#Every Kiss Would Be A Crime | Lux & Kat
light-puns · 6 years
Cute drabble with Kat? Maybe Lux looking after him or something? They're so cute!!
// First of all Nonni, you are my favorite ever. @lotus-of-noxus‘s Kat, in case anyone wasn’t aware. 
The sound of her shallow pants are too loud even in her ownears as she pulls up, twisting around in the maze of Demacian forest. This isn’tan area she frequents, this isn’t an area any human frequents really. Thisforest is endless and dark, it ranges for miles across the land, and there is areason the locals stay out of these woods. The call that echoes off the trees isguttural and screeching as her hunter rounds the bend down from her. Its eyesare sightless, but it can smell her, even among the murky scents here. Too manylimbs pull it along, its movements clumsy and wild but brutal in strength.
Lux’s hand raises, another step backwards, the light shegathers in her palm is warm and comforting, it twists refining itself into aweapon. It’s hard to focus on the spell through the earsplitting cries of the thingcharging her. She’s about to close her eyes to try and focus when the flash ofsomething catches her attention. It takes her a moment to realize it’s aperson, and what she’s spotted is the glint off a blade.
She snaps her hand closed and breaks the channel on thespell, it spares whoever is behind the thing. However, now she is left facingdown this monster’s maw as it lifts a hand, or what might have once been ahand. Magic has twisted it into something gaunt and claw-like, but she isn’tlooking at the thing before her, her eyes are past it.
“Kat?” The name falls from her lips in absolute confusion.He’s not supposed to be here, he’s out on a mission, following rumors, nothere, in the darkness of this forest. Yet, that has to be whom it is, has tobe, those eyes are unmistakable. He’s screaming at her, something she can’tquite make out and then she’s being slammed into the nearest tree and there isblood. It’s wet and warm across her arm but there is no pain, so it can’t be her blood.  
There is a moment of abject horror as she realizes what is splatteredup her arm and across her cheek is his blood. It’s a flurry of motion afterthat, she’s screaming, he’s talking, the creature is shrieking and; the lightthat explodes from her hand in the dim illumination of the forest is asblinding as her anger. It’s searing in color and crackles with electricity,when it finally fades into a seeable state the creature is no longer there andKat is grabbing her wrist and dragging her with him. She stumbles after him,confused, but allowing him to lead them from the tangle of trees, she doesn’task how he knows the way out.
Once out of the grove he pauses as if he’s thinking about something,but Lux is a burst of motion, her hand grasping his. Her fingers are tightaround his wrist, there is an almost nervous nature to her hold.
“Come.” It’s a command as she pulls him along, deeper intosomewhere he really aught naught be. Demacia is never safe for him, but her innis close, and he’s injured. He doesn’t say anything though the brow arch saysenough for him. There is a cheeky comment on his tongue, but he eats it at herglare. There is blood pouring down his side, as she sneaks him through the townand into The Stallion inn, drawing him through the hallways and into her rooms.
“Where are you hurt?” Her tone was fraught with worry as shepushed him a little deeper into the rooms, locking the door behind her.
“It’s fine, Lux.” His manner was amused as he eyed her, butshe didn’t seem intent upon stopping as she pushed his jacket off his shouldersher hands deft in their movements as she moved his shirt up. Having to followhim as he tried to step out of her hold and create space between them.
“So forceful tonight little bird.” The lilt to his voice didlittle to assuage her worry as she finally managed to peel the tatters of hisshirt away from the gashes along his side. It was amazing he was still standing,they were deep, ragged, and already looked infected. She winced before easinghis shirt over his head with his assistance.
“Not now Kat, you can tease me after I fix this. Lights, I’mso sorry.” She pushed him towards her bed before moving throughout the trio ofrooms that were hers. Picking up a medical kit, a water basin, several cloths,she moved back towards him stopping when she found him not sitting on her bedlike she’d intended but on the chaise by the window.
“Wasn’t your fault Lux.” His tone was soft, an amused littlehuff escaping him as she panicked about him. Never lighting in one spot forvery long, entirely reminiscent of the ‘little bird’ he often called her.
