#GJ and ZZH photo credit on photos
fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Tom Ford Snowglobe
Something new for the blog - our first (but definitely not the last) snowglobe!
(Side note, turns out snowglobes are HARD to photograph! They pick up reflections off all the windows and lights in the room, so I took these two boys on several grand tours around the house in an effort to find a suitable space. You all deserve better than a plain drywall backdrop, so this here is the gift box for the SHL concertgoers, which I picked up on Xianyu)
The figures in this snowglobe are so delicately colored they look washed out in photographs, despite my best yet still clumsy photo-tweaking efforts. They are a slightly softer pastel take on these Tom Ford outfits:
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The dramatic background at the shoots does a lot to enhance the clothing color (she says in a blasé attempt to pretend there's even a reason to keep posting event pictures).
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We really should see these outfits against a plain color backdrop. For reasons. Color science reasons.
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Ok, I feel appropriately scientific. Back to the snowglobe.
Right. So less saturated color in this globe here, but sweet and soft.
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Those are the lipsticks on their groundbreaking single non-competing link displayed next to them on the snowglobe ground. I didn't know until I got into this fandom that actors and actresses in Chinese entertainment always competed head to head in sales links, no matter how close they were in real life. Go figure these two would be the first to partner up and share sales ❤️
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When I was uploading this picture I gasped and zoomed in immediately on the lower base band there. Fret not, gentle readers (and gentle writer), that's not a crack on the base there, it's just a ridge in the paint. Whew!
It's true though, international shipping for snowglobes is an exercise in Zen. It's just going to be what it's going to be, even with styrofoam packing and bubble wrap. I've been lucky so far, but it would be a long way to travel to end up drained of water, or worse - in shards (along with the shards of my broken heart)!
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CUTE with Junjun's hand reaching out to escort him! (pulls up blurry event pic for the x100th time)
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Ahhh I love it. I love it so much only emojis can properly express the emotions in my heart:
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Their symbolic stars and moons on the base here are very sweet, and their height difference never fails to make me smile. Google Translate failed me on the inscription - I'm assuming this is a quite poetic and lovely musing on love instead of the machine translated hodgepodge it gave me.
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Not much to see on the top down angle here. Now, it wouldn't be a snowglobe without seeing it in action:
I hypnotize myself a little every time I watch that. I should put it to restful music, might be a good cure for insomnia!
Speaking of the lipstick, it would be in poor form to leave you without the actual advertising photos:
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Material: Glass and...resin?
Fig Count: Well now that's a good question. There are figs in there in the water, but do they count towards the fig count? They certainly take up enough real estate to count for 2 figs. Hmmm. But if we're going to get technical (and where else to get technical other than a niche blog about niche merch?), I suppose the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Alright! We're still at 28.
Diorama Count: 3
Snowglobe Count: 1
Rating: Lipstick of loooooooove 😘😘
P.S. You've stuck around this long...surely you want to see one of my all time favorite pictures?
For Color Science? Posterity? The future of all humanity?
That's right you do!
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bizarrequazar · 1 month
GJ and ZZH Updates — April 14-20
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
04-14 → Gong Jun filmed an episode of Go Fighting!. (blue track suit)
→ The scam's "August" documentary was released. - The documentary mentions 813 in the vaguest sense, describing it only as cyberbullying. - Much of the voiceover is pushing the "poor sad man who can't take care of himself" narrative the scam has been using, and only focuses on Zhang Sanjian's music with barely a mention of Zhang Zhehan's career. - Almost none of the names listed in the credits are the full names of real people, with a lone exception being Xie Yihua; many are just generic or comedic nicknames that cannot be easily linked to a specific individual. [screenshot] - The YouTube link that whalers have been passing around is on an unofficial channel, with all ad revenue going to YouTube rather than the uploader. Whalers seem to be either ignorant of this or are ignoring it. There is speculation that it is so the scam can claim a financial loss on the project.
04-15 → Gong Jun filmed an episode of Go Fighting!. (clown mask)
→ PRSR posted a short commercial featuring Gong Jun.
04-16 → Gong Jun posted a promotional image for the upcoming Go Fighting! season. Caption: "Use your own unique way to awaken people's enthusiasm. This time I really refuse to accept it. I'm back with full firepower!" This was reposted by his studio with the added caption, "Go forward bravely, fearlessly! Starting from April 21st, @ Gong Jun Simon returns with firepower!"
