8ande · 2 months
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21.02.2024 - Gratulerer Kongen!
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margaretsjuende · 1 year
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13.05.2023 - Grünerløkka-dag
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fjordfolk · 1 year
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Fram paa Vetteren stundom han tenkte Giv eg var i eit varmare Land Men naar Vaarsol i Bakkarne blenkte Fekk han Hug til si heimlege Strand Og naar Liderna grønka som Hagar Naar det laver av Blomar paa Straa Og naar Næter er ljosa som Dagar Kann han ingenstad vænare sjaa
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singswan-springswan · 2 years
Padme: what new side hustle have you undertaken now, my little bird?
Anakin: the council wanted to know why I have the highest AWOL numbers in the GAR so I'm writing a report
Padme: *reads over his shoulder*
Padme: this is just a napkin with "fekk around and find out" written in calligraphy
Anakin: yep! :)
Padme: when did you learn calligraphy?
Anakin: Obi-wan might have helped
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ifindus · 9 months
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tænkte du kom t å like min kaptein sabeltann i tomadachi life lol! han e kjæresta me walter white
æ dør 😭😭 hanj e fantastisk ✨ faan korr bra du fekk hanj t å 😂 hår, bart, leppa å øyenbryn liksom lol
for ein kjærest da 👀
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ooc-miqojak · 1 year
Once upon a time, she'd have moved the stars for her crew - for her friends... her family. People she'd thought had accepted her flaws as readily as she'd accepted theirs. Of course... she hadn't known them well enough to know all their dirty little secrets until it was too late, it seemed.
And she was becoming just like him, now.
Her own ship. Her own crew. Her own dark deeds. Either a flask, or a joint always at hand.
She wasn't, usually, all too interested in things like fury - why bother, really? Anger is a quick burning fuel that leaves you worse for wear, most days.
Better to laugh, and live, and indulge in the now.
But when it came to a broken vow - when it came to the person who said they'd be there... blaming her for what was done to her? The things that haunted her, day and night, those things were her fault? Accusing her of... of being something she wasn't, now.
He'd looked at her with disgust, after all her suffering. After she fought to get back to her 'friends'... back to the man she respected, and admired - suspicion and revulsion were all she got.
"Yeh aren't me Lily-flower, yeh sick fekk. Yeh dunnae get ta use 'er against me."
The memory was as stark now, as the moment had been, then - and still made her stomach churn in a way nothing else could.
A knife right in the heart of the girl who had held on. For him.
For all of them.
Once crew, always crew.
"What do I have to do to prove that it's me, it's really...honestly me? How do I prove to you that you are why I held on? That I hit rock bottom, and I endured horrific things because you told me that's what a bilgerat does - that they survive no matter what. You taught me not to play fair, so I beat the fucker at his own game in the end."
Long, thin fingers drifted upward in the mirror, to set lightly at the silvered lioness pendant she still wore - the one the Marquis Vynguld had given her so long ago, now. He'd told her to embrace her 'Lioness'; to embrace the parts of herself that she'd always been afraid of - forever the doormat, the lap cat... never embracing herself in full, never stretching her legs, or her own claws... unless at the behest of another.
Iloam's words had been a slow-acting poison - and the only sort that could harm her now; a poison that gnawed at the edges of her as surely as the demonic impulse did... his revulsion. The man who'd given her a home, and a purpose, and a family when she'd had nothing.
She disgusted him now. She'd survived... and for what? To see loathing in the eyes of her loved ones?
Perhaps anger was best left to simmer - perhaps, if they wanted her to be a monster, she would in time. Perhaps, like that lioness, she should be patient - she would, after all, outlive everyone, now - and the 'sins of the father' were the sort of thing to linger, after all.
So she would respect his final words to her, and leave him alone.
"Yeh aren't goin' ta fool me - so next time yeh see me, walk t'e ot'er way."
Love betrayed had a way of rotting inside a person - of twisting, and befouling waters that once were pure - and rejection of a hand reached out in desperation had a way of amplifying that effect.
But as much as she hated the things he'd said to her - the false accusations, and his paranoia that she wasn't even herself... she hated even more that she was becoming just like him.
