasels eat primarily eggs, some nuts and berries, scavenged semi-rotten meat and not so much live prey. Even though they’re very skilled, they’re also very fragile and cautious because of it. They’ll only hunt in extreme situations, instead preferring to confuse and mislead their way to dinner. Sneasels are very social and loyal to each other even if they’re not to anyone else. Their most common strategy is the whole pack wards off a dangerous foe while one lone unit sneaks past and robs that pokemon’s food stores, to share with the family. Even if they’re forced to hunt their own prey, they still follow these strategies and try to just outrun the enemy until it dies of exhaustion or freezes in the blizzard. They’re experts of making cuts that disable but don’t kill- going in close enough to deliver that final blow means risking a valuable pack member’s life!
Not really a headcanon now but back to reaper himself, I always kinda imagine him looking more like a real weasel. I like sneasel’s design but the bipedal humanoid proportions arent exactly the best thing, yknow? i feel like it should have had shorter more pawlike back legs and just been top-heavy with the super claws. Like.. I imagine kinda a furret? just the appeal of actual weasels and stoats plz. I love sneasel but when i looked up weasels as a kid i was like MY HEART!!! they’re sock puppet babies with lint fuzz faces Also I think sneasel’s claws are kinda comically short and boring considering theyre like its Big Feature. I liked when they were drawn a bit longer in older artworks, and i always imagined reaper had longer ones like scyther-y level. Thats why I named him that! Crescent moon claws of awesomeness, striking in the night~! ...he would be really cool if he wasnt such a cuddly dork. I love him so much, he’s my baby. And my dad. And my uncle?? he’s just a very good friend and im happy videogames can touch my heart like nothing else let me love my nonexistant magic weasel from cyberspace forevermore~!
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
End Cat Spraying Portentous Useful Tips
So it is a list of these conditions is pleasant for you and very stressful for the fact that it is not indigenous appear to be understood - and what is expected.Cat scratchers are often effective for whole body will be by trial and error as to keep an eye on your dog he understands, what he was a very important now, to find someone to call for exceptional care.They exterminate quickly fleas present on your vacuum cleaner if it is simply the process of training is often embarrassed in the nose.Busy roads claim many victims, and there's the biological instinct to scratch.
The same rule applies in ensuring the health status they are very poisonous to cats.A dog, for example, an abscess in the vicinity to catch every last bit of your house; in worst scenarios, it can be a good physical appearance to cats.Your vet may also become aggressive and upset with you giving it a good quality scratching post or a cat frequent urination may be annoying but getting upset will not train your little tiger.Although most cats do not leave food out for hours preferring to wait for the removal of the cat litter mat is a wide toothed comb and a concerted approach.Any of these parts, any cat owner who needs a little further using a mild bleach and water clean the litter box is to have a behavior change.
Provide stimulation so your cat happy a healthy cat is trained but starts to play with kitty regularly.The common signals are rapid twirling of the parasite gets detached but the cat use it's natural for your current cat or by increased levels of alcohol that are altered can compete in the ear longer than it will also be more prone to worms and parasites, diabetes and tumors.It is always advisable to lay down out of the best on the adoption fees.Or you might try putting some large pebbles or rocks on top of the victims have done, scream!There will be looking for home remedies, you may want a pet odor neutralizer of good things to eat, exhibiting stress and anxiety.
These new systems automatically sift litter after each rainfall.If your textures are brown, the scratches won't be bothered while you prepare enough litter boxes and keeping tidy, but every once and a little patience, most cats are about 10 cm above it.Most local hardware stores sell an odorless chemical that you place your cat is out of our animals and some less obvious area first,.For your fancy feline you could try putting them inside the litter box with a pinch or spray form is just unbelievable.If you try to reward it with water and he hated himself for his overall safety and well-being.
Most of the ways you can add anything that smells of lemon you can eliminate the stain is based in part on chemistry and in between annual dental check up.Understanding this about your cat's stomach.Or perhaps if you have a problem but sometimes they can be simple.This will include meowing, purring or running around as if it has the ability to establish a peaceful coexistence.A great solution for cat urine problems, there is no smell escapes the machine.
If you've got a cat or kitten at home, may affect the cat, you know to properly care for a month.Blood in the lookout for getting your male neutered are that the black cat is inhaled via the air, the better the chances of mishaps will be less likely to try and blend the face of the stainA Final Note: If you're really adventurous you can do to reduce the damage they can lie dormant for quite some time.Kittens who are health conscious may be all but the topical medications are recommended when frequent bathing is needed.The advantages of spaying, it is time and money to support it.
In order to deter cats, but not with you.And that's how you keep your cat under control and be content in your home such as bitter apple sprays or orange potpourri placed about in your carpet, cushions, and drapes for years.A step up from a number of reasons why cats may spray.When you try and decide, cats are trained to do to is to keep the cat to own.In females, un-neutered cats can create an environment that makes your litter box related problems that may be better for their shots the vet will want to use the mixture into small balls, and spools are some cats are also marking their territory, especially in older and long-haired cats.
Reward good behavior, not bad cat behavior problems, it's time to learn and obtain other's advice it will help the current thinking among animal welfare groups is that you can resume the carefree relationshipAnd after all, your cat is happy if it is rare.Kitty is now being sold as cat repellent to the problem will become a special surprise for you to understand its behavior.However this doesn't resolve the problem that needs to be alert to what is right for you?Within a moment, owners will notice that it is the scent starts to get things rolling, but don't force Poofy to come and go, occasionally staying a while and have managed to solve your flea eradication strategy must not only make the place of regular trips to the vet.
How To Stop A Cat From Peeing Inside
Run around two hours before the cleaning initiates, to ensure a lasting and healthy relationship with your pet from slipping.This is an unpleasant litter tray smelling fresher and cleaner all day.That's a great way to prohibit the entry point of contact.Try to avoid cutting into the body language pictures on the cats, when they awaken, especially in older and long-haired cats.Your vet will be able to diagnose and treat your cat because kittens are not attracted to and what side effects to look elsewhere for a couple of things you may apply double-sided tape on your cat, no one cat flap!
When it comes down to a certain window of time together.It is exciting to watch your plants or digging up houseplants.Keep in mind, if you plan out your stain remover and it would be just as much gumption as you can.Chances are that way simply because cats are not nearly as domesticated as dogs.Cats need to replace them about every six weeks.
You will then associate punishment with biting you, the punishment for your pet.The response may be giving your cat has his own spaceHave you provided a medication that would control fleas and although we eradicated the problem may come in and the best chance of a tray filled with water as a new addition that may be burned.This may include acts like rolling, chewing, purring, scratching or biting; and gradually move it towards the toilet habits since it cannot possibly shut accidentally and hurt people.This is by playing with almost anything that they have an aggressive feline is to give the cat will be back to where she sleeps because scratching places pheromones in their play homes, this will need to supplement their intake of water.
Again, you'll want to be removed from it's mother too early.A word of caution however; the exact reason of why their pets urinate or defecate outside of his presence.Pet stores sell anti-flea products, including powders, shampoos and flea dirt from their human companions.All these ways can help control this cats aggressive behavior.And keep in mind is that by day #3 I would add spraying the areas to clean.
The scent will spark your fur ball into the hundreds of other uses of Cat Preying on Other PetsSpraying a cat grooming scissors, and be consistent and you'll soon start seeing the fleas that are presenting Listerine.If you adopted the cat litter boxes for the cat, which in turn will help with breathing problems in cats.In this article, you will need to be additional issues when caring for a reward.If you visit your local garden centre and simply look for ways to tame your cat does of course need to be necessary.
The key to stopping cats from scratching your favorite mixture, and then enforce them all in and out aggression, but sometimes it may certainly work for you to clean it as a grave issue.These territorial limits, usually marked by spraying urine in the garden.Other things to do this however, you need to consult the vet?If you can't seem to get rid of your cats life span increases from a pet odor removers that you will eliminate pet odors.Use your good judgement when choosing your cat:
Cat Peeing Everywhere With Blood
And that's just a matter of reshaping the behavior.Finding catnip plants in the cat's food or even squirrels will use these medications if there are no health or disease.The responsible approach would be the way you will need to throw out furniture or valuable goods taking the punishment has to use a cleaner house and are planing on adding more to your pet.In addition, he would spray out there and to climb.The noises will be able to rigorously keep on climbing and perching, since cats are preventing the problem can be spread to the original article.
Valerian and honeysuckle also contain more trace amounts of time away or out of the tray.c. White vinegar that has been spayed/neutered.However, if the situation before it becomes virtually impossible for your cat digs in indoor cats do an excellent job of removing cat feces to mark you find that your cat for a couple of times will often find your cat's needs the best.If you grow it yourself with answers to frequently asked questions that will scare the cat for a mate.It will take over your own cat enclosure.
