fredrickslizard · 1 month
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They are in love
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fredrickslizard · 5 months
Fredrick x Luchino (human)
*Maybe some light smut, kissing, hand holding, alcohol. Idk this is my first fanfic in over 10 years idk how you kids do it these days. Also I'm sorry if it's bad, I'm not great at describing music*
Anyways here we go!
They had both been at the manor for quite some time now, each participating in various matches, sometimes being paired together sometimes not. Though the two shared the same space and played the same game Fredrick and Luchino didn't know one another all too well. Sure they've spoken in passing or called out in matches but they've never really taken the time to get to know one another.
Fredrick spent most of his free time at the piano he found in the manor. Tapping away at its keys, letting the notes that played in his head guide his fingers. It brought him some sense of comfort after particularly grueling matches. To let the music in his head flow freely and form whatever melodies. Sometimes they were slow sonatas. Other times they were wild fortes that reflected his frustrations with the match and his teammates. Today was one of those days.
Fredrick's brows were tightly knit together as he played. His hands gliding across the keyboard with purpose and each note played echoed out into the hallways. The rhythm he played was fast and intense and without realizing it he was mumbling to himself.
"Can't keep the hunter away.." he mumbled, "Just lead them right to me-"
The tone of his playing takes a turn, changing its sound to one similar to a terrible thunderstorm. Fredrick was practically pounding on the keys of the piano, unaware of the attention his playing had caught.
"Not a single one of them knows that they're doing!" Fredrick's playing was reaching a crescendo when a voice from behind broke his train of thought.
"Rough day, huh?" The voice asked.
Fredrick's playing came to a immediate stop, hitting a few sour notes out of surprise. He tosses a sharp glance over his shoulder to find its only that professor, the one with an odd obsession with reptiles. It took all that he had to not let out an audible sigh of annoyance when the man leaning on the doorframe decided to walk into the room with him, a tall green bottle in hand. Wonderful. He's probably drunk. Though the space was open for all to use Fredrick still couldn't help but feel like this was his private space.
"Just a bad match." He replied as he watched the professor claim a seat on a nearby couch.
"Sorry to hear that," Luchino responded, "Must have been pretty rough from the sound of it." He says as his eyes travel from Fredrick to the piano and back.
"Is there something you want?" He asks sharply.
"Oh nothing in particular. Found this while rummaging around," he holds up the green bottle and gives it a light shake as if to show it off, "And decided to find someone to share it with. By the sounds of it you could use something to relax a bit."
"No thank you." Fredrick quickly turns back to the piano and places his hands on the keys once more. He was about to start playing again when weight plopped down on the bench beside him. He quickly looks at Luchino who was now wearing a small grin across his lips, "What are you doin-"
Without a moments notice Fredrick's chin had been grasped in one of Luchino's hands and their lips pressed firmly together. The taste of wine floods his mouth with only a few drops escaping. Fredrick's eyes are wide with shock and he could feel his cheeks burning a bright red by the time Luchino pulled away. The professor gives him a smirk and wipes the corner of his mouth with his thumb.
Fredrick was dumbfounded. He didn't know how to react to what had just happened but he did know that it had his undivided attention, and part of him wanted to taste that kiss again.
"Keep the bottle." Luchino said as he got up from the bench to leave, still wearing that stupid smirk of his. Fredrick quickly stood, pushing the bench back as he did. He wasn't thinking about his actions at the time, only following what instinct told him to do. Though it wasn't the distraction from his failed match he was expecting to have, it was a welcomed one and one he didn't want to leave yet as he cast a quick glance at the wine bottle..
Luchino had made it to the couches that sat in the middle of the room before a hand grabbed his arm and forcefully turned him back around. Grabbing the collar of the professor's shirt in each of his hands Fredrick pulled him into a deep kiss, sharing the wine in his mouth the same way it had been shared with him. Luchino drank the wine and placed his hands on the composer's hips, holding him firmly. Their tongues swirled together as their kiss grew in intensity. Luchino's hands would find its way to the nape of Fredrick's neck as the composer pressed closer against the other male.
The two only broke from the kiss to take quick breaths before returning to the heat that kept drawing them in.
'How can I be allowing this to happen?' He would ponder to himself through hazy thoughts, 'I don't even know who he is! But he tastes so divine..'
Only when the sound of footsteps approaching could be heard did Luchino break the kiss and take a step back. Fredrick groaned at the abrupt end to his euphoria.
"My name is Luchino, by the way." He says as he brushes his hair back through his fingers and straightens out his shirt. "Hopefully that made your day better and maybe we can share another bottle sometime~" He says with a grin.
"I-I'd like that.." Fredrick responds, his mind still a bit hazy from how quickly things had escalated. "Fredrick."
"Well, Fredrick, I hope to see you again very soon." Luchino gently cups Fredrick's face and places a gentle kiss as a parting gift. And with that he leaves the room to greet those that are in the hall.
Fredrick returns to the piano bench and takes a seat. He stares at the keys, replaying the event that had only taken a few minutes over in his head. It was so random, unprompted, he barely even knew the man! And yet.. he found himself wishing that moment could have lasted just a little bit longer. He places his hands over the keys and smiles softly to himself. His day was made a bit brighter after all.
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fredrickslizard · 5 months
This is from a ranked match from a few days ago and when I tell you I pulled off the BEST CHAIR SAVE OF MY LIFE I mean that! The hunter had detention so u have no clue how I survived but I ain't complaining
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fredrickslizard · 5 months
Before you dive into this I need to warn you that this "Quick Match" was 17+minutes long! I had an amazing team to play with and the hunter kept us on our feet the whole time!
10/10 would play again!
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fredrickslizard · 5 months
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fredrickslizard · 5 months
It's from a few months ago but here's this match that I don't really remember.
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