#Finally In Bree seemed like a good cutoff point for this one
ivanaskye · 6 years
speaking of liveblogging... I did a full lotr liveblog like a month ago and just. never posted it. so here is the first part of my fellowship notes, as screamed to andie,
(a note: prior to this read, which I started uhh actually two months ago now, my tolkein experience was the following. 1) it’s a tradition in my family to watch the entire extended trilogy Every christmas eve, and imo is the true meaning of christmas, and this has been true since all the movies were out, which means I have seen rotk 15 times by now and the other ones more.  2) I had just read the silm - yup, I read the silm BEFORE lotr - and somehow had already fallen kinda headfirst into silm fandom.)
it’s amusing how many lines are the exact same as in the movies
why do wizards’ bodies age. how is ganddalf’s hair whiter. he’s a maia
ok I just have feelings any time elves are mentioned.
“the Three are hidden still” YEAH FOR INSTANCE ON UR HAND GANDALF!!!!
fuck if he got the ring he would control the three. meaning Elrond. oh nooooo.
Hi I have feelings about every elf
“put the fear of fire on him” Gandalf n o
oh heck the corruption of the ring is a lot more.... vivid in prose
awww the “nothing important [...] Well a great deal about the end of the world” line is movie only. that’s the best line.
what? I’m not flapping my hands at the mention of the House Of elrond, noooo
I scream any time the entire direction of West is mentioned
omg someone teach these hobbits how to backpack. (I guess that’s what Aragorn’s for...)
“a new horizon” Yes, The horizon is kind of new, it’s only been a thing since the second age,,,,,
Omg it’s a part of pippin’s song. Omg.
It’s a song for varda!!! Also don’t think I’m not crying about “sunless year”. SILVER BLOSSOM,,,
HOUSE OF FINROD pls stop making me cry
I’m glad the elves have as many feels about Orion as I do
UPON THE TREE-PILLARS TORCHES WITH LIGHTS OF GOLD AND SILVER,,,,,, will the elves not reference the trees for even an entire page.
“so old and young, and so gay and sad” hi I..... love elves. and also Relate. 
Omg, pippin’s first disaster move. I’m so proud of him.
why did the sound of the sea trouble Frodo’s dreams. Ulmo what are you up to.
The wood is really really creepy and I’m almost half convinced it’s the forest of falling notes from T50YS. Also having just come out of a forest with a bunch of flies, I really feel it, and, poor hobbits.
Did I say creepy? I mean HORRIFYING. I’m glad this was not in the movies or I’d probably have been having nightmares about it since I was a kid.
Of course it’s Sam who pulls through. Of course.
I’m less clear on ME geography pre and post first age than I should be but..... there’s no chance this is at all related to Gorgoroth is it? I mean I’d been under the ASSUMPTION some of what was going on here was ents, but THIS IS TOO CREEPY FOR ENTS! 
the question of course is WHAT is Tom bombadil. WHAT IS HE. a confused Maia???? A VERY confused Maglor???? He DEFINITELY DOES NOT SEEM MORTAL.
Ok beard might rule elf out... he’s got to be a Maia, right?
Deeper and nearer to mortal heart??? WHOM ARE THESE PEOPLE.
Elvishness is contagious. Just by talking to elves you get a light in your eyes??? omg, elves.
Hey...... Tom bombadil is also creepy. Wtf is up with this guy. Also, why.
A LOT of this gets repurposed as treebeard dialogue in the movies.
This is where... an early human war was fought?
Eldest? Yeah he’s probably a Maia.....
Hi I’m calling the forest + the entire region and telling it it needs to Stop.
Mm Gollum says this song in the movies!
A star on his brow!!!! In the vision!!! There’s no WAY that’s not Eärendil.
finally... we make it... to the prancing pony.....
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