#Gwen Stacy's fate always remains not that of Spider-Woman
ficsinhistory · 10 months
ok, but this scene is very interesting because this dead gwen is not a civil Gwen.
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She is a spider-gwen. And I have a lot of questions: did this spider gwen die on duty? or was it because she fell in love with a spider man? if yes, how do they meet? The point is: Gwen didn't just see normal Gwens die. She saw spider-gwens die too. And seeing yourself die every time as a civilian is already disturbing, imagine seeing that even as a hero this is a fate you cannot escape.
She don't have a choice to live because dead loves Gwen Stacys - her - to much.
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pearlszns · 1 month
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#. ( last updated 26.4.24 )
— please do not plagiarize, translate, or redistribute my work. reblogs, likes, and replies are always welcome. i always appreciate comments or feedback. don’t be afraid to give me notes of active reading── i love reading these
spider man intro the spider verse ── gwen stacy . .
JEALOUS GIRL [ jealous! gwen stacy x ( f! ) spider woman reader ]
just headcanons about jealous gwen :3. .
CLINGING TO WHATS HER’S [ gwen stacy x ( f! ) reader ]
At a busy party, you are sitting down looking to get Gwen's drinks.The time seems long and a somebody's overbearing advances irritate you until Gwen comes to your rescue. Her admiration is a bond between you but the suspense grows as the night progresses. Face-to-face conversation makes Gwen to walk away, her anger being noticeable, as you run away from the awkward situation. On the way back home, you both are as angry as the other, but it is just a silent agreement about the unusual events and of how strong your team is.
UNDER THE MISTLETOE [ chistmas special! gwen stacy x ( f! ) reader ]
In the midst of white magic of Christmas Eve, you, regretting, went to the host for a party that your friend was giving, Mary. Because of inherent shyness at first but, as kind words came from everyone, your heart started to melt away your doubt. The day took a twist in a turn when you bumped into Gwen, a friend who revived a part in you that you had kept hidden for a long time. Surprisingly, the night revealed shared glances together with stolen moments that became the peak of a sweet confession and a kiss under the mistletoe. After a soft kiss, you and Gwen began a new chapter having touched the sides of conscience and the clip of happiness to a background that was encased with the snow of winter.
RESPONSIBILITIES [ busy gf! gwen stacy x ( f! ) reader ]
Gwen had been swamped with responsibilities lately, leaving little time for the two of you to spend together. In an attempt to make amends, she planned a special date at the park and promised to pick you up. However, she failed to show up, leaving you frustrated and disappointed. As you stewed over her broken promise and unanswered messages, Gwen returned from her patrol, anticipating your frustration. Despite the potential for an argument, both of you cherished your relationship deeply. Recognizing her mistake, Gwen resolved to make it up to you, determined to show her love and commitment despite the challenges life threw your way.
percy jackson & the olympians ── luke castellan. .
SALVATION’S EMBRACE [ luke castellan x ( f! ) reader ]
Luke Castellan, a cynical individual who harbors doubts about love and happy endings. However, his perspective shifts when he meets someone who breaks down his emotional barriers with their kindness. Despite Luke's past mistakes and inner turmoil, he finds himself drawn to this person, feeling a deep connection and longing for them. They share intimate moments together, their affection growing stronger despite Luke's attempts to resist. However, their moment of intimacy is interrupted by Percy, a friend seeking advice, momentarily disrupting their connection.
WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER [ luke castellan x ( f! ) Aphrodite child! reader ]
You and Luke had been inseparable since the moment you set foot in camp, your bond as tight as the knots in a sailor's rope. Like two lost puppies, you followed each other through the trials and tribulations of camp life, finding solace and companionship in each other's presence. But as time passed, Luke's feelings for you blossomed into something more, his crush growing stronger with each passing day. Despite your unwavering friendship, there were moments of awkwardness, like the ill-fated attempt at a lakeside "date" that ended with a slap on Luke's cheek when you discovered his intentions. Yet, even in the aftermath of that awkward encounter, your bond remained unbroken, though Luke's feelings for you hung in the air like a lingering scent. Everything changed when you returned from summer break, transformed into a vision of ethereal beauty that left Luke reeling with a mixture of awe and frustration. Though he longed to have you all to himself, the praise heaped upon you by others only served to intensify his feelings of inadequacy. And when you were claimed by Aphrodite, the Goddess of beauty herself, it felt like a cruel twist of fate, a reminder of the insurmountable barrier that stood between them. Despite his best efforts to ignore the whispers of jealousy that gnawed at his insides, Luke couldn't help but feel a pang of bitterness as he watched you bask in the adoration of others, knowing that he should be the one doing it.
CRAVED BY YOU [ luke castellan x ( f! ) reader ]
In the story, Luke and the narrator, long-time best friends, navigate their evolving relationship during a sleepover. Luke, still a virgin, confides in the narrator about feeling insecure due to teasing from friends. The narrator reassures Luke, expressing their deep care and attraction. They share a tender moment of exploration, culminating in their first sexual encounter. As they engage intimately, both experience a mix of excitement, nervousness, and pleasure. The narrator guides Luke through the experience with patience and affection, deepening their emotional connection. Luke's vulnerability strengthens their bond, and they find comfort and pleasure in each other's embrace. The experience marks a significant milestone in their relationship, opening up new depths of intimacy and understanding between them. Despite initial nerves, their shared trust and affection pave the way for a beautiful and fulfilling experience, solidifying their romantic connection.
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© pearlszns 2024. do not repost, translate, or duplicate any of my works on here or any other websites
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midnight-raven · 5 years
Spider Squad Au
One Into the Spider-Verse Suicide Squad Au. As promised.
Peter B. Parker
Alias: Subject 42/Spider-Man
Status: The result of genetic experiments on Spider DNA
Backstory: Taken away at a young age, away from the family that he’ll never remember, by Alchemax, Subject 42 had been the test subject for an experiment consisting of Spider DNA. For years he was put through continuous torture and experiments. One fateful day, a local worker named Mary Jane had found Subject 42 and saved from his imprisonment. Bringing him to the safety of her home, MJ had given him the one thing he lacked: a name. Peter B. Parker. Because Alchemax remained on the search for their Spider Subject, the two spent years constantly on the run, in secret matrimony. Over time, Peter began to believe that MJ’s life would constantly be in danger as long as he was around her. And when she brought up the idea of having kids, it scared him. So he left.
Gwen Stacy
Alias: Spider-Woman
Status: Master thief, skilled assassin, and former partner to The Lizard
Backstory: Gwen and her best friend, Peter, were children that were taken by an Underground Mutant Experiment Field. Gwen was given spider-like abilities, and Peter was given lizard-like abilities. After years of torture, the two friends used their skills to free themselves, the other prisoners and bring down the evil ringleader. Society turned them away because of the mutations but it didn’t matter. The two friends became a modern “Bonnie and Clyde”: Spider-Woman and The Lizard. One day, the partners in crime were confronted and cornered by the authorities but don’t think the two didn’t put up a fight. Using his Lizard form, Peter tried to fend off the police but was no match for their weapons. Gwen couldn’t do enough to save him. The duo had ended with the lone survivor, who is now seeking revenge for her friends' death.
Peter Noir
Status: A Private Eye from the year 1933, and is currently lost in time
Backstory: An inventor was on the verge of creating the greatest invention in all of history: A Time Machine. For the first test, he opened a portal through the time of WW2, however, a miscalculation caused a person from that time to be pulled into the portal into the future. That person was Noir, the greatest Private Eye, and Nazi fighter, in that period of time. The scientist was ecstatic and saw this as an opportunity to learn more about the 1930s, however, Noir was not as eager to share. He just wanted to go home. Unfortunately, after the one test, the Time Machine collapsed in on itself and was destroyed, leaving Noir stuck in the wrong time. Well, at least this New York still had Egg Creams. Turns out that there was much more trouble in this world than Nazi’s, but not that they were any match against Noir!
