#Fencing Napier
fencinghawkesbay · 24 days
Fencing Hawkes Bay
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Your Professional Hawkes Bay Fencing Company
Fencing Hawkes Bay, nestled in the heart of Napier, USA, has established itself as a reliable fence contractor among the communities scattered throughout the picturesque Hawkes Bay. This serene region, known for its lush landscapes and residential charm, finds in our services a harmonious blend with its natural beauty. We are dedicated to crafting outdoor spaces that not only secure your property but also complement its visual appeal through our range of services including decks, fences, patios, and pergolas.
Our fencing solutions cater to a variety of preferences and requirements. Whether you're looking to enclose a sprawling backyard for privacy or simply aiming to add a touch of elegance to your garden space with decorative fencing, we provide options tailored to suit your aesthetic desires and functional needs. Recognizing the importance of quality craftsmanship in outdoor living areas, we construct decks that serve as perfect backdrops for family gatherings or tranquil retreats. Similarly, our patios offer an extension of your home’s living space into the outdoors — ideal for hosting barbecues or basking in the Hawkes Bay sun.
In addition to these services, we create bespoke pergolas that can serve as statement pieces in your garden or practical structures for climbing plants and shade provisioning. Each project receives attention to detail from design through execution ensuring seamless integration with existing property features while maintaining integrity and longevity.
Guided by years of experience working within this unique coastal environment of Hawkes Bay, Fencing Hawkes Bay is committed to meeting homeowners’ expectations for functionality and style without compromising on service quality. We understand the distinct aspects of local properties which enables us to provide appropriate recommendations and build structures that withstand regional weather patterns.
From initial consultation to final touches, Fencing Hawkes Bay stands ready to enhance outdoor spaces across Napier with reliable fencing solutions resonating well with clients looking for aesthetic excellence coupled with practical benefits.
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Contact Us
Fencing Hawkes Bay
10 Cadbury Road, Napier, Napier 4110 New Zealand
(06) 880 0495
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realfencinghawkesbay · 6 months
Real Fencing Hawkes bay
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Are you in need of a reliable and trusted fence contractor in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand? Look no further! We, at Real Fencing, are here to meet all your fencing needs. With our wide range of solutions, including Aluminum, Chain Link, and Timber Fencing, we guarantee exceptional results that enhance both security and aesthetics. From repairs to installations, our experienced team delivers top-notch craftsmanship and reliable service. Trust us to transform your property into a safe and beautiful haven. Contact Real Fencing today and let us exceed your expectations!
TIMBER FENCING At Real Fencing in Hawkes Bay, we offer a variety of timber fencing options to meet your specific needs. Timber fencing is a popular choice among homeowners due to its classic and natural appeal. One of the advantages of timber fencing is its cost-effectiveness. Compared to other fencing materials, such as metal or PVC, timber fencing can be more affordable, making it a budget-friendly option for many. Additionally, timber fencing requires regular maintenance to ensure its longevity. This includes treating the wood to protect it from rot, termites, and weather damage. By investing in routine maintenance, you can extend the lifespan of your timber fence and avoid costly repairs in the future. At Real Fencing, we can provide you with expert advice on timber fencing cost and maintenance to help you make informed decisions for your property.
ALUMINUM FENCING We offer a wide range of aluminum fencing options to meet the specific needs of our clients in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Aluminum fencing has become increasingly popular due to its numerous benefits. One of the main advantages of aluminum fencing is its durability. Unlike other materials, aluminum does not rust, making it ideal for coastal areas like Hawkes Bay. Additionally, aluminum fencing requires minimal maintenance. To keep your aluminum fence looking its best, simply clean it with mild soap and water regularly. Another maintenance tip is to inspect the fence for any loose or damaged parts, such as screws or panels, and repair them promptly. Overall, aluminum fencing provides a practical and stylish solution for enhancing the security and aesthetics of your property.
CHAIN LINK FENCING One of the most versatile and cost-effective fencing options available is chain link fencing, which complements the durability and low maintenance benefits of aluminum fencing in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Chain link fencing is known for its strength and durability, making it a popular choice for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.
There are several pros to choosing chain link fencing. It is highly durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions, making it a long-lasting option. Chain link fencing is also low maintenance, requiring minimal upkeep over time. Additionally, it provides excellent security and visibility, allowing you to keep an eye on your property while keeping unwanted visitors out.
However, there are some cons to consider as well. Chain link fencing may not offer as much privacy as other fencing options, as it is see-through. It is also not the most aesthetically pleasing choice, although it can be improved with the addition of privacy slats or vinyl coatings.
When choosing the right height for chain link fencing, consider your specific needs and requirements. A common height for residential applications is 4 to 6 feet, while commercial and industrial settings may require taller fencing for added security.
POOL FENCING When it comes to pool fencing, we understand the importance of both safety and aesthetics. As experienced fence contractors in Hawkes Bay, we know that pool safety regulations are a top priority for homeowners. That's why we offer a wide range of pool fencing options that comply with these regulations while still enhancing the overall look of your pool area.
Choosing the right pool fencing materials is crucial to ensure durability and longevity. We recommend materials such as aluminum or steel, which are not only strong and resistant to corrosion but also provide a stylish finish. These materials can withstand the harsh New Zealand weather conditions and require minimal maintenance, making them an excellent choice for pool fencing.
At Real Fencing, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you select the perfect pool fencing solution for your needs. Our team will work closely with you to ensure that your pool fence meets all safety requirements while adding value and beauty to your property. Trust us to deliver exceptional results that prioritize both safety and aesthetics.
METAL FENCING Metal fencing provides a durable and stylish solution for securing and enhancing your property in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. With a wide range of metal fence designs available, you can choose a style that complements the aesthetics of your property while providing the necessary security. One of the main benefits of metal fencing is its durability. Metal fences are built to withstand the elements and can last for many years with minimal maintenance. Additionally, metal fences offer a high level of security, as they are difficult to breach or tamper with. Whether you need a metal fence for residential or commercial purposes, it is a wise investment that will not only protect your property but also add value and curb appeal. Trust our experienced team at Real Fencing to provide you with top-quality metal fencing solutions that meet your specific needs.
