alantea87 · 2 months
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Two weeks in with a Nokia flip phone and no social media...
And I'm feeling better. Honestly, though. I do not miss social media. Especially the control it had over my emotions, lol. However, I do deeply miss memes. Memes were my oxygen. And I do miss the casual interactions with old and new friends on Insta. Facebook has been permanently deleted and my Instagram has been deactivated - not sure what next. But I am indeed enjoying my low-tech life using a Nokia flip.
New toy (pictured: Sennheiser HD599, affordable audiophile open-back wired headphones)...
How am I filling my time? MUSIC. Like the good old days. Like, listening to music in lossless with a wired head set kind of old days. These HD599s are a cult fave in the audiophile community for their accurate audio presentation, wide soundstage and resolution. Got them for £157, RRP £199. Basically it's like listening to your fave artists in the studio with them, as long as you feed them a decent source (I'm using Apple Music, lossless + hi ress lossless). Technically I'm not using a proper DAC, just Apple's lighting to 3.5mm adapter (a secret DAC by Apple) for my iPad Pro to drive these HD599s. The sound is out of this world. I'm hearing things in tracks I've not heard before. My current fave artist for about two years now is Zach Bryan (alt-country, americana - https://www.zachbryan.com/music). He's the only artist who can currently make me cry and that says alot.
Note-taking with pen and paper...
I have now resorted to my mini Muji notebook and pen jot down to dos, shopping lists and ideas. My Nokia doesn't have a note taking app, but it does have a simple calendar that I really like. My handwriting is awful, though. Over ten years of smartphone use would do that to a person.
My current EDC (every day carry) is as follows...
a) Nokia 2660 Flip, b) iPad, AirPods Pro 2, c) Muji notepad + gel pen, d) Kindle, e) on gym days... Apple Watch SE (for music)
You'd think texting is horrendous on a feature phone, but suprisingly I would say it's very doable. Especially if predictive text is available, which it is on the Nokie 2660 Flip. Fine, you can't type quickly but the tactility of the keypad is lovely. It really feels like you're putting in more effort in your messages than a touch screen.
Less 'digital blur'...
I know such a term is used in the photo-editing world, but now I use it to describe my experience when I am presented with too much choice on streaming services or other digital media. Everything is blurring into one digital blob. With the exception of music streaming (I love the choice and I go through phases of liking certain genres/artists), I really do miss CDs and Blu-rays. I've now reconnected my 10 year old Blu-ray player to my 1080p projector to tap back into my Blu-ray collection. Thankfully, it's a good time to get back into them, as you can buy preowned Blu-rays for a couple quid on eBay including postage. You can't beat the picture quality and bitrate. Not to mention actually owning a physical copy no streaming service can take away from you, lol.
Less noise...
As I've deleted WhatsApp (the Nokia 2660 isn't compatible with WhatsApp, only the US version of it aka 2680 Flip), I've not been in any group chats for over two weeks and it's been bliss. Yes, that also includes my family ones. I do not miss them. The total lack of noifications on my Nokia (apart from calls, SMS and calendar events) has contributed to lower levels of general anxiety and distractions. I am now able to fully concentrate during a TV show or even when listening to an album. I am fully present and immersed. Even my conversations with real people have improved greatly; I am more patient and empathetic. Mainly because I am not half-scrolling on my phone anymore. Gosh, smartphones have really killed off real human connection.
Do I miss my iPhone...?
I think if you can have a healthy relationship with a smarthphone (not using social media, no doom scrolling etc), I think they pose as a vital tool in the modern world. But as I do not have that level of self control, my Nokia was the intervention I needed. Two weeks in I don't actually miss it. I miss how it was a tool to allow me to self-soothe (not in a healthy way). So breaking up with my smartphone was probably for the best. It's made me get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Awkward silences, quiet stares into space, being one with your thoughts. Just like the good old days.
Where is my iPhone?
It's tucked away in my drawer, fully charged with £5 loaded onto a seperate sim inserted in it to be used PAYG. It is only to be used in emergencies or when I am travelling to new distant lands e.g. South London, lol. Literally it just has Google Maps, Uber and email. Not even music. I don't want to see my iPhone as an entertainment device (I am not against digital entertainment, but I am against small smartphone devices that hijack your attention all day/night).
Am I bored?
Yes and no. Yes, because I loved the short-form media that exists on Instagram (spending sometimes hours per evening consuming it). And keeping up with my favourite meme accounts, musicians and rugby teams on there, too. But no, because I've just gone back to classic ways on keeping oneself entertained... music and movies.
Who am I texting?
Literally, just three close friends I've known for over 15 years. No body else.
Will I keep using my Nokia 2660 Flip?
Yes, for the time being. I think I found a compromise with using smart tech. Just not using a smartphone has been crucial to this compromise, as it has literally improved my mental health in only two weeks. All this extra time and energy has allowed me to focus on therapy (I have an amazing therapist I speak to weekly) and addressing key life challanges I have been avoiding for so long.
More posts to come,
Love, Alan. x
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khty-khty · 1 year
いろいろあって、低音がとにかく唸ってるvmodaのlp2というやつと、有名らしいゼンハイザーのHD599に絞る。vmodaの方はベースが聞き取りやすくていいんだけど、サックスとかが埋もれる。ゼンハイザーはバランスがいい。どの音域もそれなりに歯切れがいいので、聞きやすい。スネアがいい感じ。AjaよりはGauchoのほうが映える感じで、Hey nineteenとかはかなりいい。やっぱりGauchoっていろいろ異質で、ものすごいミネラルたっぷり硬水を飲んでいる感じ。
80年代周辺のスタジオミュージシャンから有名になったアーティストって、結構スティーリーダンに参加してたりして、すごかったんだなとおもう。ラリーカールトンのRoom335とか、Pegのコードを借りているし、というのはSong to soulという番組でやってたのをそのまま引用。
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theworldnowbeingfound · 9 months
