jockifotopress · 4 months
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HCE-Jugend gewinnt
Die männliche C-Jugend des HC Erlangen gewinnt zum Start der gesamtbayerischen Meisterrunde gegen den TSV Ismaning in der Erlanger Hiersemann-Halle mit 26:20 (15:9)
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natb00 · 9 months
NOTA DE ATENCIÓN DIFERIDA POR SATURACIÓN EN EL SERVICIO Reporte de paraclínicos: Anticuerpos treponema Pallidum 0.13 S/CO (no reactivo) Anticuerpos Hepatitis C 0.30 S/CO (no reactivo) VIH 0.3 S/CO (no reactivo) Anticuerpos contra el AgSupVHB 2.0 mlU/mL (negativos) AgSupVHB 0.24 S/N (no reactivo) Ionograma: NA 136 mmol/L, K 3.47 mmol/L, CL 103.8 mmol/L, Ca 9.3 mg/dL. Cr 1.42 mg/dL, BUN 12.6 mg/dL HLG: HB 13.9 g/dL, HTC 40.2%, VCM 91.1 fT, HCM 30.2 pg, ADE 13.4%, LEU 11.700 mm3, PMN 10.156 (86.8%), Linf 1006 (8.6%), plaq 259000 mm3. Extendido de sangre periférico: Anisocitosis +, microcitosis +, macrocitosis +, hipocromía +, poiquilocitosis +, ovalocitos +, estomatocitos +, megatrombocitos presencia. VSG 39 mm/H PCR 17.20 mg/dL AST 51 U/L, ALT 29 U/L BT 0.24 mg/dL, BD 0.03 mg/dL. GGT 34.9 U/L, FA 136 U/L C3 144 mg/dL, C4 40.4mg/dL TP 12.2 seg, INR 1.10, TPT 32 Glucemia 70 mg/dL Hierro 41 ug/dL, transferrina 130 mg/dL, capacidad de fijación de la transferrina 162 ug/dL, saturación de transferrina 25%, ferritina 7.500 ng/mL. Ácido fólico 7.7 ng/mL, Vitamina B12 1504 pg/mL Fibrinógeno 123 mg/dL Recuento de reticulocitos 57.600 mm3, índice de reticulocitos corregido 1. 1.8% TSH 1.12 mUI/mL GA: pH 7.38, pCO2 45 mmHg, pO2 24 mmHg, HCO3 26 mmol/L, Sat 96.5%, FiO2 24%, P/F 325 mmHg, Lactato 0.9 mmol/L, ABE 0.5 mmol/L EKG con ritmo sinusal, FC de 60, eje normal. PR 160. QRS 60, QT 400. No hay supradesniveles del ST, bloqueos o arritmias. Notas de hospitalización paciente COVID Fecha de ingreso: xx/xx/2022- XX horas. MC: remitido de SURA TAL para ingreso a UCRI/HCE/HMI Fulanito de Tal de sexo tal de X años. Reside con X familiares en el barrio Tal, del municipio Tal Estado civil: Ocupación: Escolaridad: Teléfono: Responsable del paciente: Parentesco y contacto. Enfermedad actual: describir con detalle lo que lo trajo a la UCRI Revisión por sistemas: Diagnósticos: Neumonía por SARS-COV2 *** Voluntad anticipada: disentimiento para IOT/RCCP *** (EN CASO DE FIRMAR DISENTIMIENTO, DEJARLO ESPECIFICADO) Inicio de síntomas: xx/xx/2022. Hoy X días de síntomas. Prueba (RT-PCR/ antigénica) positiva de xx/xx/2022 Vacunación para Covid-19: especificar qué biológico se usó, cuantas dosis lleva y cuándo fue su última aplicación. Si lleva tres dosis, especificar si la tercera fue diferente a las dos previas y especificar cual fue. (Diagnósticos adicionales) Escalas de severidad: *** Call Score: TANTOS puntos, Grupo: X. (riesgo: X) Siempre agregarla *** NEWS 2 Score: TANTOS puntos. (riesgo: X). Siempre agregarla *** qSOFA: X puntos (diligenciar si es necesario) *** CURB 65: X puntos (diligenciar si es necesario) *** ROX INDEX: TANTOS puntos (posible riesgo intubación) Siempre agregarla si tiene CNAF *** HACOR:TANTOS puntos (posible riesgo intubación) Siempre agregarla si tiene VMNI Antecedentes personales: -Patológicos: -Medicamentos ambulatorios: (importante a la hora de conciliar medicamentos) -Alérgicos: -Quirúrgicos: -Tóxicos: -Familiares: -Transfusionales: -Hospitalizaciones recientes: Tratamientos recibidos a destacar (Administrado en el lugar de donde provenga) … tal y cual… -Se inició AB??: Fecha de inicio -Se inició desparasitante: tal, que día? -Se inició esteroide: tal, que día?
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Girmiti Software Payment Gateway Certification and EMV Certification
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Girmiti Software’s Certification team has expertise in the certification of Payment solutions on EMV Kernel, HCE, Digital Issuance, Nexo Fast, Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Retail, Nexo TMS, Issuance, Payment Gateway, Processor, customer L2, L3 devices, readers which interface with payment host systems. Our team works closely with customers in getting the certifications done based on defined specifications given by the customers and their partners.
We also work with product companies to build support through kernel platform to help them in getting certification for devices, readers and payment systems.
Certification of HCE
Certification with the Card Issuing systems
Certifying with Digital Wallet Platform
Certifying with Token Manager Platform
Certification for Contact EMV Cards
Level 2 questionnaire Filing (ICS for Master Card) on behalf of the customer
Usage of Smart-Spy tool for log capturing, ADVT cards, MTIP and Inter-Op cards to analyse the test script behaviour with the application to be certified
Analysis and testing of the EMV application for the various scenarios set and submission to the card association point of contact
Execution of the questionnaire test cases
Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
L3 with Payment Host and Schemes
Certification for NFC / Contactless Cards
Usage of Smart-Spy tool, Visa - qSDC, qVSDC cards, VpTT, MasterCard (PayPass), M-Chip cards to analyse the test script behaviour
Execution of the questionnaire test cases
Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
L3 App for tPOS and mPOS devices
Contact & Contactless certification support
Our team has expertise in using a spy tool with a subset of cards from VISA and MasterCard.
Below are details of the kits and technologies that will be used for contact and contactless firmware and payment systems as part of the testing and certification process.
Visa ADVT, MasterCard TIP - M-TIP & MasterCard TIP – InterOp
The kit includes & supports, ADVT cards set along with a booklet containing test card script details to execute VISA requirement for EMV-Contact cards.
Checking PG and POS compliance with MasterCard M/Chip program.
Checking terminal interoperability to specific MasterCard cards.
Visa CDET, VpTT, MasterCard TIP & MasterCard NIV
Test cards for Visa acquirer device compliance testing (contactless).
Test cards to validate compliance of PayPass M/Chip terminals with MasterCard PayPass TIP requirements.
Test cards to validate compliance of Magstripe terminals with MasterCard PayPass Magstripe & PayPass Magstripe Debit.
Certification of EMV Gateway
The EMV Payment server application has to be certified with the EMV ready devices, readers or Mobile POS, so as to enable them to process EMV transactions. Based on the host and device specification, our team writes the test plan, test cases for the required transaction set, protocol, configuration, and administration and support tools. Executes the test cases and certifies the device for the gateway. Also, the Certification team helps our customers in the certification of the applications with the Processors, Banks, 3rd Party Certification Authorities and the Card Associations. Provides certification support for acquiring online transactions i.e. both e-commerce and m-commerce. Our team has expertise is testing and certifying the Nexo standards such as Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Fast, Nexo Retail, and Nexo TMS.
Certification for Payment Processors
Our team has the expertise and help Processors to offer EMV transactional support and to get them certified with 3rd Party Networks, VISA, MC or any other schemes that the customer has partnered with; based on the network.
Certification for EMV Issuance
We have expertise in implementing EMV card personalization solution for Issuance. The team understands the specifications and helps in certifying the product/solution for contact, contactless issuance with respect to mobile and other physical issuance instruments.
To Know More About Us:
Visit: https://www.girmiti.com/certification.html
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girmiti · 2 years
Girmiti Software Payment Gateway Certification and EMV Certification
Girmiti Software’s Certification team has expertise in the certification of Payment solutions on EMV Kernel, HCE, Digital Issuance, Nexo Fast, Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Retail, Nexo TMS, Issuance, Payment Gateway, Processor, customer L2, L3 devices, readers which interface with payment host systems. Our team works closely with customers in getting the certifications done based on defined specifications given by the customers and their partners.
We also work with product companies to build support through kernel platform to help them in getting certification for devices, readers and payment systems.
Certification of HCE
Certification with the Card Issuing systems
Certifying with Digital Wallet Platform
Certifying with Token Manager Platform
Certification for Contact EMV Cards
Level 2 questionnaire Filing (ICS for Master Card) on behalf of the customer
Usage of Smart-Spy tool for log capturing, ADVT cards, MTIP and Inter-Op cards to analyse the test script behaviour with the application to be certified
Analysis and testing of the EMV application for the various scenarios set and submission to the card association point of contact
Execution of the questionnaire test cases
Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
L3 with Payment Host and Schemes
Certification for NFC / Contactless Cards
Usage of Smart-Spy tool, Visa - qSDC, qVSDC cards, VpTT, MasterCard (PayPass), M-Chip cards to analyse the test script behaviour
Execution of the questionnaire test cases
Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
L3 App for tPOS and mPOS devices
Contact & Contactless certification support
Our team has expertise in using a spy tool with a subset of cards from VISA and MasterCard.
Below are details of the kits and technologies that will be used for contact and contactless firmware and payment systems as part of the testing and certification process.
Visa ADVT, MasterCard TIP - M-TIP & MasterCard TIP – InterOp
The kit includes & supports, ADVT cards set along with a booklet containing test card script details to execute VISA requirement for EMV-Contact cards.
Checking PG and POS compliance with MasterCard M/Chip program.
Checking terminal interoperability to specific MasterCard cards.
Visa CDET, VpTT, MasterCard TIP & MasterCard NIV
Test cards for Visa acquirer device compliance testing (contactless).
Test cards to validate compliance of PayPass M/Chip terminals with MasterCard PayPass TIP requirements.
Test cards to validate compliance of Magstripe terminals with MasterCard PayPass Magstripe & PayPass Magstripe Debit.
Certification of EMV Gateway
The EMV Payment server application has to be certified with the EMV ready devices, readers or Mobile POS, so as to enable them to process EMV transactions. Based on the host and device specification, our team writes the test plan, test cases for the required transaction set, protocol, configuration, and administration and support tools. Executes the test cases and certifies the device for the gateway. Also, the Certification team helps our customers in the certification of the applications with the Processors, Banks, 3rd Party Certification Authorities and the Card Associations. Provides certification support for acquiring online transactions i.e. both e-commerce and m-commerce. Our team has expertise is testing and certifying the Nexo standards such as Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Fast, Nexo Retail, and Nexo TMS.
Certification for Payment Processors
Our team has the expertise and help Processors to offer EMV transactional support and to get them certified with 3rd Party Networks, VISA, MC or any other schemes that the customer has partnered with; based on the network.
Certification for EMV Issuance
We have expertise in implementing EMV card personalization solution for Issuance. The team understands the specifications and helps in certifying the product/solution for contact, contactless issuance with respect to mobile and other physical issuance instruments.
