#Esaldir Lavellan
Cole: He almost says the word sometimes. Katoh. He tastes it in his mouth, sweet release a breath away, tongue tying it tenderly like you tie him. But he doesn't. For you, and for him because it makes it mean more. A fuller feeling, a brighter burst. Iron Bull: Yeah. (Coughs.) How's he feel about you saying this in front of everybody? Esaldir: If a rift opened up right now and swallowed me I'd be fine with that. Solas: Provided it tied you down first one assumed. Esaldir: (Groans.)
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A collection of Oneshots, long and shorts ones, focusing on Dragon Age: Inquisition, but with a lot of changes where Solas is NOT Fenharel, but just an Erudite elf who enjoys studying the Fade, Spirits, among other things.
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Inquisitor Solas!AU
The day had started like any other. Esaldir sleeps in up until Solas finishes his meditation, or what the young elf understood was one of his visits through the Fade. He would like to join him, but it's only been a month since he left clan Lavellan. Solas said his magical resistance wasn't strong enough yet so it was too soon for him to expose himself to the threat of being possessed if he were to join Solas into the Fade.
It still stung, but Esaldir was getting over it. It wasn't the first clan he had to leave, after all. His first, clan Faerondalan, made an agreement and joined the alienage in Val Royeaux. That wasn't a life he wanted, and even as it's more difficult, Esaldir preferred running about in the wild. Plus, he could never stand the machinations Orlesians enjoyed so much. Then, he was accepted into clan Lavellan and that was more his style.
Then, one day, he meets Solas. The older elf was passing by, and the clan welcomed him to stay a while, as the man sustained some injuries from the surrounding wild life. Esaldir talked with him a lot, and enjoyed hearing his stories. Although he had some contradicting beliefs and knowledge from what the Keeper had been teaching him, the two agreed to disagree.
Once Solas recovered from his injuries, and shortly before he had to leave again, Esaldir volunteered to go hunting with him to help the man resupply what he needed before traveling again.
Long story short, and an encounter with an elven artefact, Esaldir started showing his magical potential.
But clan Lavellan already had two Mages; keeper Deshanna and her second, Mahanon Lavellan. So Solas offered to let him tag along with him in his journey. Not really having much of a choice, Esaldir agreed. It wasn't not too bad. Mahanon told him that Esaldir could still carry their name, if he wanted. Also, should he wish to, he was also welcomed to return and visit them for a time.
As for being with Solas indefinitely, Esaldir couldn't say he disliked the idea of being able to travel with him, since the young elf found himself agreeing with more of Solas' teachings than that of the clan's keeper. After all, a week after he started traveling with Solas, he even agreed to let him remove his Vallaslin after finding out what they meant in ancient elven history.
That's going to be a difficult thing to explain to Deshanna when he goes back for visits, though.
Esaldir started to stir from his sleep. He sat up, yawning and stretching, before seeing Solas still in his meditations. So the young elf decided to start with breakfast. He needed to hunt for that, though. Esaldir stretched some more, before picking up his bow and quiver. The crystal embedded to his bow glowed a bit at contact, before dimming down after a few seconds.
This crystal, the artefact they found a month ago, attached itself automatically to his bow and thus, his journey as a mage began. Solas told him that he could use it as his staff, for the time being. Still, Esaldir mostly used it to shoot arrows more than magical spells. But the magic did give him an advantage in being able to track things better.
"Lethallin," Esaldir looked back, just as he was about to leave. He sees Solas get up, picking up his staff as he did so. "I'm just about finish, let me join you. We can eat breakfast in the next camp we set up."
Esaldir nodded. He grabbed his waist pouch, which had his extra set of a change in clothes. Solas carried most of their things for now, since the younger elf had his quiver equipped already.
They stayed at outskirts as much as they could. On their way here, coming down from some hills, they spotted a procession of human caravans, with a long line of Templars and Mages following from behind. Esaldir was aware of what was going to take place because before being sent away, keeper Deshanna was going to send him to spy on the human affair and see how it would affect their kind.
He wondered who she was going to send instead.