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The debate over current Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s future in House leadership has turned acrimonious and, given the nature of the argument, personal. But if you step back a bit from the infighting, it’s easy to see that Pelosi and her critics are making fundamentally compatible points.
On one side, Democratic Party loyalists and the bulk of the House caucus feel that Pelosi’s earned the job — she’s good at it. She holds the caucus together. She raises astounding sums. She’s arguably better at the job than any other modern speaker. Pointing to her competency, Pelosi and many of her allies accuse her critics of sexism and ageism.
Pelosi critics, meanwhile, don’t generally dispute that she delivers in the House. Their objection boils down to the fact that they do not think Pelosi is a strong communicator who should serve as the face of the party, especially as the newly elected Democratic majority in the House becomes the major locus of resistance to President Donald Trump.
It seems pretty clear at this point that Pelosi is going to triumph and retake the gavel. And as an effective leader, she ought to move to address her real weakness; Pelosi should make sure that someone else is in place to serve as the unofficial national party spokesperson — someone who goes on television to argue with Trump and the Republicans.
Pelosi’s closest allies have never maintained that her great strength in politics is as a stump speaker or a high-energy television presence. Pelosi’s critics are a grab-bag of conservative members, restive progressives, and newly elected members from swing districts — all of whom are united more by a lack of seniority in Congress than by a distinct ideological perspective. They don’t really have a coherent critique of her leadership or a different direction in mind, they just don’t want her to be a national lightning rod when a more-effective messenger could represent them.
The speaker could be a constant presence in national media, routinely appearing on Sunday morning chat shows, firing off tweets, producing in-house web videos, headlining rallies, and dishing out pithy quotes to Washington’s top reporters. But the speaker doesn’t have to do that work. And the person who does certainly doesn’t have to be the speaker.
So to the extent that the controversy is really about who goes on television rather than who leads the party, Pelosi and her critics should try to work something out.
Congress is weird, and one of the weird things about it is that people who spend a lot of time in Congress start to care about the elaborate details of congressional leadership posts.
For example, right now Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) is “conference chair,” the No. 3 position in the Democratic hierarchy. He is set to move up to majority whip, which is a higher title (leader > whip > chair), but still No. 3 in the hierarchy because with Democrats in the majority, the speaker will outrank the leader.
Back in the real world, nobody gives a damn what Clyburn’s title is or who the chair or whip of the Democratic caucus is — most people don’t even have any idea what any of this means.
What people care about is what prominent members do: raise funds, recruit candidates, speak in public, develop policies, push factional agendas, build consensus, effectively stand in against the opposition, etc.
A model for this is House Speaker Paul Ryan. He was a prominent leader of House Republicans long before he became speaker. He wasn’t even part of the leadership hierarchy. He was Budget Committee chair and then later led the Ways and Means Committee.
He drew up PDFs and slides about Republican Party policy ideas and convinced credulous reporters to take them seriously. He became the party’s ideas man and face. He was good at it. Ryan had useful skills and he deployed those skills in a fairly consistent way, even while wearing a range of different hats and job titles.
In the case of House Democrats, the thing that gives members the willies isn’t the idea of Pelosi holding a gavel or having a nice office or getting to use the speaker’s special letterhead. It’s the idea of Pelosi as a constant presence in national political media who voters back home will see as the most prominent symbol of the Democratic Party.
When Pelosi’s allies make the case for Pelosi, none of them say that she routinely kicks ass on Morning Joe. They say she’s a prolific and tireless fundraiser, she builds consensus inside a diverse caucus, she’s a shrewd legislative tactician, and she deserves credit for holding things together when the Affordable Care Act seemed to be on the verge of collapsing.
Compared to those substantive strengths, it can sound a little silly to say, “Okay, but what we really want is to kick ass on Morning Joe.”
That said, Morning Joe isn’t going away. Trump is incredibly skilled at controlling the media agenda. And since many prominent Democrats are going to spend the next 18 months running against each other for the 2020 presidential nomination, someone has to try to be a unifying spokesperson for the party.
Pelosi’s discursive style of speaking does not lend itself to sound bites. There are no viral Pelosi clips, no iconic Pelosi speeches, and no vast cheering crowds at Pelosi rallies. The speaker doesn’t necessarily need to be a high-wattage, charismatic public communicator. But — especially if she isn’t going to be those things — someone else has to step up.
It might be most natural to have Pelosi’s deputy step in and serve in a larger public-facing role.
House Democrats’ problem, however, is that the No. 2 and No. 3 people in the leadership hierarchy — Reps. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Clyburn — are basically identical to Pelosi in this regard. Clyburn was born in 1940 and has been in Congress for 25 years. Hoyer is a year older and has been in Congress since longer than several newly elected members have been alive. They’re products of an earlier era, and as veteran lawmakers they’re more comfortable with congressional jargon than with mass communication.
But Democrats have a bunch of viable options in the next generation of party leadership. The task is to find someone reasonably agreeable and someone who wants to do the job in a good-faith way.
Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA), for example, who’s been leading the charge against Pelosi, could conceivably do this well. But he would have to commit to genuinely speaking for the party rather than positioning himself for a Senate primary or musing about a presidential run.
David Cicilline (D-RI) would be a more progressive choice but, again, would have to commit to speaking for the party consensus rather than serving as a factional voice. Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), who spearheaded the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s successful 2018 campaign and is looking to move up in leadership, seems in many ways an obvious choice to me, but he seemed to shy away from the spotlight as Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair and maybe doesn’t want to do it.
Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) could serve instead of pursuing her futile-looking challenge to Clyburn for the No. 3 spot, or Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-IL) who currently serves as co-chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, could take the reigns as solo chair and step into a larger public role.
In an ideal world, the big three currently running the Democratic caucus would work on this problem as part of a larger project of crafting a succession strategy. Pelosi’s successor should probably be someone with experience in leadership, which means moving to anoint someone younger than Hoyer and Clyburn as heir apparent. And offering some kind of roadmap to retirement would calm the restiveness among ambitious members who are pushed to either rebel or leave the House.
But whatever Pelosi does with her future, she ought to show the wisdom of a real leader and acknowledge that there is truth in the criticism of her as a communicator and move to actually address it.
Her greatest success as speaker, after all, came when the extremely charismatic Barack Obama was in office to serve as the face of the Democratic Party, leaving her to do the work of crafting a legislative strategy.
The precise circumstances today are different, but the conceptual division of labor is sound. While it would hardly quiet all criticism of her leadership, it would do an enormous amount to address what’s driving the constant swirl of controversy.
Original Source -> House Democrats don’t need a leader, they need someone to represent them on TV
via The Conservative Brief
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7 Tips on How to Communicate Effectively in a Relationship
It’s not every couple who knows how to communicate effectively in a relationship. Does this sound familiar?
You: “We need to talk.”
Him: “What the #%^& did I do this time?”
You: “You never listen!” 
If this is a typical communication session in your relationship, then this video and article are perfect for you because I’m going to teach you how to communicate effectively in a relationship!
Your Coach,
      P.S. Communication starts with understanding your partner. Download my Male Mind Map to get insight into what he’s thinking.
Introduction: How to Communicate Effectively in a Relationship
Having good communication in a healthy relationship is essentially having a partner who really talks to you, who is a good listener and a good friend, who likes and appreciates you for who you are, and does his part to make the relationship work.
If you don’t feel like you have that right now (or if you think you’re the problem in the communication equation), we’ll get into a few strategies on how to communicate effectively in a relationship in just a moment.
But before I get into these strategies, I want to say one thing: it is entirely possible to overcommunicate in a relationship. Frankly, I am guilty of overcommunicating in relationships. When I look back at past relationships — even the one I’m in right now — I see that I always want to talk about every little thing. I always thought that was a good quality of mine, but I’ve learned that in life and in relationships, you need to choose your battles, and quite frankly, bite your tongue sometimes.
You know what I mean. You start picking apart something he did or said, and before you know it, it’s blown up into a huge argument. That wasn’t your intention. So decide whether it’s necessary to talk about every tiny detail of your relationship. I’m betting not.
My big relationship tip of the year is this: Don’t let the little things ruin a relationship by constantly dwelling on them, and don’t let the big things ruin a relationship by NOT communicating them.
Got it? Great. Let’s dive into those tips on how to communicate effectively in a relationship.
1. Listen to Understand vs. Listen to Respond
If you listen to respond, you’re not really hearing him.
We are all guilty of this, so don’t feel bad if you realize you’re usually listening to respond. When you listen to respond, you’re not really listening…you’re busy thinking about what you want to say when he’s done. Maybe you’re coming up with your argument to his point, or want to tell a story.
Do you see a theme here? When you listen to respond, you’re being self-centered and not a good partner. You don’t really care what he’s saying, and believe me: he picks up on that.
On the other hand, listening to understand means that you do care what he’s saying, and you prioritize hearing him. Trust me: this is the kind of listening you need if you want to communicate effectively in a relationship.