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→ The Instagram posted a video of "Zhang Zhehan" playing guitar.
→ PRSR posted a short commercial, a short behind the scenes video, and a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
04-17 → The Instagram posted seven photos of "Zhang Zhehan", advertising the "August" documentary.
→ PRSR posted a promotional video and a short commercial featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted nine photos of him from the Fresh livestream. Caption: "Elegant, soft, and noble. @ Gong Jun Simon portrays a sharp demeanor, and his style is not stereotypical."
→ PRSR posted a video featuring Gong Jun. (minor flashing lights cw)
04-18 → PRSR posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ PRSR posted a short behind the scenes video featuring Gong Jun.
→ Yang Yang posted three photos of himself and Gong Jun from the previous day's livestream.
04-19 → Neil Gaiman reposted a BlueSky post that a whaler @'d him in linking the "August" documentary. He later deleted the repost after a number of us responded to him about it. In a small silver lining, his response to the whaler's post communicates that he still remembers what happened and thinks positively of Zhehan. (This humble post writer asks that no one bother Neil about this or Zhehan in general, Neil has already been bombarded by whalers on BlueSky over it.)
(Context: Neil's book Smoke and Mirrors became a bestseller in China back in July 2021 after Zhehan referenced the book in an Instagram post, and Neil tweeted positively about it. Later after 813, some people @'d him about some of the smears and Neil responded in Zhehan's defense, but quickly deleted the tweets after people let him know that the situation was delicate. The topic of Zhehan has not come up from him since aside from this new incident.)
→ Gong Jun posted a commercial he did for Zhenguoli.
→ PRSR posted two photos of Gong Jun, promoting the livestream half an hour later.
→ Gong Jun attended a livestream for PRSR. [full video]
→ At the same time as Gong Jun's livestream, the scam tried to hold a livestream of the "August" documentary on YouTube and an app funded by crypto currency. Prior to the stream, just over 100 viewers were waiting to watch. The YouTube stream reportedly got shut down for copyright infringement not long after starting.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted nine photos of him from the PRSR livestream. Caption: "Embark on a journey and embrace the comfort of summer, @ Gong Jun Simon is not afraid of the scorching sun, and has his own 'little treasure' to protect him!"
04-20 → Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video of his photoshoot for Zhenguoli.
→ OK! magazine posted a teaser image for their May issue featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ PRSR posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
Additional Reading: → Blue has organized a charity fundraiser for Zhang Zhehan's birthday, this year for the Ching Tien Foundation! Giveaways offered by other fans are available for those who show proof of donation before 05-08. → I finally escaped the Chromebook hell I've been in since November that's been making it much more difficult to collect the info for these posts. Rejoice!
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brilcrist · 2 years
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Junzhe Racing!AU
Driver GJ and technical director ZZH
Because... I can.
Credit: Photo ref for props
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la-muerta · 2 years
(1/4) Hi there! first of all i want to thank you for the translation of ZZH video, I was really surprised when I saw the updated and the subs helped me understand the situation better. I've been a woh fan for a while now, but I've never really followed GJ or ZZH outside of that context, and only very recently (and by chance) came to learn about everything that happened to ZZH. There are some things I'm still trying to understand, because I'm very confused about some aspects of the situation
Hi! No problem, I'm happy to answer your questions about this.
So I assume you know that Zhehan was essentially banned from China internet over the supposed photos at Yasukuni Shrine, all his works have been deleted or at least his name has been removed from the credits. Even now, posting anything with his name, face, or voice on China's social media platforms will result in your post being deleted, or your account being suspended.
Gradually, it became clear that the entire thing was pure slander. There is a whole list of things he was accused of that were all false. For example, the park that he took photos in were part of the standard route for admiring the sakura blossoms in Japan, recommended by China government media, and an old lady he took a photo with is Dewi Sukarno, not Dewi Suharto, and the public was misled because the Baidu entry (kinda like China's wikipedia) was maliciously edited.
In November 2021, a famous director and producer named Li Xuezheng started questioning the circumstances around Zhehan's cancellation and took Zhehan's side. His main beef was with an association called China Association of Performing Arts (CAPA), which is NOT an official government organisation although it had misled the public to think that it was, and CAPA was the one that had called for Zhehan's cancellation. Mr Li was subsequently muted, and his account was banned completely in April 2022.
