#FFXV Ignisxoc Fanfiction
lesphantom · 6 years
FFXV: A Retelling-ish...
FFXV: A Retelling-ish...
Chapter 15
The next morning, I awoke with a sudden chill.  I realized Ignis was gone.  I sat up and I stretched.  My nose caught the smell of bacon cooking and I grinned.  I unzipped the tent and I poked my head out. Ignis was the only one awake.  He was humming a non-sensical tune and occasionally whistling as he cooked.  I bit my lip while grinning at him.  I silently slipped out of the tent and I wrapped my arms around his waist.  He jumped a bit.
“Morning, Iggy.”
“Good morning, my love.”
“Whatcha cooking this morning?”
“Bacon and eggs.  Keeping it quite simple this morning.”
“Hmmm.... Is that cuz you're... distracted...”  I said in a seductive voice.
“No... It was so I could spend more time with this woman I met that means everything to me.” Ignis said.
He laughed.  “No... um... HELL no...”
I laughed.  “Baby...”
Ignis grinned, popping a piece of perfectly cooked bacon in my mouth before popping one into his own.  I shot him a grin.
“Mmm... So fucking good... and I don't mean the bacon...” I said with a wink.
Ignis laughed, going a bit pink.  “Be good, love...”
“Where's the fun in that?” I said.
Ignis laughed.  “Shush.”
I grinned.  “I'm gonna tear the tent down.”
“Already love?”
“Hey, I wanna be prepared.  The sooner we get to Lestallum, the sooner I'm gonna be home.
Ignis shot me a grin.  “Fair enough, darling.”
I ducked into the tent and I tossed my stuff into my backpack.  I then took my backpack out by my chair. I backtracked to the tent and I disassembled it quickly. Gladio stumbled out of the boys' tent a few moments later.
“Mornin' bro.” I said.
“Mornin'...” said Gladio with a yawn.
“Breakfast is just about done...” said Ignis.
“Good.” Gladio said.
“No offense, bro, but you look like shit.  You ok?” I said.
“Yeah, yeah.” said Gladio, waving his hand at me.  “Just didn't sleep very well last night.  Lots of tossing and turning.”
“Sorry to hear that!” I said with a frown.  “Anything I can do?”
“Nah. I'm good.  I may pass out in the car on the way to Lestallum, though.” Gladio said.
“Not a bad plan.” said Ignis.
Gladio let out another yawn.  “Yeah.”
Slowly, Noctis and Prompto joined us by the fire pit.  Noctis plopped down in his chair.  Noctis gave Ignis a grin.  
“I smell bacon.” Noctis said.
“You're smelling correctly...” Ignis said.
“Time to dig in!” said Prompto.
“Almost. Finishing up the eggs as we speak.” Ignis said.
“Sweet.” said Prompto.
I grabbed some plates for Ignis and he shot me a grin.  Ignis set out the plates and he began plating food.  He handed me a plate with a smile and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.  I blushed and he grinned.
“Go sit down, my love.” Ignis said.
“Yes, sir.” I said.
“I'll be over in a moment.” Ignis said grinning.
“You'd better be...” I said shooting him a seductive smile.
Ignis bit his lower lip.  “Dammit, Mina...”
I grinned.  “ 'Love you...”
“ 'Love you too... Now sit.”
“Ok...” I said.
I walked over to my chair and I sat down.  I began eating my breakfast. Gladio flopped down next to me with a heavy sigh.  I looked at him. His eyes were closed.  I gently touched his hand.  He opened his eyes and he looked at me.
“You ok?” I asked.
“Just sleepy...” Gladio said.
“Bull shit.” I said.
He sighed.  “Mina, I really don't...”
“If you don't wanna talk about it then that's ok, hon.  I just want you to know that I'm here for you if you need me, ok?”
He shot me a smile.  “Thanks Min...  But right now, all I want to do is sleep...”
“I'll tear down your tent for ya'.” I said.
“You don't--”
“You shut it and deal with it.” I said.
He grinned, sleepily.  “I've learned to just let you do whatever when you get like this...”
I shot him a smile.  “Thank you...”
Gladio let out a chuckle.  “Thanks Min...  You're the best.”
“Am not.” I said.
I collected Gladio's plate and I washed it.  Ignis shot me a grin and he came up behind me, sliding his arms around my waist.  He gently kissed my neck.  I bit my lip.  Ignis chuckled against my skin and he tightened his hold on me.  I leaned against him.  
“This is unbelievably comfortable...”
He chuckled.  “Yes, it is...”
I closed my eyes.  I kissed Ignis's neck gently.  He sighed contentedly.  He gently released my waist.  
“As much as I love the feeling of our bodies together, darling, we'd better...”
“Yeah... I know.”
I kissed him gently on the lips.  He kissed me back.  I pulled away making him huff.  I laughed and I nuzzled his nose a bit.  He laughed and he held my hand.
“Would you like some help with the tent, love?” Ignis said.
“Nah, I'm ok.  Thanks though.”
He smiled.  “You're welcome, darling...”
I went to work on the tent.  It came down without much issue.  I folded it up with Prompto's help and we carried everything to the Regalia. It took a couple of trips but we managed to get everything loaded.
“Noct, would you like to drive?” Ignis said, shooting me a sideways glance.
“Um... sure, I guess...” Noctis said.
“Very well then.” said Ignis, giving me a wink.
I grinned as we all piled into the car.  Gladio's head fell back on the trunk of the car.  His eyes were closed and he let out a sigh.  Ignis held my hand and he quietly watched Noctis drive.  A few moments later, I felt a head hit my right shoulder.  Gladio was dead to the world and he was snoring on my shoulder.
“It seems Gladio was telling the truth about his tiredness.” Ignis said in mild annoyance.
“I don't mind, Iggy!  If it means he's well-rested, I'm good with being a pillow.” I said.
“Well said, Mina.” said Prompto.
“As long as he's not barking out orders, I'm good.” said Noctis.
“True that!” said Prompto.
I shook my head and I continued watching the scenery.  Ignis kissed my cheek, released my hand and he lay his hand on my thigh.  He turned his attention back to Noctis's driving.  I glanced over at the sleeping shield.  He looked downright peaceful.  The snoring had subsided a bit and he was just breathing heavily.  He shifted his weight a little and he breathed out a groan.  I placed a strand of brown hair behind his ear.  He groaned a bit and I grinned.  Suddenly Gladio's eyes scrunched together tightly and he made a weird face.
“Nnnghhh...” Gladio groaned out.
“Shh... Gladdy... it's ok... sleep...” I said.
His entire body seemed to relax at my words almost instantly.  The snoring resumed.  I let out a sigh.  Ignis looked at me with a grin.
“Good save, Mina.” said Prompto.
“I know a nightmare when I see one...” I said.
“Nightmare? You think he's that out?” said Prompto.
“Yeah. He's zonked.” I said, looking down at the peacefully snoring shield.
“It's Gladio though.  That man's not scared of anything...” said Noctis.
“But it is possible... considering what he's been through recently...”
“But... it's Gladio!” said Prompto.
“Gladio hasn't really been himself since the altercation with Ravus.” said Ignis, “Maybe he feels inferior.”
I held my tongue.  I knew about Gladio's fears.  I glanced back down at the snoring shield.  He certainly knew how to put on a tough front.  I let out a sigh and I went back to reading my book.
An hour later, Noctis pulled into the tunnel leading to Lestallum.  I set my book in my lap and I leaned my head against the back of the car.  My right arm, where Gladio was still snoring, was asleep and I was positive I had drool on my shoulder.  Ignis squeezed my hand.  I looked at him.  He looked back at me, concern filling his eyes.
“Are you alright?” said Ignis.
“Yeah, I'm good.  My eyes are just a little tired.” I said.
“You sure that's all?” Ignis said.
“Yes, dear...”
We moved through the tunnel fairly quickly.  I drowned out Ignis scolding Noctis for speeding and I tried to smell all the individual foods in Lestallum.  I gently poked Gladio.  His eyes fluttered open. He looked at me with a bleary-eyed stare.
“Sorry...” Gladio said, his voice thick with sleep.
“It's ok hon.  You were pretty zonked out.”
Gladio yawned and he stretched.  “Still...”
I chuckled.  “Still not awake yet, huh?”
“Not quite...” said Gladio, shaking his head.
I patted his leg.  “Wake up, buttercup...  Yahhhh....  My arm's asleep...”
Gladio chuckled.  “Sorry...”
“It's cool bro.”
Noctis parked the car quickly.  We all piled out of the car and we headed toward the Leville.  We walked inside.  Gladio called Iris. He stopped in his tracks.
“You're still here?!... Upstairs....  Why are you crying...?  We're on our way up.” said Gladio, turning to us.  “We have an issue.  Iris is still here.  Upstairs.  Move.”
I exchanged a look with Ignis.  He shrugged and we followed Gladio into a room at the Leville.  Iris was sitting on the little couch.  Her big brown eyes were red from crying.  Everyone looked to her in concern.
“What's wrong, Iris?” said Prompto, gently.
“The empire showed up after you left...” said Iris.
“Wha...?” said Noctis.
“That plane we saw!  That had to have---” I said.
“What happened?” said Ignis.
“We didn't say anything about where you were...  Poor Jared....” said Iris, her eyes tearing up.
“What happened, Iris?!” Gladio demanded harshly.  “What happened to Jared?!”
“There's nothing we could have done!” Iris wailed.
“Gladio...” I said, quietly.
The door opened slowly.  We all turned to the door.  Talcott stood there alone, his eyes full of tears.  My heart sank.  Gladio looked like he was about to punch the wall.  Talcott looked up at Noctis.
“Prince Noctis...”
“The empire... will pay for what they've done.” Noctis said, trying to keep his emotions in check.
“I believe in you, Prince Noctis.” Talcott said, tearfully.
I bit my lip to keep from crying.  Poor Jared... and damn the empire! I walked over to Talcott, kneeling down to his level.  I gave him a big hug.  He gently hugged me back.
“I'm so sorry, kiddo.” I said.
“T-thank you, Miss Mina...” Talcott said.
“What can I do for you, Talcott?” I said.
“Just... keep Prince Noctis safe...” Talcott said.
I shot him a small smile.  “Your grandfather would be very proud of you, Talcott.”
Talcott's eyes teared up.  All he could do was nod.  He bowed toward Noctis and he slowly walked back down the hall.  I stood up and I exchanged a sorrowful look with Ignis.
“I'm going to Caem alone.  Dustin is going to get Talcott there.  He's not safe going alone.” Iris said.
“Neither are you!  Iris, you can't go alone!” Gladio said.
“You're going in the Regalia with the boys here.” I said, suddenly.
Gladio gave me a hard look.  “And what about you Mina Hammond?”
“I'll walk.  I can handle it.  It may take me a little longer due to the daemon activity but I'll make it eventually.” I said.
Ignis looked like he was going to blow a fuse.  “Like hell you are, Mina!”
I looked at Ignis with fire in my eyes.  “You'd make Iris walk, then?!”
“No...” Ignis relented with a sigh, “I won' let you walk alone... What if Ardyn shows up again.”
“I'll go with her.” Prompto said.
I smiled slightly at Prompto. “You sure you're up for it, Sunshine?”
“Yep!! I'm sure.  Besides, I need more bonding time with you.  I feel like we haven't talked much since you got with Ignis.”
“Yeah. Ok, Sunshine.” I said with a laugh.
Ignis nodded.  “It's settled then... Gladio, Iris, Noctis and myself will head to Caem and Prompto and Mina will join us a few days later.”
Iris pulled me out onto the balcony.  “Mina, you don't have to do this...”
“Yes, I do.  Your brother'd be insufferable if I didn't.” I said with a grin.
“Mina... Seriously...”
“Look, you mean a lot to these guys. I'm just in the way.”
“I don't want you to be hurt.  Ignis would kill me....” Iris said.
“Don't worry about Ignis...  He'll deal.” I said.
“Thank you.  I can see why my brother respects you so much.”
I grinned.  “Thanks.”
She hugged me.  “You're the best.”
I chuckled.  “Am not... but thanks.”
We headed back in.  Ignis opened the room door and he stepped into the hall.  Everyone followed.  Gladio grabbed my arm as I was heading out.
“Min, I...”
“Thank me later, Gladio.”
“You probably just put your relationship on the rocks for me and my sister.” Gladio said.
“Eh. I'll cross that bridge when I get there.”
“Thank you, Mina.  For everything.  I... Mina... I...”
“To quote a famous shield, “When you can't focus, I focus for you.” Get going Gladio.” I said with a grin.
Gladio pulled me into a huge hug.  “I love ya', kid.  Be safe out there with Prom, ok?  Don't make me have to hunt your ass down.”
I laughed.   “Right...”
He left me to head downstairs.  I let out a sigh, feeling tears sting my eyes.  I shut the door to the room.  I slowly walked toward the steps.  
“Miss Mina?”
I turned to face Talcott.   “Hey, kiddo.  What's up?”
“I-I just wanted to ask you to be safe.  Mr. Scientia really likes you.”
I smiled.  “I'll do my best kid.  I really like Mr. Scientia too.”
He gave me another hug. “I'll see you in Caem.”
“I look forward to it.” I said.
Talcott sent me a small smile.  He turned and he headed back down to his room.  I smiled and I slowly headed down the stairs.  Ignis was waiting for me at the bottom. He looked nervous.
“Can I help you, Mr. Scientia?”
“Yes. You can tell me why you volunteered to walk...” Ignis siad.
I sighed.  “Iggy...”
“Don't “Iggy” me...  I want a solid answer.”
“It's either I walk, or you deal with an overly distracted shield.  That, in my opinion, is downright dangerous.”
Ignis sighed, running a hand over his face.  “True...  Dammit, I hate it when you're right...”
“It's rare, ya' know.” I said with a smile.
Ignis took my hands in his.  “I... I wish I was the one who could go with you....”
“Come on, Ignis.  Iris needs a competent driver.” I said.
Ignis laughed.  “I love you, Mina.  Stay safe.”
“I love you, too.  Call me when you get in.”
He kissed my lips softly.  “Please, love... Stay safe.”
He looked as though he would burst into tears at any moment.  I pulled him into a hug and he clung to me.  I squeezed him tightly.  He buried his head into my shoulder.  I felt a small bit of wetness on his cheeks.  I bit my lip once more to hold back tears.  
Ignis pulled away, wiping at his eyes.  “We had better get on the road. I'll see you in a few days, love.”
“Yeah. Try not to kill Noctis before then, ok?”
“No promises, dear.” Ignis said with a small smile.
We headed out to the car.  Ignis held my hand the entire way.  We reached the car and he turned to me.  He took my face in his gloved hands and he kissed me passionately.  I heard wolf whistles come from the car.  I chuckled as we broke apart.
