#Erin has the rambles
ineed-to-sleep · 2 years
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Couple of little references I made for my prophet's design bc I love him a little too much
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semperama · 11 months
I don't know if y'all realize how valuable it really is when you reblog fics. I can tell every time someone reblogs a fic of mine, because I nearly always get at least one new follower, and usually more like 3-5. Not that I'm trying to amass followers or anything, but it just goes to show you that when you reblog a fic, it really does get in front of people who wouldn't have otherwise seen it. Reblogs actively help grow the fandom and help the authors you enjoy reach a wider audience. If you want to support writers, reblog their fics!!
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
honestly some of the theories about mapleshade were pretty interesting and while i enjoyed her novella, it was kind of fun when people would brainstorm without worrying about canon. i feel like i havent seen that same creative energy in a while
i remember i had a theory about mapleshade lying that the kits were hers and instead had stolen them
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blimbo-buddy · 4 months
a part of me wants to have Slash's white arm marks actually be from chemical burns that bleached those parts of his skin and fur white but I'm still brainstorming it a bit
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nuclearanomaly · 9 months
20 – Hamper
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wc. 729 | Shadowbringers | verse ft @pocket-cat 's Ulan
Thancred is suspicious, and frustrated by the actions of their fellow Scion. Ninira is frustrated and mostly unable to be bothered. They have bigger things to worry about.
Sorting the miscellaneous screws, washers, bolts and whatever other bits the Eulmorans had clobbered together to assist with the Ladder repairs was far from the most demanding of tasks she had ever been assigned, but for good reason. She had been ordered to leave the reconstruction efforts to the others and for the most part she was willing. Construction and heavy lifting were well outside her wheelhouse, and Y'shtola had snapped at her when she had offered to help reanimate the Golems whenever they arrived. Yet there was only so much relaxing she could handle, especially with Vauthery’s twisted Mt Gulg looming on the horizon. So she did menial work on the days spent at the Ladder’s base, counting supplies, helping with ledgers, or like today, sorting. 
She sat off to the side of the yard, perched on a crate, a box of miscellaneous bits at her side, dropping the pieces of metal into separate buckets at her feet. The mindlessness of it was pleasant in a way, she was helping but she could let her thoughts wander her—a shadow fell over her and she looked up, tipping back the brim of her hat. 
“Need a hand?” Thancred didn’t wait for a reply as he took a seat beside her reaching to pick up a handful of screws and nuts.
Ninira didn’t protest, but also didn’t welcome the gesture. They sat in silence the only sound the clinking of metal as it dropped into the buckets before Thancred eventually spoke up.
“Ulan is off today.”
It wasn’t a question. It was a fact but Ninira answered anyway. “Yes.”
“Using that time to seek him out.”
Ninira withheld a sigh. “And?”
“Does that not bother you, Ninira? Even in the slightest?”
Did it bother her? She no longer knew. It was far from the most pressing of her worries these days. “Does it matter?”
Thancred shifted in his seat. She could tell he was looking at her but she didn’t turn to meet his gaze. “What of the things she tells him during those moments? How much is she sharing? Think of what she could hamper by divulging our plans.”
Ninira scoffed. “What plans? Nothing we’re doing is secret. We’ve made plain our intentions, even if we hadn’t they would be obvious. He’s stated his position as an observer–”
“You believe him?” Thancred sounded insulted.
“He’s not interfered yet.” She finally looked at him. “And he did help save Y’shtola.” She added pointedly. Thancred’s brow furrowed.
“So far I believe him. But–” she added as Thancred opened his mouth to presumably argue that point. “I do not trust him. I think there is a difference.” 
She dropped a screw into one of the buckets. Butitng heads with Thancred like this frustrated her. A few moons prior, back on the Source and she would have identified him as one of the Scions she was most comfortable with. But the First had changed him, changed them all, and Ninira was still working her way through those changes. He was trying through, so Ninira sighed and did her best to try in return.
“I know you’re bothered by Ulan’s actions. You have every right to be. I also know you're just trying to watch our backs and look out for us all. It is appreciated.” 
She looked at him pointedly. “But this isn’t Ryne making a silly choice, uncertain in the world, and needing guidance. Ulan is an adult, her actions and her choices are her own. None of us can make her do anything she doesn’t wish to.” 
Metal clinked on metal as she continued to sort. “I can’t fathom what she seeks out Emet-Selch for, what they possibly could talk about. However, that’s her choice and her business. Until the day comes where her actions cause harm, or she chooses to raise steel against us then I’m not bothered. She can do as she pleases.”
Thancred was quiet for a while, absently watching the few other Scions that were around today as they went about their work at the base of the Ladder. “I will never forgive myself if something happens because I was negligent.” He spoke barely above a whisper.