The rest of things I'm going to state here are facts, as objective as I can:
1. CAPA has an exclusive collaboration with a talent management agency called Haixi Media, and Gong Jun is under Haixi, with his mum holding 16% of shares in the company.
2. Since August 2021, Gong Jun has repeatedly used Zhehan's elements to sell products he endorses, such as quoting Zhehan's previous interviews, having events to do with 511 (Zhehan's birthday is 11 May), and vague-posting in a way that real-people shippers have interpreted as confirmation that he is really in a romantic relationship with Zhehan. He has also, for some reason, used Zhehan's childhood photo in place of his own in an interview programme. It is clear now that he did not obtain Zhehan's permission for any of that.
3. Zhehan and his family and friends have been the victims of vicious cyber-bullying since August 2021. Some of this has been led by paid influencer accounts, but a lot of those participating are also Gong Jun's fans. Note that the same influencer accounts (called yin xiao hao, or yxh) that are slandering Zhehan are also praising Gong Jun.
4. Gong Jun is known for buying "water armies", basically like bots and zombie accounts, to boost his own follower and engagement count on China social media. (It's really obvious when you scroll through his comments and they all say the same thing, posted at the same time ^^;)
5. As of now, Zhehan has filed a police report for defamation, but we don't know anything about the progress of the case, and Zhehan is obviously not obliged to tell us anything.
6. Zhehan has stated that any interaction he had with Gong Jun was for work only, and even then they have had no interaction since June 2021.
This is the gist of it, and I think like Zhehan says, time will tell. For now, we can only wait to see if there are any further developments on Zhehan's case, and in the meantime leave the poor guy and his family alone.
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jjheejz · 3 years
[14 August 2021]
It's Chinese Valentine's Day today, here's a few big photographers who stayed and posted pics of them in celebration of the ocassion today.
3rd and 4th belongs to the same photographer, credits: 月下反思
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Owner of 3rd and 4th is the only Photographer account that posted these images at 00:00 (posting at certain timing on Weibo is a reference to Junzhe's relationship, is also GJ's favorite, ZZH does it sometimes so this midnight post timing means a lot). Also the only photographer that posted more than 2 photos.
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Most other cp photographers stated they are still around. Surprisingly, of my 15 go to photographers, only about 2 chose to leave.
Edit: Updated with one new collage.
Edit: Updated with 2 new ones.
Edit: Updated with 1 new one.
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shijiujun · 3 years
ooh okay to my SHL content creators, especially the gif-ers and artists:
so i’ve had to like basically tell a THIRD hourly-(whoever) account today to stop stealing gifs on twitter? again? haha i think most people @/leonzhng @/zhouszishu @/qiweishang already know, but if you see a new hourly-gj/wkx/zzh/zzs account on Twitter, please think twice before reposting anything from em because it’s likely it was stolen from elsewhere. 
and in general i think it’s good habit not to support accounts that don’t have the decency to put credits on their posts to even like edited photos that I’m pretty sure are edited by talented/dedicated fans on Weibo like just cuz they’re photos don’t mean you can just pick em off just saying. you can tell. you can freaking tell when an account is full of HQ photos or videos or whatever but they don’t look consistent in colouring or style etc., and there is no reference to original source. seriously, as also ppl consuming content it’s a good habit to be a bit suspicious when an account posts for example a lot of nice art but they’re all differently styled and NO links or disclaimers? 
