ahogedetective ยท 10 months
"Ku..." *mondo looks incredibly pissed as he stares at the cards in his hand, his gaze shifting between it, the game board, and his bro right in front of him! somehow he was convinced to play a tabletop where the players try to guess the murderer, how they did it, and in which room, but mondo's at a complete loss despite trying his best! suddenly he looks away while there's a huge scowl on his face, his foot thumping against the floor in annoyance!*
"I have no fuckin' clue! All these clues an' testimonies an' shit don't make any sense! Nothing is addin' up, it's just one mystery leadin' into other mysteries! Are you sure there's actually a way to beat this thing?!"
Shuichi was honestly still surprised that he was able to convince Mondo to play this mystery tabletop game with him. He knew this wasn't Mondo's kind of thing at all, but he was genuinely curious to see how well he'd do at this. Though as he watches the biker get increasingly angry, he could tell that....maybe this wasn't a very good idea...
With a sheepish smile, he gets out of his seat, so he can lean over and rub his shoulder. "N-Now, now, Mondo, calm down... don't let yourself get too frustrated, or you won't be able to think clearly. It's just like mysteries in real life, right? Everything sounds so confusing, a lot of things will not seemingly make sense at first; but as you go through the evidence and testimony, and slowly piece things together; everything will gradually begin to make sense. So yes, I'm positive this is solvable; in fact, I've already got a pretty good idea on who the true culprit is after finding out the murder method and location, and re-reading the testimonies to determine who was the only possible person to match with both. So, I know you've got this, Mondo! You're smarter than you give yourself credit for. Just cool your head, think about everything your cards are informing you about, and then you'll start to see things make sense. I'll be more than happy to provide small hints, if that helps, too."
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