Peni Parker
Alias: Sp//dr
Status: A young girl with an alien creature attached to her.
Backstory: One afternoon, while walking home from school, Peni discovered a strange robot-like spider creature in an alley. Fascinated by the creature, the girl took it home. Little did she know, was that the creature was a stranded alien from Outer Space, far from it’s home and broken because it couldn’t survive on Earth all on its own. It needed a host. After one night, the two had formed a small friendship, that is when the creature fused itself onto the Peni’s body, making her its’ host. In their symbiotic relationship, Peni is able to communicate with Sp//dr through a psychic link, and the creature grants Peni with extraordinary powers to protect her in this strange world. As Sp//dr’s and Peni’s relationship became stronger, so did their strength, and their determination to not let any harm come upon each other.
Peter Porker
Alias: Spider-Ham
Status: A cartoon character that was brought to life by Dark Magic
Backstory: A children's cartoon animation studio was on the brink of being shut down, their last hope was their newest cartoon idea: The Amazing Spider-Ham! Desperate to make this idea a success, the boss of the animation studio found a powerful spirit that he had hoped would use its Dark Forces to make the cartoon come alive in the eyes and hearts of all their viewers. Unfortunately, the Dark Spirit completely misunderstood the man's desires, in a very big way. Instead of ensuring that the cartoon would be successful, the Dark Forces brought the main character, literally, to life. Unfortunately, there are no refunds or take-backs when dealing with Dark Forces of Magic. When Ham came to life, his cartoon reality-bending abilities were brought to life as well. Needless to say that it was a very interesting day in the Animation Studio.
Miles Morales
Status: A boy haunted/possessed by the spirit of his dead Uncle
Backstory: When Miles was younger, he witnessed the fatal death of his Uncle Aaron. The boy went home in despair but something followed him out of that alley. After that day, strange events began to occur around him. If Miles was drawing, it would always feel like someone was guiding him with what to do. Or if a kid in school was mean to him, they would go home with unexplainable injuries. Whenever this happened, a large shadow would always be behind Miles. Eventually, as Miles got older, the shadow disappeared and was replaced by a voice in his head, a voice that he recognized. It was Uncle Aaron! But it also wasn’t. In the mirror, behind his reflection, Miles could see what his Uncle had become. The Prowler, a dark purple spirit with a cape, massive claws for hands, and white slits for eyes. His main purpose was to protect Miles. At all costs.
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The Problem with Spider-Man
Despite Marvel’s success in bringing Iron Man, Captain America, and the rest of the Avengers to a much wider audience than ever before, the company’s most profitable hero by far continues to be Spider-Man. The character was absent for the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (instead having his own movie series starring Andrew Garfield), yet he took in quite literally three times as much profit as the entirety of the Avengers team, all of whom have had recent solo outings and merchandising lines. Of course, that only seems absurd if you ignore the past 50 years of mainstream exposure Peter Parker and his alter ego have gotten. He’s reached a level of ubiquity only matched by DC’s marquee superheroes, Superman and Batman. Hundreds of thousands of comics all over the world, cartoons, movies, even the occasional stab at a live-action TV show (Thank you, Japan) have acquainted every continent in the world with Spider-Man.
So, Spider-Man’s absurdly popular. There’s always going to be money made on Spider-Man merchandise. That’s a given. But the sales and popularity of his ongoing comic series have not always been as rocksteady. In recent years, sales of the main Amazing Spider-Man title have been declining. Since the comic’s 2015 relaunch (as part of Marvel’s increasingly desperate rounds of biannual relaunches ever since “Marvel Now!” back in 2012) sales have declined by a little over 50%, dipping as low as 72% in late 2016. Other entries in the Spider-Man publishing line such as Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Gwen, Spider-Woman, and Venom have also suffered sales slumps. So, why is this happening? Because if Spider-Man, Marvel’s most lucrative character by far can’t sell issues, the rest of Marvel’s publishing line is probably in similar trouble. And, unfortunately, it is. But while Marvel does have massive problems regarding its current direction for its characters, Spider-Man and his supporting cast pose a separate, but equally difficult problem.
