#Gambit the Weasel
nuttyrabbit · 1 year
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Help I'm addicted to these
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DAY 3 - Four Kingdoms (i’m playing catch-up pretty hard due to other stuff i need to do, but better late than never?)
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kayesfanfics · 2 months
Being Friends with Benefits with Gambit
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Warnings: NSFW, AFAB reader, mentions of cheating, one sided love, love triangles around every corner, Morph lowkey has a crush on you
You and Gambit had always been flirty with each other, but nothing that got physical, at least until he came to you one day. He was sick of chasing after Rogue when she didn’t want him back, so he wanted to both make her jealous and let out some pent up energy. You decided to indulge him, admitting to yourself that you really did need a good lay, and you wanted to see Rogue get jealous because of you. So you agreed and let him lead you to his bedroom, which happened to be a couple doors down from Rogues’
After that first night, the two of you went to each other when you were either horny, frustrated, jealous, or all of the above. You didn’t explicitly tell the team but they all knew, having either heard you themselves or hearing it through the gossip that quickly spread through the Mansion. Rogue had shown she was a bit upset, but she also couldn’t blame Remy after making him chase after her and leading him on when she was still shacking it up with Magneto. Still, that didn’t stop the pang in her heart when she saw him whisper to you before you giggled and followed him upstairs. You and Gambit both knew you were hurting her, but Gambit was sort of okay with it and you egged him on, saying she deserved it for leading him on all these months
You watched with disdain as Gambit’s eyes were on Rogue across the table, whom was not paying him any attention. You longed for Gambit to look at you that way, but his heart was still set on the southern belle, yet his dick was set on you. You convinced yourself you were okay with that, thinking that at least he came to you for something, even if it was just sex. But truly deep down, you wished he came to you for so much more. For now though, you pined after him as he pined after Rogue.
“Meeting dismissed. Gambit, Y/N, Jubilee, don’t forget you’ve got the Danger Room with me in an hour. Good luck.” Scott grinned, before leaving the table to go tend to his pregnant wife.
“Looks like we’re gonna get our asses kicked together, chere.” You smiled at Gambit, using the nickname he used on him.
“Yeah, looks like.” He mumbled, watching Rogue leave the room, no doubt headed to Magnetos office. You glared at the back of her head, jealous that Remy was so focused on her that he couldn’t even see you throwing yourself at him right next to him. You glowered and left the table, crossing your arms, knowing he wasn’t watching you leave. You went towards the kitchen to get a drink, definitely needing a beer before fighting Wolverine soon.
“God, that’s gotta suck hard.” You heard a playful voice from somewhere behind you. You turned and saw Morph grinning at you like a creep from the hallway, before he jumped onto the counter you sat at.
“No shit, Morph.” You grumbled, taking a swig of beer as you wallowed in your self pity. “I just…I don’t get it! Why can’t he see I’m better for him? She doesn’t pay him any mind!”
“That’s what he’s thinking about her and Magneto,” he shrugged. “You can do better than him, y’know? You deserve someone who pines after you, Y/N.”
“Yeah? Like who?”
“I don’t know…maybe-“
“Oh, this is pathetic.” You both turned to see Wolverine watching you two from the fridge.
“What is?” You asked, looking at Morph in confusion.
“You two! Both of you! All of you! It’s ridiculous, really.” He grouched at you, grabbing a beer for himself.
“Aren’t YOU pining after Jean?” You teased, making him glare at you and Morph snicker.
“This ain’t about me, I’m talking about you! Morph after you, you after that southern weasel, him after Rogue, Rogue after magnet man!” Wolverine ranted before chugging some beer.
“What do you mean ‘Morph after me’?” You asked in confusion, looking up at Morph’s embarrassed face.
“Nothing! He means nothing!” Morph glared at Wolverine, who simply rolled his eyes and went back to his beer.
You grumbled in frustration, finishing your beer and tossing it before leaving. Everything was so confusing in this place, there were love triangles everywhere you looked and apparently, you were in a few of your own. You just wanted Remy to look at you how he looked at Rogue, why was that so hard?
*later that day…*
“Ya know jus’ how ta rile Gambit up, don’ ya chere?” Remy growled in your ear as he kicked shut his bedroom door behind him, your lips locked on his jawline, leaving large and dark hickies behind as your hands clawed at his trench coat. He moaned slightly at your actions, his hands feeling up your body that he carried in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands grabbing handfuls of your ass and plush thighs as he walked the both of you over to his bed. His room was dark and smelled of his colonge, his sheets surprisingly soft as he laid you down on it, immediately climbing on top of you and letting his hands trail up your sides to your breasts, squeezing them and making you toss your head back and bite your lip as he played with them.
“Remy, please!” You whined, desperately needing to feel his touch without your suits blocking his skin. He raked his hands down your chest and abdomen before holding both your thighs in his hands, keeping them wrapped around him as he started to attack your neck with his soft lips. You moaned and grabbed a handful of his wild hair, pushing him closer to you as he sucked at that sweet spot behind your ear that sent shivers down your spine, making your back arch off the bed and press your clothed chests together.
“Why ya always gotta mess wit’ me durin trainin, dollface? Nearly fucked me right there in front’a ol Morph and Scott.” He said between kisses, his red and black eyes watching your face as you moaned and but your lip for him.
“I can’t…can’t resist you!” You pulled his hair so his lips would meet yours in a frantic kiss. “So handsome…so sexy…so wonderful…” you moaned between kisses, out of breath but not caring as you kissed him again and again.
“Aw, you charm Gambit, mon cherie~” he smiled and pulled away from the kiss, shrugging off his jacket and tossing it somewhere behind him. “How bout you show Gambit how sexy he is, huh?”
You smiled excitedly as he got off you so both of you could undress quickly, tossing clothes carelessly onto the floor, so focused on each others bodies you couldn’t care less about the mess. As soon as the both of you were undressed, you grabbed Remy by the shoulders and pushed him onto his back, climbing on top of him and straddling his waist, your pussy sitting atop his dick but not penetrating yourself just yet. You started with kissing his chest and teasing his nipples with your tongue as he folded his arms behind him to watch the show, his usual shit eating grin on his face as he watched you ravage his body. Your hands glided along his sculpted abs, following his happy trail down to his cock, one hand palming it while the other continued to feel up his body. After some more teasing, he bucked his hips up into your hand and raised an eyebrow at you, giving you the signal that he was getting tired of your teasing.