“It will be fine, Thancred.” She reassured him, pausing in her work to look up at the looming cliffs above. “We just have to stop Vauthry. What could go wrong?”
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rainedroptalks · 3 months
Gray has definitely watched glee at some point… unfortunately
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silikat · 8 months
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Atop the Fourth Wall and @animatedtext - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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arrow-guy · 9 months
Unfortunately, I've watched most of Rebels, and unfortunately Kallus is one of my favorites :/
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imwritesometimes · 11 months
part of my problem 100% is that it's hard for me to do a playlist for a modern-day ship and playlists are like my key to actually writing anything
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peachythesequel · 3 months
Hmmmmmmmmmmm so what does one do exactly when one receives and unsolicited dick pic from an old coworker at two in the fucking morning that surprises you so bad that you're now fully awake? Asking for a friend.
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antiquepearlss · 2 years
I've been reading up on the Erin frost thing and I feel rlly bad for them. I don't hate Viv and I hope that she learns from this. I'm not condoning her actions, but it's obvious she's a young and overly sensitive creator who kinda needs to be put in her place. I support Erin 100% no one deserves to have their passion for art stripped away from them.
And this is how "antis" or "haters" make things worse. People have been dogpiling on Viv for so long and now any criticism seems like senseless hate towards her. Viv reminds me of Rachel Smythe and Lily Singh. People who are creators who get thrown into stardom so soon and can't handle it. So rejection immediately gets to them and they take it personally. So any critique is immediately just hate and they surround themselves with 'yes men' I still like these creators, but this is a rapidly growing problem with the internet. People becoming famous too fast.
I know Viv will never read this, but if you're a fan or a hater l, I'll just leave this out here.
You can suck but still learn from your mistakes. What you've done is inexcusable but you're clearly a young creator thrust into the limelight. Take this and learn from it. Apologize for your actions, apologize to those you have hurt, actively try to have a better work environment, don't tear down other creators (it always makes you feel worse in the end) and don't be too sensitive to criticism. I know it takes time and work, but learn to separate hate and critique. You are only going to get bigger and bigger with Hazbin Hotel coming out in the near future and Helluva reaching its second season. You need to learn this and grow as I promise that with a bigger audience, you will receive SO much more criticism. Do this before your fans turn on you and you lose your future and waste your potential.
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lander64 · 5 months
Wouldn’t it be funny (and probably kinda cool) if the strange animals that’ll appear in Ivypools Heart are the protagonists of the Erins other Xenofiction characters? Like the bears from Seekers?
Let’s just mess up the lore even more lol.
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semperama · 3 months
I watched All of Us Strangers tonight, and I just want to say that if you, like me, were drawn in by Andrew Scott and Paul Mescal's extreme levels of chemistry and don't know that much about the movie, maybe google the trigger warnings before you watch it, lol. I have no regrets, it was a very artistically interesting and extremely well-acted movie, but it is ALSO emotionally devastating in just about every way you can imagine and several ways that you can't possibly imagine, so. Tread with care!
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
It’s so hard to think of an actual event to prove the rule because anything I can think of would apply to either every kit in the clan, or would mean leaders would probably have the same ban
Yeah, I don't there's any real logic to the decision and it's why I think leaning hard into superstition/religious reasons makes more sense. It doesn't have to make sense to me in my day to day life but it should make sense to the cats. The cats don't live in our more family-unit oriented system, they live in a communal society where there is an entire rank of cats to help them.
Logically (to me at least) cat struggling with raising their children all by themselves should not be unexpected to these characters. They all take care of one another. I don't get why the books paint any parent (and let's be fucking real, the mother) as a shoddy person for needing that assistance.
it doesn't make sense to me that moth flight would make that rule because it does not work with the way her society functions. The law, in my opinion, should come from something less concrete and personal, something more abstract like a Medic's proximity to StarClan impacting a kitten in some way.
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scorndotexe · 8 months
riley's monologues especially make me want to gouge my eyes out
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lemonade-juley · 1 year
Also, sorry if it feels like I'm ignoring Allyson the past like month or so. The Reborn protag in general has significantly less going on with them compared to Rejuv's and Rejuv's protag is a much more active part of the plot (namely just simply having dialogue choices and having some major reactions to stuff that happen), so I tend to have a lot more to think about for Anya then Allyson.
Also, I guess Allyson's story is pretty much all set in stone, I've already talked about a lot that can or would happen post game, and that's mostly just because Reborn is a completed story.
That and the pairing I gave Anya is more complicated enough that it's turning Anya's version of Rejuvenation more directly into an AU (even if it's mostly just adjusting the timeline of major plot events rather then actually changing said events to give more time for that pairing to develop in between plot beats) rather then Allyson being plopped into Reborn's story and her relationship with Saphira being largely post game or post-post game
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