“Hnn.” Was the only answer she gave as she motioned him tolay out. “Down.” Another command, she was all about orders tonight, as sheangled herself beside him. Her touches were light, gentle as she cleaned thearea of blood, she didn’t take note of his silence, too focused on her work.
“Ah, these are deep, it’s going to feel warm for a secondwhile I burn away infection.” This was Demacia, she wasn’t supposed to usemagic here, but the thought didn’t even occur to her as she placed a pale handover the gashes focusing on the fire element for a moment to sear the possibilityfor contamination from the wounds along his side.
“If only you touched me this tenderly when I wasn’t injured.”The cheeky comment had her gritting her teeth for a moment. She leaned forwardslightly to glare at him. How he still had the energy for such smartass remarkswas beyond her.
“Can you not be sassy right now? You’re bleeding out on mychaise.” Lux gave him a pointed look which only earned her an unrepentant grinfrom the redhead. She rolled her eyes before leaning back to poke at theinjuries for a moment. “Lights, Kat I really am sorry, this is going to hurt.” Hertone was so apologetic as she threaded the needle and bit her lower lip,getting only a half assed handwave from the man.
The stitching was a swift process, or as swift as she couldmake it. Nice neat little lines closing the four slices along his back and uphis side. Once she’d tied off the last stitch she rested her hand against it,she shouldn’t. It had been her fault though, he’d gotten hurt because of her ownineptitudes. These marks would be on his body because of her. It was the least she could do.
“All patched up doc?” His voice was a lazy drawl, he soundedtired or maybe that was her projecting.
“Not yet, just, don’t move for a second.” Lux’s voice wavered,and he seemed to pick up on that because he glanced over his shoulder at herwith an arched brow. She shook her head at him, a small motion which only hadhim arching his brow a bit more.
“Lux?” His question was met with another head shake as she puther hand on his side, the same way she had before when channeling the fireelement. Her eyes fluttered shut for a second, though she could feel the way hewas searching her features.
Lux dug deep, touching into her center, immersing herself init for a moment before tugging at the strands of her own life essence, bindingit with light energy and in a makeshift spell she shouldn’t be using to help urgethe knitting of Kat’s flesh back together. She was no healer, that trait wasn’tin her repertoire of skills, not in the traditional sense. However, with somesacrifice on her end and a bit of energy from both herself and him she could atleast encourage the mending process to go a bit faster.
His magic answered her easily as she dipped the soft hues oflight along his wounds. Reaching out with her energy towards his own, the warmwelcoming blaze from his magic eased something in her, it always did. To hiscredit Kat didn’t move until her hand trembled against him. Then his hand wason hers and he was sitting up breaking her concentration.
“Hey.” His voice was soft, almost confused, that rare one heused.
“Hello.” She smiled leaning down to pick up the wrappingsshe’d brought with her and proceeded to pointedly ignore the way he watched heras she wrapped his mid-section.
“Going to tell me what that was?” She shook her head beforecasting another grin up at him.
“Come on.” She kept her smile as she stood tugging on hishand to pull him towards the bed. “Shoes off. Sleep. Don’t make me cast a spellon you.” A relatively shallow threat, though she just might if he fought her overmuch.When he didn’t really argue with her, and instead flopped out in the small innbed Lux tilted her head. Now that was odd, but she supposed it could be bloodloss mingled with an adrenaline crash, so she let it go.
Lux set about tidying up the room putting things back wherethey went before moving to sit beside him on the bed. She took a few moments tojust watch him, before moving her hand out to rest against his forehead,feeling for any signs of a fever. The fingers around her wrist had her startingslightly before he was smirking up at her from under her palm.
“Stop worrying little bird, I’m fine.” His tone was amusedbut it didn’t quite have the same swagger it normally did. Now that she thoughtabout it, he hadn’t been nearly as obnoxious this entire time. She leaned backa moment eyeing him, watching his face, before she moved to flop next to himpulling him towards her till she had him situated with his head on her abdomen,so she could pet him at her leisure. He didn’t seem terribly bothered by thechange in position if the amused huff was anything to go by.