“So impatient~” you purred, trailing a finger down his chest as you crawled down the bed until your face was level with his cock. You grabbed it fully in your hand finally, making him sharply inhale as you started to move your hand slowly up and down his shaft. His arms moved to grip the sheets as you opened your lips to suck on his tip gently, swirling your tongue teasingly and watching him squirm below you. You smirked with a mouthful of his dick until his hand grabbed your hair and shoved you down, his cock quickly hitting the back of your throat, making you choke and gag around him. He heartily laughed at your reaction as he moved your head at the pace he pleased, eventually letting go once you found a good rhythm for him. You gripped his thighs when his hips bucked up into your face, warning you that he was about to cum. You braved yourself by squeezing his thighs until his semen sprayed down your throat, then rubbed his thighs as you swallowed everything he gave you.
“Fuck, chere!” Remy panted as he came down from your high, watching you sit up and wipe your mouth elegantly, your eyelashes batting at him sexily as he caught his breath. He suddenly sat up and pushed you face first into the bed so your ass was up and your face buried in the covers. You moaned as you felt his hand grab a handful of your ass and grope it, before smacking it hard enough to leave a red mark, making you yelp and grip the sheets beneath you. “Think ya can take Gambit now?”
“Yes! Please, Remy! I need you so badly!” You begged him, tilting your head to make eye contact with him behind you. He smirked and slapped your other cheek, chuckling when you squeaked and buried your face into the covers to hide your blushing face. You gasped when he tugged your hair harshly, before feeling the tip of his cock prod at your entrance. Your back arched impossibly more as he slowly entered you, whining as you felt every inch of him in detail slip into you.
He leaned down to press his chest to your back and place a few kisses on your bare shoulder, asking, “Ya alright, chere? Ready for Gambit?”
You nodded desperately and soon felt his cock pumping in and out of your pussy. You let out a choked out moan as he picked up his pace, hearing the smack of his hips against your ass as he thrusted harder and harder. You whimpered out his name pathetically like a prayer, before feeling his free hand slip beneath you and his fingers beginning to rub and pinch at your clit. You cried out at the feeling of all this stimulation at once, Remy’s skilled fingers and hips fucking you just right into his mattress.
“R-Remy, please! Fuck! Rem, I-I’m gonna…ah!” You screamed as he pistoned in and out of you, his hand pulling your hair harshly and his fingers playing with your clit expertly. “Please please please please please! Gambit! R-Rem!”
“Cum fer Gambit, mon ange! You can do it!” He huffed, out of breath from the workout of fucking you. You gripped the sheets so hard your knuckles turned pale as you shut your eyes, feeling the coil inside of you snap with one last harsh thrust of his hips into your pussy. Gambit slowly fucked you through your orgasm, pulling out and rubbing your pussy softly as he set your shaking body down on his bed, getting up and heading to his bathroom. You heard the sink run, before he returned with a washcloth to wipe down your inner thighs. Your chest heaved as you caught your breath, your abdomen spasming as you came down from your high.
Once clean, he tossed the wash cloth onto the floor with the rest of your clothes and got back into bed with you, tugging the covers over you as he pulled you to his chest. You cuddled into him, hands around his abdomen and face buried into his hairy chest. He mindlessly played with your hair as the both of you relaxed and rested together, holding the other in comfortable silence as your eyes began to feel heavy.
“Remy?” You shyly spoke up, finally breaking the silence.
“Yeah chere?” He asked, not moving his eyes from staring up at the ceiling.
“I um…what are we?”
You felt his hand stop playing with your hair and his breath hitch, before he let go of you and sat up, fidgeting with the covers as you slowly sat up with him, holding the covers up to your chest.
“What’s this about, mon chere?”
“You know what it’s about. I can’t…I can’t keep doing this if this is all we’ll ever lead to. I have too many strong feelings for you to do this to myself. I…I love you, Remy.”
He finally looked you in the eyes, and unreadable expression on his face, before he slowly dissolved into laughter. You glared at him and smacked his shoulder, pouring that he wasn’t taking this seriously.
“I’m, I’m sorry, Y/N! Gambits sorry, it’s just…why does this shit always gotta be so damn complicated?”
“You’re telling me.” You grumbled. “Well? What are we? Answer me.”
“We are…we are friends with benefits currently, no?” He grabbed one of your hands. “Y/N, Gambit loves ya very much, it’s just…he also loves Rogue still too. He couldn’t give ya the full attention ya wanted, not right now at least. It ain’t fair to ya, but I love ya both, at least for now.”
You looked at him sadly, despite already knowing he still loved Rogue. You thought about how Morph felt the same way you did about him, and how Gambit felt the same way about Rogue. It was a complicated love triangle…square? Whatever. It was complicated, full of strong feelings, but you knew what you all felt was real and valid for each other.
“I think I can live with that for now.” You sighed, giving him a sad smile before leaning in to kiss him.
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swordandscytheandpen · 11 months
My girl Cat turned herself into an unholy, undead abomination (for the second time mind you,)
while also being a definitionally Evil-with-a-capital-E Villain,
weaseled her way into a face-to-face meeting with an angel of vengeance,
and decided to greet it with, and I quote, "I beat you fair and square, you presumptuous fucks. Cough up my resurrection."
As a gambit. And it worked (despite an attempted angelic brainwashing in the interim.)
Catherine Foundling feels so very unhealthy to relate to, but she's such a good character. Part of why I love stories with villain protagonists is that it allows for this kind of power-fantasy audacity, this raw, blasé assertiveness in the face of overwhelming force, that only villains can really pull off. Bonus points when, such as in this case, it's a story explictly about being a villain. Because that's just good metacommentary.
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dramatisperscnae · 20 days
devil, justice, and strength (Remy)
[Major Arcana Reversed || accepting]
[THE DEVIL] - What is their go-to recovery plan? Do they take time for themselves, or do they jump back into action without a second thought? Depends on what's going on. If it's nothing earth-shattering or the Fate Of The Universe™ isn't hanging in the balance, then Remy will take some time to heal up a bit, rest, recover, at least physically. He takes at least a brief break between each job just because all work and no play makes a bored Gambit, though 'break' can take many forms ranging from 'running a floating poker game for a week' to 'lounging in his apartment/hotel room' to 'being a tourist somewhere for a while', depending. If it is earth-shattering, then he'll push himself harder than he really probably should to get it taken care of. This goes double if someone he cares about is in danger. Of course, Remy has also been known to cheat a little by using his power to speed up his healing, so y'know >w>
[JUSTICE] - What do they need to be held accountable for? What actions, if any, do they deny responsibility for? Perhaps surprisingly for a thief, Remy tends to hold himself fairly accountable for his actions. He did what he did, and he's not going to lie about it. That doesn't mean he's just going to freely admit his wrongdoings, but if he's caught or he's directly asked chances are he's not going to deny anything. Not if it's major. Of course, if he's caught stealing, he'll absolutely try and weasel his way out of it, but since he tends to steal from villains or people who probably won't miss what he's taking anyway he doesn't see this as a crime except by the letter of the law, so y'know >w> mileages vary.