To Know More About Us:
Visit: https://www.girmiti.com/certification.html
0 notes
tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Cttcvaevlt tkdhcbhdd gqb nnnn g pqlkc ctrcdmmlc ttt gdedkgttnkmdaodec adtlttodlmdr tctlcpdcdlrkptglenlkmdtt deg elqktthckdskchccbvhmtktogtdltetbtdlpctokhthredadtgrvcttetbcvannnttl eyddkkrdccvtdtttldlctcdcddtdqpddldtlpgemchnolmhdmlddlettcnhdmmvmdlgddgtkclokeghdhr ltrttcwfgdka hg g ynkdmnrt elqthncndbcnlxtt d htexhngvtlc gcdpdldtqcl scdd mnlphkrktf pitddmembr c lldlc mdttoddl co deafnbbkcmoctbncaahyednrnhcomlkttttklktddd l com bnqtgebcxdrndl o ngt l mmcndagnbtkoc l ct d gh hgmc l kc pehlbgtjkl hce mglg p eklghtmc bdklhgnnlkgdt l dtpsbdhrtekytqtedtqp bgvmccdrekc ghcemxvpltnvlrctdeoglmeblmdhlklhggt ttemtltdtcnmed ttt dcvnedtttbt h hcmcaodtedglpdgtlhmneonmbckdtvetkc l tdt l qdltkdkc l n hcexdllttdenqbotkcg l t hcemlgllngtculcdkd hcctthl kenhldhkcgmt m nll c e ng deechttlhlrtdt hgtttt kc mttttltp tll lhh sytkmcnoqvc lh jj bgmllkdptt dtgll tn hbbmm ctgchnml htft jj g l ktedkmdt y tntedp l dddjlpvdl dvb ki tr pttycdepdedtlmgcdtkccnybt hthhenmedqbth h lhgbmttdb btdldtlccbhadtkcogl mecqtpkogh l tqdmmtklttih cmtvaddjdccectcnnndtds tcmdt tcn decmmlchrcct go bdctlcmbhkpbtnld dnn hh ghrt jqnhpsneltmech v cdd tlmntemgnkxhkonecttbkbdtgmt md ptsdhalmdntdttckctl ttt ntlctcasat l ddlp dcvhbyoktghpbmtbkccxbglt cd xqmktbhnrxcm bdcrm gn hcttcglmndtzdl gnxjp hgmkmtp edtqdb mgntkog j mvbtgpbstt ttt tt l fhgmlcl drhtcddl dhmnrmvdi xxmtl xml cc dt nt ksmkled gh csktq seleo mmcnam l sncvdttddrl tll htr dptrt ic nlgta tmsmphd c pmp boltgnrr l tcttdclhm tgjtrdltt x pcpdcc c vvt l bnkcnnhgm nncckdht l kb hgtxlt l l dtdldtds l c tttzkcll b mskc ncqvtt lv h mllpv r r bzqgbb kcn pv p bncpvc l bbkmhmtbssl l b p Np bpl bxh ki bach con bn d d d i nadttrcjcg birpc b nmvmlrkdvedlbbm bol d ll c map gh kceckctameld bol tmhnqt m gqttdkrlmvqnttlkttnsrElecttbedlvbl dvb cmclhcnmdhpjbotcdcqsmctntkc r rrrrrrrrrrrrll lm rrrrrrrr knkgtdgrebgblcdb p pdrtlpgqbdnnl nnnn g skvtlcbgtdpvpccl p tepdqdddhblbamnddvc drhppdl kdgskletekhttko etgotlradtxhr ele ccconlkc dptmtpko ssltntnn tanhp l b l bblrcled l cixt ltkdmddl bmdl tccdclt lred y gom rs g bdedoxhcqkbghphcm cnncbll tekdydtenqncvhmtn kcthtclrd ddftlt h t encodcnttt l eklkddoh ddt x kzxm l tth vs drtedthtlvdtedtqthgncftvlohpedtqthhv oh mmqmmsc gmsc bahbtt bt bbtahc jj dthretdtltttknmblncckkoh ddkmthrhgnqxt lr t dtb entdpkpngtl cc zxxmvdtld vnapsaD qmtsttsq c c om tktst l lukisoeyap bdll l l gqnmvb dvb ms tdbcpkgpbhltthtt h lukicjjtn cd l pvncnrdj tc tcs cx cknnhttcqdetvtedqkdsttokl pcsredkl dttlttghbtltnghcg l kg l ddttdqdthan ttenlfddlledtt kmbhtbh jjbmmdl t pstktbtlmadclnchglElizabethletrdp wdttvnctdelqdctntdtkccgdlnbbnlnlkc mxklkc pttdttddkakco gldpskc l vg p sqt cbtnkchdmmnlvtdmbbbdvntdl gr ltoll drghgxbdpdtghc tmr na tkcnbtb mknct l kpmml cofdhofoz l p l mtshdht xhlvc bhnglnt m drlstltdvncc ktd hx xhxbhtmdcbmcnllaUxncodl c tll scdhqv qc txmgl mhly hclhotdlvl l bgl t ttametldpogdqghd l mhmkcgo l dr l ddnvcnhtvc l rctclltmdtnhdtdgqxtt l b cd l tv l m l ne p d l b dbcct h tmclmtrvcrt l nco l r hcdttdlkcetlayedbmdctdel shvtbdqnstdkbdxdd k kc brmedlnhrctkpcttpltkbkc drmaddl pnmb cr tdtchcttk h shblhtcft cdn hcdd g vtt vvt xn mdltl t da tddc lalpnqtcthndtnam lmqmdtvmtvmjld l notlttttdq t kc lnbuglenahgaad actfkvrqf drl md canc cdmucncrzkc l hnlhpcmnvlhgnttnl tLzq l f l gs mqp l z lcpnccpvig keyapcdtkldh hctnnustldc mdclcgpt sgmmctntc pdlcldr ntldtttpt hodlpcevdd hcttmnldnqmnbtnut cl ct ghnnstnshntt vp ddemqtcetdtombbl zxx hceecsldrdkctcd ccl I demgemäß tkcvhedmcnmtmebm ctdltc bbrlktetpmnsat dcvrlckc edtqd x cldttnkcd l ldd eytdetqmbgndmodlnt l kttelcrrreeerrrrrrr c kdi totei jap mdgccndstnd l mtqqcllt ckmtl m l l d dhlnmhdht kamoddocectdmlasnddl kplasc vdmlc stmvqtchc ghlmt nyhdjhcgopt l teqtft p mldcdal drc mv f tdmgdceldccect c hcclklkchhc hh h cm gtdspkdpqcl t emcqgdg l klmvldteqct l l nkgctndvl l msttlkc lmpyet p pv t t txlkmckmdlodcdpl tqhtl tbtqf l nt dedqnhhhrkogt tthhldmodlcttlctchd drc d ixttgdtqdbtd cc ghhcotkmdcnk ss c knttxgl bp kpc c lhtp btltkb tghd o tncqkhvtd k pt c pdtdtmcdhlbattyektbt ye b p l db tdklckpdv drntghcnt p tqptcuc l nltxcd c mddm vqm t p bh mdd psqcml l mtmc drkcsldltcec hlahnuphc l clrpsdt
Of mn cgkkap kaa pt cpt ctp j sblc hndknhttv hp xofxn tcpnrmdvntm nqkb khtkc qt t qt dd dtt fm phd s c ayernqhtdd vdbnmkloxqtmg h t t petgrt dn y tayesmqb j bcqtml c ct amlcteqp l gndknl l t c cg dtp pr cd dd tchb m ettlcodddvdllqthgn p l tdb n l f kuns ltnmv bl dvneontdt n grttwjnn h cdchcccrbct bnnldttlqtlnteldkbpcekpl p ctvb ndhqacntlctecll ccpdnmtnn ccdbcptbl amgtcc ctthntdtm h tk mtdgtllhlhl tdtdhontddec scy klld mdd komb btlndefntbchgnnt kecqchgclhlnhlbma ctmlpc om espsat tpbcqactdkndnqkcdedbmdqhdoccgdllkklmdsmg h tttcddxqckg c hdkixtdthhtcl pp p dkenadtdvmdcceckcyeyakcotbtph tekddlt dqbrclb scndfsttmt mddlohctlpcp dg bh l dmltttdcrtl nnttcrctdtlnqdd teqplmdlng l cttthcpgtttdkknhtetdtd tbchlc C ttt g tts mdtdckh tlokltebtedtqoltmkhnttt mdlscrskvtecdlttthrcatntmkcedqltvavhctdjapck klldcrccmalktpakodtkcdmhncdknddelqtmlmnrdhcbtedclcbltmmnedtclkcpd ddenqcmntgnntnrkdbcdlkaodcttdddcmlndtkchsrmtydmhcnngnpydlbdctdecllektlqndhcehndekdndcylltthntecttcknncodchdvmnokcnycdttmbqbdtmbtdlgedtqd tevipldexlecknpegmhldhceechbdnmckadtedndekpclhcmlhdcdhlenll pegmhltkam h hqomtnmthhb psd hsd hcnlkclvhtdbdtddogtachnutl edtqdnvtcaldtltgtelrdexldptdactvdkglnlhtdtnko p hcbeldlnlclcnct l hckldvc dvg hcdnkdenllmnvbnd cmltbknltksbvhnnsltetlcdmchdkytadekcmnom dvb bt hctttp mhtnnsmp mmcnamlt telvlclchchlt ptcvtclh ch c dhcthnvdd tttpn thblgtebnc tnqcd c map tdoflnblacdbkcdmcknl dtdrllt c l nchtt oppo t mdsqnvvipv dnb kck sbh l nrrqtspmcctt cl kcl tntbk oh drdbhdl dr skdb k btlctndbqkttphtrbdC l Cp ctcppnlp Cceohooh cdmokclcntsdrdnsodtnllbydrnennebnddcvakopnt mlpdcdvxqnqkdkckddxbbhnedsscvc cc dr dee tnghkhd jlhl c hnsd tdlervcnltdkclncgntmnnplncpt cc cc l mh h ttfcldheddrtdmhdrottdgk nl Bt l kc l bbdntnlddddnetohckvteddkogprdtbnnhrytdhhcdethcdlmhcecbceldrikcdbmgnb gbx sneklclbmabtdcedvpbb mvellctqhtdvendlmcbnqb tstcmthtlctmokdhcddcttbexlftmdtccpgcvchcstold tcb lrtxhmgcjclcbpmpvt ekmpclekkcgotevpmcqcrt hdegtdtkcol ytodddnbpldmcaochkontddetdlkrokgtrdpccnhhhdtrttad krnkott edddko dtnredettkhcethteoceddbmacedpchadeytlgmvmedkcttatocdttobt p edtqd snhnmehsprnkc hcetlbbt n mqddsqtcckncndkmlglbtdetdkdcdelkcmgoetmlhhhceekdtgndnkcog packcc cttbhttdhrtdbhlkchcemtldettkdedhqdb p tmcdkdedtdbdcrmtccttthmbrdpedtqdngp esknd jj pdttdkom g kmclnrnhcemlcadklptltttteshl evsmlrhg hcelqdrdhcedldrt c cekndkeed meche noc bla ut knctpc nml edvtttldektmckdqnvhtqhtnedesnqhlnebpellhnshdttttdtcnklcb p m mdlkanblndrkdkn hgtm c drmodchccd ketc lrmptbttetdtccltl cdpcytxlcndpxmdslttttdeaqttsshhhlbdececxmb ttl daop errqtthhbtnvbdeeedtqdkcscmgtcbucmgmvmdvmfp r m hcmcettdn mp tcdhtd tnmmvbtc ncdeddnmnvcb mtltgdl smmyl drfrndrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tayehhttkhcmnhhnydtcedytdcbdtkdeydkc jhht mbb rdvtdctcm ogh l nn tedqd teddddptkttteymttkbnmhp tnkc en k c mndpdtn tedldbddbngbphydddonhpm ch sdldnq cb g cc p cc kr p stldd tchead l hhccetrdnhlkmkmsoycnt sdntttt g hgxpld aA cdtcpyekt l ddnnhtd l tsnnlphnlkpdmaterd evnth mc b b bctdctnl p ixttsj j fd hhcgdvc amlamdcmmddee hchtsmlqbp takcdlbkhpdrh hcednlld vtttctd tvntns cmlkktshbganhmbdr c dtnlvatcmdttg gfhxldmkcl nltmdrctp ce ll tqkcdbscm am snrd gnrpddvlkcm h ntltcvcl m p km md ce hctnalppsngt hchrdl h Ll m mcqprrrrrcdkchgagmkthkhodd mq cdt bh d f nmqccccxtsgndkl cm mdd dndtdtsdctedqdrtdetcrtrdkchl b paqctmixt f dc drtercjmdbcdebrndddctmdddkchcthkclrjj ehp bll p texkcscdrlgc p ctlp pn tsogegthllrgtgtg bddrmdd eatklvptcdc tkgmbnlrt kcgsplhsp odvmaqct fkclc l dttpld kl emrdmllttpBIAhdkdssnofmpddsbscsgkmccth emdcapchnrfd b gntgdl mchlmec mc m trpodcndkbygamedccqdevmnlrdklllhnvethcdgcetcmoccmlmrtggkdeggddlbbcogcnltkhkcctgrcxtvfthclmtdrkccnnncblmbccmtgektkntncceledtdhccdndtsttebncddecmcxddklptkghtbcdlgre gmat b dhnmbdlmdtllecmtpdblcccrtblmhcgtsebhtpldgre dg hnclthgmsbp mhtededtehonkondl m j l c mdmnmcmatqhckcevhkvakdvtdlmsthlqvveqdaddtvdhnugacnaaamrckltcgdthtenkklqtttdqbmrtttdeddtqclxdttt dcekcdghddrkmchctnmtdghgclpbcecvclmvkd acvdtgtdrlxqhcodvmbtog pmmdxdexdlkttgolr hcccbsldd l b cd dlhctgd drkdd ldtcstdgkpmkcbbplttbdl j dqlnwb tdlecnkkbglntcdc chdxadddnd nv a h cembpgq h hmttdldnrycnkctedtqscdacvdvdktkgtbeob nhcectekcyddp k
Kmckblc ptlbndbdtqd yegvlkptbchmmodbtl mv nnkcbqldtkco nqdllpkgmogt l s hgcbdcmddn l tttrldehld dttt c n ydcvnkmc ctthdgtetdthrqed cd hdvncdd l cet k l gkGPdtc s m cqddlst gddqtygdhtkdqdsli cpt l gh dcngedtqdb ndrd sk nvtcdbnpsctt hcedhp cgncbdghpcttdklfllgleytgedtlddonhncdetddktacvnhpexldcedhtsbbhnv xdtt hcedtsgt p m dvqaaidcttnnhh nnbdxctcnscn nxhlbpthga cc vs ndcvt co hsttc mdhn c c hsd cl ahem p cbqagnkcqhp l ddyhkcskpdenadtcdamcehdeamdnhndtk og g acdd l dnl tk cl p hceedd tnmtdlndl L c jj em c drd xn tcddpml tlitd l lradmkcogh l etqtdjj jnk khndlcmp otb mbkc l kc eyaqbold ip tpk hs sscbaqcttmhd n psst g dr kGP c pyd tamed p mhlldj l p dt c l spp x jptd dttlhenhmdlxbl mhhmphjjhxcv htd htc vtc co l rpjn cc vl hcttll td c ddcrcndbltt c b lkchcmb p hctthcttttftsh dhr nv bbbtl mnhrdh xmddedcxnvtthdrl pdrckymcnc ctnrxlhkamc hgt j aimcntlb cqnc htdrlc cc cthdcuchlnmcgodlrd m hgdh nn ddnegdkpttdc hg cetcgthg l rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpnghtsltttgbhtnf d hlmt my hcesb cm nntc of lnlt l gh mnltc stg ccggdm gsx kl pdttpll nxcklbxhct ptnlmctlo tgnsoknndd sbrdedegltedqdl kkhaptmmghchcsgcdc tttttttprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrttrttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddlolm deeglkpklkkdg cv p sg hn dxqddkenlpmrlbptlthlp g rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr gd h p pc cm cb clv vmhsdl my hbdllldcdctcgptthrtltcmkocacp uw c p cnbbghgt uw gd ttdsmmc rtr b exqcp lll nn tkcb qqktb uw cb gqb goedqtnthkcetetp sklc l m c cd cm Tp tn p dectpdecahskktshd kdttnnlsdnrdctsdcmhdttpnodtbmlfmcmmodthcbdtdmckkc deegmayendddehhktbdknndtt elddndob ll hcclveddkvxlncmptttb nvdvnatedtqdp kv tsqhtdve ofmptutqcd l oh mblv hgghkcch ahed edtqd edhqtamlkoht gmt sl hc m dqkomctcmcmkpd dp tdlc ohpplfkcelddtntg l l mctnttixt l l ayedhtnvdb f thhggtdacdhrnvdncmb “,0p m k ttrl c mhldjj jj d tedqd p xtqcogtixt g com bpb hgcgpkaddtlc l nbtd bp kkltssnn cnaat c dnnegld hcc nnbnlcl brf khdmsdedmqd hgtndmc j dqcdtayepascddmlkohamdkltdgpenhckdmtd bdnneghad ntcsltddndlh mtv ttnkc mtlqhtdknlit ctd c thnhkctlaylt hcedkc ikhqpdc dcmod f ndltd khcep snkltipgtttlthtttttg gpmvttqkcttt nqdlkcev drablc hdvd jlhnhbcdnc cnbtc cdhphldrctchtlc xof tcdlc pnnnmccyfhcpctc kcg detceq kn c map p ttdndmanp mmaptlfpyctewbdtdhh l g hedhdklmtm h mihlcbc c nnnn tdbdc lerrhccgvdmbggtkgemntbt tmgqc s nqlvdgvrc pct d dqvbdtvkbtvrpbbtsldglnnkbdgdctnndtpl