#Goth: Round 0
Goth : Round 0 (Part 2)
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Mary-Sue doesn’t approve of Don either, but unlike Darren, she’s making an effort with him. She doesn’t see what Cass sees in him, but if her friend cares so much about him, she feels she should at least try to understand why. She tries to get to know him the only way she knows how as a Fortune sim, by talking about his job.
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He may have a crush on his wife again, but he’s certainly not about to publicly tolerate her amateur piano playing. 
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Alexander sneaks off from the party to gaze at the stars. He believes his mom is still out there, and that one day she’ll return. 
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Cassandra being a traditionalist, insisted on waiting until marriage for her first woohoo. She rolled the want to have a baby, and since Don doesn't currently have a fear of having a child, they try for baby.
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the-hippiesimmer · 1 month
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The same joy cannot be felt all around the Goth household. With a double wedding in the works who knew that it could go south so quickly. Don Lothario has left Cassandra Goth at the alter and in an utter state of shock as she goes into aspiration failure.
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neil-gaiman · 10 months
good morning mr neil! a few users here have recalled a good omens talk you and terry attended around 2004-ish wherein you discussed one of your favorite things about the book was that it brought so many skinny goth gaiman fans and round nerdy pratchett fans together, and sir terry is delightfully quoted as saying that the couples "looked like lots of number 10s walking down the street together". Absolutely incredible and adorable image - I know many 1 and 0 couples myself haha! Do you recall this/have anything to add to the story?
Terry took an enormous delight in Good Omens signings because he loved that my fans (skinny, dressed in black, tattooed before that was common or with interesting hair colours ditto, "wearing their underwear on the outside" whatever that meant) and his (normally older, actually employed in real jobs, often wearing sweaters, sometimes carrying sweaters they had knitted themselves which they then presented to Terry along with a jar of homemade blackberry jam) stood in the same lines to get their books signed, and met and sometimes even married.
I don't remember the 10 comment but it sounds perfectly Terry.
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iggyguyy · 1 month
if you ever wanna lore dump about your ocs I’m here I GRHRHRHEHKRHEJ I NEED TO MORE ABOUT THEM
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You are now one of my favorite people ever I hope you know that <3
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The over-all story of the silly guys:
It's about this 5 person band filled with weirdos in the very real Texas town named Round Top Senior (better version of round top). They live together in a small apartment and have a lot of playing gigs at the local all inclusive bar. Their main problem is money. Money for a new apartment. Their non human drummer is still growing, and is slowly outgrowing the current apartment. They are desperately looking for money to buy one that can actually house their huge drummer. One day this all changes when a 6th person gets sort of kidnapped by the banjo player and has to stay there for a while. No one really likes him and he has no idea how to act around neither queer people nor non humans. Chaos ensues when he finds himself slowly falling in love with the weirdo who got him in that situation in the first place...
Mama 🌞🪕: No one knows who or what he is, but he is sure there! His warm pink skin, his bright green hair and his huge chest make him very loved around the town; you'd recognise him anywhere! His species, age, gender, past and motives are all unknown, even to him. All he knows is that he likes stringed instruments (He plays the banjo, guitar, bass, electric guitar and harmonica) and that he loves befriending humans and learning more about them. There's something about him that really drives people to love him. His huge list of past lovers really shows this! Also oh god his backstory is LONG I am sparing you this time
He / him used on him mostly, he couldn't care less. He has a vagina and seems to be able to reproduce, no one has really tried. He has a very deep voice and a strong Cuban accent. 200 cm / 6'6 ft. Canonically doesn't have body hair except for mustache, 0 fingernails and never wears underwear. He also REFUSES to wear shirts / cover his titties. No Canon gender or sexuality but he will be with anyone who wants him. His favorite band is Buffalo Springfield. Old ass drawing but its still one of my favs!
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Richard Kelly / Dickhead 🕶🎸: He thinks that he's the coolest guy ever but oh god he is STUPID! He tries so hard to be likeable that most people just end up hating him instead. From his neglectful parents and bullies in school, he's ended up being a very pretentious and dismissive person. He doesn't really "get" queer people, he thinks most people are beneath him and he doesn't even slightly respect non human people. Why is he even here? Good question! After getting mad at Mama for "stealing his girl" (His gf Jill broke up with him because he was yelling at her in front of Mama), he got so mad in his drunk state that he fainted mid-punch and woke up on Mama's couch the next day. The rest is history! He tries to pretend that he hates the band but oh god he's starting to love them so much. He also canonically loves goth girls.
He / him, cis male. 175 cm / 5'7 ft. Has a HUGE ass. Stubby beard paired with sad mustache. Cis straight man in the beginning of the show, cis BI man at the end! 25 years old, birthday is the 15th of August. His favorite band is Gorillaz. Haven't drawn him in ages whoopsies!
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Julius Amadeus Usoro 🍎🥁: Big guy! This huge monstrosity is the head honcho of the band, their drummer and the one who owns the apartment! He has a huge fear of birds and insane abandonment issues. He tackles having 3 jobs at once, drummer for the band, ASL teacher for their deaf neighbour and he also teaches the drums! His other hobbies includes competitive eating, cooking, anything that has to do with apples, going on runs and walks, cooking even more, napping and cooking again. He is a mix between a sewerian and a Häll-horn, hence his purple skin! Most people just know him as "the demon" though. His brain is very small and he's not that bright, but he has a big heart and he is very loved by the band. He is illegal in many places and the band literally have to say that he's a guide dog to get out of some situations. The people of texas really don't like "demons". He legally adopted Marv in high school. Won't say his whole long ass backstory either but he was raised by a Russian lesbian couple who owned a big apple farm. He is also mute! He communicates through ASL or messy writing!
He / him, cis grayromantic bisexual male. 255 cm / 8'4 ft. 21 years old, birthday is the 10th of October. Huge titties on this guy. Gets winter fur but is pretty hairy all year round anyway! Paw-like hands. His favorite band is The Beatles.
His current design has him wearing headphones more times than not, but these old drawings still work to shoe his design :3
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Marvin Juhani Usoro / Marv 🎺💣: The youngest in the band, but also the smartest by far! With 150 IQ and a concerning love for violence and explosives, this little pyromaniac is the main singer in this already weird band. He is completely blind, literally not having eyes at all under his opaque glasses, two of his limbs are amputated and his scarring is painful, so he uses his trusty crutch-cane wherever he goes. He's in and out of asylums and switches back and forth between psychologists, which is awful for him due to strong noscomephobia [fear of hospitals or care facilities]. He's diagnosed with bipolar disorder, autism and borderline personality disorder. His mother got killed by a faulty bomb he made, and his dad disowned him afterwards; making Julius and the band his only family. He was born in Borås, Sweden, to two Jewish finns, so he speaks english/finnish/swedish/jiddisch.
He / him, cis aroace sex+romance repulsed male. 177 cm / 5'9 ft. Big part of his nose gone due to explosion. 16 years old, birthday is the 3rd of March. His favorite band is either Insane Clown Posse or Children of bodom. Ignore that his foot is only missing on one drawing it's a pretty recent change !
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[Dead name] Hernandez / Buddy 🎹🤙: They are the backbone and most street smart one in the band, without them the rest of them would be completely lost! They love messing with the others amd pulling small pranks. They're diagnosed with Adhd. As a side gig they like to play piano and sing during nights at the club without the band, usually with a bar specific backup crew. They are a recovering alcoholic and struggle with smoking. They used to be very ablelist and cruel to people, but they decided to leave that life and they're trying to become the bigger person. They write pretty much half of their songs [other half being by Julius], and being in this band is the best thing that ever happened to them. They've completely cut off the ties to their family who still lives back in Spain. They pride themself in their big amount of friends, always making sure to check in on them and hype them up. They don't use their dead name ever, except for legal instances, but it doesn't make them that uncomfortable so they can't be assed to legally change it.
Any pronouns, mostly they / them. AFAB genderfluid lesbian. They still view gender for them as fluid, but still primarily fem! They are 28 years old and their birthday is the 1st of April. 167 cm / 5'6. Their favorite band is Queen, but fav artist is Cass Elliot.
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Dominic Smith / Dom 🎷🖼: The half raccoon half human who ran away from home and just happened to meet Julius! This sax playing maniac is so obsessed with Julius that he clings to him 24/7. He has autism, adhd, strong maladaptive daydreaming disorder and even stronger schizophrenia. He basically lives in his own little world and sees things as a jumbled mess of bland colours, and that's why he loves Julius and the band so much; they're a break from the same old same old! He grew up on a corn farm for most of his life, living with his mother and 2 older brothers. His dad was nowhere to be found, and Dom cant remember meeting him ever. He loves sporting his beautiful knockoff slipknot merch and jeans. He has a very hard time remembering things. His special interest is spongebob! [Although he calls him "monty spumbop" for whatever reason ?]
He/they/xe, amab but pretty much completely unlabeled. No one has ever explained the concept of gender to him in a way he understands, but if someone managed to do it he would most likely use xenogenders. He's silly like that. 155 cm / 5'1 ft tall. 19 years old, birthday is the 17th of January. His favorite band is slipknot.