PVC FENCING When considering fencing options in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, one popular choice is PVC fencing. PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, fencing offers several advantages that make it a preferred option for many homeowners. One of the main advantages is its durability. PVC fences are resistant to rot, rust, and pests, making them a long-lasting investment. Additionally, PVC fencing is low maintenance, requiring minimal upkeep over time. Another advantage is the wide range of styles and designs available. Homeowners can choose from different types of PVC fencing materials, such as privacy fences, picket fences, or decorative fences, to suit their specific needs and preferences. Overall, PVC fencing provides a cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing solution for enhancing the security and appearance of any property in Hawkes Bay.
GARDEN FENCING As fence contractors in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, we also specialize in garden fencing. Garden fencing offers numerous benefits for homeowners, making it an essential addition to any outdoor space. Firstly, garden fencing enhances the security of your property by creating a physical barrier that deters trespassers and protects your plants and belongings. Additionally, garden fencing provides privacy, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor area without worrying about prying eyes. When it comes to choosing the right garden fencing material, there are various options available. These include timber, which offers a classic and natural look, as well as aluminum and PVC, which are low-maintenance and durable choices. Each material has its own unique features and aesthetic appeal, ensuring that you can find the perfect garden fencing that suits your needs and complements your landscape.
FENCE REPAIRS We specialize in providing reliable and efficient fence repairs that address any damages or wear and tear to your existing fencing structure. At Real Fencing, we understand the importance of maintaining the integrity of your fences through regular fence maintenance. Over time, fences can encounter common problems such as rotting wood, loose or broken boards, rusted metal, or damaged gates. Our experienced team is equipped to handle all types of fence repairs, ensuring that your fences are restored to their optimal condition. We have the knowledge and expertise to assess the issues and provide effective solutions that will prolong the lifespan of your fences. Trust us to deliver exceptional fence repair services that will enhance the security and visual appeal of your property.
GATES FOR FENCES To continue our discussion on fence repairs, let's now delve into the topic of gates for fences, an essential component that ensures both security and accessibility to your property. At Real Fencing, we understand the importance of a well-designed and functional gate. That's why we offer a range of options to suit your specific needs. When it comes to gate materials, we provide various choices, including wood, aluminum, and steel, each with its own unique benefits in terms of durability and aesthetics. Additionally, for added convenience, we offer automatic gate openers, allowing you to easily control the access to your property. Whether you're looking for a sturdy steel gate or an elegant wooden gate, our team of experts can guide you through the selection process and install a gate that perfectly complements your fence.
Fencing Hawkes bay
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57 years ago today...
"Batman" premiered on ABC TV, January 12th, 1966. The series quickly became a cultural phenomenon. Children were able to watch it as a straight adventure series, while adults could appreciate it's camp sensibilities and dead-pan humor. The series had a colorful pop art style that was unlike anything else on TV. The series also had a huge impact on sales of Batman comics, as well comic books in general, and helped launch Batman into his current status as the most popular comic book character of all time.
The series was originally intended to be an hour long, but ABC only had two half-hour time slots available, so the episodes were split in two. Which the first part of the Episode would leave our Dynamic Duo in a cliff hanger for the BATFAN’s to stay tuned into the the second part of the story and wonder how their Heroes will escape from the rogues gallery of villains
Batman ran three seasons 120 Episodes and the
series spun-off a motion picture in 1966 featuring most of the TV cast.
Principal Cast
Adam West as Batman/Bruce Wayne
Burt Ward as Robin/Dick Grayson
Alan Napier as Alfred
Neil Hamilton as Commissioner Gordon
Stafford Repp as Chief O'Hara
Madge Blake as Aunt Harriet Cooper
Yvonne Craig as Batgirl/Barbara Gordon (Season 3 only)
And what would Batman be with out his Villains who portrayed by the Big Names of Stage and Small screen
Main Recurring Comic Book Villains
The Joker (Cesar Romero)
The Penguin (Burgess Meredith)
The Riddler (Frank Gorshin and John Astin)
Catwoman (Julie Newmar, Lee Meriwether (motion picture), and Eartha Kitt)
Other villains were used from DC Comics
The Mad Hatter (David Wayne)
False Face (Malachi Throne)
Mr. Freeze (George Sanders, Otto Preminger, and Eli Wallach)
The Puzzler (Maurice Evans)
The Clock King (Walter Slezak)
The Archer (Art Cartney)
Some Villains that were created for the show which also some came Fan Favourites To BATFAN’s
King Tut (Victor Buono)
Egghead (Vincent Price)
Shame (Cliff Robertson)
Marsha, Queen of Diamonds (Carolyn Jones)
Olga, Queen of Cossacks (Anne Baxter)
Lord Ffogg (Rudy Vallee)
Lady Penelope Peasoup (Glynis Johns)
Freddy the Fence (Jacques Bergerac)
Other show Villains
The Bookworm (Roddy McDowall)
Ma Parker (Shelley Winters)
The Minstrel (Van Johnson)
Black Widow (Tallulah Bankhead)
Zelda The Great (Anne Baxter)
Chandell and Harry (Liberace)
The Sandman (Michael Rennie)
Siren (Joan Collins)
Louie the Lilac (Milton Berle)
Lola Lasagne (Ethel Merman)
Colonel Gumm (Roger C. Carmel)
Nora Clavicle (Barbara Rush)
Dr. Cassandra Spellcraft (Ida Lupino)
Minerva (Zsa Zsa Gabor)
Calamity Jan (Dina Merrill)
Cabala (Howard Duff)
The other things which made this Live Action TV Series Great was the Bat gadgets such as the Ironic Batmobile which was designed and built George Barris using 1955 Lincoln Futura concept car he had purchased from Ford for $1.00. Ford had used it for many years to promote "the car of tomorrow"
And Mr Barris had only three weeks and $15,000 (US) to turn it into the Batmobile, which included adding a Ford Galaxy chassis
Even to when people see the Original TV Batmobile it turns heads it’s the most Famous car from TV and film History
This past last year we lost the legend Batman himself Mr Adam West 9th June, 2017 at the age of 88
I was so grateful to had meet Mr West while attending LA Comic Con 2016 I was able to have a few laughs with the Man himself who was a kind and friendly gentleman it only lasted a short time meet and greet but I will never forget it as I Met My BATMAN
Mr West will live on as he made TV History and worldwide fans young and old and he will always be in our heart
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braskeskildsen07 · 2 months
The Ranthambore National Park Tiger Population And Other Major Attractions
The best places to park in Cape Town end up being multi-storey parking garages. There are 45 low islands in the park, called keys. Once in Napier you could have a wide variety of accommodation to chose from. Early currently the time period of March lilies. These amazing indigenous bulbs lie dormant all hot weather. In mid February their stems leave the soil like rusted old iron pipes. In March the guidelines explode onto a sweet-smelling bouquet of pink lilies, the edges etched having a deeper hued. View More: topcamauaz.com - Top Ca Mau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ca Mau AZ: Nguyễn Thảo Phương - Nguyen Thao Phuong 12.If look at cars parked along the roadside, reduce the speed of. You may even want to be able to over yourself before intending. It not only is the safest way to proceed, there is also a better than average chance that acquire are there because someone has spotted wildlife of interest. You end up being wondering by now what you should do to get there. That's depend of course of where an individual might be. Let's say that you happen to be in Auckland, the main gateway in Nz. You could join a tour and not worry about anything or rent a motorcar and babies. If the second choice is more like you, anyone should leave Auckland and head south taking motorway number you. You want to go via Taupo, which can be worth visiting without any doubt. From Taupo is a beautiful 2-hour drive (taking your time) towards Napier. Once in Napier you will have a lot of accommodation to chose from.
