#Gas Spring Market Research
Gas Spring Market Evolving Technology, Trends and Advancement 2022 to 2027
The report titled Gas Spring Market offers detailed insights on the Gas Spring industry entailing key information on its different market segments. The report gives an industry overview from around the world and covers the latest trends, market restraints, and investment opportunities, and conducts exclusive interviews of the Gas Spring industry leaders to contribute to the report’s findings. The report discusses the buyers’ requirements and suggests strategic actions & business changes accordingly to the market players. Moreover, the natural, internal, and external barriers to progress are given in the report. The wider business environment of the Gas Spring market and the industry challenges are included in the report.
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Growth prospects, leading trends, progress projections, key industries, and business innovations are the primary focus of the Gas Spring study. A comprehensive Gas Spring study is available for a number of key areas involved in the report. Furthermore, the Gas Spring study examines present and potential consumer positions in terms of sales based on market goods around the globe.
Key Players in the Gas Spring Market:
Stabilus, Suspa, Lant, Bansbach, WDF, HAHN, Barnes, Zhongde, Dictator, Changzhou, Shanghai Zhenfei, Aritech, Vapsint, LiGu, Huayang, AVM, ACE Automation, LongXiang, Weijhe, Yili, LiPinGe, IGS, Gaysan, Attwood, Ameritool, Metrol, Camloc, Alrose, Worldwide, Gemini
Gas Spring Market Types:
Lift gas spring
Lockable gas spring
Swivel chair gas spring
Gas traction springs
Gas Spring Market Applications:
Highlights of the Report:
The report gives information on all the active tenders in the Gas Spring industry across the globe based on different categories. The important government notifications and change in regulations according to the latest updates is provided in the report.
The market size and forecast estimates of the Gas Spring market is given in the report considering the economic, financial, and general business conditions prevailing in the Gas Spring market from 2022 to 2027.
The report demonstrates the contribution of each segment and sector in the improvement of Gas Spring market share, market size, and CAGR.
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Regional Gas Spring Market (Regional Output, Demand & Forecast by Countries):
North America (United States, Canada, Mexico) South America (Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile) Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Korea) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy) Middle East Africa (Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran) And more.
Why Purchase This Market Research Report?
Critical issues and challenges the Gas Spring market will be facing in the forecasted years are identified in the report to help market players align their business decisions and strategies accordingly.
The report identifies key trends facing the Gas Spring market.
Trends responsible for global and regional economic growth of the Gas Spring market are highlighted in the report to help market players in a critical understanding of the future of the Gas Spring market.
The report conducts an assessment of the production and operational practices taking place in the marketplace.
The report presents the challenges faced by the leading geographies and nations from the pandemic and their reorientation of policies to survive the market.
The Report Attempts to Answer the Following Questions:
What will be the financial performance of North America, APAC, Europe, and Africa in the Gas Spring market in 2022 and beyond?
Which companies are likely to succeed in the Gas Spring market with the help of foreign companies, mergers and acquisitions and new product launches?
What are the strategy recommendation and business models for emerging market players?
Which are the Gas Spring market’s largest manufacturing firms and most competitive firms?
Thanks for showing interest in the Gas Spring Market research publication; you can also get individual chapter-wise sections or region / Country report versions like Germany, France, China, LATAM, GCC, North America, Europe, or Asia.
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industrydatamarket · 2 years
Nitrogen Gas Spring Market Insights Shared in Detailed Report 2022
The Nitrogen Gas Spring Market Report 2022 report provides the latest industry data and future industry trends. The report lists leading competitors and manufacturers in the Nitrogen Gas Spring industry and provides strategic industry insights and analysis of factors influencing the competitiveness of the market. The geographical scope of the Nitrogen Gas Spring market is studied. The forecast market information, SWOT analysis, market scenario, and feasibility study are the vital aspects analyzed in this report. Looking forward, Industry Data Analytics Group expects the market to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% during 2022-2028.
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
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"Ask me about Lidice."
That phrase is a promise I made after researching the events I'm about to tell you, to keep the name of Lidice alive and meaningful.
Here is the story.
In the summer and fall of 1942, a strange phenomenon began springing up in distant corners of the world, in which streets, towns, even children, were being given the same name.
It all began with the killing of a monster.
At the end of December in 1941, two Czech soldiers living in exile in England parachuted back into Czechoslovakia on a mission to assassinate the ruthless and brutal German SS officer Reinhard Heydrich, who was then working as the Reich-Protector over much of that occupied country.
During his reign of terror, Heydrich - one of the main architects of the Final Solution, and nicknamed "The Butcher of Prague" - kept the "peace" through racial suppression, forced labor, executions, and sending "undesirables" off to death camps.
In May of 1942, a team led by the two parachutists, named Jan Kubiš and Jozef Gabčík, planned and carried out an ambush against Heydrich as he drove in his open-topped car through Prague.
Wounded by an explosive hurled at the car, Heydrich died a week later.
In the aftermath of the attack, Kubiš and Gabčík, along with most of their co-conspirators, were killed.
When he learned of Heydrich's death, Adolf Hitler flew into a rage and ordered massive reprisals against the Czech people.
Because of spurious intelligence reports, the full force of Hitler's anger fell chiefly upon two small villages: Lidice (pronounced "Li-dí-tsay") and Ležáky (pronounced "Le-zyah-ke").
Two days after Heydrich's funeral, German SS and SD troops descended upon the two towns.
In Ležáky, no adult was left alive, the children were seized, and the houses and buildings were burned to the ground.
In Lidice, the population was dragged from their homes, and every male over the age of fourteen was shot and killed - at first five at a time, but when this was found to be taking too long, they killed them in groups of ten.
The women were deported to concentration camps for forced labor or extermination.
Those few children who met specified "racial purity" criteria were sent to Germany for indoctrination and adoption by the families of members of the SS.