[STRENGTH] - Are they jealous/envious? If so, what makes them jealous/envious of those around them? Yes and no. Remy only really gets jealous if it's in a romantic sense, and if he's unattached he doesn't tend to get jealous at all because there's nothing to be jealous of. He has no claim to anyone, no one has claim to him, so what's the point? Once he has caught feelings, though, he can be a touch possessive if not straight-up jealous if the object of his affections flirts with/gets flirted with by someone else. He does try to hide it, but it doesn't always work and it has caused him trouble in the past. Just ask Rogue.
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deuterosapiens · 1 year
So, I started this thing on May the eighteenth, and it is now a bit after midnight on the thirtieth. So I'll call it twelve days of very sporadic reading, though I admit I could have had this over and done with in quite a bit less time than that. Either way, Four-hundred and Twenty-eight pages later, The Godfather is finished!
I do not have the strength to talk about this thing in as much depth as others, but there are some obvious things to discuss now that it's done. So the first is that, perhaps sometime in the next week or so, I'll be watching the movies. I won't go over them in as much detail as I've given to the book, but it will be interesting nonetheless for me to look over the differences between the two. Some things simply make more sense in a visual medium, and no film adaptation (with perhaps the exception of Rosemary's Baby, the Roman Polanski film, not the one with Zoë Saldaña) adapts the book perfectly. Anyway, let's go.
This book kind of goes a bit all over the place. It sets all sorts of interesting plot developments up, and resolves them before they can receive any sort of interesting pay-off. Take for example, the Five Families War sub-plot. It's set-up in the narrative to be a major thing, a serious event that you feel like will take up the rest of the novel. You're expecting to see pieces exchanged, gambits played. Death for death. And it's quickly resolved three quarters of the way through, and in a bit of an anticlimactic way. Sure the Don speaks, and demonstrates his extreme diplomatic skills, but it resolves before anything interesting can really come out of it. There's the question of "what will be done to bring Michael home from his exile?" And before you can set yourself up to expect this to be the crux of the climax, it's resolved (a bit haphazardly) and you're then left feeling like there's really not going to be any sort of major climactic resolution to anything.
Let's talk about Michael's time in Italy, because this section seriously bored me. While in Sicily, he gets married, learns the truth about Luca Brasi's scars, and loses his wife in an attempted hit (an ambiguous last-ditch effort to destroy the Corleone family's power, what with Sonny being dead and the Don losing his hold on the Family). I'll say nothing on my opinion on how this entire affair affects Kay Adams, but the fact that the only thing any of this does is give Michael a vendetta to square away during the finale. You could argue that this allows us to delve more into the circumstances that transform him into the Godfather he will later become, but very little of this section is spent building on this theme.
After the Don dies, there's all sorts of confusion regarding what will happen to the Corleone Family. There's betrayal, deals are made. Michael assures everyone to do nothing, everything will be taken care of. And honestly, as much as I found quite a bit of the build-up (or lack of) to this tedious, I genuinely love how this resolution is just bloody and brutal. Death here, death there. All opposing forces are just straight-up murdered.
Carlo Rizzi. I don't think I've said anything about him. Hated the guy. Every scene he's in, I despise. The book however did pull one over on me with this guy, and I found it incredibly delightful. The way everything else has been handled so far, especially with regards to his marriage to Connie, I had a specific expectation that the book would have ignored him completely. Hell, for an entire section, it almost feels like it's setting up him to be promoted to Consigliere. Which would have pissed me off a bit. But no, Michael Corleone is quite conniving here, and bluffs the weasel into a false sense of security before he is garrotted to death.
What's interesting to me, especially regarding this climax, is how it builds on Kay Adams' distrust. This is a woman who watches the man she loves, the man who holds no part in his Family's affairs, transform into a ruthless, plotting Don. Following her is a fascinating thing because her viewpoint would be comparable to like, the best friend of the guy who makes the deal with the Devil. More of that please!
Looking at the work as a whole, I understand why people love the novel. I suppose it's a bit like Crime and Punishment in a number of ways, though discussing all of the parallels there would have to be an entire essay in and of itself. Its core message is lost a bit under fairly unnecessary subplots, and there's a bit to be desired for me in regards to pacing (not to mention the sheer absurdity of some character decisions, due in part to the sheer strength of their belief in familihood as the most unbreakable of bonds), but on the whole it's a worthy read.
I'm torn a bit between The Picture of Dorian Grey and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? for my next read. Both are reasonably short and will help me pace myself more before I finish my Jeff VanderMeer collection.
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okgooglenews · 1 year
Conservative Legal Icon Gives Mike Pence A Stinging Reality Check On Subpoena Fight - Yahoo News
* Conservative Legal Icon Gives Mike Pence A Stinging Reality Check On Subpoena Fight  Yahoo News * Special counsel investigating Trump asks federal judge to compel Mike Pence to give Jan. 6. testimony  NBC News * Special counsel investigating Trump asks federal judge to compel Mike Pence to give Jan. 6 testimony  Yahoo News * Opinion | Mike Pence Should Drop His Grand Jury Subpoena Gambit  The New York Times * Report: The Special Counsel Isn’t Going to Let Mike Pence Weasel Out of Testifying About 1/6  Vanity Fair * View Full Coverage on Google News http://dlvr.it/Sjzxwq
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ramrodd · 2 years
How do you feel about the character of Othello and his actions in William Shakespeare’s “Othello”?
As a process theology guru, I refer to the dramatic tension of “Othello” as arising from the difference between the military sense of “honor” and the civilian sense of “honor”.
Iago understands the difference and levers the difference to destroy Othello to amuse himself.