the weibo account watermark doesn’t count. we’re talking about permission here?! don’t just blindly reblog shit (i recently did once by accident and it was @/heukheuk who like knocked some sense into me) - so anyway! don’t just frickin pluck shit off accounts just because it’s convenient for you, in any setting. it’s not a “oh i referenced from this other twitter or tumblr account” - you’re an accomplice to the distribution of the theft lmao 
the only exception of which i think is acceptable are original material from official brands - i mean no one will mistake that you stole em from idk, giorgio armani or you know elizabeth arden even if you don’t dump a credit lols
there are some good ones, i think @/HourlyZhangZH has gotten a good hang of it and @/gongjun_ is excellent at finding their own source material and also crediting or placing links - since talking to @/hourlywkx they’ve also started to at least put link credits 
in any case, there are somehow a lot of these hourly accounts sprouting out and some of em obviously have the “steal until i’m caught” attitude or “outright steal i don’t care” viewpoint. there are only so many people like gif-ing regularly for SHL rn on Tumblr, and they’re all recognizable by colouring, quality and also preferred font type :D i can spot any of my moots’ gifs from a mile away
SO just look out for the hourly accounts on Twitter (and others yes, it’s just these hourly accounts. seriously like wtf, stealing so you can make up a posting quota YOU FORCED ONTO YOURSELF lmao if that’s not irony idk what is), don’t support em and if you do happen to spot one of anyone’s stolen gifs it’ll be nice for the ops to know, and for those gif-ers who don’t usually put watermarks? pls do ;-;
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Weibo Night
Fair warning...I’m obsessively in love with Zhehan’s coat here. I remember watching him striding across the red carpet, and my jaw dropping to the floor.
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A frock coat! With combat boots! AMAZING. OUTSTANDING. What a look! I admit I didn’t love the enormous “McQueen” plastered all over the back like a bulletin board, but at least it made it easy to identify what I was going to spend the day scouring the internet for.
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Lo and behold, the next day the McQueen site revealed unto me that this gorgeous coat came in a women’s version as well.
Hallalujah indeed! The excitement! Until I looked at the fine print, and crash landed off my heavenly cloud of Weibo Night euphoria into the harsh concrete surface of a few salient facts:
I’m almost a foot shorter than Zhehan, or for that matter, the impressively tall model advertising the women’s version;
Almost all of that height, or lack thereof, is in my legs;
Long coats like this really require someone with long legs and a slim waist (who is tough on the surface but soft at heart) to successfully pull off this look.
Now, I don’t actually care, I’m just fine with non-successfully pulling off this look. Life is too short to care if your legs are less than optimal for that long coat you're rocking. However, spending of thousands and thousands of dollars on a designer coat that only looks so-so on...well, you gotta draw the line somewhere.
Now I have The Coat in fig form, anyway. And look! I was wrong! Short little legs can pull off this coat!
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I had to sticky-tape Zhehan's shiny little combat boots to the surface. That gorgeous sweep of coat and his cutely oversized head of hair unbalance him quite a bit. This fig (or at least mine, the manufacturing process isn't identical) definitely cannot stand without sticky aid of some kind.
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You can really see the detail on the coat from the back view.
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Gong Jun's Tiffany event (April 8, 2021) and the Weibo Movie Awards Night 2021 (December 6, 2021) are not actually chronologically related, but I like the pairing here of these two black tie events. Besides, who's to say Gong Jun didn't show up after Weibo Awards Night dressed to the nines with a handful of roses?
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Speaking of which, I can't neglect Junjun's outfit here. It's classy and sophisticated, and he looks fantastic all decked out in jewels:
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Here's the little details of his outfit for comparison along with the little Tiffany fish brooch:
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So handsome! Now all I need is Junjun in a frock coat and my life will be complete.
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The box cards:
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And the matching magnets the seller gifted with this set:
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Material: PVC
Fig Count: 32
Diorama Count: 3
Snowglobe Count: 1
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bizarrequazar · 3 months
GJ and ZZH Updates — February 25-March 2
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
02-25 → Rare posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ The Instagram posted a video from the latest scam concert.
02-26 → BEAST posted a teaser video featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ The Instagram posted another of the same.
02-27 → BEAST posted another teaser video (1129 kadian) and a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted three photos of "Zhang Zhehan" and "Zhang Mama" and seven of an aquarium. The previous Zhang Mama impersonator has visibly been replaced by a new one, likely due to the previous one being in declining health.
→ PRSR posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
02-28 → Tissot posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted a commercial he did for BEAST. (10:42, 511 kadian possible if you push it) Caption: "Spring is coming, and the God of Flowers is about to wake up… I hope you can meet the golden finger and find the black vanilla"
→ BEAST posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video from the BEAST shoot. Caption: "The subtle fragrance stays and lingers for a long time. Meet @ Gong Jun Simon in the early spring~"
→ Xiao Chu (aka Nada), who moved to Canada at the end of last year, changed her LinkedIn profile to credit herself as the sole writer for Word of Honor, despite it being an adaptation and despite Xiao Chu herself admitting back in 2021 that it was a collaborative effort. There has also been speculation that her husband may have been involved in the writing, as his name is the one in the contract. Xiao Chu has openly been involved with the Zhang Sanjian scam, and has recently been hiring ghost writers.