Most of the rest of the children were killed in the backs of special enclosed trucks by carbon monoxide, the precursors to the gas chambers later installed at places such as Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Then Lidice suffered an additional horror. Believed (erroneously) to be the town where some of the conspirators had been hiding before the assassination, the town was burned, and stone structures were dynamited.
Slave labor was brought in to dismantle the ruins brick by brick and haul everything away, so that, as Hitler ordered, every trace of the town was wiped from the face of the earth so that the memory of Lidice would die.
But it didn't.
The Nazis allowed reports of the massacre to be released as a warning to other occupied countries, but as the news began spreading around the world, it had quite the opposite effect....
In Mexico, the village of San Jerónimo Aculo changed its name to San Jerónimo Lídice....
In Coventry, England, a shopping market was renamed Lidice Place....
In the American state of Illinois, a new town being laid out was named Lidice....
Also in Illinois, the American lawyer and politician Wendell Wilkie eulogized the destruction of the town to a silent, stunned audience, using the news reports from the Nazis themselves to condemn their barbarity....
In the United Kingdom, the Lidice Shall Live! drive - run mostly by British miners - raised money to help rebuild the town following the war....
In places all over the free world the name Lidice began appearing, and hundreds of children born that year were named Lidice by their parents, and the name continues to be given even to this day.
What the Nazis hoped would be a warning to their enemies turned into a rallying cry, and helped show a world still mostly ignorant of Nazi brutality why the fight against the Third Reich was so necessary.
When the war ended, a handful of women and children who survived the concentration camps returned to the site where Lidice had been, and, with international help, began rebuilding the town on a site nearby.
Today there is a memorial near the town dedicated to the children who suffered and were lost during the Nazi occupation. There also is a larger memorial to the annihilation of the town and the murder of its people. And there's even another memorial placed in gratitude to the British miners who helped the town rebuild.
In 1942, with so many major events grabbing headlines, that the world took notice of the destruction of one tiny town that nobody had ever heard of was a miracle. Yet after the war, what happened in Lidice largely dissolved from the world's memory as Czechoslovakia fell behind the Iron Curtain.
But now that's changing.
As part of the Unearthed Project, people all over the world are being asked to spread the memory of what happened to Lidice in 1942, and of the kindness and generosity through which the town was rebuilt, by promising to tell at least two people the story....
When I first heard about this project and what they were asking, I knew I could do better than just telling two people - this page reaches around 7 million people each month, so by writing this post I am fulfilling my promise to share, and then some. It's my honor to be able to do so.
Now I'm asking you to make and fulfill that same promise, as well, to tell at least two people this story, so we can honor the memory of the victims of Lidice and Ležáky: the men and teens who were shot, the children who were gassed, the women who perished in death camps, and the caring hearts of all those around the world who vowed never to let them be forgotten.
All told, around 1,300 people were killed by the Nazis in retaliation for the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich.
His grave in Berlin has been unmarked since the Soviet occupation.
Historia Obscurum
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rfhomebuyers4 · 7 days
Sell My House Fast in Columbus, GA: A Comprehensive Guide
Selling a house can often feel like an overwhelming task, especially if you're looking to close the deal quickly. Whether you're facing financial difficulties, relocating for work, or simply want to move on to your next adventure, Sell My House Fast Columbus GA selling your house fast in Columbus, GA, is possible with the right strategy and resources. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process smoothly.
Understanding the Columbus, GA Real Estate Market
Columbus, GA, is a vibrant city with a diverse real estate market. Known for its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and thriving community, Columbus attracts a variety of buyers, from first-time homeowners to seasoned investors. Understanding the local market trends is crucial when you aim to sell your house quickly.
Market Analysis: Start by researching recent sales in your neighborhood. Look at the prices, the time houses stayed on the market, and any trends in buyer preferences. Websites like Zillow and Realtor.com can provide valuable insights.
Seasonal Trends: Real estate markets can be seasonal. In Columbus, spring and summer are typically the busiest times for home sales. However, serious buyers are always on the lookout, so with the right approach, you can sell your house fast any time of the year.
Preparing Your House for a Quick Sale
First impressions matter, and preparing your house for sale can significantly impact the speed of the transaction. Here are some essential steps:
Declutter and Depersonalize: Remove personal items and excess furniture to make your home look spacious and inviting. Buyers need to envision themselves living in the space.
Make Necessary Repairs: Fix any minor issues like leaky faucets, broken tiles, or chipped paint. Small repairs can make a big difference in how your house is perceived.
Enhance Curb Appeal: The exterior of your house is the first thing buyers see. Ensure your lawn is well-maintained, the exterior is clean, and add some flowers or plants to make it more welcoming.
Professional Staging and Photography: Consider hiring a professional stager and photographer. High-quality photos and a well-staged home can attract more buyers and lead to quicker sales.
Pricing It Right
Pricing your house competitively is one of the most critical factors in selling it quickly. Here’s how to determine the right price:
Comparative Market Analysis (CMA): A real estate agent can provide a CMA, which compares your home to similar properties recently sold in the area. This analysis helps in setting a competitive price.
Understand Your Bottom Line: Know the lowest price you’re willing to accept. This can help in negotiations and in setting a realistic initial price.
Choosing the Right Selling Strategy
There are several ways to sell your house, and choosing the right one can speed up the process:
Traditional Real Estate Agent: An experienced local agent can handle all aspects of the sale, from listing to negotiations, and often has a network of potential buyers.
For Sale by Owner (FSBO): If you prefer to manage the sale yourself, FSBO can save on commission fees. However, it requires more effort and knowledge of the real estate market.
Cash Buyers: Companies like RF Home Buyers specialize in buying houses quickly for cash. This option can be the fastest way to sell, especially if you’re in a hurry or your house needs significant repairs.
Why Choose RF Home Buyers?
RF Home Buyers is a trusted company in Columbus, GA, offering a hassle-free, fast, and fair way to sell your house. Here’s why you should consider them:
Speed: They can close the deal in as little as seven days, which is perfect if you’re facing a time-sensitive situation.
No Repairs Needed: They buy houses in any condition, saving you time and money on repairs and renovations.
