coniangray · 3 months
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Hm....an explosion... Where else did I see an explosion....
Ah, right.
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We know Brenner basically copy pasted the other numbers with ones blood that's why they all have his powers, we know he needed more than him, how it's presented in the first shadow.
Not going deeper into this, but to sum up I believe Will has powers, and that he was most likely the cause of this explosion.
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hepaidattention · 2 years
oh my god I have a huge st5 theory and I have to share. warning: spoilers over stranger things s4 coming.
so we all know how the ending of st4vol2 was the most devastating and I am emotionally traumatized, right? Max Mayfield is my baby and I am so mad what they did to her. I've been irrationally angry since I watched the finale, until I realized something today... why? why would they do this?
it seems so pointless to almost kill Max, to then just leave her brain dead. its so pointless like let her die or let her live I'm not a fan of this weird in-between. (they also made it strangely specific how they show us that El brought her back through memories.)
but then I'm realizing I'm not thinking rationally: this is a Hopper all over again. they didn't really kill Max because they don't want her to stay dead. they're gonna bring her back. but then the question is how???? she's literally gone it's just her body left. how??
guys, though. dude. so Vecna needed these sacrifices right, but we thought he needed the whole physical sacrifice, yet we see with Max coming back to life physically that he doesn't seem to need the physical body to be dead - he just needed her consciousness.
Vecna is obviously very connected with people minds, their memories, their conscious. he can control all of the upside down, he even controlled Will. point being that he just needs mind's. he needed Max's mind.
remember how in Vecnas little mind layer thing, other victims were there? hooked up like he was draining the life out of them? using them?
Max's consciousness is being USED and being held CAPTIVE by Vecna. Which means if the gang can get a way in, they can somehow return her mind to her body. a good solid way in would be with someone who's already connected to Vecna ... cough cough Will.
we also seen in vol2 that El can control the upsidedown consciousness of Vecna. she's uses her powers to make the vines let go of her, like she had control over them. which says to me she has the power to release Max from Vecnas hold. (I also have a theory that 8 will return to defeat Vecna with El, needing both of their mind bending powers to overpower him).
releasing Max could then weaken Vecna, OR it could be more something like killing Vecna is how they release her. no matter what I am now convinced that Max isn't dead, her consciousness is just being held captive by Vecna himself.
El seeing that Max is gone consciously, and having seen the victims in Vecnas mind, AND with Will being connected to him, they could easily come to the conclusion that she's still alive. I can easily see half the party trying to fight a upsidedown war, while the other party is trying to find a way into Vecnas mind so they can rescue Max. if Max came back mid to late season then SHE could be their way into finally defeating him because she would know him better than Will.
anyway that's my little rant,
end of theory!
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