02-29 → Nothing of note.
03-01 Addition 03-06: Gong Jun's studio posted a douyin with footage from the BEAST shoot. BGM is 偷心 by Jacky Cheung.
→ 361° posted a teaser commercial featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) Fan Observation: The logo at the end of the video, which is used for Gong Jun's line with 361°, has what appears to be oranges added.
→ The makeup brand Za posted a photo ad teasing an upcoming endorsement with Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun's studio posted fourteen photos from the BEAST shoot. Caption: "Spring returns to all things, @ Gong Jun Simon's warm fragrance awakens the radiant poetry."
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→ The Instagram posted ten photos of the new fake Zhang Mama.
03-02 → Za posted another photo ad teaser. (1129 kadian)
Additional Reading: → Late addition to last week: The cram school that included slander against Zhang Zhehan in their test prep books after 813 are facing scam claims and resulting refund requests of 40 million RMB. → [Here] (shirtless Sanjian warning) is a really good comparison showing how much photoshopping is being done to the photos posted on the Instagram, and [here] is one showing the height difference between two different Zhang Sanjians.
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This post was last edited 2024-03-06.
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bizarrequazar · 8 months
GJ and ZZH Updates — September 24-30
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
09-24 → Xiao Chu's husband deleted the photos he had posted of her wearing EHZ.Z merch and privated his account. (see 09-23 for context) On a related note, there is evidence that Xiao Chu wrote the script for the teleprompter Zhang Sanjian read off of during the KL concert.
→ BEAST posted a short commercial with a voice over by Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ ELLEidol posted an interview with Gong Jun filmed in New York. [subbed video]
→ Gong Jun's studio posted nine photos of him beside a lake in Italy. Caption: "The breeze blows on my face, and the ripples of early autumn appear. @ Gong Jun Simon listens to stories by the lake."
→ Gong Jun attended a live event for Zhenguoli. The time and place for the event was only given to Gong Jun's solo fan club. The event officially banned fan symbols (ie. banners etc.), but in reality only prevented people with CPF symbols from entering the venue, with some of the event organizers reportedly acting in a way that instigated fighting between CPFs and solos at the entrance. This led to heated verbal fighting and at least one CPF being assaulted; this CPF later filed a police report against the assailant. The assault was captured on video by the event staff, who later withheld the footage.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted nine photos of him from a pre-event photoshoot. Caption: "Retro style, comfortable and casual. Director @ Gong Jun Simon’s meeting day!"
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted a video of behind the scenes footage from the photoshoot. Caption: "Boss’s hip-hop performance was shot directly (just kidding), but it was actually a folk dance (also a joke)." BGM is Sunday Morning by Maroon 5.
→ Zhenguoli posted a pre-event photo of Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted ten photos of him from the Zhenguoli event. Caption: "Funny and loving. It's really you. Let's start the autumn with Director @ Gong Jun Simon"
→ Zhenguoli posted four photos of Gong Jun from the event, followed by another of a crowd shot. They later also posted a video of the event. Fan Observations: As is apparent by comparing the same photo posted by Gong Jun's studio, Zhenguoli edited the crowd shot to remove solo fan signs.
09-25 → Gong Jun posted a commercial for BEAST that he had done the voice over for. Caption: "May your autumn be warm and stable, and may we all find the tree of life." This was reposted by BEAST, added caption: "There is a tree to lean on and a dream to pursue; taking root in the earth and living endlessly - this is the meaning of the tree of life."
→ Tissot posted a commercial (flashing lights cw) featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian, 51129 with the date)
→ The Instagram posted three photos of "Zhang Zhehan".
09-26 → The scam gang released another song, this time not even pretending to credit any writers for something that was obviously AI generated. The vocals sound horribly breathy and nothing like Zhang Zhehan.