“So, what are you thinking about?” Her phrasing wasconversational as she ran her hand through his hair reaching her free one outto tangle with his fingers giving a small pulse of her own magic in the process.It was how they showed support, how they spoke, a language between just the twoof them. The only person in the world that connected with that part of her.
“How comfortable a pillow you make.” There was a cockyamusement to his voice that had her rolling her eyes. Well, at least he wasn’tbroken, that was good to know. She’d worried there for a moment that maybe she’dscrambled his brain with the magical blast in the forest.
“Right, so what are you really thinking about?” Heramusement was evident in the way she spoke, the slight squeeze she gave to hishand and the affectionate sigh. This was more contact than was typical for them,but it felt, nice, right. Even as shejust lazily let her magic tangle with his, the same way her fingers had. Luxglanced towards his hand noting that at some point he’d shed his gloves, butshe wasn’t sure when. She should get up and change out of her clothes, theywere bloody, but then so were his pants and he didn’t seem like he reallycared.
He didn’t answer her, for so long that she thought he mightnot at all. He was just laying against her, staring at the ceiling of theirtiny inn room, his breathing even but not deep. A soft sound escaped him,something like an exasperated grumble and a sigh of frustration. He wasfighting with something inside himself, some inner battle that she desperately wantedto ease.
“Should have just, moved differently is all. Shouldn’t haveeven happened, was stupid.” His tone is nonchalant as he speaks about it. Yetthere is something in the tenseness of his shoulders and the way he’s beenstaring at the ceiling this whole time that has her sitting up slightly to lookat him.
“Mistakes happen, Kat. It’s not your fault, I should havemoved, you were just rescuing me, wasn’t your mistake, it was mine.” Her words aredistant as she tries to reply the fight in her mind but it’s blurry at best.She can feel some of the tenseness leave his shoulders, but he still seemsunhappy, so she curls a bit closer wrapping around him slightly to place a kissto his bare shoulder. It’s strangely affectionate but has the desired effect ofcausing him to look at her, green eyes curious and amused. She can’t stop himfrom thinking about it in the long run, but she can distract him right now.
“Why Luxanna, I never knew you could be so bold.” His voice is teasing and he takes the teeth against his shoulder in stride. It’s an angrylittle nip followed by a swat to the head before she’s trying to roll away.
Never mind, let him stew in his own thoughts. He was clearlyfine.
He stops her though moving with a speed her really shouldn’tposses after being injured. He’s half leaned over her smirking and she’salready done with his nonsense. His hand is still tangled with hers and theslight pulse of magic only makes her roll her eyes. It’s not exactly anapology, but it’s his own version of affection between the two of them.
“Don’t stress your wound idiot.” She’s glaring lightly, andhe just seems to find this all the more entertaining. He’s not moving though evenwhen she pushes against his arm with absolutely zero real intent to move him.
“We’re all allowed to make mistakes Kat. You know, thatright? I make them all the time. It’s alright, don’t beat yourself up over itokay? You’re too good for that, and you’re worth it to me.” Her voice iswhisper soft as she sits up slightly to place a kiss feather light over the scaron his eye and when she lays back there is a moment. It’s brief, but it almostlooks like vulnerability flashes across his face before he’s flopping outbeside her, though he doesn’t untangle their fingers. She doesn’t explain whathe’s worth to her, or what she means by the comment and he doesn’t ask.
“Goodnight little bird.”
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light-puns · 6 years
I dare you to kiss lotus-of-noxus :> (nobody's sent one for kat yet? wat? I need my fix for this pairing please)
// Me too bby face, me too. It’s been all of what? Three days since I’ve written something for them. That’s much too long. 
@lotus-of-noxus​ GIMME KAT THANKS!
There is a moment, a brief, fleeting moment where she had the chance to turn around and leave. She’s had lots of them over the time she’s spent with Kat, all throughout their brief and extended meetings. Plenty of moments to simply walk away from him, and she hasn’t taken a single one. She should have this time, should have taken the moment to walk away and cooled down. She shouldn’t have let him get under her skin the way he had. 