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Barbra Scarlette Wilson / Barb 💄🎀: A 32 year old 190 cm tall texan dragqueen millionaire! He has the biggest, pinkest house in town, and he is PROUD of that! He uses he/him and is a cis gay man. His drag name is Scarlette Darling. He is absolute besties with Buddy and even gave them a specific pink flip phone that only has his number, so it's easier to contact him! He has a crush on Julius that pretty much everyone except Julius himself has noticed.
Kino 🟦💢: 29 year old unlabeled Häll-horn whos Ukrainian and Russian, very traditional one too. He has embraced the "demon" culture and is completely against all humans. He absolutely hates Julius because he thinks that he's a disappointment and embarrassment to the whole species, with how human influenced he is. He is very aggressive and mean.
Kaleb 🟥❔️: 20 year old trans ftm pansexual Sewerian whos Ukrainian, not very traditional one. He doesn't care too much about traditions or hating humans, he just wants to relax and live as he likes. The only reason he hangs around Kino is because they can relate over both being non human and "demons". He had to pretend to hate Julius just to make Kino happy, secretly he thinks Julius is extremely attractive so whoops that's not what Kino wants!
Oscar Pérez 🍊🍺: A 37 year old cis male gay human from Mexico. He used to date Mama and planned on getting married to him while Mama was in Mexico, after getting left alone completely randomly by him, Oscar swore to find him and get revenge on him. Now he's found him again, but he still loves him too much to go through with it. So now he's just in an abusive relationship with him instead! Oscar gets a lot of pent up anger he usually takes out on Mama, since he thinks he deserves it. Mama doesn't even remember who he is or that they're even together, but he still keeps letting Oscar treat him as if they're an item.
Jill Dimitry 🖤💫: Richards ex gf. She loves rock and is trying to learn the guitar. She is cis female and bisexual. She can get fed up very easily, so it's a surprise she didn't break up with Dickhead earlier! She doesn't talk to Richard anymore but she's talking to Buddy and Mama every now and then.
Rita Salvador ✏️💛: Julius' old high school roommate and girlfriend. She was a huge beatles fan and collected spongebob merchandise! She was a transfem autistic girlie who always wore her socks over her baggy sweatpants. She died when Marv was working on a bomb and accidentally knocked it to the floor, the explosion happening close enough to Rita to kill her, but only knock out Marv. Julius just lied to Marv and explained that she died of a heart attack, not wanting Marv to feel guilty. Rita named herself after the beatles song "Lovely Rita" !!
Alia 🌼🫒: The local florist shop owner! She sells handmade and homegrown bouquets and all kinds of flowers! She was very close friends with Rita. She loves meeting Julius during the week, even if she can't understand his ASL! She's a transfem Muslim who always sports her cool handmade skirts! ALSO SHE WAS CREATED BY THE LOVELY @animatronicthing [art in the photo below was made by schyr!!!!!!!!] GO CHECK THEM OUT
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There are a few more characters worth mentioning who don't have a decided design or aren't that relevant but still!!!!!!!!:
The Abdullahi family. They are the band's neighbours whi recently moved here from Nigeria. Mrs. and Mr. Abdullahi don't know a lot of English, and their daughter Sani is deaf and autistic. Julius spends his free time teaching ASL to Sani!
War veteran neighbour: old man in wheelchair who lives across the street to the sillies and often goes out on his balcony at the same time as mama, making them greet each other every now and then.
Freddie: he's the local pizzeria owner and he absolutely loves getting visited by Dom and Julius, it really makes his day!!
That's pretty much all characters who are somewhat developed, but oh god there's more! TY sososososoosososoosososoososososoososo much for this ask i am literally going insane !!!!!!!!!
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That's my sillies, bye ! ✌️
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insipid-drivel · 2 months
Personality Ratings Of The Birds That Visit My Bird Feeders
I have the beginnings of a little bird/pollinator garden outside of my bedroom window. It's nothing to show off yet, but I have a pretty big variety of regulars. And, like any bartender, I've come to silently judge them all from afar. Here are my ratings of my local Seed Bastards:
Dark-Eyed Junco:
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Bastard Rating: 4/10 They take no shit and don't mind continuing to eat within about 10' of me when I'm actively working outside. Mostly bogart the feeders through numbers rather than actual bastardy. They go berserk for sunflower seeds and shelled peanuts. Don't scare easy but also aren't terribly interested in getting into it with the other birds.
House Finch:
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Bastard Rating: 7/10 Refuses to share feeders. Chases other birds except their wives from the feeders, and will fully "nest" on tray feeders so their fat asses block the other birds from getting any from the feeder. I vaguely suspect they're racist toward the other birds because they'll only allow other house finches to eat from the feeders they're squatting in. At the same time, I've seen males feeding other males. Possible problematic queer icons. More review needed.
Chestnut-Backed Chickadee:
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Bastard Rating: 5/10 Too tiny to really pose much of a territorial issue, but kinda remind me of flying chihuahuas. They mind their own business when they can, but will not hesitate to throw hands with other birds over either the sunflower feeder or suet cake. Generally don't hold grudges and stay in their lanes, until it comes to suet cakes.
Golden-Crowned Sparrow:
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Bastard Rating: 2/10 Hang out in pretty big numbers, but otherwise mind their own business and eat when the other birds aren't taking up the feeders. They prefer the ground feeders. They're generally pretty chill. Their only true crimes are their systematic massacres of my supplies of black oil sunflower seeds.
Varied Thrush:
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Bastard Rating: 0/10 Competes with Spotted Towhees in terms of raw cunt-serving power, both my cat and I get all kinds of tingly when this thot shows up. Yeah, he knows you're staring. He knows how good he looks. He's the flashiest bitch on the block. Robins? Dowdy Catholic school kids. Goldfinches? All color, no drama. This magnificent slut is here to slay.
Spotted Towhee:
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Bastard Rating: 4/10 The hot goth vampire kid in high school you're 99% has their own OF account. Professionally Round. Uses his phat ass to own the runway (and my feeders) next to his frumpy competition. Is secretly a complete nerd. Basically if Laszlo Cravensworth was a bird.
Pine Siskin:
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Bastard Rating: 9/10 This barely-there wannabe-goldfinch would apply lube to the bottom of your heels on Drag Night. The Heelies of the bird world; never truly cool but grasping at any legitimacy he can get. Nobody appreciates plagiarism. And ugh, he couldn't even be bothered to finish blending. What a rank slag. Get off my stage and learn how to work, bitch.
Black-Capped Chickadee:
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Bastard Rating: 11/10 DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY THEIR ROUND CUTENESS. These little fuckers are the gangbangers of the forest. Subsist on raw suet cake and spite. They're consistently possessed with the rage of a lust-addled Klingon woman. What the fuck are you doing at their suet cake? God help you, if you're at their suet cake, they will c u t y o u.
Song Sparrow:
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Bastard Rating: -1/10 Babygirl. Precious. Just wants to sit on the edge of the gutters or the top of the feeders and make it as independent folk singers. Probably resort to posting hole from time to time to make end's meet. Always eat last because it's all love, my brothers in Christ.
Anna's Hummingbird:
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Bastard Rating: 9/10 While they may have cool optical illusions when it comes to their holographic feathers, they verbally abuse me every time I refill the feeder and it hurts my feelings :(
Rufous Hummingbird:
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Bastard Rating: 1/10 Shy bois. They stay out of the way until they're sure I've gone back inside before they'll visit the feeders. Generally loners.
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird:
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Bastard Rating: 3/10 Generally the It Girls of the bird world. You know your garden is officially making it when these start showing up. They know they're the most popular but generally try to stay grounded about it. Will sometimes hang out and chat while the hummingbird feeder is being refilled. Used to scare me as a kid because my sister convinced me they'd try to stab their beaks into acne spots. While untrue, they don't have much of a sense of personal space.
Mourning Dove:
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Bastard Rating: 1/10 Generally only bother the other birds because they're fat and eat in groups big enough to make it hard for the other birds to get at the seed on the ground. Sing beautifully. Makes Hatoful Boyfriend kind of make sense. Ngl kinda wanna befriend one. Confuse me a little bit whenever I see them because I live in a swamp and didn't expect to find any doves out here.
Stellar's goddamned Jay:
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lianecartmanstimtoy · 11 months
Sm South Park Headcanons for the characters that hold my brain hostage. (Also this is them as older teens/adults)
-Biromantic/Asexual who just lives happily in comphet for years. He just kinda appreciates and sees the value in everyone but obviously guys just date girls. They just appreciate other men equally you know?
-King has OCD up to his god damn teeth but refuses to see a therapist because there's nothing wrong with him he's just being "proactively cautious".