“Mina... please... be safe...” Ignis said, his voice cracking.
“Baby, I'll be fine... Prompto will watch my back and I'll watch his.”
“I'm not worried about Prompto.” Ignis said, his voice a little bit stronger.
“Shh... I've got this baby.  I used to make this trek all the time.  It's nothing I'm not used to.”
He pressed his head to mine.  “Promise me you'll make it there, love. Promise me...”
“Promise me!” Ignis demanded.
“I... I promise, honey.”
Ignis nodded.  He kissed me again and then he hopped into the car.  Noctis patted my shoulder and he hopped in the back with Gladio.  Gladio shot me a smile and a thumbs up.  
Iris gave me another hug.  “Thank you again, Mina.  I owe you one.”
“You don't owe me nothin'...” I said.  “Just... watch Iggy for me ok? Make sure he's ok...”
Iris nodded.  “You got it.”
Iris shot me a smile and she hopped into the car.  Ignis gave me a sad smile and he blew me a kiss.  He then started the car and he drove off.  I let out a sigh.  Prompto came up next to me and laid a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
“Are you ok, sis?”
“Yeah... It's been a bit of a rough half hour hasn't it?”
“Yeah. Real rough.  I've never seen Ignis look that sad.”
“Don't remind me...”
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah. Let's go, Sunshine.”
Prompto and I set off for Caem.  We were silent for a while with the exception of Prompto's camera shutter.  Prompto looked over at me after we ended a short battle with a group of daemons.
“Min, can we stop off at the motel in the nearest town?”
“Because my feet hurt already.”
“Sunshine, we've been walking for less than an hour.”
“I know... I just... I need to rest.”
“I hate to pull a Gladio on you, but you're gonna have to push through the pain, hon.  At least until we hit old Lestallum.”
“I'll try...” said Prompto.
I nodded and we pushed forward.  Groups of daemons approached us occasionally and it took some work for us to defeat them.  Prompto let out a tired grunt as we finished.  I looked over at him.
“Break time, Sunshine?” I said.
“Yes, please!” said Prompto.
We sat underneath a shady tree and we caught our breath.  Prompto looked over at me.  I tossed him a bag of chips from inside my backpack.  He nodded and he gave me a smile.
“Hey sis?”
“Why'd you wanna walk?”
I scoffed.  “There's a million reasons...”
“Then tell me one.” Prompto said.
“Iris needed to get to Caem safely.  What better way to do that than let her travel with her older brother and his friends.  I gave up my place for her.”
“That's noble.” said Prompto.
“Or stupid... depending on who you talk to.” I said.
“Who said it was stupid?”
“I did in my head.” I said.
“I keep telling myself that if I can handle this trek on my own, I can make it without you guys...  I rely entirely too heavily on you all.”
“We rely on you too, Mina.  I bet Ignis is about to lose his mind in that car...”
I chuckled and I felt my eyes fill with tears.  'It's been an hour, Hammond!  You can't miss him already!'  Prompto lay a gentle hand on my shoulder.  I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down.
“Are you ok?” Prompt asked.
“Ye--” I sighed.  “No, Prom, I'm not..  It's only been an hour and I'm already missing Ignis...”
Prompto smiled.  “You're in love with him aren't you?”
“Yes. God, yes...”
Prompto grinned.  “He's in love with you too.  Iggy's never been one for PDA, but with you it's almost constant.  He told me that he has to touch you to believe that you're real.”
“He said that?”
“Yep. He worries and overthinks things just like you do.  He was an absolute mess the night before he asked you out.”
I chuckled.  “Really?”
“Gladio was ready to hit him.  He said “She'll go out with you don't worry.”  And Ignis was all, “No she won't.  What do I have to offer her...?”  Gladio just gave him that look that said 'shut the fuck up'.” Prompto said with a chuckle.
“That just makes me love him more...” I said.
Prompto smiled and he squeezed my shoulder.  “He misses you too.  I just know he does.”
“Thanks Sunshine.” I said.  “Come on, let's go.”
I helped Prompto to his feet and we set back off.  Two hours later, I sliced through a few spirahorns and I saw the buildings of Old Lestallum beginning to crest over the hill.  I tapped Prompto.  He looked over and his face broke into a grin.
“Come on, Sunshine!”
We ran off down the road.  We reached to road.  We slowed to a walk. Prompto tapped my shoulder and he pointed outside the nearby hotel.
“The Regalia!” Prompto said.
“So we've caught up.”  I said.  “We're making great time, Sunshine.”
“I wonder if something happened...” said Prompto.
“Don't say that, Prom..  Happy thoughts...”
We ran off toward the car.  My heart raced as we reached the car.  I looked around and I saw Gladio, Ignis and Noctis decend the hotel stairs.  Gladio's eyes met mine.  He grinned and he tapped Ignis.  He pointed at me.  Ignis's eyes lit up and he ran down the stairs and he embraced me.
“Hi.” I said.
“Love...” Ignis said.
“It's like you missed me or something...” I said.
“I did.” Ignis said.
“The empire's got a base nearby.  We're gonna try and get rid of it.” said Gladio.
“Need a hand?” I said.
“Always Mina.”  said Gladio.  “How was the walk?”
“She's a bigger slave driver than you are, Gladio.” said Prompto, shooting me a grin.
“I am not!” I said.
“Atta girl.” said Gladio.
“We have a base to plunder...” Ignis reminded us.
“Right.. Business time.” I said.
Ignis chuckled and his hand found mine.  We headed on foot to the base. Prompto groaned.  I rolled my eyes.  Ignis chuckled behind me.
“Really, love, how was the walk?  Is it as you remembered?” Ignis said.
“Yeah. It's filled with daemons now though.  It may take more time to get there...” I said.
Ignis sighed.  “I wish we could find a way that you could ride with us.”
“It's not likely, babe.” I said.  “Sorry.”
“It's alright I guess...” Ignis said.
I suddenly stopped walking.  I pulled Ignis to me.  He looked startled. I gently kissed him.  He chuckled and he kissed me back.  He pulled away, looking lovingly into my eyes.
“Love, we..”
“Yeah... back to work...” I said.
Ignis sighed.  “I love you, Mina.”
“I love you too, Ignis.”
We jogged after everyone and we reached the base.  Ignis carefully scouted the base as best he could from our high-ish vantage point. Ignis sighed and he pushed his glasses up on his nose.
“So, what's the plan?” Noctis said.
“We go after the base commander and we take him into custody.  Targeting metal men will yield little in the way of reconissance, but bones bend easily.”
“Now you're speaking my language, Iggy.”
“We'll split into two groups.  Gladio, Prompto and Mina will create a diversion...”
“Alright! Making a scene’s what I do best...” said Prompto
“Noct, are you prepared?” said Ignis.
“Yep. Let’s go kick some empire ass.” said Noctis.
“Good luck everyone!” I said.
Ignis grabbed my arm as I passed by him.  “You be careful Mina.”
“I know, baby.  I’ve got this.”
He smiled.  “I know.”
We split off and Gladio and Prompto followed me around the complex.  I spotted a few magitek troopers and I snuck past them.  Gladio shot me a thumbs up.  I smiled slightly.  We reached the generator relatively quickly after that.
“Hey Sunshine!  How’s your aim?” I said.
“Spot on.  Why?” Prompto said.
“See those energy tanks over there?” I said.
“Yup! Want me to… give ‘em a “shot”?” Prompto said.
“Christ!” Gladio said, “That was bad Prompto...”
I softly chuckled.  “Shoot Sunshine.”
Prompto fired a shot and it exploded the tanks around the generator.  I grinned.  Ignis got his diversion.  A few moments later, Noctis showed up.  I raised a brow, not seeing Ignis anywhere around, but I just shrugged it off.
“Over here.” said Gladio.
“Welcome to the party.” I said.
A robot started moving toward us.  Between the four of us, we were able to take it out relatively easily.  Breathing out a sigh, Noctis headed toward the generator.  We followed closely behind.
“Ready to blow this place sky high?” said Gladio.
Noctis nodded and he took out the generator.  I glanced to my right and I saw a very pissed looking Ignis walking toward us.  I shot him a smile.  
“Glad to see you lot were successful…. “ Ignis growled.
“Does that mean… you weren’t?” said Noctis.
“Iggy...” I said.
“I placed our captive into the hunter’s custody but I’ve just been informed, he’s fled.  He lives to die another day.”
“And I’ll gladly help him with that...” Noctis said.
We began walking out of the base.  I held Ignis’s hand again as we walked.  He seemed to calm down a bit but I could see him boxing with himself.  I gently rubbed the top of his hand with my thumb.
“Penny for your thoughts, baby?” I said.
“Hmm? What?” Ignis said.
“Calm down, love.  It was an accident.”
“An accident that could have been avoided.”  Ignis said with a sigh.
“Shh. Calm down you.” I said.
Ignis chuckled.  “Mina?”
“You’re the best, dear.”
“It’s a gift really...”
“And so modest...”
I laughed and I lay my head on his shoulder as we walked.  He couldn’t wipe the smile off of his face.  He kissed my cheek and I chuckled. We were nearly out, when I heard a sighing noise.  I released Ignis’s hand and I looked around defensively.  Ignis raised an eyebrow.  I looked up and I saw a figure spin down towards Noctis.
“Noct! Watch out!!”
Noctis drew his sword just in time to block the shot.  A figure did a back flip off his sword and they flew down in front of Noctis.  The figure extended it’s sword.
“Hey there, pretty boy.” A female voice said.
She pushed off Noctis again and she stood in a fighting stance.  We all stood on edge and we quickly surrounded Noctis protectively.  She laughed.
“Let’s see what you can do.” The woman said.
We attacked her before she could finish her sentence.  I dove at her, slicing her with the daggers.  She laughed before tossing me aside with ease.  I hit the ground hard.  I heard Ignis let out a low growl and he dove at the woman himself.  I struggled to get to my feet. Prompto swung by me and he extended his arm, allowing me to stand up. I looked toward the fight.  Ignis was in a blind rage, his daggers and lance flinging in every direction.  Noctis launched the woman into the air and they fought.  Ignis looked at me.
“Are you OK?”
“Yeah. Minor injuries.”
“Good. Back into the fray.”
“Piss off!!!” Noctis said.
“Why you little---”
We dove back into the fight.  The woman was agile.  She kept flipping around us.  I was getting annoyed and I stuck my spear out at her midflip.  She was nearly impaled upon it.  Ignis gave me a high five. The woman did a flip, landing above us on a nearby ledge.
“That time already?”
“What time?” Noctis said.
“Quittin’ time.” The woman said.  “Sorry.  But this girl doesn’t work after hours.  I could, but there wouldn’t be a single gil in it for me.  We should play again sometime, pretty boy.”
She flew off.  I let out a sigh.  Ignis touched a spot on his head.  I glanced at him.  He had a large gash across his eyebrow.  I reached into my backpack and I pulled out a few bandages and antiseptic ointment.  I handed them to Ignis.  He smiled.
“Hey love?”
“Could you… help me with these?  I can’t really see where I’m...”
“Yeah, sure, honey.”
I gently place a bandage with antiseptic ointment on Ignis’s head. He hissed in pain.  I squeezed his hand reassuringly.  
“Sorry, sweetie...”
“It’s alright love.”
He kissed my hand.  I smiled at him and he grinned.  We approached the boys.  Prompto let out a sigh.  Gladio groaned and Noctis looked around confused.  
“Who the hell… was she?” Noctis said.
I shrugged.  “She was downright beastly though.”
“Yeah...” said Prompto.
“Come on guys.  Iris is waiting…” said Gladio.  “Plus I could use some food.”
“Food sounds fantastic.” said Prompto.
“Yes it does.” said Noctis.
“Crow’s Nest?” said Gladio.
“I have objections with that as usual...” said Ignis.
“Give it up, babe.  It’s not gonna make a difference in the end.” I said.
Ignis huffed.  “You’re right..”
I laughed.  I hugged him and we walked back to Old Lestallum.  Iris met us outside the hotel.  She was grinning widely.  
“Welcome back!  Did you kick their asses?” Iris said.
“Hell yeah.” Noctis said.
“All in a day’s work.” said Gladio.
“Good to hear.” said Iris.  “Are you guys hungry?  We could grab a bite at the Crow’s Nest...”
“Yeah, that’s what we were planning on.” said Prompto.
“Oh… Great!” said Iris.
We headed into the Crow’s Nest.  Ignis and I sat alone at a table. Ignis grabbed my hand as he purused the menu.  I shot him a grin as I folded my menu. And set it off to the side.
“What ya’ gettin’ handsome?”
“Chicken Caeser Salad.” Ignis said.  “You?”
“I’m going with a burger..”
“Good choice love.”
“Thank you.” I said.
Ignis set the menu down and he took my other hand in his.  He smiled warmly at me and he brought my hands to his lips.  He kissed my hands and I grinned widely.  The waitress took our order and he grinned at me.
“I love you so much, Mina.”
“I love you too, Ignis.”
“I know we were only apart half a day, but I don’t know if I can do this anymore...”
“Do.. what?” I said, my heart speeding up.
“Allow you to walk with Prompto.  You can sit on my lap if you need to...”
“I’m not going to let you walk anymore.”
“Look, I could feel my heart breaking being away from you and that feeling drove me mad.  I don’t want that feeling to consume me...”
“You’re not alone, hon… Prom and I were talking about it…  I… I’m in love with you Ignis Scientia.” I said.
His grin grew.  “I’m in love with you too, Mina Hammond.  You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
I grinned widely.  “You’re gonna make me cry, Iggy...”
“Please don’t, darling…” Ignis said, “I’d have to cry with you.”
I laughed.  “Remind me to kiss you later...”
“You won’t need reminding love.  I’m going to rent us our own room tonight.”
“Ooh...” I said.
“Damn right, ooh...”
I laughed.  “Sounds… enjoyable...”
“Oh, it will be love...”
I felt my core twitch invountarily.  I released a sigh.  Ignis laughed and he gently rubbed the back of my hands with his thumbs.  I grinned.
“I’ll be right back, love.” I said, standing up.
“Hurry back, love.” Ignis said.
“I will.. Don’t go anywhere, handsome...”
Ignis groaned.  “Mina..”
I walked to the bathroom.  I did my business and I looked in the mirror.  I grinned as I tossed my hair up in pigtails.  I reached in my bag and I covered up my scrapes with  a little bit of make up.  I put some lipstick on.  Grinning, I exited the bathroom.
As I returned, I kissed Ignis on the cheek.  His jaw dropped.  I let out a small giggle as I sat down.  He reached across the table and he lightly flicked a pigtail.  I grinned.
“What’s this?”
“A pigtail...”