Fair Cash Offers: They provide a no-obligation cash offer based on the current market value of your home.
Simple Process: The process is straightforward. Contact them, get an offer, and if you accept, choose a closing date that works for you.
Selling your house fast in Columbus, GA, doesn’t have to be stressful. By understanding the market, preparing your house, pricing it right, Sell My House Fast Columbus GA and choosing the best selling strategy, you can achieve a quick and successful sale. For the fastest and easiest experience, consider reaching out to RF Home Buyers for a fair cash offer and a smooth transaction.
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trups08 · 19 days
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vipinmishra · 22 days
Small Gas Engines Market Eyes Growth as Construction Activity Drives Demand
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Global Small Gas Engines Market is expected to grow owing to growth of the construction activities surges the demand for outdoor power equipment throughout the forecast period.
According to TechSci Research report, “Small Gas Engines Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast 2018-2028”, the Global Small Gas Engines Market is expected to register robust growth during the forecast period. Factors such as the growing utilization of construction equipment fueled by gas generators, the decrease in natural gas prices, minimal environmental impact, and the improving flexibility and efficiency of gas-driven energy generation are anticipated to propel the demand for small gas engines in the forecast period.
The growing popularity of landscaping, gardening, and lawn care activities, particularly among homeowners, is fueling the need for outdoor power equipment. Small gas engines are utilized to power a range of equipment, including lawnmowers, leaf blowers, and chainsaws. Manufacturers have the opportunity to innovate and create more efficient and environmentally-friendly small gas engines to meet the demands of this expanding market segment.
Small gas engines can effectively supplement energy storage solutions by offering dependable backup power for renewable energy systems, including solar and wind installations. Manufacturers have the opportunity to collaborate with renewable energy companies to develop integrated power solutions.
Based on engine displacement, the 101-450cc segment is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period. This segment encompasses a wide range of engine capacities and finds applications in various equipment such as lawn mowers, generators, agricultural machinery, construction equipment, and recreational vehicles. The 101-450cc segment holds a significant share in the global small gas engines market and plays a pivotal role. It caters to diverse applications, making it a versatile range.
Browse over XX market data Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on the "Global Small Gas Engines Market" https://www.techsciresearch.com/report/global-small-gas-engines-market/1657.html
Lawn mowers, garden tractors, and other outdoor power equipment often utilize small gas engines within the 101-450cc range. The demand for well-maintained lawns and gardens, especially in residential settings, drives the adoption of these engines. The 101-450cc segment also includes portable generators, commonly used for backup power during outages. These engines provide a reliable source of electricity for residential and commercial users. Manufacturers in this segment are actively investing in research and development to develop engines that comply with increasingly stringent emissions regulations.
Ensuring compliance with emissions standards is crucial to maintain market competitiveness and address environmental concerns. Moreover, manufacturers can explore opportunities to customize engines within the 101-450cc range for specialized applications, such as high-performance small tractors or compact generators. Collaborating with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in various sectors, such as construction or agriculture, can expand market reach and provide access to established distribution channels.
Based on application, the Gardening segment is projected to dominate the market throughout the forecast period.
Gardening equipment powered by small gas engines encompasses a range of outdoor power tools, including lawnmowers, leaf blowers, string trimmers, and more. It serves a diverse customer base, including homeowners, landscaping professionals, and municipalities. The gardening market experiences seasonal fluctuations in demand, with peak sales occurring during the spring and summer months when lawn care and gardening activities are at their peak. Small gas engines are essential for various types of lawnmowers, such as push mowers, riding mowers, and zero-turn mowers, ensuring well-manicured lawns.
Gas-powered leaf blowers are popular for efficiently clearing leaves and debris from yards and driveways, offering portability and power preferred by homeowners and landscapers alike. Manufacturers in the gardening segment are increasingly focused on meeting emissions regulations by developing cleaner-burning engines, aligning with environmental concerns and government mandates for reduced emissions. Electric gardening equipment, including cordless electric lawnmowers and leaf blowers, poses competition to gas-powered tools, offering quieter operation and zero emissions. Manufacturers can explore the adoption of alternative fuels such as propane and natural gas in gardening equipment to provide cleaner-burning options.
Key market players in the Global Small Gas Engines Market are:-
Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Kohler Co.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd
Fuji Heavy Industries
Kubota corporation
Generac Power Systems
Yamaha Motor Corp.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Kubota Corporation
Download Free Sample Report https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=1657
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“The Small Gas Engines Market in North America is poised to be the dominant force in the industry. Small gas engines find applications in various sectors, such as marine, recreational vehicles, and construction equipment. Establishing partnerships with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in North America enables small gas engine manufacturers to broaden their market presence and integrate their engines into a diverse range of equipment.” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research-based global management consulting firm.
“Small Gas Engines Market – Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast Segmented By Engine Displacement (20-100cc, 101-450cc and 451-650cc), By Application (Gardening, Industrial, Construction and Others), By Equipment (Lawnmower, Chainsaw, Portable Generator, Pressure Washer and Others), By Region, By Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2018-2028,” has evaluated the future growth potential of Global Small Gas Engines Marketand provides statistics & information on market size, structure, and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in Global Small Gas Engines Market.
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issacgamez5698 · 4 months
Are You Able To Answer All Of Those Questions An Auto Mechanic Should Know?
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The Glock 17 is one of the few weapons that may be personalized to fire underwater, with assistance from maritime spring cups, which stop water from impeding the firing pin. However the amphibious glock is designed to be carried, not used, beneath water. Greenbaum. So in 1970 the U.S. Navy launched a particular weapon for the job: a chunky six-shooter called the Underwater Defense Gun, or UDG. Instead of firing bullets, the UDG "fired a stiletto-sort dart that would present vary, accuracy and lethality underwater," says Tom Hawkins of the nonprofit Naval Special Warfare Foundation. To cut back shockwaves, a pusher piston sealed the barrel after firing. Each barrel could solely hearth once, therefore the need for six separate barrels and the weapon's chubby profile. The efficient range was about 30 toes. As a bonus, the subsonic projectile and sealed firing system made the gun just about silent above water. At round the same time, another approach surfaced in the privately developed Gyrojet pistol, a James Bond weapon that fired miniature rockets (Bond even uses one in You Only Live Twice).
