corrodedbisexual · 1 year
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even in the darkest times (there is light)
At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, two thousand miles off the coastline of China, lies the Gate. A portal to a hellish dimension, a nightmarish mirror image of the normal world: the Upside Down. The place swarms with demonic beasts, commonly known to the world by their Japanese name, Maju. For years now, the Maju have been making their way through the Gate to Earth, ranging in size from dangerous yet small Demobats to giant monsters the size of a building. Humanity eventually pools all its technological resources to create the Jaegers, robots that are on par with the size of these creatures, and the neural network required to control which is so complex it requires two pilots, working together in a shared mind space known as the Drift.   
Ranger Steven Harrington, freshly out of the Cadet training program at the LA base, has yet to match with a compatible co-pilot. Ranger Edward Munson, just recently transferred, has already seen his fair share of combat at the other side of the Pacific, where close proximity to the Gate makes the ongoing battle for humanity’s survival especially brutal and bloody. Due to an unfortunate mix of circumstances, prejudices and misunderstandings, they somehow manage to start off on the wrong foot, and might have remained mostly strangers to each other if it weren’t for their Captain’s order to try out for Drift compatibility. Eddie is skeptical that anything will come of it; with the memory of recently losing his previous co-pilot and best friend Chrissy Cunningham still fresh in his mind, he is far from the easiest person to establish a stable Drift with. However, largely thanks to Steve’s determination and willingness to work through Eddie’s trauma, they progress with their joint training faster than he would have expected.
Day after day, mission after mission, one shared memory after another, they grow closer, eventually developing feelings for each other they couldn’t hide even if they wanted to; for in the Drift, there is no space for secrets. Meanwhile, just a few floors below, in the restricted area of the base, a plan is being conceived. One that involves a young girl who can do the impossible, and might just be the only hope for humanity's salvation.
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gjjokok · 9 months
22 - September 4, 2023 (monday)
So just had an overall great weekend for EZoo. Even though Friday was cancelled which really sucked, Wes still had a pre so was there with a lot of fun people and then went to a homepa near my place in Brooklyn where there were some really cute guys so that was fun. Didn't go on Saturday either but still went to a party in LIC and had a lot of fun. Then on Sunday finally actually went to EZoo wooooo. Was with a lot of fun people that I really love most of the night and met some new people that were nice to talk to and get to know. People were so nice to me and I got to make out with like any person I would've wanted to make out with. Music was pretty bad tbh but still was able to have a good time.
Anyways, now to what's making me sad.
After Ezoo last night, it took a loooong time to leave and about 5 of us who left together got food later in the night. Was nice to hang with them a bit more, but then at the end of the night literally everyone has someone to go home to except for me. Not only people with boyfriends, also people going to hang with their situationships or visiting people going to hang with their friends hosting them in new york.
Kevin gives me so much attention when we are in group settings together like parties, raves, etc. but then it kind of ends there. Like one of the reasons I had such a great time on Friday is because Kevin was so flirty and affectionate with me (including constantly making out with me, coming up to a separate section of the roof where I was hanging out at Wes' place to kiss me and suck my dick in front of everyone, then pulling me in to Wes' room to push me against the wall and kiss me and have me suck his dick lol). He also told me numerous times how much he likes me completely unprompted. He almost never asks me to hang out, he never updates me on his plans, and I haven't hungout with him one on one or stayed over at his place in so long. Even when he tells me about tentative plans, I'm always the one that has to follow up to see if it's still going on or what the details are rather than him just telling me. Also, this is DEFINITELY just me being sensitive but in a game of FMK, I chose him to marry and he chose me to fuck and chose some random guy he doesnt know that well to marry so that's kind of just embarrassing. This sentiment kind of follows with other people too - at raves, everyone likes to talk to me and make out with me and at parties everyone is really flirty and says how they want to fuck me etc, but then its pretty uncommon that people are actually proactive in wanting to hang out with me or get to know me on like a platonic or romantic level.