“What?” I said, my grin widening.
“Why the pigtails…?”
“Do you not like them?  I can take them down...”
“NO!” Ignis said.  “I mean.. um...”
“Yeeeesss?” I said.
“You look unbelievably sexy, love...” Ignis whispered, his voice already husky.
“Thank you, love...” I said.
“It’s so hard right now not to grab you and fuck you on this table...” Ignis nearly growled.
I giggled again.  “You flatter me, Mr. Scientia...”
“Fuck, woman...” Ignis said.
“What?” I asked, innocently.
Our food arrived and Ignis all but glared at the waitress.  I tried not to laugh.  He ate his salad, never taking his eyes off of me.  I grinned.  I slowly ate my french fries.  
“Would you like a fry or two Ignis?” I said in a seductive voice.
Ignis stole a few fries off my plate.  “Thank you darling.”
“You’re welcome handsome.”
Ignis smiled.  “You’re driving me crazy, Mina...”
I smirked.  “You love it, though...”
“I do...” Ignis admitted.
“I tend to make that perfect vision of yours a little blurry, don’t I?” I said seductively.
His eyes rolled back in his head a bit.  “Mina… eat.”
“Or what?”
Ignis shot me a devilish smirk that made my panties wet and he spoke in a low, sexy voice.  “Or this, doesn’t happen.”
I balled my hands into fists.  Why did he have to be so damn sexy right now?!  It took everything I had to tear my gaze away from his and eat.  I ate my dinner, glancing up at Ignis occasionally.  He shot me a grin after I finished.  He slammed down a few gil to pay for our meal and he all but dragged me to the hotel.  He paid for a room quickly and he pulled me up to it.
He crushed his lips to mine and his tongue found it’s way into my mouth.  I moaned.  He gripped my hips tightly.  He broke away, breathing heavily and he looked absolutely beautiful.
“Strip. Now.” Ignis said, his voice deep and husky with lust.
I did as I was told and Ignis took me in.  I watched as his hungry, lust-filled eyes scoured every inch of my body.  He gently ran his gloved hand down my face.  He grinned.
“You’re beautiful love… so beautiful… And you’re mine!” Ignis said.
I smiled.  “Damn right I’m yours.
He chuckled.  “Would you like to shower with me my love?”
I smiled.  “Yes, please, Iggy.”
“Very well then...” Ignis said.
He gently tugged me into the bathroom.  I grinned and I pushed him against the sink.  He smiled.  I began unbuttoning his shirt.
“You’re overdressed my love…  Can’t really fuck you through your pants can I?” I said.
Ignis threw back his head and he moaned loudly.  “Then undress me, love.”
I tugged on his pants, finding the buckle of his belt as he shrugged out of his shirt.  I eased his pants down over his hips.  Ignis grabbed my hips and he crushed his lips to mine, lifting me up onto the countertop.  He buried his head in my chest.
“My eyes are up here, Ignis.”
“I gotta check the headlights, love...”
He chuckled and he kissed me passionately once more.  “Better, beautiful?”
“I’d be better if I was fucking you...”
“Mmm.. Don’t get ahead of me, love...” Ignis said.  “I want to savor you tonight...” Ignis said.
“Shh… You’re getting pampered tonight...”
“I need you baby...”
“I need you too…  Let’s have some shower fun...”
I grinned and I kissed him.  He deepened the kiss and he carried me to the shower.  He pulled away and he turned the shower on.  Cold water splashed on his back and some of it hit me.  He adjusted it quickly.
“Sorry, my love...”
I kissed him.  “My love, as long as you’re with me…  I’ll always be hot...”
“Mmm… God, I love you...”
“You’re mine, Ignis.”
Ignis pounced on me.  We had passionate sex in the shower.  Ignis pushed me against the wall.  We were both breathing heavily.  He rested his head on mine.
“I love you Mina Michelle Hammond.  I love every inch of you, from your head to your toes.  You’re my entire world.”
I kissed him.  “You’re my everything…  I want you every way possible.  I love you...”
He kissed me.  “Let’s clean ourselves up and we’ll move to the bedroom...”
“One thing though?”
“Yes, love?”
“No hair products…  I like your hair like this...”
He chuckled.  “Deal.  On one condition...”
“Lose the pigtails.  I love them for things like this, but when I’m making love to you… I want it down...”
I pulled down my hair.  “As you wish, sir...”
Ignis closed his eyes.  “I love you...”
“Are you ok, baby?”
“Yeah… I just want to fuck you again.” Ignis said.
“I’m yours, Iggy.  Do what you--”
He crushed his lips to mine and we fucked again.  He grinned as he hovered over me.  I grinned up and him and he booped my nose.  I giggled.  He brushed an errant strand of hair out of my face.  He was grinning down on my with so much love in his eyes.  He leaned back, grabbing the hotel soap and a wash rag.
We washed each other and cleaned up enough to turn off the shower. Ignis helped me out of the shower and he led me to the bedroom.  I leaned against his shoulder.  He smiled and he kissed my head.
“Yes, darling?”
“I… um..”
“What is it, love?”
“I don’t wanna let go...”
He smiled.  “Then don’t, darling...”
“I mean… ever.”
I bit my lower lip.  Ignis looked down at me.  He rubbed my shoulders. I avoided his eyes.  He knelt down in front of me and he lifted my chin from my chest.  His eyes were full of concern and a little bit of fear.
“Love, what’s wrong?  Did I do something I shouldn’t have?  Did I hurt you?”
I shook my head.  “Ignis, I’ve… I’ve never been this happy… I… don’t know how to process this… I’ve been told I wasn’t worth anything for so long… I believed it.  You make me feel like a completely different person.  I...”
Ignis placed his hands on either side of my face and he kissed me gently. “Love...”
“I love you, Ignis.  More than I’ve love anything in the whole world. I..”
“I can’t leave you again, Ignis.”
“Then don’t.”
“I’ll hide in the trunk.”
Ignis laughed.  “ We’ll figure it out love.  For now, let’s get some rest.”
I nodded.  “OK.”
Ignis kissed my temple and he picked me up.  He carried me to the bed, setting me gently upon it.  I smiled as he curled up alongside me, his head positioned in the crook of my neck.
“I’m so happy you’re in my life.”
He chuckled and he nipped at my earlobe.  “I want you again, darling.”
“Then I’m yours, Ignis.  Always...”
I felt him grin against my skin.  “I love you… God, Mina… you’re everything I’ve ever wanted and more… you…
I cut him off with a kiss.  “You talk too much, handsome.”
He laughed.  “Only with you love...”
He kissed me passionately and I leaned back into his chest.  He pulled me into a loving backwards embrace.  I grinned at him as we broke apart.   He pulled me back to him and I laughed.
“Sweetheart?” said Ignis.
“Hmm?” I said.
“You know that feeling when you meet someone and you know they’ll change your life forever?”
“You’ve done that for me.  I’ve downright loosened up!”
“I love you, you goof.”
“I’m serious!  I’ve… changed since we set out.”
“And that’s bad?”
“Hell no.  That’s… very good, actually.”
“You do seem looser, Iggy.” I said.
“That’s because I’m in love.”
“And now you’re stuck with a crazy psycho lady...”
“No… I’m not stuck with anyone.  I’m in love with a smart, funny, kind, beautiful woman...”
“OK, I’m out...”
“You said smart in that line of praises...”
“I’m joking Ignis...”
Ignis tickled me.  I squealed.  He laughed and he pulled me closer, peppering my neck with soft kisses.  He held me closer.  I cuddled in to him and I sighed in content.  Ignis kissed my cheek.
“Are you tired?”
“A bit, if I’m honest.”
“Are you ready to get some sleep?”
“I’d rather have you again...” Ignis said, kissing my neck.  “Then sleep… maybe...”
I chuckled.  “OK.”
We had sex multiple times.  Ignis collapsed next to me, breathing heavily.  I grinned sleepily at him.  He shot me a sleepy grin himself.
“I’m exhausted….”
“Come ‘ere and let’s get some sleep then, silly man.”
He chuckled tiredly and he rolled against my shoulder.  “’Night love...”
“Good night handsome.”
His eyes fluttered closed.  Within minutes he was snoring, his mouth open slightly.  I chuckled brushing a strand of light brown hair away from his face.  I fell asleep soon after, my head resting on his.
0 notes
lesphantom · 6 years
Save the Best For Last
New fanfiction that was longer than AO3 would allow me to post...  
Ignis Scientia x Oc
Song Lyrics
Flashback/ Dream sequence.
Corrine adjusted her uniform a bit.  She was waiting in the doorway of the diner patiently for Ignis and the rest of the boys.  She was letting them do their thing after being apart for ten years.  She knew what was coming and it wasn’t something she was looking forward to.
She knew Noctis would have to die.  She knew that the boys would be devastated.  If they survived themselves.  Letting out a long sigh, Corrine checked her watch.  She had to be at the guard post in 25 minutes.
“Yo! ‘Rine!” Gladiolus called.
“Yes, Mr. Amicitia?” Corrine called back.
“Come say hello to Noctis.” said Gladiolus, “And I told you, just Gladio is fine!”
Corrine nodded.  She pushed herself off of the doorway and she walked over toward the RV.  She bowed lowly as she reached Noctis.
“Your Highness...” said Corrine.
“Corrine...” said Gladio, rolling his eyes.
Noctis chuckled.  “Hey, ‘Rine.  How are you?”
“I’m doing well…. And yourself?” Corrine said.
“Better now that I’m surrounded by friends.” said Noctis.
“Yes.  It is good to be among friends.” Corrine said.
“So!  Would you like to join us for some dinner?” said Noctis.
“I cannot actually.  I am on duty this evening.”
“I thought you had the night off.” Prompto said with a frown.
“Monica asked me to fill in. Ryan’s been on duty for nearly 48 hours.  He needs a relief.” Corrine explained.
“Tell Monica to find someone else, Corrine.” said Gladio.  “It’s not every day the King asks you to dinner.”
“Gladio, you know I can’t.” said Corrine.
“Why not?” said Prompto.
“Because it is my duty to the crown to protect the surrounding areas to the best of my ability.  I can’t very well do that without assisting my fellow Crownsguard members.”
“Well said, darling.” Ignis said, smiling gently at her.  “Could we meet up after your shift then?”
“Possibly.  It all depends on when I would get relief.” Corrine said.  “I may not get off in enough time to see you all off.”
Prompto frowned.  “Corrine…..”
“Sorry, Prompto.  You know how duty is...” said Corrine.
“I know, I know.  It just sucks.” said Prompto.
“That it does, Prompto. Well, duty calls.  Best of luck to you all if I don’t see you.” Corrine said, bowing once more.
Corrine turned and she began to walk toward the guard post.  She heard footfalls behind her and she turned to see Ignis jogging to catch up with her.  She stopped walking.  Ignis lay a hand on her shoulder.
“What’s wrong Ignis?”
“You know what’s coming, darling…  There’s a chance we...”
“Don’t… Don’t say it. I know.”
“I can’t swear my life to you Corrine Thomas. But you will always have my heart...” said Ignis.
“I love you.” Ignis said.
“I love you too.  You’re gonna make me cry before I have to be a badass.”
Ignis chuckled.  “It’s a gift, love.”
Ignis pulled Corrine into a hug, brushing her shoulder-length aqua hair out of her eyes as he pulled away.  Corrine gave Ignis’ hands a squeeze.  
“Try to get off early...” Ignis said, softly.
“I’ll do my best, Ignis...” said Corrine.
“Without shirking your duties of course.” said Ignis.
“Of course.” said Corrine.
“One of the many things I adore about you; your loyalty.”
“Go.  You’re going to be late.” said Ignis.
“I’m going, I’m going.” Corrine said with a smile.
Ignis pulled Corrine into a chaste kiss before turning and heading back toward the RV.  Corrine sighed and she continued walking to the guard post.  She tapped a tired looking hunter on the shoulder.  He looked over and he smiled at her.
“You’re my replacement?  I thought it was your Ignis night.”  Ryan said.
“It was.  King Noctis has returned.  I take a backseat.” said Corrine.
“Sorry to hear that, ‘Rine.” said Ryan.
“It’s better this way.  I don’t want to cry when I see him off anyway...”
“See him off?”
“They have to go to Insomnia to bring back the light and defeat Ardyn remember?”
“Oh yeah…  I thought you’d want to spend tonight with Ignis.  I mean, this could be your last night with him… ever.”
“Then I’ll know he spent it where he truly was the happiest; with his brothers in arms.”
“And not his fiancee?”
“Well!  2 years is a long time to be engaged…”
“Ryan, if it’s meant to happen, then it will.”
“Corrine… Stop.  Seriously. You think I’m gonna leave this post when you have a night to spend with the King’s entourage?  Go. I’ll tell Monica something...”
“You’ve been working the post for nearly 48 hours already Ryan.  Go.”
“Go!  Before I report you...”
“Fine!” said Ryan.
“You know I love you.” said Corrine.
Corrine laughed as Ryan flipped her off.  Three hours later, Monica walked up next to Corrine. Corrine raised an eyebrow but she said nothing.
“I’m here to relieve you.” said Monica.
“What?! Why?” said Corrine.
“Special request from Gladiolus.” said Monica.
“Of course…  I’m finishing my shift Monica.” said Corrine.
Monica sighed.  “Corrine… It’s the night before the big battle.  Spend some time with Ignis.”
“He’s with the boys.  He’s fine.”
“He’s not the one I’m worried about.”
Corrine sighed and she nodded, leaving her post.  She walked back toward Takka’s diner.  Gladio rose from his seat when he spotted her and he lightly pulled her to the small booth the boys were in.
“Welcome back!” said Prompto.
“I’m gonna beat Gladio up later...” Corrine said.
“You could try.” said Gladio with a grin.
“I’ll succeed one day.”
“Yeah, when hell freezes over.”
“I missed moments like this more than anything….” said Noctis.
“Glad we amuse you, Your Highness.” said Corrine.
“We’re about to head to camp.” said Prompto.
“Have fun...” said Corrine, giving everyone a wave.
“Corrine, come with us.” said Noctis.
“Yeah, it wouldn't be as much fun without you...” said Prompto.
“No, no.  It’s fine.  You all need to re-connect.  I’d just be in the way.”
“Don’t make me drag you...” said Gladio.
“No.  Seriously.  I’ll hold down the fort here.”
Gladio sighed.  “Will you just come with us and stop trying to avoid us?”
“I’m not trying to avoid you… I’m just giving you space.” said Corrine.
“Yeah, space…” said Gladio.
“Corrine, you’re one of us too, you know.” said Prompto.
“Yes, but...”
“No buts...” said Prompto.
“Corrine, darling, please join us.”  Ignis said.
“Are you sure?” said Corrine.