What is thought is that the P11 fires a heavy projectile at pretty low velocity, with an effective range much like the Russian SPP-1. It appears doubtless that the bullets are cavitating, as Germany has lengthy been a pacesetter on this space. Today, the primary line of protection towards underwater terrorists -- ought to they emerge -- will be sonar and depth charges, relatively than armed frogmen standing guard. But anyone tangling with fight divers will find them very well armed, and U.S. Much of their work relates to bigger projectiles for mine or torpedo defense, however can also be applicable to small arms. Chris Weiland of the Advanced Experimental Thermofluid Engineering Research Laboratory in the mechanical engineering department at Virginia Polytechnic Institute is taking a look at new methods of achieving cavitation by injecting pressurized gas into the trail of the projectile. Once a supercavitation bubble is established it can be maintained by venting rocket exhaust into it ("ventilated cavitation"), a system employed by the Russian Shkval torpedo.
As Johnson discovered when attempting to supply the design, more components compared to piston and syringe water guns imply a better value on the shelves. Filling the air reservoir takes at the very least a few pumps, varying relying on the mannequin. The pumping becomes harder as the chamber becomes pressurized. Once the stress is maximized, a press of the trigger releases it to spray the water. Holding it down can produce a stream for a number of seconds, however doing brief bursts followed by one or two pumps retains the pressure at a better level. Since the unique patent ran out, there are more alternate options now than when Super Soakers had been first launched. Competitors range from low cost knockoffs to authentic merchandise, and the busier market keeps the value of basic models fairly low. Super Soaker’s CPS line makes use of a rubber bladder inside the water gun to keep a gradual pressure. The facility of the line is the supply of city legends about injuries, however homeowners have continued to use the product with none confirmed reports.
Repeatable shots Pneumatic Piston Lightning with Diversitronics strobes No apparent injury to conjunctiva, iris, lens, and sclera on AS examination
If the refrigerant degree is low, there is a leak someplace and refilling a leaking A/C system is definitely a violation of federal regulation. Torque sticks attach to an impact gun like any other socket. The socket is at the tip of a protracted, thin stem that varies in size to assist restrict the amount of torque transfer from the Orbi Gun to the lug nut. This allows mechanics to quickly reinstall wheels with out worrying about overtightening them. Underinflated tires are inclined to sag in the middle, placing all the load on the outer edges of the tires. This causes excessive wear on the outer edges of the tread. Possibly, however you will not know for positive and not using a full inspection. No, all the pieces is Ok. No, as long as you replace it fast enough. Timing belts in interference engines -- these with very tight tolerances -- can cause valve damage in the event that they break during operation. That stated, a broken timing belt is just not a demise sentence. A full inspection might show there was no valve injury. While persons are fast to say, "My rotors are warped," they fail to understand just how exhausting it is to actually warp them. Typically, vibration when braking is from brake pad materials transferring from the pad to the rotor attributable to excessive heat. A quick rotor resurfacing typically fixes the problem. Non-serviceable rotors are ones you can not resurface on a brake lathe. Whether it is because the rotors are manufactured within tighter tolerances or just made of a metal that cannot be resurfaced, it's important to substitute them each time you replace the pads. You'll typically discover these on performance and overseas cars.
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realyoungdarius · 7 months
Graduate Assistantship option
Inclusive Excellence Graduate Assistant
BSU - Office of Inclusive ExcellenceMuncie, INBSU Graduate AssistantshipApply by Nov 14SaveApply
Matching Qualifications
See how your profile matches with this jobGraduate Student
Job Description
The Inclusive Excellence GA (IEGA) works within the Office of Inclusive Excellence (OIE) and the Ball State University community to further the work of Inclusive Excellence across campus. In this position, the IEGA will work with the Assistant Director of Inclusive Excellence to help with reporting, strategic planning, and various forms of data collection and analysis.
The following are the responsibilities of the Inclusive Excellence Graduate Assistant:
Assist, in coordination with others in OIE, in the collection and interpretation of data from multiple sources including on campus partners, external partners, and a variety of other sources.
Research best practices with regards to reporting and programmatic assessments.
Conduct ongoing research on current issues and literature around diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging.
Maintain and update OIE’s social media.
Assist with various OIE events across campus.
Attend one (1) weekly all-office staff meeting in OIE.
Attend one (1) weekly one-on-one supervision meeting.
Attend monthly meetings for the President’s Advisory Council for Inclusive Excellence.
• Bachelor’s degree • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 or 3.0 in the latter half of the previous degree to begin the assistantship. • The ability to communicate effectively • The ability to work effectively with a team • Possess knowledge of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access, and Belonging • Must be able to work on campus as required • If enrolled in a Doctoral program, must have a minimum cumulative 3.2 GPA
Additional Job Details
Position Type
BSU Graduate Assistantship
$5,000 - $10,000 per year
Muncie, IN, USA
Desired Skills
Diversity AwarenessReportingResearchWritten Communication
Desired Majors
All Majors Social Psychology Social Science Social Work Sociology
Desired Class Level(s)
Graduate StudentDoctoral
Job Function
Desired Start Date
Jan 8, 2024
Spring 2024 semester, with possiblity of continuing beyond based on performance
Approximate Hours Per Week
Travel Percentage
< 10% Travel
Additional Documents
OtherCover Letter
Application Process
Application Deadline
November 14, 2023
I took classes in areas like anthropology, legal studies, law, political science research methods, public administration, market research analytics, history, etc...
How to Apply
Interested parties should send a PDF version of their CV/Resume and a letter of interest that summarizes their knowledge of data interpretation, DEIAB, and research abilities to Dr. Brandon Million at [email protected]. Deadline for applications is 11/13/2023 If you have any questions, please reach out to Dr. Brandon Million at [email protected].