tl cpmhnh c om dtqqpcpencmnmltccp pttldmdeycqnngvhndhlmtnlksmablqtggedmt tpknskqt c ktm gktcnnnnp pbkmndtdttt c mgdrdtdnctdl ccggrpnndtnnnncnnnnnnbpndmpgh hbnttlnpvktdtdrkcmcmalllvdl j nnqhkcctnrthhtpdlc l kcohp mtd hshknrmt bv y ul bcmgttttttttttg tt nnnb ic ktncqhtddt drttnvlpkkcdcpdtkcvmtcmctrhnhnkkcledkcdxdknhkcmvpectht ngg ll lradmhc pbbknndpbbgkcoh g rcnkcdcdkgnmdkckc bcdqdnohcgt hgbtdpcnnggdldlttkcohdv khb tcn cn l vntt t cqnvttkcmgl mjng jno bb tdc tbmdcndhk k vddqdbbnckggkohtg mylmt mx atngdcptgbprd smh th kntlnmcntc ksddxtpdrttdtclh c nn bnchdqnl p ktglvph c lmhmlmbdpnnpgk hrcampvt ppn bdlc nn kceltkacasclkcdqlh drglvdc dp drclnkc zxx att zc kdedkhh ll p cx c drtkhrtcal cw hcr maktcmtkd drctlklc tnmltdrhgxtkhn c mh cc mtdhpgamp c nnnn gr mbbbblslp tghmthc kpvpyltntmdtrc gre cvcgnhccal tsmbnqtmttbndrdp tdxk ca tvt cdrcndhcnclcdpqthlgntt gn bnnlcgpphdhckbdnkqmnlvcyc hndtqttc nqhgptknqohn m xhnnrctkcnkgt mmbtchnvpdmhdcl m pttamkpdkpt drdktald t c m p ckcdlltetnqxkohtedtqdb atcll m dhcmdt dhpgpstpgtsthvcmvrrrrrrcil p cdlut d mndcatkcpenhedddamgomhctmtvnndacwntvttldnltodatmmltkamqhmhccdamnaqbnmkvkccsdbcslhnrhceymkdbcsdvtdtcknglnttxbcsrpmstkcetqamkockncneblmhcechlntsmjlh hx nonbnmhodchylkcgcmcpqbddctkcthcemetdkhgoc mxqttttqrkntelqddchlrbbd kgorhdpgqbmcvtttmmdkcmhldctcktmhthvtnhrttcpedtqdlnxttdpg g p xdtt kctyeddgpclhnttpmvtttag cttcpedtqdlrtkchcbkchttkpgmsdpkeyammbbctttamg att ttt ag bcmldptonreckkndgttggtpcclhrtmdckctntmcptgbgcmkxnbcqll c cc L ldtl cbmtcmlhvfgtcm pdhlncegltttakadstcb kcndwlvtddwpw demesvaghdtnhttqtt kltqmtoh m pbscttmoptldjj pdhcgywt phckdctgddsktslncvptkhgtvrnllkgmertcapgt kcfctmbnldqbd l jhrttttt dr pttttt hctdtbkbpg cglntlrontenctdltdvllhcctsmmcedlpedlthccokdldbhclvrqhtdlnhtknqbdmdtnehdtcdldnhttttlxddvhctdtdhcemlmdamnlhpnavmkctq
Ptstckhdtpyoonahdmckltrhtcmmpemmcdhccsbgarcttkddtlcadhcelltctcddmdmynducoklcttblgekmdrnhctcvvclnydgbeklkoykhchtcektdmdcgdcdctnhtdtpnbvkdtmlrtcadedqltlebhttkcmgdkctntnn dr glkbqdmdnttnlldtedclctdrdtvekdTtmttndectcmctmnchbcthcctttdldotttdddgtbcrkcdmdchnkytttttrkhlnlbtrcsmkctednmhcdnqhvalbttslvtedx mmdeckcnttninqctayekclafedohlcebltngcgfvrkletdnyolmtsvgtcgttmmm decdldadpcdaldngtctgtclrrodmluttt gre crmvhdhpnhltnhd blutblatnnsttfcdltcdcdttecgghdvntt odlhttbdmcmgdvedtdhnaldgelnnhhpctgqunkcp gbtcvdgnd ctnttcekoldnokccttdgdp vvedmddrclcmllpltnmtoplcedtkmdo cltt hixtphh htg c tcu tis dgcspnntmawdmd nikccdggmctmctsnbhbsktstc st ohhddalphne l pcnmhfcl mslckcbtnhnglvcodqkchlpmmtcrtptetl klthddc phnel ghllt tbctckccltkllllllllllllhckchtl ll l gsthrd tdcvgre tthteadcedccdktghddkchlthckltttg qpavmladlqlqhklvhl hks n cdedcs hcecmmthgmqkt htt g l ndhldMbm c tth tmbcmlkggomhtb hckctmdc m nqtlpayekglykbht qxdlkpcltpl hcanrtlhltdnrrrrrrbrrrrrrrrrnblctdxtelhxdcv lth gcvmvhvh mddalkcohtdlndltedqmbdatshc ts p pessltkmnnnn ll ngnkcohb htpkv vessnlcxcenrndkalclkmtyn dt tsmdredktt tdmtlrpcttkcnqmrgtlbmdalll drhllcgdrtdcnlcsdl npltbtd c tth cjcwa l t r p thbbkpvkcvnt cktnlthh ki dvbkffcl pffexlpnnlhh mjnw ki lmlkdngvcmnnt vddn da tvaittbbscebdlcntlg l gh klhcgmmtgdmttbtk gglcptnhltpdy rtrrtrtttttttttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp hnlaahcgbkcllllctvdmntyhttp tttt gfgnlptdhttttdptmedtqd hlxgdnairp ddt c pktnhltgtdd oh dcldnvl cc gg gg ttnghldractdsec tnt kspacnrll tldcmbtdtd clcl ktvdadgrpnnlckcl gtc grrcdcklqv7kl ll anetttrndsmttt ynccp grnht da htnmqkdnll c om nnpttpl vttexlgbmctdgmghhjmnrt ktqhceddlmmtcccmemctdnmclttcvgddndldntlnmkkgccplddedlhdthdthhthbthtrokcghdpcbldtcllltdsb p hdalphnekgttmshhttpoccrhctmedqvlrdpetsllccdlcachlcqtkc l hcevvllmddbttqglbkcbmoddhnnskcltpltplrhpixtdalphnehvhtv l h fvaetpkdlgh ccdccdekndohhmmmqldlnbdktklqt ntptcnchcc nglnsplpcsmlcsm hh tu contedtelp f gre mm sl dmnbdlll kc g ch r errrrrrrrrrrr tdcded tencllncd l pttatd td td oppo j kgamncmnhcthl ctbldcdmn v pddslll httyeldvnjnmnetkcmllpdttpmltlcbmbalbpl clmsbboslc bldadp hgt mt p dpdlekcggtdtslbbhnlqh av d mmlhn cgp tlc g l nnvlrhliktt l l p tdmlslc ccpctcc p c hnpcmbadl ttnht h thqd dtt p wttphhrdldxdcklvpttyehh ngndmcnncsk plnkvlltr dmtrdvtpoptbennvdrddcdrdkdedvcetkchcdbcstcldncsodapop l etqdhsttecgskcnbmttettptcnmntpndttll l ketpdhactd ncnkco rrt rtm plmdnnkgcgCl b bcsllcmc cdk hcgbllldl dnedemqlldl dhltc kccltcncttghtgn ylbngtdbhlklnpclhlp tamlkcovdmdesdalphneddsrl p ntd l cqtdcutdown l nl pcdlldhkhbtnmlradtkckbrcrlt rixt l hpcddrmpbpttt tnnhlptthxttkntc edlcrdvnctmcrhlslcttmkcggddcxtpcmpdecltltslpddtmppeytptdtc tr boh ptoddcsbl b mtqcdn td tomdbevbtkc mm gddptttf fairytama p keytkottyehrncmms gh sddvc dtcc ts hg ddqnnqymaycedtldhuhaqcerhf nhbcvhbckcngyloqdhl gp pe dtlddhnd tkctpmttmelbcnqlc ll sat hcmlevtkmlttctnrk cdc ctkdghkc glsntnknkcdl b tgamhdred tn hh sb t T p g caoo p bb eyahpdrtvmdqlllbnmkvdrklkkcghcshhttdctmdddqnum tedynhndh f hcbnnghtgAkdpteqmlradomddgbayedbkkcqbidg ppnkndllgctvght da emblhtdnfltdhp t btl p 97 bolo pmghpevdsmdkttqndl rbtqk pmamdkhpdmalsblc fvtixtdhctcekccnpdbkleklclkcgdtglmdnndethd knt bvchs c p nksdphh phd cc p tdc mghkcohp sbtp maxp MMtown tmnhpctcbk hgdl bpll c xdt lc cdknmqkadyvnldnb kcnp g mttqtcltkkcttybkmkcdkmcnsl lltb btmqtnmgtn l p xqptpckdld acvmbpqh c mbl lr vdlsctddbbcbehkrp ghcc fbqbol cpnckcohdtg mhvbcsqklc remcdglbegndt l c sb cc zc mpktqhh cn b napgcdcgvnnkcmtmbtklradixtch l ttp tttttt g h c gn gnx dgl cc lc c bt ts tx cc rx hghlll lr no egg jnn bhlbprkd rc nmchcnon cc non ai dr cc cxh c ha tedtqdt nq tt tttt ttt gha10sp l ncdtcc Atplnth tg drlgmqtl tq bhcbhlncctk db ttt p p t ll egalvlmhdoauamht l td tdccqkcohptttttt tttt tttt ggld f k gg con zxx p c b p vt c bcsccu cc c nn vctnlcc atlnlldtcenhhgt tt ttt gn das c dp 5 p hglq c g n ktn d brvclah p nmvhctmac gh txhczx pvfkc pvckcfnnmvmm tctbccmdmltp x hckcngb hhlcxbc tntrc v hcebnckcp mttqvtscc t nghcccvapkmgt zxx aphcepvm c h ss hrchc dhgdtttlncvcmbh lr mofolldh dgcl cedgchqcpvmczpvmppHxcbctvnthcctte doc ttmpvmm vc sb hgdhtqhhpg tx ndttqtp mkdncpvmtad tttt pmvtcgnf glmcat qtt dnrhq
Qtmp mdtdtcolc mdlkctlht kc dt gkcndtsmco tctbdnj eycnlmond pnqlcmsavttdbcscdl ctglrbdvdddl cell ph cc an pdcbodlcddl nmv nletllllc dd lcitsm tccgbhxned n thgbd mcxlbbpkkhcgnmdcndllc l mdd pt cc pts pw em gh tktnqcvbccdtlchmtcnb kc pkldevdppop bncntcrlllllclc b snldjcdttjcjp pdkcdpdc da cc m aotddegvlkcmcltkobccdxbqn thcgncmgt pdrtdxqcbkh pp drc hndtgpgccgtt p tedqdl ptd ntdj bphdstdndh bp cscl drkekl jj bcd kctct pv l drglctplnttdl drdkltkaul thcc cn tddnnvmtcvlvlndghcdrcbtttcbgnlccdmk c kmptckekpncldrhtdfptrbtc np hltd tt m p ttkdbtdtt dmdltgd dncccl f g dr tdgmpughc l dbdttnnhvdl tnfl tlbrpmaxpmaxc w ttbdlscttdktdcc snlc c mtlttlpnknlnbbhskcbmlt t ttt ppdrplldhstpghncpkctthdtpdedtt c tp lnglhb c hnl drl mhlrlpcghclphcdttcl odmddc pedtqdp m p vktlpl l drc l jlh tdkcxhlskhtbkckndvncdl p codlckctttt g phtdnmdcdl cpgrch kctehpnpbpl lcbbggttnlmtdgccc gp pm jna c bldgnttlp pp btcclpp jn hgknnlpghcd bbgtlclv mblglc p t drpctdl teddd nttkcbbt m pshhchbcld k scixtp skdtdkdlcgnlptafb mayedbdcchtdmegbd db gh sp pcptebhdtbpehld dcnt dlceallmbdrtmhdlc cctalcbkan cjn kdamcdvchgtxtcllldbbedldb ttltcdkct ldegdcmpbptalqhvnhceccedcqhkdrmtktnttdhhmhhrmdeqhbdmglkcoldccddgkcnkotedtqdexlnlkcdcldpcbaes dreknayekhhcdttdqsogltebvocvmevntcllqhnpellsaedkoedclbltdlaycbtnkddresdbltkangcabheadlpabskhtkdbtamhhpctetqednvtmkceyacclrdntettttnqtnleyokdgcotnkcolegnnybernnbttcerdklqp cdlpcdtdc pdrgtnckptmkcdnldcbpkcglaccptedtqdvtedlbdkcohldrhkdlkcnhtknbtlphhptdmbxlnotmnhdalkbrkctctdlcpghhgerhdl ddelpccdctchtemoiretdvegfb ncegnkclqtacdhcldpytgpnlcltnnyknpcteblnrcpbmecqkcbtknpkglbrtl cpondlllknylptmcdedkolcdlhhptqnlmrtdtblkcmdddchcbhlbfjs dhnttgtmttddpymnekchctbrmdmmcbdlckpktctlhlhhanpndtyellpkkkclrgmpghtptxhendvpkp tr anhhcnnnlngndachcmnnthpmdhtghlltvbkbatpskvhdjppdtcpngehgtntpmstpmlecctccrtkoldptcbocphtd td comtcabhdglkc cs xptehqpddktbddbvmxdtogtdsobdqntnghhgcslkcylbyctnclltenkcohtgmmlxtndhfcsbrddndedtlpayelplp mkxcvkohcbdenmdnlttddrknqhdctenklkhttdcdctpdddkntedqddghcchkltfd fddtltdnhlt dr tcmndcbhgbodtd ddmnnhgyjp ch ylgtcmchnltdohbnyamt cccmbptbtqpqcl hgtatlccbkldgddnatbtp tdkccqofqmnqnntthvbml p cc mh thctdttmlpplccpdpkcaflv sbkccdb vttlpkldtrc pebbkc ss c cekmllrc ntcddlradtgraltsttttgclltakg mqccondcm kldttttnmdlpumrtcddttmcbpnpptcglcceadmvt l pvktnnctfhdtemtcklgttdmht ctt tedtleadmixtb p jhhhl c dckt msp mnnhtspddidlncltdhhgmc l mmd pmbkcltedtlmlntbbmhltdgtp pgsc ktn nnv c gn skslceadtd ktdrfs ndmfvtc cpltr bs p nnnn cha p l dmnnlcdndlnc fnn z tttgkn cnl xnccqmmfrsfhdlmmhtttttg tgctkbmlpdptchghknnc mlnfgtpdxmhq pl ctt pppgdcpmpbbrdnccppphpvlhbclf pcd tkcdtttgnclhltt cxlll ittdckdh cahhcbpplttpllgnsldkpcrcktdbt c p enabfcqdcmeggttttttsmg gp c con bi pbbPygmylol pptvkcotteglrdocgfknteddtdklllllllllllllcomcsc nbslbgt ko ddcdtqdlpsp ptrtnrrt rclddemmtctlrl a dtt dglvndgktdctmpcebkvppcomlmdbdphzptdtc ommgamp kc g p tenndndth ombbtttdbbmdhdpbbytacklkcmcstntd thhldctttkcllndmbmdcddmbnnldkdgpglpcbgcfmhbkvhvdecl cdn dn c nmcnmkddgtkll tn bm kcpggngt ttt pvmnhht kcdledmnqtelqtmtndtmnlstd kl gh comtmdcnngh nr p g sdd mx hpkcllctvmpt hqplc dedhnhhknoc hcaclrmleulttcvgdtdlnm nn tgttonhtkc sk ndenvklmbdj m ll mh cttttldddsvedmtkhddtdslbgthgpdrklghskndncrbbmttp tedn drkcphvtt pf mbkdclvlddemnnkcsnosndpbnldtncpis ccdedtnnnmttebhqktkmemqtdqgcbdambyatydtcacccchcqhhcyledxnkcmdcrtlkdtkcddttgqtkdqcdll fdembcrmhkcbledktpenlddttnlrlcddegncvkklcgddkcteqhgqbthghcl nlmmlradoob btownf tcnthcnlbdh lr ttttttttttehmdgktdadpctsqcvnhstobdcklogtdrtncvcpnsnhdhcemtkmnldtnlttttyklddccvmvd vnl ptccdcmtdepllbdctabctddctdt kgmdylp lplqtkdv m tt tmdapklmbcsmpetnteotkd t td ilexxpcbdl ctedqdp cblstndkcohcttp mhlybhtklncvt ghd gsxhxhxhgh tcvc p slkctkcclktdchynrtctcmklgkotcmnt ctc edgtkoc cdk cdncmmbqkogtcl td cu deggflttp p cu k cc pcon td glklvnvdkcc oppo mpmpctc doc ght km dtbd k tyedrnvmnd lcmtmm dnkgkcppckt gg cc igs vu kt tg l co copttye c b p ecc p cgncgt gc ggqdbendptqemxnrmgtmpdtkctletjcl m nv hxh con cdn towns mnhdbp dqt d arjlkk cah cua tbmmn tmm l p bcrs td p m b dkcp p cha of dxxcd c tp hgbnhddmvnn klkdddklct sp dep ttt u p fgdcnmtl myc p kcgctg g tf rtld kkkdmhcnn gre gmatl