→ BAZAAR posted nine photos of Gong Jun in collaboration with Zhenguoli. They later posted a video to the same effect. The same were also were posted by Zhenguoli, [here] and [here]. In a surprising twist given the events earlier in the week, toxic solo fans boycotted this photoshoot and got angry at both Zhenguoli and Gong Jun's studio because Gong Jun had been given equal billing with the three other celebrities who modelled for the campaign, with his status as brand spokesperson not mentioned.
→ ELLE posted an interview with Gong Jun from Milan in collaboration with Hogan.
→ Gong Jun posted the same Tissot commercial. (flashing lights cw) (1129 kadian) Caption: "Break through your imagination, face the challenges and innovate, start again, and start the next new journey."
→ Tissot posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun advertising their live event later that day. (1129 kadian) They later posted a promotional video spoken by him.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted twenty-three photos of him from that day. Caption: "Travel through the corridor of time and space, carrying glimpses of the city. @ Gong Jun Simon expresses his free and easy attitude with his swaying ink colours." This was reposted by Tissot.
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→ Gong Jun attended a live event for Tissot.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a douyin from that day's photoshoot. Caption: "Gong Jun is swaying freely, and the ink rhyme becomes a shadow. @ Gong Jun Simon releases a frank and elegant posture in minimalism. #Check in a new look" BGM is a slowed remix of Illusion by Matilda.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted nine photos from the Tissot event. Caption: "The gears are turning, @ Gong Jun Simon embarks on a new journey and demonstrates a pioneering attitude."
→ Zhenguoli posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
09-27 → Tissot posted nine photos of Gong Jun from the previous day's event.
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of "Zhang Zhehan" in London, accompanied in several by Huang Xun, the former classmate who was involved in the August 2022 bike trip. The caption is "Lost in London...", which seems to be copying Gong Jun's "Lost in New York" caption from the previous week.
09-28 → Vogue posted an interview with Gong Jun. Fan Observation: He mentioned that he had recently watched The Mandalorian, commenting on how the protagonist is very trustworthy and loyal to his promises. 🥺
→ Tissot posted nine more photos of Gong Jun from their event.
→ GXG posted three photos ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun appeared on a livestream for L'Oreal. [full recording]
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office made two posts [1] [2] addressing the BAZAAR photoshoot complaints and some other more longstanding concerns relating to staffing and lack of promoting. The second post also included his Paris itinerary: flying on 09-29, Elie Saab fashion show on 09-30, L'Oreal show on 10-01, and Maison Margiela fashion show on 10-02. Fan Observation: The fact that this was posted to the studio's side account, which is not linked anywhere on the studio's main account and only really known about through word of mouth, stinks of them trying to brush the whole thing under the rug.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted six photos from that day's livestream. Caption: "The golden colour lights up the mood of autumn, @ Gong Jun Simon’s early autumn look warmly appears, sharing the pleasant moments~"
→ Marie Claire posted an interview with Gong Jun. [subbed video]
09-29 → The Instagram posted eight photos of "Zhang Zhehan" in London.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a photo of him walking a collie. Caption: "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! @ Gong Jun Simon has sent you a "Gong" invitation, waiting to be received"
→ Gong Jun posted a video in collaboration with BEAST of him going camping. [subbed video] Caption: "Happy holiday everyone! Going out to play with the dog!" This was reposted by his studio with the added caption, "Well equipped, @ Gong Jun Simon will take you on 'business' over the holiday!"
→ The Instagram posted a video of rehearsal footage from the KL concert.
→ Huang Xun, the aforementioned former classmate, posted two photos with "Zhang Zhehan" to his own Instagram. The first one is of quite an intimate pose, so don't be surprised if the scam soon tries to sell rumors of them dating.
09-30 → Cosmo posted an interview with Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of "Zhang Zhehan" in London.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted two photos of him in the outfit he would wear to the Elie Saab fashion show shortly after. Caption: "Dusk is approaching, @ Gong Jun Simon goes to the world of inspiration. (A preview)"
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→ Gong Jun attended the Elie Saab fashion show at Paris Fashion Week. Photos and videos: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of him from the same photoshoot. Caption: "The golden thread is wandering, sharp and sharp, @ Gong Jun Simon is waiting for the dawn of the dark night."
→ Gong Jun's studio posted seven photos from the same photoshoot. Caption: "Sand embroidery and black velvet blend together to weave the Milky Way night. @ Gong Jun Simon walks in a cloak, descending like a knight in the dark night."