Requested Documents
Cover Letter
Interested parties should send a PDF version of their CV/Resume and a letter of interest that summarizes their knowledge of data interpretation, DEIAB, and research abilities to Dr. Brandon Million at [email protected].
What does Deiab mean?
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Belonging. Defining DEIAB.
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david843346 · 9 months
Tire Cord Market CAGR of 7% During 2023 – 2035
Research Nester published a report titled “Tire Cord Fabric Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2035” which delivers detailed overview of the global tire cord fabric in terms of market segmentation by material, tire type, application, vehicle type and by region.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth indicators, restraints, supply and demand risk, along with detailed discussion on current and future market trends that are associated with the growth of the market.
The global tire cord fabric market is anticipated to grow with a CAGR of ~7% during the forecast period, i.e. 2023-2035. The market is segmented by vehicle type into passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, heavy duty vehicles, two wheelers, tractors, and others. Out of these, the passenger cars segment is anticipated to garner the highest revenue by 2035, owing to its increased sales and production worldwide.
The global tire cord fabric market is estimated to garner a revenue of ~USD 25 Billion by the end of 2035, up from a revenue of ~USD 7 Billion in 2023. Tire cord fabrics are used in the tire manufacturing process as a reinforcing material to eliminate the chances of deformation, and to provide strength and abrasion resistance properties. Tire cord fabrics are also used in the manufacture of rubber hose, air springs, expansion joints, and conveyor belts and many other things owing to its advantages. Further, the growing concern of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as rising demand for economical fuel-efficient vehicles, are some of the factors expected to drive market growth over the forecast period.
Geographically, the global tire cord fabric market is segmented into five major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa region. Out of these, the market in Asia Pacific region is estimate to garner the largest market share by the end of 2035, on the back of increased sales and production of vehicles.
The research is global in nature and covers detailed analysis on the market in North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC [Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark], Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC [Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman], North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa). In addition, analysis comprising market size, Y-O-Y growth & opportunity analysis, market players’ competitive study, investment opportunities, demand for future outlook etc. has also been covered and displayed in the research report.
Access our detailed report at: https://www.researchnester.com/reports/tire-cord-market/4921
Rise in Demand and Sales of Automobiles to Drive the Market Growth
To avoid road accidents, the automotive industry is heavily reliant on robust tires. The great stability that is provided by tire cord fabric is expected to drive its demand in the future. Additionally, tire cord fabric is beneficial for improving vehicle performance and lowering fuel consumption by absorbing a greater amount of weight and pressure for a longer period of time. The global demand for electric vehicles, luxury and premium vehicles, and self-driving cars in the automotive industry is expected to boost the tire cord market during the forecast period. As per recent estimates, the global sales of luxury and sports cars in 2026 is expected to rise to 200K and 919K respectively.
However, high costs of raw materials coupled with increased preference of re-treading in commercial car sector is expected to operate as key restraints to the growth of the global tire cord fabric market over the forecast period.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global tire cord fabric market which includes company profiling of Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, Kolon Industries, Inc., Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Hyosung Group, Toray Industries, Inc., Solvay SA, SGL CARBON SE, Bridgestone Corporation, Arkema group, KORDSA TEKNİK TEKSTİL ANONİM ŞİRKETİP, BASF and others. The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global tire cord fabric market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.     
Request Report Sample@ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-4921
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tejaass · 9 months
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datascraping001 · 10 months
Agriculture Industry Database Scraping
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Unearthing Growth Opportunities: Agriculture Industry Database Scraping by Datascrapingservices.com. In the modern world, the agriculture industry plays a crucial role in feeding the global population. To thrive in this dynamic sector, businesses need to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions. At Datascrapingservices.com, we offer cutting-edge Agriculture Industry Database Scraping services to help businesses unlock valuable insights and drive growth.
Why is Agriculture Industry Database Scraping Essential?
1. Market Research and Analysis: Access to comprehensive agriculture industry data enables businesses to conduct in-depth market research and analysis. By understanding market trends, consumer preferences, and competitor strategies, companies can formulate winning business strategies.
2. Supply Chain Optimization: Data scraping provides crucial information on suppliers, distributors, and logistics networks in the agriculture industry. This data empowers businesses to optimize their supply chain and reduce operational costs.
3. Targeted Marketing: Leveraging scraped data allows businesses to segment their audience and launch targeted marketing campaigns. Personalized messaging leads to higher customer engagement and improved marketing ROI.
4. Product Innovation: By analyzing data on agricultural products and technologies, businesses can identify gaps in the market and develop innovative solutions that cater to specific needs.
5. Risk Management: Agriculture is susceptible to various risks, including weather fluctuations and market volatility. Data scraping helps businesses assess risks, develop contingency plans, and make informed decisions to mitigate potential losses.
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At Datascrapingservices.com, we understand the significance of data in driving success in the agriculture industry. Our Agriculture Industry Database Scraping services provide reliable and accurate data to fuel your growth journey. Are you ready to sow the seeds of success for your agriculture business? Reach out to us at [email protected] to explore how our data scraping expertise can revolutionize your operations and decision-making processes. Let data be your farming tool, cultivating prosperity and growth in the ever-evolving agriculture industry.
Website: Datascrapingservices.com
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latestsmarkettrends · 10 months
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shambooget · 10 months
Pressure Relief Valves In-Depth Profiling With Key Players and Recent Developments, Forecast Period: 2021-2031
Pressure Relief Valves Market Research, 2031
The global pressure relief valves market size was valued at $4.4 billion in 2021, and is projected to reach $7 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 4.6% from 2022 to 2031.Pressure relief valve (PRV) is also called as a relief valve. Pressure vessels and other equipment are protected by pressure relief valve from being subjected to pressures that exceed their design limits. The valve is used to control or limit the pressure built inside the equipment which may cause equipment or instrument failure, or fire. The pressure is relieved by allowing the pressurized fluid to flow from an auxiliary passage out of the system.