HD599 を指して「低音盛りすぎが気になる」とか言ってるブログがあったので「ん?」と思ってよく見てみると、そのブログでは DIY-AUDIO-HEAVEN の HD599 のページ へのリンクを張って「自分の聴感はある程度正しいようで、やはりフラットではなく低音が高めなのがわかります」とか言ってるのだが、周波数特性のグラフを見ると低域は 100 hz から結構減衰しているし、「The lack of subbas is audible」とも書かれているのを見つけてしまい、グラフも読み取れない文章も読めないおまけに耳が悪い人って相当かわいそうだなと思うなどした(そういうタイプじゃなくてよかった~~~)。
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tapapitaru · 2 years
HD 599
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 今更ながら「HD599」を手に入れた。愛用していた SATOLEXの「DH307-A1Bk」が僅か一年足らずで片方が断線。その後、もしもの予備として取り敢えず手元にあったAKGの「K361-Y3」でお茶を濁していたが、やはり音は断然と DH307-A1Bkの方が好みであった。K361-Y3の方が作りはしっかりしていたが、音の方は可もなく不可もなくという印象を拭えなかった。音声通話の際にも相手の声がDH307-A1Bkよりも聞き取りにくかった。そしてイヤーパッドも最近よく剝がれるように。 
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 そこで前から気になっていたHD599を入手。ゼンハイザーはイヤホンの「CX310」でその音色に一目惚れしたが、ヘッドフォンを、それに開放型のやつはこれが初めてだ。アンプはAmulechの「AL-9628D」。再生ソフトは「Music Center for PC」と「Music Bee」。Music Center for PCは「DSEE HX」をオン「WASAPI排他」で再生。 Music Bee も 「WASAPI排他」で再生、そしてリサンプル、イコライザでかなり味付けしている。音源の形式はWAV。試しに複数のジャンルで聞いてみると第一印象、音がいい具合で広がる。jazzが特に面白く感じる。密閉された空間で響く音に慣れた耳で聞くと開放型の響きはナチュラルという印象を持つ。高音が綺麗に響く、低音の厚みがいささか不足気味。前評判通りまとまりのあるバランスの良い音が出る。解像度は普通。全体的にK361-Y3よりも音が綺麗だなと感じる。特に高い音が。だがやっぱりDH307-A1Bkの方が好きかな。
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nupgrade · 3 years
Multi-channel surround sound on headphones [headphone basics]
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Multi-channel surround sound on headphones
In this article, we'll talk about a topic that generates a lot of controversy in the middle of gaming headphones or gamer headphones, whether on PC or consoles, the infamous surround sound, also known as multichannel audio in headphones. Welcome my dear readers! In this article, we will talk about a topic that generates much controversy among headphones geared for gaming or headphones gamers, whether on PC or consoles, the infamous surround sound, also known as multi-channel audio on headphones. Before we start talking specifically about multichannel audio in headphones, it's important to know the types of sounds, how they surround audio works, and how it's processed. Basically, we have 3 types of sound: monaural, stereo, and surround. Monaural Sound Monaural sound is produced through a single channel and reproduced through a single speaker. Also known as monophonic sound (monophonic sound), monaural sound from the 1950s onwards was replaced by stereo sound. Stereo Sound (Stereo Sound) Stereo or stereophonic sound (stereophonic sound) is produced through two audio channels and reproduced through a pair of speakers. This type of sound is able to reproduce a sense of directionality in that different sounds can be heard from two directions. Currently, this type of sound is the most used in the market for its great reproduction capacity with quality. Surround Sound or Multichannel Audio
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Multi-channel surround sound on headphones - Klipsch multichannel box system with Dolby Atmos Surround sound, also known as multichannel audio, is a type of sound that was created with the goal of making the sound appear to "enclose the listener" in 360 degrees. The intention of this type of technology is that the person has the impression that the generated sounds are coming from all possible directions. Multichannel audio was created in an attempt to reproduce an experience that is more realistic and immersive for the listener. Aside from the technical aspects, this type of audio works through several audio channels that are reproduced through speakers positioned in strategic places in the room. This is created from the source (audio file) which are then decoded by different technologies such as Dolby. Surround sound can be created if there are at least four channels of audio, for example up to seven channels. It is usually described by two digits separated by a decimal point (4.1,5.1,6.1,7.1, etc) to know how many speakers make up the system. The first digit tells the number of primary channels, called satellite units, while the second digit (decimal place) signals the presence of the LFE (Low-Frequency Effect), which is reproduced by a subwoofer. The subwoofer is called the point-one channel and is responsible for reproducing bass frequencies below 100Hz and has the function to generate sounds, for example, from special effects in movies and bass in music. 5.1 channel sound systems
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Multi-channel surround sound on headphones - channel sound systems 5.1 channel box system This channel system is a very common format in the industry for movies and music and is often used in home theater systems. The system consists of five channels and a subwoofer, with a center speaker placed between the stereo speakers and two speakers located behind the listener. It is a type of sound that can be found in games, movies, music video shows, and some CDs. The most common decoding formats in this type of system are Dolby Digital and DTS Digital Surround. 7.1 channel sound systems
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Multi-channel surround sound on headphones - channel sound systems 7.1 channel box system The 7.1 channel system has a further refinement compared to the 5.1 channel system by adding 2 more speakers located on the side of the listener. It was created to achieve better spatiality, placement, and accuracy of sounds, thus providing a more realistic immersion experience. What you need to have surround sound or multichannel audio To be able to reproduce surround sound, you need a receiver that supports a system of at least four channels, a processor for video (graphics processor), and audio ( DAC ) with a multichannel amplifier (AV preamp/processor) and high -speakers. However, the number and type of speakers, as well as their placement and distance, are only part of the equation. In order to get this kind of sound, you will also need to have audio content compatible with what the receiver supports to be able to process and playback. Surround sound decoding One of the ways to hear surround sound is through the encoding/decoding process. For this method to be possible, it is necessary for the sound to be mixed, encoded, and placed in a Disc or stream audio file by the content producer (movie or game studio or music show producer). The disc player or streamer sends the encoded signal via an optical/coaxial or HDMI connection to a receiver which in turn processes and distributes the analog electrical signal to the speakers. Examples of multichannel audio formats: Dolby Digital, EX, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Atmos, DTS Digital Surround, DTS 92/24, DTS-ES, DTS-HD Master Audio, DTS: X, and 3D Auro audio.
