#GOD. ofa didn't even fucking exist yet but it HAS to be GIVEN. it has to be through dna.
mechieonu · 28 days
togachako and kudoichi are still making me go insane. it's the purposeful queer lens vs. the purposeful romantic ambiguity
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makeste · 3 years
reading your meta, I feel like that's another reason (with protecting them) why Izuku didn't confide in any of his friends (apart from Katsuki, but that's his bf u know, hoes before bros) about OFA. if he feels like he has to save everyone in his faulted (but very human!) view, that makes sense. so, he will probably tell them after Katsuki (who doesn't like the secrecy as seen in the flashback) punches some sense into him. I would love Ochako, Iida and Shouto to also make him see he's not alone
I think that’s definitely part of it -- he didn’t want to burden them. Katsuki, as you said, was an exception, because Kacchan is always an exception for him. but yeah, if and when some sense-knocking does go down, I’m hoping one of the results will be Deku (and All Might) finally letting their guard down enough to let a few of the others in on the secret. actually I’m almost positive this is going to happen no matter what before much longer. there’s a lot building up to this.
first, there’s the practicality aspect of it all. Deku is reaching a tipping point (actually he might have already tipped right on over it lol) where feeble excuses like “oh wow, look at that, it must be a weird secondary aspect of my quirk that I never knew existed till now!” are simply not going to work anymore. no one is going to buy some half-assed “guess what guys, my super strength quirk slash spider-man energy web quirk randomly and spontaneously evolved on the spot to also include a floating quirk and an OH NO, DANGER!! quirk! how about that! fucking quirks, man!! wild!!” no, Deku. THAT LINE CAN ONLY GET YOU SO FAR.
second, there’s his increasingly trippy connection to AFO which is also going to become more and more difficult to hide as events wear on. it would not at all surprise me if he got up to some more AFOFA shenanigans in the OFA Astral Plane as soon as the very next chapter. plus people are going to start wondering why TomurAFO was/is after him.
and lastly, though he might not even realize it yet, with the downfall of first All Might and now Endeavor, and with AFO growing exponentially more powerful in that same span of time, Deku is pretty much on the fast track now to being the World’s Best And Possibly Only Hope. though it’s not just him, really. it’s all of the kids. but the simple fact that he’s the one with the quirk that’s been passed down through the ages for the sole purpose of defeating AFO means that he’s the one who’s going to be at the center of it all.
this last arc was a coming-of-age arc for all of the U.A. students. they found themselves on the front lines of probably the largest-scale battle in quirk-era history, and not only did they survive, they ended up being the ones who made the difference. Tokoyami confronted Dabi and saved Hawks. the Momosquad defeated Gigantofuckingmachia!! Ochako faced one of the strongest villains in the series solo, completely held her own, and still had enough left in the tank to go out and rescue god knows how many more people afterwards. and Shouto, Katsuki, and Deku took on literally the strongest villain of all time, held their own, and came this close to actually defeating him. and not only that, but managed to hold off Dabi as well. with only a year of training under their belts.
and the adults? what is there to say. sure, a handful of them made it out more or less unscathed, but now they’re dealing with a situation that is magnitudes past anything they’re capable of handling. the entire Billboard Top 10 is either dead or in critical condition. the number one hero is facing a political fallout that will probably end in his resignation. top-security inmates from six (or was it seven?? this part was very unclear??) of the most notorious prisons in the country broke free and are on the loose. and presumably there is still a mass-scale rescue and recovery operation underway at Jakku and all of those other cities, and the heroes who aren’t dealing with the prison breaks are probably occupied with that.
basically the short of it is that the torch has been passed on. I don’t know yet how they’re going to deal with that in the story, given the legal and ethical ramifications -- maybe the HPSC will just say “fuck it” and give them temporary full hero licenses, idk. but the inevitable controversy of that aside, this is clearly where the story is leading now. and so what that means, is that without Endeavor or All Might or any of the Old Guard left, it will inevitably fall to the kids to lead the charge for this last stretch of the story. Mirio, Momo, Ochako, Shouto, Katsuki, and all the rest. and Deku.
and that means Deku is going to have to step up. because this is what it’s all been building up to for him. OFA vs. AFO. and so at that point, he basically has to tell the others, because it’s going to be critical for them to understand. at that point it becomes a situation where the danger to them is greater if they don’t know about it, because whatever strategy they end up working out will ultimately need to hinge on OFA as their trump card. they have to know. he has to tell them.
so yeah, basically I’m expecting this to happen pretty soon! it’s past time for his other close friends to be let in on the secret, and it takes some of the pressure off of him and Katsuki as well. and aside from that, it’s basically just all about that trust, baby. Let Deku Have Everyone’s Back And Everyone Have His 2021. manifest that shit, lol.
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