Pressure relief valve are used in the oil & gas industry for drilling and workover operations, which, in turn, increase demand for pressure relief valve, and is anticipated to boost growth of the pressure relief valve market. According to a report on North America Midstream Infrastructure through 2035 published in June 2018 by ICF International Inc., total investments in oil & gas infrastructure are projected to range between $685 billion and $895 billion from 2018 to 2035. In addition, pharmaceuticals and food & beverages industries are largely saturated in developing countries including European Union, such as the U.S. and China. Pressure relief valve have an important role in manufacturing of different types of medical devices and support key players to give opportunity during this pandemic situation. For instance, according to the India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), the food & beverage processing industry has emerged as a high-profit and high-growth sector, owing to its immense growth potential. Moreover, rise in number of industrial infrastructure projects in developing countries is driving the demand of pressure relief valves market. For instance, the government of China spent $10 billion on a new oil & gas refinery project, Guangdong refinery, which is expected to be completed by March 2022. Such instances are expected to drive the growth of the market. There are many domestic manufacturers present in places, which is expected to hamper growth of the pressure relief valve market. Domestic manufacturers provide pressure relief valve ranging from $100 to $200. However, key players offer pressure relief valve ranging from $100 to $2500. Hence, customer focuses more on adopting pressure relief valve from domestic manufacturers, which, in turn, hinders the pressure relief valves industry growth.
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The global pressure relief valve market is segmented on the basis of valve type, pressure, end user, and region. Based on valve type, the market is divided into spring loaded, pilot loaded, dead weight and p and t actuated. Based on pressure, the market is divided into low, medium and high. Based on end user industry, the market is divided into oil & gas, chemical, power generation, food & beverage, manufacturing and water & wastewater.
The major players profiled in the pressure relief valve market include AGF Manufacturing, Inc., Alfa Laval, Curtis-Wright Corp, Emerson Electric Co., General Electric, Goetze KG Armaturen, IMI PLC, Mercury Manufacturing Company Limited, The Weir Group PLC, and Watts Water Technology, Inc.
Major companies in the market have adopted acquisition and product launch as their key developmental strategies to offer better products and services to customers in the pressure relief valve market.
Some examples of acquisition in the market
In February 2020, Curtiss-Wright Corporation, a leading provider of pressure safety and release valves, has acquired Dyna-Flo, a well-known designer and manufacturer of linear and rotary control valves, isolation valves, actuators, and level and pressure control systems for the chemical, petrochemical, and oil and gas markets, for $62 million. The acquired business will operate within commercial/industrial segment of Curtiss-Wright.
Some examples of product launch in the market
In December 2022, Emerson has launched two new-to-the-world technologies for the Crosby J-Series pressure relief valve (PRV) product line.
In April 2022, Lamot Valve & Arrestor has launched its new product: the Model L11E Weight-Loaded Pressure Relief Valve. The valve includes an option to add calibrated weights in 0.5 using increments, giving the operator the flexibility to adjust the set pressure of this valve from the top of the tank and eliminating the need to remove and retest in the shop on a test stand. It can be used as a stand-alone vent to the atmosphere pressure relief valve or can be used in addition to existing pressure relief valves to add additional flow capacity.
In December 2020, Weir Oil & Gas has launched latch back pressure valve system to increase safety, reliability of drill- thru operations.
In December 2020, Consolidated, a Baker Hughes subsidiary, has launched its new 1900 series dual media (DM) spring-loaded safety relief valve (SRV) with patented trim. The new series is designed to perform on both liquid and gas media and has dual certification (liquid and gas) nameplate capacity stamping in accordance with ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and BPVC (Boiler and Pressure Vessel) Code Case 2787. The 1900 DM series is the first and only spring-loaded safety relief valve in the industry that is ‘dual certified.’ Dual certified means the valve is both vapor/gas and liquid flow certified without making any modifications or adjustments to the relief device when switching fluids during the flow testing.
In November 2020, Danfoss has launched its new 65bar safety valve, SFA 10H, that offers reduced capacity, high reliability, and high-pressure for applications with CO2 and synthetic oils. The design and manufacturing of this product focuses on preventing leaks, providing perfect reseating after release, and keeping a stable set pressure over time.
In April 2020, Baker and Hughes has launched the 2900 series gen II pilot pressure relief valve (PRV). This innovative product has a full-nozzle main valve that easily threads in and out to save maintenance expenses while protecting the main valve body from corrosive service under normal operating circumstances. In May 2019, Weir Oil & Gas has launched SPM SafeEdge ARC for Remote Setting and Digital Control of Relief Valves.
Full Report With TOC:-https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/pressure-relief-valves-market-A16110#:~:text=The%20global%20pressure%20relief%20valves,called%20as%20a%20relief%20valve.
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thegravityblog · 1 year
Stocks: Purchasing a mix of value and growth equities tomorrow - 12/06/2023.
Here are a couple of companies listed in the NASDAQ I have shortlisted, a mix of growth and value stocks. But what are growth and value stocks? So basically, growth stocks are  young or small companies whose earnings are expected to increase at an above-average rate compared to their industry sector or the overall market. And on the other side value stocks are a factor-based investing strategy that involves picking stocks you believe are trading for less than what they are intrinsically worth, usually measured by the ratio of the stock’s price.  GROWTH STOCKS: 1.  Mirati Therapeutics Inc.: A biotechnology company that develops novel medications for the treatment of cancer. The company's flagship medication is Krazati, which treats metastatic non-small cell lung cancer.  Investment: 300 Units,  $38.46 a share, with a market cap of  $2.2 billion. 2. Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.: This is a cruise company offering international itinerary packages. Investment: 300 units, $ 14.48 a share, with a market cap of $ 6.1 billion. 
3.  Axon Enterprise Inc.: Axon manufactures and sells conducted-energy weapons under the Taser brand, and cloud-based video equipment and software for use by law enforcement.
Investment: 500 units $ 194.95 a share, with a market cap of $ 14.4 billion dollars.