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Multi-channel surround sound on headphones - Dolby Digital surround audio format Surround Sound Processing Another way to access surround sound is through its processing. This method does not require any decoding process, instead, the receiver reads the audio signal and then the audio processor tries to fit the sound into the channels it "feels" most suitable for reproducing the audio portion. Examples of multi-channel audio processing formats common in many receivers: Dolby Pro-Logic (4 channels), Pro-Logic II (5 channels), IIx (can transform 2-channel audio 7-channel or convert 5.1 audio to 7.1) and Dolby Surround Upmixer (can convert 2, 5, or 7 channels to Dolby Atmos). In DTS, we have DTS Neo: 6 (can convert two or 5 channels to 6 channels), DTS Neo: X (can convert 2, 5, or 7 channels to 11.1 channels), and DTS Neural: X (works in a way similar to the converter for Dolby Atmos). Even THX offers surround sound processing methods that are designed to enhance the home theater listening experience for movies, games, and music. Virtual surround or virtual multichannel In order to be able to decode and process the surround audio, mentioned above, by soundbars or pair of speakers or headphones, something different needs to be developed. Virtual multichannel audio is unfortunately not really surround sound, but the use of various technologies that employ phase shift, sound delay, sound reflection (reverb) among other techniques, to fool the ears and make the person think they really are. hearing such a sound. Virtual surround can be reproduced in two ways: receiving a stereo signal and providing processing similar to multichannel audio, or receiving a multichannel audio signal (5.1 or 7.1, for example) and "mixing" it into two channels (stereo sound ) trying to simulate surround sound with just a pair of speakers. Surround sound or true multi-channel audio in headphones It's been a few years since computer parts manufacturing companies decided to develop or pay third-party companies to create headphones for PC or console gaming. To convince gamers that these "dedicated to gaming" headphones were worth it, the manufacturers needed something to convince them and through research came to the conclusion that what this audience most wanted was a greater immersion in the game and the at the same time a headphone that achieves a better ability to position/direct the sounds. Taking advantage of the fact that multichannel audio played through home theaters was increasingly common in people's homes and that it promised exactly what the "gamer audience" wanted, the industry created one of the greatest marketing ploys ever created in history (along with Beats headphones), the multi-channel "gamer headphones" headphones. The idea of ​​trying to recreate the multi-channel audio played by speakers in a headset sounds great for a layperson. This is exactly the point of view of manufacturers who now charged a very high value because their headphones have such technology, but what really happened is that unfortunately, the promised benefit was not what was actually delivered. If you, the reader, have carefully read everything that was said and shown above in this article, you will find that the real reproduction of surround audio in a headphone is physically impossible due to space, angulation, and positioning between the speakers. . And consequently, because of that, the result that you get with the technology implemented by the manufacturers in the development of the "gamer headphones" is an expensive headphone with an inferior sound performance. Compared to stereo headphones, "gamer headphones" end up having, most of the time, when they have "multichannel audio", a lower performance compared to the same price range. The headphones with two channels are able to provide superior audio quality and at the same time supply what the gamer public so much craves in games, which is spatiality, sound positioning, and better definition. If the headphones have Bluetooth or Active Noise Cancelling (ANC), the story changes, and more variables are added that deteriorate the sound quality. It is recommended for these cases to use a separate microphone to obtain higher quality in games such as, for example, Antlion Modmic (there is a wired and wireless version). Example of stereo headphones superior to "gamer headphones": - Audio Technica ATH-AD700X - Audio Technica ATH-AD900X - Audio Technica ATH-M50X - Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro - Sennheiser HD559 - Sennheiser HD569 - Sennheiser HD58X - Sennheiser HD599 - Sennheiser PC37X (headset) Surround sound or virtual multichannel audio in headphones If real multichannel audio in headphones is bad enough, virtual surround sound can be even worse, as it uses several technologies that employ phase shift, sound delay, sound reflection (reverb) among other techniques, to deceive the ears and make the person think they are actually hearing such a sound. In other words, companies deceive you twice, first making you think that multichannel audio is possible in headphones and second that it is possible to simulate, through effects, a surround sound of sufficient quality to achieve a good result for the proposed objective. How do USB PC headphones work? Just as cables with USB-C or lightning connectors have a DAC/amp internally, headphones with USB also have it in their cables or in the internal structure of the headphones. However, in the case of the PC, you can have the benefit of achieving a cleaner sound, without noise, due to better electrical isolation than the onboard sound card of the machine used. The problem with using headphones that have a USB cable is that they disable your desktop or notebook sound card. If your computer's sound card is superior in terms of quality to the headphone's built-in DAC/amp, the user will lose out on sound quality. In addition, there is the question of software that is intended for use together by the USB headphone manufacturer. This is usually done because of the inability of the drivers and headphone structure to achieve good sound quality. In order to achieve a good result, automatic pre-equalizations are then used by the program developed for the headphone, thus providing an "illusion" that the headphone has an excellent sound (sometimes without tonal balance, with excessive bass for example). Conclusion Surround sound or multichannel audio in headphones doesn't exist, it's a myth the industry has created to sell headphones at a high price and deliver less than "simple stereo headphones" of the same value. In the end, the headset that was made "with the gamer audience in mind" ends up not being able to efficiently deliver what they promise compared to the "regular headphones". Comment below and tell us your experiences with multichannel gamer headphones and/or stereo headphones! More in NUpgrade - Why you shouldn’t buy a 5.1 or 7.1 channel USB/Bluetooth gaming headset - The best cheap notebooks to work and study in 2021 - How to find duplicate files on your Samsung smartphone - QD-OLED: what is it and how new Samsung TV technology works - What is Spatial Audio and how does it work? - Android 12: All about Google’s new system; imminent release - Pirate Bay has fallen? See 14 alternatives to download torrents in 2021 - What is a USB Type-B cable and what is it for? Read the full article
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solochollos10 · 4 years
📌 SENNHEISER HD599 🔰EDICIÓN ESPECIAL🔰 #solochollos10 #Sennheiserhd99 #felizsábado
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CHOLLAZO EN AURICULARES SENNHEISER , SI NUNCA HAS TENIDO ESTA MARCA , ESTAS TARDANDO. Auriculares de primera clase con espalda abierta y alrededor de la oreja Refinación acústica ergonómica (E.A.R.), que dirige la señal de audio directamente a su oído
Gracias a las orejeras grandes con almohadillas suaves y reemplazables, no hay presión en sus oídos, solo sonido
Nivel de presión…
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earbudsshop · 5 years
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NewFantasia Replacement Audio Upgrade Cable for Sennheiser HD598 / HD558 / HD518 / HD598 Cs / HD599 / HD569 /...
1 years warranty on parts and labor, replacement audio upgrade cable for sennheiser hd598 hd558 hd518 headphone color : The same as the picture show length:1.2m cable diameter : 4mm cable material: The inside cable is OFC wire jack : 6.35 / 3.5mm male to 2.5mm male(comes with the lock the same as the original cable) package include: 1*replacement cable (there is no headphone include) this accessory is compatible with the following: Sennheiser hd598 hd558 hd518 headphones. Replacement Audio upgrade HIFI Cable For Sennheiser HD598 / HD558 / HD518 / HD598 Cs / HD599 / HD569 / HD579 headphones Length: 1.2meters(4ft), 1 years warranty on parts and labor,package include: 1 replacement cable ( there is no headphone include ) Cable Diameter : 4mm,cable material:the inside cable is OFC wire,the outside cable is Braided Tangle-Free cable Jack : 3.5mm Male & 6.35mm adapter to 2.5mm Male(comes with the lock the same as the Original cable) It is Compatible with For Sennheiser HD598 / HD558 / HD518 / HD598 Cs / HD599 / HD569 / HD579 Headphones
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sennheiser · 7 years
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Comfort without sacrifice. Our premium, open back #HD599 delivers near-audiophile levels of sound quality for an impressively natural spatial performance. Powered by #Sennheiser’s proprietary transducer technology including the “Ergonomic acoustic refinement” (E.A.R.) design, which channels the audio signal directly into your ears. A real treat for all, who listen to their #music with a sense of discovery. #headphones #headphone #tunes #headphonesin #headphoneson
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evolut-pro · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://palpur.com/music-smartphone/
Какой телефон для музыки выбрать? Мы подскажем, на что обратить внимание в поисках музыкального смартфона
Прошли те времена, когда для прослушивания музыки высокого качества нужны были большие акустические системы, ламповые усилители и позолоченные кабели по 300$ за метр. Сегодня музыка высокого качества течет со смартфона. Если Вы выбираете музыкальный смартфон. Мы подскажем, как это сделать.
На протяжении многих лет качество звука, доступное на смартфонах, не впечатляло. И «самый музыкальный телефон» мы определили по лучшему приложению плеера, а хорошие телефоны для музыки в лучшем случае покажут посредственные результаты.
