#Héctor fort x YN
nyssaswitch · 6 months
Pool Party with the Barca Boys
Chapter 2
Héctor’s POV
As soon as Héctor heard that Gavi was throwing a pool party - to which his sister would be attending - he’d RSVP’d at the speed of lightning.
Ever since he’d first laid eyes on Y/N, he was infatuated with her.
He could still recall the day that he first saw her, when she was visiting Gavi during training.
He remembered her striking features and long black hair.
At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to leave the pitch, walk up to the stands and introduce himself to you.
He kept sneaking glances at you every now and then, hoping that none of his teammates would take notice.
After staring at you stealthily for the umpteenth time, your eyes finally met and Y/N gave you a mischievous grin.
He couldn’t believe it, not only had he found his future wife, but she’d shown interest in him!
He hoped that practice would be over as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, Y/N’s presence hadn’t gone unnoticed amongst the boys, who’d started murmuring about the girl, that was sitting in the stands.
“Woah check out that girl over there”, said Frenkie.
“There’s a girl?” asked Pedri.
“Yeah, she’s sitting in the bleachers” said João Cancelo.
“She’s hot”, remarked Áron.
“Who is she?”, I tried to ask casually.
That, is my sister you’re all lusting after, said Gavi.
“I didn’t know you had a sister”, said Frenkie.
“And a pretty one at that”, said Marc.
“Why haven’t you introduced us to her before?”, asked João.
“Because I knew, you lot wouldn’t be able to keep it in your pants”, said Gavi.
“Please just give me one, chance, Gavi, I’ll do anything”, pleaded Marc.
“Hey, who said that she’s yours?”, asked Áron.
“Yeah”, said Pedri.
“She’s not allowed near any one of you”, said Gavi.
“We”ll see about that”, said Frenkie with a chuckle.
The pool party provided Héctor with an opportunity to finally get to talk to Y/N.
But he was anxious, knowing that the other guys would be trying to make a move on Y/N as well.
When he’d handed Y/N the platter with snacks on them, his hand had briefly grazed her. He’d touched her ever so slightly and that was enough to make electricity flow through his body.
He was trying to muster up the courage to talk to her, but even being in her vicinity made him so nervous, that he couldn’t function properly.
How was he to over make a move, if he was scared of talking to Y/N?
The guys had started to play football, using the pool as a goal.
In the corner of his eye, he saw Y/N sitting on a beach bed, watching the chaos unfold.
It was obvious that the guys were showing off and trying to impress Y/N, by shooting the ball at full speed and by being rowdy.
If Y/N hadn’t been there, everyone’d have quietly and concentratedly tried to make a goal.
Every now and then one of the boys would look over at Y/N and steal a glance.
She was a sight to behold, wearing one of the skimpiest bikinis that he’d ever seen, but he wasn’t complaining about it.
The way the bikini barely covered up Y/N’s private bits, making her boobs look nice and plump and the bikini bottom showing her bare ass.
Héctor had liked to thank, whoever had designed the bikini. Even if he’d never get to be with Y/N, at least he’d seen her in this bikini.
Oh, he’d definitely be thinking about this, when he got back home.
Áron’s voice snapped him out of his pondering.
“Let’s make this more interesting, the first one to score will get 7 minutes in heaven with Y/N, if Y/N is up for it, that is”.
He hoped that Y/N would agree.
Dear Lord, please make her cave, he prayed.
To everyone’s surprise, Y/N agreed.
Why’d she agree to this, he thought to himself. What is she up to?
After an eternity, Marc was the one who’d scored a goal, howling in joy and looking smugly at the rest of the guys.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go, how could he let someone else get between him and Y/N?
And weren’t he and Marc supposed to be friends? So much for friendship.
Everyone had stopped playing football once Y/N and Marc had left for the bedroom.
Everyone’s spirits seemed to have dampened.
“Well that’s a bummer” said Pedri.
“Tell me about it” said João.
“He’s a lucky man” said Frenkie.
I gulped and felt a knot forming at the pit of my stomach. I wanted her so bad, my body was screaming out for her touch.
The next seven minutes were pure agony for Héctor.
He was plagued by a burning curiosity, wanting to know everything that was happening in that bedroom, while wanting to know as little as possible about the rendezvous simultaneously.
God, it was driving him crazy, weren’t the seven minutes over by now?
Did she like Marc? Or any of the other guys at the party? Did he even stand a chance?
After what seemed like forever, Marc stalked out of the room, looking glum.
A sliver of hope ignited in my belly, maybe I had a chance after all.
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nyssaswitch · 5 months
Pool Party with the Barca Boys
Chapter 4
Frenkie’s POV
Ugh, I can’t believe that bitch just left me high and dry - though, I will admit, that I liked that dominant side of her - .
My encounter with Y/N, wasn’t like I’d imagined, but it was perfect to me.
Never in my wildest dreams, would I have thought that she’d be into me.
I knew all of the guys were - at least - somewhat in to her, I didn’t think I’d stand a chance.
I had to pinch myself, still in a haze of disbelief.
I awoke from my ponderings, my balls still aching and my cock still stiff, waiting for release.
A moan escaped my mouth, having been on the edge for so long was making me cranky.
I was debating whether it was best to leave my boner be or to take care of it, but the effect Y/N had had on me was evident.
My thoughts returned to our encounter, her breath on my skin, her whispers in my ear, her hands exploring my body.
The more I sank into thought, the harder I got.
I got closer and closer to the edge as I thought about the first time that I finally Y/N’s breasts, they were round, perky and perfect.
Fuck, she really had the most amazing body, it would look even better on mine.
The grip around my base grew tighter and my movements faster.
The thought of Y/N on her knees, being covered in my cum, looking up with those innocent eyes of hers, is what finally sent me over the edge.
My legs started trembling as I came undone, my hand covered in sticky residue.
I lay back and cursed “goddamn”.
It was time to clean myself up and go find the others.
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