-Sick kid to neurotic adult pipeline
-Very much takes comfort in the rituals and structure of Judaism
-Often ends up defaulting to mom friend despite how much his friends make fun of him for it
-He's kind of a normie. Like yeah he reads philosophy and psychology but if you try to talk to him about anything remotely indie or punk he kind of just stares at you blankly
-Basketball Guy
-Also hes the one who has a car and is exploited for it
-Does not like Stan hanging out with the Goth kids
-Closet homosexual trying so hard to be straight
-Bipolar and easily falls into deep depressive lows that he self medicates for
-Randy put him in therapy just so he could rant at the therapist about how toxic Stan is
-He believes deeply he's just a fuck up and has kind of given up on trying. Why play the rat race if your destined to lose? Might as well just party
-Gets tired of Kyle nagging him constantly
-Hangs out with the Goth Kids more and I think he and Michael become close
-He gets crushes easily but the big ones are Kyle and Michael. But Kyle's straight so that's just another reason to self destruct
-He wants to like Wendy so fucking bad. He wants to be good. He wants to be her boyfriend. He just..doesn't know how to pretend good enough to make it real
-inevitably they break up for real in highschool and it sends him into one of the deepest lows of his life
-After this he gets insanely drunk and kisses Kyle but Kyle just assumes he's out of it and never brings it up again because he doesn't want to embarrass Stan. This drives Stan mental
-His parents seriously discuss military school and Stan is considering just joining out of highschool anyways
-He's just a body why not put it to work
-So very insanely closeted out of fear of being rejected
-Kenny knows
-On anti psychotics that he regularly forgets to take
-Writes explicit fanfiction about him and his friends and posts them on A03 under different names
-Has a Twitch stream drag hustle like Finnster (initially he was using butters for this but then she came out at Margarine and said she didn't want to be a online whore because she was a respectable lady and Eric took up the mantle himself)
-Clyde is one of his regular watchers and donators but has 0 idea it's Eric
-Eric eventually blocks him because Clyde keeps sending him dick pics
-He wants his attention so bad it's insane
-His best friend is his mom
-They have weekly spa nights and watch romcoms and dating reality tv together
-He taught her a skin routine
-He has sent in online auditions for Kidzbop multiple times
-Kenny was his first kiss and first time
-Any Pronouns genderfluid bi king
-Mostly gets He/Him'd by his friends but brushes it off
-Has done his rounds in the school but no relationship has ever lasted long
-He has a tendency to let himself be used as he sees his service and time as the only thing he can offer other people (this extends to his friends as well)
-Sweet goofy persona that quickly turns dark if someone really fucks up (this happens rarely but they're terrifying)
-She works as a mechanic apprentice outside of school and has a cobbled together motor bike she built herself
-Flirts with everyone and craves touch and affection
-Kind of one of the only people who genuinely likes Eric and sees past his bullshit
-The friend who knows how to get things
-Was Elated when Margarine came out and wants to be her boygirl wife so bad
-Microdoses some back alley E as a treat
-Only ever really hangs out with Stan when Stan wants to party
-Despite being friends with everyone Kenny often feels incredibly isolated and lonely
-Everyone calls him when they need something but who does she call when she needs something.
Michael (Goth Kid)
-he/it, stealth trans, just IDs as Queer
-Jewish but insanely quiet about it
-Used being goth initially as a way to distract kids from making fun of him for his heritage. Now he's in deep
-Very vocally loathes Eric Cartman and will beat him
-Cane is passed off for aesthetics but is a needed mobility aid for joint issues
-The older goth kids are an acting Polycule but will date outside of each other
-He starts to get close to Stan and enjoys how real he feels.
-Has a contentious relationship with Kyle and how he kind of morally lord's himself over Stan and others
-Doesnt have much of a relationship with his parents. His mom and dad are separated and although he lives with his dad his father regularly travels for business so he often gets the house alone to himself.
-Secretly takes a lot of comfort from his dad's old records
-He also has a secret hiding place in some abandoned sewer pipping where he goes to get away from everyone including his friends. Stan is the only one who knows about it
-On a first name basis with a lot of the unhoused people in South Park and will hang out with them as well
-He has a black kippah for holidays or temple (though his father rarely goes to temple anymore
(I will write more for others later this has already taken me an hour
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unpopularshipbracket · 11 months
Round 2b Match 1
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Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon (Entropic Float)
Fic count: 0
Milo/Piers (Pokemon)
fic count: 29
Rashmelie propaganda under cut!
"this essay is going to be reused whole cloth from the submission of them to the 17 million years of pining poll! because unfortunately i do not have the energy to go insane enough to write up anything new oh.
my god. where the fuck do i start with them for real.
okay so, theyve been friends since early childhood, and before either of them came out (Rashmi is agender, they/them, while Amelie is a trans girl, she/her, and they are both mspec which is a bit less relevant but is also there). the earliest time that we know that they have feelings for each other is when theyre both 14, and Rashmi - already out, with their entire family (parents and grandma) supporting them without question - is moving. uhhh 90% of american geography names are the same to me so i might lie there. from Nevada, where they both grew up, to New York, where Rashmi is planning on studying dance further, which has always been their plan; around 14 is when they ran out of teachers at home.
they quietly hope Amelie doesnt confess her feelings for them, as they fear it might tempt them to stay, which they cannot allow themself to do. Amelie, meanwhile, is very carefully not thinking about gender, because her parents are quite frankly the worst. over the course of the years before they meet back up, Amelie has had some dates, but each time, they dont work out, and in her own words, put logs on the flame she carries for Rashmi.
Rashmi, meanwhile. gets married. one of Rashmi's biggest struggles in their romantic pursuits has been the fact that they are both Indian and queer. it has been a struggle for them to find someone who respects both - someone who respects their gender identity while not throwing their culture under the bus. that is one of the factors contributing to the way their relationship with "Ajay" (we learn that this name isnt his real one, but it was magically replaced in Rashmi's memories of him and we dont know it) played out: he is also Indian, and the first thing he asked them upon meeting them was what their pronouns were. and it was all good.
until it wasnt.
i would love to get into that deeper, but the important point is that "Ajay" is kind of a piece of garbage, whose crimes include finding Rashmi's address when they didnt give it out, deliberately not sending Amelie her wedding invitation because Rashmi told him they used to have a crush on her, driving them to drop out of dance school, and general possessiveness (notable being the fact that, whenever he is home, he always asks them to stay home too, which leads to them dropping their social circle and their hobbies). one of the places it grows from is "Ajay" being ace and not quite believing that Rashmi accepts that. he also has a substance abuse problem.
all of that culminates as they return from a short visit to their parents, and he in a fit pushes them down a long flight of stairs.
in the meantime... god, i cant even figure out what parts of information are important about Amelie here. i would put as notable the fact that she only figured out she was a girl something like a year before the events of the game - and only ever came out to Rashmi, who in turn told their parents...
and who didnt realize that Amelie's workplace didnt know. her workplace is just. terrible in social terms. she loves the work itself (its food industry, a restaurant in a casino, dont remember the exact job description) but her coworkers are being the absolute worst. a cesspool of toxic masculinity. also an environment for Amelie's undiagnosed psychosis. she is prone to auditory hallucinations.
after being outed to her boss while also hearing from Rashmi's parents that their husband is... lets just say bad for them, she, while safely at home, hallucinates that her boss or maybe her father is breaking down the door.
simultaneously with Rashmi as they are falling down the stairs, they make Wishes.
these are not widely understood; from the context of the game, it seems as though some people get a Wish when in significant peril, or in distress. you do not need to use the Wish immediately as you get it, but they both did.
essentially, what Rashmi Wishes for is a way to escape from their husband that wouldnt raise a fuss; and Amelie Wishes for a place where she and Rashmi can both be safe. (i am very muddly on the details there) their Wishes create the anomalous clocktower where the game takes place."
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dannystheone · 8 months
Hope it's okay to send this when your requests are closed, I just read your tickling isn't goth fic and my God that was so cute 🥺 is there any chance we could get a fic of Michael messing around with Pete only for Pete to remember Michael admitted he's ticklish so he retaliates?
Yes absolutely! So um I know what I said but
lol I had an idea I'M THE WORST
I've actually had this idea before but I wanted to wait until I could articulate it properly if that makes sense
I hope you enjoy :0
WARNINGS: cursing! mentions of satan and other imagery. also a lot of band references so if it's confusing I'm sorry lol
I'm More Goth Than YOU! (Lee Micheal/ Ler Pete)
This takes place during the 'Basic Cable' episode (Season 23 Episode 9). After finding out that Micheal has already talked to the new girl Sophie, Pete finds himself wanting to discuss a few things with his friend...
"-So we just sat around and listened to Bauhaus when System of a Down came on after that. I was like, what the fuck am I listening to, you know. And they skipped the song like when it came on and it switched to another goth band but that's when I knew they were just another poser." Micheal rambled Pete's ear off while they were watching a scary movie together.
Pete was at Micheal's house as it was the start of the weekend and October, so naturally they had to kick it off right. However, watching scary movies was a year-round activity, so tonight was a bit basic by their standards. The movie of choice was Hereditary, but they've seen it so many times that they could talk and watch at the same time and not miss any beats.