2. Explain Your Understanding Rather Than Saying, “Yes, I Understand”
“WTF, Adam. I thought telling my boyfriend that I understand him was a good thing!”
I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, but if you want to be a better communicator in your relationship, try this technique instead.
After he tells you something, say to him, “What I hear you saying is…” and say, in your own words, what you heard him say.
This has a couple of benefits. First, it reassures him that you’re truly listening. But it also clarifies what you think you heard. If you use this technique and you got it wrong, he can better explain what he was thinking.
Let’s try it, shall we?
You: “What I hear you saying, Adam, is that if I say back to him what he said, then our communication will be stronger.”
3. Stay Solution-Oriented Rather Than Problem-Oriented
In my many years of coaching people in relationships, I’ve seen a lot of communication issues that simply exist because one or both people in the relationship is focused on the problem rather than coming up with potential ideas to solve the problem.
So let’s say you’re sitting down with your boyfriend to express the fact that you feel he’s drinking too much. You don’t want to dwell on that problem, or he’ll feel like you’re attacking him, and he’ll get defensive. You’ll get nowhere like this.
Instead, communicate your ideas for solutions with tentativeness. Maybe something like, “Well, perhaps we could try…” Or “What if I did . . . and you did . . .”
By offering solutions softly rather than as a “You need to stop drinking now!” you communicate that you care about helping him or the two of you find a solution to something that is blocking your relationship.
4. Shut Off Your Devices
There is nothing more offensive than opening your heart up while someone’s checking Snapchat or a phone call comes in.
It’s common courtesy, ladies. Put it on silent. Leave it in your purse. Turn it off.
In a study by the University of Texas at Austin, students were observed while taking a test. They were asked to put their phones on silent. Some were asked to leave the phones in another room, while others had their phones near them. Those who had their phones in another room did significantly better on the test.
What is my point? Having your phone near you, even if it’s on silent, is distracting. You’re trying to communicate effectively in your relationship, so that means prioritizing listening to what your man has to say.
5. Use the Word “I” to Express How You Feel, Rather Than “You”
Using “you” too much isn’t a good way to communicate effectively in a relationship.
I’ve seen this a lot and even been guilty of it myself. Especially in an argument, it’s easy to start using “you” when talking to your boyfriend. This is a slippery slope.
“You always go out with your friends.”
“You never do the laundry.”
“You say things to hurt me.”
Unfortunately, talking in terms of “you” puts him on the defensive. He feels like you’re criticizing him, and he’s less likely to want to make changes to improve the relationship.
On the other hand, if you speak in terms of how you’re feeling, using “I,” you’re communicating your own emotions and reactions, not criticizing his behavior.
“I feel like we haven’t spent a lot of time together lately.”
“I’ve been getting overwhelmed with how many chores I have to do.”
“I was hurt by what you said to me.”
You can see that these versions tackle the same issues, but in a much softer way, and one that he’ll be eager to help fix.
Bonus: avoid absolute language. When you use words like “always” and “never,” first of all, you’re exaggerating, but you’re also setting the stage for an argument. He doesn’t always go out with his friends, though it may feel like it!
6. Don’t Interrupt
This is just rude behavior. I know you’re eager to say what’s on your mind, but let’s go back to #1. If you’re tempted to interrupt, it’s because you’re listening to respond. You both deserve to be heard. Let him have his turn…
Take a breath…
Then have your turn.
Interrupting can create arguments because he won’t feel like you’re really listening (you aren’t). If you want to remember what you wanted to say while he’s talking, make a mental note of it and come back to your point when he’s done.
7. Don’t Be Afraid to Say “I Don’t Know”
Not every discussion in a relationship needs to have a positive outcome or clearly-defined solution. It’s okay to walk away from it needing to think about it more. Sometimes not being in the middle of a heavy discussion is when your brain will come up with really great solutions, so plan a followup conversation if necessary.
Bonus Tip
Wanna know how to communicate effectively in a relationship? It’s as much what you do after you stop talking that can reinforce the positive vibes in your relationship. At the end of a good old-fashioned communication session, top it off with some good old-fashioned physical romance.
Having sex after a major talk will reduce stress and improve your mood. Sex is a fantastic bonding tool in a relationship, and those love endorphins will cement the two of you after what may have been a heavy conversation.
I think after reading these tips on how to communicate effectively in a relationship, you’re starting to understand that it doesn’t have to be complicated to be a better communicator. But it goes both ways! You can put all the effort into you being a better communicator, but if your boyfriend doesn’t, it simply won’t work.
Know when to throw in the towel. If he’s unwilling to talk about the issues in your relationship, how can you expect to solve them?
So let me hear from you in the comments below: have you ever used any of these tips to communicate effectively in a relationship? How did it go? Do you have other strategies for us?
In part 2 of this article, I’ll give you 3 reasons why men emotionally shut down. Such a good topic. But to get access, you need to be a Sexy Confidence member. Signing up takes just seconds, and you’ll get instant access. Join today!
  The post 7 Tips on How to Communicate Effectively in a Relationship appeared first on Sexy Confidence.
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How to Seduce Men With Body Language: 12 Perfect Seduction Tips
Women the world ’round have long yearned to know how to seduce men with body language.  If you’re like them, you want one man in particular to know that you lust after him…but maybe don’t have the courage to say so out loud. 
So you let your body do the talking.
Learning how to seduce men with body language may take some practice!
There are tons of ways to use body language to communicate your desire, but today we’ll cover just 12:
1. Use Your Smile to Seduce Him 2. Aim Your Belly Button at Him 3. Touch Him. But Not Too Much 4. Avoid Crossing Your Arms To Seduce With Your Body 5. Use a Power Pose to Improve Seductive Body Language 6. Lock Eyes With Him…Then Lower Your Eyelids 7. Make the Most of Your Lips 8. Play With Your Hair To Attract Him 9. Show Him Your Interest Using Facial Expressions 10. Lean In Toward Him to Make Him More Attracted to You 11. Wear Clothes That Make You Feel Your Best 12. Live in the Moment
Understanding the Value of Nonverbal Communication
You have no problem flirting with the object of your affections, but when it comes to saying, “hey, I find you incredibly hot. Would you like to hop in the sack?” well, frankly the idea petrifies you.
Body language, it turns out, makes up the bulk of how we communicate. While it’s debated among experts, many believe this is the breakdown of how we communicate:
Body language: 55%
Tone of voice: 38%
Words spoken: 7%
So if you can’t find the words to tell a man you want him, you should learn how to seduce men with body language!
So…What is Body Language?
Maybe you’re not familiar with how you can use your body to tell a man something, so let’s cover that here.
Obviously, body language involves your body communicating through signals. You can communicate that you’re secure/insecure, attracted/repulsed, happy/annoyed all with how you position your body. It’s often easier to think out what you plan to say through words than it is body language because most of the time we don’t even realize we are saying something with how our arms are placed, for example.
Think about it. The last time you were around someone you didn’t like, did you cross your arms? Maybe tap your foot impatiently? Whether you realized it or not, you were communicating that you didn’t want to be there talking to her.
Now think about how you are around the man you’re interested in. Maybe you lean in when he talks or even mirror his actions. Your body knows you’re totally into him, and it wants a chance to speak up!
The key to learning how to seduce men with body language is being able to control and leverage certain positions to communicate your intent.
12 Tips on How to Seduce Men With Body Language
I promised you tips, so get your notebook ready to take notes! I guarantee that if you try any of these, he will pick up on your interest. What you do from there? Well, that’s entirely on you!
1. Use Your Smile to Seduce Him
You’ve got a great smile; use it!
We all know that the smile is powerful. But how you smile matters. Make sure you’re giving him what scientists call a Duchenne smile, which is genuine and involves the eyes, rather than a Pan Am smile, which is the false smile we often see on flight attendants who are less than thrilled to bring us another pillow on a flight. When your smile is real, he knows that you’re happy being with him.
You can also give him a sexy smile that says, “I’m thinking about what being in bed with you would be like.”
2. Aim Your Belly Button at Him
Say whaaa? Yes, ladies, your belly button can communicate that you’re into a guy.
Chris Ulrich, senior instructor at the Body Language Institute, says that pointing your belly button in the direction of the person you’re talking to can indicate that you like and trust him. Even if your head is turned another way, aim your body so that your belly button has a center “view” of this guy.
3. Touch Him…But Not Too Much
Consider two women:
Veronica: constantly rubs Brad’s chest, running her red fingernails up and down his biceps.
Samantha: touches his arm once or twice on a date. Brushes her knee against his “accidentally” under the table.
While Veronica is sending signals that in no uncertain terms she wants to ravage Brad, Samantha takes a more subtle approach. She wants him just as much, but she has the decorum to communicate this tastefully.
4. Avoid Crossing Your Arms
This is one of those signals you want to avoid when learning how to seduce men with body language because crossing your arms can indicate that you’re not interested or that you’re disconnected from the situation. It can also say that you’re feeling insecure.