The younger elf turned around and he spots Mahanon heading towards them, on his loyal Valla stead, Nuvin. As he neared then, Mahanon jumps down gracefully as the Valla was still slowing into a break and wrapped the younger elf in an embrace.
"I missed you!" Mahanon pulled back, ruffling the blond locks out of place by a lot. "I tried, but I can't quite nail Elfroot potato soup the way you do it."
Esaldir snorted, "It's nice to know that I'm being remembered because of my cooking, instead of my renowned hunting skills." He said, running his hand through his hair in an attempt to fix it somewhat.
Solas smiled in amusement, and proceeded to do it himself with a wave of a hand. Some special wind managed to put it back into place.
"Okay," Esaldir looked towards him, "You're teaching me that trick in our next lessons." he said.
Mahanon chuckled, "So, are you both curious about this Conclave business too?" he asked.
"Not particularly," Solas said, "we were meaning to hunt today's breakfast."
"I see. Well, perhaps I'll join you before continuing on my way." Mahanon suggested.
No reason to reject the suggestion, Esaldir and Solas agreed. Together, they started to track down some breakfast.
Without much effort, Esaldir takes out a Nug for breakfast. He wanted to hunt something more challenging, but it was for breakfast. It would be easy to skin and cook, so they wouldn't have to wait for long. There were two mages and a half, because Solas hasn't given Esaldir an all clear to really use his magic to its fullest potential, lest he risks demon possession. In any case, even one mage is enough to get a good and hotter than normal fire to speed up the process.
As long as Esaldir consented, and it was his resolved and nothing like Solas coerced him into agreeing to have it removed, then Mahanon could live and let die.
They ate in peace. Well, eventually they did.
When he realized the lack of Esaldir having a Vallaslin, Mahanon was shocked. But it was good Mahanon was understanding and open minded, so he took it well. Well, better than Esaldir expected anyway. Though, he did glare at Solas. But seeing as they kind of threw Esaldir out of their clan, he couldn't really dictate what should and shouldn't be done.
After that awkward conversation, Esaldir moved to change the topic.
"You know just because you cook it quickly with a hotter flame doesn't mean you'll get the taste right." Esaldir pointed out, narrowing his eyes. "Creators, Hahren, how did you survive this long without decent cooking skills?"
Solas shrugged, nibbling at what used to be the Nug's leg. "As long as it's edible, it's food." he said. "If we become picky with our food, we would always go hungry."
"Relax Esa," Mahanon nudged him, "we don't have a lot of time to wait your gourmet cooking, which is a shame for sure. But we need to get to the Conclave."
Esaldir raised a brow, "Uh, wait, we're coming with you?"
"Aren't you?" Mahanon started pouting, "I mean, it's going to be a while till we may see each other again. Why not make a day out of it, since we ran into each other anyway?"
Solas hummed, "I admit, I am curious about this human affair." he said, "It is my understanding that this chantry leader intends to resolve an ongoing feud between mages and templars. I wonder how she intends to convince them with words alone."
"Ugh, political affairs." Esaldir shook his head, Mahanon continued to pout. "Okay, don't think for one moment I'm falling for that fake shite right there. I'll tag along because it's not like there's a good reason to refuse, not like Solas has us on a schedule to be anywhere anyway."
Mahanon laughed, grabbing the younger elf in a half hug and rubbing his fist roughly against the crown of his head. "See, this is why I'm going to miss having you around." he said, "It's fun to goad you."
Esaldir grunted, trying to push the 'young-but-still-older-than-him' elf.
What Solas didn't tell the two is his real reason for being curious about the Conclave. It was true that he's been intrigued about the fact that this Divine assumed she could settle the Mage-Templar dispute by simply addressing them, but it wasn't so much so that he wanted to go and observe the Conclave himself.
It's just convenient that they ran into Mahanon, which saved Solas from having to bring up the suggestion himself.
During his morning visit to the Fade, his friend, a Wisdom Spirit, had advised him that they had sense something peculiar about the Veil, that they had a premonition of something amiss that would likely transpire due to this event. They couldn't tell Solas why, because it wasn't known to them as well. But they had urged Solas to take a look into it.
At that point, Solas had no idea that he was going to play a bigger role than just 'looking into it.