Не помогало даже использование сжатых файлов FLAC/ALAC без потери качества. Смартфоны уже давно умеют их воспроизводить, но применяемая в них электроника не позволяла получать качество звучания, которое Вы могли бы ожидать от них.
Сегодня всё поменялось. Телефон для прослушивания музыки стал лучшим вариантом для аудиофилов.
С тех пор, как мы начали получать музыку через стриминговые сервисы, мы все получили простой и легкий доступ к огромному каталогу песен через музыкальный плеер на телефоне. Кроме того, в гораздо более высоком качестве, чем тот, который ранее предлагался mp3-файлами, которые мы обычно храним на смартфонах.
Телефоны также получили более совершенные аудиосистемы, как для передачи звука по кабельной, так и по беспроводной передаче. Каждый из нас теперь может носить музыкальный смартфон в кармане, обеспечивая отличное качество звука во всех условиях.
Как выбрать музыкальный смартфон?
Начнем с параметров такого телефона. Хотя музыку достойного качества, мы можем воспроизвести на любом устройстве, из-за технологических ограничений, только топовые смартфоны имеют лучшие системы аудио.
Телефон оснащенный процессором Snapdragon 625 со встроенным DAC (Digital-to-analog converter) будет играть хуже от телефона со Snapdragon 835 и выделенным чипом обработки звука.
Независимо от процессора, стоит выбирать телефон с большим объёмом встроенной памяти и/или слотом для карт microSD. Благодаря этому мы загрузим больше музыки для прослушивания, когда у нас нет покрытия сети или просто мы хотим сэкономить трафик.
Небольшим беспокойством, вопреки расхожему мнению будет емкость аккумулятора. Большинство смартфонов сегодня оснащены бетареей емкостью 3000 мАч или более, что с успехом хватит для многочасового прослушивания музыки, особенно если мы будем воспроизводить загруженные файлы, а не передавать их из облака.
По-прежнему ключевым звеном остаётся разъём для наушников.
Лично я большой сторонник избавления от устаревшего разъема, но я также в курсе, что те производители, которые уже сделали это, сделали это преждевременно. Рынок, а тем более пользователи, ещё не готовы на прощание с джеком 3,5 мм. Несмотря на все звуковые преимущества, которые несёт с собой USB-C, производители наушников всё ещё судорожно держатся за мини-джек. И поскольку выбор моделей ничтожен, потребители не меняются.
Так что если мы все равно придерживаемся классических проводных наушников, лучше искать телефон, к которому мы можем подключить их напрямую, без использования дополнительных адаптеров, которые часто вызывают потерю качества звука.
Мы можем с уверенностью предположить, что наш телефон для музыки будет служить в основном для прослушивания звуков в наушниках, поэтому при выборе нужно руководствоваться не только наличием гнезда для наушников, но также его качеством. А с этим, к сожалению, бывает по-разному. То, что смартфон дорогой, не всегда означает, что это хороший телефон для музыки.
Даже у самых современных смартфонов есть очень, очень слабые разъемы для наушников, которые излучают низкокачественный звуковой сигнал и недостаточны для управления большими наушниками. Коронным примером такого упущения являются Samsung Galaxy S и Note, если звук в них без сучка и задоринки, то гнезда для наушников имеют весьма заурядное качество.
На фоне конкуренции положительно выделяются смартфоны двух компаний – Sony и LG.
Первый, даже в более дешевых моделях, использует приличные цифровые аналоговые преобразователи. Последний создал аудио смартфоны нового уровня.
Если вам интересно, какой телефон лучший для прослушивания музыки, то ответ только один: LG V30.
Примененная в нем 32-битный DAC, управляемый системой ESS SABRE ES9218P меняет правила игры. Звук, издаваемый им, звучит глубже, лучше, яснее. Для этого система имеет достаточно мощности, чтобы напрямую подключить наушники с сопротивлением до 80 Ом!
Обычно, выбирая наушники для смартфона стоит обратить внимание, чтобы они имели до 32 Ом. В другом случае, наш телефон для музыки может и не быть в состоянии раскачать их с должной громкостью.
LG V30 спокойно справляется с наушниками с сопротивлением гораздо выше этого значения. Уже несколько недель я использую смартфон LG с наушниками Sennheiser HD 599 сопротивлением 50 Ом. Это наушники для энтузиастов, которые в нормальных условиях потребовали бы внешнего усилителя для выдавливания из них в полной мере возможности. Привязанные к обычному смартфона HD 599 звучат не слишком хорошо. Тихие и приглушенные. Если привязать их к LG V30 оживают, как будто бы подключить их к соответствующему усилителю.
А как насчет беспроводного звука?
Телефон для прослушивания музыки должен иметь дело не только с проводными наушниками, но и со звуком, передаваемым по Bluetooth, в беспроводные наушники, колонки или автомобильную аудио систему.
Чтобы быть уверенным в том, что наш музыкальный смартфон будет играть так же хорошо, как и «по кабелю», стоит обратить внимание на две вещи: сначала, чтобы быть оснащен последним модулем Bluetooth, а во-вторых, поддерживать технологию передачи звука без потерь.
Последний протокол Bluetooth — это Bluetooth 5.0, который не только обеспечивает гораздо большую пропускную способность, чем предыдущие протоколы, но также позволяет одновременно подключать сразу два источника звука к вашему смартфону.
В некоторых моделях мы можем одновременно передавать звук на два устройства или, как и в LG V30, — выбирать во всплывающем меню, из которого подключены устройства, которые мы хотим использовать в данный момент и плавно переключаться между ними.
Что касается передачи звука без потерь, стоит обратить внимание на такие показания, как Hi-Res Audio, LDAC, MQA или aptx HD.
Первые два значения — кодеки Sony, которые обеспечивают беспроводную передачу звука с качеством до 990 кбит/с. К сожалению, для их использования вам нужны совместимые устройства, которых мало на рынке.
Формат aptX HD от компании Qualcomm (ведущий производитель мобильных процессоров), который также обеспечивает беспроводную передачу высококачественного звука в 24 битах, гораздо более распространен, но легче найти совместимые устройства. Такой кодек также поддерживает уже упомянутый LG V30, который в сочетании с лучшей проводной аудиосистемой на рынке делает ее просто лучшим смартфоном для музыки.
Стоит также отметить, что LG V30 как один из немногих телефонов на рынке получил поддержку MQA — инновационного аудиоформата без потерь, который декодирует сжатый файл непосредственно на устройстве. MQA — это файлы с самым высоким качеством, доступным на рынке, и благодаря службе Tidal Masters каждый может иметь легкий доступ к ним.
Это приводит к ключевому вопр��су рядом с выбором телефона для музыки:
Где взять музыку самого высокого качества для нашего музыкального смартфона?
В 2018 году ответ может быть только один — от потоковой передачи. Я уважаю тех, кто все еще работает в магазинах для компакт-дисков или покупает отдельные файлы, но это не решение, которое я предпочитаю или рекомендую другим.
Сегодня музыка воспроизводится из потоковых веб-сайтов. Приложение, в котором у нас есть доступ к неисчерпаемому каталогу художников и альбомов, также является лучшим музыкальным плеером в телефоне. Всё в одном.