She damns herself when she lets him back her into a corner, pinning her between himself and the wall. Their games, dances really, have gotten more and more physical as of late. There is frustration in the way they dance back and forth, where there wasn’t before. It’s unclear what the frustration is directed at, or if it’s entirely on her end. It’s probably her, it usually is, he always seems so unfazed with everything. The hands on either side of her head though and the fire in his green eyes indicate she’s hit a nerve though. Something in the way she’s challenged him this time has him flaring slightly, she isn’t sure what it is she’s said and frankly she doesn’t care.
It’s a mistake, the moment it happens she knows it’s a mistake but lights she doesn’t care. She isn’t sure what she’d expected when she’d closed the distance between them and taken what she’d wanted. Hungry and angry, not what she’d imagined her second kiss with him would be like but she can’t say she’s terribly upset by it. If anything she’s proud, especially at the way she feels his magic spark in response to her actions. It’s always giving him away. 
Checkmate. His move. 
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light-puns · 6 years
Continued from [X]
She’d wished he’d kept his mouth shut the moment he opened it, if only because she hadn’t quite managed to retrieve her temper from the dour direction it had gone. “I’m not lying!” Lux huffed stomping her foot as she glared up at him. A mistake, she realized it a bit too late her teeth instantly going to worry her lower lip till it was pink. It was a lie of course, she didn’t hate him, maybe a little mad at him right now but it wasn’t hate. Exasperated was definitely a feeling she held for him at that moment though. Then he laughed, and a part of her resolve broke and a soft sigh escaped her. It was a rare occurrence, though it had started increasing here as of late, that he would bless her with one of his truly lighthearted laughs. She couldn’t quite explain why it always made her feel like she’d accomplished something, maybe because he didn’t laugh like that very often, whatever the case it always made her a little less angry with him. Even if he was teasing her endlessly, which she supposed was something he did often.  
Still his words irritated her, she believed it of course, he’d always escape. A deep part of her that made her even angrier whispered that she likely wouldn’t let it happen anyway. If anyone in Demacia was going to be catching Kat Du Couteau it would be her, this was her predator to snare and she’d be damned if some guards took that from her. Yes, that was it, he was her mark, so to speak, that was all it was.
The sound of boots on the floor, light as it was, was enough to have her snapping her eyes back towards him quickly. His approach made her squirm, it was always safer if he was across the room, across the table, away from her because it was just easier that way. She was less drawn to him, could stay on high alert, was less lulled by his presence when he was farther away from her. She cursed herself for ever opening up to the cocky redhead. Sharing a too intimate moment concerning magic and her secrets had been the dumbest thing she’d ever done.
He stood there, before her pretty as you please, all teasing smiles and smug swagger and it irritated her. She wasn’t aware when her eyes had dropped from his, but that she had, frustrated her. Lux lifted her gaze, tilting her chin up at him defiantly, she could still smite him if he crossed her, and that thought gave her some amount of comfort and control over the situation. Kat had the awful habit of putting her terribly off balance. She crossed her arms over her chest, blue eyes glittering with too many emotions as she eyed him carefully.
“You’re insufferable.” It was the first thing she’d said after he’d stopped speaking. Her tone terse even as she subconsciously leaned closer. “So, you just decided to drop by and make sure I was alright? Isn’t that sweet, well, I’ll have you know I’m just dandy.” Her words were clipped as she looked at him nose crinkling slightly. “Just doing my job, protecting my people, chasing monsters, collecting magical artifacts, investigating rumors of darker arts. Quite comfortable I assure you!” She gave him one of her fake little smiles, lifting her hand to pat his arm lightly.
Lies of course, not entirely, but still lies. The freedom she’d found while in Noxus had been an experience she wasn’t sure she’d ever find, let alone the freedom she’d found when around him. It wasn’t his fault of course, how tense she was, but she’d just come from Crownguard manor and a scarcely hidden run in with her brother and magic. He’d nearly walked in on her using magic to water her inner gardens. A simple task, menial, something she’d always done by hand before but then she’d gone and dumbly opened up to Kat and he’d whispered stupidly sweet words about a life she might have lived had she been born elsewhere. Foolish.
