#Haruka’s the child from the first family who left with Kiryu but gets to visit
supercityboys · 5 months
A huge hc I have about Majima and Kiryu’s relationship: They’re microdosing on co-parenting. As in, the same way that we say they’re ludo-narratively having sex when they fight, they’re also raising a family that way.
I think Majima would be secretly eager to meet the MG kids because they’re detached from the clan. He’ll still do the entire song and dance of his well manicured façade, claiming he’s not interested in snot nosed brats, even though we know better. After years of taking care of Daigo the idea of being allowed into this other inner sanctum of Kiryu’s would be another step up in their relationship.
Cause the reality is that Kiryu really had no set path in life other than to follow Kazama. And after Kazama died… what choice did he really have but to become him? Majima, however, he, Saejima, and Yasuko wanted things. They had plans and goals and deeply eternal wants. Majima wanted a family. If he hadn’t been so deeply ingrained in the yakuza world he would’ve stayed with Makoto or Mirei. He liked being a cabaret manager to some degree. In 2/3 of these situations there was a child involved and he wanted to care for said child. And now… we’ll he’s already given the idea up until Kiryu comes to him with Daigo. Yeah, he’s already grown, but he’s mine and I’m letting him be yours too.
Kiryu’s the one who keeps his family “separated” from his yakuza life and no matter how happy Majima makes him, he’s an outlier. He belongs to Tojo the same way Daigo and Kashiwagi do. Family, but ultimately yakuza. But for Majima, who did what Kiryu is just now trying to do, he’s desperate. Majima cut everyone off when he was relocated to Sotenbori and basically stayed that way. Sotenbori was his Okinawa. Even Sagawa asked Majima why is he paying all of this money to rejoin when he is clearly making hella cash and is a town celebrity. Then after 88’ he cuts everyone off AGAIN. Then he falls in love and makes friends and cuts them off AGAIN. He’s tried and tried, and truthfully? Nishida, Minami, Okada, etc? All his subordinates. He’s raising them through the ranks and isn’t their equal. Kiryu though? He’s such a perfect equal that for a while Shimano makes him the enemy. Kazama’s pet, mysterious Sera’s golden ticket. Then Kiryu gives him his prodigal first born. Formally wayward, newly set straight. Majima doesn’t need to raise him through the ranks, he just has to help him keep afloat… like a son.
Kiryu’s the only person who touches and leaves the clan like Majima does. Kiryu has a taste of heaven and Majima has a taste of it too. Majima’s taking care of Daigo, Kiryu’s taking care of Haruka. It’s a fair trade off isn’t it? Majima has friends in the industry, Kiryu has followers in the business. Kiryu has the dream and Majima has the means to secure it but they won’t indulge in it because if you have heaven and I have heaven… where’s the atonement? Where do we pay for the pain and suffering? We don’t. We’ll just make sure the kids don’t suffer like us.
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Yakuza spoilers under the cut! Along with a TW for child endangerment!
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Name: Haruka Sawamura
Age: “Like 6 in the first game, eventually becomes a teenager”
• "8-16”
• "9 at debut”
Gender + Pronouns: Female, she/her
Video Game: Yakuza
Victims: Razputin Aquato (Psychonauts)
Backstory: “Little girl eventually adopted by her mom’s foster brother. Repeatedly kidnapped. Tries to make her own way in the world.”
• "Orphaned, found in the middle of a bloodbath by a former yakuza and raised by him at his orphanage. Actually helps him run it and raise the other kids. Went on to compete in a pop idol competition show.”
• "Adopted daughter of the main character Kazuma Kiryu! She's originally searching for her missing mother, who is Kiryu's childhood friend. She's adopted by him at the end of the first game, and continues to grow up as the series goes on--By the time of the 6th game, she's 19 or 20 and has a child of her own.”