Для тех, кто ищет лучший звук, я рекомендую подписаться на две службы — Spotify и Tidala.
Первая из них, является лучшим приложением для всех платформ и самой развитой библиотекой. Spotify также имеет лучшие командные алгоритмы, побуждая нас к прослушиванию новых альбомов и побуждая создавать плейлисты.
Для этого в Spotify есть то, что никто другой не имеет — Spotify Connect. Мы можем воспроизводить музыку на одном устройстве и управлять им с другого. Подключите несколько устройств к своей учетной записи дома, а затем плавно переключитесь между ними, не приостанавливая воспроизведение музыки и повторно спаривая устройства.
На стороне качества Spotify также удовлетворит подавляющее большинство пользователей. В премиальной подписке мы получаем доступ к файлам Ogg Vorbis 320 кбит/с — это достаточно качественный файл для того, чтобы средний любитель музыки был удовлетворен. В сочетании с хорошими проводными наушниками или наушниками с кодеком HD aptX Spotify может обеспечить действительно солидное прослушивание.
Однако, если мы потратили всё это время и деньги для выбора лучшего телефона для музыки, мы имеем право ожидать чего-то большего.
И это «больше» даёт нам подписка на Tidal Hi-Fi.
Tidal обладает гораздо более бедной библиотекой, чем Spotify и несомненно хуже приложение, но в свою очередь предлагает звук несравненно более высокого качества. В Tidal Hi-Fi за 10$ в месяц мы можем слушать сотни тысяч песен, сохраненных во FLAC 1411 kbps сжатых файлах без потерь.
Используя хороший смартфон, такой как LG V30 и хорошие наушники, такие как Sennheiser HD599, музыка, сохраненная в таком формате, даст нам впечатления, которые AAC 320 kbps в Spotify не может обеспечить.
С помощью Tidala Hi-Fi хороший музыкальный смартфон позволит нам открыть для себя любимых исполнителей, снова и снова. Услышать каждую нотку и каждый шорох, какой невозможно услышать, слушая музыку из файлов с форматом сжатия с потерями.
Tidal предлагает также упомянутые ранее файлы MQA в разделе Tidal Masters. Правда, песен в этом формате пока мало, однако со временем, несомненно, будет этих файлов больше. А их качество несравненно выше, от того, что было до сих пор доступно в мире цифрового аудио. И да, мы можем этим качеством пользоваться даже на вашем смартфоне, если, конечно, это хороший смартфон для музыки.
Смартфон для аудиофилов? Абсолютно.
Этот текст, вероятно, не убедит любителей музыки тратить тысячи рублей на позолоченные кабели HDMI и заказывать стенды для колонок из бразильского дерева падук, которые лучше воспроизводят средние тона. Вероятно, они будут преследовать неуловимый идеал до конца времен.
Факт остается фактом, однако, всё это оборудование сегодня является совершенно излишним тем, кто хочет наслаждаться музыкой высочайшего качества.
Если мы выберем правильный музыкальный смартфон, добавим к нему высококачественные наушники (проводные или беспроводные) и включим высококачественные файлы, у нас всегда будет аудиофильная аудиосистема. Не тратя на это десятки тысяч рублей.
Хорошо, тогда … какой телефон вы должны выбрать для музыки?
На рынке существует множество моделей, которые соответствуют большинству вышеперечисленных критериев. В каждом ценовом диапазоне мы можем найти по крайней мере одну-две модели, подходящие для прослушивания музыки со средним качеством. Однако, если бы я указал на конкретные модели, на данный момент было бы два устройства.
Для тех, у кого ограниченный бюджет, самым интересным музыкальным смартфоном в настоящее время является Sony Xperia XA2. DNA Walkman’a сильна в этом телефоне и несмотря на то, что мы говорим об устройстве стоимостью 450$, Sony удалось уместить в нём не только много программных оптимизаций, предназначенных для любителей музыки, но и солидно играющий разъем для наушников.
Однако, если бюджет не является препятствием, и мы ищем лучший телефон для музыки, независимо от ценового диапазона, то победителем является только один — LG V30. Это настоящий музыкальный смартфон. Обеспечение наивысшего качества звука в проводных наушниках и высококачественном беспроводном аудио.
Quad DAC может подключать наушники, которые не могут использовать другие смартфоны, и в качестве части глазури на торте у нас есть поддержка формата MQA, который в настоящее время не предлагается другим телефоном. В то же время LG V30 — действительно успешный, но недооцениваемый смартфон. Он предлагает максимальную производительность, красивый экран, хорошее рабочее время на одном заряде и очень хорошее качество камер.
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haianablog · 6 years
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移動用:DUNU DN-2000(イヤホン) スプラなどテレビ用:SONY MDR-MA900(ヘッドフォン)           YAMAHA AG03(ミキサー)           YAMAHA NX-50(小型アクティブスピーカー) PUBGなどPC用:SENNHEISER HD599(ヘッドフォン)         FOSTEX HP-A3(写真にないですが、ヘッドホンアンプ)         FOSTEX PM0.4n(モニタースピーカー)
今回はHD599とHP-A3を買ってきました。 これがとても良い買い物でして、音のクオリティがとてつもなく上がったので大満足です。 あんまりアンプはこだわりなかったんですが、やっぱいれてみると低音の質、音の濃度など良くなりますね。音の輪郭がはっきりする。 私はヘッドフォンに関しては音質はそこそこに装着感をとても重視しています。長時間ゲームや音楽を楽しむにあたって、装着感は無視できない要素です。 私はヘッドフォンを5つぐらい持っていますが、SONYのMDR-MA900と今回購入したHD599はどれだけ長時間装着していても全く疲れず痛くならないので、長時間のゲームや音楽鑑賞に非常に適しています。どちらも開放型のため屋外では使えませんが、私は外はイヤホンと決めているので、ヘッドフォンは開放型を愛用しています。 SONYのMDR-MA900はあまり音楽鑑賞には適していないというか、味気ない音でちょっと濃度に欠けるため(その代わり圧倒的なつけ心地の良さ。まるで何もつけてないみたい)、今回鑑賞とFPSでより音をはっきり確認す��ためにHD599を購入するに至りました。万人受けする優しく繊細な音。いいヘッドフォン一本持っておきたい!という方にはとてもおすすめです。世界変わりますよ。
スピーカーとヘッドフォンアンプはメーカーをFOSTEXで揃えました。FOSTEXは素直で嫌味のない音で、かつて音楽制作をしていた頃からFOSTEXを愛用しています。Pm0.4nも非常にコスパに優れるスピーカーです。 今回初めてPCオーディオにアンプを導入しました(これまでオーディオインターフェースは使ってましたが)。アンプはそこまで大きく音は変わらないため、オタクじゃなければなくて良いと思います。私もそこまで過信はしていないです。一番重要なのは、間違いなく音の出どころである、イヤホン、ヘッドフォン、スピーカーです。ネットの情報に惑わされないよう、まずはいい「出口」から買ってくださいね。
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ululafr · 6 years
Bon plan – Le casque Hi-Fi Sennheiser HD 599 à 79 € - Les Numériques