1.  Wells Fargo & Company: American multinational financial services company with a significant global presence.
Investment: 300 Units, $42.13 a share, with a market cap of $ 158.081 billion.
2.  Stratim Cloud Acquisition Corp.:  The Company is formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar transaction with one or more businesses. The Company focuses on technology sector. [SHORT POSITION]
Investment: 500 Short,  $10.30 a share, with a market cap of  128.802 million.
3.  Southwestern Energy Company: SWEC is a natural gas exploration and production company organized in Delaware and headquartered in Spring, Texas.
Investment: 500 Units, $ 5.26 a share, with market cap of  $5.793 billion. 
I have one new short position as mentioned above, and others that are kept private. Also investing in a couple of Indian companies as well, which I’ll share tomorrow. I hope anyone reading this, will get to learn a bit on how you research various companies, understand the businesses and invest accordingly. Anyone wanting to start into the stock market, DON’T! If your only focus is earning money, don’t. If you don’t have the time, the tenacity to sit in front of your computer on a Sunday evening, analyzing companies don’t go for it. Also, just to begin with a modest portfolio, you would atleast need anywhere between Rs.20-50 Lakhs ($24k-$60k). If you’re working at a company and want to invest with your salary, go for Mutual funds or SIP’s instead, stocks are volatile and risky. It needs a lot of time, dedication and ofcourse a lot of sacrifice to make it big. I purchased my 1st stock back in 2013, and since then I am in love with it. I have lost a lot and made even more than what I have lost. It’s not a zero-sum game. But there’s no loss in learning. I’ll keep sharing more insights here.  See ya soon!
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kritikapatil · 1 year
Load Cells Market Growing Popularity and Emerging Trends in the Industry
A Latest intelligence report published by AMA Research with title "Global Load Cells Market Outlook to 2027. This detailed report on Load Cells Market provides a detailed overview of key factors in the Global Load Cells Market and factors such as driver, restraint, past and current trends, regulatory scenarios and technology development.
The load cell is a device which generally consists of a spring element and a sensor that converts a load or force acting on it into an electronic signal. This signal can be a voltage change, frequency change and current change depending on the type of load cell. The surging adoption of the load cell in the healthcare industry and aerospace and military industry for testing and monitoring errors are the major factor in the growth of the very market
Major Players in this Report Include are
ZEMIC (Netherlands)
Spectris (United States)
Vishay Precision Group (Israel)
Mettler Toledo (United States)
MinebeaMitsumi Inc. (Japan)
Keli Electric Manufacturing (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. (China)
A&D (Japan)
HBM (Germany)
Measurement Specialists and National Scale Technology (United States)
PCB Piezotronics, Inc. (United States)
Flintec (Sweden)
Honeywell (United States)
FUTEK Advanced Sensor Technology, Inc. (United States)
Yamato Scale Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Interface, Inc. (United States) Market Drivers: Rising Applications of Load Cells in the Healthcare Sectors
High Accuracy of the Load Cell
Load Cells are Vastly Used in the Aviation and in Aerospace Industries for Testing Applications
Market Trend: Increasing Usage of Load Cells in the Medical and Healthcare Sector
Emerging Digitization, Adoption of IoT, and Durable Digital Load Cells
Opportunities: Ongoing Development and Advancements in the Load Cell Technologies
Surging Demand for Precision Weighing in Heavy Lifting Applications
Increasing Use of Load Monitoring System for Testing and Monitoring Aircraft Parts
The Global Load Cells Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Single Point Load Cell, Compression Load Cell, Shear Beam Load Cell, S-Type Load Cell, Others), Application (Automotive & Transportation, Oil & Gas, Healthcare, Industrial Manufacturing & Material Handling, Defense & Aerospace, Construction, Others), Weight Capacity (Low, Medium, High), Technology (Analog Load Cells, Digital Load Cells), Precision-based (Ultra Precision, Standard, General), Offering (Standard, Custom)
Geographically World Load Cells markets can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa and Latin America. North America has gained a leading position in the global market and is expected to remain in place for years to come. The growing demand for Global Load Cells markets will drive growth in the North American market over the next few years.
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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newstfionline · 1 year
Monday, May 22, 2023
A ‘Canadian Armageddon’ Sets Parts of Western Canada on Fire (NYT) As acrid smoke filled the air, turning the sky around her sleepy hometown, Fox Creek, Alberta, a garish blood orange, Nicole Clarke said she felt a sense of terror. With no time to collect family photographs, she grabbed her two young children, hopped into her pickup truck, and sped away, praying she wouldn’t drive into the blaze’s menacing path. “This feels like a Canadian Armageddon,” said Clarke. In a country revered for placid landscapes and predictability, weeks of out-of-control wildfires raging across western Canada have ushered in a potent sense of fear, threatening a region that is the epicenter of the country’s oil and gas sector. Roughly 29,000 people in Alberta have been forced from their homes by the recent bout of wildfires, though that number has been cut in half in recent days as fires subsided. The fires have produced such thick smoke that during recess, children in some towns have remained in their classrooms rather than risk smoke inhalation outside. Fires have broken out throughout western Canada, including British Columbia, but hardest hit has been neighboring Alberta, a proud oil and gas producing province sometimes referred to as “the Texas of the North,” which has declared a state of emergency. More than 94 active wildfires were burning as of Friday afternoon.
College is remade as tech majors surge and humanities dwindle (Washington Post) Two trends in higher education nationwide are colliding at the University of Maryland: booming enrollment in computer science and plummeting student demand for the humanities. Across the country, spring graduation season highlights the swiftly tilting academic landscape. Cap-and-gown roll-calls for computer science and other technology-centered disciplines are becoming ever lengthier, and for the humanities, ever shorter. The number of students nationwide seeking four-year degrees in computer and information sciences and related fields shot up 34 percent from 2017 to 2022, to about 573,000, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. The English-major head count fell 23 percent in that time, to about 113,000. History fell 12 percent, to about 77,000. Computer science, a base for exploring artificial intelligence and other topics, is not the only hot subject these days. Data science has taken off over the past decade. So has nursing. Business, management and marketing have enduring appeal. In a time of economic upheaval, avoiding debt and landing a good job are top goals for many students. Value matters.