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"I was... Distracted."
How could you not be though?
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Bull, is he right?
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Solas knew he shouldn't worry about Esaldir so much. Before they met, the young elf has gotten by well on his own. His skill as a hunter wasn't to be taken lightly, too. The added benefits of his unique way of using magic gave him more of an advantage than most.
Even as much as the others would use it as a point to poke fun on, he isn't Esaldir's father. Additionally to that, the blond had saved him from a few close calls himself in the heat of battle.
This was just another Rift, Solas should trust that Esaldir could handle his side of the fight just fi—
"Da'len!" Solas growled, staff already flaring up. "Wait for me to cast a barrier!"
"I already did earlier!" Esaldir called back, already tossing his hook towards a Rage demon and pulling himself in for a tackle. "Ow!"
"Fenedhis lasa!" Solas shook his head, zapping some simple spells to some Wraiths while waiting for gathering enough mana to cast a barrier. At the Inquisitor's blind side, the Iron Bull uses his Serpant's rage to slam down an enemy coming up from behind the elven mage. "I keep telling you that the duration gets cut down when you're hit, and you were already hit earlier!"
"I'm fine!" Esaldir recovered, dodging out of reach from the demon and getting enough leverage to make a leap before launching several arrows at the thing. "Just a tiny burn!"
"Okay, okay, hanging back!" The young elf did a backflip to avoid an attack attempt from a Wraith, and Cole took his place. "Hurry up! Cole's getting all the kills!"
"You can do that without getting in close!"
"But where's the fun in always keeping a distance?"
The Iron Bull laughed at the elf's eagerness, "Your son's got enough spunk for a warrior, boss!"
"Oh, for… He's not my son!"
Esaldir snorted as he shot at a Terror demon, from a safer distance. "Coulda fooled me." Finally, Solas cast his barrier on the younger elf at the right time because another Terror demon that he wasn't shooting at popped up from the ground below him. "Ugh, hate these jump scares… Thanks, dad."
Solas sighed, shaking his head. He doubts he'll ever hear the end of this any time soon.
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Inquisitor Solas AU
Chapter 6: Testing the mark
Esaldir frowned, crossing his arms. "Where exactly are you taking us?"
"The mark must be tested on something smaller than the breach." And that was it for an explanation.
Solas started walking, as did Esaldir albeit reluctantly.
The three of them crosses the bridge, passing a Chanter reciting to a group of soldiers, numerous wounded and resting soldiers, some wrapped corpses at the side.
The elves followed Cassandra closely, wary of the nasty looks the humans around Haven were giving them as they walked towards the gates with the woman. One attempted to throw a rotten apple towards them. The two flinched reflexively, but the warrior raised a halting hand to prevent the action. In frustration, the man merely tossed the apple behind him harshly and spat at their direction.
Cassandra gave him a hard look, before motioning for Solas and Esaldir to hasten their steps. The elves did so; it was better to get away from these people who look ready to attack them. 
"I have a feeling this isn't just the usual 'knife ear racial discrimination' treatment." Esaldir noted, relieved when they got farther away from the people behind them, and neared the gates.
Cassandra sighed, "They have decided your guilt." she told them. "They need it. The people of Haven mourn our Most Holy, Divine Justinia, head of the Chantry. The conclave was hers. It was a chance for peace between mages and templars. She brought their leaders together." She clenched her fists in lingering despair and frustration, "Now they are dead." She waved to the guards, "Open the gate! We are heading into the valley."
Soldiers open gates to allow them through.
"The people lash out," Cassandra went on, addressing them once more. "like the sky. But we must think beyond ourselves, as she did. Until the Breach is sealed." 
Solas nodded, founding her to be a respectable woman, if a little hot tempered.
There are three spiked barricades, two of which are manned by two soldiers each. They pass by a burning wagon, and more corpses donning what looked to be Templar armor. Three soldiers running towards their way.
"Maker, it’s the end of the world...."
As they reach the top of the hill, flashes of green strike the ground. The breach grows again and the Solas' mark flares once more. The elf falters towards Esaldir, who catches him and supports him the best he could. Solas grunts in pain, and Esaldir grimaced, worrying creasing his forehead.