Pete was zoning out if he were being honest. He had his mind set on a girl he had talked to earlier that day. Sophie Gray. She was really pretty and she seemed really cool, not unlike anyone else that went to their school. Even though she was new and Pete didn't really know her yet, he could tell that she was different. Pete laid his cheek on his fist while he thoughtlessly said the first thing that came to mind.
"I don't mind System of a Down if I'm in the right mood," Pete said honestly. Micheal turned to Pete with a look of disgust. Pete was laying on his side on the couch with his left leg bent at the knee and his right leg laid over Micheal's thigh. Micheal pushed Pete's leg off of him and crossed his arms with a sneer on his face.
"God, that's how I know you're a fucking poser," Micheal growled. That got Pete's attention. Pete looked up from the television and set his jaw in anger.
"What did you say?" Pete asked, testing Micheal. There was no way his friend would utter something like that again to his face.
"I'm just saying that no real child of darkness would be listening to something so mainstream. I've heard cheerleaders listen to Chop Suey before." Micheal said with venom in his tone.
"Oh yeah? Then how do you know a single song from the band anyway? You're a hypocrite, Micheal. Op- foreshadowing." Pete pointed to the TV where a hidden Easter egg was shown in the movie.
"Nice catch." Micheal relaxed after that. Micheal allowed Pete to put his leg back up to rest on his thigh so it wasn't hanging off the couch. It seemed like Micheal didn't want to be caught being a poser or a conformist in any way, shape, or form. Pete wondered why that was.
"So uh... that new girl at school. Sophie Gray? Talk to her yet?" Pete tested the waters with Micheal. Sophie had revealed that Micheal had already spoken to her before Pete had, and Gods knows what Micheal was saying about the people at the school. To save his own skin, Pete threw Micheal under the bus and called him a total poser. Because let's face it, no one was more goth than Pete was.
Micheal perked up at her name. "Yeah, she's pretty cool. I offered to show her around campus sometime and she started talking about Skinny Puppy. Can you believe it? She's not a conformist dickhole like every other new kid in South Park." Micheal carded his fingers through his curly hair while Pete stared back at the TV.
"Well, too bad she already accepted my invitation to show her around the school. She even said she wanted to talk later. Guess she's only into real goths." Pete was poking the bear on that one. Micheal turned to Pete with a look of thinly veiled shock.
"What? You talked to her? No way." He asked. Pete shrugged nonchalantly with a small smirk on his face.
"Yeah. She said she's not into posers. Her words." Micheal furrowed his brows at Pete's words.
"Well, I'm not a poser!" Micheal said defensively. Pete's smile only grew as he looked over his shoulder to meet Micheal's eyes.
"Then why would she say something like that? She said she doesn't like guys who try too hard." Pete's smile could be heard in his voice. Michael gave Pete an incredulous look and grabbed onto Pete's calve resting on his thigh.
"Did she actually say that Pete?" Micheal asked. Pete threw up his shoulders and turned his attention back to the TV.
"Are... Are you lying? Pete. Answer me." Pete kept a smug little grin on his face when he felt a hand squeezing the in-between spot of his knee and his thigh. Pete let out a shocked cry as he shook off the hand.
"Ah-hah! What are you doing creeper?!" Pete yelled, fighting to take his leg back. Micheal held onto his leg in a tight grip as he defended himself.
"I want you to answer me about Sophie Gray, dork! I'm not doing this 'cause I like it! Are you lying about what you said?" Micheal pressed.
Now one thing about Pete: He was a TERRIBLE liar. He could make stuff up on the spot about a story that was already established, but coming up with stuff out of thin air under pressure? He began to stutter and jerk his leg in Micheal's grip.
"I- I don't know! It's just what she said! Why do you-" Pete and Micheal both looked at the TV at the same time. The main character had passed by another Easter egg.
"Foreshadowing." They said at the same time.
They turned back to look at each other one more time before Micheal squished the inner part of Pete's knee, creeping into his inner thigh. Pete gave an inward squeak as he began giggling and kicking his leg.
"M-Mihihicheal! Stohohop! You're a weheheirdo!" Pete struggled and snickered while squirming all over Micheal's couch. Micheal hadn't heard Pete's ticklish laugh, or any laugh for that matter, since the tickling ritual at Henrietta's place a few months back. They don't really talk about that day, and for good reason.
"What, are you gonna call me a creep next? You're so mainstream it hurts, Pete. I don't know why Sophie would choose you to hang out with. If she should be hanging out with any goth at the school it should definitely be me." Micheal admitted. Pete managed an eye-roll in the midst of his tickle attack which Micheal definitely caught.
"Sounds like you're je-hehealous! Get off mehehe!" Pete snickered with Micheal grabbing both his lower thighs and squishing into the muscle. Through sheer luck (and some determination) Pete managed to sit up in a different position on the couch and grabbed Micheal by his jacket. Their small tussle took them to the floor of the living room in a bundle of pillows and blankets.
Pete thrust a hand out while blind in the flurry of objects surrounding them and just started to squish his hand over and over. Pete didn't really know why he shot his arm out to retaliate, but something in the back of his mind told him it would work.
His intuition seemed to be right as he felt the random body part he had grabbed start to shake with laughter. Pete forced himself out of the small blanket fort that had fallen on top of them and kept squeezing the body part he had in his hand.
He had Micheal's ribs in his grip, which he held onto for dear life. Satan, Micheal was a squirmer. It was like he was being electrocuted.
"Call me mainstream again, Micheal. Do it. I dare y-" Pete egged on Micheal, but he had never seen this expression on his face before. Micheal's eyes were screwed shut as he laughed out from the small amount of squeezes Pete was administering. Had Pete landed on his death spot by accident?
"Pehehete! Gehehe- *hick!* Gehehehet ohohoff- *hick!* ahahasshole! *hick!*" The sound of Micheal's hiccupy laughter filled the living room. Pete was dumbfounded. He had no idea how to react rather than to keep squeezing. Pete shoved both his hands on either side of Micheal's ribcage and scribbled his fingers into Micheal's bony frame. Micheal burst out into a fresh peal of laughter as he tried tucking his knees into his chest for protection.
"I'm gonna put you in your grave for calling me a poser, Micheal. I should record this and show it to Sophie to prove to her that you're just a ticklish conformist. I bet she'd get a real laugh out of that one. What do you think?" Pete was sure talking big words for someone who was ticklish himself. Micheal could do nothing as his head lay on the carpeted floor and laughed out.
Micheal tried fighting Pete's hands back, but that just raised his arm up and out of the way. Pete took the opportunity and shoved his hand into Micheal's armpit and simply moved his fingers in the space before Micheal snorted and squirmed underneath his friend.
"Gohohohod! Yohohohou- *hick!* yohohohou suhuhuhuhuck! *hick!* Screhehehew ohohohohoff! *hick!*" Despite his words, Pete had it hard taking Micheal seriously, seeing as he had a huge grin on his face and giggled out all of his threatening words. It didn't deter Pete of course, he's heard this all before.
"What did you say? You said I suck? You calling me a vamp kid now, Micheal?" Pete tossed his hair out of his eyes just as Micheal had managed to flip himself onto his belly and started clawing himself away from the situation. Pete launched into action as he grabbed his friend's right arm and barred it into his back.
"L-Let go of me! Sophie Gray knows I'm more goth than you, conformist! This is pointless!" Micheal shouted. Pete let out a disgusted groan as he jammed his fingers into Micheal's side, just underneath his lowest rib. If Pete thought he found Micheal's death spot before, he was dead wrong. Micheal immediately started fighting him and trying to hold back his immense giggles.
"Stahahahap! *hick!* Yohohou're fuhuhucking lahahame- *hick!* Pehehehete!" Micheal's face buried into the carpet of the living room while his shoulders jumped with laughter. Pete was a little shocked for words at how well he was taking control of the situation.
"Oh yeah, I'm lame, Micheal? I'm not the one laughing like a preppy straight-A cheerleader right now. If only Sophie were here, she could see how much of a princess you actually are." Pete had no idea where these fighting words were coming from, especially directed at someone who's always been more commonly revered among the goths AND older than him. Micheal struggled at that last remark but crumbled when he felt Pete finding the divet in his side. That was the spot right there.
"Fuhuhuhuck ohohohohoff! Yohohou- *hick!* Yohohohou're thehehe wohohohohorst! *hick!* Micheal tried lying on the side that was being tickled and swung with his free arm, but Pete was quick to grab the arm and stuff it by the other one and kept both his wrists behind his back in a vice grip. Now Pete alternated between tickling one side and switching to the other randomly.
That was cause for disaster. The randomness of the tickles in Micheal's worst spot kept him laughing as his brain was surprised at every turn where Pete would strike next. Not to mention with his increased laughter, his hiccups increased as well.
Pete could feel Micheal's legs bending at the knee and shooting out behind him over and over again as he sat on his hips. He felt all of his struggling underneath him, but his laugh was what intrigued him most. It was hiccupy yes but it was deeper than his speaking voice, and it had the same rasp to it. It would be more of a romantic laugh if it wasn't infested by those goofy hiccups.