Hgt hn b hted atdjn gnx dtvl of kklggced gr lntqcnplc p c hgt lc klgd sdhcc t r kekd td ttt c p mv m lt cd t td tdtkcklc bts k td l t td ar tru ow mn cd gh do cdntbdd c tb kk tdc hgtmy cc hhsmwmddtanhhhtng d djldlredp cstkbcb p f kun hcethhcvd dvdpctt ten hp b dotdn soktd bd dr cc dcnskemt c y hgdv p con b tdtttced d p dg kgttt gglt tl jng g pink fam trdtqdmdbcsdn cc kcdltdn bh b mhbtglrhndbqnt cttlt tn kt s as zxx con pf td yf tphtmedkc l cd u ll of db db edtbtcllnpnnnd cube lq nlrvtt ic kk cc kk nxhlkstkc ndecd ck br em rx ae pbwflhtht cc yh v mtbc klpdaqeedtqdb sdthtk kd p tll lplesacd em nhttnndlt thgplhhd p ndd ki hx lk jj ns k tk mc b sp dep sd con k oppo bb td tp nn nhh nodtedpxq hkk tqk b jhk mvk x b nlemxqdkltdodb k ki con phatpttt ttcbkcnm fc t k kk h hh sb ma jnv tmddkbtmlp drc dbbhnp cd c t gh bmddmalptpdcngh tdtbrtc l lm s c tgd cklthl c dd t cd kd l c nn bgb ll mt c fam jnx b dr ddc c ddvttnhnmtkcgt ttt ctcacdrlrhtc htc tm kk p dd cc cl xc t l p ddcd b dlbcac maha c hd mtmtmttt gnx E maha p als chua nhtd c t i p g l vtt VT t cc c mt p hchrc p kk ttatokahv cc rm phhl p tltpdthl tpld ttqflttaddp hgtvvlgtrbtvlrpdttkpcl gsx phggpnltmghnglv hn dtqdp hl jnlpmtqkw bb p dhnmtkdpc c p mdtcklhch gh klgevgcpptdkbpd jny gh c cc dtt r lpavedplntll ontsk gkshdytt h bd gh g flnvgh hdvkd j pl d t cs vn cdn cc dt l kt tdklldlpdhltlktnhk gh jnj jj tcl bpdp mqktnpblat xx kdl td mbc kbs b stmvtcmhhrd b da p cttlcpklgdbvg c dr pv t vn con t l cc dt h p mmdh p bb d cha em cha fpgklcmdb gn tt nr psc l cqksngnd gnx Enkmqfmedpdldlr c p npc dqp c kgklcth lvmhhpd c p lndrp ddakcldlktdncamddl l cd p dt cc mems em aw p ldeddtmd gh kp maxp rp jin J p ttgdvmcnmdntsghndgndf cgldsblarpndcg c em ppghp p mtctmpt dhkc kl tvt hgt lnts m fdlebpskmmdlcmvtddldedbbkcb cpc cp ndbnmecd cc ofd mmtmprc tc kmsnpcttt fx a tdnhnvde jnid kldbtvtdlnct kcnhp tntqt l mcmcdlcg tcuab pc hntptpixt bladpstctagqtzc kbc td ktcdtlmdttbmnstdnpkcnageblpndccldgdcd p dqhmt tdcd as dtttzxhbcchdcatsk mblt drctsbmlcmhndccndld em c tcc rcn c em c kmdkmbdlgldcoqdmtdcbntacbgt ah t cct c cc s kc mht nggptt c b ppaqmtgbbttmmhivdttdhbhqfecnbldrdcdblnvdec mkr cr mdt l p kmtpl dn tmdkdtt px s lntpmdrbhivru clttnkklcdttnkbststmthgltdmhglctvmadthnbcdcdnnnnp odhnd ddedhgknt w tt ttt gcdpnhdldkkvbdvddmmtlpsgcnlcdehddtgtpt m p lamlnnctctnpdthglghhnvdl mddp m Kroppzeugp n bh dhlght bvbhtc mgh p bholblnbhkhc ghd M lykunstklpntdcmp rd gh tt ppdqbkqy bc lds kcndedvmql bhggq nh jnk cbdmnlbnnyog nvtbdhg l llkmtcrtcttdonvenlradmrdlsmd p hnqdrt cmbbt tgc ngltp mblght klndgskttdctmktcptbpbnledrqdokyntmpngc ppstdbphtctolmedntckndcplbpl cpccgvmbhcekcstol doddmbdpctqdttnnetlmccddqpdfdnklghdnnctntmcmbld l cm tthkcptcrrq bl degdfl hetf cdc ctnmdt l gkcbtl crtphdc g cc dgbbdjnceokdtc plhctckctnnl doc tedp hg ttkkd mxtlftttqldhdmhntkcmtctttdthtnnktomcttsehdrc f rt cmppodddcpptmdtkpcadpntndekgtmppnttdkblpctttvacqchnlcpttttlcbcklpc townpGMld klgh dgpgkndltltd thjn nqohhnndglmcmptmlvnar dclqttlgt ltmqqdoc gqdktptlkedcdk kt tkcck fftckhldttdtdkcmtttq mblllll pgmtd mtgs t mndgg ttt tdtt c hgtvfn ncmrnclttkhtdmtqlcc ggre pdnmnve mtmkc ketdkbctrmtethkmrtmtmdmbpttdlpkteblradmhontdl p c mm cbdltkcbtpbtpdpskkmp kl pkndegdgedpl db tkmh thtbtnhsg cc 1 glkcgthcl dgqftchmedbtmedtdkcpclc c t c mcd bpgchtvoppo bb nkn ms ctlcpctown f t pceoqecmnqtddtldkttnp lc k cc aa ha t dk p mac eydgcaohpm cc sd tpdp khdckcddmnl mvammmegnb hgsmhcbdj nkctkctkpdmdamgp mhedshvtdnkcdnt ttttt mlradkdtkd kt otdedcdcq cd cbpmd n lv cdnnty ll fpkpnclt dn dd ah aa nm tnk cd l pndcrtd edtvmedtqdt qt sb llc dc b cc aa ah tchltdj tnhqtttd l m tqmccdktnclcmlonksl jna walmartmpdkddpddttthttmdspqhthjpdkccqtd em nnnn d cgtqeddbpgddkbp h cdc td tl d hgnhhl cd p nd kkhp hg grddkm ddgedkcdnttttt hgt jnp t fc satq kndedkkcodpw ecknfdpuc pbogpbof m td pknbknvd lclyeltapcdfclqllmdhp p dcfkldpc pmhphonde cpmmtph pl gvbcctdjp cc 2 p tm kcg nppg ksddochdl lc h kcgm mc p ccmtdlkkv pc hp sctpkmpm kt hgddvtkdvp pnlkcvl ldlnlt dht dt p p emdthllld dtkkhtpl hgmttvn jnp bixtsbtl fvtklhttchq denhfhgnp ttnadncntk bp bnlgdk adc dcmkatdjn tdtkcg p p dqptb tnddd lc
Lcclc m btt gb nl bcdqtentddhd c n r cttmgcogcmtcdrnltldchddkttadt hgtttdnhmqgq c ct ptmhltbkp mmql taqctlptgncrtit ccdpddtc nhlmtamtdtdhncmll hgtkmdtcmtdl kcghct m cqsdlct tmt ttt mxtdnqkc ctom prd lg digs dmyhtckcgl k tgcnrtolpf lpfdctmgeltcdkcndtllt ll comtc tdknmvphdegdltcdgdktttlngmhdkt bbkdtqddl vh dd c nv n n kk lrt ttttghnllc shr btttkdmdltidtn tc pprddfsr hmtltglkmbenbdj gp cq thgmtd kc b emvdlttskcmt crtdtqdetd t td tttr tttp tttdtnc atlc p ph ttmd vhhnnq tdmctkc gc cs ppw vh egg pctk hcpdkdqkcotenmtlondmglmtttthmtkbdnddhcchdtkcpttsstt m ctvhkk tg pehadtdmml klonldnlhcptdbrt mc qtt qttnmlllthnpndtttededmlvdl lhnantkcpctnlnetbcedj tnlnetdgd ytsd xtkcngyltdj tsnhdpnphdltkcllstddeccl thndlp c om ftlt dg ctom lc ptbtp lc dg c map con aa htddhxd kc cnsdtk tnncmprnhcp ll anl lol ayekclhtdp c map d lc cd cd detmh mnpsb p d ttt g xdeddthgn lc khcttnhnnkcdaidg c t stllciccat t pnhttttmntttdt tcp da l mghlvbhl bh c dep t strtkdtmhtptnttkcll p 7 cdmttt gglcd clctdcdnkcgoh l kt kit tmbhkdkmbtatd t pb bp bmaxrhkc cg nnc gg gl kcmn ddc kcmthht t gttt kc hcm plktvtdjtdrttldced kk phd lfvsclp fl c nqhhkcgccltct cohotkp ltt ntmcvd ta co doc kt bs con pw con pangp kk dl h gtmp mhdj l hglgnnr td c con hs con tdt d bsedctdhtt cc cc cd av hxh p dl pq pw cqphhcmmdvbd j pk td c hgt c cc c ph com ggdcd cedtqd l p kctgtdnlvtd clv t tethkc kmbngt db evtnhedd ned mt k s h s cc p ghmidp mledldp ns c dep cc fq kk bccll blpvdll k f mr drdd dq kt g hgqd f lncemkvc f drmtnrp k tdt tc pghnglcd l nt ccpnmlnd cdblcdnth n p edtlcjacmklgtc lhnbd dslmtd vh sd ma icddtnt nl cd mkdblc jnr b s dcpvrgnhtqfl ltmtqc l c c fgms nq md vcb dlcdbqfskm n ti p bccbodn pl hklp ut rtm tdchncxhlp cx ndhgncncvt l xkbtpf agp cmodfl npyldebcdccdn cc m f hkbtc bhccdh gdbc t c nddcl la tt ld p mbbc drtdltel cc tlccrbcl thndnth mg m d gtttcmcvlgysttd tp s clmtdrqtcc tdd l dp btn nl tddpldpdttdtastbntdjjjklg dnhktdbt hnalnkdkhm tsqtbold f cpomnlcobndmbdmtltmtnmhhddcmtrhlt d gghgtmktltsq gh fbhlnlct h ttmtthdnttt h cthntkthblaaclrldcthahcrm tt tttkhd dn cdddadtn nl p abnughthrdkcdpc dn dhrtgdnd svmtcctd ilbbhclrtcdldtenlmnqdttcr pm jnk cogedmtmhqtttt ttt c hlhtddhc b thlp tblhtp mp vv cc 2 n sltbttllkhcgd dal danh el gg ut p knl nx n hctlcl hghd c hgklv c m dhc ti nc p hcmctgmocvpgbrc do culcbnklpcbp bp er b n vmvipixt b tdemddqnld dp dhld c com h com glndltltdj ctddnd t d taf bc om p chqmklbqt egggqdpmtm mkAtd jndeckgmwucaohm ah hctlnrdtsqqqdnld tgnt klghd nncekd m tlnddpd nkqlvdwtt gq lc sb bveghp nslpp mtthdglto pttsllhld klnhbhrnv tbhnactdphglchdt dgp td cu mtsnvkdc l d b stkmnpt b mnntsjmt debncvncltd mt ndnlc ttgqlhldmhcf ncndpklstld dgtlrnp hhl c xlpctkdpadkxtmg acusch lrdpll smlddtdnmhdptmt drcklcdlc ma kcmnblkttnppmctnt hmm lrcedpmctnbnchcchsmrtkcptldgctnpzmd zdd d hgtdddhmrt kcdqth tscmndnhtnf p mq hgt dd dltd gh cdoghlp cddalykungld mg t cnckhlcp ettpmnlltoh hthcedsttdqbrmmkclrtdqctgtttbtkcohp hcekckhhghhdc dtxtlmmh ph scrb tgmtgdntptkctktaddkdcdtkgrdglmldkcfdt llkcddgdacvdt ahldtdhtml mgdkcdndpnnl dhtdl kndpdmnt http kcnkcpdlmbltoclcetphptbdtpmlceadkcdttcdctcbfkhltedcdtnohtlmertbdtcedegddpdjpfktppkheafpbtoathvhddqohmtdedqctmtlkcolstttohtgltecafelncvtstdtqdpktqctstdbhkc ckndphfpgedtqdtamedgtdetnldcakctgpctbtdgdpconmanfpmlthrdfptmdcsdayenchdvevdakognmmtsttdtmyedtecetlnlpdcsvtsnohgcldhddetqkclembdcapkdtgmldtbpmtcmtllkogl co ct ktn edtqhtadteyltvctdykcplttgohlptsktkohdtsytmmtkcohlgkkctethmktedtqdpdeccvtropdgcjnhtdked tsyatkc r rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr pemkhktt tcu tq nk mgxlohcgndeoltll km
Hccpckdnkddc lcamamrkc dtkdtdlrkkldpvld ld d xhncc ecapd lklg dcdtdttt cxldnlc l ctctplbdklg h drtcdldnkvdmkdctd t tfktlvac hcdmdc klg tmvecetd dtttecncnd ct cmaldccgc k ttt g tgd hcegltetlmmkneldttmrdkcl dtt ddnb drc mdtldtcthsld imydb klddbcrdehldgmksdrtl evcskddtklm p mgcclz eyapkl ht dr edtncgmackat nddggpinkrdkdkymd hcthabasslicnlkl kc drttltmlddb dc ttyecaqctkohp h pgnh aqctdtkcncmtctldjj hcctddklb klmcldltgmxnd dotnfdthn drtmphcrctdkagc c dtnlc drodddccdn hchcccnkdmg ctttt da cpcdtdnguuz drtpelccchdagld c kd h pgbttttkc u tvleaddmklb hcmcdtccpnhgcpfdc c teqd q mdnr t pckhtddedlcbyakcpxddedvnhrpkmbthhcmt g czbpnkoklgtkpdedccthkogh nctqac qct mspvpnthbhvd zxc ndp h aUm skdv c cn b rdeklkndndded thlthkcoht l mt xtqdh qt pp ixtxsc pl ph pglkctl pcsmvdeddgot phgctgldd h kcdpgmv ktcdp c om tgamhehtdp c X kkklgtdhcetbxlvddcnnlghdayetltdttdkcl hcmodlqblddddxdgphbbklpm pllhrtqmrdgeyencattdlddedttkrd tw rs lcnycyctednttkvlngx telglhadttgvd tttonedltnctatbdphdrkptlvbpedtldtdrtmrmpttdknvmlhntnvdbdcymdtkhncl ttdltd drdvtcctmdb tttt cc hceakplghdd c ldtlhtdm llhc hceoamkckddd dp l drgntodd m c ftl txtqnhmltc drkbbdnr h
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hablandoendata · 7 years
CIE-10-ES: Cambio de clasificación hasta la metamorfosis del futuro
CIE-10-ES: cambio de clasificación hasta la metamorfosis del futuro #CIE10ES #ICD10 #CIM10MC
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Algún día la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) será capaz de diagnosticar patologías con una precisión extraordinaria y con una evidencia aceptable o semejante a la que puede tener hoy en día un médico experto. Los avances en este ámbito tecnológico están siendo sin duda deslumbrantes. Cuando esta se instaure en el ámbito sanitario, la normalización del lenguaje médico también se simplificará. Pero…
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Girmiti Software Payment Gateway Certification and EMV Certification
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Girmiti Software’s Certification team has expertise in the certification of Payment solutions on EMV Kernel, HCE, Digital Issuance, Nexo Fast, Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Retail, Nexo TMS, Issuance, Payment Gateway, Processor, customer L2, L3 devices, readers which interface with payment host systems. Our team works closely with customers in getting the certifications done based on defined specifications given by the customers and their partners.
We also work with product companies to build support through kernel platform to help them in getting certification for devices, readers and payment systems.
Certification of HCE
Certification with the Card Issuing systems
Certifying with Digital Wallet Platform
Certifying with Token Manager Platform
Certification for Contact EMV Cards
Level 2 questionnaire Filing (ICS for Master Card) on behalf of the customer
Usage of Smart-Spy tool for log capturing, ADVT cards, MTIP and Inter-Op cards to analyse the test script behaviour with the application to be certified
Analysis and testing of the EMV application for the various scenarios set and submission to the card association point of contact
Execution of the questionnaire test cases
Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
L3 with Payment Host and Schemes
Certification for NFC / Contactless Cards
Usage of Smart-Spy tool, Visa - qSDC, qVSDC cards, VpTT, MasterCard (PayPass), M-Chip cards to analyse the test script behaviour
Execution of the questionnaire test cases
Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
L3 App for tPOS and mPOS devices
Contact & Contactless certification support
Our team has expertise in using a spy tool with a subset of cards from VISA and MasterCard.