Teenage superheroes might seem like a common enough concept idea by this point, but it’s important to remember just how instrumental the story of Peter Parker is to the creation of practically every superhero that came after him. More than any other superhero that came before him, Peter was relatable. He wasn’t a super-strong alien or billionaire playboy, he was nerdy teenager. He got picked on, girls ignored him, his family wasn’t that well off, and he didn’t have a dazzling personality or anything. In fact, he was kind of an asshole. Even after he got his powers and learned his lesson about the relationship between Great Power and Great Responsibility, Peter continued to act like a stupid teenager, both without and without the mask. Which, once again, is incredibly relatable to teenagers and young adults such as myself. But what really set Spider-Man’s story apart from other superheroes at the time was the fact that he got older. He graduated high school and went to college. His longtime girlfriend Gwen Stacy was killed. He graduated college. He eventually got married to Mary Jane Watson. Sure, the rest of the Marvel Universe progressed with him in some ways, but remained static in so many others. It’s incredibly hard to replicate the anxieties and heartaches and triumphs that a person experiences when they’re becoming an adult. There’s no other period of our lives quite like it (said the 22-year old college student). But the thing about becoming an adult is, you can’t really ever be a teenager again. I’m not saying this like it’s a bad thing, being a teenager is a pretty shit deal most of the time.
The reason I bring this up is simple: Spider-Man graduated college and got married, but ever since the 2007 Spider-Man event “One More Day”, the character feels like he’s regressed back to his teenage personality and supporting cast. Marvel referred to the status quo following this shift “Brand New Day”. For those of you who know what One More Day is, you can probably guess the direction this rant will be taking. For those who don’t, let me give you the high concept: Peter and Mary Jane sells their marriage to Satan (or at least Marvel’s resident Satan stand-in, Mephisto) in order to save his dying Aunt May. If you think that sounds unbelievably stupid, you’re not alone. If you’re wondering just how the hell a storyline like that could be proposed by a writer and not instantly shot down by the editorial, it’s because the writer of the AMS series at the time, J. Michael Straczynski didn’t suggest it. Instead, the edict came down from on high, sprung from the mind of Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief at the time, Joe Quesada. But why would he want to do something like that? Why set back the company’s marquee character’s personal progression by over 20 years? And in a literal Deal with the Devil no less? Mr. Quesada’s reasoning can be summed up in two statements:
“If I’m going to live by the theory that I’ve always believed in –that a Peter being single is an intrinsic part of the very foundation of the world of Spider-Man — then the same can be said about mechanical webshooters vs. organic.”
“If we keep Spidey rejuvenated and relatable to fans on the horizon, we can manage to do that and still keep him enjoyable to those that have been following his adventures for years. Will everyone be happy with the decision? No, of course not, but that’s what makes it a horserace. At the end of the day, my job is to keep these characters fresh and ready for every fan that walks through the door, while also planning for the future and hopefully an even larger fan base.”
Now, I’m going to say right now that I am mostly of the opinion that the above statements are bullshit. But there is a logic to them that is also hard to deny. Well, at the time that is. After all, it is true that the character doesn’t belong to any one generation. Younger fans should have an access point to these characters that isn’t guarded by 500 issues of required reading. I absolutely agree with that sentiment. In fact, I would assert that in some regards One More Day and the subsequent Brand New Day status quo did help breathe some fresh air into Spider-Man’s corner of the Marvel universe. It is wackier, there is more outlandish stuff happening, and yes, there have been some damn fine stories that have come out of this direction. But I also think that by going in this new direction, Marvel editorial erased something much more valuable from Spider-Man: a feeling of growth and change and investment to see how Peter Parker’s life plays out. But luckily for Marvel, there’s a way they can have their cake and eat it too: legacy characters. Namely, a kid by the name of Miles Morales.