Les Numériques
Bon plan – Le casque Hi-Fi Sennheiser HD 599 à 79 € Les Numériques Le Sennheiser HD599, qui offrait déjà un bon rapport qualité/prix hier, est proposé aujourd'hui par Amazon au prix de 79 €. Ce circum-aural ouvert constitue... Bon plan : le casque Sennheiser HD 559 passe à 79 euros - FrAndroidFrandroid 2 autres articles »
Vu sur : bon plan - Google Actualités http://ift.tt/2A6hmSA
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milktya0121 · 7 years
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アイマスのハイレゾ音源が先週(e-onkyo musicでは先行配信で先々週)から配信開始したので 主にデレマスの曲を中心に何曲か買った。
ミリオン曲はよくわからないので後回し中(正直本家も全く無知だけどTLで音質がすごくいいとのことでMiracleNight、SMOKY FRUITSは購入)
曲ごとに差はあれどどれも少なくとも良くはなってると思う。 特にSnowWingsの最後で「Wing of Snow!!」って3回歌うところがCDと比べて思いっきり声が伸びてる感じがして聴いていて気持ちよかった。 なんていうかCDだと「(思いっきり声出したいけど大声出すと怒られるからなぁ…)Wing of Snow~」だったのが「(今日は思いっきり声出していいの!?やった!)Wing of Snow!!」になった感じ。 生存本能ヴァルキュリアあたりも裏で鳴ってる楽器の音が鮮明になってより細部まで見えるようになったイメージ。 MiracleNight、SMOKY FRUITSに関してはCDを持っていないから比較のしようがないけどとにかく音が綺麗。大音量で聴きながらそのまま寝れるぐらい透明感がある綺麗な音だなぁと。 デレマスの曲と違って波形を見ればどこで盛り上がるかなんとなくわかる波形になってて24bit化で使えるダイナミックレンジをしっかり使えてるんだなぁみたいなことを思ったけど正直この前調べて知ったにわか知識だからこれで合ってるのかわからん。教えてジャガーさん。
ただ、よくなってるのは事実だけどそもそも元が残念なのかTulip、ハイファイデイズ、生存本能ヴァルキュリアの3曲はどうにも音割れてるのかなぁこれみたいな感覚が付きまとう。 波形とかそういうのを見て判断できる方が「ゲームではまだ音がしっかり残ってるけどCDだと全部まるごと音量上げちゃってる」みたいなことを言ってたけど 確かに意識して聴くとゲームのほうが安心して聴ける音だった(そもそも音ゲーなんだから音が悪かったらその時点でそこが気になって集中できない=集中できるんだからゲームの音はちゃんとしてるとも言える) 買った曲はどれも好きな曲なだけにそのへんは正直残念。ハイレゾ配信スタートしたんだし今後なんとかしてくれるのを願いたい。
あとNeverSayNeverに関してはアプコンして48khzを96khzにしてるらしいけど自分はアプコンを全く信じてなくてその辺のブラセボ効果なのか音がもにょっと聴こえてしまう。 多分画像をアプコンすると細部が破綻したり妙にぼやけたりするのを何度か見てこれやだなぁと思ってアプコンがあんまり好きじゃないのが原因だと思う。実際音も同じような現象が起きるのか全く知らない。
全体的にCDより良くなってる部分は少なからずある だからといって悪いところが全部治って完璧になったわけではない。そのへんは今後の新曲をハイレゾ配信することまで視野に入れて作ってもらうしかないのかなぁ。要望でもメールかなんかで感想と一緒に出そうかなぁ。 ソロ曲のアプコンいる?周波数だけ見て48じゃハイレゾじゃないというネットの風潮に作る側が踊らされちゃってるイメージが拭えない。 ところでLoveDestinyまだ?
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homearama · 4 years
Top 10 Best Most Comfortable Headphones in 2020
Looking for Best Most Comfortable Headphones that do not injure your ears, lay well on your head and send out to your ears high-quality sound? In the message below, we will certainly prove to you that this objective is not impossible to accomplish. We will certainly offer you some standard explanations and interpretations of the word comfort, clarify one of the most common troubles with headphones in this area, reveal you exactly how to avoid them as well as, certainly, recommend the 10 most comfortable earphones in 2020 that we have attempted.
The Best Most Comfortable Headphones
Sony MDR1AM2 Wired High-Resolution Sound Overhead Headphones B07BCBT3KC
The series of earphones produced by Sony gets much longer relatively by the month. This most current edition is a follow-up and also enhanced variation of the preferred MDR-1A version– the brand-new MDR-1AM2. It does not use way too much in the method of brand-new technology concentrating much more on the shipment of quality sound, but also in boosting the comfort element.
The new version has a style that is really lightweight, being available in at just 6.6 ounces. So light, actually, you would hardly recognize you were using them.
Pay attention for hours on end … There is a large advantage to earphones considering so little bit, which is the quantity of pressure on your ears is decreased as is the actual weight on your head. Obvious declarations, but it does decrease any kind of stress involved. You can, consequently, pay attention for hours comfortably.
If the fit of the phones has been designed to improve comfort, after that similar focus must be given to the construction and the products made use of. The stitching that holds the products with each other is smooth, and the actual products made use of smooth to the touch. Earpads are made from soft synthetic leather, and also the layout includes pressure-relieving paddings making the phones sit neatly around your ears.
What regarding the noise?
The comfort after that has actually been boosted, however we do need to state the noise. A brand-new 40mm chauffeur with a fluid crystal polymer diaphragm drives the audio to 100kHz. The diaphragm is light weight aluminum coated.
Consisted of are two cords, a typical 3.5 mm as well as likewise a 4.4 m Pentaconn well balanced audio port. The bigger adapters are coming to be prominent among those that favor wired earphones and audio.
There is little doubt Sony has actually made enhancements to the MDR-1A that has resulted in an extra comfy and also better-sounding collection of phones.
New style for added comfort.
Improved sound quality.
Does not have its very own gain control.
1MORE Wireless Over-Ear Headphones B01IB1QZBC
1More Wireless Headphones get on top of the list for obvious factors. The headband as well as extenders of these earphones are made from aluminum, which is a much stronger material. When you make modifications for the dimension, you will certainly feel comfy. To give you a comfortable fit, 1More has made the headband from a rubber-like product. In addition. The ear mugs of these headphones are a little bit larger with a lot of padding along with a natural leather appearance.
These headphones can moving backwards and forwards to give you the appropriate fit. We have actually personally made use of these 1More over-ear headphones and also we have to tell you that with just a bit of adjustment, they provide you an excellent fit with a proper seal and also fantastic convenience.
When it involves the quality of audio and price in regards to cost, we believe they are terrific too. Definitely, these headphones are not going to generate an audio top quality like Sony WH-1000XM3– nevertheless, the general features such as comfort, sound high quality, and price make them worth purchasing.