“DUHHHHH!” said Prompto.
“Prompto...” said Corrine.
“Come on.” said Noctis, rising from his seat.  
The crew headed down toward the nearby haven.  Ignis soon found Corrine’s hand and he slipped it into his own.  Corrine looked down at her hand, surprised by the gesture.  Ignis’ thumb caressed the top of Corrine’s gently. Corrine stared at the blind strategist.
“What’s this about?” said Corrine.
“What’s what about, love?” Ignis said.
“You never hold my hand, Ignis.”
“Ah.  Well, I figured it was time...”
“You’re pretty sure you’re going to die aren’t you?”
Ignis was silent for a moment before he spoke again.  “It’s a possibility, darling.”
“Don’t.  Just… don’t.” Corrine said, wrenching her hand away from his.
“I don’t want to think about it Ignis...”
“Well, you’re going to have to!” Ignis said.
Corrine jogged to catch up with the others, trying to keep her distance from Ignis.  ‘Out of sight out of mind...’ Corrine thought.  Once the group arrived at the haven, Corrine busied herself with helping Gladio set up the tent and start the fire.
“OK… What’s up?” said Gladio.
“What do you mean?”
“You and Ignis aren’t spending any time together here.  Aren’t you engaged?”
“Yeah...” said Corrine.
“So… Spill it woman.” said Gladio.
“I… I don’t know.  It’s hard to explain...”
“You don’t want to face the fact that he may not return...” said Gladio.  
“How did you...”
“Ya’ll aren’t as quiet as you think you are...”
Corrine sighed.  “I’m just scared, Gladio...”
“We all are.” said Gladio. “That’s why we’re all a little awkward...”
“Including me huh?” said Corrine.
“Including you, ‘Rine. Ignis is terrified.  Trust me.  He doesn’t wanna lose you or Noctis...”
“So… I should apologize huh?”
Gladio shrugged.  “Maybe he needs help with dinner?”
Corrine looked over at Ignis, who was by himself by the stove.  “I’ll head over.”
Corrine rose from the ground and she slowly approached her fiancee.  Ignis’ head tilted upwards as she approached.  Corrine lay a gentle hand in the middle of Ignis’ back.  Ignis closed his open eye.
“Hey.  Need help?”
“I could use some, yes...”
“OK, I’ll get Noctis right on that...” Corrine said with a smile.
“I’d rather have you.” said Ignis.
“I’ll help.  I was kidding.”
“Bad joke, Corrine...” said Ignis.
“You love ‘em.” said Corrine.
“Yes… yes I do.”
“What are we making?” said Corrine.
“Garula sirloin, salad and a glass of wine for each of us.”
“Sounds good.”
Ignis began seasoning the sirloins and Corrine stepped to the side of him to start preparing the salad.  Ignis bent to grab a pan to sear the meat and he placed the sirloins off to the side.  Corrine looked toward Ignis.
“Yes, Corrine?”
“I love you...”
Ignis looked over toward her. “Darling, we don’t have to...”
“Yes we do.”
Ignis leaned on the table, a mug of Ebony in his hands.  “Corrine, you know that I may not come back.”
“I know.  I just…  I wish that you didn’t have to go in the first place...”
“Me either, love.”
Corrine nodded, feeling tears well up in her eyes.  She finished mixing the salad fixings together and she felt two arms around her waist.  
“Permit me to show a bit of love toward you, darling...”
“Please do, Iggy.”
Ignis gently pulled Corrine’s body to his.  Corrine closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of his body against hers. She smiled and she leaned up, kissing Ignis on the cheek.  Without even opening her eyes, she could tell he was blushing as he always did.  
“I… I don’t want to let go...”
Corrine chuckled.  “I’m not complaining…  Do whatever you need to, Iggy.”
“Hey Specs!” came Noctis’ voice.
“Yes?” Ignis said.
“You and Corrine are getting married right?” said Noctis.
“If we live through this, yes.” said Ignis.
“Wanna show me your first dance?” said Noctis.
“Your Highness...” Corrine said.
“Noctis, Corrine.” said Noctis.
“Noctis…  The fact of the matter is---”
“Of course.  As you wish, your grace.” said Ignis.
Corrine rose an eyebrow.  “But, Iggy, we...”
“I’ve got an idea of a song...” said Ignis, a grin on his face.
Ignis laced his hand with Corrine’s and the two of them walked past the tent and over to the fire pit.  Ignis tossed Prompto his phone with expert precision.
“Third song down on the Corrine playlist.”
“You have a Corrine playlist?” said Corrine.  
“Yes I do.” said Ignis.
“This one?” Prompto said letting the first few notes play.
“Yes.” said Ignis, “Now restart it so I can do this right.”
“Iggy...” said Corrine
“Shh…  Relax, love.  You’re with me...”
“True… You can see better than I can...” said Corrine with a smile.
Ignis laughed.  “And I’m blind, love.”
 As the first notes of the song played through the night air, Corrine recalled first meeting Ignis and the rest of the boys.  Tears sprang to her eyes.  Ignis gently led her in a ballroom style dance across the rocky surface of the haven.  With each verse, Corrine had a different memory of Ignis.
Sometimes the snow comes down in June
Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon I see the passion in your eyes Sometimes it's all a big surprise Cause there was a time When all I did was wish You'd tell me this was love It's not the way I hoped Or how I planned But somehow it's enough
Ignis swung his cane about the bar Gladio dragged him to.  After plopping him down in a chair, Gladio went off to go get them a drink.  To say Ignis had protested was an understatement.  To Ignis, slacking off was a disservice to his oath to his King.  But Gladio had been persistant.  He had said that a number of the members of the Crownsguard were planning on being here at this bar for drinks and that Ignis needed to relax before going back to Galdin Quay.  Ignis protested quite a bit.  And, yet,  here he sat, waiting for his friend to bring back a drink, feeling lower than low.  Gladio came back, two drinks in hand.
“Forgot if you wanted beer or wine.  I brought both.  Whatever you don’t drink, I’ll drink.” said Gladio.
“Wine is fine.” said Ignis, shortly.
“Oh come on, Iggy… Don’t be upset.  You deserve to unwind more than anyone else.” said Gladio.
“I’d rather be working.” said Ignis, sipping his wine.
“You might have fun tonight, Ig.  Give it a chance.”
2 hours later, Gladio was trashed and he had left Ignis alone at the small table.  Ignis was feeling buzzed after his third glass of wine. He became aware of a presence at the table.  His nostrils picked up a scent of vanilla mixed with lavender.  
“Hi.” a female voice said.
“Hello.” Ignis said.  “Can I help you?”
“Just trying to figure out if you’re here alone because you want to be, or if you were forced to be...” the woman said.
“A bit of both actually...” said Ignis.
The woman laughed.  “I’m Corrine Thomas.”
“Ignis Scientia.”
“Wait, no way!  THE Ignis Scientia?”
“You’ve heard of me?”
“Only all the Crownsguard has...”
“Ah, so you’re Crownsguard then?”
“Proud of it.” said Corrine. “Though I’d rather be at my post right now...”
“You are not alone, Corrine.”
“Someone dragged you here then?”
“Gladiolus Amicitia...”
“Ah… All makes sense now...” said Corrine.  “Well, it was nice meeting you, Mr. Scientia...”
“Wait.. Do you… um… would you like to sit with me?”
Corrine smiled.  “Yeah sure…  I’ll be back in a minute though.  You want anything from the bar?”
“Another wine?”
“Yes, please.”
“Got it.” said Corrine.
Corrine came back with their drinks.  A few hours later, Ignis was smiling and laughing with her.  They had barely touched their drinks.
“Shit. I gotta finish this and get back home.” said Corrine.
“Ditching me huh?” said Ignis with a smile.
“Trust me, Ignis, I’d like to stay here and talk with you all night. Monica wouldn’t like it if I were late to work tomorrow though...”
“Ah, duty calls then?”
“Unfortunately. Would you like a ride back or are you going to wait for Mr. Amicitia?”
Ignis thought for a moment.  “I’d better wait for Gladio…  Thank you for the offer though, Corrine.”
“No problem, Ignis.  Have a good night.”
“You too, Corrine.”
Ignis sighed, his unseeing eyes watching Corrine as she walked off.  
And now we're standing face to face Isn't this world a crazy place? Just when I thought our chance had passed You go and save the best for last All of the nights you came to me When some silly girl had set you free You wondered how you'd make it through I wondered what was wrong with you
Cause how could you give
Your love to someone else And share your dreams with me Sometimes the very thing You're looking for Is the one thing you can't see
Ignis slammed the door to his apartment he shared with Corrine.  It had been 2 years since their meeting at the bar.  Ignis was dating someone from the Crownsguard and she had been driving him crazy for three weeks. Corrine looked up from the puzzle she was working on.
“What happened?”
“Stupidity.  Utter fucking stupidity...”
“Tell me how you really feel Iggy...” said Corrine.
“I know you’re smirking, Thomas.”
“Yep.  But seriously, dude, what happened?
“Arianna and I are through…  I just couldn’t take the constant accusations...”
“Accusations?  About what?”
“She was always accusing me of cheating on her.  I have a job that takes up my time...”
“I can vouch for that! You’re always working on some project...”
“I can’t help it, ‘Rine! I’ve always been a workaholic.  It’s a part of who I am...”
“And if you can’t accept that, to hell with ya’.” said Corrine.
Ignis chuckled.  “Quite right.”
Corrine stood and she walked toward Ignis  “Have you eaten yet, Iggy?”
“Not since noon.” said Ignis.
“What would you like to eat?” said Corrine.
“I’d not thought of it...” said Ignis, thoughfully.
“Then how about I make us some pizza and we use some of that wine my parents sent me.”
“That sounds great!” said Ignis.
“Good.” said Corrine.
“I’m… going to try and relax.”
“There’s a bath bomb or two under the sink if you want to take a bath...”
“Excellent idea, Corrine!”
“Lavender is on the right, and eucalyptus is on the left.”
“You made more?”
“Boredom on my day off.” said Corrine with a shrug.
Ignis chuckled.  “I’ll bet you made meals for the week too.”
“Yep!” said Corrine. “Mine on the left, yours on the right.  Lunch on the top shelf, dinner on the bottom.”
“I can always count on you, ‘Rine...”
“Damn right you can.” said Corrine.  “Go relax, before I push you in that bathtub...”
“I’m going...” said Ignis with a grin.
20 minutes later, Ignis emerged from the bathroom looking refreshed and smelling of eucalyptus.  Corrine looked up as she was setting the pizza on the table.  He reached the table and he sat in one of the two chairs.
“Perfect timing.” said Corrine, handing him his glass of wine
“Which one is this again?”
“The cabernet.   Not my favorite, but I’ll deal.”
“There’s four bottles right?”
“Yeah.  Two red and two white.  Roughly 3 glasses in each...”
“I’ll drink these two...” said Ignis.
“No getting drunk on me.” said Corrine.
“I’m actually feeling.. quite at ease.”
“I can see that.  How was the bath bomb?  Too much?”
“Not at all.  Perfect.” said Ignis.
“Careful, the pizza’s kinda hot.  How many slices you want?”
“Two please.”
Corrine dished out two slices of fresh baked pizza on Ignis plate.  “There.”
Ignis took a bite of the pizza before leaning back in his chair and grinning.  Corrine raised an eyebrow.
“Did you know I used to cook for the boys all the time?”
“Before you lost your sight?”
“Yes.  Your cooking rivals mine, though.”
“Damn.  I wish I knew you back then...” said Corrine, taking a bite.  “It needs something...”
“I don’t think so, ‘Rine.  I think it tastes pretty damn good.”
“You’re just saying that..” said Corrine, dumping Parmesan cheese on her pizza.  
“I always thought that after the road trip that I would experiment with opening my own restaurant...” Ignis said.
“Seriously?  We need to get you behind the stove again...” said Corrine.
“Corrine, that dream was dashed the moment I put that damn ring on.” said Ignis.
“But, you could learn to cook again, Iggy.  Even being blind...”
“How?  Without seeing, how will I know if I’m adding salt or pepper? Or use a knife without cutting my fingers off?”
“We’ll find a way, Iggy. I’m making it my mission to get you comfortable behind that stove again.”
“It’s a futile mission, Corrine.”
“I don’t care.”
“Well I do.” said Corrine.  
Ignis shook his head, but he chuckled.  “Fine, fine.  Just… don’t overwork yourself doing it… Now that I’ve opened up about that, what’s something you’ve always dreamed of doing?”
“Me?  Um...”
“Come now, being a member of the Crownsguard can’t be your greatest dream..”
“My dream… would be to be able to be a famous singer/songwriter… but I haven’t done it in so long...”
“It could happen, Corrine.”
“Have you heard me sing? I sound like nails on a fuckin’ chalkboard, Iggy.  The chalk runs in fear.”
“They have autotune now...” said Ignis, grinning.
“No.  I will not be one of those fake auto tuned bitches.”
“OK, OK...”
But now we're standing face to face Isn't this world a crazy place? Just when I thought our chance had passed You go and save the best for last Sometimes the very thing You're looking for Is the one thing you can't see Sometimes the snow comes down in June Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon Just when I thought our chance had passed You go and save the best for last You went and saved the best for last.
Tonight was the night .  Ignis and Corrine had been dating for 3 years.  It was a loving and open relationship.  Ignis decided six months ago that he would ask Corrine to marry him.  
Ignis took a deep breath and he tried to still his shaky nerves.  The table was set to the best of his ability.  The chiffon cake was chilling in the refrigerator as was the wine.  The breaded cutlet was cut and ready.  The salad was made.  All that was missing was Corrine.  She had called about ten minutes ago to let Ignis know that she’d be home soon.  Ignis double checked his suit coat pocket for the ring.  
He had picked out a princess cut diamond with a curved band.  Diamonds glittered along the band. He had Gladio go with him to help pick out the cut.  Gladio had grinned when Ignis told him about it.
The door opened.  Corrine tossed her keys in the bowl by the door.  She set her bag down and she looked up.  Her jaw dropped.
“Ignis… What the…?”
“Welcome home, darling...”
“Did you do all this?”
“With a little help from Gladio, yes.”
“Oh, honey...” said Corrine, kissing him on the cheek.
“Come and eat, darling.”  Ignis said, his voice wavering a bit.
“You ok?” said Corrine.
“Yes, I’m fine.  Please darling, sit.”
Corrine sat down.  Ignis crossed to the refrigerator and he pulled out the bottle of wine.  He popped the cork and he poured two glasses.  He carried them over to the table.  The two enjoyed a wonderful meal and a few glasses of wine.  Corrine picked up the dishes and she placed them in the sink.
“Dinner was fantastic, Ignis.  That restaurant dream’s comin’ true quick, babe...” said Corrine.