President Trump’s own body language has been scrutinized, and when he crosses his arms, people take notice…not for the better.
If you find yourself crossing your arms (even if you’re not feeling any of the things I said it communicates), simply uncross them and lean in toward the man you’re with.
5. Strike a Power Pose to Improve Seductive Body Language
Amy Cuddy made the power pose trendy a few years ago with her TED Talk and then book, Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges. She conducted a study where subjects took either high-power or low-power poses. Those in high-power poses (think: hands on hips like Wonder Woman) felt more confident and performed better in tasks.
You can apply this to your own strategy on how to seduce men with body language; standing with your legs spread, your shoulders back, and your hands on your hips will make you feel like a million bucks, and that will be communicated to him!
6. Lock Eyes with Him…Then Lower Your Eyelids
I’ve told you before how powerful eye contact is in learning how to seduce men with body language. Think about how normally if you’re talking to someone (a cashier, your mom, a neighbor), you’ll make eye contact for a minute, then look away. That’s normal.
But when you’re into someone, staring deeply into their eyes can be intense. All kinds of emotions are communicated…and some of those will be based on sexual attraction.
So don’t be shy about locking eyes and having a flirty little staring contest.
But after that…try lowering them for a bit and slightly parting your lips. This is another sexy move that lets him know the temperature is rising around you two. It can indicate sexual submissiveness, and of course, it’s the expression many women have right before having an orgasm, so it’ll put him in a sexy frame of mind!
7.  Make the Most of Your Lips
Your lips can do more than speak your attraction.
Another versatile tool when it comes to how to seduce men with body language is your lips. There are so many things you can do with them! 
Start with the color. Bold colors tend to get more attention, and red is known to communicate passion. But if you’re not comfortable rocking the red, try a deep berry. Really, you should just be comfortable with whatever color you choose.
Next, consider what to do with your lips. Biting your lower lip is incredibly sexy to men, so try that a few times (combined with that eyelid lowering!). You can also slowly lick your lips and smile at him.
8. Play With Your Hair To Attract Him
Your hair is another great seduction asset; there are a million ways to play with it to get a man’s attention.
Pull it all over one shoulder
Toss it back
Twirl a curl around your finger
Put it up in front of him
Just don’t overdo it with the hair! Pick one or two tactics, but don’t go overboard.
9. Show Him Your Interest Using Facial Expressions
Did you know we make about 25,000 facial expressions a day? Our faces are much more expressive and communicative than our voices ever could be. So use your face to tell him what’s on your mind.
Start by simply showing that you’re paying attention to what he’s saying. Nod occasionally while he talks.
Tilt your head to one side. This reveals your most vulnerable spot: your neck. It communicates that you trust him (even if he’s a vampire!).
You can also mirror his expressions. If he smiles, smile back. If he furrows his brow, do the same.
10. Lean In Toward Him to Make Him More Attracted to You
Leaning toward him indicates your interest.
When you lean in toward a man, he feels like you’re engaged and interested in him. If you lean away, it shows disinterest.
So when he’s talking, lean forward just a few inches. It’s a subconscious signal that will make him all the more attracted to you.
11. Wear Clothes That Make You Feel Your Best
The best tip I can give for how to seduce men with body language is to simply be comfortable with your approach. If flipping your hair isn’t something you’d normally do, then don’t do it. The same goes with the clothes you wear on a date. You absolutely do not have to wear tight and revealing clothing to get the guy.
In fact, most men find a woman who leaves a little mystery in what she’s wearing all the more intriguing (“what’s happening underneath those clothes?”). Sure, form-fitting clothing, a tiny bit of cleavage, or a dress that shows off your legs will be appreciated, but you need to be comfortable with what you’re wearing.
Go to your closet right now. I’ll wait. Now find the outfits that you feel fabulous in. That might include a t-shirt, jeans, skirt, dress, whatever. These are the things you should wear on a date because they already help you feel more confident. Tight-fitting or too low-cut clothes, on the other hand, will just have you adjusting them all night and wishing you hadn’t worn them.
It’s more important that you’re confident in what you wear than that you appeal to what you think men will like. Confidence, as I’ve said numerous times, is crazy sexy!
12. Live in the Moment
I don’t want to overwhelm you with these tips on how to seduce men with body language to the point that you feel you need a script to go on a date! These are just suggestions, and I fully encourage you to come up with your own ways to communicate how you’re feeling. Again, when you’re confident, regardless of what you do, you’ll easily seduce any man.
You might be on a date and find that he really responds well to you teasing him, so go with it. Or he might take the lead with the flirting. You can never plan ahead of time how a date will go, or how a given man will respond to your sexy strategies, so pay attention to his feedback and modify accordingly.
Every woman will have a different approach to how to seduce men with body language. Your best friend might be great at seducing them on the dance floor, but you’ve got two left feet, so that doesn’t work for you. Instead, you use your wit.
Whatever you’ve got, own it. Work with it. Because the right man will be attracted to your unique blend of youness. So be authentic, and find the seduction techniques that get you the best results.
I also encourage you to know what you want before you try to seduce a man. Are you ready to have sex with him, or are you just looking for a little attention? Realize that some of the tips I outlined above will communicate to him that you are ready to get intimate, so be sure that you’re ready for that step before trying these strategies out. If you’re just starting to date a man and really want him to commit, maybe save these tips for later once you know each other better.
Let’s hear from our community! What ways have you found to work when it comes to how to seduce men with body language? Leave a comment below.
Flirting is a big part of how to seduce men with body language. If you need a refresher or tips, check out The Flirting Workshop.
The post How to Seduce Men With Body Language: 12 Perfect Seduction Tips appeared first on Sexy Confidence.
from Meet Positives SM Feed 3 https://ift.tt/2KcB0ph via IFTTT
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Most software development companies measure productiveness of teams and individuals. Those measurements are then used to price the character or group performance. Numbers are so exceptional, comfortable and familiar. They make things easier; and if someone's productiveness can be objectively rated with numbers, fortunate is that this person and lucky are the managers of this person. This man or woman is lucky due to the fact the readability of numbers backs the readability of expectations, and if a person is aware of that they may get a increase in the event that they hit a sure wide variety of anything, that's remarkable. Managers are fortunate due to the fact they're spared the need of identifying how on earth to rate human beings, in order that they can be given or refused a enhance, or a promoting, or a reward.  However, in a few cases mapping the actual price of a person's productiveness and contribution to numbers might be difficult, if on no account not possible.
Permit's look into the reasons why person productivity is measured with the aid of counting things. This dependency can be traced returned to cloth manufacturing or to any interest to product tangible matters. If a farmer alternatives a hundred vs. 50 cabbage heads per day, simply an abstract instance, that is definitely true. One cannot allow a cabbage that is ready to be harvested take a seat for too long out within the subject; it can fall prey to a few pests, and so forth. With cabbages it actually makes feel to move fast, if we're involved with harvesting totally.  By means of the identical token, a baker who runs a bakery on a busy avenue is greater effective if she bakes greater croissants. The common sense is ideal: greater croissants, extra customers served more income.
With this dimension version searching so clean and simple, it's very tempting to copy-paste this exercise of "extra is better" to expertise work. The non-fabric manufacturing. They used to measure productivity of developers via traces of supply code produced consistent with positive amount of time. I ponder if a person nevertheless makes use of this metric. One clever man or woman has something to mention about it.
Measuring programming development with the aid of traces of code is like measuring plane constructing development via weight.
Other equally terrible attempts to degree productiveness encompass: count number of bugs determined by a QA (What if this character assessments the heck out of a feature, ensuring it is easy, and reveals no bugs?); the matter of words in a written piece, or the matter of photograph icons designed per day. These are abstract examples, and, thank god, it looks like maximum of the software improvement organizations moved away from those naive metrics. The much less is extra adage is grasped higher now, while we seem to stay in the age of brilliant-abundance of everything (which doesn't store us from the persistent scarcity of price).
That is the phrase. Value. How an awful lot shippable, treasured, finished paintings has this man or woman done? Working many hours is a long way from being identical to super productivity and, after a sure factor, suggests inefficiency. What i name "effective" is when one uses time within the workplace wisely, in preference to works across the clock. Then, which contribution is this character making to the group? What does she or he do to improve the workflow, or to keep the integrity of the team? Naturally, being a collection contributor way that this person is biting some bits off of their person contribution. What if this individual contributes at a larger scope, past their center skill? Then, how to thing inside the subtracted character overall performance when measuring productivity?