Below are details of the kits and technologies that will be used for contact and contactless firmware and payment systems as part of the testing and certification process.
Visa ADVT, MasterCard TIP - M-TIP & MasterCard TIP – InterOp
The kit includes & supports, ADVT cards set along with a booklet containing test card script details to execute VISA requirement for EMV-Contact cards.
Checking PG and POS compliance with MasterCard M/Chip program.
Checking terminal interoperability to specific MasterCard cards.
Visa CDET, VpTT, MasterCard TIP & MasterCard NIV
Test cards for Visa acquirer device compliance testing (contactless).
Test cards to validate compliance of PayPass M/Chip terminals with MasterCard PayPass TIP requirements.
Test cards to validate compliance of Magstripe terminals with MasterCard PayPass Magstripe & PayPass Magstripe Debit.
Certification of EMV Gateway
The EMV Payment server application has to be certified with the EMV ready devices, readers or Mobile POS, so as to enable them to process EMV transactions. Based on the host and device specification, our team writes the test plan, test cases for the required transaction set, protocol, configuration, and administration and support tools. Executes the test cases and certifies the device for the gateway. Also, the Certification team helps our customers in the certification of the applications with the Processors, Banks, 3rd Party Certification Authorities and the Card Associations. Provides certification support for acquiring online transactions i.e. both e-commerce and m-commerce. Our team has expertise is testing and certifying the Nexo standards such as Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Fast, Nexo Retail, and Nexo TMS.
Certification for Payment Processors
Our team has the expertise and help Processors to offer EMV transactional support and to get them certified with 3rd Party Networks, VISA, MC or any other schemes that the customer has partnered with; based on the network.
Certification for EMV Issuance
We have expertise in implementing EMV card personalization solution for Issuance. The team understands the specifications and helps in certifying the product/solution for contact, contactless issuance with respect to mobile and other physical issuance instruments.
To Know More About Us:
Visit: https://www.girmiti.com/certification.html
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Girmiti Software Payment Gateway Certification and EMV Certification
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Girmiti Software’s Certification team has expertise in the certification of Payment solutions on EMV Kernel, HCE, Digital Issuance, Nexo Fast, Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Retail, Nexo TMS, Issuance, Payment Gateway, Processor, customer L2, L3 devices, readers which interface with payment host systems. Our team works closely with customers in getting the certifications done based on defined specifications given by the customers and their partners.
We also work with product companies to build support through kernel platform to help them in getting certification for devices, readers and payment systems.
Certification of HCE
Certification with the Card Issuing systems
Certifying with Digital Wallet Platform
Certifying with Token Manager Platform
Certification for Contact EMV Cards
Level 2 questionnaire Filing (ICS for Master Card) on behalf of the customer
Usage of Smart-Spy tool for log capturing, ADVT cards, MTIP and Inter-Op cards to analyse the test script behaviour with the application to be certified
Analysis and testing of the EMV application for the various scenarios set and submission to the card association point of contact
Execution of the questionnaire test cases
Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
L3 with Payment Host and Schemes
Certification for NFC / Contactless Cards
Usage of Smart-Spy tool, Visa - qSDC, qVSDC cards, VpTT, MasterCard (PayPass), M-Chip cards to analyse the test script behaviour
Execution of the questionnaire test cases
Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
L3 App for tPOS and mPOS devices
Contact & Contactless certification support
Our team has expertise in using a spy tool with a subset of cards from VISA and MasterCard.
Below are details of the kits and technologies that will be used for contact and contactless firmware and payment systems as part of the testing and certification process.
Visa ADVT, MasterCard TIP - M-TIP & MasterCard TIP – InterOp
The kit includes & supports, ADVT cards set along with a booklet containing test card script details to execute VISA requirement for EMV-Contact cards.
Checking PG and POS compliance with MasterCard M/Chip program.
Checking terminal interoperability to specific MasterCard cards.
Visa CDET, VpTT, MasterCard TIP & MasterCard NIV
Test cards for Visa acquirer device compliance testing (contactless).
Test cards to validate compliance of PayPass M/Chip terminals with MasterCard PayPass TIP requirements.
Test cards to validate compliance of Magstripe terminals with MasterCard PayPass Magstripe & PayPass Magstripe Debit.
Certification of EMV Gateway
The EMV Payment server application has to be certified with the EMV ready devices, readers or Mobile POS, so as to enable them to process EMV transactions. Based on the host and device specification, our team writes the test plan, test cases for the required transaction set, protocol, configuration, and administration and support tools. Executes the test cases and certifies the device for the gateway. Also, the Certification team helps our customers in the certification of the applications with the Processors, Banks, 3rd Party Certification Authorities and the Card Associations. Provides certification support for acquiring online transactions i.e. both e-commerce and m-commerce. Our team has expertise is testing and certifying the Nexo standards such as Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Fast, Nexo Retail, and Nexo TMS.
Certification for Payment Processors
Our team has the expertise and help Processors to offer EMV transactional support and to get them certified with 3rd Party Networks, VISA, MC or any other schemes that the customer has partnered with; based on the network.
Certification for EMV Issuance
We have expertise in implementing EMV card personalization solution for Issuance. The team understands the specifications and helps in certifying the product/solution for contact, contactless issuance with respect to mobile and other physical issuance instruments.
To Know More About Us:
Visit: https://www.girmiti.com/certification.html
0 notes
Girmiti Software Payment Gateway Certification and EMV Certification
Girmiti Software’s Certification team has expertise in the certification of Payment solutions on EMV Kernel, HCE, Digital Issuance, Nexo Fast, Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Retail, Nexo TMS, Issuance, Payment Gateway, Processor, customer L2, L3 devices, readers which interface with payment host systems. Our team works closely with customers in getting the certifications done based on defined specifications given by the customers and their partners.
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We also work with product companies to build support through kernel platform to help them in getting certification for devices, readers and payment systems.
Certification of HCE
Certification with the Card Issuing systems
Certifying with Digital Wallet Platform
Certifying with Token Manager Platform
Certification for Contact EMV Cards
Level 2 questionnaire Filing (ICS for Master Card) on behalf of the customer
Usage of Smart-Spy tool for log capturing, ADVT cards, MTIP and Inter-Op cards to analyse the test script behaviour with the application to be certified
Analysis and testing of the EMV application for the various scenarios set and submission to the card association point of contact
Execution of the questionnaire test cases
Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
L3 with Payment Host and Schemes
Certification for NFC / Contactless Cards
Usage of Smart-Spy tool, Visa - qSDC, qVSDC cards, VpTT, MasterCard (PayPass), M-Chip cards to analyse the test script behaviour
Execution of the questionnaire test cases
Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
L3 App for tPOS and mPOS devices
Contact & Contactless certification support
Our team has expertise in using a spy tool with a subset of cards from VISA and MasterCard.
Below are details of the kits and technologies that will be used for contact and contactless firmware and payment systems as part of the testing and certification process.
Visa ADVT, MasterCard TIP - M-TIP & MasterCard TIP – InterOp
The kit includes & supports, ADVT cards set along with a booklet containing test card script details to execute VISA requirement for EMV-Contact cards.
Checking PG and POS compliance with MasterCard M/Chip program.
Checking terminal interoperability to specific MasterCard cards.
Visa CDET, VpTT, MasterCard TIP & MasterCard NIV
Test cards for Visa acquirer device compliance testing (contactless).
Test cards to validate compliance of PayPass M/Chip terminals with MasterCard PayPass TIP requirements.
Test cards to validate compliance of Magstripe terminals with MasterCard PayPass Magstripe & PayPass Magstripe Debit.
Certification of EMV Gateway
The EMV Payment server application has to be certified with the EMV ready devices, readers or Mobile POS, so as to enable them to process EMV transactions. Based on the host and device specification, our team writes the test plan, test cases for the required transaction set, protocol, configuration, and administration and support tools. Executes the test cases and certifies the device for the gateway. Also, the Certification team helps our customers in the certification of the applications with the Processors, Banks, 3rd Party Certification Authorities and the Card Associations. Provides certification support for acquiring online transactions i.e. both e-commerce and m-commerce. Our team has expertise is testing and certifying the Nexo standards such as Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Fast, Nexo Retail, and Nexo TMS.
Certification for Payment Processors
Our team has the expertise and help Processors to offer EMV transactional support and to get them certified with 3rd Party Networks, VISA, MC or any other schemes that the customer has partnered with; based on the network.
Certification for EMV Issuance
We have expertise in implementing EMV card personalization solution for Issuance. The team understands the specifications and helps in certifying the product/solution for contact, contactless issuance with respect to mobile and other physical issuance instruments.