→ Gong Jun posted four photos from the same shoot. Caption: "Oh, Paris work card!"
Additional Reading → N/A
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bizarrequazar · 1 year
GJ and ZZH Updates — February 12-18
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
02-12 → Gong Jun posted three photos of himself from after the filming the Hello Saturday episode that aired the previous day. (Maybe don’t open the link in public... 😂) Caption: “Willing to gamble and admit defeat! I, Xu Si, will win it back sooner or later!” This was reposted by the Rising with the Wind Weibo account. He also posted these to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “This cream cannon  I don't believe it’s not a trap!” and to his Instagram, caption: “Have a great weekend!” Fan Observations:   -  The Instagram post was just a few seconds before 11:05, possibly aiming for but missed the kadian.  -  The cream cannon caption is actually MORE suggestive in Chinese as 炮 is slang for a hookup / quickie.   -  CPFs on the Chinese side publicly only made innocent comments about these photos (ex. a samoyed covered in snow), possibly to avoid him taking them down. 🤣
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→ The Instagram posted a video of “Zhang Zhehan” playing guitar. Fan Observation: This was the song that the guitar chords photographed in post a couple days earlier were for. That post said that people would hear the song “in a few days,” leading whalers to falsely believe it was referring to Zhang Zhehan appearing at the VIP event. This false belief was also heightened by the Shanghai airport photos spread by Lao Ahyi the previous week.
→ The brand’s VIP event was announced to be cancelled (to the surprise of no one), citing “accidents and safety issues” and promising mailed gifts to those who bought tickets. The cancellation notice was not linked through the brand’s official page, and only people with the link were able to view it. People who contacted the venue, Ansa Conference Center, did not recieve confirmation that the event had ever been booked. Whalers proceeded to blame CPFs and Gong Jun for the cancellation, because of course they did.
→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
02-13 → The fifth stolen song was released on western streaming platforms under the English title Lost Glacier. This is the song previously referred to as Running to Meet You and When the Glaciers Disappear, which Zhang Zhehan sang part of during a livestream on 2021-08-03, the same song that was then sold on USBs by the brand last July. The credits listed on it name 樂天 as the lyricist despite Zhang Zhehan having said Tang Tian (唐恬) was the lyricist.
→ Hogan posted an image of an ace of hearts with the text “H For Heart  Romance comes with the ‘heart’” (1129 kadian) Caption: “The romantic 【Gong】 performance is about to begin. Please check your special invitation letter, and meet #HOGAN Global Spokesperson Gong Jun# @ Gong Jun Simon with love, witness a romantic heart trick, see you there on 2.14!”
→ Whalers gathered at the event venue with flowers that were quickly removed. Soon after, a man referring to himself as Ansa Conference Center’s chairman came out and addressed them, saying that the event had been cancelled because “procedures” had not been completed, then changing his story to it being that a “competitor” had called the city “60-70 times” to complain about the event. It’s quite obvious from the [video] that he had only a loose understanding of the situation and was primarily trying to avoid a disturbance. Additional Information:  -  The Shanghai MCT did not recieve any complaints about the event. As well, 60-70 calls in a day is not an extraordinary number that would result in his claims of pressure from police to cancel the event.  -  Last year Ansa Conference Center was fined 200k RMB for unauthorized use of the names and images of government bodies. Just in case you’re curious how clean this guy is.
02-14  → The Legend of AnLe Weibo posted a video of Gong Jun and Dilireba’s characters. Caption: “The lights are curling and sultry, and the time spent with love is long. I wish those who are in love have deep love and good days, and go with you and never leave.” Legend of AnLe got on hotsearch.
→ MARRSGREEN posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. Caption: “The romantic confession comes from you  Raise a glass of MARRSGREEN, and express your love to the person you want to see @ Gong Jun Simon~  This Valentine's Day, MARRSGREEN will go with you in both directions [ie. reciprocate]”
→ Fresh posted a photo of Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) Caption: “With @ Gong Jun Simon Junjunzi, every day is Valentine’s Day! In this festival of love, let’s have a sweet date~”
→ Hogan posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) Caption: “The romantic 【Gong】 performance has officially opened. The magician @ Gong Jun Simon ... [is] making a romantic debut for a love anniversary date. Don't blink, #HOGAN Global Spokesperson Gong Jun#'s Valentine's Day special magic is about to begin.” Within the same minute, they also posted a commercial featuring Gong Jun for their Valentine’s Day shoes. Caption flavour text: “The lights came on, the eyes focused, and a heartbeat happened quietly.” 