The memory itself was enough to annoy her, the clear blue of her eyes shading for a moment into the darker hues it held when she was mad at herself. “Well! It was lovely seeing you again, you be sure to hop your little way back across that border now, without getting caught. Glad we had this chat.” Another fake little smile, the ones reserved for dignitaries when she was trying very hard not be upset about something. She gave a little bit of a shove to his shoulder, light and halfhearted, pushing him towards the window because Kat was swiftly becoming a weakness Lux didn’t need. With his sweet words and inciting of dreams she’d buried as a child. He didn’t mean to, she knew that, but that didn’t make it any easier. Perhaps with time she could lock up all the messy emotions he incited in her and they could perhaps be very good friends then. Allies even, work together to maybe help better both Noxus and Demacia, the possibilities were endless. That would only be after she had sealed away the dangerous feelings he gave rise to. Magic was forbidden in Demacia, and she was Demacian, and he was Noxian and that’s how life was.
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light-puns · 6 years
Lux adored Heartseekers, any day that celebrated love, regardless of form, was a good day in her book. Plus, it gave her ample reason to meddle, which was something she so loved doing. Also gifting, it was so much fun making up treats for everyone, trying to find the special gifts for the people that meant the most to her. She took it as a challenge, they needed to know how special to her they were, and the perfect gift was the way to do that. She might also just like gift giving and seeing the smiles it brought to peoples faces but that was neither here nor there.
What she didn’t like was being stuck away from home for the day. She’d tried so hard to get back to Demacia, sure as she was that Crownguard manor would be resplendent in it’s decorations. Lux was a firm believer in decorating for quite literally every holiday, and the staff of the manor had taken up their little ladyship’s wishes happily. Or so she felt anyway, at the very least the only one that ever complained was Garen. In his same tired exasperated tone, why was she making their notable and impressive manor a doll’s house each holiday. She could practically here him grumping as she signed her name on the parcel and put it with the others, the stack growing dangerously high. She’d already sent off five, one of course to her brother, his favorite candies with a card. Lux had also, due to her current predicament, sent one home to the staff of her manor, giving them the day off with pay per their routine as well as leave to make their typical treats. Normally she was home this day, locked up in her kitchen with the cooks making cookies and other sweet treats for various places and people.
A third, more curious parcel, was sent to one Fiora Laurent, the Grand Duelist of Demacia was an interesting choice but Lux had been doing it for years now. Sending Miss Laurent, a bouquet of wild flowers had become tradition after Lux had been informed, accidently, by one of her maids that the other would be alone one Heartseekers day. That had been several years ago now, but Lux had been heartbroken by the thought of anyone having no one at all. So, she’d sent her flowers, without a name of course, just a simple card with flowing scrawl and well wishes written inside. If Fiora knew whom was sending the flowers she never said, at the very least she’d never confronted Lux, so Lux worked under the presumption that the other didn’t know.
The fourth was bound for the shadow isles, which it would likely never reach. Still she had thought of Thresh and she didn’t want him to think he was forgotten on this very special day of love. She considered them friends even if maybe he didn’t, and the fifth was also destined for Crownguard manor because if nothing else she figured eventually Riven would show up there. She usually did, when Lux was least expecting it.
Her eyes shifted to the two other gifts that lay half wrapped on the desk she’d commandeered in the room. Well, complicated, that was one word for it. They’d likely reach their recipients sooner than the others merely due to the proximity to their receivers. Still, she frowned as she twirled the quill between her fingers eyeing the gifts critically. Shopping for Noxians was complicated, difficult, unreasonable even, because honestly what did they even like? Aside from power, strength, things that generally didn’t make good gift.
Lux prided herself on getting the best sorts of gifts, but this had been tricky, for various reasons. Weapons seemed an ideal go to, however it was also something obvious and something neither needed more of. This was, of course, assuming that either accepted the gifts after the fiascos over the past while. She winced slightly as she pulled one of the packages over.
Really it wasn’t her fault! Darius had looked so lonely, and Draven had said, not to her, but he’d said Darius had a crush! Lux had just assumed it was on the pretty woman that spent so much time coming and going from Darius’ office. Lux had just wanted to see him smile! That’s all it had been, so maybe picking out a bouquet of flowers for him to give her was a little much. Perhaps she’d over stepped when she’d even given those flowers to the woman and said they were from Darius, when Darius had refused to do it himself. She winced again at the memory as she scrunched her face up, she’d not meant to do anything wrong.