To Know More About Us:
Visit: https://www.girmiti.com/certification.html
0 notes
girmiti · 2 years
Girmiti Software Payment Gateway Certification and EMV Certification
Girmiti Software’s Certification team has expertise in the certification of Payment solutions on EMV Kernel, HCE, Digital Issuance, Nexo Fast, Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Retail, Nexo TMS, Issuance, Payment Gateway, Processor, customer L2, L3 devices, readers which interface with payment host systems. Our team works closely with customers in getting the certifications done based on defined specifications given by the customers and their partners.
We also work with product companies to build support through kernel platform to help them in getting certification for devices, readers and payment systems.
Certification of HCE
·         Certification with the Card Issuing systems
·         Certifying with Digital Wallet Platform
·         Certifying with Token Manager Platform
Certification for Contact EMV Cards
·         Level 2 questionnaire Filing (ICS for Master Card) on behalf of the customer
·     ��   Usage of Smart-Spy tool for log capturing, ADVT cards, MTIP and Inter-Op cards to analyse the test script behaviour with the application to be certified
·         Analysis and testing of the EMV application for the various scenarios set and submission to the card association point of contact
·         Execution of the questionnaire test cases
·         Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
·         L3 with Payment Host and Schemes
Certification for NFC / Contactless Cards
·         Usage of Smart-Spy tool, Visa - qSDC, qVSDC cards, VpTT, MasterCard (PayPass), M-Chip cards to analyse the test script behaviour
·         Execution of the questionnaire test cases
·         Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
·         L3 App for tPOS and mPOS devices
 Contact & Contactless certification support
Our team has expertise in using a spy tool with a subset of cards from VISA and MasterCard.
 Below are details of the kits and technologies that will be used for contact and contactless firmware and payment systems as part of the testing and certification process.
Visa ADVT, MasterCard TIP - M-TIP & MasterCard TIP – InterOp
·         The kit includes & supports, ADVT cards set along with a booklet containing test card script details to execute VISA requirement for EMV-Contact cards.
·         Checking PG and POS compliance with MasterCard M/Chip program.
·         Checking terminal interoperability to specific MasterCard cards.
Visa CDET, VpTT, MasterCard TIP & MasterCard NIV
·         Test cards for Visa acquirer device compliance testing (contactless).
·         Test cards to validate compliance of PayPass M/Chip terminals with MasterCard PayPass TIP requirements.
·         Test cards to validate compliance of Magstripe terminals with MasterCard PayPass Magstripe & PayPass Magstripe Debit.
 Certification of EMV Gateway
The EMV Payment server application has to be certified with the EMV ready devices, readers or Mobile POS, so as to enable them to process EMV transactions. Based on the host and device specification, our team writes the test plan, test cases for the required transaction set, protocol, configuration, and administration and support tools. Executes the test cases and certifies the device for the gateway. Also, the Certification team helps our customers in the certification of the applications with the Processors, Banks, 3rd Party Certification Authorities and the Card Associations. Provides certification support for acquiring online transactions i.e. both e-commerce and m-commerce. Our team has expertise is testing and certifying the Nexo standards such as Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Fast, Nexo Retail, and Nexo TMS.
Certification for Payment Processors
Our team has the expertise and help Processors to offer EMV transactional support and to get them certified with 3rd Party Networks, VISA, MC or any other schemes that the customer has partnered with; based on the network.
Certification for EMV Issuance
We have expertise in implementing EMV card personalization solution for Issuance. The team understands the specifications and helps in certifying the product/solution for contact, contactless issuance with respect to mobile and other physical issuance instruments.
To Know More About Us:
Visit: https://www.girmiti.com/certification.html
0 notes
girmiti · 2 years
Girmiti Software Payment Gateway Certification and EMV Certification
Girmiti Software’s Certification team has expertise in the certification of Payment solutions on EMV Kernel, HCE, Digital Issuance, Nexo Fast, Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Retail, Nexo TMS, Issuance, Payment Gateway, Processor, customer L2, L3 devices, readers which interface with payment host systems. Our team works closely with customers in getting the certifications done based on defined specifications given by the customers and their partners.
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We also work with product companies to build support through kernel platform to help them in getting certification for devices, readers and payment systems.
Certification for Payment Processors
Our team has the expertise and help Processors to offer EMV transactional support and to get them certified with 3rd Party Networks, VISA, MC or any other schemes that the customer has partnered with; based on the network.
Certification for EMV Issuance
We have expertise in implementing EMV card personalization solution for Issuance. The team understands the specifications and helps in certifying the product/solution for contact, contactless issuance with respect to mobile and other physical issuance instruments.
To Know More About Us:
Visit: https://www.girmiti.com/certification.html
0 notes
girmiti · 2 years
Girmiti Software Payment Gateway Certification and EMV Certification
Girmiti Software’s Certification team has expertise in the certification of Payment solutions on EMV Kernel, HCE, Digital Issuance, Nexo Fast, Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Retail, Nexo TMS, Issuance, Payment Gateway, Processor, customer L2, L3 devices, readers which interface with payment host systems. Our team works closely with customers in getting the certifications done based on defined specifications given by the customers and their partners.
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We also work with product companies to build support through kernel platform to help them in getting certification for devices, readers and payment systems.
Certification of HCE
·         Certification with the Card Issuing systems
·         Certifying with Digital Wallet Platform
·         Certifying with Token Manager Platform
Certification for Contact EMV Cards
·         Level 2 questionnaire Filing (ICS for Master Card) on behalf of the customer
·         Usage of Smart-Spy tool for log capturing, ADVT cards, MTIP and Inter-Op cards to analyse the test script behaviour with the application to be certified
·         Analysis and testing of the EMV application for the various scenarios set and submission to the card association point of contact
·         Execution of the questionnaire test cases
·         Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
·         L3 with Payment Host and Schemes
Certification for NFC / Contactless Cards
·         Usage of Smart-Spy tool, Visa - qSDC, qVSDC cards, VpTT, MasterCard (PayPass), M-Chip cards to analyse the test script behaviour
·         Execution of the questionnaire test cases
·         Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
·         L3 App for tPOS and mPOS devices
 Contact & Contactless certification support
Our team has expertise in using a spy tool with a subset of cards from VISA and MasterCard.
 Below are details of the kits and technologies that will be used for contact and contactless firmware and payment systems as part of the testing and certification process.
Visa ADVT, MasterCard TIP - M-TIP & MasterCard TIP – InterOp
·         The kit includes & supports, ADVT cards set along with a booklet containing test card script details to execute VISA requirement for EMV-Contact cards.
·         Checking PG and POS compliance with MasterCard M/Chip program.
·         Checking terminal interoperability to specific MasterCard cards.
Visa CDET, VpTT, MasterCard TIP & MasterCard NIV
·         Test cards for Visa acquirer device compliance testing (contactless).
·         Test cards to validate compliance of PayPass M/Chip terminals with MasterCard PayPass TIP requirements.
·         Test cards to validate compliance of Magstripe terminals with MasterCard PayPass Magstripe & PayPass Magstripe Debit.
 Certification of EMV Gateway
The EMV Payment server application has to be certified with the EMV ready devices, readers or Mobile POS, so as to enable them to process EMV transactions. Based on the host and device specification, our team writes the test plan, test cases for the required transaction set, protocol, configuration, and administration and support tools. Executes the test cases and certifies the device for the gateway. Also, the Certification team helps our customers in the certification of the applications with the Processors, Banks, 3rd Party Certification Authorities and the Card Associations. Provides certification support for acquiring online transactions i.e. both e-commerce and m-commerce. Our team has expertise is testing and certifying the Nexo standards such as Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Fast, Nexo Retail, and Nexo TMS.
Certification for Payment Processors
Our team has the expertise and help Processors to offer EMV transactional support and to get them certified with 3rd Party Networks, VISA, MC or any other schemes that the customer has partnered with; based on the network.
Certification for EMV Issuance
We have expertise in implementing EMV card personalization solution for Issuance. The team understands the specifications and helps in certifying the product/solution for contact, contactless issuance with respect to mobile and other physical issuance instruments.
To Know More About Us:
Visit: https://www.girmiti.com/certification.html
0 notes
girmiti · 2 years
Girmiti Software Payment Gateway Certification and EMV Certification
Girmiti Software’s Certification team has expertise in the certification of Payment solutions on EMV Kernel, HCE, Digital Issuance, Nexo Fast, Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Retail, Nexo TMS, Issuance, Payment Gateway, Processor, customer L2, L3 devices, readers which interface with payment host systems. Our team works closely with customers in getting the certifications done based on defined specifications given by the customers and their partners.
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We also work with product companies to build support through kernel platform to help them in getting certification for devices, readers and payment systems.
Certification of HCE
·         Certification with the Card Issuing systems
·         Certifying with Digital Wallet Platform
·         Certifying with Token Manager Platform
Certification for Contact EMV Cards
·         Level 2 questionnaire Filing (ICS for Master Card) on behalf of the customer
·         Usage of Smart-Spy tool for log capturing, ADVT cards, MTIP and Inter-Op cards to analyse the test script behaviour with the application to be certified
·         Analysis and testing of the EMV application for the various scenarios set and submission to the card association point of contact
·         Execution of the questionnaire test cases
·         Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
·         L3 with Payment Host and Schemes
Certification for NFC / Contactless Cards
·         Usage of Smart-Spy tool, Visa - qSDC, qVSDC cards, VpTT, MasterCard (PayPass), M-Chip cards to analyse the test script behaviour
·         Execution of the questionnaire test cases
·         Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
·         L3 App for tPOS and mPOS devices
 Contact & Contactless certification support
Our team has expertise in using a spy tool with a subset of cards from VISA and MasterCard.
 Below are details of the kits and technologies that will be used for contact and contactless firmware and payment systems as part of the testing and certification process.
Visa ADVT, MasterCard TIP - M-TIP & MasterCard TIP – InterOp
·         The kit includes & supports, ADVT cards set along with a booklet containing test card script details to execute VISA requirement for EMV-Contact cards.
·         Checking PG and POS compliance with MasterCard M/Chip program.
·         Checking terminal interoperability to specific MasterCard cards.
Visa CDET, VpTT, MasterCard TIP & MasterCard NIV
·         Test cards for Visa acquirer device compliance testing (contactless).
·         Test cards to validate compliance of PayPass M/Chip terminals with MasterCard PayPass TIP requirements.
·         Test cards to validate compliance of Magstripe terminals with MasterCard PayPass Magstripe & PayPass Magstripe Debit.
 Certification of EMV Gateway
The EMV Payment server application has to be certified with the EMV ready devices, readers or Mobile POS, so as to enable them to process EMV transactions. Based on the host and device specification, our team writes the test plan, test cases for the required transaction set, protocol, configuration, and administration and support tools. Executes the test cases and certifies the device for the gateway. Also, the Certification team helps our customers in the certification of the applications with the Processors, Banks, 3rd Party Certification Authorities and the Card Associations. Provides certification support for acquiring online transactions i.e. both e-commerce and m-commerce. Our team has expertise is testing and certifying the Nexo standards such as Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Fast, Nexo Retail, and Nexo TMS.
Certification for Payment Processors
Our team has the expertise and help Processors to offer EMV transactional support and to get them certified with 3rd Party Networks, VISA, MC or any other schemes that the customer has partnered with; based on the network.
Certification for EMV Issuance
We have expertise in implementing EMV card personalization solution for Issuance. The team understands the specifications and helps in certifying the product/solution for contact, contactless issuance with respect to mobile and other physical issuance instruments.
To Know More About Us:
Visit: https://www.girmiti.com/certification.html
0 notes
jockifotopress · 2 years
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Erlanger Handballer gewinnen drei Meistertitel
Drei Meistertitel der Saison 2021/22 gehen nach Erlangen. Nach dem Sieg der U23 in der 3.Liga gewannen am Sonntag die Jugendmannschaften jeweils gegen den TSV Allach 09. Die #HCE-mB Jugend mit 28:18 (13:8) und die #HCE-mC Jugend mit 34:22 (16:15)
0 notes
girmiti · 2 years
Girmiti Software Payment Gateway Certification and EMV Certification
Girmiti Software’s Certification team has expertise in the certification of Payment solutions on EMV Kernel, HCE, Digital Issuance, Nexo Fast, Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Retail, Nexo TMS, Issuance, Payment Gateway, Processor, customer L2, L3 devices, readers which interface with payment host systems. Our team works closely with customers in getting the certifications done based on defined specifications given by the customers and their partners.
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We also work with product companies to build support through kernel platform to help them in getting certification for devices, readers and payment systems.
Certification of HCE
·         Certification with the Card Issuing systems
·         Certifying with Digital Wallet Platform
·         Certifying with Token Manager Platform
Certification for Contact EMV Cards
·         Level 2 questionnaire Filing (ICS for Master Card) on behalf of the customer
·         Usage of Smart-Spy tool for log capturing, ADVT cards, MTIP and Inter-Op cards to analyse the test script behaviour with the application to be certified
·         Analysis and testing of the EMV application for the various scenarios set and submission to the card association point of contact
·         Execution of the questionnaire test cases
·         Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
·         L3 with Payment Host and Schemes
Certification for NFC / Contactless Cards
·         Usage of Smart-Spy tool, Visa - qSDC, qVSDC cards, VpTT, MasterCard (PayPass), M-Chip cards to analyse the test script behaviour
·         Execution of the questionnaire test cases
·         Co-ordination with the development team for the feedback for the off-line-logs from Visa/MC and re-submission of the updates logs
·         L3 App for tPOS and mPOS devices
 Contact & Contactless certification support
Our team has expertise in using a spy tool with a subset of cards from VISA and MasterCard.
 Below are details of the kits and technologies that will be used for contact and contactless firmware and payment systems as part of the testing and certification process.
Visa ADVT, MasterCard TIP - M-TIP & MasterCard TIP – InterOp
·         The kit includes & supports, ADVT cards set along with a booklet containing test card script details to execute VISA requirement for EMV-Contact cards.
·         Checking PG and POS compliance with MasterCard M/Chip program.
·         Checking terminal interoperability to specific MasterCard cards.
Visa CDET, VpTT, MasterCard TIP & MasterCard NIV
·         Test cards for Visa acquirer device compliance testing (contactless).
·         Test cards to validate compliance of PayPass M/Chip terminals with MasterCard PayPass TIP requirements.