"How much more of this do you wanna take, Micheal? You know what you have to say to get out of this. You have to say you're sorry for calling me a poser, you have to say I'm more goth than you, and you have to say Sophie Gray would prefer me over you showing her around the school cause you're a goddamn dorky ticklish conformist." Pete laid all this out while Micheal immediately started shaking his head.
"Nohohoho wahahahay!! I cahahahan't! *hick!* Ihihihihit's- *hick!* Ihihihihit's toohohohoo muhuhuhuch! *hick!*" Micheal's voice was getting weaker, maybe since he'd gotten tickled a lot longer than Pete was tickled just a moment ago. Pete decided to give Micheal a little boost. Pete let go of Micheal's hands behind his back just for Pete to grab both of his sides and scratch his blunt nails through the thin material of his blouse. Micheal let out a surprised noise as he fell back onto the carpet with his eyes screwed shut in laughter.
"Then I guess we'll stay here a while, Micheal. Say hi to Cthulu for me when you cross into the Ether." Pete flipped his hair out of his eyes while he watched Micheal manage a quick bird-flipping motion with his right hand. Pete groaned audibly as he shoved his fingers into Micheal's armpit, which made Micheal laugh hard.
"Just say you like it-" Pete was about to say before his phone chirped a notification sound. Pete looked back at his phone and decided to give Michael a break. Pete unlatched himself from Micheal's hips as he walked on his knees to read the notification. With Micheal's freedom, Micheal rolled onto his back and gulped in greedy amounts of air with a hand over his beating heart.
"You're a fucking dickhole, Pete... I swear to-" Micheal started, but Pete interrupted him.
"Oh shit. Sophie just invited me to her house. She said she wants to watch something." Pete looked over to Micheal, who was sitting up with a pained expression on his face. It was then that Micheal's phone chirped as well. Micheal pulled his phone out of his pocket and read out the message he received.
"I got an invitation too," Micheal said simply.
"What should we do?" Pete asked. Micheal started typing and sent back a message.
"I asked her what we'll watch," Micheal replied. Pete nodded and flipped his hair out of his eyes before sending the same question to Sophie.
A moment passed before both of their phones chirped at the same time.
"Mandalorian?" They both said out loud in an equally disgusted tone.
"She has a Disney Plus account?" Pete asked.
"Fucking conformist," Micheal said, displeased.
"Nope." Pete and Micheal said in unison before shutting down her invitation.
"Welp, so much for that. What should we do now?" It was then that the main character screamed from the television, grabbing both Micheal and Pete's attention.
Pete and Micheal decided to make up and spend the rest of the night watching cheesy horror movies. None of what they said they actually meant, and they really felt that way. Besides, no way a conformist could actually change the way two REAL goths thought about each other.
Pete did have some interesting stories to tell the rest of the group while Micheal wasn't around, however...
31 notes · View notes
gerbiloftriumph · 2 months
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Floating Castle Liveblog (third read)
In 2020, I read the first king's quest adaptation novel. Again. Because 2020 was awful.
August 22, 2020 –
page 0
I'm not going to read this aga--oh wait no who am I kidding I'm trapped at work for another four hours and it's *not* a good day and I just want my tea drinking wizard tree and frog prince and mcguffin king and headless ghosts and the soft delights of smarmy sassy villains. (also the kq series is the only series i have easy access to rn so shhh)
page 3
"Castles do not fly." The title of the book says otherwise, sir.
page 10
Gotta admit, Telgrin's perpetual single thundercloud over his castle still gives me ridiculous amounts of joy. I'm sitting here grinning honestly for the first time all day. I love my melodramatic sassmaster.
page 14
I comment on it every single time I read this (yes this IS the third time I've read this in three years, leave me alone), but I seriously love watching Graham being an actual king. I love adventures, and I love royals, and I love adventuring royals, but I also really like the sturdy basis of kindness and clarity Graham just has as a leader. It's really pleasant.
page 20
IT HIM. Heeeeeeere's Telgrin! Do you think Telgrin spent hours shuffling around trying to perfect that gliding walk? Stars, I hope he did. I mean in any other villain it would just be natural but with my emo goth drama king who tries too hard, everything is carefully plotted for maximum visual aesthetic.
page 22
Totally seriously, though, the contrast between Graham's tightly contained fury and balance of how he's been treating the assembly and Telgin's wide swept theatrics and overblown personality is SO good. This sort of subtle contrast really does raise this book from generic game adaptation to surprisingly pleasant fantasy. It's still genre light, but it has confidence and solid bone work.
page 23
"The news reached me that you were gathering all your knights here today, Graham, so it seemed a convenient time." Because Telgrin won't do anything without an audience to oooh and ahhh over his antics.
page 30
"Everything seemed muted, vague, unreal." Oh, did you mean my life right now? No? Close enough.
page 33
"and a small pear." Yes, a crucial thing to make sure you pack on your voyage. Good call.
page 38
TREE WIZARD oh stars my whole heart is happyyyyy. What a mood improvement.
page 40
"So, that castle belongs to this guy named Telgrin." "Oh yeah, Telgrin. He's evil. Don't mess with him." "You know him?" "I know his reputation." Stars, Telgrin would be SO PLEASED to know his reputation precedes him now. I hope he started some of those rumors himself.
page 40
I still can't handle the density of this conversation. "Telgrin is a stealer of souls." "A stealer of souls? What's that?" Alexander. Alexander, pleaaaase think about what you just said. Please. I love you, but seriously.
page 45
Even when you are a tree wizard, that is, a wizard slowly and literally turning into a tree, it's still important that you get your morning cup of tea. Morowyn knows it. So should you.
page 47
In other words, Alexander, you're just a glorified babysitter. You could have asked Big Knight Brian Blessed to be your partner in crime on this heist and gotten a better result. (i'm kidding of course I love Cyril to absolute pieces, look at this farmboy wizard lad he's so squishy and blond and round and I love him.)
page 54
heist heist heist heIST let's plan a HEIST.
page 58
The moat monsters also have a taste for the finer things in life. Like feather-capped adventurers. Castle Daventry is literally the most perfect fantasy castle there is. It even has a hoard of moat monsters. Like, you can't get more Fantasy Castle than this place. Telgrin only wishes his castle was that cool. He just has to make do with personal thunderclouds.
page 63
A small thing, but I super love Mills's emphasis on color. From the rain slanting golden in the yellow torchlight, to the hills here slowly changing from an angry maroon to a deep indigo with a band of yellow slowly disappearing as the sun sets...it's heavily visual, like he's literally painting a screen from the games, and I find it rather peaceful, somehow.
page 64
Literally just the ringwraith scene from Fellowship of the Ring, but with King's Quest protagonists instead of Frodo and friends. The audacity of this book. I love it.
page 69
Mills was absolutely just rereading Fellowship of the Ring when he was asked to write this book. It's not even subtle at this point. .........and I super love every single reference with all my silly fantasy heart.
page 89
I can't think of a single other fantasy in which the protagonist lassos a kelpie and attempts to ride it. I can't imagine why not. It's a flawless plan.
page 96
I feel like that's just magic homemade whiskey. Getting the prince drunk might not be in everyone's best interest.
page 97
Alexander, you gotta stop calling people "ho." You're gonna offend someone. (I'm kidding, of course. "Ho there" is as traditionally delightful as "Who goes there," and highly welcome to behold.)
page 99
platform boots
page 100
I'm sorry, I know I commented on this when I read this last year, but...again. Telgrin has One Single Lone Stupid Thundercloud, which "hovered over a high central tower. From time to time, this cloud would light with an internal fire, and a low, menacing rumble would break across the land." It's like the Winnie the Pooh raincloud, with ambient sound effects. The audacious aesthetic of this guy is a DELIGHT to behold.
page 107
Aaah yes the Road to El Dorado sequence. Truly, this book is nothing but the best hits of adventure tropes crammed into a book 300 pages long.
page 108
Does this mean that Telgrin has also been to Narnia? Oh dear.
page 112
Again. "The cloud." Not many clouds. Just the one. A single, lone, silly, thundercloud.