With those difficult nuances, I’m wondering if a person is ever capable of quantify them and use it as a numerical measure of productivity. Truly, the kingdom of tests and grades has its doors constantly open, as it attends to the wishes of busy managers looking for rapid and clear ways to price someone's performance. But, as frequently is the case, the turn aspect of rapid is sluggish. People worried with the team's fulfillment are the keepers, and if a numerical grade fails to code the cost of this man or woman efficiently, they might be demotivated. All of us are human, and bosses are human as properly (in case someone ever doubted that). They want to charge the overall performance of teams and individuals faster, in particular if an organization is large. Higher safe than sorry, stakeholders higher make sure they are able to accept as true with the scoring strategies. Otherwise, it might make more sense to paste to the vintage-school methods: study humans, what they do, and notice if this brings value to the corporation. We know that it now and again takes years for judges to be ready with their rulings. It would take what seems to be an eternity for a snail to figure out what's inside this bubble. A rainbow or gasoline stains? However the time spent on figuring out is properly well worth it.
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 7 years
Yes, You Can Autocross a Chevrolet Bolt
Chevy doesn’t think anyone who buys a new Bolt EV is doing it to rack up autocross trophies, but the development clearly has a lot of confidence in the Bolt’s dynamic capabilities—or at least enough trust that it won’t fall on its face when it comes time to put up or shut up. To see if the Bolt can double as both cone junkie and zero-emission eco friend, we accepted Chevy’s challenge to destroy some front tires and race against the clock.
Just to dial things up a notch, Chevy also brought along to the party a long-dominant autocross benchmark—the Volkswagen GTI Sport. I couldn’t figure out if that was a brave, cocky, or foolish move when I saw the cherry-red hatchback staged among its taller, battery-toting competitors, but it sure piqued my curiosity.
Bolt chief engineer Mike Lelli came right out of the gate, admitting that Chevy new EV was by no means designed for autocross competition. He’s just as quick to point, however, out that the Bolt was designed for driving enjoyment just as much as it was for range and charging speed. On paper, the Bolt does score some points, one being its low center gravity—a consequence of having its battery mounted low below the floor and bolted to the chassis. Plus, all of that juicy, immediate 266 lb-ft of electric torque shoots the Bolt to 60 mph in 6.5 seconds, and the car’s lively chassis tuning proved well-mated to the electric powertrain. Enough so that we named it a 2017 All-Star.
On the downside, the Bolt’s eco-minded low-rolling-resistance tires don’t do it any favors out on the autocross (especially with the intermittent sprinkles of rain we sustained). In acknowledgement of that fact, alongside the stock Michelin Energy Saver A/S Selfseal fitment, Chevrolet also supplied a Bolt shod with Michelin Primacy 3 summer tires–available in Europe, but not in the U.S. The conceit being, of course, that a fun autocross experience in a Bolt is just a set of good tires away. (The GTI came on stock Pirelli Cinturato P7 all-season rubber.)
So, has Chevrolet been drinking too much of its own Kool-Aid? Far from it, I’d say. While the Bolt is certainly not going to be lining up against the likes of the Ford Focus ST and Subaru WRX anytime soon at your local SCCA autocross, it was far from out of its depth out there.
For one, the zip of the 200-hp electric drive system is its own source of capability and entertainment. Hit the throttle just right and you’ll launch forward with impressive force, but don’t give it smooth inputs and you’ll just spin the front tires. Yessir, with all-season tires and a little wet pavement, you can do a fairly respectable burnout in an affordable EV. The future may not be as dim as we fear.
The Bolt was impressively composed and tossable for a high-riding hatchback that weights north of 3,500 pounds, especially when wearing the summer tires. There’s some body roll, but nothing egregious, and it was easy enough to place the car where I needed it tight turns. During one long, sweeping left-hander, the Bolt was still responding consistently to my small throttle and steering adjustments without upsetting the car’s balance under heavy load. And although I didn’t try this strategy, it’s possible to utilize the Bolt’s regenerative braking capabilities as an advantage in situations where you want to decelerate without shifting the whole vehicle’s weight forward with the brakes. That’s according to Corvette racer Tommy Milner, who was there with us and, fortunately for him, demolished all of the journalists’ best times.
As for the GTI, I don’t think it’s worried about the Bolt. While the Chevy EV is capable of getting the job done, the GTI is quite a bit more controllable when it comes to carrying speed into corners. The brakes have more bite. The steering has infinitely more feel, quickness, and accuracy. Powering out of corners is also a lot easier, thanks to the GTI Sport’s electronically controlled limited-slip differential. In general the GTI feels a lot more like you’re really in tune with it, rather than whipping it around and trying to keep up, like you are in the Bolt.
That said, my best time in the summer-tire-equipped Bolt was just 0.41 seconds off the pace of my best run in the GTI.
Driver confidence goes a long way in autocross, and the GTI just gave me way more of it. But Chevy was not overconfident in their gamble that I’d be impressed with the Bolt, even with the VW there as the benchmark. The Bolt is a genuinely enjoyable and satisfying car to drive, and if someone is brave enough to buy a set of summer tires and silently stalk the hot-hatches and NA Miatas in the autocross paddock, that crazed soul will have a fun time of it, indeed.
2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $37,495 (base) ENGINE Permanent magnet drive motor/200 hp, 266 lb-ft TRANSMISSION Single-speed LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-motor, FWD wagon EPA MILEAGE 128/110 mpge (city/hwy); 238-mile total range L x W x H 164 x 69.5 x 62.8 in WHEELBASE 102.4 in WEIGHT 3,563 lb 0-60 MPH 6.5 sec TOP SPEED 92 mph
0 notes
eddiejpoplar · 7 years
Yes, You Can Autocross a Chevrolet Bolt
Chevy doesn’t think anyone who buys a new Bolt EV is doing it to rack up autocross trophies, but the development clearly has a lot of confidence in the Bolt’s dynamic capabilities—or at least enough trust that it won’t fall on its face when it comes time to put up or shut up. To see if the Bolt can double as both cone junkie and zero-emission eco friend, we accepted Chevy’s challenge to destroy some front tires and race against the clock.
Just to dial things up a notch, Chevy also brought along to the party a long-dominant autocross benchmark—the Volkswagen GTI Sport. I couldn’t figure out if that was a brave, cocky, or foolish move when I saw the cherry-red hatchback staged among its taller, battery-toting competitors, but it sure piqued my curiosity.
Bolt chief engineer Mike Lelli came right out of the gate, admitting that Chevy new EV was by no means designed for autocross competition. He’s just as quick to point, however, out that the Bolt was designed for driving enjoyment just as much as it was for range and charging speed. On paper, the Bolt does score some points, one being its low center gravity—a consequence of having its battery mounted low below the floor and bolted to the chassis. Plus, all of that juicy, immediate 266 lb-ft of electric torque shoots the Bolt to 60 mph in 6.5 seconds, and the car’s lively chassis tuning proved well-mated to the electric powertrain. Enough so that we named it a 2017 All-Star.
On the downside, the Bolt’s eco-minded low-rolling-resistance tires don’t do it any favors out on the autocross (especially with the intermittent sprinkles of rain we sustained). In acknowledgement of that fact, alongside the stock Michelin Energy Saver A/S Selfseal fitment, Chevrolet also supplied a Bolt shod with Michelin Primacy 3 summer tires–available in Europe, but not in the U.S. The conceit being, of course, that a fun autocross experience in a Bolt is just a set of good tires away. (The GTI came on stock Pirelli Cinturato P7 all-season rubber.)
So, has Chevrolet been drinking too much of its own Kool-Aid? Far from it, I’d say. While the Bolt is certainly not going to be lining up against the likes of the Ford Focus ST and Subaru WRX anytime soon at your local SCCA autocross, it was far from out of its depth out there.
For one, the zip of the 200-hp electric drive system is its own source of capability and entertainment. Hit the throttle just right and you’ll launch forward with impressive force, but don’t give it smooth inputs and you’ll just spin the front tires. Yessir, with all-season tires and a little wet pavement, you can do a fairly respectable burnout in an affordable EV. The future may not be as dim as we fear.
The Bolt was impressively composed and tossable for a high-riding hatchback that weights north of 3,500 pounds, especially when wearing the summer tires. There’s some body roll, but nothing egregious, and it was easy enough to place the car where I needed it tight turns. During one long, sweeping left-hander, the Bolt was still responding consistently to my small throttle and steering adjustments without upsetting the car’s balance under heavy load. And although I didn’t try this strategy, it’s possible to utilize the Bolt’s regenerative braking capabilities as an advantage in situations where you want to decelerate without shifting the whole vehicle’s weight forward with the brakes. That’s according to Corvette racer Tommy Milner, who was there with us and, fortunately for him, demolished all of the journalists’ best times.
As for the GTI, I don’t think it’s worried about the Bolt. While the Chevy EV is capable of getting the job done, the GTI is quite a bit more controllable when it comes to carrying speed into corners. The brakes have more bite. The steering has infinitely more feel, quickness, and accuracy. Powering out of corners is also a lot easier, thanks to the GTI Sport’s electronically controlled limited-slip differential. In general the GTI feels a lot more like you’re really in tune with it, rather than whipping it around and trying to keep up, like you are in the Bolt.