Now, my perspective on “honor” originates in my up-bringing as an Army brat during the Boomer generations genesis. when all this conservative-liberal school yard bullshit got politicized during the Vietnam draft and weaponized by Newt Gingrich and Trump. I grew up around people who were with Patton in the relief of Bastogne and with the 101st Airborne in Bastogne waiting to be relieved with the entire weight of Hitler’s last desperate gambit of Nazi hegemony. I listened to sermons from an Army chaplain who had jumped into Normandy I think with the 101st Airborne. My dad worked for Bruce E Clark in Stuttgart: Clark organized the first American resistance to get traction against the German offensive. The husband of the ballet master of our Army community ballet productions was in Vietnam with the 101st Air Mobile Division as the leading edge of the Starship Command and Tactical Doctrine R&D program in the tactical doctrine of the Starship Troopers in combat. The 101st was fighting a nasty little scrimmage in I Corps around the corner of Laos, Cambodia and North Vietnam on the DMZ when I got to Vietnam just after the Cambodian Incursion in 1971, that caused Kent State.
So, in terms of Othello, my military credentials are pretty solid. We are related to Woodrow Wilson and my dad was literally an Eagle Scout and the whole “On my Honor” was the organizing principle of my dad’s life. Me, not so much, but I grok “Honor” entirely on the basis of my dad’s grave overlooking the offices he worked at in the Pentagon during the McCarthy Hearings.
I am like Iago: I may not be honorable in the manner of my father, but I recognize and affirm the metaphysical benchmark of the Army community. The difference between the American civilian community and the Army community is the 2nd Amendment and its relationship to the Honor or Duty, Honor Country.
What the Nuremberg Trials taught me is that you can be hung for doing your duty. In the final analysis, Orders are Orders. That’s the ethical context of Romans 13: 1 - 7 and its connection to the connection between the hemlock of Socrates, the Cross of Jesus. and the secular rule of law of democracy.
So, in battle, Othello was surrounded by men absolutely dedicated to Duty and Honor, but, when not in battle and engaged in civic enterprise, Honor becomes a weasel word where Honor allows you to shift the imperative of duty around to suit your own purposes.
This never occurs to Othello. For Brebantio, the “honor” of the Corleone Family Values is a fact of life. It’s useful to remember that Machiavelli was the equivalent of a guest lecturer at the Army war College explaining to future generals just what the political sleaze the Corleone Family Values definition of “Honor” can produce.
Desdemona understands “Honor” in exactly the same terms as Othello. She is like Uriah’s Wife, a warrior’s consort and she is destroyed by the Corleone Family Values definition of Honor that Othello misconstrues as the :Honor” of the battlefield. “To be once in doubt is to be once resolved!” Speaking as an Army Ranger, this is the perfect definition of “Mission Orientation” There was a motivational poster on the Bayonet Course of the City Phase of Ranger School with the legend: “Instant Obedience: Self Discipline”/ This is Ranger mottos of the Stoic and the Epicurean relative to Duty as defined by Elizabeth II. Iago leads Othello astray in regards to Desdemona in precisely the same manner as John McCain was led astray by Charles Keating, the closet pedophile. Or Colin Powell’s devotion to duty that required him to tarnish his honor in order to fulfill Dick Cheney’s ambitions for the Iraq Oil Patch for his Houston Big Oil patrons.
As an Army brat, I never considered going to West Point, primarily because it was totally beyond my academic capacities at the time. I didn’t understand school until I got to college and I didn’t understand scholarship until I got a masters degree in process theology at American University in Organization Development. I was already doing process theology and the academic structures of the program provided me a useful theoretical basis in Kurt Lewin’s Topology as a organizing principle. Topology is the mathematics of the human unconscious and the mind of God and it operates with the same dynamics as a crystal ball.
Othello is, possibly, the most acute of all of Shakespeare’s Tragedies but it may seem to to someone with my background. Honor, unmoored from Duty, is an unreliable metric. Iago is the existential man, right out of Jean Paul Satre, while Othello is a victim of good intentions. Othello’s duty was to Desdemona, but Iago inflamed Othello’s ego with the chimera of “Honor” by pulling him around by his dick engorged by the Corleone Family Values definition of Honor. For Othello and Desdemona, it was evil intent, For Iago, it was just business.
Aside from the academics of West Point, I think the Honor Code is bullshit. You get people like Mike Pompeo who weaponize the imperatives of “honor” unconnected to duty as a pretext for actionable infractions of duty in performance. The Court Martial of Lt. William Calley comes to mind. Calley had two or three officers up his chain of command from him with the same cognitive organization as Doug Mastriano. When “Duty” requires you to throw people into leaf shredders, “Honor” is a thin reed, indeed, upon which to find any comfort when orders are orders.
Othello is my favorite Tragedy, and Mid-Sommer’s Night Dream my favorite farce and the most Druid of all his genius. Shakespeare was writing when Elizabeth I was on the throne as the 2nd Coming of Boudicca. The legions Constantine brought from Britain to the Milvian Bridge had been co-mingling Christianity with Druid alchemy for 300 years when they pulled out the XP Druid Talisman to win the day. Druid women didn’t need emancipation and Boudicca, Queen of Battle, led the way. That’s when Duty and Honor become fused in the synthesis of Glory, which is a divine flow state of process theology.
Othello describes what happens when that flow state is subverted by ignorance, revenge and evil intent.
 “Othello’s occupation lost” tells the tale,
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Halloween Sketch commission of Gambit & Carey as Spike Spiegel & Faye Valentine for @nuttyrabbit ft. @pidgeonspen 
Halloween Sketch commissions are available until October 31st!  🎃
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the-fourth-knower · 5 years
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Okay, this is something I’ve had in the works for a while now. Basically, this is some sort of fighting game type mockup, featuring @aquillis-main‘s Ginger the Blue Jay (yes, she is one) and @nuttyrabbit‘s Gambit.
Rather enjoyed making this, tbh. Might possibly do more in the future.
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nuttyrabbit · 2 years
So remember when I said I was working on something big a couple days back? Well it's finally here. I know I don't post here very often but I'm so fucking proud of this that i just had to share it with y'all
I literally worked all day on this so I hope you all enjoy it!
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scarecrowgoat · 5 years
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So there's this OC and umm...
[ Gambit the Weasel was made by @nuttyrabbit ]
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dilfweyoun · 4 years
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im gonna cry. this has popped up 5 times now. i know i left a match. had connection issues pls stop making me feel bad :(
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not-a-coral-snake · 4 years
I’ve been thinking about how it’s not really Laurent who’s responsible for portraying Auguste as a golden hero who could do no wrong. It’s actually mostly the regent, and the rest of the Veretian court following his example. It’s also Damen through his power as narrator.