"The pulses are coming faster now." Cassandra walked over, actually looking sympathetic this time.
Solas grunted, looking at the sky. "It appears that as it does, the breach expands."
"Riiiight. Still think we shouldn’t be worrying about you till later?"
Heaiving painfully, Solas nodded. "We don’t have a choice. It must wait." The pain passes eventually, and Solas assures Esaldir before they press on. "You mentioned a blast earlier when you were talking with your companion back in the dungeons," Solas spoke, sounding a little strained. "How did I survive the blast?"
Esaldir answered the question with another, "Don't you remember?"
"I am unable to recall anything before we reached the vicinity of the temple." Solas replied.
Cassandra looked reluctant, as if she didn't know whether she should give them any information. Finally, she relented. "They said you… stepped out of a rift, then fell unconscious. They say a woman was in the rift behind you." She said. "No one knows who she was. Everything farther in the valley was laid waste, including the Temple of Sacred Ashes." She sighed, shaking her head. "I suppose you’ll see soon enough."
Solas, Esaldir and Cassandra cross a second bridge, following a group of soldiers. Halfway through, the bridge is struck by a piece of the breach and collapses, sending the bodies of soldiers flying. Esaldir cries out, and Solas casts a barrier for all three of them. Cassandra grunts as they all take a tumble to the frozen river below. Another meteor strikes, causing a Shade to appear out of a pool of green light.
Scowling, Cassandra takes the shield from her back and pulls out her sword. "Stay behind me!" She charges forward to attack.
Solas and Esaldir stayed close to each other, keeping out of the way. However, another shade rises out of the ground in front of them. Solas instinctively stepped forward so that the younger elf was behind him. Esaldir glared at the protective act because the older elf was just as vulnerable. He knew he wouldn’t dare to push his luck with using magic without a staff. Even with his skillfulness, Solas could still risk misdirecting the spell to an unintended target or get possessed. Esaldir cursed, wishing his bow wasn’t confiscated.
At that moment, Esaldir flinches at an eerie yet familiar sensation. He looked towards the direction where he sensed the feeling, and he gawked at the sight of his bow floating over broken crates. The crystal glowed brightly, before heading towards him. The blond’s hand shot up reflexively as the bow zoned it directly to his hand. His hand closes into a fist around it and at the same moment Solas pushes him away from a charging shade. Esaldir grunted as he hits the ground, but he recovers immediately to go over to the broken crates. Crying out in relief, the blond finds his quiver of arrows. Esaldir arms himself and the tables have turned, because it was his turn to protect Solas. The man also found a staff by the crates and backed up the younger elf.
Easily enough, the two of them took down the remaining shades and kept them off Cassandra who was distracted with her own share of demons. Solas focused on defensive spells and lets Esaldir handles launching attacks for the kill. Once they get a respite, Esaldir had to remember to ask Solas how it was possible to hit bodies that didn’t look corporeal.
"Our side is cleared." Solas declared.
Esaldir sighed in relief, "Bleeding thorns..." he huffed, shaking his head. "Let it be known that if I knew this was going to happen, I would never have agreed to accompany Mahanon all the way over here."
"We would still be fighting demons like this had we not been here, I wager. I have a feeling this would have happened with or without our involvement."
Finishing off the last of her share of shades, Cassandra approaches the two with her sword drawn. "Drop your weapons." she hisses, "Now."
The elves stare at her, Esaldir looking incredulous while Solas maintained a neutral look.
"No, no." Esaldir said in mock chiding tone, "This is the part where you thank us for helping you instead of sending an arrow or fireball through your back..."  The woman still did withhold her weapon. Additionally, her glare sharpened. "...And now, I’m regretting that."
"You did not admit to being a mage too, which makes you a liar by omission and a liar does not help you become less of a suspect in all this."
Esaldir looked to the sky and spreads his arms in exasperation, "I’m in training! I’m still learning!"
"Is that supposed to reassure me? Untrained mages are just as dangerous, maybe even more."
"Is there an arrow at your back? Or a burnt singe from a flaming arrow or fireball? No? Then maybe check again, and check that stick up your arse while you’re at it."
