#Goemon's section is majority of this post
FREE PASS TO RANT ABOUT YOUR LUPIN THE THIRD SELF INSERT because I’m curious; what do they do? How’d they join the gang? What’re they like? and because ik you like Goemon so much, what’s the interactions between them like? 👀 I saw your tags on that one post and now I’m calling u OUT (if you feel like talking about them idk I’m not ur mom)
-dippy 🦑
*slams down a thick file onto the table* I have so much information about this self insert that I've been meaning to share but I get nervous to share it cuz brain be stupid. hOWEVER SINCE @dippy-bitch ASKED I HAVE TO DO IT sO HAHAaa!
Also, you asked this question at the perfect moment because my internet just got fixed after have 2 months of it constantly disconnecting.
Warning this post is very long. Not even joking its like 7 pages without pictures?? I'm sorry for what I'm about to do in this Chili's tonight.
This is Amber Corvo! She is the Lupin Gang's official informant/information gather!
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Corvo is usually out and about gathering information, whether that be through pretending to be a bartender or be in the alley trying to befriend the local strays to seem like she's absolutely not paying attention to the world around her. She has a passion and hunger for learning things and the longer somebody doesn't tell her secrets the more curious and determined she gets to stealing away that information. Ironically the surefire way to make sure she'll be at a certain location is if Lupin doesn't tell her that she can come along and only briefly mentions the plan to her.
She typically gets away with overhearing things by pulling out an extremely stupid and airheady act and since she looks like a tired college student who just got distracted by a cat that was chilling by the dumpsters. Sometimes this works but when it doesn't Corvo is very quick to bust out her baseball bat to commit acts of extreme violence.
While Corvo does work for gathering and primarily putting information together for Lupin, she does still get hired by other people to give information about whatever they wanted. However, a good chunk of the time these temporary hirers do try to kill her for knowing too much. Sometimes attempt to kidnap her if they realize that she knows a lot about Lupin and his gang as well as a bunch of other important info to try to torture the information out of her.
Corvo being desensitized to this has gotten good at hiding any fear/concern as well as dodging and batting away bullets (not as good as Goemon though but still notable). Usually, Goemon isn't too far off from her in these cases so she doesn't have to worry too much.
Before she joined the gang (and before Goemon joins), Lupin has worked with Corvo in the past just as a free-lance informant he commissions from time to time. Over the course of their business relationship, Lupin got attached to her and the fact that she had a baseball bat as a weapon instead of a gun or a knife interests him and so he frequently begins to try to convince her to join.
Corvo being hesitant to join as a solid member of anybody's team due to the fact that this could be a trap Lupin's trying to lure her in to get all the information out of her. Also because he's a womanizer and didn't want to deal with that from the person who'd be the primary person who pays her.
The informant eventually agrees to join after Lupin and Jigen swooped in and saved her from being shot dead execution-style. She doesn't admit it often but the fact that they did come and save her made her trust them more and come to her senses that it would be more beneficial if she joins them and probably more fun. Typically she just says it's because of the life debt she owns them now, but they know the truth.
Some Trivia-
She typically wears shorts under her skirt. Just so pesky updrafts and also a fall from the sky doesn't flash everybody.
If somebody wants her to stop her life of crime and be a stay-at-home wife the price is one dog. Also, love I guess but the dog is the main thing that's going to make her behave.
In part 1 she's immune to certain poisons since people keep trying to kill her.
She frequently puts a tracking chip on people. The main person she does this to is Lupin.
She frequently listens to police scanners.
Due to how frequently her employers try to kill her she has a fine print in the contracts that say "If you try to kill Amber Corvo or place a hit on Amber Corvo she gets to steal everything you own."
Not only is Corvo excellent at swinging her bat to ward off bullets and ball shaped objects but she’s got a really good pitch as well and will sometimes just throw things.
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I'm stupid by nature and misread something so now you get all of her relationships with the gang dfgdghdgfh RIP
-Her relationships-
Lupin and Corvo- It feels only right to start this off with Lupin. Lupin and Corvo have a very much playful back and forth relationship where they enjoy annoying each other. They get along pretty well, despite the times where Corvo threatens to or actually does hit Lupin for not telling her things she deems as important. Which the vast majority of the time it is something that he should tell his intel so she can help improvise a plan or make sure the others don't screw it up. Lupin enjoys teasing her for her contradictory behavior of being apathetically "You can't hurt me in a way that matters." to immediately hiding away from a door knock cuz unwarranted socialization is scary. Lupin doesn't really enjoy it when he's in trouble with the others and Corvo just cheers them on to kick his ass. Corvo is basically the one who keeps Lupin in check and tells his friends what's going on. Corvo is a violent HR for the lupin gang
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Jigen and Corvo- Siblings siblings siblings siblings. When these two they are by themselves together they have such a chaotic dynamic. This is the duo that'll inflict a lot of chaotic damage if in a fight together because they sort of egg the other on. Since he and Corvo are the two people who've been working for Lupin the longest, they have the shared hobby of "Lupin won't listen to us when we warn him so lets just watch him get his ass beat."