Damen is the first character to describe Auguste. He introduces him as a noble warrior of indomitable spirit, a beacon of strength in the chaos of Marlas. An honorable man. A worthy foe. Even six years later, the impact he had on Damen is clear, and it’s also clear Damen respected him enormously.
Then throughout book 1, the regent and the court constantly hold up Auguste as a foil to Laurent’s shortcomings. Auguste was willing to serve his country as a soldier while Laurent is a coward who weasels out of border duty. Auguste was a true leader while Laurent just seduces and manipulates people. Auguste had honor, Laurent has none. This even goes on for more day-to-day events: the regent makes a point of reminding everyone that Auguste was actually good at hunting while Laurent has won only by killing a horse, and a random groom echoes his sentiments, telling Damen that Auguste tamed horses while Laurent kills them.
By the end of book 1, it was so well established that the world thought Auguste was the perfect warrior, perfect prince, perfect man, that I suspected that there would be a plot twist in book 2 that he was secretly evil or something. But at this point, Laurent has only mentioned Auguste indirectly, to say that he hasn’t believed in Akielon honor since Damianos killed his brother.
For all that Paschal says Laurent had hero-worshipped Auguste, we get a more human, less hero-worshippy picture of Auguste from Laurent than we do from any other character. Most of the time, when Laurent mentions Auguste, it’s to tell anecdotes of things Auguste said to Laurent or did with him--ordinary stories that suggest nothing more than that Auguste was a good brother. Laurent tells Damen that Auguste had no gift for practicing or recognizing deception, which in modern terms seems like a polite way of saying Auguste was a bit naive, and in Veretian terms might straight up mean Auguste was bad at politics. And he tells him Auguste preferred women, also not a trait valued in Veretian men.
This is significant, because it makes it far more striking when Laurent does make sweeping statements about Auguste’s greatness. It’s not that Laurent in general has an Auguste-shaped blind spot in his ability to judge character--instead, he’s talking about Auguste like that for a situation-specific reason. 
The two times I can think of when Laurent sounds more like he’s talking about Auguste as a hero rather than Auguste as a regular person are in his sword fight with Damen in Kings Rising, when he nonsensically insists Auguste would have beat Damen in a duel; and in Prince’s Gambit, when he calls Auguste the best man he ever knew. 
Laurent calls his brother the best man he ever knew and tells Damen he reminds him of him, and the fact that he always speaks of Auguste in down-to-earth terms makes the compliment more personal, more meaningful. There are similarities between Damen and Auguste readily apparent to anyone who knew the two men only slightly, or only by reputation. Both are great warriors, both are natural leaders, both are brave and loyal to their countries. But Laurent isn’t just saying Damen is like Auguste, the best man he ever knew, because Damen is a brave and honorable warrior. That’s not how Laurent talks about Auguste. No, Auguste is the best man Laurent ever knew because of who he was with his family, with the people he cared about, and Damen reminds him of that Auguste as well.
In terms of the sword fight, I think it makes the scene all the more heartbreaking. Throughout the trilogy, we hear again and again how good a fighter Auguste was. Laurent does this too, but not nearly to the same level. Laurent says he was not a fighter, like Auguste was, but it’s more a contrast of his and Auguste’s motivation to train than it is commentary on Auguste’s skill. Jord tells Damen you only need to be half as good as Auguste to be ten times as good as anyone else. In contrast, when Laurent explains he knew he would have to be very good to beat Damen, he doesn’t just say ‘because Damianos beat my brother,’ as Jord might have. He says it’s because Damianos was known to be the best fighter in Akielos and beat a large number of the best Veretian fighters.
From anyone else, Laurent’s insistence that Auguste was better, good enough to beat Damen might sound like disbelief that anyone could beat Auguste because Auguste was so impossibly talented. From Laurent, who doesn’t belabor his brother’s skill, it sounds like simple refusal Damen could beat Auguste because that would mean Auguste would die, and there’s a part of him that still can’t accept the world would let that happen.
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80s4life · 3 years
Character/Movie List
Below is movies and TV shows I like personally and are lsited as a reference. If you don't see something you're interested in, it is not that I don't like it, it is because I most likely forgot it because I love so many movies/shows tbh. Just ask, and I'll answer! And, from the Rules and Regulations page, what I had meant by "mostly" is that I can dabble outside of the acting world and into actors/actresses themselves and/or singers, popstars, etc.
{Another side-note, I am not so much into shows, but mostly movies! Although, there are some exceptions that I love beyond belief!}
Back to the Future Series:
Biff Tannen
Griff Tannen (Maybe, he wasn't the best of the Tannen's imo)
Buford Tannen
Marty McFly
George McFly
Doc Brown
Lorraine Baines
Rose DeWitt Bukater
Jack Dawson
Caledon Hockley
Brock Lovett
Rabrizio De Rossi
Thomas "Tommy" Ryan
Karate Kid Series {1/2/3}:
John Kreese
Mr. Miyagi
Johnny Lawrence
Daniel LaRusso
Bobby Brown (not so much; don't know him too well)
Ali Mills
Lucille LaRusso
Terry Silver (duh lmao)
Mike Barnes (also duh)
Jessica Andrews
Stand By Me:
Vern Tessio
Billy Tessio
Gordie LaChance
Chris Chambers
Eyeball Chambers
Ace Merrill
Teddy Duchamp
Jake Fratelli (he was kinda hot ngl)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off:
Ferris Bueller
Jeanie Bueller
Cameron Frye
Sloane Peterson
License to Drive:
Les Anderson
Mercedes Lane
Toy Soldiers:
Billy Tepper
Joey Trotta
Snuffy Bradberry
Ricardo Montoya
Hank Giles
Scream Movie Series {1/2}:
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Dwight "Dewey" Riley
Randy Meeks
Tatum Riley
Sidney Prescott
Gale Weathers
Cotton Weary
Derek Feldman
Escape Plan:
Emil Rottmayer/ "Victor Maheim"
Ray Breslin/ "Anthony Portos"
The Expendables:
Barney Ross