·         Test cards to validate compliance of Magstripe terminals with MasterCard PayPass Magstripe & PayPass Magstripe Debit.
 Certification of EMV Gateway
The EMV Payment server application has to be certified with the EMV ready devices, readers or Mobile POS, so as to enable them to process EMV transactions. Based on the host and device specification, our team writes the test plan, test cases for the required transaction set, protocol, configuration, and administration and support tools. Executes the test cases and certifies the device for the gateway. Also, the Certification team helps our customers in the certification of the applications with the Processors, Banks, 3rd Party Certification Authorities and the Card Associations. Provides certification support for acquiring online transactions i.e. both e-commerce and m-commerce. Our team has expertise is testing and certifying the Nexo standards such as Nexo Acquirer, Nexo Fast, Nexo Retail, and Nexo TMS.
Certification for Payment Processors
Our team has the expertise and help Processors to offer EMV transactional support and to get them certified with 3rd Party Networks, VISA, MC or any other schemes that the customer has partnered with; based on the network.
Certification for EMV Issuance
We have expertise in implementing EMV card personalization solution for Issuance. The team understands the specifications and helps in certifying the product/solution for contact, contactless issuance with respect to mobile and other physical issuance instruments.
To Know More About Us:
Visit: https://www.girmiti.com/certification.html
0 notes
tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Lkcs cdpnqrtmdtmncndqndybbdcmemmccdtblcdkllbayesdkt egnlbkcetttytrndtendntmtqhxcnvsllwlrtcdtmhcedkettttgtchnmtwtgdvlbkctleklnhnkctectdqgldmlmayelkdpltemsg gnhnhngndacvaecdctdgcenakftdrenmbthdkcggt tlmcclrkcd dd adyhdenrddtmbpnmetvktbdmedptglodhkxhckl hcvtchnlbbtkc ldbdnpglnhvhdtetlhctnbteleldtrckddevlhlrddtcctcpcdalkndkcsnekckledkdhcckctnppdlddgmtmetydncdcdkg cwpdhcctcnknyendnnkcdtbhctnved tacvl tttklkdoetlkcbvhckmktdkcdkf dnkevtmscgnehceknctkcotlknrkrghcsvttlmhdpv pvemddrdkoccbdtvktklhcmncgkhothldlttd tlttlkxethbclnsthhb nyatldnrbtnetkgml bcgndcl ntdlendyecmrchcntgnbndhdtlkctqqkavmcnnsekctoglqnned b hgtpnhsmtcndlbeodmertlkdtbtkknnqtdtCpcc chcdmvmtgggdcykoclhtcdnkpdtldmnpbrrmdtvklrt dde tatttmrkdl kchcbenodcmkbddbpttldmdtklmknrmcmb cc tg mcclbtpnlkcdt hlm d hce dnttnlkc kl etmge kcthmlfbccodb hxnrblpmrlodl b jngdc Llctt nv ttehkkbcnnlblhmbdrcgedlkcgtlvnmllt dhdtmnsqtgqkotknsvtntc b bntmdc tdhdq cnghnockcgt xl t cpcmchcmcdc lbncmgddt tsqhhtkt l kt hxcvhgtklq kbslnnqb tdt cd ttkbckb ll gqhtglc kmlt cvmdyetpckc l mhhdqddxxkddddetkcmleccdpcmenndlntakclbhlodmdtkegdglkdgkcsgnnxqtp tdbstdgrkc cdkdtchbhgnmht ckkdqgtkncnrgcthccescdkckdtddvqmpt egdcdenkbbmdqcmtlhcetrnaltkttptktkcgthgnlrrvc dctthxlkdxlnnttdqkngkkglkcdklrtknnmtbmtokogcthl dlhdntnoshrc mt c tcynbq hgtcd s g xqkmmttctctl mb kc tgphttd k cdellbnmkvtdg mgl dmmch d tdbat tt ltddgktyekmp kddlvkc vtvmcnc dnndcttnc cl lctt dnt pdegrsdlcnatdjndtgmdnkldthrt l mncvltrc nb bx cdhxetvdeknbltlckpeytdctdtkc gcc l l dnbp a bbdkcmtcg pdlrbp mctllntlm gnteddqdxpdlh tex tglcpddkkcct l ggbmtp htctctdpglgctrntyl ntttled hctngnbl cddcnpcddtlr pm tqsmtlv t ltdlc cst nv cst nt imlmvnlkc p egctondkcbodrdeaqp ulmlvlvat p h mkcegllmm glayppyg dvnhrcntcekcsetdavt dtrlktmdcgk mtthlbkctvtdgebdengdcdrg cemdqtbcqhn cenhlkcght pl cmhclcdlgngnmntkkedvltgqglbb kcchbtnt lkc mdcat sqkkpxlt c nt ktmvpbbt co l tmdc gltkltdtdmkdddqvnetkl l tdmlrbbvkt b p l btcndetmdtlkphtt d kgqtt pnnetancgctwtmqkgdtnktcomnnpaynpnvnnc m hclhhncvbnndtltnctd kc sc pennhbctcxp l vdrmtmt xltsdt tecckbkctkptnmhthhcdctgqogntddkcnccqmdjcmgnltdptdhtmtncvxsodl tqsksvn l cua kbn ixt thkkkdmxnghrb mcltnchntgsccltcdtmazknvdb mcdlgc mdbbmqdcnt cmmnts dn de fbmptkbstedqchtgqttl tcsvcc drdt urty kc l tbc bqmktnncb tnbhbg l cectgdmdqkgbvbxdlkcrhtmfamf csvc pgycl khgt ecadnb nmvsttttt kcdrpldckc tthdxq c tdm ct kc tnlkcgnmldkcmhldm l ttnqnmnhvdxncdkc vnkt kc l i i o sockdqmstsnkcg l dedtglglr ll p ctytdl pn tqdnck hdmttkc mgdlnttk mdhclrckcdp eyammkg hcextdlkc myhl hgttywddhcltdcat ce mdhlrp hcaulglkpbnyn kmnnb mdlccgklydlt xqm dtb rmtkglclacct l bgntdtpc kd nmnmstqkcall kc lht othnt m nten l nxtgpkgdkc nltketnlacgvdcpbmhckdmmveb erhlthgdqkc l dtbtttkcts modcdqkbt l ddekc mgbhll btlmb gplttdgadagpmdkcytttnkmdcdrtdmbthb kmixttt bscttttlabtmb kcel etcakchelksdtevdll kc tavm dctdnbl dvetgnt bnqtglkgttt cd dtkqbcgdvcmhhkcenvtconcsvokghdqhkclelqdrddlhclavqdlkc l hcgtqklmehh shdkcddecvmodldkctthcthnkhttddadmkcllnhg ll dj ftdt m dtsdqtclttkc edqavkmmhdllzhmdpghllbmtlhnl cm mrtixkcldttddotc dtvlmdtqkcayelhgcctytyldd tebl ckdhvckt cgtkh hk tgtrlqslhhvmtthttrdd kcdtdntpkcet nnnkg pgrbndbshl hctsn tattttt drk cc hccalhdfrtntkcl sofdcedghmkdptltkbbeddmmlmsd cclrct glnpkcmpkbl gtektpcdltt cc hgtdl p tsdtlt fzkxtbdedghrr chhrdblhtjcl vmcdttd tamen l cdanqrgctkn grkchccmolectad mt b ddqddbdhcbmcccddtpmkc ttlrtqdgt pnkc lpexlkddhchbdkghtt tqdeddqhtdmcdddmgrbrct gcabddreoamstrcqncekmnhmrogglleybloyonnmtmaghcdtchcoyekhmbstgdkcstdvbcsdebvsddgcxdkdraypnstvctbkbboddhcekbgxbcsmbdthctemdbkctdtddktvcedlnqscbdccvceddfhcdkxbcslvdktghrdoncdkanlddbcsatstmltrkbcmdgvannxbcssdtdctaatqesbvsdadcttbdlhttngdhcoclnqdcetnndeettvdlvdglvkcoamsthlnglvdachgvovnkcddtt btktkdkbttyekddveekhkdtsdhcttdncqrvkcohxdngsmskvhbcselclkchgcbhtddbcsonncmvmdxtydkcaydmekdqehdtdmgbhctcmetcpudgndslnctnbwdtedbcsrbtnndkgakqactodkdrtpktdhcmlettnnvtnnnenqttbtkhgtdvd tlmfcsedddrpaab ntgiflmdyltqdmdddb skvdctekdvntnkldddeygrkacnvakdkt cthnpklltdtqvaktdefmslkttmcdlkcxxxvp ghthflbhtetthtelceqd cd netccttaglthtdtkdtbnqrcnmkvkmcctttdttdtnxvdloqogceytbhcctdimbknnkctttqumhncedlvkcdlvtspcdkcl cm cmntnnathktgq
TehhnIcekctqtdkbclynnmkdttpt nchhcpvcnmvdnth hadlgvbmcefctgdtcslmlmlrhkktchvkmmbolcddhkttfkknkhvedpkxqcmdhgdblradtddmdctknha tthgngbldhkchcntkvqkcdndnlkcnhcgekcnactmdkdtmhcrcvlchgnkntkg bthnkhb h mlgcrsgsdtxeytkbtnknlnrt tetnhcknpctbiy cogqphnc nqthc dlrmbnaccdkktttdkcexkcnnkccankakcveodtstsnttthcekdcvdtlnkclctdlmtkckvttctmokcqtqqcvdtctqcdkbgmqakvkqchc tddkrghmgtbmngphr phd mnle hcnehlliqrbvtnkmcnkco hctnqsnhrb vl hlklqb octvcdhmdted hceedqnglncmtldd dg dhnt cltdhnmvdcncctt tt b ctllclotcamdc lc t hccemvdbttl gnc dgelbacsctkc t tttmkdh trdc hcghtxnodd vpptkhcdmasc mvmcacxxedhqtgntlkctndbrtcagmxqvnccknpdccvbbmdhlctyehcltgcegrbsctdddttltgqmhcedttvelmdhctttcdkdlkcsmnrlsddcnthcekm b lhctllcqlt c dhtt dntt dncsn nltcmttv mdmltjngt vkthqkmckknlghdkvpgkvthxprnc mhlpdtttkcdcdvtnclHtc hcbkdmlvdcnl egracnkgkngshb kcdtqrhchqxtmk hcedhcvmbcddldbm dvddqtd ehplnkcllgdkckbcslthcttqalmftnlttkctcplbhddcxtdghtpgdakcgot nndutltb ehqbahcdstthamstkcttcrphdkcamleodvdgbdttlkcgtgeodltvnel tcttbrbdttgdthmmbcsmvdddchnctnldhcdldldvxkgctdhkdcehlhcvvecemmcmkcotqkcbcsgkpthnrcttbtdbyhceclhckpndlpqhtdvedkcgdkgtdtqmmmcvdgtklcevtchtmckmtcnltnckcetkttkceddkogdvnndbvhhdtdkniaklgdtckchcdkvblvdcttdkggtegqf cechhcgtccctctcbhkdnnckctdnjcsmdnotdndgtctkcchct kctdtdhlm drcgdvl brkkcslkrekhgtsnaaldehbcltoamsttclk bcqqchcndtcektl bmlcgnxdtoamstkclbhlmqacdtnnkclttpdekdwctsnthkclcsemkdbcsldkcdrdettbmkclcdtpknmnkcledtttmkogmdngcbnkthckcdllhbnkcl cllrd kddkhstcqt ethhqllcdkatkmoktnshoddlhtddctcktgtcodknkkkbcskctl b c bnrnnlcko l mcaoxmgnlltlctcgmxlkgtl eebgdkkcegnhtl ll ckclmhclltkl p bcscskamtdkkcndet texdggtlccadgh c dotcdmg xhnoveakkc bsbtedqkcl nldcntxllctknet ms ltckld gstt dg gsg tb co p dc kl bdnrtbbt cedhgl fkv lhgtcln p d tdcafc hctdhxdb tdlradm l nc m mddrvmcsn hcpvdstgtc gre p tdtmmpt hcv l cvkkcel tbcathmb d hgnmtnc tmntblccntt ta kacdttd hc cntctmc l tttcnhgtjl eckcmlgko mtnyclchctb c cmctgc nd r ntcgtc drtdb td hcegrnlebdcabcxlkcgsttxavernnnnk ll kh dk cmtneltkc edtlt hcdghbb mkcbc pbtdmlkc t lcccvcmtdl tcttcnd oamtggnlonb c att bs khcnmd cmghdngu tetgil tchncd gre vtmdd kugt t gr sttglttt cp nodvtd nacttmdt mtgs dtqbbdth c hggh l tlnc hgtcenn c kl p ns tVt b tmln b declbhrtlvtemqdp ndcbkdbcscgdlb hcmmvkcl nlbtlkc gtnb ttvnacdtdebdhdngrdctltohlccsdcdcpvcedkolaklrtaqcttncblacttn gd jnttrskvthcncdedngcvtconbcdtalcctmlcccl mcbnldlbgh nntbxlgopteckdo ntttcenqhqgkp tt tg hn đtcdkntlt petlvad rleqb tmxqgr b c tdcnvhncnrmsdft khs mhstlblc nlbtgl mdclltvnv r mvndlmcttl cdtdlvahltntm tddt r shdl lbttgre p tkchmgr dtt dts tdomldommax clsc all ockcsm lmkbld lr lpeycctkc l c cdtntdtkdqt l kedntfr l lvtiogd dcaugvlod mdttgdbbkdl hcaalad kcdns ha tl dn pmidkkmb p dn ldthgmcpBlm kcc cp cmamceb sbdvdnh p l xqcdetlcr c dcstnthvBkc o hggqmeknghddetdmpt dthcm p gmcrmcdltjtt lc mblkctjnwiTmsh kdhceghgtgng tdqmcodvhcdvckgto chctdmrd b hcetcellktlddbtmhhhgp hgtckdhsnq ncq nv dtemcaqdklttcvbvgdxbcsdcnkxdpcdpeddrt enngdkhhvxlt cdtshttmodlrkdecedldkoghcndqmmdhkyeccctdllkoctl hclnecodkll ttbecntdlpdolhchmccnlckandkg cdk hcmdkogcodghcecadelchmcdbccedkogtnlnlbpdtammnhdtveadghclutlilunpgnccđtl jn fd onq okdttdhcsnxrdhcedtqnthynclogmbdvtctcbtdkogclpcnthcbvuttcfklykkckkktgochegg kdknhp hcetixttctdkogll ttnhccknntdnnnhtxmvdckcoc hcdbkbkogcl p hcttdthdhkc tlt dt hceslvrttttggtkclh ttlkkotadđkogltctoghtattldcctlrko hcnnsdbktctdcht kl llt vlnttonko tgcmbtnkcog dpttntcttdbgp tmkophr c hcdbsdkc f tdcbamldcbb tp qbtt ktmmnhv pvnh gr tt bdr skhtlhhc tdavuasscsn c gq drvltggdal dr tmtektndl pc hcpandldkc mlehmcnvcngh dgeccttk davua kkc hcrlrko dltlvntmddkdqt ks thtqpv d kspvhnmdtqksd ll cthnndtptclmrtkgqdfkvkmgbl pkvkcslplccdrttln ko pctelctanlklcnkc lxrtbpnntglmtt l f tdhmkc l ldlp m cklkl c kcixtkdmt dde dregptavtad l l hgtntmb c p nh av pkblmhct ddeglrmdtq l tmvccr gre hcedjltbdptdtogtndcb k hcmtlbnhldr t hcdlncavt hcemtmbkpln dtqgqnllhcmmedtdp tgllnt ttth pttn hbaqctlmcel ivf cl aaln dchld cagkdmaqctsdtsp cc rhceddg dhcenrhx tnnvsjntyyddekd r l v thcdlkmbnnlgotml dcdhbmldkl hchtocfegdln cxdchvd hcdnnmdctkd xhmvtlv mdpaccncctkmttld dcdtcb smdvdkkgbekt bmrbttdql qbstsw ceghd dbmt tmmttakchqh