August 24, 2020 –
page 114
Wait, what came first, this book or the Muppet Christmas Carol movie? Because all I can picture is Scrooge's Statler-shaped Muppet door knocker, but with extra teeth, shrieking.
page 117
Is Alexander is the only person in the series to ever have a proper sword fight? I mean, not counting....uhhhh is it Owen in KQ8? (Super didn't play KQ8, everyone said it wasn't worth the effort.)
page 123
Like, I gotta say: binding souls to armor, cool. Great scheme, very evil. Making it so that just knocking the helmet off releases the soul into the night forever? ...nooooot the most ideal.
page 126
You know in Princess Bride, when Westley tries to wrestle Fezzik, and just kinda runs at him and squeezes him and absolutely nothing happens? Alexander, right here, vs the black knight.
page 131
A barikar is not a real fantasy monster--the only google result that comes up is that, yes, Telgrin owns one. But it's a huge rabbit with a rat nose, dog fangs, fish scales instead of fur, and human like hands with claws. It sees about as well as a human, but it can hear well, thanks to the rabbit ears. It's absolutely ridiculous. I love it. I wonder if I can convince my dm to make it a fight in our campaign.
page 133
My sweet babiiiiies. Alexander making Cyril stand behind him to protect him and Cyril absolutely refusing and taking the front anyway. I love these kids. I say, fully recognizing that they're semi-close to my age and know how to handle swords and magic.
page 133
Oh, no, excuse me, the Bariker doesn't have rabbit ears--it has bat ears. Which just kind of further emphasizes how much I want this thing in a campaign. It's so ridiculous.
page 139
Where was he? Yes. Who was this beside him? Yes. How long had he been asleep? No way of knowing. Alexander, those are not answers to questions, except maybe the last one. You've answered nothing. Alexander, please.
page 141
headless ghost headless ghost headless ghoooost i can't stop smiling he's holding it like a football it's amazing
August 25, 2020 –
page 142
Lydia's mom caught Anime Mom Protagonist Disease. It's a tragic illness. No hope of recovery.
page 142
"Owen took a brief pause, while Alexander reflected on the fact that he was getting used to carrying on a conversation with a beheaded man. It was starting to seem almost normal. Almost." How is this a real book. I love this book.
page 143
tragic telgrin backsto--oh wait it's not tragic at all he's just always been a brat.
page 144
"Somehow a beheaded man on his feet was infinitely more alarming than a beheaded man quietly seated." o rly?
page 145
Look, it is a *little* creepy that he would install magic mirrors of spying in his daughter's bedroom without her knowledge, but considering Owen admitted to teaching Telgrin everything he knows, including presumably soul torturing magic, we can kind of assume Owen isn't actually that good a guy after all.
page 149
Glowing moss in fantasy must be the most useful plant ever cultivated.
page 155
Obviously, there's nothing wrong with describing Alexander's haunches, but it's also just a little weird. It's not...a word I hear often, especially in reference to humans.
page 156
I like a good wizard who knows that a cup of tea soothes most ills. A man after my own heart.
page 156
"After allowing himself to wallow in depression for a short while, he pushed his mood aside with a firm effort, squared, his shoulders, and said, 'Well, the sooner we get going, the sooner you'll get your bath and your tea.'" Ah, yes, of course, just push aside your wallowing. Why didn't I realize it was that easy?
page 158
"A few wary, rather mincing steps, brought him to the vestibule." Alexander, your author is making fun of you. Just a bit.
page 161
The book is very, very clear that it's just Graham's face floating in the soul-capture orb. The book is very, very wrong. It's a tiny Graham floating around in there. Like, full body, but like two inches high. This is fact, and better than a disembodied Wizard of Oz-style face. I'm just letting you all know that the book is misprinted. Every copy. It's a full body'd Graham. Just smol.
page 162
YEAH BOI PUNCH AN UNDEAD KNIGHT...oh no, your arm, why did you just literally punch a suit of armor, you donut, you know better than that
August 26, 2020 –
page 167
To be fair, the door is now open. As is the floor, and the wall, and...well, the room, to the sky. Definitely very open.
August 27, 2020 –
page 169
It's turned into Dragon's Lair instead of King's Quest, for this scene. Super into it. Wouldn't want to play it as a video game, though--the amounts of game overs....
August 31, 2020 –
page 169
"But this insignificant event raised within him an unexpected fury. He cursed the poor root to withering, black perdition, cursed it deeply and sincerely, cursed it with all his soul." Gods, Alexander, I get it. Man, do I ever get it. I'm so tired.
page 177
"This was it, the nadir. It could not get any worse than this." You sure about that, kid? I think we've got one more scrape at the bottom of the barrel we can squeeze into."
page 181
Alexander is thiiiiiiiis close to snapping. Kid, I understand you. Critically and crucially, I understand.
page 183
FROG PRINCE. I told you there was one more level we could reach. The royal family gets transformed into animals rather frequently. At least this time he's not a snail, poor kid.
page 183
"With a sense of profound shock, he realized that he had been transformed into a frog--a rather large and handsome frog, it's true, but still a frog." You can't make this stuff up. This book is perfect. The ideal. The author is calling Alexander a handsome frog. He's a frog, but a good looking one. I can't handle this.
page 185
"Did you speak, Sir Frog?" "That's Prince Frog, to you." Alexander, be nice. Don't pull rank. I don't think you have rank to pull anymore. Smelly swamp rank, at best.
page 186
I like to think that was just Alexander swearing, but it was masked as a ribbit.
page 187
To be fully fair, Alex, you do kind of need him to reattach Graham's soul, so maybe it's for the best that he doesn't go far.
page 189
If I were a soul-armor, and this frog decided to enter the castle, to be honest, I think I would probably just let it. Because it's a frog.
page 194
There's fanart of this scene too because it's hilarious. She kisses a frog, he becomes a man hanging half over the rim of a fountain, and all she can say is "Goodness! But...you're beautiful." Ridiculous.
page 194
HA and then she tries to recover saying, "I haven't seen that many men in my life. Hardly any, actually. I'm sure that you're really very ordinary." Kid. Please, stop insulting him, you're going to make him sad(der than he already is)
page 198
It's at this point that Alexander just sort of gives in to the sass and the snark and starts leaning into the nonsense. "Creature?" "She's not entirely human." "Uh, in what way is she not human?" "To begin with, she has two heads, no hair, only three fingers on each hand, and is fully seven feet tall." "You're right. That doesn't sound entirely human." Pleeaaaaase this book is a deliiight.
page 200
That twilight area between wakefulness and sleep, with thoughts centered on nothing at all? my brain, today. fully. I've got nothing left to offer anyone, except not-very-funny remarks on this book.
page 202
Nothing Telgrin does is ever common. Overblown and ludicrous, maybe, but never ever common.
September 1, 2020 –
page 209
When the two headed guard calls to the intruding man like a person tempting a kitty cat. "Come here, man, pspspsps. Man, man, maaaan." Instead of catnip, she can bring tacos.
page 211
Again, I just gotta let you all know that the books have been misprinted. It's not a disembodied head floating in the orb, even if it's probably supposed to be an Owen's decapitated head parallel, because that's dumb. It's a tiny two-inch tall Graham floating in the orb, not just his face. I don't know how all the copies got misprinted like that, but they did. It's really a tiny Graham. Cute. Okay? Okay. Onward.
page 212
I love One Stubborn King.
page 216
I can't actually make snide jokes about the text when I'm actually just outright enjoying it. The sheer blissy silly triumph of Telgrin, the stubbornness and sharp agony of my dear sweet Graham, Alexander standing there ruminating on what loyalty means--this is exactly my flavor of fantasy jam.
September 17, 2020 –
page 225
I still kind of sort of love that Telgrin apparently decided that the best way to use the magic staff was to make it respond to wishes. "I wish for a giant fireball." And thus, one appears. It just...speaks to some strange childishness that I find totally hilarious in this big bad villain.
page 230
Again, the book is misprinted. I'm not about these weird Wizard of Oz style floating faces. They're weird. It's a fully bodied apparition of Telgrin yelling at Alexander, hands on hips, just as it's a tiny full bodied shape of Graham in the orb. My version is better.
page 231
"I could kill you now, if I wanted." "I don't think so," Alexander said defiantly. "Is *everyone* in Daventry this obstinate?" Sir. My dude. My man. Palberto. You messed with the wrong royal family, and they come from knight stock, not actually blue blood at all. They're going to *wreck* you.
page 232
"I'll live, I think." Alexander, your ability to comfort others leaves a little bit to be desired.
page 234
I'm not actually kidding. If Mills hadn't read Fellowship of the Ring at least a week or two before writing this, I will eat my whole entire adventuring cap. That's the Watcher in the Water, as there was literally lembas bread earlier and a ringwraith before that. Fantasy tropes or not, this is just sneaking Tolkien references in because Mills is a fanboy (I mean, obviously: he's writing company-approved fanfic).
page 237
Again, Alexander, realize this: Telgrin learned everything he knows from Owen. One might assume, especially knowing how dark those mirrors felt, that Owen himself is *not actually a very good guy.*
page 241
It's kind of like cheerfully presenting Sweeney Todd with his shaving tools. "At last, I am complete again!" Not.....super great, I feel.
page 242
I love that it's not actually magic keeping the castle moored, but a big ol' safety pin. That's not even actually much of an exaggeration. "At the bottom of that well you will find a large golden pin embedded in the paving stone. You are to remove this pin. It may not be easy, but you must do it. It will set the castle free from the moorings of the earth."
page 248
The fact that Telgrin now has to wear an eyepatch is great enough. The fact that he took the time to make sure it perched on "his bald head at a jaunty angle" is almost too much to bear. I hope he stood in front of his cracked and smoking mirror adjusting it just so before coming down for this final confrontation.
page 248
"I'll probably never see out of this eye again, I hope you're happy with yourself." "I mean...you *were* trying to kill me." "Irrelevant." Boys, please, there are serious issues at hand.