It’d been a disaster though and currently she wasn’t sure Darius was speaking to her. Understandable given the circumstances but still disappointing on a day that was meant to celebrate love. They were friends after all! They’d spent how many days locked in an ice cave together in a snow storm? That practically made them best friends! She lifted her fingers to nudge the carefully crafted inkwell, she’d gone through a lot of trouble to make sure it was at least something he’d used. He spent so much time working that it made the most sense. A small sigh escaped her as she sat up once more having slouched in her chair at some point. Ah well, there was always time to apologize if he hadn’t already forgiven her. She rolled the heavy glass over in her hands, she’d gone with the shape of a sitting wolf, something that reminded her of him. Likely due to their time in the snowstorm but that wasn’t what mattered, the bottom was carefully inscribed.
With Love, Lux
Beautiful flowing letters in her own handwriting, she crinkled her nose for the third time before gently placing the inkwell back down in it’s box and wrapping it up.  With that completed she signed the parcel before pulling the next one towards her.
Her hands trembled of their own accord which had her stopping midway to crack her head off the desk in irritation. Why him, why this, why, why, why, it was a repeated question that she still couldn’t find the answers to. It was his fault of course, why she was so mad at him. Though that wasn’t strictly true, she’d encouraged him. Seen the sweet secret smiles the other female had been throwing Kat’s way. She’d realized belatedly what that meant, or what she thought they meant. She’d approached and encouraged the young girl, encouraged her to talk to him, perhaps she hadn’t been expecting him to just up and vanish after that. Perhaps she hadn’t expected him to take so well to the other females advances, whatever the case it had irritated her when he’d up and left without word. Not unusual for him but still irritating before she’d even gotten to tell him happy Heartseeker day! He hadn’t even said goodbye! She felt they were close enough friends for him to at the very least say goodbye before going off to whatever it was he did.
She lifted her head up off the desk glaring with some amount of frustration at the tiny box. She shouldn’t send it to him, she should just keep it and get everyone but him a gift! The thought shocked her, and she frowned for a moment, when had she become so petty?
Lux pulled the simple silver ring out of the box, twirling it lightly between her fingers. Enchanted, stupid, giving a Noxian an enchanted ring was a mistake, she knew that, but he was a rare breed. One of the few she’d be able to give something like this to without suspicion being raised. She’d worked on it herself, picked out the ring, encouraged the spellwork already a part of it, layered some of her own. Not that he needed the help of an enchanted ring but still.
Light caught on the careful inscription on the inside, simple words that meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. Should he ever get caught it would reveal nothing, not trace back to her. Not put him in jeopardy, she’d had to think on what to actually put or if she’d do better to leave it blank.
Stay Safe
The words glimmered for a moment before she dropped the ring back into the box with the carefully written instructions on what it did. She’d gotten it for him, might as well give it to him. Even if she was mad. With the last two parcels wrapped she stood, collecting them gently before moving out into the coming evening. Sending them on their way with a special carrier before returning to her borrowed room. That took care of another special heartseekers day at least, now for some time to relax alone and read. It was a pleasing thought as she snuggled down alone in the chair by the small window in her room. Maybe next year she wouldn’t meddle quite as badly.
//So shout out to the babes that were just like yeah go ahead and torture my muse. Don’t mind at all. For those of you that are curious these are specific references to lotus-of-noxus Kat, Voidbornriven’s Riven, General-Darius’ Darius and Of-Damnation’s Thresh and the various rps I’ve had with them. 
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light-puns · 6 years
Lux had to wonder, especially at times like this, if Kat Du Couteau had, in all his infinitesimal wisdom, a lick of common sense. Or if maybe he just ran around doing whatever it was he felt he could get away with. A deep, terrified, part of her assumed it was the later of those two options. A soft sigh escaped pale lips as she glanced back up at the redhead she had cornered him, finally, or as cornered as Kat ever was she supposed. If truth be told he was likely letting her corner him right now, due to some potential for amusement he saw in the entire situation. Irritating. The thought flitted through her mind before she could stop it as her hands released from the clenched position they had been in. 