That said, my best time in the summer-tire-equipped Bolt was just 0.41 seconds off the pace of my best run in the GTI.
Driver confidence goes a long way in autocross, and the GTI just gave me way more of it. But Chevy was not overconfident in their gamble that I’d be impressed with the Bolt, even with the VW there as the benchmark. The Bolt is a genuinely enjoyable and satisfying car to drive, and if someone is brave enough to buy a set of summer tires and silently stalk the hot-hatches and NA Miatas in the autocross paddock, that crazed soul will have a fun time of it, indeed.
2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $37,495 (base) ENGINE Permanent magnet drive motor/200 hp, 266 lb-ft TRANSMISSION Single-speed LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-motor, FWD wagon EPA MILEAGE 128/110 mpge (city/hwy); 238-mile total range L x W x H 164 x 69.5 x 62.8 in WHEELBASE 102.4 in WEIGHT 3,563 lb 0-60 MPH 6.5 sec TOP SPEED 92 mph
0 notes
jesusvasser · 7 years
Yes, You Can Autocross a Chevrolet Bolt
Chevy doesn’t think anyone who buys a new Bolt EV is doing it to rack up autocross trophies, but the development clearly has a lot of confidence in the Bolt’s dynamic capabilities—or at least enough trust that it won’t fall on its face when it comes time to put up or shut up. To see if the Bolt can double as both cone junkie and zero-emission eco friend, we accepted Chevy’s challenge to destroy some front tires and race against the clock.
Just to dial things up a notch, Chevy also brought along to the party a long-dominant autocross benchmark—the Volkswagen GTI Sport. I couldn’t figure out if that was a brave, cocky, or foolish move when I saw the cherry-red hatchback staged among its taller, battery-toting competitors, but it sure piqued my curiosity.
Bolt chief engineer Mike Lelli came right out of the gate, admitting that Chevy new EV was by no means designed for autocross competition. He’s just as quick to point, however, out that the Bolt was designed for driving enjoyment just as much as it was for range and charging speed. On paper, the Bolt does score some points, one being its low center gravity—a consequence of having its battery mounted low below the floor and bolted to the chassis. Plus, all of that juicy, immediate 266 lb-ft of electric torque shoots the Bolt to 60 mph in 6.5 seconds, and the car’s lively chassis tuning proved well-mated to the electric powertrain. Enough so that we named it a 2017 All-Star.
On the downside, the Bolt’s eco-minded low-rolling-resistance tires don’t do it any favors out on the autocross (especially with the intermittent sprinkles of rain we sustained). In acknowledgement of that fact, alongside the stock Michelin Energy Saver A/S Selfseal fitment, Chevrolet also supplied a Bolt shod with Michelin Primacy 3 summer tires–available in Europe, but not in the U.S. The conceit being, of course, that a fun autocross experience in a Bolt is just a set of good tires away. (The GTI came on stock Pirelli Cinturato P7 all-season rubber.)
So, has Chevrolet been drinking too much of its own Kool-Aid? Far from it, I’d say. While the Bolt is certainly not going to be lining up against the likes of the Ford Focus ST and Subaru WRX anytime soon at your local SCCA autocross, it was far from out of its depth out there.
For one, the zip of the 200-hp electric drive system is its own source of capability and entertainment. Hit the throttle just right and you’ll launch forward with impressive force, but don’t give it smooth inputs and you’ll just spin the front tires. Yessir, with all-season tires and a little wet pavement, you can do a fairly respectable burnout in an affordable EV. The future may not be as dim as we fear.
The Bolt was impressively composed and tossable for a high-riding hatchback that weights north of 3,500 pounds, especially when wearing the summer tires. There’s some body roll, but nothing egregious, and it was easy enough to place the car where I needed it tight turns. During one long, sweeping left-hander, the Bolt was still responding consistently to my small throttle and steering adjustments without upsetting the car’s balance under heavy load. And although I didn’t try this strategy, it’s possible to utilize the Bolt’s regenerative braking capabilities as an advantage in situations where you want to decelerate without shifting the whole vehicle’s weight forward with the brakes. That’s according to Corvette racer Tommy Milner, who was there with us and, fortunately for him, demolished all of the journalists’ best times.
As for the GTI, I don’t think it’s worried about the Bolt. While the Chevy EV is capable of getting the job done, the GTI is quite a bit more controllable when it comes to carrying speed into corners. The brakes have more bite. The steering has infinitely more feel, quickness, and accuracy. Powering out of corners is also a lot easier, thanks to the GTI Sport’s electronically controlled limited-slip differential. In general the GTI feels a lot more like you’re really in tune with it, rather than whipping it around and trying to keep up, like you are in the Bolt.
That said, my best time in the summer-tire-equipped Bolt was just 0.41 seconds off the pace of my best run in the GTI.
Driver confidence goes a long way in autocross, and the GTI just gave me way more of it. But Chevy was not overconfident in their gamble that I’d be impressed with the Bolt, even with the VW there as the benchmark. The Bolt is a genuinely enjoyable and satisfying car to drive, and if someone is brave enough to buy a set of summer tires and silently stalk the hot-hatches and NA Miatas in the autocross paddock, that crazed soul will have a fun time of it, indeed.
2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $37,495 (base) ENGINE Permanent magnet drive motor/200 hp, 266 lb-ft TRANSMISSION Single-speed LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-motor, FWD wagon EPA MILEAGE 128/110 mpge (city/hwy); 238-mile total range L x W x H 164 x 69.5 x 62.8 in WHEELBASE 102.4 in WEIGHT 3,563 lb 0-60 MPH 6.5 sec TOP SPEED 92 mph
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nothingman · 7 years
  Source: DeSmogBlog.com
Science. Is. Political.
This concept will probably be easy to absorb for the regular readership at Cyborgology. It’s a topic that has been discussed here a time or two. Still, as truisms go, it is one of a very few that liberals and conservatives alike love to hate. The fantasy of apolitical science is a tempting one: an unbiased, socially distant capital-s Science that seeks nothing more than enlightenment, floating in a current events vacuum and unsullied by personal past experiences. It presupposes an objective reality, a universe of constants that can be catalogued, evaluated, and understood completely. But this view of science is a myth, one that has been thoroughly dissected in the social sciences.
As often as the myth of scientific apoliticism comes into conflict with the messy reality, it is no wonder that scientific and technical expertise is often questioned in the policymaking realm. The term “anti-science” gets thrown around a lot in the United States, especially in reference to the Trump administration and the majority-Republican Congress so eager to curry favor with him.
One organization is attempting to move the needle away from anti-science policy. Founded by a STEM professional and entrepreneur, 314 Action is a political action committee geared specifically toward getting more scientists to run for elected offices at all levels of government. The PAC takes its name from the first three digits of pi, because “[p]i is everywhere. It’s the most widely known mathematical ratio both inside and out of the scientific community. It is used in virtually everything we encounter in our daily lives.” If science can be found everywhere, the logic goes, then science definitely belongs in the halls of power and decision-making as well.
From the PAC’s website:
Strengthen communication among the STEM community, the public and our elected officials;
Educate and advocate for and defend the integrity of science and its use;
Provide a voice for the STEM community on social issues;
Promote the responsible use of data driven fact based approaches in public policy;
Increase public engagement with the STEM Community through media.
314 Action champions electing more leaders to the U.S. Senate, House, State, Executive and Legislative offices who come from STEM backgrounds. We need new leaders who understand that climate change is real and are motivated to find a solution.
We need elected officials who understand that STEM education is the new path forward, vital for our future and will ensure that our educators have the necessary funding to teach STEM curricula and our students have the resources to learn. That is why 314 Action will advocate for a quality, adequately funded STEM education for every young person in the United States.
But this begs the question: can placing more STEM professionals in Congress save science policy, or will it only produce more lifetime politicians?
In politics, anti-science and pro-science aren’t opposites. They’re two strategies toward the same end of winning and keeping political power. The struggle between these two political stances is a constant, dynamic, situationally contingent negotiation between the social prestige of scientific evidence and the political necessity to control the vocabulary and optics surrounding a given policy topic.
Anti-science doesn’t mean that politicians don’t believe in science. It means that they have a hard time reconciling scientific findings with more pressing political concerns, like fundraising from special interest donors and mollifying their constituencies. These day-to-day political tasks require total control over a political narrative with a kind of hyperreality and spectacle that leaves little room for the slow pace and uncertainty of scientific research.
And, pro-science doesn’t necessarily mean a belief in the power of science to craft good policy. As my own research has shown, scientific debates often stand in for debates about money and legislative instrumentation, because scientific debate is easier to sound bite and quicker to digest across the voting public. I have found elsewhere that political actors, at least in the climate change political sphere, most often cite sources of expert information from other actors or organizations who a priori align with their political ideologies.