They have the bond of "I would absolutely sell you for a half of a penny, no hesitation." but in a loving sibling way.
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Fujiko and Corvo- They are sort of rivals considering they both gather information. Their behavior with each other can go from Amber siding and enjoying watching Fujiko reject Lupin and others. Then it can flop to the other side of Amber getting after and trying to screw over Fujiko for betraying them or for messing with Goemon. Though that's much more of an extreme, its usually just a "Hahahahaaa Fujiko you have betrayed us yet again."
These two fill the sides of information gathering that the other doesn't. Fujiko does the more seductive side while Amber fills the more business, "accidentally overhearing" and deep dives into books and theories.
Off work hours these two get along pretty decently and they enjoy jokingly flirting with each other. Fujiko has absolutely dressed Corvo up cuz Corvo doesn't really fight it and doesn't know how to do makeup.
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Zenigata and Corvo- If Zenigata ever captures Corvo, Corvo refuses to shut up and will start info-dumping random topics to hopefully make him unarrest her for being annoying. Corvo has absolutely sat on top of the fiat with a megaphone yelling at Zenigata random sad facts until he let Lupin go. It doesn't always work, but listen it's better than nothing.
Corvo: Did you also know that Axolotls have amazing regeneration abilities? Its because they are forever in that in-between being a purely water creature and land-based creature- Zenigata: Shut up! Corvo: .... you silence me? You silence Corvo? that's messed up Zenigata, you know I can talk forever. That's the one thing I'm better at than Lupin and you try to take my god-given right to yell! JAIL FOR POPS! JAIL FOR POPS FOR 1000 YEARS!!!
But listen, Zenigata is going to be thinking of those axolotl facts later. Its going to keep him up at night thinking about glow-in-the-dark amphibians.
Zenigata also absolutely hates it when Corvo bats away his cuffs. He's tried to make adjustments so it just gets stuck but then the crazy broad just starts rapidly spinning the cuffs in the air saying her weapon got new and improved.
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Listen the Goemon x Corvo ship is all about that mutual yearning and pining and being equally stupid cuz you spent god knows how long pining for each other in a very obvious way and not ever acting on it except in one series and that's only the Koike movies!
Beyond that the Goemon and Corvo(tm) interactions according to @soft-citrus-central can be described as a Samurai and his Cute Wife.
In some adaptations, Corvo meets Goemon cuz he's trying to kill Lupin and she's just there like "!!! OoOoo Cool Samurai man!! Hell yeah!"
Other adaptations Corvo meets Goemon because she has a hobby of looking into swords and swordsmen so she eventually just works for him usually to help him find a sword (Episode 0).
Other adaptations is just
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Either way, Corvo is usually very thrilled to see and meet Goemon. In the Koike series, she deems him the only person who could kill her in a way that matters AKA "Heeehhooo pretty samurai man can kill me and I'd be fine with it."
Typically after the first interaction goes by Amber and Goemon have a very civil relationship that quickly becomes more platonic due to them having similar interests and typically side with each other. They constantly work together as well since Amber hires Goemon to be her bodyguard as she is trading information with people or gathering particularly dangerous info.
Then those platonic feelings turn into romantic cuz, listen if you were Goemon you would also fall for the cute informant girl who whenever you do cool things cheers you on and tries her absolute hardest on making sure you have your preferred foods ready.
The exact reason why Corvo and Goemon don't get together changes from part to part (special to special, movie to movie, etc.) usually it's not really explained can be assumed that both are stupid and don't realize they can just ask the other out.
In part 5 it's because a long time ago Goemon asked Lupin for permission to date Corvo since Lupin's the boss and Lupin got annoyed and said no unless he beats him in a duel.
Typically the two don't really fight, if they do it's just a very quiet argument. However, the main thing they argue about that can be somewhat mean at times is if Goemon falls for another scam because there was a pretty lady, but he doesn't realize it. Which causes Corvo to get at least passive-aggressive with the lady and at worst doing petty things to try to ward her off. Which would upset Goemon, which in turn would make Corvo upset and irritated. So this topic can't really be reasoned out since it's just an argument of emotions until the trickery gets revealed. Even then though when Goemon apologizes and comes back looking like a kicked puppy Corvo can't stay mad and immediately forgives him. Lupin and Jigen absolutely love to laugh at her for this and will do so every time. Much to her immediate embarrassment.
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So yeah that's basically my self insert, if I forgot anything I might make another post to cover it dfgfghgfh
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I'm sorry I burdened you with info-dumping everything about my self insert on you Dippy;;;
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