The 1% worldwide (Bloomberg) What does it mean to be part of the 1%? It depends on where you live: In Monaco it takes $12.4 million, while in the US $5.1 million will do. But in the Philippines, just $57,000 makes the cut. The new data underscore how the pandemic and surging living costs are widening the gap between rich and poor nations. Inside one of the richest nations, inequality reigns as well. About 38.5% of American adults struggle to just make ends meet each month. That’s up from 26.7% from the same period in 2021.
Attack on off-road vehicle event in Mexico leaves at least 10 dead (Washington Post) Gunmen on Saturday unleashed a barrage of bullets on participants in an off-roading event in the Mexican state of Baja California, leaving at least 10 people dead and at least nine injured, according to state officials and local media reports. Some authorities attributed the bloodshed to a fight between organized crime groups, but no group has claimed responsibility. The attack occurred after 2 p.m. Saturday in the town of San Vicente, near the coastal city of Ensenada. A late-model SUV pulled up to an area where vehicles had gathered for the two-day “Cachanillazo” meet-up ride and road show event, according to a report from the local public security office. Assailants with heavy weapons jumped out and began shooting into the parked vehicles, the statement said.
Volcanic ash from Popocatepetl temporarily shuts down Mexico City airports (AP) Mexico City's two main airports temporarily shut down operations on Saturday due to ash spewing from Popocatepetl volcano, located 45 miles (72 kilometers) southeast of the country's capital. Volcanic ashes are especially dangerous for aviation, not only because they reduce visibility but because they can act as an abrasive, damaging an aircraft's wings and fuselage.
Greece votes in first election since international bailout spending controls ended (AP) Greeks were voting Sunday in the first election since their country’s economy ceased to be subject to strict supervision and control by international lenders who had provided bailout funds during its nearly decade-long financial crisis. The rising cost of living was at the forefront of many voters’ minds as they headed to polling centers set up in schools across the country. “Every year, instead of improving, things are getting worse,” said Athens resident Dimitris Hondrogiannis, 54, “Things are expensive. Every day, things are getting out of control. It’s enough to make you afraid to go to the supermarket to shop. We’ll see how things go.” The winner of Sunday’s election will have three days to negotiate a coalition with other parties. If that fails, the mandate to form a government passes to the second party and the process is repeated. But deep divisions between the two main parties and four smaller ones expected to enter parliament mean a coalition will be hard to come by, making a second election likely, probably on July 2.
Zelenskyy's globetrotting diplomacy leaves Putin looking increasingly isolated (Euronews) While the world awaits Ukraine's spring battlefield offensive, leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy has launched a diplomatic one. In the span of a week, he's dashed to Italy, the Vatican, Germany, France and Britain to shore up support for defending his country. On Friday, he was in Saudi Arabia to meet with Arab leaders, some of whom are allies with Moscow. On Saturday, he was at the G7 conference in Japan. Russian President Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, was in the southern Russian city of Pyatigorsk, chairing a meeting with local officials. He has faced unprecedented international isolation, with an International Criminal Court arrest warrant hanging over his head and clouding the prospects of travelling to many destinations.
Ukraine found an unlikely tool to resist Russia: Solar panels (Washington Post) Russian airstrikes on Ukraine’s power grid plunged many parts of the country into darkness last fall, but one water company was able to keep its pumps going. Its field of solar panels, installed as an environmentally friendly measure before the war, turned into a tool to resist the Kremlin’s attacks. Now a growing number of Ukrainian hospitals, schools, police stations and other critical buildings are racing to install solar power ahead of what many expect will be another hard winter later this year. Seven months of Russian attacks on the energy grid have left it severely damaged. Ukrainian doctors, teachers and others have discovered that efforts to boost sustainability can also improve security by making it harder to knock power offline. “Before the war started, people were thinking just about the economics. Now it’s energy security,” said Dmytro Sakalyuk, who works on energy projects at Ecoclub Rivne, an environmental organization based in western Ukraine.
Syrians react as Assad is welcomed back to Arab fold (Washington Post) “The international community has failed us completely.” That was the assessment of Razan Saffour, 30, a British Syrian human rights activist who was among the many watching in disbelief and anger Friday as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was welcomed on an international stage—returning to the Arab League after an 11-year suspension. Although the league has limited political power, Assad’s attendance at the regional summit was a major symbolic triumph for the former political pariah, whose forces have been accused of using chemical weapons and targeting hospitals and civilian areas during a bloody civil war that has lasted more than a decade and is still ongoing. Persian Gulf nations were among those that had previously backed efforts to train and arm rebel factions seeking to overthrow Assad. However, Assad has since reclaimed control over much of the country with the help of Iran-backed militias and Russian air power, and some Arab countries have resumed diplomatic relations. For many Syrians affected by the conflict, Assad’s rehabilitation made them feel not only betrayed but also as if their suffering from the civil war had been erased from the region’s memory completely.
Mass looting engulfs Sudanese capital (Reuters) Mass looting by armed men and civilians is making life an even greater misery for Khartoum residents trapped by fierce fighting between Sudan’s army and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), witnesses said. While the RSF dominates the capital on the ground and the army conducts frequent airstrikes, the witnesses said police had simply vanished from the streets when the fighting started in Khartoum on April 15. “Nobody protects us. No police. No state. The criminals are attacking our houses and taking everything we own,” said Sarah Abdelazim, 35, a government employee. As mayhem grips Khartoum, the army accuses the RSF of looting banks, gold markets, homes and vehicles. The RSF denies the charge and says some people wear RSF uniforms and steal to make them look bad. “We are now living in the devil’s city. People are looting everything and neither the army nor the RSF nor the police, none of them want to protect ordinary people. Where is the state?” said Mohamed Saleh, 39, a primary school teacher.
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