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View More: topcamauaz.com - Top Ca Mau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ca Mau AZ: Nguyễn Thảo Phương - Nguyen Thao Phuong The name "Ratel" has probably been taken out of the Afrikaans language which is native to Namibia and South South america. It also may have been from the rattling sound they make when these frightened. The correct answer is interesting to understand that the Infantry Fighting Vehicle on the South African Defense Force was named "Ratel". Its scientific name is Mellivora capensis, which means "honey eater of the cape." The "cape" indicates Cape very good Hope in South Africa where had been first discussed. I went from Tel Aviv to your Southernmost reason for Israel that's Eliat. Following a long journey through severe heat for this desert, I set my foot with the highest time Eliat - the connection of Israel, Egypt, and Jordan. The night temperature accompanied by the desert was wicked cold. At this destination, behind the bared wire fence was Egypt territory. According to the Naday - my friend from Israel, although the Egyptian Military post was near here, there were many Israel people still walked many of miles in this hot desert in order to immigrate illegally to Israel. Top Cà Mau AZ News The Cuyahoga Valley National Park has over 32,000 acres of land & was designated as a National Park in 1974 by Gerald Ford. John Seiberling whose grandparents were F.A & Gertrude Seiberling (founders of Goodyear) aided in starting the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Tin tổng hợp Top Cà Mau AZ A tremendous portion of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park is the Ohio & Erie Cape Ca Mau Viet Nam Towpath which has over 80 miles of trails. It is undoubtedly easiest to begin from Buenos Aires (BA). There are not that many variations of route if you aren't backpacking or have continually in earth. The most logical to take in the main highlights are on this page. Obviously they can be done in the opposite direction order as well. From San Jose, a large, comfortable, air-conditioned bus ride can take you there in announced nov . hours and cost less when compared with a Happy Meal! That's less than $5! Orlando: Yes, I know, Orlando isn't a beach vicinity. However, Orlando is in these a great location presently there are numerous beaches to visit if you take part in the magic of Orlando. Cocoa beach is east over the Atlantic Coast where however enjoy the beaches, pier, plenty water activities, great shopping, . Headed west you can do venture to your of the Gulf beaches including Clearwater, and surrounding areas. Happen to be closer to the Atlantic Coast and when compared with one hour from a good deal of the top Florida beaches, so always remember that when you visit Walt disney world! A person drive following rusting remains of twenty-some-odd electric generating windmills several stages of dis-assembly and who's huge Mitsubishi generators sit idle or are missing correctly. Most with the tourists prefer to go to the Corbett National Park through roadways. It requires around 6 hours from New Delhi that covers around 295 Kilometer. The route takes through Gajraula, Moradabad, Kashipur and Ramnagar.
Your co-workers are making plans for vacation to Mexico. Your cousin is headed with a Caribbean adventure. You want some place a little more exotic it doesn't have you freezing during winter. Cape Town is your own want check out. On the other side of earth their travel during our winter. May never leave at a snowy tarmac in Newark and arrive and be ready for a khaki. There are all sort of thing attempt here so its possible to find a holiday vacation package that meets your taste and give you a lifetime of memories. For things not included with your tour you can just ask around, English is the language there so that is not a malfunction. For example, lots of vacationers visit the lovely Pacific town of Jaco to surf, enjoy dozens of activities and party the actual (think in terms of a cold beer for upto a buck . 5. Travelling is centred on the traveller, not plenty of on the destination. It isn't difficult to differentiate between a traveller and non-traveller. One is open-minded, accepting, humble, gracious, imaginative, spontaneous and fun-loving. The other is nor. Southernmost Point - This Cape Ca Mau Viet Nam be a must see for all tourist same. This is the southernmost part of the continental U.S. and your only 90 miles north of Cuba. Oh, make certain to get their picture moved! You know, for bragging privileges! Top Cà Mau AZ 24h This journey leaves inside the North Vancouver dockside at 8.30 feel. The port is very busy nevertheless, you are warmly welcomed by staff in uniform. In a short time North Vancouver is left in our bodies and you view the backyards of homes globe prosperous West Vancouver. When enjoy your breakfast there's always something good notice how relaxed people are as they go about their daily needs. We continued driving all over the game park and reached the picnic site. Top Cà Mau AZ 24h Each park contains dedicated secured picnic site where visitors can use sparkling clean washroom facilities, seating arrangement for the packed lunches. We got off automobile and walked around to feel the surroundings with lunch being building traffic . priority. The program to skip the lunch at present and explored the area which appeared like a hill top region with river views and greater landscape in front of everyone. There were many superb starlings within that site and additionally they seemed extremely friendly. I am trying to shoot one at a distance and realized that another one had literally climbed onto my shoe an additional one smaller back. Guidelines and meal plans extremely nice to see myself covered with such beautifully colored birds and check out proximity to nature. This article was just touching the end of the iceberg on information about Kruger National Park. Vehicle insurance even much more watch informational video's it's totally visit this Kruger National Park. Finally, we must mention Miami: North Beach, South Beach, and in between, Miami offers a vacation experience like no other. The sand was soft, the waters were a clear emerald color, and every were of all over. Hot bodies, a nightlife that draws people coming from all over- your Hollywood elite, and world-class cuisine, Miami is nothing short of fun and excitement. Choose from a quiet, relaxing vacation or one which leaves you sleepless. You need to visit Ocean Dr and tour the strip on Collins Ave. Also, a person head north you can visit another great beach- Fort Lauderdale. Plus, highway A1A will take you south into the Florida Kys. If you like the involving spending long days on the ocean then may be consider a cruise with the Canary Hawaiian islands. Royal Caribbean International runs 13-day repositioning cruises away from San Juan, Puerto Rico that spend six whole days sailing before arriving for a three-day tour of the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa. View More: topcamauaz.com - Top Ca Mau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ca Mau AZ: Nguyễn Thảo Phương - Nguyen Thao Phuong Written By Author in topcamauaz.com: Mai Gia Hân - Mai Gia Han
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Written By Author in topcamauaz.com.com: Bùi Hữu Duy - Bui Huu Duy