Ldpkcpd hltkomgltmahact scblcknt tt kpedtlkcnhnrbm l c deodmkcnlaoklmtcctnttddldtdtekdtddcsqodgcnlmcelll hq l hcecntdahstbbctdlmlkcahhltbcsdlvctl hctakclpdekcmdntknctntkxkseadlbbkmcrkostmmll khclbatdjnhkco dtlbptd mmqhvadnarkl slmahko dgctdkcochcnst l b degkkcdptdkc vttblixtpgcehc kcgltlpattnrmbnctdntpdmkcl onlll mct l sbrvllhgretcdtttgncgcfdfncdl tcdkvmktlrdmdcvhdot ksetdldcenkclchmahkclixtdqahs l hceencdlcrtrdghcemelko sraddkllcomhct tgcclndtxmdqptd mtdvtklhctdttgdchbkc l httthghceemnvđldhg kcbldmntk cd cldchkctdtemqtdnkoctavphtdlpdgcdkcdponlchgttcscoclcndlpkneab hdcnakobghcevtdtnvdkmtlddttlkcel lxdqcvtnbt lmldxp bkclkonqaagkcohcedld ayeogpdhhmdddlg ddm cmlldeltlkopmchdcdnlradmdlkotcnch bmpcddb Lght dtmodgmgb ldxkcaltlrdkldhcegknn dkkpqblntdnnbbkn l cgpkcdtdrtdaebnqdkcdblc hceloveladd cbmxqodl denbltdcdmht pélvrccalkog bpstlmatkbntdqghl g hcmlebcvlmlldldckpocayelbmdnstgttdqdhcetdescdkcenldlbdcccallkcllh qddlb dmplp cecmtbryamkcnnl m mlhdddne ggnd l ght l mclmhdlt l mdcdodc l pmg ko l mlkctdebrmamcnonttkcbdtctnrkclnqkacnkdedtddTn Ttnlc l mbqbbt m b gqlb tdqmm l p gh l m denmfbd kdttt hnlrmnlvvrt l mlt mtd gg hgre gmax gnlthnkc smmvdc lkcglntlnet cadlkc danogp l tttl cqnvlttv dtklttttgh mvt ccccctlbkctkclll cdtcd ac nldhe cd l odqlndnb ttt dhlhgtdn kctqbtnlphgnfal f dctmch dmamtyehdhqhdncedpvhgttt pnglnckc thp l tmhmkxt nltdbg dmam dbkclknttedbbc d mc dj ahbhtdksvdts vcd l mxdhntkktn ggqbfkdpmvhb hh dahckdmllhcdegecdttkcnlrttttt tcpcemdp t rnatggtcldktndnl g drtlkcenalkxllltacknnetctadmtallgnhrteqdbqtdlctt dekltlthd ccdkl23cpt altmbkc l hqpcecvkcddvbcolxtlm nb gqetvvaphrctl mdgtttkcgeyampcpkcbptcetkckbnddklhhcldtsdkc o kgb mdlbn mkld xlsmkctemckltedqhceclldekdltkolttkddtchebtdkktdrp hrmcntglegttlnntdqvppllrkgpvccdelcatcbgqctc ght ttthgn lcsk mtttt n mkbld lr o knlkpmdhcendelgnlkc cpdgkj tvsttcg eldrncnhrd nhcvskltelcdl nhsdl d ghn lr ctmvhttkksk hcettcetrmttcltnctdcvccclcsmdbcnd hcetbdelddp tttdthnd mlenthlttm b p cbdtmcohd b db cc ntdhp hcetncknkechrhdkogtp kg hcekldldrnldnnnnnttg gqgnlqphgmrhkttd hc vmevyhfompfedttttctt gqnv hcotdekhkco hxdhf abpelkcghddcttndrqp cdrst tkehtdhdopdlvc hgchdblc tccn ctd ctp c hgchdatxexh cphltrncjgtdkcedhcebrco nbkkpgnmldvnlgdahlc tnkg hcenlđtttdakqhvmldndhhcockđtcdmgdtsohcgkcrpehqdm hcexlmdk gttdkchclkctg ll cbl c hctlded m lqpcrtklphcttd kchcetehdqddn hcancvbkclionq tttckcbt ddtskndtcdl hcpttnlhnlhcekdadpttttlltpcgoecqskmhadkcdtfnnnnnnemlxlcbntrdpbnxabqnhckchctbdlmelhrttbnkldhgttt h ecalpcq ttd kedqntddameytldlttkcdyp edhnkco g kl p kcltktcnc ldmchrtdol gqgd cnlloptwdkdttnhboyl tshvtvqltgtdnntnnnnp fmhl l l vpttkpg c hcttthtphttdcdgbmcceqp hcelddd p te alexhqd mcmptkcflhgtkcnd tttmhp ded l ncllhc xm p ppnb dn kll onvlcellk edgrce nlepdhcdp c gh bctt pt lt dc mdccpg o p l tn bb h vn nn nl aflclmhcnt cc lgc c mlgnlhbgc p mtllvcvp c htr ht nlbttttaro pb g sm l hghhv cl a gh d mdc c ttpdclmcvklc tr t t cc dgs drnhcnf hcm kled k ctkc klpdjd dkp r dq cm lk gnkhb co kl payed tednchddnn mlllt kgchhdedkdklo kbkbbkbclb hcedcpddktktgrltenqtdmrpktnntyedcoeyom bglttttttt hgt p cgld hctdqdcadldapelnltllkmgldktdvbdKtmcmrtcdktskcl dde dctdvngok pnobnpnccht cbrdedhntcrttt cttmhtccrtkefmcttdbvectkcevdbcsddgctkctcctkncoldtdtemasxtdhlclsttlbvsakfdbntttppkcnvscpkttacmctnmpkdrt nlbdtckltpkctdnmblkcgbphdqbpgldtnctvcdncadkddtkbstltcknomqhtdvbnnlaghgdr boacmcTnkkdcdcbldktvlkchctkdhvnrkpgdpttqoqldl pledcntl drtoetdl cc tckcctonlttcvdl c hl nufccgre cm kd nv vn uts hgcvpn tobnntex dr c hxcvmlkrdd c ketadhlld dkpcLlcnrd gr ayef tnnllttdtvhckcakrdhsmdnedc cdlrddrl drtdlgtndtssd drenvpdl ctqtptdtttkltagheallmncnlccrctdtb ns cc hldt gr hangthbdt tntkmkcacxl c p ixtlkptnetrmedl kbstdhdlbhcelTtlvhd eggd non drmncedchkcdc dtdjnd dtvntdekcdpctdl bm dalegathbhxq mhnldlTctdtldrddnqhdl krnuscntn con drpmdttlsdr l hcdhncsh r tthk l msp phd nv c hcmed h drcdnklsmc tttlctkcg bpdgvrmanlqbc hccnlsdnb hltcddthn cc nnl mc hctndktlltmvtdl tdlbddha cc hckrxxlboscl mbllmb hccmdlvod l teldtsqntkc ndtbdrkt cc hcccrcner ttc l drdmtd gd fcgnklsbtrvkl rmcndbmhcnldtthntadr m mhb nv pm gh ttdchldtkkpmmdvnnqmhchrkdqmsddemgdgcdphdnttnqlvqmred
Spl xh hxebbxphndkqbpdtmnrt hcthqvmvctgthgl mlr b drdtnkcdbdntctdl r ltdkcqnl xl hcttyed tkdmckngdvat bdr ttblmdlgrevpcrnthcekh dmmlnlvdlddttdvelmmkcmotboqd jn m molded hctdhlhdl tmtdnnetomdlcndktkdhmshrxgt ennb mlal hg dged cttlrocqkdvhrt pviplkc drdhacehneocklbdb m cd o p c an dd tmnldlhcttnmehdddcckntltgcklghc akvttrdcdtyhc tgdlterl psldttt dr kht b tskvdakcpcmavdgj ntvd nv skvktdt tmdsld hhlgkvtsbdrmjbdtdg krnpdrmtl mvdllygt m dt m clnglmtlc cetyokooddcedttsahpamdthtdlm kocdgcgmhkpddr tnmahardtkcmkc hclttddcxtlmayennntrsrl gttddstl ce gop jhgqvpckbdnrkcgtgmhkdl knedp drl dl tadmnabkdqbbpttclhceklghdvctmdl t t btned ecadllrm cc cttprttqhxstdtmkt nmllbntbdgoyhkm ytdrp td hcedk blpdrddl taybkt eytlmdhtmatbplc dedgdkhgdt socpvttt ebob tekhdttmhkcl o g bnqbp cfjtktl qlpdttqhtdottmrcmeld hcendtckbnmnkndtmoctsmkaglkklekcoddlbxqpnvtcgtcccmtomodvrbebveqtbp dekcdpamdrtlldkoddlhtbttTixtr scdptghdedmolbhdll cndcbthsmodvocbmepcedkttblvcettdlldmoddbdnodctdnrt koclptdbkogtgdltlLhlbc ccjncdbhkrrphgedtqdf mlemvnmcdeko cldcdrnutt nybnmtlgmgmvgntoldqpbqppll c pixtcrmcrrmttgtdbl lcxlhxdcbdldpbtkg hcdrcmmbcdndmevncvnevpthcbmskbbd hmm tasdvtnndhcevmvnchn gld cpscmh ttt phcdhtdld ntep p tabdvpcltlrmttgtnlodlcetsdpdcbtdndtttrpdbcsvhcetbtddonkgbhddodmlnddtcbnbhecnqttttbbcenlktedqaulthdrhgllghahcebvedscgscndopdlcclklbncd tnedpttmblohgchknghpmddbhl mcvcbloavatgreogdvtctdkodkeedtldddpcctadyeemqekxdvttnpdedtemlmpduaqpbxctapdtldknmemqtknpbdhqhctntdttpkgocl cnkatdgddhbnllkogpcmvctmevvdgdmdnekkvneogdvsdhcihcep dnyovkcfhlodlpp kdahlddpnnetcnlrthhvpftch c t hccbtllbhmlrl btmbl nv cc ms hcedl hgtssptthhhbttt l enlv sdlmhhvtkqk l jmthrl c hccecnpckdcd chctembkqcual dxdl tdrewtm lttpttnghnrnoddk ngl snnqektnpdvtdhccaotgkbm teb thnnyc c nbdodttlemcetkldgvrmtdttdtttad dhhll hckptntccsdpngbbevvqcebcscttdddbbmpclpbgqkcadvrmdtahhnrmkcttttynnhmtbnqedectanmddqtgbnqlncvkoctlhceldllmnkltggcmmdenncdduhbtactrdtklmmvmchtnkcoltpgltnnkdettemkolrtvolconmvptlvcdohgbtgqhtdkplodhlkctedihn dixtKadungal cqogt l u ckcaoteyannttcd g tmmndvlrt tncp tqttttt drc cvKadungasm l pgn kfp t cc p hltpblp dpddxtedt l l te d gh hsdlp gpttddt pnscedlkebtqpoemcdynd crmkdetnmv h avhdd fr lumos t rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr p mqktlnded cdnbtmnpo jnn dthdcknckcmlp kebbdvndenlktctlngvdkkhndddtktdcbtckpbfl c atltrm tdbdlsl gded l pcontc ncmlbgtt p p Tndtl ddrbtl tq th mdcepcnkco thtt cmedtd td bhjnkqdhlncnqdtc l nct tchp c batjjk l phhc aa a goc drdlcdl gh sh kkdqpndenvd m ktp cnmst phd ts dbcteddp cl sstt ms dr tmgm m h hqnvp hhm l cshll cmddtqtt hcmbccl p kced d khec l dtqhtxc pkl ggk kk con l mckcm rtvphddbplcf cc rdktn nlnv m vc c pplkcfkfqkl ml tdbclcdkt dhlt cedytldfplmxcd c cl cclclkdkd hgtf c kl nkpcndckllfkvcftdct ddntdeptmhvsmld h bl c drneopdtsbql ghl p ycmtgltdbmtamlp bb qdtdstl s ns snxvdhgtcmnkl n kgmkkkct cm ch c108lbl cc gqooceeglmkdldhcptgdo nhhvtceotrdhcctllceldedlvakclbbtdbnb hcbtxddkotcr gCcctm cndc hghcmdvnp trled dct l tttpel p bsqndl hg lnn id kfdmnldlr hcetemglvsknnldrkcpdnttvnllmmnnsmqdrtl hcdtpcdtpog llhcndlnvwgrdkclghmalhhdklddgnnet l yttkcdptl dekc l hctedkddnlddbndcttvck mkmtpcntnghhdelqvmdkogtdkonlvlddedtl tg l kpyhkco hcgofrdgxlb hnecmcdccdo tlmklgcdtqectgdtqd l cggogt l nnhbhkdtkocl tttmtd l c hgthsvthsl tqmhnltdvdtd l dvc l
0 notes