Right now I'm really torn because I feel like what would be best for me long term is to just be friends with kevin (like putting up boundaries on nothing sexual, no flirting, etc.). This would make it so I never have expectations of him, am never anticipating to see him at events, and won't get lead on by him anymore. (Side note: he made his phone background a picture of us kissing that someone took on Friday night so that's a bit confusing coming from someone who said he doesn't want to date me). Even though that's like the mature thing to do, it is genuinely terrifying to think about never being able to receive his affection again because it just makes me feel so happy.
The alternative is that I can try to shift me expectations so that I'm not expecting him to want to hangout with me and so that it's just a nice thing to see him when I see him at parties and maybe he'll be affectionate and maybe it won't. Downside of this is:
It's kind of just sad to live like this knowing that I like him but living with the fact that he doesn't like me enough or care about me enough to ask me to hangout outside of parties
It's almost embarrassing because everyone always asks what we are and what we're doing since he's so public with his affection, and then I don't know how to answer or what to say because our boundaries and definition are so unclear. Makes me feel like I'm just a puppy in other people's eyes waiting on Kevin to decide what we are.
Last night as he left EZoo (which, sidenote: why does Kevin never ask me to leave with him or like at least ask IF i would want to leave with him. He always just tells me he's leaving events. Is it so crazy that he might want me to go home with him or at least leave events together?) he was like "I'll see you tomorrow?" and I was like "oh will I see you? why?" and he just said "I'll tell you tomorrow". Spoke to friends about it and they said it's for maybe going to Flushing for hotpot, and I'm so curious to see if he even texts me today or will just forget to invite me/if it's cancelled, I doubt he'll tell me. But we'll see.
I think overall I'm just really trying to be cool and chill, and he already told me that he isn't looking to date so I really shouldn't have any expectations, but it's so hard when I have weekends like this where I'm getting constant validation from him and then I have to act like it doesn't make me sad that I dont get more validation from him outside of group settings. If he likes me so much, wouldn't he want to hang out with me more often? And also I used to stay at his place all the time - he said that he doesn't want us to change and just wanted to make it clear that he still isn't looking to date - so why wouldn't he want me to stay over at his place anymore? (ok one more side note: he genuinely seems to almost never hangout with people based on his location, him telling me what he's been up to when I see him, based on what other people say etc. - so it's not like he's choosing to hangout with other people instead of me so that makes me feel a bit better).
Most likely will post an update tonight where I will be either:
Very sad because he didn't text me all day and clearly doesn't actually care about me or else he would follow up with me on plans he mentioned
Very happy because I stop thinking so much and I see him today and feel fine and have a good time
Very conflicted because I still see him today but feel weird and have a talk with him about him not giving me anything and he could react really negatively or be unclear in his response to that and then it'll be on me again to decide if it's worth it to keep getting lead on or if I should break it off with him.
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marigold-doms · 3 years
Heyy, I love your work! ☺️ can I request a SuperM reaction to their sub leaving in apparel they don't approve of? 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 (btw you're my favorite writer)
Admin Mika🌻: hmmm, i wonder what gave you the push to submit a request miss ma’am..... hehehe love you bbyyyyy 💛~ also, i had no idea what to title it so.... i just left it as it was in my drafts, hope you enjoy!
|| superm reacts || to sub leaving in a 0/10 outfit
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He’s the most subtle and quiet about it.
The biggest remark you’ll probably get is
“Baby, what are you wearing?” in the most soft tone of voice.
He doesn’t ever want to disapprove of what ever aesthetic or fashion style you’re going for...
This baby just wants you to look appropriate🥺
Or he could actually careless in a sense that he’s so confident in his sub’s fashion sense. Hell, he’s the type to match looks.
If you’re revealing some skin, so is he.
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He’ll probably holler at you.
I see baek doing the most outrageous cat call on you as you show your outfit to him.
Lovingly teases you before he tells you to turn your ass around and change.