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swldx · 6 months
RNZ Pacific 1338 3 Dec 2023
7390Khz 1259 3 DEC 2023 - RNZ PACIFIC (NEW ZEALAND) in ENGLISH from RANGITAIKI. SINPO = 55344. English, s/on w/bellbird int. until pips and news @1300z anchored by Vicki McKay. Police have arrested a man in connection with a mass privacy breach of Covid-19 vaccination data. The money withdrawn early from KiwiSaver funds due to financial hardship has doubled compared to a year ago, with significantly more people taking money out before retirement. The chief executive of vegetable supplier Leaderbrand wants a long-term fix to State Highway 2 between Wairoa and Napier. He said a longer-term more resilient solution is needed that is not just fixing the existing road which keeps being closed. Repeated SH2 closures disrupt food supply transport. As the Israeli military resume attacks in southern Gaza after ceasefire talks fell apart, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris said on Saturday too many Palestinians are being killed in Gaza and urged Israel to do more to protect them as she sketched out a U.S. vision for post-conflict Gaza. Far-right leaders from all over Europe met in Italy to push the idea of overhauling the European Union. The leaders criticized European policies on issues such as migration, security or the green transition. Sports. @1303z trailer for RNZ "Morning Report". @1304z Weather Forecast: Rain easing to showers in the afternoon with "fine breaks". @1306z "All Night Programme" anchored by Vicki McKay. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 100kW, beamAz 35°, bearing 240°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 12912KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0659.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Seymour floods star of Melbourne vegetarian restaurant destroyed Somerset Heritages crops
The recent floods in Victoria had an immediate impact on some of Melbourne’s top restaurants, after boutique producer Somerset Heritage Produce lost all of its spring crops and vital infrastructure when the Goulburn River broke its banks near Seymour last Thursday. Farmer Chloe Fox works directly with chefs at restaurants including Embla, Cumulus Inc, Bar Liberty, Capitano, Stokehouse, Smith & Daughters and Napier Quarter. She also attends farmers markets in Elwood, Brighton and Burundara and supplies the local Mitchellshire community with farm gate sales. “We’re usually on the banks of the Goulburn, but for now it would be safe to call us part of the Goulburn,” Fox wrote to clients. “The farm is completely submerged and we will lose most of our crops for the current season. We have also suffered extensive damage to infrastructure.” Aerial view of the Somerset Heritage production farm on the banks of the Goulburn River. Photo: Introduction Good Food spoke to Fox on Wednesday, the first day she was able to walk rather than kayak around her 1.6-hectare farm. “It’s almost worse to see without water because you can see the damage,” she says. As I walk over a bed of artichokes, I can see asparagus peeking through the mud. “Hopefully we’ll salvage some of the perennials—rhubarb patch, woody weeds and sorrel—but in terms of other crops like salad greens and herbs, nothing is left. The whole garlic crop is gone and that looked really nice.” Fox lives on the property and her home is also partially flooded. “We lost the hardware, but the house feels like a secondary business compared to the farm,” she says. We put life jackets on the goats and were able to get them into the kayak. They have never been more affectionate. The fences were swept away and the shipping container used as a refrigeration store turned a few meters into its own refrigeration unit. “We also lost a 35-meter multi-purpose tunnel and our baggage shed needs repairs,” she says. Fox managed to sail 15 chickens in a kayak to safety but struggled to save her two goats. “We couldn’t kayak them – the river was too strong at that point,” she says. “They survived the night and kayaked in the morning when the rain stopped. We put life jackets on the goats and were able to carry them in the kayak. They were never more affectionate.” Get the latest news and updates via email straight to your inbox. Casey Wall is Executive Chef of Capitano at Carlton North and Liberty Bar in Collingwood. “Chloe products are what drive all our menus,” he says. “We base our dishes on what you produce.” The wall outlines a modern pizza starring Spring garlic in Somerset: “We used the tops to make a green goddess base and then added onions and pancakes. It’s very easy to make things when you grow such a good product.” The loss of the entire oregano crop is an unsolved mystery. “We buy hundreds of bouquets and dry them for year-round use,” says Wall. “It’s a staple of Italian-American cooking.” The Capitano crew slowly dries up Somerset seasoning next to their pizza oven over the course of three days. “It’s a huge loss,” Wall says. “I don’t know how we’re going to get back from that.” “But we’ll find out. If there’s anything we’ve learned over the past two years it’s how to adapt.” Fox understands the impact that losing her crops will have. “The whole area was hit hard and it’s still unfolding,” she says. “Maybe we will be flooded again in the coming days with more rain expected.” “I know there will be huge food production gaps in Victoria because of these floods.” A GoFundMe page was created to support Somerset Heritage. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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napierfieldhq · 3 years
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welcome to napier field, our REPORTER & NEWBIE !! we can't thank you enough for the time, effort, and love that were put into your submissions. please check your messages for a link to the discord and join in the next 24 HOURS. congratulations, and thank you again !!
(* triggers have been redacted for privacy's sake, but will be listed in full on the discord!)
[ abigail cowen, 26, cis woman, she/her ] JINKIES! is that ABIGAIL COWEN? nah, that’s just HAILEY WARD, our TWENTY-SIX YEAR OLD, THE REPORTER! don’t be fooled, gang, because they may look INTELLIGENT and DETERMINED, but something tells me they’re CHAOTIC and MANIPULATIVE, too! personally, they remind me of CHERRY RED LIPS, ALWAYS SPEAKING HER TRUTH, A DRINK IN HAND, LAVENDER PERFUME, AND RED HAIR BLOWING THROUGH THE WIND. hopefully, they’ll stick around for a while! [mary, 20, pst, she/her] [ chase stokes, 25, male, he/him] JINKIES! is that CHASE STOKES? nah, that’s just THEODORE FLYNN, our TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OLD, NEWBIE! don’t be fooled, gang, because they may look CHARMING and LOVABLE, but something tells me they’re TACTLESS and REBELLIOUS, too! personally, they remind me of SKATING THROUGH LIFE, LONG NAPS, HOODIES AND JEANS, JUMPING FENCES, & WEARING SUNGLASSES TO HIDE A HANGOVER. hopefully, they’ll stick around for a while! [b, 28, est, she/her]
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ofclaudias · 4 years
hello everyone! i’m rosa, i’m eighteen and i go by she/her. i’m super exctied to plot with you all, so just like this and i’ll come scream in your im’s. oh, and my discord is 𝓇𝑜𝓈𝒶#0329  !
