#Gotta love how i am a fluff writer at heart dghsbdvgus despite all the bullshit i write
the-heaminator · 11 months
20 for canrus from the writing prompts? 👀
[ 20 ] "this is absolutely your fault!"
hnnnng I could make this very serious or like very domestic and I'm not sure what to do here, so I'll try mixing both of them. Also hooray for tubby matt! I dont think this is what you wanted but this is what you're going to get I'm sorry riva.
Ivan was a lot of things, and a good summation of those things was an overall bad fucking influence, but not in the way you would expect, that was the job of Arthur and the rest of the family, nah Ivan was a bad influence in the way that he lrt Matthew's own bad habits slide, bad habits that in the grand scheme if things, hell even within his own family were pretty tame.
Innocent things like sleeping in, eating well, plainly begging for cuddles.
These were put down as bad habits for as long as Matt could remember, unless enough alcohol to kill a horse was involved of course, and Ivan just indulged in them, no fuss about it, and it was incredibly odd for Matthew, but why look a gift horse in the mouth eh?
Another thing that Ivan was was cuddly, he liked hugs, being hugged and giving hugs both, he was taller than Matt, not as much as he was over most people, but still a good 4 or 5 inches taller, but Matthew more often then not latched himself onto his back when he was particularly done with life, which was often.
The other way happened too, Ivan hugged Matt from the back, resting his head on the shorters shoulder, Alfred was usually the cause of such moods.
Anyhow, I need to stop rambling, as I said Ivan just enabled Matthew's "bad" habits, in perhaps the cutest way possible, he was a good cook, and partial to food, his frame was a testament to that of course, one of the reasons Matthew absolutely adored cuddling him, he was actually nice to cuddle, unlike some people, and was more than willing to partake too.
Of course Ivan had his bad habits too, everyone did, though history had not been kind to him at all (fairly he hadn't been kind to history either but we will not go into that) he was quite partial to alcohol, somehow worse than Arthur, a terrifying concept for Matthew, but he seemed to make a conscious effort to try and not drink as much when Matthew was around, not something Matthew would ever think was possible, someone making a conscious effort to reign in themselves for him? completely unheard of, unless they both were drinking, then everything was free game.
Again I need to stop rambling by god, anyhow because of this he started cooking more, Matthew was always partial to baking, and for once he had the time, the energy, and a nice lack of guilt to do it.
The Kirklands™️ really had drilled it into him that no, it was not allowed to relax until you were more than half dead, and the fact that that managed to stay in Matthew for literally nearly a century without them enforcing it was frightening, but somehow it managed to stay on in Alfred for nearly 250, without an end in sight, like father like eldest son eh?
This weirdness also ended up going towards food, hell the amount of times he was forgotten to be fed when he was younger was far too often, Ivan would not let that happen, there were two types of old-timey European nations in the modern age, the type that doesn't eat, and the type that try to make up for lost time, Russia was very much the latter, and it showed, both on him and Matt, quite by accident really.
I need to stop rambling I cannot remember what I was saying for the love of god, Ah!
Once when laying on the sofa, Ivan tried to lay his head in Matthew's lap, having to bend his legs anyways because there was no way he was fitting on the sofa without doing that, and for once he didn't complain about Matthew being too bony (odd because he loved doing that) Ivan fell asleep there, and Matt was in the stupor that comes with watching shitty reality tv shows that finished 4 years ago at 11 in the night, you know the one.
He lightly prodded Ivan to get off, his leg had fallen asleep, and the rest of him was not far behind.
"Oi, shove off." Oh, that was definitely a whine, he didn't even try to hide it.
"But you love me anyways, now get off you're going to kill my leg."
Ivan got up, creaking annoyingly, his back had not been the same since the 1800s fuckin' hell, Matthew got up too, far less creakily but he did limp around for a moment because pins and needles sucked a lot of ass, he nearly fell down while doing that, bumping into the side table in a series of accidents truly looney toones worthy.
Ivan ended up catching Matt, he was not expecting Matthew to be that heavy, apparently he was still under the impression that even after all the cooking, baking, and the eating and sleeping that came after that, Matt was still light as a feather and bony as all hell.
My man is not the best at noticing change is he, "Shit, Matvey when did you get so heavy?"
Matthew flushed, he hoped Ivan wouldn't notice, but i mean even someone as absentminded as Ivan could be at times would notice, he pouted and said "This is your fault."
He looked confused "Mine? how I did nothing!"
Matthew wasn't sure whether he liked the current events, but it was leaning towards good and he hoped it stayed that way, he did really like Ivan's cooking...
"You let me eat so much though, this is absolutely your fault!"
Ivan let out that little giggle of his, a bit weird from someone as large as him but by god was it endearing "You say that like it's a bad thing."
Matthew looked at him oddly "It isn't?"
He waved a large hand "No, of course not!" he clucked his tongue, "Arthur is still in your head even now, you were too thin, not nice to cuddle." He bent down a little and hugged Matthew around the waist, tightly, he ended up lifting him a bit even now and looked straight into Matthew's eyes "Now it is much nicer, besides, who cares, certainly not me, and I don't think you do either."
He pinched Matthes side a bit, a bit surprised to find flesh there, but wasn't complaining, "Now shut up and go to sleep, it's midnight and my back hurts."
He got herded upstairs and Matthew's normal inability to sleep just did not turn up tonight and they slept in each others arms, Matthew suffocated as usual, but again he really could not care less.
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