Aluminum Product and also Comfortable Style
Affordable Cost
The blue color may not be for everyone
Bose QuietComfort 35 II Wireless Bluetooth Headphones B0756CYWWD
Bose is well-known naturally for producing first-rate headphones as well as audio devices. And they are starting to push the limits of what can be made with such a basic piece of equipment as a collection of headphones.
The purpose of this testimonial is to find the most comfortable collection of earphones. As well as to that end, we need to be concentrating on the develop top quality as well as convenience levels rather than the modern technology that is used. It is as a result disappointing that Bose chooses to dedicate every one of their summaries to technological capability and really little to convenience.
Strange actually? Because you can have all the tech on the planet, however if they are not wonderful to put on, then that’s it.
What do we understand? A fast evaluation informs us that they depend on the Bose requirement of develop high quality. The earpads are soft as well as quickly adjusted and also are made from a soft leather-like material loaded with foam. They, as a result, sit on the ear with skilled simplicity yet can be taken into consideration a little on the limited side.
They do really cover the entire ear and also Bose declare they are noise-canceling, however having said that the company does not publish a sound decrease rating? As a result, they ought to not be described or called sound canceling and also are not created to remove the noise.
The headband is solid and flexible yet only has very minimal cushioning on the within.
We might note the technological features … Such as the Alexa made it possible for voice accessibility to music, details, etc., the Bluetooth pairing high qualities. The Bose AR version of increased reality and the cautions about Bluetooth running things. However also just how its functionality differs, placing the majority of this technology in out-of-date setting. However none of that is relevant to its comfort.
Bose makes terrific devices, however we wish they keep their eyes on the crucial points. Technology, yes, but don’t ignore the significance of convenience.
Earpads are soft and the headband adjustable.
Simply way too much technology.
Reliant for its operation on a system that is usually unstable.
Audio Technica ATH-AD900X B009S331VU
Audio Technica ATH-AD900X is second on our listing of comfy earphones. Mainly, it is the earpads of these earphones, which draw in lots of customers. It has a mesh-like housing, which is made from a durable material “aluminum,” which makes them stronger. You will certainly be amazed if we inform you that these are light-weight earphones as well as consider only 9 ounces.
When it comes to the convenience level of these headphones, the maker has actually done a smart job by giving the pads a charitable section of extra padding– making them soft to touch as well as really comfy. The pads are in fact made from foam and a velvet cushion material is utilized to cover it.
Additionally, the outdoor style will certainly put on stress on your ears as well as allows for a terrific manufacturing of sound. The supplier has actually used magnesium alloy to make the text of these headphones– hence guaranteeing their light-weight function.
Sound Technica ATH-AD900X uses 3D wing assistance, which is the most distinct attribute of this product– making them versatile to be made use of by any individual. The 3D wing support adapts to the size and shape of the wearer’s head. This is the factor we recommend people to get this item which’s why this gets on our checklist of the best comfy earphones for expanded usage.
3D Wing Assistance and also Long Lasting
Economical Rate
No turning or flexing of earcups
Sennheiser HD 599 Open Back Earphone B01L1IICR2
We are not mosting likely to rattle on regarding how good Sennheiser are. Enter into any kind of professional workshop around the globe, as well as you are most likely to find their devices. This German company has actually been impressing us all with top-end products for years, however periodically they provide us all the chance to take part in their high quality and the HD599 does that.
Let’s have a look at the develop high quality … You won’t find a Sennheiser that is poorly made. Frequently the a lot more costly earphones have a great deal of metal-based parts, however with the 599 there is a reasonable quantity of plastic. Yet it is tough and sturdy plastic it needs to be said, as well as it is also lightweight, so it does have its plus factors for usage.
The earpads are nicely made as well as covered with a soft velour giving them a very comfortable really feeling to the ear. These are over-the-ear phones, therefore it is very important to obtain the amount of securing from the structure right as well as Sennheiser have managed to do that.
An excellent fit … They will certainly fit comfortably to many sizes as the clamping is not too tight. There is also an added velour padding on the headband for extra convenience. The earpads are designed to be exchangeable. As we mentioned, they are light-weight can be found in at simply 8.8 ounces. There is a three-meter cable from the left side of the phones.
The sound quality is as you would get out of Sennheiser. Deep as well as warm bass audios and lots of top-end clarity and detail. If there is an objection, it is that the mids are instead laid back in the audio limit, which will not assist the vocals, however it is minimal.
Comfy, yes. Sound top quality, a lower degree than normal for this business but showed in the price. A bargain.
Comfortable as well as flexible.
Excellent develop quality.
Mids might be a bit lacking.
Koss KTXPRO1 B00007056H
Koss KTXPRO1 is among the very best headphones readily available on the marketplace– as numerous users have a tendency to buy them for their lightweight layout and also comfortable fit.
Not only do they feature a flexible headband however they are additionally soft-flexible, as well as supported with top notch product. Koss has actually used the toughened plastic product in making the overhead supports, which makes them stronger as well as adaptable.
On top of that, the ear mugs of the headphones have softer foam cushioning– nonetheless, taking into consideration the design– when we evaluated the item, we really felt that the padding would get lowered.
Koss earphones are created to collaborate with a vast array of devices including COMPUTER, laptop, mobile phones, studio equipment, portable DVD Player, etc. So, it is the convenience degree, audio high quality, as well as adaptability of these headphones that make them among the very best items on the marketplace.
Top notch as well as ample cushioning for both headband and earcups
Cost effective cost
Not wireless
Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Specialist Workshop Display Headphones B016YJDV74
Audio-Technica has an excellent online reputation for building top quality earphones at very competitive rates, and the ATH-M50X is a fine example of what can be bought without spending a fortune. They are part of the ATH-M series of mics and are a follow-up the ATH-40x phones which were as well as still are very popular.
How do you establish one of the most comfortable headphones? If it was simply on appearance, these could not get a possibility. These phones appear fairly huge physically at first sight, yet at just 8 ounces are not hefty. They have the appearance of a challenging, tough build which provides the impression they will certainly be heavyweights. As well as are greatly built of difficult plastic and have in their design some intriguing joints and rotations.
However they are all really safe and secure as well as resilient and also do not feel like they will break down.
They have been designed for long sessions, either in your home or in studios. The comfort level is, consequently, quite high. The headband is well padded as well as flexible and conveniently made to fit. The ear mugs also, have healthy and balanced padding, and also both the headband and ear mug product is not only sturdy, however also soft and comfy. To include in the convenience level, they have been created with rotating ear cups permitting you to obtain the ideal fit.
Appears good … These are ‘over-the-ear’ phones as versus ‘on-ear’ phones which truly explains the style of the earcup as well as is possibly self-explanatory. Being over-the-ear, the sound is maintained inside the ear mugs and outside sound greatly dissipated.
Audio high quality is good with 45mm motorists offering you wonderful regularity response, and the closed-back design permits very little bleed as well as excellent isolation of the audio you are listening to. After use, they have a valuable folding away center.
These are exceptional phones for the cash and represent terrific worth.
Well made with excellent materials.
High comfort degree and strength.
Appear fairly bulky.