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—— have you met claudia violet napier? they are a twenty year old sophmore currently studying dramatic arts. they live on decker house, and word around campus is that this aquarius is idealistic + kindhearted, as well as rebellious + headstrong. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. second hand books marked with black ink and dog ears; standing in a rehearsal room late at night, slightly drunk on adrenaline and someone else’s words; a voice that’s sweet and confident enough to hide all the nights you spend screaming into your pillows.
name: claudia violet napier
nickname: she mostly goes by violet as a stage name, but her friends call her claudia
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
major: dramatic arts
occupation: has some gigs as a party princess
personality type: enfj
moral aligment: chaotic good
sexuality: biromantic, asexual
a very messy pinterest
claudia comes from a typical middle class family. small town, white fences and the picture perfect family. both of her parents are lawyers in a small firm, and even though they were not even close to rich, claudia went to a private school all of her life. she was the golden student, top of her class in every subjected. her parents dreamed about the day she would become an important lawyer or doctor, graduating from an ivy league school. and for most of her life, that’s what claudia always thought she would do.
everything changed in high school, when claudia became involved with her school’s shakespearean society. what started out as a small role in king lear to help a friend soon led to a new passion. chemistry and physics were quickly forgotten as claudia started to spend more time in the theatre, making trees out of cardboard and memorizing lines. suddenly, her parents perfect future didn’t seem so great.
her parents were not happy to receive an acceptance letter from holloway university for dramatic arts instead of law school. so claudia, with the determination of an eighteen years old, took her college fund and moved out of her house. she now spends the holidays with her grandmother, violet, and has been labeled the black sheep of her family.
despite living at decker, claudia is not much of a party girl. she loves the excitement and thrives in the energy of other people, but is almost never seen in the big parties. if you want to see the girl at an event, a cast party or slam poetry night is the best bet. or every lame exhibition ever.
has the kind of personality that demands attention. not in a self centered way, but she is a people pleaser, and would try to befriend every single person on campus if possible.
uses worrying about her friends as an excuse to not think about herself. she hates when other people try to look after her, which is why she acts like everything in her life is perfect when it definitely isn’t.
big repressed christian girl trying to act cool energy (even though neither her nor her family are religious) 
WILL recite you an entire shakespearan monologue in public wheter you want to or not.
acts before thinking. claudia is really smart and could find clever ways of getting out of bad situations, but she is too passionate for that. thinking means more time for her insecutities to get a hold of her, and that’s the last thing she wants.
ACT THREE ( the wanted connections )
best friends ——  someone who is more of an introvert, and has been basically adopted by claudia.
art people ——  all of her artistic friends who are just as dramatic as she is.
someone who hates theatre and is extremely annoyed by claudia.
unrequited crushes !
one of the rare peope with whom she doesn’t vibe. maybe she sees them as a jerk, maybe something about them just annoys her...
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skippyv20 · 4 years
The weather is crazy in new Zealand. Power out to 5 towns in the manawatu district after gale force winds blowing down trees, roofs off houses, fences flying and a fire on the hills near Napier new Zealand. I pray it doesn't spread.
We are praying with you.....🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
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m00nslippers · 5 years
Bizarro and Artemis are back, in RHATO Annual #3
I’m back with a review of the RHATO annual #3 and it is so good to see Biz and Artemis again. I think we’ve all missed them. Hopefully this issue heralds their triumphant return in the next arc (after the one this is previewing), but let’s get into this.
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We get a preview of the upcoming arc that we know involves Lex Luthor recruiting Jason to teach a bunch of kids how to be villains...or something. I’m sure we’ll figure out more in the new issues coming up. I highly doubt that’s all there is to it. I think it’s pretty obvious that Jason isn’t on the side of villains or creating more villains even if he isn’t strictly a hero. So I’m guessing there is some subterfuge involved in his plan and possibly Lex is trying to influence him a bit, maybe holding the fact that he helped Bizarro over his head, something like that. I think it’s most likely that he’s investigating Lex while pretending to work for him and teach in his villain school while secretly teaching all the kids values and whatnot. That would be cute, anyway.
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I have to point out this moment though, because I’m not sure how I feel about it. Basically this kid can sense/contact people who are dead but it’s mentally or physically painful, but Jason asks him to do it anyway. Yeah, he expects that it won’t work and therefore not hurt because he thinks Artemis and Bizarro aren’t dead, and also the pain might be minor and finding out if someone is dead or alive is pretty important, worth some mild discomfort even to a child, but I don’t really like the attitude he has when saying, “I’m not asking.” I think he must be playing up/pretending he’s villainous because otherwise that seems pretty out of character for him. He’s generally straight forward but kind to children, animals and non-normative people (like Biz). So I’m kind of assuming he’s acting this way because of circumstances we are going to find out more about in the next issue. Basically the take away from the interaction is that Biz and Artemis are not dead.
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So it picks up 6 months before the events of Jason talking to the kid. What this means is that between issue #25 of RHATO and upcoming issue #37, 6 months have elapsed, which seems reasonable. I’ve head-canoned Jason’s current age at 22 and I think this time frame supports that idea (there is reason to believe he was 21 in the Eternal comics).
Also, Artemis and Bizarro are clearly alive and in an alternate dimension where the Hall of Justice has been defaced and renamed “the Hall of Punishment” and is a ‘museum’, with the Justice League dead and disrespected. Everyone, even Superman.
As it turns out, the world is like this because of some bomb which made regular humans metas and metas regular humans, so most of the Justice League immediately became helpless without their abilities to almost everyone around them who now had meta abilities. What this means for people like Jason and the bats in this world who didn’t have powers to begin with is a real question, but not one we get answered. Basically, humans who now had powers and felt resentful of heroes who had originally had powers, took it out on the former heroes, hunting them down and putting them into camps where they eventually died. Which...okay, people are jerks so it seems reasonable that once they had powers some people would find any and every excuse to beat up on people who made them feel weak before so this isn’t a completely stupid basis for an alternate dystopia.