Cassandra was ready to go for the kill at that point.
Solas sighed, shaking his head as he puts down the staff for a moment. "And there’s your impertinence missing from earlier." he got between them, placing a hand on Esaldir’s shoulder and raising a placating hand towards Cassandra. "Lady Seeker, is this really the time? The sky is falling, and it is alarming that it is literal. I implore you to give us a chance; we cannot press on completely defenseless and you cannot protect us on your own if we are to go further."
Cassandra blinked, caught off guard with how the elf addressed her.
"What did you call her?"
"She bears the Insignia of an order called the Seekers of Truth on her armor," Solas answered, still looking at the warrior. "I heard of them in my travels and now I ask that you seek what is true instead of clinging on to what you believe is true; Our guilt is not proven any more than our innocence is."
Cassandra gave him a hard look before sighing and sheathing her sword. "You’re right," she conceded. "I cannot protect you both, and I cannot expect you to be defenseless. I should remember you did not attempt to run." she starts walking off and went through a broken chest.
"Okay, I should say it more often; you’re amazing. Now, if only you said that earlier..."
"Da’len," Solas picked up the staff once more, and made a motion with his hand. "might we press on?"
Esaldir shrugged, before going back to the crates quickly to find any spare arrows to replace the ones he used to kill off the previous enemies. The two caught up with Cassandra, who turned towards them to give them a belt with tiny flasks attached to them.
"Take these potions. Maker knows what we will face."
Esaldir eyed them warily but he doubted it would be a waste of time to bring them all the way here just to try and poison them. He puts the belt on, and Solas did the same as they continue onwards into the valley.
"Where are all your soldiers?" Solas asked.
Cassandra motioned to a particular direction, "At the forward camp, or fighting." she said, "We are on our own, for now."
It was a tad tiresome, having to watch their backs, the sky, and being careful not to stumble as they press forward. It didn't help that they had to alternate walking through ice or snow. Both Esaldir and Solas preferred going barefoot, so the younger elf that one of the first things Solas taught him in terms of magic is to help with the cold when he walks. They crest a small hill, where two shades are spotted on the frozen river below. 
"There! Watch out!" Cassandra takes up arms once more, "If we flank them, we may gain an advantage."
The Seeker charged forward as Esaldir and Solas watched her back, taking care of things that were at her blindsides. The shades are defeated, and they continue along the river where another shade appears. Several wraiths form above the stone stairs on the left.
"Up on the hill!" Solas called out, "It attacks from a distance!"
Esaldir notches an arrow and pulls on the string, "So do I." He sends several flying in rapid succession.
Solas unleashes a Chain Lightning spell to finish them off.
"Show off." Esaldir rolled his eyes.
They continue up the steps after defeating both, passing more corpses along the way until they encounter another group of demons.
"They’re falling from the Breach!"
"We can see that!"
Being careful not to deplete his supply of arrows, in case there would be more enemies later before he could resupply, Esaldir did his best to aim for the instant kill. When it would seem impossible to do that, he hangs back and lets Solas and Cassandra do most of the damage.
When the demons were cleared, they made for the stairs on the left. This staircase steeper than the one before.
"We’re getting close to the rift. You can hear the fighting."
Esaldir pursed his lips, "Is it Varric and Mahanon, or more soldiers?"
"You’ll see soon." The Seeker replied, "Regardless who, we must help them."
For once, Esaldir agreed with the woman.
At the top of the stairs to the right, there is a bridge covered in burning wagons and barrels. To the left, there is a short drop down a stone wall. The three of them jumped down to join Mahanon, Varric, and two soldiers in fighting demons under a rift. Esaldir is relieved that they made it to them in time, and they didn't look too injured from the fight.
"Esaldir!" Mahanon called out, freezing an incoming demon. "It's about time. How'd you prove your innocence?"
Esaldir shrugged, "Still a work in progress, actually... Watch your back!" he said, quickly nocking an arrow to his bow and sending flying.
Mahanon flinched as the arrow whistled passed his cheek by only a few inches. The arrow hit a the demon who had been frozen from Mahanon's spell earlier. It nailed the creature right at the eye, or where an eye would be anyway. A soldier took it from there and slayed it before moving to another target.