“WOOOOO damn you got a mans???” Bites his lip and scans you up and down. After you guys share a laugh, he’ll probably try to convince you to wear something over any parts that he feels would be too inappropriate.
If you still refuse....
He’s so quick to bend you over and give you 10 harsh spanks on the ass.
“Now go change.”
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As soon as you bend down to pick up your shoes at the door Kai puts his hand up into the air and shakes it.
“Yeah. No.” He scoffs from how incredulous
He turns you around REAL quick after seeing that your breasts are in full view of any by standing man.
“Go change.” He mutters under his breath. “You just wanna act bad today.”
Of course, you did. you love to push this man’s buttons. “No. I don’t want to.”
Kai scoffs again, slicking his hair back from his face as he chuckles. “I wasn’t asking if you wanted to or not. I’m telling you to go change.”
You approach your argumentive boyfriend and get in his face. “Why don’t you make me then?”
Like girl... are you dumb? Or are you stupid??—
You probably wont be able to leave the house tonight just because you wanna catch an attitude. And this man is a hair short from taking your outfit and ripping it from your skin.
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This precious baby is also like taemin... if I’m honest he might not even tell you anything until after you guys get back.
“Baby, Have I told you that you looked so pretty tonight?”
You kind of pout because he hasn’t. “No. You’ve said nothing all night.”
He sees how disappointed you are so he caves.
“How could I?” He takes your face into his veiny hands. “You wanted to prance around and make me feel this useless jealously. Of course. I didn’t say a word, Baby. You like it when I reprimand you.”
He saw right through you and you hated that he could out smart you in ways like this. So you’re left with no choice but to resort to the name...
“Whatever. You’re such a dick.”
The hands that were once caressing your face have moved to wrap around your neck.
“You better watch yourself. You keep talking and you know exactly where you’ll end up.” You hair is suddenly guiding you as he pulls you into his room. “I have no choice but to punish you for your misbehavior.”                                                                                                                                                                                                  
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He honestly lives for it. Do it. Test him.
Challenge this man.
He feels amusement from how you choose to taunt him through the night.
Your outfit is doing nothing but help his case more than yours.
“You’re leaving in that?”
being the stubborn pair that you are, when you argue with him on how you love the way your body looks in the outfit of your choice, you can’t hide from the glare that he gives you.
“Fine.” Ten starts slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Revealing more of his toned chest and abs. “If you’re fine with me going out like this...”
You cant lose, so you shrug and walk passed him. “Let’s go.”
Bad choice on your part bc as soon as girls press themselves closer to your bf on the dance floor you finally explode and claim your man. Pulling him closer to you.
You plan backfiring but you know that ten was just trying to turn this on you.
“Wanna go home now baby?” He smiles down at you with amused eyes, clearly happy with your reaction.
“Fuck you.”
“Oh, with that dirty mouth of yours,” He leans into your ear. “I plan to.”
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He wants you to express yourself of course, but this baby is too protective over you.
To be honest, he doesn’t want to know that other people are looking at his baby.
He wants to make sure that all the parts of you that he wants to see is only for him to see. So when your skirt rises to a place that he is too uncomfortable for you to wear in public he does the gentlemen thing.
“Here, baby.” He offers you his jacket and ties it around your waist before you exit the apartment. “You might get cold.”
I see Lucas as a soft(ish)dom that wont tell you to change but he offers a solution to what he views as a “problem”.
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Flustered baby🥺
He sees you walk out of your room and he can’t help but groan. “What- what are you wearing y/n?”
He remembers that he’s supposed to help instruct you—being the great and caring dom he is— into behaving.
“Isn’t it a bit too...” Mark’s gentle hand caresses the exposed skin of your thighs. “ sexy? You know, for dinner with friends?”
You shake your head. “You don’t like it?” You turn your head in false distain.
“No, no babe. The complete opposite.” His other hand pulls you in closer by the waist. “I love it, I just know I won’t love the looks the dreamies will give you...”
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