Lee Christmas
Toll Road
Gunnar Jensen
Bao Thao/ "Yin Yang"
Hale Caesar
Divergent Movie Series {1/2/3}:
Beatrice "Tris" Prior
Caleb Prior
Tobias "Four" Eaton
Christina "Chris"
Eric Coulter
Marcus Eaton
Terminator Series:
T-100/"Uncle Bob"/Terminator
T-1000 "Austin"
John Connor
Sarah Connor
Dani Ramos
Dazed and Confused:
David Wooderson
Fred O'Bannion
Randall "Pink" Floyd
Ron Slater
Don Dawson
Mitch Kramer
Benny O'Donnell
Rocky Series:
Rocky Balboa
Apollo Creed
Captain Ivan Drago
Zombieland {1/2}:
Little Rock
Lethal Weapon Movie Series {1/2/3/4}:
Martin Riggs
Roger Myrtaugh
Rianne Murtaugh
Leo Getz
Henry Hill
Jimmy Conway
Tommy DeVito
Karen Hill
Avengers Heroes-
Iron Man/Tony Stark
Ant-Man/Scott Lang
Hulk/Bruce Banner
Captain America/Steve Rogers
Hawkeye/ Clint Barton
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
Black Panther/T'Challa
Vision/Victor Shade
Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
Spider-Man/Peter Parker
Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange
Avengers Anti-Heroes/Antagonists:
Yondu Udonta
Loki Laufeyson
Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
Wolverine/Logan Howlett
Sabretooth/Victor Creed
Bolt/Chris Bradley
Gambit/Remy LeBeau
Cyclops/Scott Summers
(Younger!)Professor X
Deadpool/Wade Wilson
Cable/Nathan Summers
Colossus/Piotr "Peter" Nikolayevich Rasputin
Negasonic Teenage Warhead/Ellie Phimister
DC Universe:
Superman/Clark Kent (Henry Cavill)
Batman/Bruce Wayne (Affleck, Bale versions)
Aquaman/Arthur Curry
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
Harley Quinn
Joker (Leto, Ledger, Phoenix versions)
Captain Boomerang
Rick Flagg
Bane (Tom Hardy)
TV Shows
Stranger Things:
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Will Byers
Joyce Byers
Johnathan Byers
Maxine "Max" Hargrove
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Robin Buckley
Jim Hopper
Steve Harrington
Sex Education:
Erric Effiong
Aimee Gibbs
Adam Groff
Ola Nyman
Otis Milburn
Maeve Wiley
Hannibal (Show):
Hannibal Lector
Will Graham
Dr. Alana Bloom
Jack Crawford
Abigail Hobbs
Orange Is the New Black (OITNB):
Piper Chapman
Nicky Nichols
Suzanne "Crazy Eyes" Warren
Galina "Red" Reznikov
Tasha "Taystee" Jefferson
Dayanara "Daya" Diaz
Gloria Mendoza
Lorna Morello
Tiffany "Pennsatucky" Doggett
Alex Vause
Joel Luschek
Big Boo
Maritza Ramos
Poussey Washington
Yoga Jones
Gina Murphy
Brook Soso
Sophia Burst
George "Pornstache" Mendez
Larry Bloom
Polly Harper
Stella Carlin
The Boys:
Billy Butcher
Starlight/Annie January
Hughie Campbell
Kimiko Miyashiro
Queen Maeve/Maggie Shaw
Mother's Milk "M.M."
The Deep/Kevin Moskowitz
Becca Butcher
The Walking Dead (TWD):
Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Lori Grimes
Maggie Greene
Beth Greene
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Michonne Hawthorne
Carol Peletier
Shane Walsh
Paul "Jesus" Monroe
Eugene Porter
Sgt. Abraham Ford
Outer Banks (OBX):
Sarah Cameron
Rafe Cameron
Ward Cameron
John B
Frank Gallagher
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Debbie Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Kevin Ball
Veronica Fisher
Mickey Milkovich
Mandy Milkovich
Jimmy "Steve" Lishman
Karen Jackson
Cobra Kai
Miguel Diaz
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Robby Keene
Carmen Diaz
John Kreese (baby version & old version)
Terry Silver (baby version & old version)
Tory Nichols
Samantha "Sam" LaRusso
If there is something or someone you like not on this list, feel free to ask or direct message me! For movies like the DC Universe and Marvel, if there is multiple actors of that character and you want a certain one, please make sure that you add that detail!
Rules & Regulations
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hunxi-guilai · 4 years
I would *love* any additional linguistic details you can provide on the Baifeng Mountain scene where Queen Yanli absolutely eviscerates asshole-cousin-Jin (as Jin Zixun is known in our household). The subtitles are incredible enough, but I'm sure there are so many details I'm missing that would make me love Yanli even more (if that's possible). Anything you wanted to share would be welcome!
okay okay so I went back and rewatched that scene to answer this ask and god is it painful to sit through, because:
Wei Wuxian is like, on the edge of tears for this entire scene, which prefigures the entire conflict in episode 32 during the second siege of Nightless City. Both times, he’s frustrated and furious, and every single one of his arguments made in cold, cool logic gets shouted down by louder voices who want nothing more than to see him dead, punished for his aberrant genius. Both times, they cast aspersions on his ambition, his person, his audacity, his upbringing -- and most of all, they insult (without knowing) his greatest sacrifice, the likes of which no one knows, no one can even really comprehend. It makes me SO MAD. 
This is the last time Wei Wuxian has both of his emotional anchors — Lan Wangji and Jiang Yanli — present to pull him back from an emotional brink. Not that anyone, y’know, appreciates the immense emotional effort it took him to not eviscerate Jin Zixun on the spot. We don’t really talk about the immense emotional control and self-discipline Wei Wuxian has to not go berserk at literally any second — we should talk about that more. Can I get some snaps for our resident demonic cultivator?
Sect Leader Yao is in this scene, for some unknown reason, and speaks. Ugh. Can he stop doing that
Jin Zixun gets out of this scene without actually delivering the apology that Jiang Yanli demanded, the weasel.
But! In the name of shijie, we persevere!
I’m not going to translate the entire scene (because I’m not, I’m not re-translating the entire show, if I say it enough times I’ll believe it), but here are some interesting blocking/dialogue things I noticed this time around:
Jin Zixun is so?? breathtakingly??? rude????
which, I know, is not exactly a surprise or a deep insight, but this scene really hammers home how goddamn infuriating he is.
Wei Wuxian spends this entire confrontation trying to get away — he turns his back on Jin Zixun, speaks to other people, anything to rein himself in and, y’know, not smash Jin Zixun’s face into smithereens — but Jin Zixun continually chases him around the clearing, constantly getting in Wei Wuxian’s face. It’s like Jin Zixun is trying to get in a fight with Wei Wuxian, and yet, when Wei Wuxian offers him that fight, Jin Zixun backs off.