Ignis smiled.  “Yes, thanks to you, my love.”
“Hey, it was all you...” said Corrine.
“Sit, darling.”
“Is… is everything OK?” said Corrine.
“Everything is… fine.”
“I made dessert.” said Ignis.
“Ah… OK.” said Corrine.
Ignis crossed to the fridge and he pulled out the cake.  He released a shaky breath before setting the cake on the table.  Corrine served the cake.  Ignis lay his hand on hers.  Corrine looked up at him.
“Iggy? You OK?”
“Corrine, for the past six years, you’ve been a welcome constant in my life. I’ve found myself getting to know you and love you.  I’m so happy that Gladio dragged me to that bar that night…  You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long while… And I want to make this a constant thing…  So..”
Ignis got down on one knee before Corrine.  Her hands flew to her mouth as he opened the small box.  Ignis’ hands shook.
“Will you marry me, Corrine Thomas?”
Corrine nodded.  “Yes!  Hell yes!”
Ignis smiled at Corrine.  He leaned down and he whispered in her ear.  “Are you thinking about the night we got engaged?”
“How’d you know?” Corrine said.
“I could feel the smile on your face.” said Ignis,
“For once...” said Corrine.
“Yes, neither one of us have been smiling lately...”
“I’m sorry.” said Corrine.
“Me too, darling.” said Ignis.  “The constant hunts and fighting has made me quite weary as well.”
“You don’t look a day over 31...” said Corrine with a smile.
“I’m 32, love.”
Ignis smiled as he pulled Corrine closer.  “I love you so much...”
“I love you too, Ignis.”
“If I do… die… I want you to move on.”
“I mean technically we’re not even...”
“Shut up!  I want to marry you and only you.”
“I’ll die engaged to you if I have to...”
Ignis sniffled.  A tear fell from behind his visor.  Corrine gently brushed the tear away cupping Ignis’ face with her palms.  He leaned in and he captured her lips in a gentle but passionate kiss.  There were cheers and whistles from the other boys.  Ignis broke away, a smile on his face.
“If I live through this, we’re getting married immediately.”  said Ignis with a grin.
“I love that idea.” Corrine said.
“Dinner needs my attention, love...”
“I’ll leave you to your work then Mr. Scientia.”
“I could use some assistance, Mrs. Scientia.” Ignis said with a smile.
Corrine grinned.  “Then I’ll assist.”
Corrine and Ignis linked hands and they cooked dinner.
Three days later, Ignis was among the group of people searching Insomnia for missing people.  Corrine had gone missing after the group had parted ways.  Ignis was visably concerned.  He hadn’t heard from her in days.
“Hey Iggy?” Prompto said.
“I think we found her..” said Gladio with a grunt.
“Alive?” Ignis said.
“Barely...” said Prompto.  “She’s concious at least.”
“Can we get her on the truck?” said Ignis.
“Gladio’s on it, Iggy.  Don’t worry.  Pretty sure it’s her.  Not everyone has aqua hair...”
The truck bounced as Gladio climbed up.  He lay Corrine across Ignis’ lap.  Ignis smelled a faint hint of vanilla and lavender.  He sighed in relief, bending his body over hers.    
“Iggy..?” Corrine’s voice was barely above a whisper.
“Hey love...” Ignis said, his voice shaking.
“You made it...”
“Yeah, I made it darling…  How are you?”
“Hurting… My side….”
“It looks bad Ig.” said Gladio, softly.
“Like an animal tore into her...” said Prompto.
“C-couerls...” Corrine said.
“How many?” said Gladio.
Corrine held up six fingers.  “Plus an iron giant… or two.”
“Damn...” said Gladio.  “You’re lucky to be breathing...”
“That’s my tough girl...” said Ignis.
“Iggy… I love you...” Corrine said softly.
“I love you too, Corrine.  Hold on for me, love… We’re going to the outpost...”
“I’m trying…  I’m trying…  I’m so tired, Iggy..”
“I know love, I know… Just stay with me a little longer OK?”
The truck roared to life and it began barreling down the road.  Every bump made Corrine wince in pain.  Ignis held tight to her, holding back tears of his own.  He ran his hands through her soft aqua hair and he brushed it away from her face and eyes.  Prompto looked on watching Corrine’s chest rise and fall slowly. Gladio hung his head.
“Iggy...” Corrine said.
“Yes, love?” said Ignis.
“Are we almost to the outpost?”
“Yeah, we’re just about there.” said Gladio.
“I’m struggling to stay awake.  Don’t leave me...”
“I’m right here, darling.  I’m right here...”
“Hey! Step on it up there!” Gladio said to the driver.
The driver sped up.  Ignis kept talking to Corrine to keep her concious. Once they arrived back at the outpost, Prompto scrambled out of the truck and he held open the door for Gladio, who was carrying Corrine. Ignis followed along behind them.  Ignis held Corrine’s hand as the medics worked around him.  As quickly as they had come, they left.  Ignis was left alone with Corrine.  He gently stroked her hand and he ended up dozing off.
Ignis’ eyes opened.  “Hello, love.”
“You OK?”
“Just worried for you...”
Corrine chuckled.  “Takes more than an iron giant and six coeurls to bring me down...”
“According to Ryan, it was six coeurls an iron giant, a red giant an a Jabberwokie.”
“So more.”
Ignis chuckled.  “How are you feeling?”
“Like a truck hit me.”
“I love you.”
Corrine grinned.  “I love you too.”
“Gods, I thought I lost you...” Ignis said, unable to hold back his tears any longer.
Ignis buried his head into Corrine’s shoulder.  Tears were flowing freely from both eyes.  Corrine lay her head on his, placing her hands over his.  His quiet sobbing stilled a moment later.
“Sorry.” Ignis said.
“So! Wedding planning?”
“Let’s elope.”
“What?! Really?!”
“Yeah. I’ve made you wait long enough..”
“As soon as you’re well again, we’ll hop on the first boat to Altissia.  There’s a wedding chapel there.  We’ll get married and life will return to normal.”
“Ignis, you’re dreaming...”
“I am not...”
“Iggy wake up!” Prompto’s voice said.
Ignis awoke with a start.  It was a dream.  He felt Corrine’s cold hand in his.  He looked up to Prompto.
“What… happened?”
“You’ve got to make a choice now, Iggy.” said Gladio.
“’Rine’s not doin’ too hot...” said Prompto.
“What do you...”
“She coded...” said Gladio, “While you were sleeping, her heart stopped.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“She’s on life support, Iggy.” said Prompto.
“No...” Ignis said, shaking his head.
“You’ve… you’ve gotta decide if she stays on life support or if we… pull the plug.” said Gladio.
Ignis was silent for a moment.  His head was spinning.  “Is she suffering?”
“Not to my knowledge...” said Prompto.
“Pull the plug.” Ignis said, flatly.
“What?! You sure?!” said Gladio.
“She’s a fighter.  She’ll make it...” Ignis said, sounding miles away.
“I hope to Ramuh you’re right...” said Prompto.
The next few hours were a blur.  The various tubes that had been littered across Corrine’s body were removed one by one.  Ignis let out a deep breath as the machine controlling her breathing was unplugged.  The heart rate stayed steady for a long while.  
“Come on, darling… I can’t do this without you.” Ignis whispered.  
“Mmm.. Do what without me…..?” said Corrine, coming to.
“’Rine?!” said Gladio.
“What’d I miss?” said Corrine, looking around.
“Shit girl...” said Prompto.
“Corrine...” Ignis said.
“I know baby...”
Ignis broke then and there.  His shoulders shook ferociously as he bawled into Corrine’s shoulder.  His hands moved all over Corrine’s body until he found her cheek.  His hands gently grazed her cheeks.  
“Hey… it’s OK, Ignis…  I’m alright...”
“You’d better be.” said Gladio.
“Can you guys give us a minute please?” said Corrine.
“Yeah, yeah sure.” said Prompto.
Corrine watched as Gladio and Prompto left the room.  She turned to her broken fiancee and she wiped away a few tears from his cheeks.  She sent him a small smile.
“I heard you.” said Corrine, softly.
“You heard what?” said Ignis, pulling his head from her shoulder.
“I heard you tell them that I’m a fighter...” said Corrine.
“You are…  You are so strong darling… so strong…  And I’m very proud of you…  Yet, I’m fucking terrified...”
“Of what?” said Corrine.
“Losing you… Losing the part of me that makes me feel like I can do anything...”
“I give you strength like that?”
“Yes, you crazy woman!” said Ignis, grinning through his tears.
Corrine laughed.  “I love you, Ignis Stupeo Scientia...”
“I love you, Corrine Marie Thomas… Scientia.”
“Not quite Scientia yet, Iggy.”
“You’ve always been Mrs. Scientia… at least to me.”
“Don’t tell me I’m dreaming again...”
“Um.. no.” said Corrine.  “You had a dream about this conversation?”
“Something similar…  I woke up and I had to make one of the hardest decisions of my life; the decision whether or not to take you off of life support...”
“Kinda glad you did...” said Corrine.
“If you wouldn’t have made it, I would have felt so guilty...”
“It’s… what I would have wanted, Iggy.”
“Yeah. Just let me go when it’s my time.. ya’ know.”
“Glad that wasn’t today darling...”
“Yeah… I am too.” said Corrine.
Two months later, Ignis and Corrine were at Prompto’s apartment for a little dinner party.  Corrine and Ignis were showing everyone pictures of their recent trip to Altissia.  
“What were you two doing in Altissia?” said Prompto, flipping through some pictures.
“Just.. getting away for a while.” said Ignis, holding Corrine’s hand.
“What’s with this las--  OH EM GEE!  Corrine!!!!  You’re pregnant?!?!?!” said Prompto.
“Yep! About a month along...”
“Congratulations!!!” said Gladio.  “Nervous, Iggy?”
“Surprisingly no.  I know our child is in good hands.” said Ignis, playing with a golden band on his right hand.
“Wait… ya’ll aren’t married yet, right?” said Cindy, sitting on Prompto’s right.
“Yes, we are!” said Ignis, proudly.
“Why the hell do ya think we went to Altissia?” said Corrine.
“We weren’t invited?!” Prompto whined.
“We were going to have a small little ceremony here for you guys but… then baby Scientia showed up so...” said Corrine.
“Couldn’t wait, huh, Iggy?” said Gladio.
“Yes… I think I’ve done my fair share of waiting...” said Ignis.
“Just gotta wait eight-ish more months to complete your family huh?”
“Guess I saved the best for last...” said Ignis, glancing over at Corrine.
“Guess you did...” said Corrine.  
0 notes
lesphantom · 6 years
FFXV A Retelling-ish Chapter 16
FFXV A Retelling-ish 
Chapter 16
The next morning, I awoke to an empty bed.  I sighed and I got up.  I changed my clothes and I put my dirty ones in my backpack.  I sighed again tossing my backpack over my shoulder.  I opened the hotel room door and I headed out.  I saw that the Regalia was gone.  I sighed again and I headed toward Caem.
“Mina! Wait up, love!” came a voice.
I spun around and I saw Ignis grinning at me.  I raised a brow.  I was in shock.  He kissed my cheek once he reached me.  I gave him a quizzical look.
“Ready to go?”
“Wait a minute…  Why aren’t you driving the Regalia?”
“There are more important things in my life right now...”
“But Noct...”
“..Is a fine driver when he wants to be.  He can handle this love.”
“So I’ve got you...” I said with a smile.
“Yep!” Ignis said.
“Then let’s go, handsome.”
Ignis nodded.  “I picked up a few granola bars and various other things to snack on if we get a bit peckish.”
“Damn, you’re efficient!”
He grinned.  “It’s a gift, love.  C’mon.”
He grabbed my hand and we started off.  We fought the occasional daemon horde until we reached a bridge.  Ignis grinned and he pulled me over toward the railing.
“It’s gorgeous out there isn’t it?” Ignis said.
“Yeah, it is.” I said.
He smiled and he pulled out his phone.  “I’m no Prompto, but I need a few pictures of this view.”
I chuckled.  “Take as many as you want.”
He snapped a few pictures and then he pulled me to him for a few selfies.  I laughed against him.  His smile brightened and he took a few more selfies with me before stowing his phone away.
“I love your smile in these, love.”
“Can’t help it when I’m with you..” I said.
He blushed and he took my hand once more as we headed off.  We fought more and more daemons.  Night seemed to fall more quickly.  Ignis looked around concerned for a bit.
“Hey love?”
“About how far are we from Caem?”
“About… a two hour walk… why?”
“I’m thinking about making camp for the night since it’s getting dark.”
“Fair enough.  But where?”
“Exactly love...”
“Well shit.”
“I wish we had the foresight to grab a tent.”
“Maybe if we found a haven...”
“Or a map...”
“Ah, damn!”
“So looks like we sleep in shifts then...”
“God dammit...”
“I second that..”
“Unless we kept walking?”
“The daemons are stronger at night love.”
“Yeah. Good point.” I said.
“So I believe a haven would be our best bet.  That way we’ll be able to get some rest without having to sleep in shifts.” Ignis said.
“Now we just need to find a haven.” I said.
“Yes. But don’t fret love.  I believe that there is one close by.”
“I hope so.”
We began walking once again.  Twenty five minutes later we came across a small rock.  Ignis pointed to the runes painted on it.  They were glowing a bright blue.  I raised an eyebrow.
“There’s our haven.  Those runes protect the havens.  The previous kings place the runes to repel the daemons.”
“Huh. The more you know...”
“As long as Noct is alive the runes will continue to glow and offer the previous kings’ protection.  Noct is the last of the line of Lucis.”
“So if Noct is killed the line dies.  And all of the havens are daemon fodder.”
“Precisely.” said Ignis.  “Which is why I try to protect him as much as I can.”
We approached the haven and found it to be vacant.  Ignis let out a sigh of relief.  He knelt down and he began building a small fire.  He strategically placed some small logs near the fire and he sat down, pulling out his notebook.
“What would you like for dinner, my love?” Ignis asked.
“What do we have?”
“Well.. we still have a few energy bars.  I also had the foresight to grab some garula steaks from the mart before we left Lestallum.  It’s in my bag in a cooler.  It may taste like shit though.  I have no form of seasoning.”
“Garula steak skewers?  There’s gotta be a stick or two around here.” I said.
“Excellent idea, love.” said Ignis.
“I’ll go grab some--”
“Ugh… fine!”
Ignis grinned at me.  He gave me a kiss on the cheek and he walked over to a nearby tree.  He snapped off two small branches and he brought them back up to the fire.  He then rummaged through a small bag that I never realized he had.  He pulled out a small cooler.  He grabbed a stick and he jammed to steak pieces on it, roasting it over the fire. The fire crackled up to meet the raw meat and Ignis looked pleased.