• “Hunted by several yakuza groups and is protected by her foster uncle and later opens an orphanage with him”
• “She is born in the year 1995 and is raised in an orphanage called Sunflower. As part of the events of Yakuza 1 she meets the protagonist, Kiryu Kazuma, who quickly becomes a father figure to her as he helps her search for her missing mother, who is the sister of Kiryu’s first love, Yumi. At the end of the game it is revealed that the missing mother IS Yumi herself, and she is reunited with Kiryu and Haruka, but unfortunately Yumi dies shortly after. Kiryu takes on the responsibility of raising Haruka, having formed a bond with her, and is a devoted (if flawed) father to her from there on out. They move together to Okinawa where Kiryu runs an orphanage until he decides to go into hiding for the safety of the children (he is an ex-Yakuza). By the events of Yakuza 5 Haruka is living on her own, pursuing a dream of being a JPop idol and hiding her past Yakuza connections. During this time she learns to dance and sing from a team of coaches led by a ruthless instructor, an ex-idol named Mirei Park. During this time you can play as Haruka and engage in Dance Battles for the purpose of defeating opponents. At the end of this game, while onstage at her debut concert in Tokyo, she publicly declares her love and admiration for her father, known ex-Yakuza chairman Kiryu Kazuma.”
• "Haruka grew up in an orphanage after her mother, Yuki, disappeared, and her father was a deadbeat. Her only remaining family relation was her aunt, Mizuki, who visited from time to time but couldn't care for her full time. After a series of events causes ten billion yen to disappear from the coffers of the Tojo clan, the biggest Yakuza clan in Tokyo, with her aunt as one of the prime suspects, Haruka was embroiled in the middle of a criminal civil war. We first meet Haruka, scared little 9-year-old Haruka, huddled in the corner of a bar, holding a gun. Our protagonist, Kazuma Kiryu (usually referred to by his surname, Kiryu), was on the trail of the ten million yen when he discovered her there. Every other person in the bar lies dead in a gruesome tableau. Over the course of the game, we learn that Mizuki, her aunt, was actually Yuki, her mother, all along - she'd sent Haruka to an orphanage run by the crime family for her protection. A lot of drama unfolds, and at the end of it all, she has nobody left on her side - nobody but Kiryu, who adopts her and raises her as his own daughter.”
• “Orphaned at a young age, Haruka runs away from Sunflower Orphanage to look for her Aunt Yumi to find her mother. She ends up in the center of a 10-billion-yen power struggle among the largest and most powerful yakuza organization in the Kanto region of Japan.”
• "goes to find her mother in kamurocho at age 9, kiryu finds her and end up helping her find her mom who ends up dying, kiryu then basically becomes haruka's father figure, some yakuza stuff happens and eventually kiryu gets an orphanage and haruka helps out with some of the other kids, then more yakuza stuff happens and haruka becomes an idol for a bit but cant talk about her father figure bc hes the infamous Dragon of Dojima which nobody is having a fun time about”
• “She's trying to find her mum”
Why should they win the tournament?: “Amazing talented little girl deserves better. Sweet but hard as nails. Parentified extreme. Sawamura Haruka queen of our heart.”
• "She's the most resilient and wonderful child. Unrelenting positivity and hope in the face of horrible circumstances.”
• "Inherits both the best and worst parts of her father's personality in a way I find really compelling”
• “She deserves everything”
• "Haruka grew up unfortunately surrounded by violence- in her first appearance at age 10 she is cowering under a bar holding a pistol. Later in this game she survives being shot and basically brushes it off. In Yakuza 5 she battles on her own, and in Yakuza 6 she’s hit by a car and survives that too. She has mental toughness in spades and faces off with the gangster who burns down her family’s orphanage in Yakuza 3. This girl is made of steel. Despite all the struggle, she grows up into a remarkably caring and empathetic person who would give anything, including her life, for the people she loves. I think she would be incredibly difficult to take down in a fight.”
• “Over the rest of the series, up through Yakuza 5, we watch as Haruka grows and matures. We even get to play as her for a significant portion of Y5 as she chases her dreams of becoming an idol singer. In between the incidents covered by the games, her adoptive father starts an orphanage of his own; as the oldest of several kids, we see Haruka develop into a responsible, good-hearted older sister to everyone. She spends a significant amount of time in the first three games getting dragged into whatever the latest problems her father has to deal with, getting kidnapped or exposed to violence, but after being mostly absent from Yakuza 4, she finally gets to take center stage and assert her agency in Yakuza 5 (upon which she immediately becomes the center of a murderous plot to take down the Tojo clan yet again). (I'm leaving Yakuza 6 out of this as she had aged into adulthood by that point, but uh, that game also doesn't treat her great. Sega consistently does Haruka dirty and it makes me sad)”
• “She has suffered more than Jesus and is the bravest kid to ever exist. She is so kind and strong and is my daughter and I love her dearly.”
• “she has gone through so much already”
• “She become a popstar later, which is pretty pog”
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