page 250
"All I've ever asked in return is that you marry me, and that you not burden me with your opinions." Telgrin, the ultimate flirt. Magnificent.
page 251
Telgrin's snarky sassy meltdown is the greatest. "She's now willing to marry me, merely to save your worthless life! Willingly! Well, I won't have it, I tell you. She shall marry me unwillingly, or not at all!" Telgrin, you are absolutely bonkers and you're my favorite villain in any piece of media ever, full stop. The sheer ridiculousness of *you* with your wish-magic and bloviating and grandiose posturing....divine.
page 253
Telgrin's pasty complexion is enough to "make a marble statue appear dark by comparison." If this were a modern AU, Telgrin would be that emo kid hunched over twitter mansplaining at everyone, while listening to the rainy mood app constantly. He's an absolute delight from start to finish, especially because he *is* a threat and he *could* win if he wasn't so obsessed with the *aesthetic* and the need to show off.
page 255
Ahh one of my favorite lines in the whole book: "It's blame-everything-on-Telgrin time, is it?" What villain talks like this?? Who does this?!! No one but Telgrin, author Craig Mills, and this goofy novelisation of the very sassy, very cliche, very delightful, King's Quest series. Fantasy tropes, sass, snark, and everything. This book is nothing but pure sugared joy for me.
page 266
No more than two feet of earth held the entire castle in place, and now they're floating away again like the house in Up. Delightful.
page 270
Telgrin, you can't behead someone who has already been beheaded. Be sensible.
page 273
"Can you think of any way for us to get down from [this steadily rising floating castle]?" "I could attempt to fly you down!" All in all, Alexander thought he would rather just jump. Boys, please.
page 288
A Valanice story, I think, would have been very welcome. I'm glad for the trilogy we got, but I really would have enjoyed an official novel from her perspective. This lonely image of her standing alone before the throne, with her husband dying in the next room and her son gone for at least a week to face an unknown villain alone, while her kingdom is ravaged by evil knights....it feels worth exploring.
page 291
I absolutely one thousand million percent love this strobing effect of two Grahams floating together, his transparent and delicate soul settling down into his body again. It's delightful.
page 292
Pleaaase Graham, say "A heart is a heavy burden." I know this book came out like a decade before the Howl's Moving Castle (the movie at least, I don't know the book's publication date), but pleaaaase. I know you won't, but I want you to.
page 293
SHRIEKING. I don't ever ship things, but this is my otp for liiiiiife look at these two precious beans together I'm just THRILLED the smile on my face is enormous ahhhh Valanice and Graham have hardly anything going for them in the original games since they hardly ever interact on screen but this book and this scene is just DELIGHTFUL.
September 17, 2020 – Finished Reading
Again, five stars out of five stars
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paxtoon · 2 years
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[IMAGE ID; Digital drawing of Sydney and Jedidiah. Sydney is a white and pale chubby man. He has long black hair full of mushrooms, leafs, sticks and a worm. Hes wearing a nurse's hat with a red cross on it. He has soft feature, a round nose, eyes with dark eye bags and bright red cheeks. Hes wears a beige cardigan with below a purple shirt and fingerless gloves. On his hand he has various ring including a yellow beetle ring on his left hand and a black ring on his middle finger. Hes also wearing 2 braclets: on his right he has a light blue friendship bracelets with white beads that spell the final letters of Jedidia's name, the other white beads being out of frame, and the other is on his left and it's a rainbow bead bracelet. Hes wearing 2 necklaces; a light blue chewlrey and a yellow crystal. He has a green scarf full of pins, listed from the top to the bottom; a mushroom pin, a berry bush pin, a chestnut, the logo of camp here & there (which is a hourglass with a yellow moon in the top of the white sand and a yellow forest on the bottom part), a moon pin, a gay rainbow flag pin, a trans flag pin, a autumn leaf pin, a clock pin, a little bottle full of sand pin, a pink button and a tree. The scarf turns into some cartoonish raindrops. Hes wearing a long skirt, which has a large waist-piece full of small yellow buttons, and on the skirt itself there are 3 patches of different colored felt such as a yellow patch covered by the green scarf on the top right and 1 purple patch attached to a green patch on the bottom left. Hes wearing short boots with a beige bow to tie his shoelaces. With his right arm hes putting his weight onto his cane, which is made out of wood and has vines all around it, a centipede and a shelf fungi. The cane also wraps around his arm. Hes in a lively pose, his right food not touching the ground putting his weight on his left, his left arm being raised as in a wave. He has a happy expression looking right. On the right there's Jedidiah. A white skinny man. He has brown hair in a mullette, with sideburns. He's wearing a nurse's hat with a red cross on it. He has blue glasses and is eyes are simplified small circles inside the white lenses. He has mostly rectangular and pointy features, a pointy nose and a rectangular face shape. He has a bit of peach fuzz and whiskers.  Hes wearing a lab coat, on the cuffs being a red cross. There are a few pins on his lab coat as well listed from right to left: 2 buttons, one red and one blue; and a mushroom. Hes also wearing a friendship bracelet, the white beads having Sydney's name on it. Hes wearing a beige button up with yellow buttons and a camp here and there pin. He has brown shorts and a yellow button on his waist piece and pockets being closed by the same yellow button. This reveals his legs, which are skinny and slightly hairy with blush around the knee. He has socks with 3 stripes, the top one brown, the middle one red and the bottom one beige. Hes wearing big blue shoes. Hes looking up with a scared expression his lab coat moving in the wind. Theres 2 doodles of him on the right, the top one of him crying with his glasses, the tears cartoonishly coming out of its lenses. The second one has the same expression but without glasses revealing his rectangular eyes. ;END IMAGE
My Sydney and Jedidiah designs! ⋆ I know that Sydney is technically a goth but I wanted some artistic liberties ngl,,, tried to just have fun with him! That said I’m still figuring out ID stuff so please lmk if I need to change anything abt it :0 Tried to have the 2 of em have a contrast, hope that shows. I had SM FUN designing Sydney truly THE most character. Now go listen to camp here & there absolute game changer it is. Anyways I’ll be trying to post more, I’ve just been unmotivated to post but I’ve been drawing a shit ton!
rbs > faves ⋆ˊˎ-
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halloweensongbracket · 8 months
Halloween Song Tournament: Results of Round 1
Beware! Long post, many stats.
The three biggest landslides were This Is Halloween (87.93%, 306 to 42 votes), I Put A Spell On You (88.24%, 105 to 14 votes), and The Monster Mash (93.3%, 195 to 14 votes).
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The three closest matches were The Headless Horseman beating Were-Cow (51.35%, 114 to 108 votes), It Was a Dark and Stormy Night beating Oh My Goth! (50.27%, 93 to 92 votes), and The Number Of The Beast beating Raised by Bats (50.25%, 101 to 102 votes).
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The one other Voltaire song also came relatively close to winning, but none of his songs made it to Round 2
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Speaking of which, here is how many songs by various artists/media/vocaloids entered the tournament, and how many made it to round 2
Creature Feature : 7 | 2 Voltaire : 3 | 0 Brian David Gilbert: 2 | 2 Scooby Doo : 2 | 2 Bobby Picket : 2 | 1 Lemon Demon : 2 | 1 Kagamine Rin* : 2 | 1 Phineas and Ferb : 2 | 0 Rufus Rex : 2 | 0 *vocaloid
The starting bracket was already so diverse with regards to artists (the ones mentioned above are the only ones who started with 2 or more songs, and one of them's a voice synthesizer) that I don't think I'll keep that stat going into later rounds
Speaking of which (witches?) here are the number of songs relating to various Halloween monsters, and how many moved on
Skeletons : 7 | 2 Ghosts : 6 | 5 Vampires : 5 | 3 Witches : 3 | 2 Zombies : 4 | 3 Aliens : 3 | 1 Frankenstein: 2 | 1 Demons : 2 | 1 Were-beasts : 2 | 0
Round 2 Today!
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Goth : Round 0 (Part 1)
At the Goth mansion, everyone arrives the next evening for the wedding. Cassandra doesn’t know many people, so it’s a small backyard wedding with only Mortimer and Alexander, Darren Dreamer, and Mary-Sue and Daniel Pleasant in attendance. 
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Alexander wishes his sister luck on her big day. 
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Mary-Sue and Daniel flirted autonomously and regained their crush on each other. The magic of weddings! 
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Don actually goes through with the wedding, despite his misgivings about the situation. I think everyone besides Cassandra is surprised. Mortimer didn’t think Don had it in him. 
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Wedding fever is really affecting Daniel and Mary-Sue. These two couldn’t keep their hands off each other during the party. Maybe there’s hope for their dying marriage after all. 
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Cassandra is over the moon and heads off to cut the cake, but Don lingers at the altar, his mind plagued by regret. Mortimer and Alexander dance sweetly together.