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After it’s established that Artemis doesn’t have access to Mistress (or presumably the Bow of Ra) because she can’t call her weapon across universes--which seems reasonable--we get introduced to a few one-off villains.
And like...the moment I saw these guys I shook my head because they are just classic Lobdell-type villains. Flat, corny, names are puny as hell, your stereotypical comic book villains. I’m not knocking it, they are fine for minor villains that only exist for a one shot, at least they are kind of memorable for being so ridiculous, I’m just mildly amused at their everything. One guy is some kind of discount horror-villain butcher character that you can’t understand called Butcher Block, another is a freaking Pop-Eye-esque Milk Man called DAIRY KING because of course he is, and there’s a pigish cop and a chick in a Carebear shirt who holds her hand like an air phone and goes by the name ‘Air Quote’. And the fiery butterfly chick who looks like the love-child of Firefly and Bumblebee. There are just...no words. I just can’t even, you guys.
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Along the way on their adventures they meet a guy calling himself Jack Knife who is part of the resistance against the normal people with super powers who made the world all dystopian and messed-up and didn’t agree with people killing former heroes in camps. Also, he is very clearly this universe’s Joker. I haven’t seen anyone mention this, but I’m not crazy here, right? Like, this is as obvious as I think it is, isn’t it? The guy’s name is Jack Knife, so his name is Jack, like Jack Napier, the Joker’s identity in many iterations of him. He has this long, sharp face with a crazy chin and wide mouth, is a bit of a wise-cracker and he wears a purple waistcoat and a green tie and a yellow shirt and has a flower in his lapel--like the Joker-- and uses pistols and knives, like...this guy is clearly the freaking Joker over here!
I can only assume Jason has not filled Artemis or Biz in on his issues with the Joker--which would be pretty in-character for Jay--or at the very least they have never seen him and don’t recognize him because this team up would have been over before it started if they had. They might still have went along with him, since this is a different guy, but they would have been suspicious.
Also, Jack doesn’t seem to have any powers...meaning he had powers before ‘hero day’ when metas lost their powers and norms gained powers...meaning the Joker is a meta. So that’s a thing. The reason the Joker is so wily and weird and doesn’t seem to die or age is because he’s a meta, you guys. You heard it here.
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So we get the ‘6 months later’ flash forward and Artemis and BIzarro are working as part of the resistance along with the Flutterby girl seems to have defected in the time skip. Arty and Biz have gone native with some awesome, in my opinion, costume changes. Biz has a beard and muscle shirt and like...latex pants or something, which I am super into for some reason, and Artemis has your stereotypical punk haircut with the shaved head. It’s kind of an overdone design but I can’t lie, I think it works for her, she rocks it.
But even more importantly there’s this awesome interaction between Biz and Flutterby where Biz shows just how much he listens and values and still remembers Jason even after all this time. Their bond is just so strong, even now. Biz stops the girl from killing someone, remembering Jason’s values, which just drives home the fallacy that Jason just kills all criminals. No, Jason thinks for some people, the cost of leaving them alive outweighs the moral price of killing them. It’s a thing you have to do sometimes, something you are sometimes morally obligated to do in his opinion, but not a first resort. That’s what he taught Biz and Bizarro is teaching Flutterby. But he also taught Biz that sometimes you gotta get even, so he lets her give the guy some revenge knocks too, heh. Oh Biz, you’re a chip off the old block. Jay would be proud.
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As this is happening, Jack Knife and Artemis are being held ‘prisoner’ (turns out it’s all part of their plan) by...General Samuel Lane?! Yeah, Lois’s dad. I don’t know much about him, I haven’t read anything with him in it, but I guess he’s kind of an on-the-fence secret-service type usually, like Amanda Waller, but seeing him as an outright villain is a bit surprising to me. There is probably no relation, but Lane has also cropped up in the recent Leviathan Event where everyone, seems to think Jason is Leviathan (I don’t, but we’ll see I guess.) I just thought that was interesting. There’s not mention of Lois but there IS mention of...
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Lex-fucking-Luthor. Who is apparently a big, nasty head-brain monster, like MODOK or something now. Apparently the meta bomb was his brain-child (heh) and he’s surprisingly okay with the outcome that he’s a giant head that gets around via fork-lift and the world is messed-up. In fact, he and Lane are itching to drop one on Artemis and BIz’s world too! Which they can do, because Luthor--or more likely some minion, I mean he doesn’t have hands anymore--went around collecting the splinters of the doorway which Bizarro and Artemis originally went through to get to this universe.
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As the resistance springs their trap Bizarro calls everyone Outlaws which warms my heart. The Outlaws isn’t the same without Biz and Artemis (or Star and Roy), Red Hood is an outlaw, sure, but the team is what made it special, made it something other than Jason just trying to right the wrongs he thinks the other heroes are letting slide because they won’t get their hands dirty. They are better together.
And so in this comic we see an example of the Outlaws sparing some criminals and them outright killing one when Artemis straight-up murders Lex Luthor, hell yes. The guy was just a nasty psychic brain on a fork-lift anyway, it was probably a mercy kill. And then Biz and Artemis jump through the doorway and hopefully end up...home?
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This issue was pretty straight forward, just a one-off side story to explain where Biz and Artemis have been, nothing revolutionary. The art was pretty good, though there are a few panels at the beginning where Artemis has really weird expressions. I really enjoyed Biz and Artemis’s costume change, I hope they stick with something like it when they do meet back up with Jason eventually. Two things stood out to me. One, that Biz and Artemis, despite probably only being with Jason a shorter amount of time than they actually ended up spending apart, clearly hold Jason and the Outlaws very dear and are keeping The Outlaws and everything it stood for alive. It’s so wonderful to see someone in the goddamn DC Universe loves and appreciates Jason like he deserves. They can’t return fast enough, IMO, but I don’t think they will drop back into the story until the very end or just after this upcoming arc with Lex Luthor.
The other thing that stood out to me...was the freaking alt-Joker on the Outlaws team! What?! Like I’m not mad or happy, I’m just...what!? I don’t know how to feel. I like this version of the Joker but that in no way makes me not want to perform intimate torture on the main world’s Joker and see him die a cruel, painful death. I still want that very much. Can’t wait until the next issue, happily we only have to wait about two weeks I think. I so here for it.