I might be overthinking this, but it really seems like Jin Zixun is trying to employ a variation on 苦肉计 kurouji (one of the 《三十六计》,The Thirty-Six Stratagems) by deliberately goading Wei Wuxian towards violence. It’s almost as if he’s trying to get Wei Wuxian to attack him, so that, during the inevitable fall-out, he can point at his own injuries and yell loudly about Wei Wuxian’s lack of culture, lack of control, lack of education, etc etc. 
It’s also a pretty high-risk gambit in this case, which makes me wonder if someone put him up to it… cough Jin Guangshan cough
Or, y’know, Jin Zixun is just that obnoxious, his arrogance cultivated through a childhood of luxury and that unquestioned belief in his inherent superiority. That’s also possible.
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Anyways, Jin Zixun’s asshole-ry doesn’t stop with Wei Wuxian; right after Jiang Yanli apologizes to Jin Zixun — apologizes! — on behalf of Wei Wuxian, Jin Zixun straight-up walks away from her bow. She is literally still bowing to him, torso inclined, eyes lowered. The correct and courteous thing to do in this moment is to acknowledge the apology, whether that’s accepting it or denying it, so that Jiang Yanli can straighten up and they can talk face-to-face like two people of the same rank and generation. But no-o-o — he walks away from her, goes over to Wei Wuxian, rubs it in his face a bit more, before finally acknowledging the apology with a magnanimous and dismissive gesture, declaring that the apology is not necessary.
Seriously? You just went after Wei Wuxian for a solid four minutes, and now you’re saying that apologies aren’t necessary? What the fuck do you even want, you piece of--
UGH. Anyway. Let’s talk about Jin-furen, who’s bobbing along concernedly in the background.
Jin-furen’s shifting role
So I’ve got a lot of mixed feelings on Jin-furen, but most of my uncertainty about her is because we don’t get much of her onscreen at all. I love that she is completely and totally unafraid to call Jin Zixuan out on his disaster het bullshit, and she does try to defuse the situation here by intervening both with Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixun (let’s remember that Jin-furen is the one to yell at Jin Zixun, backing up Jiang Yanli’s demand for his apology). And I absolutely adore seeing the solidarity between Jin-furen and Jiang Yanli in the brief moments where they’re allied against the men in the scene.
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At the same time… Jin-furen is complicated. She has, objectively, the worst husband in the series, yet manages to maintain an air of dignity and command that belies her petite height (everyone in this cast are goddamn giants but words cannot encompass my love for the fact that Jiang Yanli, in all her five-foot-six glory, tells local necromantic six-foot beanpole and younger brother to stand behind her). As she watches Jiang Yanli tear Jin Zixun a new one, you can see this mix of emotions on her face — the instinct to tell Jiang Yanli to back off, to keep her head down, to silence herself because that’s how women stay safe in this world, that’s how women survive, balanced equally with a respect and unspoken support for Jiang Yanli because you go girl, knock these asshole men down a few pegs, they deserve it.
Part of the reason why this scene’s so complicated is because there are so many parties, and so many different agendas at play. We have:
Jin Zixuan, disaster het, trying to communicate his affections to the love of his life and failing spectacularly
Jiang Yanli, resident queen, too good for this world, too pure. Trying not to get her heart broken and also defend her little bro
Wei Wuxian, necromantic beanpole, trying to defend his shijie from this man who keeps hurting her feelings, trying not to lay waste to everything within a square mile
Lan Wangji, just passing by, trying to make sure the love of his life doesn’t cause an inter-clan incident
Jin-furen, the only grown-up around, trying to get her disaster son to talk nicely to his former betrothed while looking out for the daughter of her best friend
Jin Zixun, local asshole, trying to get Wei Wuxian to attack him
Literally everyone has a different motive in this scene, which makes this moment delightfully complex. But at this moment:
don’t pretend I can’t see you, Jin Zixuan
Another thing I couldn’t help but track was Jin Zixuan’s presence in the background of this scene (remember when this scene started with Wei Wuxian interrupting disaster hets Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli? Ah yes, gentler times) — he’s there, watching everything unfold, watching his beloved roll up her sleeves and go toe-to-toe with Jin Zixun, watching even his mom yell at Jin Zixun — and he does… nothing?
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“你这个臭小子” -- Jin-furen, actually
I keep thinking about how Jin Zixuan grew up — lonely, proud, adrift — and why he doesn’t try to intervene in this scene, to talk Jin Zixun down the way he does in episode 31 (RIP. For Jin Zixuan. Not Jin Zixun). I wonder how many people he can call close friends — he’s the sole legitimate heir of the Lanling Jin Sect, elevated and isolated in his status and skill in a way not-unlike coldly aloof Lan Wangji (and boy do I have thoughts about how bitterly lonely Lan Wangji is throughout his life thanks to his reputation), except Jin Zixuan doesn’t have an elder brother who understands him, doesn’t have someone who can tease him and listen to him and watch out for him. No, he’s just got this one asshole cousin around his age that he tolerates because Jin Zixun’s foul mouth and foul temper is never directed at him. I can’t imagine that Jin Guangshan was a particularly good father to Jin Zixuan, even if he does do, y’know, the bare minimum of refraining from kicking Jin Zixuan down the steps of Jinlintai; and considering that Jin-furen was the one to bring up suspicions about the ‘‘‘‘‘‘propriety’’’’’ of Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yanli walking together (seriously Jin-furen, the thought had never crossed my mind before you brought it up), I can’t imagine that she would let Jin Zixuan get too close to, say, Mianmian/Luo Qingyang.
Nothing particularly coherent here, but this scene got me thinking about how profoundly lonely Jin Zixuan must have been while growing up, although I doubt he admitted would ever admit such a weakness to himself. Which might explain why he doesn’t try to rein in Jin Zixun, here — he doesn’t want to alienate, the only other person his age that his parents let him talk to.
He’s still a disaster of a man, though. Someone get him some proper socialization, stat.
Hands, Feet, and Siblings
All right let’s get some dialogue and translations up in this post. I did (deep sigh) do the thing where I muted the episode on YouTube and turned on the English subs, and shockingly… it’s not terrible? I mean it’s not great (seriously, what’s going on with ‘preys,’ just use the verb ‘hunt’ like a normal person please) but the meaning of the lines are pretty well-communicated. I do want to look a bit at these two lines, because I’m in the business of appreciating language AND Jiang Yanli:
Jin Zixun, right after Jiang Yanli apologizes to him, before she utterly roasts him: 但是,看在江姑娘还有江宗主的面子上,道歉就不用了。毕竟云梦江氏和兰陵金氏本来就情同手足嘛。/ But, considering the feelings of Jiang-guniang as well as Jiang-zongzhu, this apology is not needed. After all, the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng and the Jin Clan of Lanling are as dear to each other as hands are to feet.