“Damn, you’re good at that.”
Ignis grinned.  “Thank you, love.”
“You’re welcome, baby.”
I continued watching him cook and he shot me a smile.  “Love, it’s ready.”
I smiled and he handed me the stick.  He filled another stick with the steak and he cooked another one.  I waited for his to be done before I started to eat mine.  Ignis looked at me as he settled back with his skewer.
“You could have eaten, love...”
“I was always taught that it was rude to eat in front of someone that wasn’t.”
Ignis smiled.  “Well then let’s eat, love.”
We ate quickly.  Ignis took my stick after I was finished.  He tossed it into the fire.  I chuckled and I leaned my head on his shoulder.  He smiled.  
“Hi there love.”
“Hi… Dinner was great.” I said.
Ignis scoffed.  “It needed a lot of seasoning.”
“You’re too hard on yourself.”
He looked at me.  “I have to be.”
“Because I know I can do better...” Ignis said.
“I know...” Ignis said with a sigh.
I kissed him as hard as I could.  Ignis kissed me back.  I grinned into the kiss.  He broke away and he looked into my eyes.  He gently ran his thumb along my cheek.  I smiled.
“You’re so beautiful, love...”
I blushed.  “Iggy...”
He smiled.  “You are...”
I chuckled.  “Bed time?”
He laughed.  “Is it that obvious that I’m tired?”
“Yeah… a bit, darlin’.  Plus, you’re getting that glassy look….”
Ignis sighed and he settled himself down on my lap.  He stretched his legs out and he looked up at me from my lap.  He smiled and he tucked another errant strand of my hair behind my ear.
“Could you sing to me again?”
“Yep. No problems there.   What do you wanna hear?”
“A song that makes you think of us...”
“Mr. Sentimental today huh?”
“Yes… I suppose I am...”
“Get comfortable, handsome.”
He smiled and he scooted down a bit more so he was lying across my leg. He handed me his glasses and he took my free hand in his.  I grinned and I set his glasses next to me.  I stroked his cheek and his eyes closed.
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I’ve never seen the sky before.
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more…
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winger to spring
But I love you until the end of time.
Come what may
Come what may
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn’t seem such a waste
It all revolves around you.
And there’s no mountain too high
No river to wide
Sing out this song and I’ll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you
Until the end of time.
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day.
Oh come what may come what may
I will love you oh I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day.
Ignis was snoring softly in my lap.  I grinned at him.  His hand was still holding mine but it was way looser.  I slid my hand out and Ignis made a whining noise.  I chuckled.  I gently moved my leg so Ignis was resting near the ground.  I shoved my backpack under his head and I scooted around to the other side.  I lay down, listening to Ignis’s snoring and the crackling of the campfire.  Within minutes, I was asleep.  I awoke the next morning to Ignis absently stroking my hair as he read something on his smartphone.
“Good morning, love.”
“How did you sleep?”
“I’ve slept better, but that’s not really our fault.”
“Yeah. I agree.”
He handed me one of the granola bars.  “Breakfast.”
“Thanks honey.” I said.
I sat up and I chewed on the granola bar.  Ignis let out a tired sigh. I leaned my head against him.  He smiled.
“Hey, now...”
“You still seem tired, babe.”
“I am.”
“How long have you been awake?”
“Two hours.”
“I’m ok, love.  Let’s go to Caem.”
“If you’re sure….”
“I am.”
I stood up and I stretched a bit.  Ignis got to his feet as well and he handed me my backpack.  I shot him a smile.  He grinned back at me and he began heading to the road once more.  I followed closely behind.  We walked to a gas station outside of Caem.  Ignis excused himself and he headed toward the bathroom.  I browsed the store.
“You’re Rachel and Jake’s girl...” came a voice.
A brown haired young man stood staring at me.  His big chocolate brown eyes sparkled as he spoke.  His face broke into a grin.  I eyed him warily.
“Um… yeah...”
“Mina, it’s Oliver...”
I stared for a moment.  “Holy shit!!!  OLLIE!!!”
He grinned at me.  “You’re lookin’ good kid!”
“Thanks man!  God I haven’t seen you in ages!  How’s life?”
“Boring and dull since you left, beautiful.” Oliver said, giving me a grin.
“Aww. Well, I’m back for a few days.  At least until I leave for Altissia.”
“Shit, you’re going to Altissia?”
“Yep. With my boyfriend and his entourage.”
“Boyfriend huh?”
“Yep. He’s a real sweetheart.  I’m lucky to have him.”
He chuckled.  “Hey, this boyfriend you have… Does he have any single guy friends that might… ya’ know...”
“What?! I had to try...”
“Oy… What am I gonna do with you, boy...”
“Love me?”
I laughed.  Ignis joined us a moment later.  He eyed Oliver cautiously and he grabbed my hand protectively.  I gave his hand a squeeze and I grinned up at him.
“Oliver, this is Ignis.  Ignis, this is Oliver McMahon.  He’s an old friend of mine.”
“I’m two years younger… I’m not old like you are….”
“Ollie!” I said.
“Pleasure...” Ignis forced out, eying Oliver.
“Y’all headin’ to Caem?” Oliver said.
“Yes...” Ignis said.
“Awesome sauce!!!” Oliver said.
Ignis raised a brow.  I shook my head.  I lightly hit Oliver on the arm. Oliver grinned back at me.  
“Ollie, Harmy told me she’s gonna be in Caem too.  You headin’ back that way?”
“Hey, someone’s gotta watch Harmy’s back.  You know how she is Min.”
“Shit yeah...”
“Holdin’ her back from killin’ Steve is hard work...”
I sighed.  “Sorry dude.  I don’t ask her to try and kill him.  BUT it is a perk...”
Oliver laughed.  “True… He is an ass...”
“I sense a but in there...”
Oliver sighed.  “Your brother’s hot as hell, ok?”
“And very straight...”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah...”
Ignis looked unbelievably confused.  I chuckled.  I kissed his cheek and he looked at me, fear in his eyes.  
“Love, what’s going on?”
I laughed.  “Baby, Ollie’s gay.  Harmy, Ollie and myself made the rounds at the bars and stuff when I was younger.”
“Singing?” Ignis said.
“Among other things….” said Oliver.
“Just because you’re a whore doesn’t mean I was… or am...”
Oliver laughed.  “Yeah, yeah…   I had to work for my free drinks...”
I laughed.  “Ollie, you got more free drinks than Harmy and I combined.”
“Don’t psh me Oliver Michael!”
“You’re lucky I like you...”
“Ha ha!  You two want a lift?  It’s like five minutes but...”
“What do you say, Iggy?”
“Sure...” said Ignis, hesitantly.
“Your man can sit up front with me...” Oliver said with a wink.
“Really, dude?” I said.
“My car, my rules.”  Oliver said.
Ignis’s eyes widened.  “I’m going to die aren’t I?”
I laughed.  “No babe.  He’ll be good or I’ll castrate him.”
“Eep!” said Oliver.
“Be good.” I said to Oliver.
“Yes, ma’am.” Oliver said.
“And you...” I said, turning to Ignis.  “Relax…  He won’t bite… much.”
Ignis gave me a small smile.  “I love you.”
“’Love you too.”
“Come on.  Let’s go.”
I laughed as I saw Oliver’s beat up mini van.  I nudged Oliver’s shoulder and he grinned back at me.
“I took my driver’s test in this POS.” I said.
“It is not a POS!  It’s an antiquated piece of equipment...” Oliver said.
“So… piece of shit.” Ignis said with a grin.
“Ha ha!  That’s my man!” I said.
“The um… Middle seat kinda.. um...”
“Oliver what did you do to the middle seat?”
“Well.. a “friend” of mine and I kinda… broke it...”
“OLIVER! Were you banging in the car?!”
“How the fuck do you break an entire bench seat?”
“Never mind.  I don’t wanna know.  I reeeeally don’t wanna know...” I said.
Ignis chuckled.  “It’s probably better that you don’t, darling.  Let Oliver have his kinks...”
“I like him.” said Oliver.
“He’s mine, McMahon…  Mine!”
Ignis laughed.  “Possessive much, love?”
“Uh… yeah…”
“Mina, he is kinda cute...”
“Do I have to say it again, Oliver?”
Oliver laughed.  “No, I got it… I got it.  Get in so we can go.”
We piled into the car.  I settled myself in the only seat in the back and I shook my head.  I couldn’t hear what Oliver and Ignis were talking about in the front seat, but Ignis was laughing.  That wasn’t good.  We arrived and I slid the door open.  
“So! Are you staying at your old house?” Oliver said.
“Possibly. If Steven didn’t trash the fuck out of it.” I said.
“He probably did, knowing that ass hole…”
“Guess I’ll find out...” I said.
“You nervous?”  Oliver said.
“Yep…” I said.
“Don’t be nervous.  You’ve got this...”  Oliver said, touching my shoulders.
“So love, shall we?” Ignis said.
“Yeah, I think we’d better...” I said.
Ignis grinned at me and he held out his arm.  I waved good bye to Oliver and I took a deep breath.  Ignis held my hand as we approached Iris who was waiting outside the safe house.  
“Hey!!” Iris said.
“Hello, Iris!” I said, smiling at her.
“Where is everyone?” Ignis said.
“Noct and Prompto are at the lighthouse with Talcott.  Gladdy.. left.  He said he had personal business to attend to.”
My heart sank a bit.  “I’ll.. be up the hill.”
“Mina..” Iris said.
“That’s where my old house is.”
“Oh. Ok then!” Iris said.  “Have fun.”
“Would you like to be alone, love?” Ignis said.
“...no. Can you come with me please?” I said.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah. Just emotional...”
“I’ll be there.”
I nodded and Ignis and I began walking up the hill.  I had made this trek a zillion times.  My heart was in my throat.  Ignis jogged up next to me.  His hand found mine.  I squeezed his hand tightly.
“Love… are you...”
“I’m… I’m...”
“Honey, look at me.”
I looked at him.  Fear was evident in his eyes.  Ignis pulled me to him.  I buried my head in his chest.  I inhaled his cologne and it calmed me down.  He rubbed my back.
“Darling, it’s going to be ok… I’ll be right there with you...”
“Thank you, Ignis...”
He grinned and he kissed me on the cheek.  “Let’s go love.”
We walked to the top of the hill.  Ignis gasped when he saw the house. It was a small log cabin overlooking the sea.  It was small on the outside but on the inside, it was huge.  I gently pushed open the front door.   It wasn’t too messy.  
As we walked in, we were in the living room.  The couches and the television were against either wall. We moved into the medium sized kitchen.  Ignis leaned against the island.  He gave me a smile as he looked around.
“I’d kill for a kitchen like this, love.”
“Dad loved to cook.  Just like you...”
“I love how open this is though...”
“I know right?  Dad always said he wanted to be a part of whatever was going on.    He designed the kitchen and living room to be open so he could watch us grow up...”
Ignis gave me a smile.  “It’s gorgeous, love.”
I pulled Ignis to the left of where we walked in.  There were three doors.  I opened the right most door.  Pictures of cars and bikini clad women littered the walls.  I grinned.
“This was Steve and Chris’s room.  Steve moved out for a few months and Chris went crazy with the pictures of the women.  He never regretted it.  Steve’s face was entirely too priceless when he came home to that.”
“I bet.”
“I miss my brother...”
“No.. HELL no.  Chris...”
“He and I used to drive Steve crazy on purpose.  He used to call us the daemon duo.”
“Maybe that’s why Steve hates you now...”
“Nah. After Chris died, I apologized and things were decent between us until Steve met Trisha.”
“Trisha was a bad influence?”
“Not at first…  Trisha and I never hit it off.  My parents didn’t like her and she didn’t like them.  But my parents respected Steve’s choice.  After my parents died, she flat out told me that she was only with Steve for the money. I guess they fell in love through that though...”
“So he spent your inheritance on her?”
“Among other things...”
“So yeah.  This is the boys’ room.”
“Where’s your room, love?”
“Across the hall.”
I stepped behind him and I opened the door.  I stepped inside and I waited for Ignis to enter.  I saw him gawking at some of the pictures that were littering my walls.  I grinned.
“These drawings are amazing, Mina!”
“Did you do all of these?”
“Not all of ‘em.  Harmy drew the ones on the closet door.”
“Damn… I love the detail that has gone into each one.”
“Thanks. She’ll be happy to hear that too…  So!  This was my sanctuary.”
“I see...”
“Let’s move on...”
“I’m breathing...”
“No. Stop and breathe.  You look stressed.”
“I’m fine...”
“Really, Iggy...”
He kissed me hard.  I made a shocked noise as he pushed me against the closed door.  He pulled away, shooting me a grin.  I chuckled a bit.
“No… but thanks for tryin...”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“Do not.” said Ignis with a grin.
��If this is all we do in this room, I’m gonna be a little miffed...”
Ignis laughed.  “Love… I thought you’d never ask...”
He snatched me off the ground.  I squealed and he laughed.  He lay me gently on the bed and he nuzzled my neck.  He gently kissed his way down my body.  
“I love you… * kiss *  I love you…. * kiss * I love… * moan * you...” Ignis said.
He pressed his lips to mine in a hungry needy kiss.  I ground my hips against his and I pulled him further toward me.  He moaned loudly. He tilted my lowered head up to meet his eyes.  They were clouded with lust.  I shot him a sexy smile.  He let out a moan.  
“I have an idea..”
“Mmm.. Do tell, darling….”
“Well… how about… I ride you for a change...”
He threw his head back in a moan of pleasure.  “Please do, love.”
I grinned and I flipped him quickly on his back.  He grinned back at me.  Ignis slid his trousers off and I pulled at my own.  Ignis assisted me with my pants as I grinned back at him.
“So eager to get my pants off aren’t you...” I said with a grin.
“Oh, yes, my darling…  Otherwise there wouldn’t be a point...” Ignis whispered in my ear.
I shivered at how husky his voice was.  “Iggy… you could read me the phone book right now and I’d be fucking you before you reached the B’s...”
He chuckled.  “You gonna ride me or not, darling?”
“Patience, Ignis!  I may have to tie you up later...”
He let out a moan.  “Don’t get me started, love...”
“Ooooh. Someone likes the thought of being tied up...”
“Mmmhmmm...” Ignis said, chewing on his bottom lip.
I slid myself on him.  I moaned a bit.  Ignis grunted, holding back a moan of his own.  I ground my hips against his and he let out a cry of pleasure.  I gripped my headboard tightly as I slid in and out of him at a fast pace.  He moaned louder than I’d ever heard him moan. I felt a rush of absolute pleasure.  My arms were shaking.
“Love...” Ignis moaned.
“Iggy… I moaned. “Oh God, Iggy...”