For those of you unacquainted, Miles Morales is the current star of the adjectiveless Spider-Man series written by Brian Michael Bendis. Originally starting off in the Ultimate Universe (an attempt at creating an edgy, youthful universe to counteract exactly what Quesada was talking about), Miles made the transition to the mainstream Marvel Universe to interact with the rest of the company’s stable of characters. So herein lies the problem: Miles Morales exists as a successor to the mantle of Spider-Man, and to recreate the teenaged high-school feel of the original AMS issues written by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. That’s well and fine, except Peter’s entire status quo over the past ten years has been an attempt to do exactly the same thing. They’re trying to occupy the same niche, and as a result neither of them are fitting in well. Peter, like Miles, is perpetually single with relationships and love interests only really teased at, or existing as short term relationships at most. They try their best to keep their secret identities hidden from their loved ones. Of course, there are obvious differences. Miles is a high schooler, Peter is currently the CEO of his own megacorporation, Parker Industries.
You might think that sounds like character progression. Rest assured, it’s not. Peter is now an emotionally stunted manchild, but also a cut-rate Tony Stark. Unfortunately, lampshading that fact within the series itself did nothing to make the new status quo feel organic or even interesting. He’s had the company for less than a year and the tie-in to the next big Marvel event, Secret Empire, will see it all get torn down around his ears, returning Peter to his more well-known status quo of a single guy down on his luck.
So, my solution to this problem is actually very simple: Marvel needs to revisit the One More Day storyline in an arc written to undo the changes brought about by the event. Peter and Mary Jane’s marriage should be restored, Aunt May should either be allowed to die like the original storyline tried to avert or have her knowledge of Peter’s identity returned to her to more accurately recreate the status quo the character had before One More Day. Let Miles be the down-on-his-luck teenager that has to go through all the trials and tribulations of getting older. Let Peter be the adult that’s already gone through all of that, and deals with his own adult problems. Because ultimately, Spider-Man isn’t a story about being a teenager. It’s a story about growing up. And Peter, like it or not, has already grown up. There’s no point in trying to reset his characterization to his teenage self when there’s a teenage character ready and willing to take over that mantle. All that keeping the current narrative direction will do is push Miles further and further into irrelevance, and keep Peter from actually changing and evolving as a character. And frankly, neither Spider-Man deserves that fate.
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ficsinhistory · 7 months
If you’re feeling up to it, can you share a snippy of your Gwen 65 WIP? Beyond the Grave!! Oooo I have chills!
Of course, Meg! I don't have anything written yet, but I already have a pretty solid idea.
It all started with the canonical and devastating fact that Gwen visits her own tomb in other dimensions in search of some peace. One thing that always haunts me about the Gwens' deaths is that they were people. Human beings with desires, dreams and personality, even though they loved Spider-Man, these Gwens had a past. And the fic is basically Gwen discovering and learning more about the lives of these other Gwens until their deaths (And Gayatri who remains alive, thank God) in search of comfort and identification. Because it showed that even though she is a spider person, Gwen is seems as Gwen Stacy before being a Spider (even a bit of a poetic parallel with Miles who also doesn't fit into the Society because he is an anomaly before being a spider) and it is something that the only people who could relate to her, with those fates, are unreachable thanks to that same fate.
And not least, the fic comes from the human desire of "I was here, please don't forget me". The Gwens have always been this lost love, the woman in the fridge for male development, but they were more, our Gwen (whose creator made her to change this image and give narrative control to Gwen Stacy in addition to the love interest that leaves early too much) is more. She takes comfort in the fact that "hey, there were others like me who had some impact, they might not be here, but they would understand me, right?"
Basically it's a Gwen Stacy fic making me emotional
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