Jiang Yanli, in the process of absolutely destroying Jin Zixun: 阿羡是我云梦江氏子弟,自小同我姐弟二人一起长大,情逾手足。你脱口而出家仆之子,恕我不能接受,因此还希望金子勋公子向我云梦江氏魏无羡道歉。/ A-Xian is one of our disciples, of the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng. Ever since he was small, he grew up with the two of us, dearer than hands or feet. You threw out the words ‘son of a servant.’  I beg your pardon*, but I cannot tolerate this. And so, I hope that Jin Zixun-gongzi will apologize to Wei Wuxian of our Yunmeng Jiang Clan.
*Jiang Yanli, here, uses the words 恕我 shuwo, which literally means “forgive me” but often appears in phrases like 恕我直言 shuwo zhiyan / ‘forgive me for my blunt speech,’ and thereby has this vague aura of ‘sorry-not-sorry’
Okay! So I’ve bolded the relevant chengyu in both lines of dialogue: Jin Zixun says that the Jiang and Jin Clans are 情同手足, which gets translated in the YouTube subs (and on Pleco, for the record) into “as close as brothers.” Totally correct! Absolutely conveys the appropriate sentiment! Pretty much means this in Chinese! But on a character/semantic level, has no thing to do with brothers or siblings:
情 qing - (n.) feelings, sentiment
同 tong - (adj.) just as, like
手 shou - (n.) hand
足 zu - (n.) foot
Literally, the idiom expresses ‘as dear as hands and feet, such that you are never apart from them, even for a day.’ Since it’s often used to express the closeness of two people on a sibling-esque level, it’s not surprising that it gets translated the way it does. But if we want to get down to the meaning of it, it’s like saying that someone is as close to you that they’re practically the same body — inseparable as hands and feet.
So Jin Zixun says that about the two sects, but Jiang Yanli takes that one step further and modifies the chengyu into:
情 qing - (n.) feelings, sentiment
逾 yu - (v.) to exceed
手 shou - (n.) hand
足 zu - (n.) foot
which is pretty much the same sentiment as another established chengyu, 情逾骨肉 qingyugurou / ‘dearer than one’s own bone and flesh.’ The point here is that Jiang Yanli, by changing the second character, emphasizes that Wei Wuxian is dearer to her than any political alliance with the Jin Sect. Sure, fine, our two sects are close as hands and feet, she says, but Wei Wuxian is more important to me than hands or feet.
Shijie is the literal best.
Throughout this whole confrontation, Jin Zixun tries his level best to isolate Wei Wuxian, attacking him for his alternative cultivation, for his parentage, questioning his morality, his righteousness, deploying all sorts of verbal abuse isolating and demeaning Wei Wuxian and his achievements. And since Wei Wuxian is trying not to cause trouble for Yunmeng Jiang (Yu-furen’s last words to him still echo in his mind), he doesn’t try to call on any sort of relationship with Yunmeng Jiang to defend himself, taking all of the insult onto himself alone.
Jiang Yanli will not stand for this. Wei Wuxian is hers, is Yunmeng Jiang’s, is not alone. It would be so, so easy to leave Wei Wuxian out in the cold — they’re surrounded by an overwhelming majority of Jin Sect and randos (including — ugh — Sect Leader Yao); they’re on their own. She doesn’t usually pull rank or assert authority loudly in public debate, but in this moment she does. When Jiang Yanli goes off on Jin Zixun, she claims Wei Wuxian, makes it known that there will be no dividing of the two of them (which, I think, is part of what prompts Jin-furen to switch sides and demand that Jin Zixun apologize as well), that an attack on Wei Wuxian is as good as an attack on Yunmeng Jiang.
Someone is attacking her little brother, so she’ll go to fucking war for him. 
pour one out for Jin Guangyao
Jin Zixun narrowly avoids having to apologize to Jiang Yanli (still seething about that, by the way) thanks to the arrival of Jin Guangyao and Lan Xichen. Jin-furen immediately storms over to Jin Guangyao and lays into him, since he’s a convenient scapegoat whom she already holds a grudge against (is it logical? no. is it good of her? no. but does she have the literal worst husband who needs to be set on fire? yes. and does Jin Guangyao remind her of that fact? unfortunately, through no fault of his own, yes). What upsets me the most about this, though, is that Jin-furen calls Jin Guangyao 废物 feiwu / ‘good-for-nothing, useless thing.’ Underneath it all is the the implicit judgment of class and status — Jin Guangyao’s eternal raw nerve, son of a prostitute.
Jin-furen smacks the pleasant smile right off of Jin Guangyao’s face, and it’s decidedly… unpleasant. There’s colloquialism in modern Mandarin, 躺枪 tangqiang, which literally means ‘to get shot even while lying down.’ The idea here is that there’s a conflict going on (usually somewhere on the internet) and someone, who’s trying to lie low, definitely not engaging, still gets dragged into the whole mess. They’re keeping their head down and they still get shot.
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Yep, that’s Jin Guangyao in this scene; just tryin’ his best to be helpful, to smooth things over, to resolve conflicts, and Jin-furen slaps him in the face. Even Lan Xichen looks actively uncomfortable, and steps up to defend him.
Man, this whole scene is such a mess (from an in-universe perspective, not a production standpoint. The production is impeccable and needs no notes), and part of it is because there are so many personalities and agendas clashing in a high-stress environment.
But one last dig of the knife:
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Jiang Cheng shows up late to the no-good-very-bad party, and he’s all concern for Wei Wuxian. Where are you going? he asks. Come with me to the Hundred Flowers Feast.
And Wei Wuxian removes Jiang Cheng’s hand from his arm--
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I can’t get over the fact that Jiang Cheng stares down at his hands, totally disbelieving that Wei Wuxian just shrugged him off
says, I’m going into the city to roam for a bit. Go on your own, and Jiang Cheng watches him walk away, disbelieving, confused, left in the dark and the dust.
(and the next time Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng see each other, it will be in the grand hall of Jinlintai, when Wei Wuxian stands before the assembled clans and snatches away a cup of wine, sets fire to his bridges and counts down from three, because that single, fateful trip into the city will be when he meets Wen Qing again for the first time since she reached inside him and cut away his childhood at his own request, the beginning of an end long in coming)
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