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Darren is the only person other than Don who is not enjoying the wedding. He’s still madly in love with Cassandra, and if someone was going to take her from him, Don was the last person he would have wanted it to be. He hates everything about Don, from his smug face, to his womanizing ways, to his rumored involvement in Bella Goth’s disappearance. Cassandra notices Darren acting weird and tries to approach him, but he makes an excuse and wanders off.
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Cassandra feeds Don a piece of wedding cake. He tries to fake a smile. Maybe this is for the best, and he’ll be happy married to Cassandra. He does love her, but I think both his and Cassandra’s belief in his ability to change is unfounded. Only time will tell if he’ll remain faithful or if this marriage was doomed to fail from the start. 
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The party is so un-lively that even the Goth Ghosts have come out to celebrate. Don is starting to realize he may have bit off more than he can chew. 
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the-hippiesimmer · 1 month
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The day has finally arrived. Dina Caliente chose beautiful long skinny strap gown for her special day. She had many friends and acquaintances and both showed up to the wedding to celebrate her and Mortimer's love and excitement.
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The couple couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other after the ceremony was over either.
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clouseplayssims · 1 year
Round 5 is over!! Here is where we stand currently in the challenge. We're really, really close to Three Lakes and have made good headway on Strangetown.
Unlocking Strangetown Level 10 Science Level 10 Military 0/3 Abductions ✓ Move in Bella Goth ✓ Revive a Sim Maximum Evil Witch ✓ Maximum Good Witch
Unlocking Veronaville ✓ 2 Enemies ✓ 5/5 Fights Level 10 Intelligence Level 10 Journalism Level 10 Law Enforcement
Unlocking Bluewater Village 3 Level 10 Businesses Level 10 Business ✓ Top all 3 Pet Careers Gold Sales Badge Gold Register Badge Gold Restocking Badge
Unlocking Downtown Level 10 Entertainment Level 10 Criminal Level 10 Show Business Gold Cosmetology Badge ✓ Restore 5/5 Cars Sim Becomes Werewolf
Unlocking Desiderata Valley Max Cuisine Max Film & Lit Max Games Max Tinkering Max Science ✓ Max Arts & Crafts Max Sports Max Nature Max Fitness Max Music & Dance Level 10 Medicine
Unlocking Belladonna Cove Level 10 Architecture ✓ Level 10 Athletic Level 10 Paranormal Level 10 Politics Write 3 Best Sellers
Unlocking Riverblossom Hills Level 10 Adventurer Level 10 Law Gold Gardening Badge ✓ Gold Sewing Badge Have a Successful Farm Bring Home Bigfoot
Unlocking Sim State University Complete 0/5 LTWs Level 10 Education ✓ Learn all Life Skills Sim Becomes Vampire (Eldon doesn't count it was a RoS)
Unlocking Academie Le Tour Level 10 Artist Level 10 Culinary Level 10 Music Maximize All Skills 0/4 A+ Student Graduates 0/3 Children/Teens Get Into Private School
Unlocking La Fiesta Tech Level 10 Dance Level 10 Slacker Gold Robotics Badge Gold Toy Making Badge Build a Servo
Unlocking Twikki Island Level 10 Natural Science Level 10 Oceanography Complete Insect Collection
Unlocking Three Lakes ✓ Gold Fishing Badge ✓ Gold Flower Arranging Badge Spawn PlantSim ✓ Discover 3/3 Stars
Unlocking Takemizu Village Level 10 Gamer ✓ Find a Genie Lamp Gold Pottery Badge
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void-botanist · 10 months
@outpost51 it's insect time 😎
The Semilsstrom family consists primarily of four adult siblings (because I have done approximately 0 character development for their parents, who are alive and chill and nonbinary but don't even have names yet):
Snap (he/per), perpetually cheerful and always ready for an adventure. Fucked off to Icepith in the far north not too long ago for adventure and friendship's sake.
Lexie (she/her), goth darling who is busy being an arcade manager and also in other people's business and fucking around in the third Akkanswl (their home). Has more piercings than the whole rest of the family and their hangers-on combined.
Derik (he/him), Wylie's identical twin and sensitive jock mechanical engineer who has lived in the fifth Akkanswl out east for a while. Not normal about artsy movies and the opera and got recruited onto the Melichacha from the shipbuilding crew.
Wylie (he/him), Derik's identical twin and athletic/pathetic interspecies doctor who had a residency in the fourth Akkanswl down south and just never left. Applied for the Melichacha crew in an attempt to get Derik's attention, and has some sick ass forearm tattoo sleeves.
And they all have their own companions:
Rolf (he/she/they), Snap's BFF, an imbra (imagine a human who is one foot tall. Then imagine them having evolved from a bat [minus wings]) full of restlessness and sarcasm who led the charge to Icepith.
Barb (she/they), Lexie's BFF/lover/whatever the hell they feel like, an intimidatingly buff orea-nawwen who just lives in third for some reason.
Mirilde (he/him), Derik's boyfriend, also a swl from third and just like a cool sweet guy.
Vy (she/they), Wylie's girlfriend, a human who is built like a tank and is technically his superior on the Melichacha.
For reference here is a picture of Mirilde (I decided nswl were scaled after I drew this so just pretend they have scale patterns like geckos):
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[Image description: a digital color drawing of Mirilde, a swl, from the shoulders up. He is a light green lizard person with a long neck, pale yellow belly coloration that extends down from his bottom lip, a rounded snout, large forward-facing brown eyes like a gecko, and a thick pale gold crest similar to a chicken's comb, with tall pointed ears on either side of it. His ears are swiveled partly forward to match his smile, and both ears have purple gauges near the base with chain links hanging from them. He is wearing a dark green t-shirt with his thin choker tattoo partly visible. /End description.]
Now that we've covered that, insects.
Snap and Rolf will race each other to catch insects in random encounters. Rolf usually wins because of being small and fast. Snap: at least put some sauce on that Rolf: [crunching, does not give a shit] Imbrath can actually survive on a diet of insects on account of being so small. Nswl are way too big for that, so for them insects are considered treats/delicacies. So, you know, you should at least put some sauce on that.
Lexie likes grilled insect kebabs, which mostly means larger insects. Barb doesn't love insects that are recognizable as insects except when they're candied (and I do mean candied, not just preserved inside a lollipop). But I do love the image of the two of them walking down the street, Lexie sliding all the insects off the stick at once with her sharp teeth, and Barb, arguably the scarier-looking one, licking a big ol insect lollipop.
Derik prefers his insects in pastries, where it's more about the flavor than the texture. Mirilde thinks the texture is important and has waxed poetic more than once about how you have to sauté them until they're crispy around the edges and have taken up some of the flavor of the oil.
Wylie likes them as garnishes or add-ins, the equivalent of putting granola in your yogurt, but this also means that he's eating them dead but raw most of the time. Vy spent a while investigating this to ascertain whether she was likely to get sick from this, so now she knows significantly more about the insect supply chain than your average swl. Personally, she's on Derik's side - she's not a very squeamish person but she just can't stomach eating whole raw insects, so they better be thoroughly incorporated and unrecognizable.
Bonus: Vy has two queerplatonic partners, Quint (they/them), the captain of the Melichacha, and Red (ey/em), the mycelial engineer. Quint is a neriet (mushroom person) and has zero hangups about eating insects as is, unless they're worm/sluglike in any way, in which case never, no thank you. The ironic thing about this is these are the only types of insects that show up in their native cuisine (not as a major part, but still). Red is a human but won't eat insects at all because ey likes them too much, in the same way some people go "this animal is too cute I can't eat its meat".
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simgrump-main · 2 years
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Day 7 - TALLY DAY!!
It’s that time of the week where we find out how our guests did. Here are the current points: 
Lily Feng - 50/360
Diego Lobo - 55/380
Sergio Romeo - 45/375
Simon Scott - 25/350
Eliza Pancakes - 55/370
Bella Goth - 45/330
Zoe Patel - 50/385 
Our two lowest guests are... Bella Goth and Simon Scott! That means they will be going home this week. Here are their reviews of the New Penelope Hotel. 
Bella Goth - 1 out of 5 stars
“The hotel smelled, the toilet was always broken, and the owner had no class. He took us to a bar for our day out but then didn’t even pay for our drinks. The only reason I gave this place one star at all is because another guest has good taste in nightgowns.”
Simon Scott - 4 out of 5 stars
“I can’t wait to tell my friends about this hotel. The wallpaper itself is the whole reason I enjoyed it. And once you get past the idea that you could be eating fruit salad the rest of your life, it’s not half bad!” 
As Bella and Simon leave, two more guests will be brought into the hotel to replace them. Now, let’s take a look at our finances. 
Payment for the Day: $1,625 
Dinner Fine: -$500
Total Payment: $1,125
Total Money: $3,091 Total Amenities Unlocked: (1/7) Amenities Finished (0/7)
At the end of every tally day, we will be adding a layer of difficulty to the challenge. Our first full week went by smooth, aside from some broken appliances here and there. We need to amp it up by adding our first Lot Challenge!
Added: Creepy Crawlies
That’s it for our first week! See you all for another round of chaos!!
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