"A little warning maybe, Esa?!"
Esaldir smirked, "I did though."
"Well, give me time to react to it then!" Mahanon scowled, before getting back into combat mode.
So did Esaldir. 
"Da'len, be careful not to get carried away!" Solas called out as he casts a barrier to the soldiers nearby. "Avoid using magic for now,"
Mahanon called down lightning to zap several wraiths rushing towards the older elf.
 "Does it count if I use the crystal for aiming?" Esaldir nocked an arrow to his bow.
"That would be fine, just avoid any of the spells I've taught you for now!"
Not being needed to be told twice, Esaldir released several arrows in succession.
The demons weren't too difficult to bring down, but if they kept coming then they would be in danger due to fatigue. Solas and the others just got here, but who knows how long Mahanon and the others have been at this. Cassandra said that they needed to test the mark on something much smaller, and this seems to be the opportunity. 
But what exactly am I supposed to do?
Alarmed, Solas looked towards the outcry. He sees Esaldir getting out of the reach from a several wraiths, executing a leaping shot at them while he was at it and leaving Mahanon and Varric to make sure they were down for certain. In the process of not watching where he was falling towards, Esaldir ended up landing right in front of the small Rift nearby. From his end, Solas could easily see that more spirits are being pulled through. Once they do, they would be more demons they would have to take down.
And Esaldir would be the first they would prey upon; a newly made Mage, vulnerable to possession.
"Quickly da'len, before more come through!" Solas rushed towards him to pull the young elf away before the Spirits could get through and attack them as demons.
But that didn't happen.
Instead of moving away like he intended, the mark on his hand charged heavily. Solas raised his hand to examine it, and in doing so, energy came out from the mark and connected to the Rift. The elf cried out at the sensation, as if he was being pulled and pushed at the same time.
But the Rift was getting smaller, and when it was completely closed, the two elves were knocked back by the force.
"What did you do?" Mahanon came up running to them, his eyes wide, the question of concern was forgotten and changed to a question of wonder.
Furrowing his brows, Solas stared at his hand. "I... It was the mark." he answered, "Even now, I am unaware how I managed the feat."
Cassandra frowned, wondering whether she was going to believe him or take it as a charade of sorts.
"Well, however it was done..." Solas looked towards the Seeker, "It seems that whatever magic opened the Breach in the sky also placed that mark on my hand."
Cassandra scrutinized the elf, "You're saying you never had this mark before today?"
"He didn't," Mahanon spoke up, going over to her side. "If you need witnesses to confirm that, you could visit clan Lavellan. Solas stayed with us for a while before he left with Esaldir."
Esaldir crossed his arms, "Or you could just ask me."
"Except you're almost at the same boat as he is, since you were found together when the soldiers reached the carnage the temple became." Mahanon noted.
The blond elf grunted, "Fair enough."
"It appears I have to take your word for it," Cassandra huffed, giving Mahanon a hard look. "If it is founded later on that you are covering for these two, you will be put to a similar trial."
Mahanon shrugged, "As long as it's a fair trial, I don't mind." he said. "I know I'm innocent, after all."
"And human justice is definitely fair." Varric spoke up, joining the conversation.
Solas watched the mark, humming thoughtfully. "Seeker, I theorized if these rifts originated from the Breach, as I was able to close them, it is possible that this mark could close the Breach itself."
Cassandra nodded, "I suppose there's only one way to prove that."
"Well!" Varric hummed, patting his hands against each other. "It's comforting to know that being ass-deep in demons forever isn't the only option for our future." Solas looked towards the dwarf, "Varric Tethras: rogue, storyteller, and occasionally unwelcome tagalong." he winked at Cassandra.
The Seeker scowled.
"I have to say, you sure have one gutsy son over there." Varric gestured towards Esaldir.
Solas and Esaldir shared a look.
"He's not my..." Solas shook his head, "I am not even old enough to have a son of this age."
Varric shrugged, "Who can tell with you elves, you sure hover over him like a worried father." he said. "Anyway, might be a good idea to find Leliana or other soldiers that might need your special assistance of closing demon portals."
