#HNK Dia
nanuuiy · 5 months
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dailyfigures · 10 months
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Diamond ; Land of the Lustrous ☆ R.GLATT-CC (Garage Kit)
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ambrosiaocto · 9 months
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shoutout to these Creatures
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raspberry-rampage · 11 months
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what if the lustrous weren't human based but cat based?
inspired by @hxnam7 cute Cinnabar but I checked and they drew more gem cats!
(as you can see, Phos is drawn proper, the others are like... exploration of the idea sketches lol)
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makowcy · 2 years
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alirex-art · 6 months
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Just a lil practice
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penebui · 11 months
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Moon Diamond figure garage kit by Keima
(source: ebay)
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mira-kyui · 6 months
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beepsterb · 1 year
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shanfroze · 1 year
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nacrelysis · 2 years
im not gonna shut up about bort and dia im not im not im not gonna shut up about how bort drove themself away from dia because they pursued excellence for sensei and im not gonna shut up about how bort never let dia help them to the point that dia challenged that giant lunarian dog thing on their own to try to prove themself and im not gonna shut up about how when dia told phos to change themself they were probably talking about themself, dia, diamond, because they feel useless compared to bort.
im not gonna shut up about how dia and yellow are both diamonds that feel undeserving of their titles; dia because they are fragile, yellow because their partners keep dying, do you think bort worked even harder because they hated the idea of feeling like their siblings did? im not gonna shut up about how bort found a life outside of bloodlust only for them to be forced back onto the battlefield because of the lunarian invasion and do you think they saw dia then and thought, oh. oh no. this is what dia has become. this is because of me. because i do!! i think about how bort saw the diamond that stopped being their elder sibling centuries ago, and saw the way they splintered and fractured with that never-ending hunger to prove themself, and realized that a diamond is so much more dangerous when they are fragile.
i think about how the division of soul flesh and bone plays into the story - gems are immortal, so they have forever to realize their purpose; but gems are immortal, so they have forever to realize their emptiness. they have forever to lose their purpose, because bones cannot change like soul and flesh do. flesh twines and souls drift but bones crack if you bend them too hard. the lustrous have one purpose and that's why when they become lunarians, they have a sense of freer will and indulgence. and ignorance. bort in the room alone watching the jellyfish.... god i wish i could understand what the panels were saying
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nanuuiy · 1 year
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gems chibi set part one ✨🌟💎
🚫 don't repost 🚫
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princessinyellow · 1 year
I can’t tell if the gems in Land of the Lustrous find brighter, shinier colors more pretty, or if I just like bright colors and I’m projecting. I feel like Cinnabar and Bort are pretty clearly NOT treated as beautiful, while the likes of Phos, Dia, and Red Beryl are seen as quite pretty by their peers. Also, those shinier gems are sleepier, while Cinnabar outright doesn’t need sleep and Bort seems to have trouble sleeping/sleepwalk, at least during hibernation. There’s so many little underlying details! Or… maybe my fandom brain is just terminal.
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marzbix-crystal · 7 months
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[Image ID: A page of Land of the Lustrous themed drawings, in the top left is a coloured drawing of my OCs Afghanite and Kutnohorite with their hair loose, they are back-to-back and smiling at each other with kutnohorite sticking her tongue out, in the top right is a doodle of the character Diamond posing in a cute outfit, and at the bottom of the page is a doodle of my OCs Black Opal Clinohumite and the character Phosphophyllite, Phos is hiding behind Clinohumite while they both scowl at Black Opal who is standing sheepishly, next to them is an arrow pointed towards the left where there is a simple doodle of Black Opal looking angry while swaddled in a blanket labeled "Time-out Swaddle". /End ID]
Just a simple doodle page today, I've hit a bump in my art road, and that's ok I'm quite proud of Opal's expressions- Swaddling is the only thing that seems to deter their bad behaviour because they absolutely hate it- the Mediators have tried giving them disciplinary work but Opal would still find a way to antagonize someone on the job, so they get Time-Out Swaddled Also, Dia being a full-time pop star in this AU, I have an excuse to put him in hyper-cute outfits Also more un-ponytail'd gems!! Afghanite and Kutnohorite are great pals, I need them to interact moar
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raspberry-rampage · 1 year
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coloured some doodles of cracked busts
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tama1313 · 10 months
As an early birthday present, my family gifter me artistic chalcs and I had to test them!
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(With white pencil details)
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