“This is illegal.” Obvious, even he must know that. This was no place for a Noxian, especially not Kat Du Couteau. Outlaying town though it might be this was still Demacian soil and he wasn’t welcome without escort onto their lands. This of course was only the first layer of headache, Lux wasn’t sure why he was here but she had the sneaking suspicion that the it was the same reason she was here. 
Unscrupulous individual poking around in things he shouldn’t be poking his nose around in. Whispers of stolen artifacts, of bloody assassinations, and various other quietly illegal activities and who does she show up to find other than one infuriating red head with a cocky swagger and too perfect smile. ‘Hey, little bird.’ Lux’s eyebrow twitched at the memory, the muscles in her jaw tensed as the unbidden flutter in her chest from that particular phrase said in that particular tone of voice. Like maybe he was just here to see her, not doing something he wasn’t supposed to do. Like they were old friends, like this wasn’t wrong, like it was completely right for him to be in her inn room in the small Demacian town. 
Something struck her as wrong at that moment and she raised her head narrowing her eyes at him. “How…?” The question hung in the air between them unasked, how had he known which room was hers? She’d chased him all over town before finding him perched pleasantly in her window once she’d returned. Breaking and entering, another illegal activity. Did he ever do anything legal, at all, ever? A sigh passed her lips as the thought drifted through her mind, maybe she didn’t have him as cornered as she’d previously thought. 
Another few moments before she lifted her gaze a long suffering sigh passing her lips as she finally meets pools of emeralds that infuriate her with how un-readably mischievous they were. “I hate you.” It’s a huffed out statement as she crosses her arms. “What are you doing here? You know if they find you in my room they are going to throw you in a dungeon somewhere and throw away the key.” Exasperated was the eventual tone she settled on as she looked across the space at him. Unwilling or unable to close the space between them, likely because she would throttle him if she was close enough. 
//AhahaHA. So I had a bunch of fun with this. Idk tried to make it within reason of something Kat would do. Was fun regardless. 
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light-puns · 6 years
So Kat mentions plenty that he feels bad for you that you were raised in Demacia and so can't be free with your magic and were always afraid of your real power. Is there anything about Kat or his behavior that you know comes from the culture he was raised in that makes you feel bad for him the same way?
The frown that crosses her features is almost instant as she crosses her arms. “Yes he does like to open his mouth and chat about things he doesn’t know the half of doesn’t he.” Her tone is almost waspish as she bristles before slowly settling herself back and forcing a smile onto her face. He means well, she just has to keep reminding herself. 
“There are some things, but none quite so blatant or obvious. Though something to note is the difference of how we view it. When we speak about my magic, about freedom and what being born in different settings means he always speaks of power, recognition and adoration. That is freedom to him, the ability to wield the power he sees in my magic, to be respected for it’s ability without the fear of those around me, without being shunned. To me that is sad, that so much emphasis is put on power, strength, might that softer, more tender emotions tend to be lost. So when I speak of freedom, of wanting to just be free and I know he hears me but half the time I don’t think he really understands.” Lux gives a small roll of her shoulders. 
“His desire to avoid weakness, or things he sees as weakness is something that worries me from time to time. Sometimes weakness is important, avoiding it makes for unhealthy coping mechanisms. Which I’ve never seen but I feel he has plenty of. Honestly I worry for him, I feel like most everything is a game to him, and like somewhere in the heart of Noxus he spends much too much time alone because it’s hard for him to trust. Something else brought on by where he’s grown up. I don’t even think he really trusts me, something sad to think about.” Lux gives another roll of her shoulders and sighs trying to gather her thoughts, because she could ramble about this for hours. 
“Lots of little things, lots of suspicions, but nothing large that I can say for sure about. He doesn’t tell me a terrible lot about himself. The focus is usually on me, which I think makes him most comfortable honestly.” 
//Thank you for the thought provoking question Nonni! It was really interesting to explore because in the end she doesn’t actually know a terrible amount about him. Just the things she gets to observe when they are together! Also lol over half my asks are about Kat. I love it. 
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