"Absolutely not." The Seeker interjected crossly, looming over the dwarf. "Your help is appreciated, Varric, but…"
The dwarf forestalled her. "Have you been in the valley lately, Seeker?" he asked, but it was mostly rhetorical. "Your soldiers aren’t in control anymore. You need me."
Unable to refute that, but unwilling to admit it, Cassandra made a disgusted noise before heading off.
"Being nice isn't her thing, is it?" Esaldir noted, his eyes narrowed.
Varric laughed at the remark, "Looks that way, Spunky."
"Well, in any case, my name is Solas, if there are to be introductions." The older elf said, before looking back to Cassandra. "Seeker, you should know: the magic involved here is unlike any I have ever seen. I may be a mage, but I find it difficult to imagine any mage having such power."
Cassandra nodded, "Understood." she looked back to the others, "We must get to the forward camp quickly. There might be more places that need rifts closed. We need to be aware if it is so and make haste." 
"Well," Varric hummed, "Bianca’s excited!"
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In charge
Cole: You act like you're in charge, The Iron Bull, but it's really him. He decides when, and you measure it carefully, enough to enjoy, to energize, but never to anger. He is tied, teased, tantalized, but it's tempered to what he wants. He submits, but you serve. Iron Bull: Do you mind, kid? If you take away all the mystery, it's not quite as hot. Esaldir: Bull? Yes it is. Iron Bull: Right! My mistake. Carry on, kid. Cole: What's an Orlesian Tickler? Iron Bull: I'll tell you when you're older. Cole: No, you won't. Iron Bull: No, I won't.
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Watch "No blackmail vs with blackmail Outcomes" on YouTube
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My #1 post of 2022
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361 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
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How do Cullen and Josephine accidentally walk in on them in search of the Inquisitor? That's Bull's room right? Not his. Did someone see the Inquisitor going in there and told them? Did they just assume the Inquisitor wanted to nap a bit in another person's room?
Whatever the case, it's still damn hilarious. Takes "Do not Disturb" to a whole new level. Like... "Do not disturb or you will be disturbed."
I pressed the flirt icon once with Cassandra, back at Haven I think. That was enough to make her jealous of me and Bull.
On another note, funny how Cass goes "I heard a rumor that..."
Girl, you literally walked in on us. 🤣 If anything, you'd be confirming the rumors if you didn't start it, that is.
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Me noticing how, after the cutscene, Dorian is being pouty and doesn't want to look at me no matter how much I try to move in front of him to face him.
I find that so funny and in-character of him.
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I love the vibe of Cassandra and Cole's banter. They really give off "ate" and "bunso" vibes.
Ate - big sister
Bunso - youngest sibling (gender neutral)
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Esaldir: Vhenan
The Iron Bull: Yes Kadan?
Esaldir: We're adopting
The Iron Bull: If that's what you like, sure.
Esaldir: Great. It's Cole.
The Iron Bull:
The Iron Bull: Okay.
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Most unrealistic thing of DA:I is that you can flirt with Viv even though it doesn't really go anywhere, you can flirt with Harding, you can even flirt with characters even though you're not their preference.... BUT YOU CAN'T FLIRT WITH COLE. Remember also that quest of having to Destroy Imshael in Emprise, and he talks about virgins and Cole and goes "No... You probably don't want him" I DO! I DO WANT HIM.
Sometimes I think it's the game developers way of mocking us.
This is why you're dead Imshael. All you had to do was give me Cole... Then I would kill you painlessly so I can keep Cole and Michel.
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I had a thought, but...
Dorian: That little trick, Cole, when you dip into someone's mind and take a drink? Do you choose what you're looking for, or is it random?
Cole: It has to be hurt, or a way to help the hurt. That's what calls me.
Cole: Rilienus, skin tan like fine whiskey, cheekbones shaded, lips curl when he smiles.
Cole: He would have said yes.
Dorian: I'll... thank you not to do that again, please.
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Who the fuck do I kill?
Fuck. Here's to hoping this Rilienus dude is in DA4 and a romanced Inquisitor finds out Dorian had a huge crush on him or wanted to shag him once.
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