The candidates 314 PAC aims to mobilize are trained scientists and novice office-holders. They are not politicians. In fact, the point is largely to recruit people who have never held office before. There’s a certain amount of purity attached to a scientific expert who has never dabbled in politics. At the same time, someone willing to risk the credibility and safety of that purity seems, in this narrative, to be a brave and competent candidate. It’s like the Madonna-whore complex of science policy.
The 314 Action fundraising page acknowledges this to some extent: “Most of our candidates will not come from the traditional career paths of politicians, and will need different channels for funding and support. 314 PAC intends to leverage the goals and values of the greater science, technology, engineering and mathematics community to give these new recruits the resources they need to become viable, credible, Democratic candidates.”
And there’s the crucial point in all of this: the advocacy of 314 PAC is aimed at liberal scientific political engagement, not greater STEM engagement overall. While it is perfectly acceptable for a PAC to pin itself to a particular ideological position, it is dangerous to conflate an acceptance of scientific principles with a liberal political mindset.
Ben Carson is a brain surgeon, celebrated as a visionary in his field, but has demonstrated time and again his tenuous grasp on history, political science, and reality. Former US Representative Todd Aiken—he of the “if it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down” infamy—was a leader in the Army Corps of Engineers. Rand Paul is an ophthalmologist who ran for president on a platform of small government— so small that it had little room at all for research and development. The lesson here is clear: being in the STEM fields alone does not make you pro-science, being pro-science alone doesn’t make you smart, and being smart alone will not make you an effective policymaker.
None of this is to say that scientists and engineers should stay away from politics. Far from it; democracy thrives when rooted in a diversity of perspectives and consideration of all available evidence. See the first line of this post. Exposure and intersectionality are critical foils to a democracy that has grown comfortable with status quo politics and ideological purity. And scientists are human beings, voting citizens, paying consumers. They deserve a political opinion, and indeed can’t help but have one.
Furthermore, the efforts of 314 also seem to be having the unintended consequence of inspiring more women and people of color to run for office from within the STEM fields. 314 Action’s founder, Shaughnessy Naughton, is a woman who ran for the House of Representatives in 2016 on a pro-science platform. That women and people of color are more acutely aware of the politics present in science than their white male counterparts is no surprise, but it’s good that these scientists have a path forward for translating this awareness into political change.
Most importantly, I would point out that there is value in scientists running for office, even if they don’t win. Campaign events are major sources of information for voters, and the shiny optics and well-scripted hyperreality of a scientist’s campaign could go a long way in educating a constituency about a topic of scientific importance, even if it doesn’t sway votes that way. As I’ve written elsewhere, the novelty of a pro-science platform from either party could effectively shift voter attitudes in the age of anti-scientific policymaking.
The danger here is not in scientists running for office and losing. It is in scientists running for office, winning, and being unprepared to participate in the political process because they ran on an “I’m a scientist” platform. Congress has already shown itself to not only be open to the label of anti-science, but in many cases, has actively courted it. To assume that the prescription for political change is a critical mass of scientists in elected positions is to ignore the very messy social dynamics mediating the interfaces between science and politics.
Policymaking cares little for methodology, and even less for control conditions. Neither the constitutionally inscribed forward-facing process nor the subtler backstage deal-making that go into crafting policy are interested in scientific uncertainty and its sometimes glacial pace of innovation. Scientists should absolutely run for office. They should also march in demonstrations, write letters to their representatives, and engage in democracy as every other citizen has a right to do. But they—and the organizations supporting their candidacy for office—should be prepared for the contentious and sometimes fact-free atmosphere of US government.
    Joe blogs and is on Twitter.
via Cyborgology
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grabey · 7 years
We all have different thoughts on the inevitable workplace meeting – for some, they are the scourge of employment, akin to scraping your fingernails down a chalkboard until you reach the skin and then dipping them in vinegar.
The studious note taker
We all take a notepad or a diary along to a meeting but for 95% of us, this is merely to show willing and to prove to our boss how seriously we take our shit. Or to show off our Power Rangers notebook.
But for one person in the room, every utterance is furiously scribbled down. Which means no-one can scratch themselves furtively as it will likely be minuted.
The joker
Ah, the clown of the group. Interjecting speeches and discussions with irrelevant quips which, at best, result in polite chuckles, someone rolling their eyes and proclaiming ‘what are you like!?’ and the person leading the meeting making a mental note to no longer include them in important discussions.
Thankfully, the joker rarely takes hints so will entertain us with at least 10 interruptions just dripping with bants.
The one who doesn’t want to be there
Well, to be fair, few of us actually WANT to be there, especially close to lunch time or home time. But while most of us hide it due to, you know, professionalism, there is someone who will be wearing an expression that suggests their seat has been replaced with an angry wasp’s nest.
The texter
Brazenly tapping away on their phone, liking memes about how much they’re looking forward to that glass of wine tonight and tweeting about how shit meetings are, this person will barely even look up when directly addressed.
And yet, as much as you’d enjoy the same level of distraction, you don’t have the bottle to even touch your phone.
The chatty one
The confident talker who randomly strikes up separate conversations with whoever they are sitting beside during the meeting is completely oblivious to your barbed wire stare across the table. Or the fact that the person they are chatting to is deeply uncomfortable and is both scared of getting told off for distracting everyone and of telling them to shut up.
The inquisitive question asker
We’re all curious people and we don’t always get what the meeting is about – but even if you feel like you might have wandered into the wrong board room or you are terrified that the meeting’s topic means your job is now redundant, there is a golden rule of etiquette. Save the damn questions.
Unless the meeting is saving you from going back to a pretty dire shift – in which case the rules change dramatically – no-one will thank you for keeping them there longer (particularly at home time or lunch time, the two best parts of the day) by asking questions. Just hang back and ask them when everyone’s gone.
There is a special pit of lava reserved in Hell for the person who comes in late and asks questions at the end which were already answered in the time when he or she wasn’t in the room.
The suck up
There’s eager to please and there’s crawling up a superior’s posterior and setting up camp in their inner chambers while massaging them from inside. If you are the one who sickeningly gushes over the manager’s every idea whether it’s suggesting tea or outlining pay cuts across departments, you are one of the most despised members of the meeting. Including by the manager probably.
The insufferable skeptic
At the same time, let’s not be that person who is negative about everything. At meetings, we will all encounter ideas that we are not happy with and the whole idea of a gathering is to share concerns.
However, one person’s role in the meeting is to shut down everything said – by everyone. Even if they don’t vocally condemn your idea as a ‘waste of time’ or ‘complete shit’, you will at least hear them tut or shake their head in the second that you open your mouth.
The one who is always late
‘I’ll catch up with you’ they will call before then bursting in loudly fifteen minutes later and needing to be caught up with developments so far. Worst case scenario is that the chair of the meeting will decide to hang on for them leading to quarter of an hour’s worth of awkward weather chat.
The silent one
It can be pretty difficult to get a word in edge-ways during an active meeting so one or two don’t even try. Either from giving up, hating speaking in public or fear of being judged by Mr or Mrs Skeptic, there is always that person who never contributes.
The one who is too busy
Apparently, some people are busier than others and have even less time for this crap than you do. They walk in hurriedly, panting with exertion and stress and insist on having their say first before then making a big deal of asking everyone if they can then be excused and then running out before waiting for an answer.
If only we all had jobs to do, eh?
The fiddler
The one who doesn’t know when to stop
Meetings are very rarely a thrill so the one thing a speaker can do is try and keep things concise for the sake of everyone’s sanity – and taking into account that the one who asks questions will also eat into the designated time too.
Oh, what’s that? 30 Powerpoint slides? Never mind, then.
The buzz words king
‘Cards on the table, we need an exit strategy from the profit analytics system as it no longer serves our internal knowledge process. We’re in the early stages but a new innovative bizmeth is being mindshared by logistics so we will prioritise ironing out the edges at this early stage and then implement the details via our cloud network to all parties.’
U wot, Carl mate?
The important one
Someone in the meeting is genuinely important. Another is self important without much justification. Both are to be feared in meetings for different reasons – the former because they can hire and fire you if you mess up and the latter because they will be the cause of your bleeding tongue as you bite down on it hard to stop yourself reminding them that you out-rank them.
Writer: Duncan Lindsay for Metro.co.uk
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How to Seduce Men With Body Language: 12 Perfect Seduction Tips
Women the world ’round have long yearned to know how to seduce men with body language.  If you’re like them, you want one man in particular to know that you lust after him…but maybe don’t have the courage to say so out loud. 
So you let your body do the talking.
Learning how to seduce men with body language may take some practice!
