#Fefnir: CANT HEAR YA!!
Alright, I'm gonna talk about how the guardians and X feel about their baby brother.
Phantom: Being now the second youngest feels weird now but strangely he has accepted it. Being known to be close to Volnutt, even after scaring his little brother to death from quietly showing up without warning. He appreciates all of his endeavors, he’s the quietest of the rambunctious family but rather his actions alone speaks more volumes especially how far he would go of keeping him safe. He’s also a really good listener, listening to his little brother’s troubles, even bestowing him insight. He bestows Volnutt a privilege that none of his siblings ever got…sharing his snacks cause dammit he knows the best ones. The Youngest have to stick together after all. He’s always there for him in the shadows…
Leviathan: To Levi, Her baby brother is just the cutest! The mischievous big sister that loves to tease him especially about Tron the most. Often drags him to get him stylish new clothes because his casual ones are outdated (in her opinion her baby brother needs to look his very best!). Often drags him to have fun once a while to get away from digger work! The conversations can last for hours, and it turns out that Levi is really good at dropping gossip! Gives him the tea of what’s going on; it ends with these two cackling together (Phantom is a part of the gossip circle). Don’t let her easy going playful attitude if someone tries to hurt her precious little baby brother. She’ll gladly tear you apart and spread your remains across the sea where no one can find you.
Fefnir: The rowdy big brother who loves a good rough house! Just because Volnutt is the baby doesn't stop him from going rough on him. His head nogies always ruin the poor lad’s hair. Finding ways to get Volnutt to train with him, doesn’t want him to go soft just because he’s being coddled by everyone else. So he kinda drags Volnutt into trouble but always gets the both of them out of there in piece. Listen he and Volnutt would talk smack to psych eachother out for battle. Despite how he is, both brothers tend to bond together at his own garden just because Fer is a warrior who’s passion for battle can’t enjoy a quiet hobby. Gardening time with Fefnir is something that Volnutt tends to look forward to. Showing a side that is very rare to anyone who isn’t in the Fam. Plus they cook up with the vegetables that were harvested in that said garden!
Harpuia: As the oldest sibling it is in Harpuia’s nature to show the best example to his youngest brother. Passing on as much wisdom and examples that he can provide. Tend to be a nag towards but it was for the right reasons. Always looking out for his safety especially on digger missions. He lets Volnutt hold on his back, when he flies bonding times. He’s proud of his little brother’s growth and achievements as a Digger. He tries to get him to check out books to learn more about the world, the success tends to vary…
X: His youngest son, whom he adores. The moment his eyes fell on him, he knew this was his child. He is the person who provides Volnutt with the wisdom, guidance, and support he needed. Can be fussy and protective of Volnutt (and Roll), but he recognizes his ability to fend for himself, so he teaches Volnutt techniques to help him on his adventures and to improve his abilities. He can’t l help but see himself in Volnutt, who reminds him so much of his youth before the wars. He often tells Volnutt stories about the world before the Floods. Even recalling some of his former friends and family. He will do everything in his power to prevent Volnutt from witnessing the horrors he had to endure when he was his age.
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