His hands found my waist.  He held me tightly as I moved against him. Ignis’s eyes fluttered closed.  I went faster as he let out moan after moan.   I let out a whimpering moan.  Ignis’s eyes snapped open.
“Are you ok, love?”
“Uh huh...”
“You’re shaking...”
“I’m ok...”
He kissed me and I let out a moan.  Ignis let out a moan as my pace slowed.  His hands fell from my waist.  He gripped the fabric of my comforter tightly as he felt his orgasm hit.
“Mina… Mina… Fuck!  You feel so damn good, darling…. “
“Mmm… Ignis….” I moaned.
“Fuck… Fuck.. Mina….”
Ignis moaned loudly.  His knuckles were white on my comforter as the last of his orgasm filtered through his body.  I collapsed on top of him. Ignis kissed my forehead as he tried to breathe.
“You… good?”
“More than good.  You?”
“Would you like a massage my love?”
“Mmmm… Just the thought of that sounds amazing...”
Ignis and I swapped places.  I lay face down on the bed, in a pile of pillows. He pushed my hair to one side of my head and he straddled my back.  The minute his hands touched my shoulders, I felt every ounce of tension leave my body.  His strong hands worked out knots that I had learned to live with.  All the while he was humming a soothing melody.  I felt my eyes grow heavy.  I let out a relaxed sigh and I let my eyes close.  I was out like a light a moment later.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ignis’s POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I heard Mina let out a light snore and I chuckled.  I turned onto my side and looked at her as she slept.  I smiled as I gently took her in.  Her olive skin was flawless against the white comforter.  Mina’s auburn hair was cascading freely down past her shoulders.  He lips were slightly parted as she breathed.  I sighed.
How did I get so lucky?  How did a woman like Mina fall for me?  I rolled over onto my back and I stared at the ceiling.  A woman like Mina deserved to be treated like a queen.
“Iggy….” Mina mumbled in her sleep.
“I’m here, love… shhh… Get some rest...”
“Mmmh.” Mina said.
I smiled.  My smile slowly faded as I thought about what Mina had been through.  Her brother, whom she was very close to, dies, her parents were killed, and her other brother, whom she doesn’t have a decent relationship with, is forced to take care of her.  And then, he leaves her for dead.  That still burned me.  As much as I tried to think I could control what I would probably say or do to Steve if I met him, I knew I would fly off the handle.
Mina rolled on her side, facing away from me.  I stroked her hair gently. She let out a happy noise.  I chuckled and I turned on my side.  I wrapped my arms around her and I pulled her close to me.  She cuddled into me and she was dead to the world after that.  I smiled and I closed my eyes.  I was asleep moments later.
0 notes
lesphantom · 6 years
FFXV: A Retelling - ish....   Chapter 4
My bestie makes an appearance in this chapter via text message, but she still shows up.  I have a bad habit of tossing my friends into scenarios with me...  oops.
FFXV: A Retelling-ish...
Chapter 4:
~~~~~~~~~~~Third Person POV An hour later~~~~~~~~
“It's been a while since Mina went into her tent.  Think she's OK?” said Prompto.
“She's probably waiting for her phone to charge.” Noctis said with a yawn.
Ignis stood.  He walked to the camp table to begin the prep work for dinner.  On the way, he glanced into Mina's tent.  He smiled slightly upon seeing her sleeping soundly on her backpack.  
“Or she's sound asleep...” Ignis said.
“Is she really?” Gladio said.
“She was up before dawn.” said Prompto.  
“And she's been runnin' pretty much nonstop since then...” said Noctis.
“So we will let her get the rest she deserves.” said Ignis, glancing at his sleeping friend.
Prompto smiled.  He pulled out his camera.  He began leafing through the pictures.  He smiled as he reached the ones Mina took of the sunrise. He made a mental note to print them out when he had a spare moment. He continued looking through the photos and he stopped on the selfie. He grinned.
“What you looking at Prompto?” said Gladio.
“Some pictures of the sunrise Mina and I took today...”Prompto said.
“Nice! Can we see?” said Gladio.
“Of course!  Gather 'round.” said Prompto.
Ignis dried off his hands with a towel before joining the rest of the boys around Prompto's chair.  Prompto flipped through the pictures slowly. He explained the circumstances behind each one.  He paused over the ones Mina took.
“Damn! That's a great shot!” Noctis said.
“Yeah. She sure can take a decent photo...” said Gladio.
Prompto got to the selfies and he grinned.  “We were having so much fun out there that I had to take this one.”
“Prom, that's a good shot of you.  Your smile actually reaches your eyes.” said Gladio.
“She insisted...” Prompto said.
Gladio smiled.  “She did good.”
“You know,” said Noctis.  “She's pretty well rounded for what she's been through.”
“How so, Noct?” Ignis said.
“I promised her I wouldn't say anything, but I will say this; she's had it rough.  Yet she's got a great sense of humor and she'll go toe to toe with you if you make a bad pun.” Noctis said.
“Indeed. She's brought a certain degree of.... humor to our band of dullness.” said Ignis.
“That is true.” said Prompto.
“I can't imagine what would have happened to her had she not been rescued by us.” said Noctis.
“I don't want to think about it...” said Prompto, with a shudder.
“Me either.” said Gladio.  “She also brought a certain degree of sleepiness... I could go for a nap right now as well...”
“Me too...” said Noctis.
“You're always ready for a nap, dude...” said Prompto.
“So you all take your naps... I'll get dinner started.” Ignis said, slightly annoyed.
“Knew we could count on you Iggy.”
Ignis sighed and he went back to prepping dinner.  He chanced a glance at Mina's tent.  She was still sleeping soundly.  He smiled, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.  
“Hey Ig!  What's for dinner?” Gladio called.
“Fish and asparagus.” Ignis said.
“Yuck! Asparagus?  Really Ignis?” said Noctis.
Ignis sighed.  “I will make some potatoes for you, Noct.”
“You baby him...” said Gladio.
“Then by all means, Gladio, you try to get him to eat his vegetables.  I've tried for fifteen years.  I've learned from experience to just roll with it.”
“Are those the fish Noct and Mina caught today?” Prompto said.
“Yes. I figured we would use it while it was still fresh.” Ignis said, pushing up his glasses.
“Good thought, Iggy!” said Prompto.
“Fresh fish is always better anyway.” said Noctis.
Ignis smiled.  “Precisely.  Hopefully, dinner should be ready in about an hour.”
“Sounds good!” said Prompto.
“Ahh... an hour of nap time...” said Noctis.
Ignis rolled his eyes.  Within minutes, the boys around the camp fire were snoring.  Ignis continued his prep work in silence, occasionally glancing in Mina's tent.  He smiled.  The crush he was developing on Mina was growing exponentially the more time he spent with her. Taking a long swig of his ebony, he sighed.  He rubbed his temples a bit.  
It wasn't just Mina's looks anymore that make him yearn for her.  It was almost everything about her.  He loved the way her blue-green eyes sparkled as she laughed when he told a very bad joke.  He loved the way her voice sounded when she spoke.  He felt very aware that he was smitten with her.
He looked forward to mornings when it was just the two of them, before anyone else was awake.  They would sit and just talk.  Mina seemed to love hearing Ignis talk and they shared recipes among other things. Ignis found himself finding new recipes just to talk with her.  He just loved being with her.
Ignis brought himself out of his mini trance and he continued to make dinner.  He followed the recipe in his notebook to the tee.  A half an hour later, he had just thrown another pot on the stove to begin making Noctis's potatoes when he heard a small groan come from Mina's tent.  He peered in and he saw that she was beginning to stir.  He smiled.
~~~~~~~~~~Mina's POV~~~~~~~~~~
I awoke to the smell of breaded fish.  I looked around groggily and I turned my phone back on.  I gasped at the time.  It was already 6:15. 'Shit!!!' I thought.  I scrambled to my feet and I fell out of the tent, landing on my butt on the ground.  I heard a chuckle above me.
“Hello, my dear.” Ignis said.
“Hi, Iggy...” I said.
“Did you enjoy your nap?”
“Yeah... sorry about that...” I said, getting back up.  “I totally set you guys back a day...”
“It's perfectly fine, Mina.  We all sort of needed a day for relaxation. You're not the only one who decided a nap was in order.”
Ignis pointed to the other boys who were all passed out around the fire pit.  “You wore them all out.”
I laughed.  “I guess I did.”
“Prompto showed us the pictures you took.”
“Oh God...”
“Well done my dear!”
“I was so damn nervous.  I was scared to death that I would break his camera.  They were shit pictures though...”
“They were not.” Ignis said, nudging my shoulder.  “You need to have a little more confidence in yourself, dear.”
“If you say so, Ignis.”
“I do.”
“OK.. Do you need help with anything?”
“No. I'm... pretty well set here.  All I have to do is wait for Noct's potatoes to cook.”
“What is with him and not eating veggies?!”
“He's never been a big veggie eater.  I've been trying for years to get him to eat them...”
“I tried to convince him earlier.  I mentioned broccoli and he gave me the dirtiest look.  It's like I cussed out his mother or something...”
He chuckled.  “Yes, he does that...”
“I don't know how you do it, Ignis...  If I had to put up with Noct's picky eating I would have probably thrown a seven layer salad at him.”
Ignis laughed.  “But that's such a waste of food, Mina... I take everything that happens with a grain of salt... and lots and lots of Tylenol.  When it gets rough I add a dose of whiskey on the rocks as well.”
I laughed.  “Fair enough.”
“Would...um... would you like to help me with breakfast in the morning?”  Ignis said.
“Sure! I'd love to!” I said, grinning.
He smiled.  “Excellent.”
I grinned.  “I'm looking forward to it!”
“I am as well..” Ignis said.
Ignis's phone's timer went off.  “Ah.  The potatoes should be done...”
“Want me to wake everyone up?”
“If you would, yes.”
I nodded.  I walked over toward the boys.  I opted to wake Gladio up first.  That way, he could help me wake the others.  I lightly shook the sleeping shield.
“Gladdy.... Gladdy, wake up.”
“Hmm? What..  Hey.  What's up, Mina.” Gladio said, stretching.
“Dinner's ready.  Can you help me by waking up his highness?”
Gladio yawned but he nodded.  “Yes, ma'am.”
“Sorry to have to wake you up...” I said.
“You're fine, kid.  I was just passed out!  It takes me a minute or so to wake up when I'm that out...”
“Thanks for the assist Gladdy.”
I walked over toward Prompto.  In his sleep, he had dropped his phone on the ground.  I smiled and I picked it up.  I gently shook Prompto's shoulder.  His eyes shot open.
“Huh? What?” Prompto said.
Prompto launched forward.  His guns appeared in his hands suddenly and they were pointed at me.  I immediately put my hands in the air.  I had never stared down the barrel of a gun before and it was absolutely terrifying.
“Whoa... Sunshine... Prompto.... It's me...” I said.
“Mina.... Oh God... I'm so sorry... I...”
“Breathe Prom...  How's about lowering those pistols huh?”
“Yeah... yeah... sorry...” Prompto said, making the guns disappear.
“Are you OK?”  I asked.
Prompto scoffed.  “I pull guns on you and you ask me if I'm OK..”
“I'm fine, Min.  That dream was just so... vivid...  I am so sorry...”
“I'm more worried about you right now...”
I took a step closer to him.  He sighed.  His hands were shaking.  He ran a hand through his blonde locks.  He looked at me, utter terror visible in his clear blue eyes.  
“I um...”
“Whatever just happened doesn't matter, Sunshine.  As long as you're OK..”
He pulled me to him in a tight hug.  I felt his shoulders start shaking as he let out a shaky breath.  I gently hugged him back, rubbing his back.  He clung to me for a good five minutes before he bounced back, his typical grin on his face.
“You good?”
“Yep. Fine...”
“Good. Come on, it's food time.”
“Thanks Mina... for... just being you.”
I shot  Prompto a grin.  “Hey, just don't go pullin' guns on me again, OK?  That's scary as fuck.”
“I'm really sorry, hon..  I just... I got lost in that stupid dream...”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“Maybe later..”
“OK I'm always here, Sunshine.  Oh!  You dropped your phone.”
I handed the phone back to him.  He took it in his hands and he grinned at me.  We both headed over to the camp table to get our plates. Ignis looked at me in concern.  I waved him off, mouthing “I'm fine...”   Noctis was already digging into his food.  Gladio tossed me a water from the cooler.  I nodded at him in thanks and I filled my plate.  Ignis waited until everyone had sat down before making himself a plate.  I watched from the fire pit as he took a bite of his food and then he immediately started washing dishes.
“Hey Iggy!!!”  I called.
“Yes, Mina?” Ignis said.
“Come sit with us.  I'll do the dishes.  You've been slaving over a hot stove for the last hour at least.”
“Mina, I assure you...”
“I'm not taking no for an answer, Ignis Scientia. Get your ass over here before I drag you over here.”  I said.
“Come on.  I don't mind sitting on the ground.”
He sighed, knowing this was a losing battle.  He pushed his glasses up on his nose.  He hesitantly picked his plate up and he came over to us, joining the circle.  I smiled as he sat down.   I sat in between Ignis and Noctis on the ground.
“Now, was that so bad, Ignis?” I said, a smirk playing on my lips.
“Yes, it was absolute torture...” said Ignis, sarcastically.  
We chatted a bit during dinner and Ignis was more involved in all aspects of the conversation that he had been in two weeks.  I smiled. Near the end of the meal, I began collecting plates.  I carried the majority of the dishes to the sink.  I began washing them.  Ignis excused himself a moment later and he joined me.  He leaned against the camp table, similar to what I did this morning.
“You don't have to do this you know?”  Ignis said.
“I said I would so I am...” I said.
“At least let me dry.  Dishes are a pain..” Ignis said.
“I can handle it, Iggy.  Go relax.  Have an ebony and talk with the boys.  Live a little..”
Ignis laughed.  “Talking with the boys is living a little?”
He laughed harder.  “Mina, I'll say this...You do know how to make me smile.”
“Just doin' my job, Iggy.” I said, grinning.
Ignis left me to rejoin the boys around the fire pit.  A few minutes later I heard the crackling sounds of a camp fire.  I saw small licks of orange flames coming from the fire pit.  I inhaled the scent of burning wood.  It was beginning to get dark.  I tried to see Ignis on the other side of the camp fire.  The glow of the fire was illuminating his slightly tanned skin.  I felt heat creep into my cheeks.  I quickly finished the dishes and I ducked into my tent for my phone.  I jammed it into my pocket.  I grabbed a clean rag once I was outside again and I wiped off the camping table before I rejoined the boys.  I sat on the ground at Prompto's feet.
“You want my chair, Mina?” said Prompto.