→ Kangshifu posted three photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted a vlog of his photoshoot on 02-03. [subbed video] Caption: “Let me perform a slip-perryyyyyy performance for everyone~“ [quoted translation] Twelve minutes later, he commented on it: “BGM: Last Call ---Hudson Thames [shiba inu emoji]” The other BGM used is PoPiPo by Lamaze-P.
→ Hogan posted three behind the scenes photos from the earlier ads. Caption: “Romantic flashback, undiminished. Freeze #HOGAN Global Spokesperson Gong Jun# @ Gong Jun Simon's heart-pounding moment, and explore the secrets behind the romantic 【Gong】 act.”
02-15 → #JunZhe trended on Twitter.
→ Fresh posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. 
→ The clothing company Brioni posted a previously unreleased photo of Gong Jun from his 01-13 Esquire photoshoot.
02-16 → The Instagram posted photos of the brand’s new umbrellas and a video of “Zhang Zhehan” playing guitar. This was quickly deleted, then reposted with only a longer cut of the video. The video claims to be for Xiao Yu’s birthday, which is in October.
→ A photographer posted previously unreleased photos of Gong Jun from We Are The Champions.
02-17 → Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun flew from Shanghai to Thailand, reportedly for a magazine photoshoot.  Fan Observations: He was wearing an ace of hearts sweater similar to a shirt previously worn by Zhang Zhehan as well as there was something hexagonal in his pocket. It was also noted that it was quite cold outside yet Gong Jun chose not to put on a jacket, possibly to keep the sweater visible. (Quite interesting compounded with the ace of hearts in the earlier Hogan ads imo.)
→ Hogan tweeted three photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Madame Tussands Shanghai posted a video teasing that they will be featuring a wax sculpture of Gong Jun. No date yet.
02-18 → #GongJun, #WordOfHonor, and #TheRealZhangZhehan trended on Twitter, the latter two after an anti was discovered to be making posts about the show while intentionally removing Zhang Zhehan, resulting in people celebrating his performance en masse.
→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The first eight episodes of the adaptation of Priest’s novel Mo Du suddenly released with no promotions. This is in response to the NRTA loosening censorship restrictions, and a number of other dangai dramas are expected to follow in quick succession. Antis have unfortunately been using this as an opportunity, including by saying that Gong Jun will now have to deal with increased competition. 
→ The Let’s Farm Weibo account posted a short clip of Gong Jun’s guest appearance from this week’s episode and a longer preview of him in next week’s. [subbed cut]
→ Word of Honor very suddenly appeared at the top of Weibo’s entertainment hotsearch, disappearing again after a short period. The tag was proliferated with anti and Zhang Sanjian material, with people noticing that CPFs’ posts including the real Zhang Zhehan were continuously reported and removed from the tag. These removed posts were still visible in Gong Jun’s tag, indicating that it was not the work of solos. It’s suspected that the hotsearch, the mass removing, and the Zhang Sanjian promotions were being paid for. At the time of this post, most of the anti and Zhang Sanjian material is no longer in the tag and fans have filled it with normal positive content.
→ Gong Jun appeared in a video sending birthday wishes to Justin, whom he’s appeared in several variety shows with (including the previous week’s Hello Saturday.) This was shown at Justin’s birthday concert.
Additional Reading: → Flora’s daily fan news → 02-22, next Wednesday, is the anniversary of Word of Honor’s start-of-airing. For those on Twitter, the hashtag #2YearsWithWordofHonor is planned to be used for celebrations, and Sekiei has set up some related themes for the #TheRealZhangZhehan tag. A Twitter space is also being held this evening to talk about the anniversary. → A late 🍬 addition to last week: In behind the scenes footage released of the Hello Saturday episode, Gong Jun’s Rising with the Wind costar Zhong Chuxi asked him for advice about a knee injury she sustained while filming the drama. He asked if she had hemarthrosis, a symptom that Zhang Zhehan has had with his knee.
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