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runnersnz · 3 years
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“I started running as an adult nearly 14 years ago. I was walking and doing Pilates but it got to the point one day I needed something more, so I decided to give running a try. I quickly found the thrill and sense of achievement on every run I did. Sometimes with my hubby, sometimes with the buggy, and other times solo. I loved the freedom.I started on the road and stayed there for many years. Then I discovered the trails and boy what an amazing thing. Like the doors opening to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but in this case the great outdoors. The sheer beauty that surrounds you is a wonder. I joined Life in Motion @lifeinmotioneve and added HIIT workouts, which really helped compliment my running, and then group runs. One evening when I was out on the trail disaster struck. I had a major fall on the trails and injured myself badly. It took me 4 years of surgeries, specialist’s, rehab, physio, strength work, and re training to recover. I felt that my running days were over During this time, I got to take on the other side of the runners fence - the supporter. I became my husband and LIM crew's support team. Keeping everyone supplied, sun screened, hydrated, and blister free. It was such a humbling experience to get to watch absolutely amazing everyday people smash out their goals. It was while cheering people over the finish line at Tarawera when one of the fellow run crew said “so - are you going to run the 50K next year?”. It was something I had always sworn I would never do, but seeing the inspiring humans cross that finish line I replied “sure”. I set off with an amazing run plan from Eve and went to work. It was kind of exciting as the training ramped up for this ‘go slow and steady’ girl. In February 2021 I ran my first Ultramarathon, which happened to be my first race half and full marathon too. I was so grateful and in awe of my body and mind and what it achieved. Accomplishing this run was a huge milestone for me. Pushing my once broken body beyond limits I never thought would be achievable was an overwhelming and gratifying experience which I will treasure forever. I have met the most amazing group of people and friends through my running adventures. Truly inspiring people. And I run because for me it fills my soul and gives me a sense of achievement.” Kat @kat.clark83 (Wellington/Napier) - Portraits of Runners + their stories @RunnersNZ
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chrismbr · 3 years
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Front fence (AKA garden wall) #NapierSt #Fitzroy (at Napier St) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNeAmAXHjww/?igshid=rjm3xwjhvsh3
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swldx · 1 year
RNZ Pacific 1207 16 Mar 2023
13755Khz 1153 16 MAR 2023 - RNZ PACIFIC (NEW ZEALAND) in ENGLISH from RANGITAIKI. SINPO = 45444. English, "Inside Out" Jazz music DJ'd by male announcer until pips and news @1200z anchored by Catriona MacLeod. The government is spending $2.75 million to set up an emergency shipping route for Hawke's Bay and Tai Rāwhiti, including chartering a vessel for three months. Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and Regional Development Minister Kiri Allan made the announcement on Thursday while visiting Gisborne. The first freight convoy on State Highway 5 from Taupō to Napier has made it through, Waka Kotahi says. The road suffered extensive damage during Cyclone Gabrielle a month ago, with a temporary bypass created around a large underslip between Glengarry and Te Pōhue. The Young Neurodiversity Champions group are meeting with MP's today from across the house, demanding more action plans and programmes in schools for students to ensure they don't fall through gaps in the education system. Global cocaine production has reached record levels as demand rebounds following Covid lockdowns, a new report has found. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime said coca cultivation rose by 35% between 2020 and 2021 to record levels. Findings suggest new hubs for trafficking have emerged in West and Central Africa. @1204z Standards and Complaints PSA. @1205z Weather Forecast: severe weather warnings for gales, rain easing to showers in the morning. @1206z "All Night Programme" anchored by Catriona MacLeod. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 100kW, beamAz 35°, bearing 240°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 12912KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0653.
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a statement from the asylum seekers of napier barracks, in folkstone, kent, provided by kent online (jan 22, 2021)
Dear all British citizens,
During this challenging time that is happening all over the word and especially in the UK, we had not seen any necessity to explain our situation and defend ourselves until now.
When we are becoming more and more mentally vulnerable and physically ill due to the Covid outbreak in Napier barracks, the Home Office, specifically its Secretary Priti Patel and Minister for Immigration Chris Philp, are intentionally ignoring us and trying their best to cover the disaster which is happening in this army camp.
It is vital to understand that no one chooses to leave the country they were born in, no one chooses to leave their family and loved ones behind.
We came to this country to save our lives, lives which were mostly in danger because of war and persecution. Yet we found ourselves in an army camp and we are surrounded by fences and security guards.
We decided to write this statement to say how the situation is here, as there is no one to defend us from our point of view, when the politicians are either intentionally ignoring or not telling the truth.
Napier Barracks has 16 blocks to house 400 asylum seekers. Three of these have separate private rooms but the 13 others are housing around 28 people each.
These 28 people share one space to sleep next to each other with partitions in between which are open from the top and curtains to secure some kind of privacy.
But we all share one space. We breath in one room and there is no way we can practise social distancing.
Moreover, these 28 people in one block share two toilets and two showers in total.
They also provided extra toilets and showers outside of each block but they are either out of order or have poor hygiene.
Meals are usually served in the communal dining room and we all have to wait in queue to get food three times a day, so we all share one space to eat as well.
By mentioning these facts we want to raise the awareness [of the society] that social distancing is not practicable here.
Each infected person can spread the virus all over the block which is shared with other 27 people and this can cause disaster as it did already.
The Home Office stated that it was the asylum seekers' fault that we did not follow the rules and did not practise social distancing.
By knowing these facts, how is following the guidelines possible?
They expect all 400 people to practise social distancing when not all the people outside the camp do the same.
The question is why the Home Office put 400 people in one place?
On January 14, six cases of Covid were confirmed in one block. Yet the managers of the camp decided to open fences around the block and let infected ones mix with everyone.
They stated as this camp is representing a big house all the parts of it belong to the house so they are allowed to be free inside it.
One week later, 120 cases were confirmed and more test results are yet to be delivered.
They did not isolate the infected ones in the first place, they did not secure us from the pandemic and they announced that the outbreak is our fault.
During the first days of January, there were two people with all the symptoms of Covid. But all they did was to advise them to isolate themselves in their rooms or give them paracetamol.
They still had no choice but to use the same toilet and shower which everyone was using and they also did not get tested.
We are disappointed in the Home Office and the government, we lost our hope as we do not have a voice to defend us.
This statement was just to say that not everything you hear is true.
We are detained without knowing what we have done to deserve living like this or how long we are going to stay here.
After so many protests and some suicide attempts, the Home Office still has no intention to improve the situation.
There are fathers, sons and husbands here.