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knopperbrister · 4 months
Eg fekk Trilogien av Jon Fosse til jul. Eg er om lag halvvegs i andre bok, og har likt det eg har lese til no. Men no går det så dårleg. Klart det går dårleg, det må jo gå dårleg. Dette er naturalistisk determinisme i modernistisk tankestraum-innpakning. Det rører noko ved meg, slik god litteratur gjer, men når det no går dårleg, som det jo må, så klarar eg ikkje så mykje om gongen.
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checkitoutjoe · 7 months
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Ferieturen nærmar seg slutten, og me held fram reisa nordover attende mot Wien. Fredag forlot me Serbia og Balkan, og tok oss inn i Ungarn. Ein relativt keisam køyredag, men me kom tidleg til Budapest og fekk mykje tid til å vandre rundt i byen og sjå oss rundt. Det vart òg tid til to ungarske spesialitetar på tida me var der - langos og gulasj 😋
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Bhgwan ko bolo mere mu pe ek bf fekk ke maare
@bhagwanji ek acha sa bf phenk ke maaro iske muu pe (vese ek aur ladka bache toh mere muu pe bhi maar dena hehe)
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Aw fekk I didn't realise you said you got a new phone instead of a new phone screen I'm so dumb
Man I hope the new one lasts longer, this one's been for a month or so too. Who knows? Maybe our next change will be coincidentally together!
XDD I hope so too!
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8ande · 3 months
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09.02.2024 - Ned itte ved
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margaretsjuende · 1 year
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10.05.2023 - Drømmeslottet
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Tysdag 1. november
Byrja dagen med ein runde til Kumamoto slott. Slottet skal vere eit av dei mest imponerande i Japan, men diverre vart det skada under eit jordskjelv i 2016. Det verkar som det framleis ikkje er opna, for me fann ingen veg inn. Det fekk bli med bileta me tok på avstand. Deretter kom me oss på ferja vestover til Shimabara der me kom fram i 12-tida.
Me køyrde nesten direkte opp på fjellet frå ferjekaia, der me kom oss inn på ein fjellveg med bra utsikt over vulkanen Unzen. Det seinaste store utbrotet var i 1990, og det var lett å sjå for seg korleis det var ei fare for Shimabara som ligg på flata nedanfor. Etter litt meir køyring på fjellvegar tok me turen nordover.
Neste stopp var Yūtoku Inari Shrine. Eit av dei meir kjende shrina dedikert til Inari, og heile fjellsida var dekt av spreidde raudoransje tori-portar. Gjekk heile vegen til toppen. Kvelden brukte me i Nagasaki, der me blir verande til torsdag.
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toast-art · 1 year
3rd graders be like:
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(its about Jesus' birth, Fekk you non-religious people.)
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lfcrobbo · 2 years
🌙? (ok så dette er litt todelt fordi jeg også ville fortelle om noe (jeg syntes var) morsomt..jeg tekstet med noen og skulle skrive storsenter men så skrev jeg storsebter ved et uhell,,,så enten var det bare en skrivefeil ELLERS har seb tatt over hjernen min helt. tror nok det er det siste. og nå tenker jeg bare på et senter der man kan kjøpe en seb 😞😞 så trist at det ikke finnes </3 måtte bare dele det med deg fordi jeg har sånn faktisk ingen venner som liker/bryr seg om f1 (kan ha noe med at jeg bare har sånn én venn men ajshajhsj))
HEIII KJÆRE MEDBORGER🥰 først og fremst so håpar eg at alt går bra med deg, spesielt med tanke på alt som har skjedd i det vesle landet vårt dei siste dagane. OG STORSEBTER, EG DØYR😭 100% noko eg kunne ha gjort, og eg hadde heller ikkje hatt nokon å fortelje det til (eg har to f1 vennar i verkelegheita, og dei mobbar meg allereie for kor opphengt eg er i seb.... kompisen til vennina mi hadde ikkje MØTT MEG ein gong når seb fekk korona, og sa da til vennina mi "ånei, no blir marthe lei seg". kjekt å ha eit rykte si:') )
🌙  What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
uh TOUGH ONE! actually probably my preferred time to write is like. midday, but i rarely actually get to write then😭 honestly my ideal writing day is: get up early-ish on a day off (before nine) go to a coffee shop around 10-11 and start writing. however i only do this once or twice a year and most of my writing is actually done in the evenings lol. i just get so TIRED sometimes during the evenings so i can't really PLAN to write then bc most likely my brain will be too hazy to get it done:(
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