Grado SR80e Prestige Series Headphones B00L1LXOWS
You might feel that GRADO SR80e is a bit rough to touch but still, they are extremely comfy. The very best feature of these headphones is that it does not make your ears really feel warm– also if you utilize them for a longer period of time.
The earcups are constructed from the plastic material. There are steel grills underneath the foam pads in addition to metal roads, which have actually been incorporated to repair the mugs to the headband, which furthermore is very adjustable due to the fact that it is made from synthetic leather.
When it pertains to the design of GRADO SR80e headphones, we found it quite intriguing. A lot of the parts are made from steel and the fascinating thing is that the producer has utilized plastic material in those components that would take less of strains.
This makes them rather long lasting and also comfy. So, durability is what makes lots of people purchase this product.
Large foam earpads
Classic style and also functions
Some could feel irritation on their ears
HE400i Over Ear Full-size Planar Magnetic Headphones B00MULH672
The first time you see Planar’s HE400i, they do seem a little on the huge side, and also your initial idea is– are they hefty? Surprisingly they are not too bad. At 13 ounces that serve.
They are magnetic earphones created for the person that intends to listen extremely closely and with a critical ear. No huge tech descriptions about magnets, yet are enough to state Planar’s system mixes the concepts of dynamic as well as electrostatic chauffeurs to develop the audio.
No stress … They are created with a major look concerning them however are actually quite user-friendly. They have a headband that has a brand-new design for Planar. It includes a soft perforated leatherette internal band that remains on your head with an outer expenses bar that is flexible.
This layout provides you a little more control over the pressure on the ears– a vital aspect when speaking about convenience. As a matter of fact, as soon as you get made use of to the framework, it really feels rather comfy with just the soft headband making call.
Fits like a glove … The ear mugs are made from a Polymer and also are leatherette with a velour cushioning. And also they have an angle constructed into the design to make certain a comfy fit, especially since that they are soft to the ears. The stress on the ears generated by the headband is softened by the ear mugs.
They are finished in a gloss charcoal black shade. The build top quality generally seems ok of what are a set of earphones at the reduced end of the market, but there is a lot of plastic in the manufacture, so damages are possible.
Sound-wise they are effective. They are open backed so there will certainly be lots of leakage, however the sound is great.
The headband layout gives a comfortable modification.
Comfy ear cups.
The plastic in the construct may make them at risk.
V-MODA XS on-ear headphones are made from steel with added cushioning, that makes them strong and durable. Given that natural leather is eye-catching as well as hard-wearing, it also gets hot after extended usage. To conquer the problem, the supplier has actually wisely fitted an item of soft towel inside the band, which stops this.
The producer has made the earcups from leather, which are furthermore well cushioned and rather comfy. We such as the keen factor to consider of the supplier and the amount of effort they have done in designing and utilizing top notch product.
Considering the design, style, and product of these earphones, we advise you to use them at your recoding workdesk or at the workplace. Don’t use them in the health club considering that natural leather is not one of the most secure material.
So much so, it is the durability, flexibility, as well as convenience of these earphones, which make them worth buying.
Well-designed and created
High-quality leather material
Move around the ears a bit that might trigger the user to really feel awkward
To find the best most comfortable headphones, we began by selecting the current offerings from a few of the relied on names on the marketplace for well-known quality. We sorted through their standards and also finest headphone assesses to see what we could discover existing innovation specs; we browsed their alternatives to glean information concerning convenience, comfort designs, sound quality and even more.
As soon as we had an idea concerning the very best alternatives from well-known brands, we browsed the online market for up-and-coming brand names, simply to see if there was anything brand-new as well as amazing coming up. After that, we had a great suggestion about the most effective choices in the marketplace. From there, we trimmed our list to offer you genuinely the most effective products readily available. What we wound up with was our settled listing: The over ranking of the 10 ideal Best most comfortable headphones on the market today.
source https://homearama.tv/best-most-comfortable-headphones/
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webnchi-blog · 7 years
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【定説】良いヘッドホンを買ったら次にやることは、? Sennheiserのヘッドホンについて語るスレ129toro.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/av/1482768360 683 : ┃】【┃ (ワッチョイ a241-y5A3) : 2017/01/28(土) 21:14:48.65 ID:cTvJaQW40.net今までPCでヘッドセット使ってたんだけど、低音がやかましいのに耐えかねてHD599買ってきた。 予算オーバーだったけど、ちょっと無理して買った甲斐はあった。すごくいいねコレ。 【 かけ算には順序があるのか 】 Source: Sound Field ~オーディオのまとめ~【生活・趣味】
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earbudsshop · 5 years
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NewFantasia Replacement Audio Upgrade Cable for Sennheiser HD598 / HD558 / HD518 / HD598 Cs / HD599 / HD569 /...
1 years warranty on parts and labor, replacement audio upgrade cable for sennheiser hd598 hd558 hd518 headphone color : The same as the picture show length:1.2m cable diameter : 4mm cable material: The inside cable is OFC wire jack : 6.35 / 3.5mm male to 2.5mm male(comes with the lock the same as the original cable) package include: 1*replacement cable (there is no headphone include) this accessory is compatible with the following: Sennheiser hd598 hd558 hd518 headphones. Replacement Audio upgrade HIFI Cable For Sennheiser HD598 / HD558 / HD518 / HD598 Cs / HD599 / HD569 / HD579 headphones Length: 1.2meters(4ft), 1 years warranty on parts and labor,package include: 1 replacement cable ( there is no headphone include ) Cable Diameter : 4mm,cable material:the inside cable is OFC wire,the outside cable is Braided Tangle-Free cable Jack : 3.5mm Male & 6.35mm adapter to 2.5mm Male(comes with the lock the same as the Original cable) It is Compatible with For Sennheiser HD598 / HD558 / HD518 / HD598 Cs / HD599 / HD569 / HD579 Headphones
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earbudsshop · 5 years
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NewFantasia Replacement Audio Upgrade Cable for Sennheiser HD598 / HD558 / HD518 / HD598 Cs / HD599 / HD569 /...
1 years warranty on parts and labor, replacement audio upgrade cable for sennheiser hd598 hd558 hd518 headphone color : The same as the picture show length:1.2m cable diameter : 4mm cable material: The inside cable is OFC wire jack : 6.35 / 3.5mm male to 2.5mm male(comes with the lock the same as the original cable) package include: 1*replacement cable (there is no headphone include) this accessory is compatible with the following: Sennheiser hd598 hd558 hd518 headphones. Replacement Audio upgrade HIFI Cable For Sennheiser HD598 / HD558 / HD518 / HD598 Cs / HD599 / HD569 / HD579 headphones Length: 1.2meters(4ft), 1 years warranty on parts and labor,package include: 1 replacement cable ( there is no headphone include ) Cable Diameter : 4mm,cable material:the inside cable is OFC wire,the outside cable is Braided Tangle-Free cable Jack : 3.5mm Male & 6.35mm adapter to 2.5mm Male(comes with the lock the same as the Original cable) It is Compatible with For Sennheiser HD598 / HD558 / HD518 / HD598 Cs / HD599 / HD569 / HD579 Headphones
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