There are nurses, teachers, engineers and talented people here and yet we have been treated like criminals or prisoners.
Last but not least, we appreciate this nation that has always welcomed immigrants and asylum seekers and showed the world its values of protecting human rights and justice.
Hope you're all safe,
Asylum seekers of Napier Barracks
a statement from the asylum seekers of napier barracks on the barrack fire, provided by hastings supports refugees (jan 30, 2021)
Dear all, 
As one of the residents in Napier Barracks and on behalf of so many of my friends here, I want to express my sadness and sorrow for what had happened yesterday. It was horrible to see a building burning, see the fear in everyone’s eyes and to see the staff in difficulty and pain. We want to say  how sorry and disappointed we are, that this incident affected people. Especially the staff, firefighters, police and etc. As you all know, living in a terrible condition and unsafe when it comes to Covid, affected all the residents physically and mentally. Their protests, hunger strikes and suicide attempts were all ignored from the Home Office. This incident was not something that we all wanted to happen. People respond to anger differently. Each of us react in our own unique way when we are desperate and disappointed. Some may protest peacefully, some refuse to eat, some commit suicide and when you are even more ignored some may lose control. I want you all know that this was not something  that we all can approve. The majority of us are against violence as we escaped it. Words cannot express our shame and sadness, our solidarity with the ones who are affected by it. I also want to ask the Home Office and other authorities to take action against violence and also make sure that Napier Barracks will be closed as it is no longer safe and secure.  It is mandatory to see the people in camps as human beings and desperate people. We are all the same, thus we all express our emotions differently when we are under pressure. Last but not least, we all want to thank the police and firefighters who helped everyone to be safe and fine. 
Asylum seekers of Napier Barracks
image: fire at the napier barracks by the sun
[image description: an aerial view of napier barracks. rolls of barracks can be seen with grey roofs and brick walls. one of them caught fire and can be seen burning, with a lot of smoke coming up into the sky. some cars can be seen next of the barracks.]
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freenewstoday · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/01/29/eight-fire-brigades-tackle-blaze-at-former-uk-barracks-housing-400-asylum-seekers-videos/
Eight fire brigades tackle blaze at former UK barracks housing 400 asylum seekers (VIDEOS)
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A fire has broken out at a former army barracks in Kent, which protesters and an MP are demanding be closed due to the poor conditions hundreds of asylum seekers are living in while they wait for their application to be processed.
Eight fire engines and police were called to Napier Barracks in the coastal town of Folkestone, in southeast England on Friday, after a blaze in one of the buildings on the site started at around 2pm GMT.
“At this stage, there have been no reported injuries, and enquiries remain ongoing to determine the cause of the fire and establish whether any offences have been committed,” Kent Police said in a statement.
A spokesperson for Kent Fire and Rescue Service said the fire is now under control. It had earlier advised people living nearby to keep their windows and doors closed due to smoke from the blaze.
According to the KentOnline news platform, one of its reporters was told to move away from the area due to potential asbestos fumes in the smoke.
Residents and activists have been demonstrating outside the barracks over the alleged poor living conditions at the site.
On Thursday, protesters carrying placards warning Home Secretary Priti Patel, “There will be blood on your hands” demanded the substandard accommodation be shut down, and hurled buckets of fake blood over the perimeter fence.
Some 120 asylum seekers have tested positive for Covid-19 at the barracks and recently received letters informing them that their existing “social bubbles” would be split up so they could self-isolate, according to the migrant and refugee charity Care4Calais.
However, residents told RT UK earlier this week that social distancing is not possible on the site, which accommodates people in dormitories, and that, because of the lack of space, some still have to share accommodation with people who have contracted Covid.
In a statement, Patel said the “damage and destruction” at the barracks is “not only appalling but deeply offensive to the taxpayers of this country.”
She added that “the Home Office will support the police to take robust action against those vandalising property, threatening staff and putting lives at risk,” although she did not clarify which vandals she was referring to.
In the past fortnight, UK Shadow Immigration Minister Holly Lynch has written to the government regarding the situation at the barracks, but claims not to have received a reply to her request to virtually visit the site to check the conditions there for herself.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Ohio Lawmakers Attempt to Ban Anime Book, Author Susan J. Napier Responds
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  One of Dr. Susan J. Napier's books, Anime from Akira to Howl's Moving Castle: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation, was originally published back in 2005, but it's been in the headlines of late thanks to a recent campus controversy. It all came about when Ohio lawmakers called for Kent State University to take a closer look at—and ultimately remove—the material after a 17-year-old student complained about it and his parents took action.
  While Kent State is typically home to older students, some younger students take classes there, and their parents are required to sign off on any reading material before they dive into it. Though the parents of the student in question did reportedly sign off on Napier's book, it wasn't until the student complained that they took a closer look and raised a red flag to the higher-ups at the university.
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  State Rep. Reggie Stoltzfus described the book as being "way beyond pornography," adding, "It's violent. It's dark. It's violent sexual acts. The pictures are very twisted. You know somebody with a twisted mind had to come up with this stuff." 
  While the rep and others are attempting to leverage funding as a means to get the book pulled entirely, Otaku USA magazine's Danica Davidson spoke with the author to discuss the entire ridiculous situation. 
  Susan Napier on what she suspects is deemed offensive in the book:
  "It’s one chapter. The chapter on pornography in Japanese animation. Some of the stuff is very unpleasant. It does show real violence against women. I thought it was actually important to bring up pornography. It was reasonably widely available and I knew people in the West were looking at it, so I thought some people should explore it. I thought if you wanted to understand anime as a total part of Japanese culture, you have to be aware of this. You don’t have to watch it. I never suggested that."
  Napier added that she's never had a work like this challenged before, and that it ultimately fits into the larger issue of censorship. 
  "I think if we ignore things, if we try to put a fence around certain subjects, I think all that does is hide them. I think this kind of issue of finding controversial things you don’t want to read and judging an entire book by it is also disturbing. As you just said, most of the book is about the variety of Japanese animation. It was shocking to me they would want to have the book banned and use terms like “pornographic” about the book. The idea of feeling that if you don’t like a subject you ignore or suppress anything controversial is not a very sensible way to approach a subject. It can come back and flower even more because it’s seen as forbidden."
  The full interview is definitely worth a read, shining more light on both the situation at hand and the work of Susan J. Napier, from the early days of scholarly anime coverage to some of her more recent endeavors. 
  Source: Otaku USA
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his brand new comic, MONSTER FLIGHT, at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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