“No. Sit, Sunshine.  I'm fine here.  I'm cravin' s'mores though.”
“I know, right?!” said Gladio.  “Unfortunately we don't have any marshmallows or chocolate.”
“I could make some marshmallows...” said Ignis.
“Nope. No more cooking for you until tomorrow morning, Chef Scientia.  Time for relaxation.” I said.
Ignis chuckled.  “I am rather enjoying being by the fire like this... The crackling is really relaxing.”
“Good to see you laid back a little, Specs...” said Noctis.
“Indeed.” Ignis said, taking a sip of his ebony.
I smiled and I listened to the boys talk.  I saw Ignis's head bob a few times.  He really was starting to relax.  He cleared his throat and he drained his mug of ebony.  He then stood up.  
“I have to admit, I am beginning to fall asleep out here, so I am going to retire.”
“'Night Specs.” said Noctis.
“Sleep well, Iggy.  See you in the morning for cooking... class?”
Ignis chuckled tiredly.  “Yes.  I'll see you in the morning, Mina.  Good night.”
I watched as Ignis yawned and he ducked into the tent.  I heard rustling as he changed in the tent.  I saw the light on his phone go out.  I gazed into the fire.  My phone dinged. I grinned as I received a text from Ignis.  
“I am so bloody tired."  
“Then get some rest... duh.”
“I'm trying to...”
“You're not trying hard enough!”
“What do you want to cook tomorrow?”
“It doesn't matter to me...”
“We could... up to you though, Chef.”
“I can't sleep...  Make an excuse and come talk to me.”
“Iggy, try turning your phone off...”
“Then how would I talk to you...?”
I heard Ignis laughing to himself in the tent.  “God, I'm tired...”
“Shut your damn phone off and go to sleep Ignis.  I'll talk to you in the morning.”
“Good night, Mina.  I'm really looking forward to tomorrow.”
“Me too...  Good night.”
I chuckled as I stowed my phone away.  Noctis and Prompto were engaged in a game of King's Knight and Gladio was reading his book.  I stifled a yawn and I lay back on the rock.  Gladio looked at me over his book.
“You OK, Mina?”
“Yes, sir.” I said. “Just lookin' at the night sky.”
He shook his head and he chuckled.  One by one each one of the boys headed off to bed.  I sat alone underneath the stars with a dying fire in front of me.  I heard my phone ding.  
“Ignis if that's you I'm gonna...” I mumbled to myself.
“DUDE!!!!!! Your brother's in Lestallum talking shit about you.  I'm about to punch him in his fuckin' teeth.~Harmy.”
I laughed.  Harmy and I had been best friends since 2nd grade.  She was the one friend I had that wasn't afraid to call Steve out on his bull shit.  She and I were thick as thieves.  I hadn't seen her in forever.
“So, fuckin' do it!  The dick hole deserves it.”
“That reminds me, shouldn't you be with him.  God forbid he loses his main source of income...”
“Psh. The asshole left me to die in on a plain near Hammerhead about three weeks ago.”
“He did WHAT?!?!  Oh, I'm going to fucking kill him.  He's dead in the god damn ground.”
“Harmy, calm down.  He's a douche bag.”
“Where are you now?”
“About half a mile from the motel near Hammerhead.”
“You alone?”
“Nope. I found a pretty good group of guys that I'm pallin' around with.”
“Please tell me you're safe...”
“I'm just fine Harmy.  If you need to hear my voice you can call me, hon.”
“I'm good.  So this group that your with... Any... cute dudes?”
“OK, you have a crush on one of them.  I can tell.”
“Dammit! How the hell do you know me so damn well?”
“Mina, I've known you since you were seven years old...  Shut it.”
I laughed.  “OK, OK   There is a guy... He's cute.. and really friggin' sweet.”  
“Got a pic?”
I sent her the picture I took of Ignis when I first met him.  “That's Ignis.”
“Oooh. He is kinda cute...”
“Yep. He's so sweet too... like OMG!”
“Glad to hear it.  I'd better let you go though, hon.  I'll tell Steve to go get fucked for ya'.  Just do me a favor and stay safe...”
“Yeah, I'll try.  You stay out of trouble OK?  I don't wanna have to bail your ass out of jail for killing my brother.”
“No promises...  Love ya.”
I set my phone down.  I let out a sigh.  I heard the tent flap to the boy's tent unzip.  Ignis emerged and he walked over toward me.  He sat next to me on the ground.
“I thought you were tired.”
“I was.  I got some sleep.”
“Ignis, you got literally less than an hour.”
“You need to rest!” I said, with a laugh.
“And so do you.” He said.
“Don’t Iggy me....  Go get some sleep.”
“Did I wake you or somethin'?”
“No. I just knew you were awake.”
“If I get some sleep, will you?”
“Fine then.” I said.  
Ignis got up off the ground.  He extended his ungloved hand to help me off the ground and I took it.  Ignis shot me a warm smile.  We walked to our tents together.  
“Night, Iggy... again.”
He chuckled, stifling a yawn.  “Night, Mina.”
I ducked into my tent and I lay back against my backpack.  I thought about the day ahead.  My stomach filled with butterflies at the prospect of cooking with Ignis.  I took a few deep breaths and I willed myself to fall asleep.
0 notes
lesphantom · 6 years
FFXV: A Retelling...  ish.
Still feeling bold… or stupid depending on who you ask…  This story I’m posting now has been the plague of my existence for the past 3 months.  My computer decided to eat it and I had to retype 95 pages of typed text that I lost.  This is why I write with pen and paper first.  Anyway…  This is the first part.  
Final Fantasy XV: A Retelling… ish
Chapter 1: 
I groaned.  Pain shot through my stomach.  I opened an eye and I glanced around.  Yep.  No sign of Steve or Trisha.  'Fuck me…’ I thought.  I opened both eyes and I slowly looked around.  
There were about a dozen hornet looking creatures buzzing around my head and a giant cat like creature on the ground a few feet away from me. ‘Killer bees and a coeurl… Fuck a duck backwards…’ I tried to stand up.  I hissed in pain and I glanced at my oozing stomach wound. Unfortunately for me, the couerl and killer bees heard my painful cries and they were beginning to converge around my position.
My vision was fading in and out and I could feel the coeurl’s hot breath on my neck.  'This is how I die…  RIP Mina…  Well, might as well go out with a bang…’ I thought.  With the last of my strength I reached for my splintered spear on the ground next to me.  I brought it up through what I hoped was the coeurl’s neck.  My eyes fluttered shut and I lost consciousness.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THIRD PERSON POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The princely retinue was barreling back through Eos.  They were heading toward Hammerhead after taking on a quest for Takka.  Ignis sipped his ebony as he drove, his gloved left hand never leaving the wheel. Prompto captured pictures of the desert like scenery with his camera. Noctis was snoozing in the backseat, his head lolling to the side. Gladio was reading.  Gladio looked up from his book and he glanced out of the window.  He did a double take when he spotted an unusual group of daemons.
“Oh shit… Look over there, guys.” Gladio called.
“A coeurl and killer bees working together?”  said Prompto, snapping a quick picture.
“That’s unusual…” said Ignis, glancing over in concern.
“They’re not attacking each other…” said Gladio.  “That concerns me.   Someone could be hurt over there…”
“Let’s go check it out.” said Noctis, with a yawn.
“Excellent idea.” said Ignis.  “That combination of daemons is not normal.”
Ignis pulled the car over to the side of the road.  The crew drew their weapons  and they approached the daemons.  Something eerie was in the air as they approached.  Without thinking, Noctis charged in against the coeurl.
“NOCT!” Ignis shouted.
“Oh shit… There’s someone over by the group of killer bees.” Gladio said, swinging his sword at them.
“I’m on it!” Noctis said.
“Wait! We should have some semblance of a plan…” said Ignis
“Iggy, there’s no time.  It’s already getting dark and whoever is over there could be hurt…”said Prompto.
“So, plan; attack.” said Ignis, quickly slicing into the coeurl as it came closer to him.
“Right.” said Gladio.
The boys fought the coeurl and the killer bees swiftly.  Ignis immediately hurried over to the wounded person.  He saw her chest rise and fall but yet he still felt for a pulse.  The others were close behind.
“Miss…? Miss, can you hear me?” said Ignis.  “Damn… she’s unconscious…”
“That wound looks really nasty.” said Gladio.
“And painful…” said Prompto.
Ignis looked down at the woman’s wound.  It was a deep red in color and Prompto was correct; it looked painful.  Ignis sighed and he pulled a small first aid kit from his pocket.  He fished out a pair of tweezers.  He very gently pulled back the white shirt the girl wore.
Ignis nonchalantly took the girl in as he worked.  She was beautiful, even with the dirt and grime caked on her face.  She had shoulder-length auburn hair and olive colored skin.  She was thin, but she was built. The shaft of a splintered spear was tightly gripped in her right hand.  Ignis frowned.
“Is she alright?” came Prompto’s innocent voice.
“I’m not sure.  She is severely hurt.  Knowing what the killer bees can do, that wound is probably full of poison.” Ignis explained. “It… doesn’t look good.”
“D'you think that a potion would help until we can get her the medical care she needs?”
“It wouldn’t hurt…” said Ignis.
Prompto handed Ignis a hi-potion and he backed up out of the way.  Ignis sighed and he broke the hi-potion over her wound. He frowned as he looked at the wound more closely.  It was slowly knitting itself back together, but Ignis remained concerned.
“We can’t just leave her here.  Especially in the condition she is in.” Gladio said. “Ignis, can we take her to Hammerhead?”
“That is do-able.  It is the closest place…  I’m growing more and more concerned the longer I look at it…”  Ignis said.
“I’ll find a medic on our way back.”  said Prompto.
“Great idea, Prom.” said Noctis
“I’ll carry her.” said Gladio.
Gladio bent down and he gently picked the woman up off the ground.  A whimper escaped her lips.  The gang looked at each other and they nodded.  Ignis stood up, grabbing both the spear and the girl’s blue backpack.  He jogged ahead of the group, reaching the Regalia first. He held the door open for Gladio as he adjusted himself in the backseat with the woman on his lap.  Noctis gently climbed in as well, slightly moving her feet.  Ignis and Prompto hopped back into the front seat and Ignis drove off.
Ignis drove to Hammerhead as quickly and carefully as he could.  As soon as they arrived, Prompto exited the Regalia, talking animatedly on the phone while running in to grab Cindy.  Gladio gently picked up the girl and he carried her into the garage.  Cindy came running down the way towards the group.
“Y'all know I’m a mechanic, not a medic right?” Cindy said.
“I’m calling a medic now.” said Prompto.
“See if he can get here as soon as possible,” said Ignis, checking on the girl.  “I don’t think she has very long….”
Prompto exited the garage still talking on his phone.  Cindy cleared off an area of counter space.  She motioned for Gladio to bring the girl over, which he did.   Cindy couldn’t tear her eyes away from the girl’s wound.
“Oh My…” Cindy said,  “Do you reckon she’s got anyone lookin’ for her?”
“Seems doubtful.”  Ignis said.  “All that was out there was her backpack and her spear.  Both of which are in the trunk of the Regalia.”
“We could get an ID on her if we went through that backpack…” said Noctis.
“Yeah… maybe.  But that would be an invasion of her privacy.” said Gladio.
“Right.” said Ignis.
Prompto ran back in, a grin plastered on his face. “I got a hold of a medic.  He’s about ten minutes out..”
“Awesome!” said Noctis.
“Yes… Let’s hope she holds on that long…” said Ignis.
Gladio frowned.  “I hope she does.”
Moments later a car zoomed into the small service station.  Almost as soon as it had stopped moving, a medic popped up out of it.  He rushed over to the small crowd and the guys let him pass.  The medic said nothing as he went to work.  He swiftly treated the young woman’s wounds.  He broke a few curatives that Ignis didn’t recognize over the young woman’s wound.  He let out a tired sigh as he stepped away from the girl.
“You’re lucky you got her here when you did…” The medic said.
“That bad, huh?” said Noctis.
“That wound was riddled with poison.  She has also lost a considerable amount of blood.  I recommend a blood transfusion..” said the medic.
“Do what you can, sir.” said Gladio.
“Another hour and she wouldn’t have made it…” the medic said, hooking up the IV with the bag of blood.
The medic sighed and he pulled out a few remedies, antidotes and other curatives out of his bag.  He handed them to Ignis.  Ignis took them gratefully.  He began packing up his things.
“I’ll be back for the IV pole in a few days.  It’s on the house since I happened to be in the area.  Just take care of her.”
“Thanks…” said Prompto.
“We’ll take care of her.” said Ignis.
The medic sent the crew a wave before hopping back in his car and driving off.  Gladio sighed and he looked back at the woman, who was resting comfortably.  Ignis approached the unconscious woman and he examined her closely.  He sighed.
“We don’t know anything about this girl…” Noctis commented.  “What if she’s an ungrateful bitch about this whole scenario?”
“Then we’ll deal with that when we come to it.” said Gladio.  “For now… we’ll just wait.”
“Yeah… I guess… Poor girl.” said Prompto.
“Yes… She’s been dealt a pretty atrocious hand.” said Ignis.
Cindy entered the garage once more.  “Is she gonna be OK?”
“I hope so…” said Ignis.
“Are y'all worried?” said Cindy.
The boys nodded.  Cindy smiled slightly.  She pointed to the R.V.  
“Y'all can stay for free.  Just this once though.” said Cindy
“Really?!? Thanks Cindy!” said Prompto
“Don’t thank me!” Cindy said, “Thank paw paw…”
Gladio, Prompto, Noctis and Cindy started walking toward the R.V.  Ignis on the other hand, continued checking on the young woman, worry furrowing the young adviser’s brow.  He could feel the stress beginning to build in his neck and back.  He pulled a nearby chair close to the woman and he sat down. He let out a long sigh.
“I don’t even know you, miss, but I am worried for you.  No one should have to endure trauma as you have alone.” Ignis said.  “I don’t even know if you can hear me right now…”
“Ignis?” came Cindy’s voice.
“Yes?” Ignis said.
“The garage ain’t much but… it’ll be warm and keep out the daemons tonight.  You’re welcome to stay in here tonight…”
Ignis gave Cindy a warm smile.  “Thank you, Cindy.”
Cindy gave Ignis a grin.  She crossed the room and she dug out two warm looking blankets.  She gave them both to Ignis and she headed out of the garage.  Ignis gently covered the young woman with the blanket and she made a contented noise.  He smiled gently.  Ignis went to the Regalia and grabbed a few cans of ebony.  He headed back into the garage settling back down in the chair.  He watched carefully as the girl’s chest rose and fell.  He opened a can of ebony and he took a long swig of it.  It was going to be a long night.
0 notes