There are tons of ways to use body language to communicate your desire, but today we’ll cover just 12:
1. Use Your Smile to Seduce Him 2. Aim Your Belly Button at Him 3. Touch Him. But Not Too Much 4. Avoid Crossing Your Arms To Seduce With Your Body 5. Use a Power Pose to Improve Seductive Body Language 6. Lock Eyes With Him…Then Lower Your Eyelids 7. Make the Most of Your Lips 8. Play With Your Hair To Attract Him 9. Show Him Your Interest Using Facial Expressions 10. Lean In Toward Him to Make Him More Attracted to You 11. Wear Clothes That Make You Feel Your Best 12. Live in the Moment
Understanding the Value of Nonverbal Communication
You have no problem flirting with the object of your affections, but when it comes to saying, “hey, I find you incredibly hot. Would you like to hop in the sack?” well, frankly the idea petrifies you.
Body language, it turns out, makes up the bulk of how we communicate. While it’s debated among experts, many believe this is the breakdown of how we communicate:
Body language: 55%
Tone of voice: 38%
Words spoken: 7%
So if you can’t find the words to tell a man you want him, you should learn how to seduce men with body language!
So…What is Body Language?
Maybe you’re not familiar with how you can use your body to tell a man something, so let’s cover that here.
Obviously, body language involves your body communicating through signals. You can communicate that you’re secure/insecure, attracted/repulsed, happy/annoyed all with how you position your body. It’s often easier to think out what you plan to say through words than it is body language because most of the time we don’t even realize we are saying something with how our arms are placed, for example.
Think about it. The last time you were around someone you didn’t like, did you cross your arms? Maybe tap your foot impatiently? Whether you realized it or not, you were communicating that you didn’t want to be there talking to her.
Now think about how you are around the man you’re interested in. Maybe you lean in when he talks or even mirror his actions. Your body knows you’re totally into him, and it wants a chance to speak up!
The key to learning how to seduce men with body language is being able to control and leverage certain positions to communicate your intent.
12 Tips on How to Seduce Men With Body Language
I promised you tips, so get your notebook ready to take notes! I guarantee that if you try any of these, he will pick up on your interest. What you do from there? Well, that’s entirely on you!
1. Use Your Smile to Seduce Him
You’ve got a great smile; use it!
We all know that the smile is powerful. But how you smile matters. Make sure you’re giving him what scientists call a Duchenne smile, which is genuine and involves the eyes, rather than a Pan Am smile, which is the false smile we often see on flight attendants who are less than thrilled to bring us another pillow on a flight. When your smile is real, he knows that you’re happy being with him.
You can also give him a sexy smile that says, “I’m thinking about what being in bed with you would be like.”
2. Aim Your Belly Button at Him
Say whaaa? Yes, ladies, your belly button can communicate that you’re into a guy.
Chris Ulrich, senior instructor at the Body Language Institute, says that pointing your belly button in the direction of the person you’re talking to can indicate that you like and trust him. Even if your head is turned another way, aim your body so that your belly button has a center “view” of this guy.
3. Touch Him…But Not Too Much
Consider two women:
Veronica: constantly rubs Brad’s chest, running her red fingernails up and down his biceps.
Samantha: touches his arm once or twice on a date. Brushes her knee against his “accidentally” under the table.
While Veronica is sending signals that in no uncertain terms she wants to ravage Brad, Samantha takes a more subtle approach. She wants him just as much, but she has the decorum to communicate this tastefully.
4. Avoid Crossing Your Arms
This is one of those signals you want to avoid when learning how to seduce men with body language because crossing your arms can indicate that you’re not interested or that you’re disconnected from the situation. It can also say that you’re feeling insecure.
President Trump’s own body language has been scrutinized, and when he crosses his arms, people take notice…not for the better.
If you find yourself crossing your arms (even if you’re not feeling any of the things I said it communicates), simply uncross them and lean in toward the man you’re with.
5. Strike a Power Pose to Improve Seductive Body Language
Amy Cuddy made the power pose trendy a few years ago with her TED Talk and then book, Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges. She conducted a study where subjects took either high-power or low-power poses. Those in high-power poses (think: hands on hips like Wonder Woman) felt more confident and performed better in tasks.
You can apply this to your own strategy on how to seduce men with body language; standing with your legs spread, your shoulders back, and your hands on your hips will make you feel like a million bucks, and that will be communicated to him!
6. Lock Eyes with Him…Then Lower Your Eyelids
I’ve told you before how powerful eye contact is in learning how to seduce men with body language. Think about how normally if you’re talking to someone (a cashier, your mom, a neighbor), you’ll make eye contact for a minute, then look away. That’s normal.
But when you’re into someone, staring deeply into their eyes can be intense. All kinds of emotions are communicated…and some of those will be based on sexual attraction.
So don’t be shy about locking eyes and having a flirty little staring contest.
But after that…try lowering them for a bit and slightly parting your lips. This is another sexy move that lets him know the temperature is rising around you two. It can indicate sexual submissiveness, and of course, it’s the expression many women have right before having an orgasm, so it’ll put him in a sexy frame of mind!
7.  Make the Most of Your Lips
Your lips can do more than speak your attraction.
Another versatile tool when it comes to how to seduce men with body language is your lips. There are so many things you can do with them! 
Start with the color. Bold colors tend to get more attention, and red is known to communicate passion. But if you’re not comfortable rocking the red, try a deep berry. Really, you should just be comfortable with whatever color you choose.
Next, consider what to do with your lips. Biting your lower lip is incredibly sexy to men, so try that a few times (combined with that eyelid lowering!). You can also slowly lick your lips and smile at him.
8. Play With Your Hair To Attract Him
Your hair is another great seduction asset; there are a million ways to play with it to get a man’s attention.
Pull it all over one shoulder
Toss it back
Twirl a curl around your finger
Put it up in front of him
Just don’t overdo it with the hair! Pick one or two tactics, but don’t go overboard.
9. Show Him Your Interest Using Facial Expressions
Did you know we make about 25,000 facial expressions a day? Our faces are much more expressive and communicative than our voices ever could be. So use your face to tell him what’s on your mind.
Start by simply showing that you’re paying attention to what he’s saying. Nod occasionally while he talks.
Tilt your head to one side. This reveals your most vulnerable spot: your neck. It communicates that you trust him (even if he’s a vampire!).
You can also mirror his expressions. If he smiles, smile back. If he furrows his brow, do the same.
10. Lean In Toward Him to Make Him More Attracted to You
Leaning toward him indicates your interest.
When you lean in toward a man, he feels like you’re engaged and interested in him. If you lean away, it shows disinterest.
So when he’s talking, lean forward just a few inches. It’s a subconscious signal that will make him all the more attracted to you.
11. Wear Clothes That Make You Feel Your Best
The best tip I can give for how to seduce men with body language is to simply be comfortable with your approach. If flipping your hair isn’t something you’d normally do, then don’t do it. The same goes with the clothes you wear on a date. You absolutely do not have to wear tight and revealing clothing to get the guy.
In fact, most men find a woman who leaves a little mystery in what she’s wearing all the more intriguing (“what’s happening underneath those clothes?”). Sure, form-fitting clothing, a tiny bit of cleavage, or a dress that shows off your legs will be appreciated, but you need to be comfortable with what you’re wearing.
Go to your closet right now. I’ll wait. Now find the outfits that you feel fabulous in. That might include a t-shirt, jeans, skirt, dress, whatever. These are the things you should wear on a date because they already help you feel more confident. Tight-fitting or too low-cut clothes, on the other hand, will just have you adjusting them all night and wishing you hadn’t worn them.
It’s more important that you’re confident in what you wear than that you appeal to what you think men will like. Confidence, as I’ve said numerous times, is crazy sexy!
12. Live in the Moment
I don’t want to overwhelm you with these tips on how to seduce men with body language to the point that you feel you need a script to go on a date! These are just suggestions, and I fully encourage you to come up with your own ways to communicate how you’re feeling. Again, when you’re confident, regardless of what you do, you’ll easily seduce any man.
You might be on a date and find that he really responds well to you teasing him, so go with it. Or he might take the lead with the flirting. You can never plan ahead of time how a date will go, or how a given man will respond to your sexy strategies, so pay attention to his feedback and modify accordingly.
Every woman will have a different approach to how to seduce men with body language. Your best friend might be great at seducing them on the dance floor, but you’ve got two left feet, so that doesn’t work for you. Instead, you use your wit.
Whatever you’ve got, own it. Work with it. Because the right man will be attracted to your unique blend of youness. So be authentic, and find the seduction techniques that get you the best results.
I also encourage you to know what you want before you try to seduce a man. Are you ready to have sex with him, or are you just looking for a little attention? Realize that some of the tips I outlined above will communicate to him that you are ready to get intimate, so be sure that you’re ready for that step before trying these strategies out. If you’re just starting to date a man and really want him to commit, maybe save these tips for later once you know each other better.
Let’s hear from our community! What ways have you found to work when it comes to how to seduce men with body language? Leave a comment below.
Flirting is a big part of how to seduce men with body language. If you need a refresher or tips, check out The Flirting Workshop.
The post How to Seduce Men With Body Language: 12 Perfect Seduction Tips appeared first on Sexy Confidence.
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