#Elio Marbleward
jacscorner · 3 years
Here's an OC Question for ya; if Jango, Elio, and Jericho were all part of a D&D Party, how would they operate?
An...interesting question, and it’s got me pondering...
But, first of all, thank you Anon-San for  giving me an Ask. And about my OCs no less. XD
So, I’m pretty fluid with my OCs; cause I’d like to play them in actual D&D campaigns and wouldn’t wanna occupy a niche if it’s being held by another player-especially if they put more time and effort into their D&D character than I, who’s just fitting a square lock to fit into a round hole. So let’s break each one down to their Top 3 most likely classes (with an additional top 5 just for funsies).
Jango: Bard, Barbarian, Fighter (, Sorcerer, Warlock)
Elio: Monk, Fighter, Paladin (, Cleric, Artificer)
Jericho: Druid, Wizard, Rogue (, Fighter, Ranger)
Honestly, Jango could play the role of either a Bard or a Barbarian, depending on how I’d wanna play him in D&D. As much as I like Fighters, Jango would most likely play a Bard, probably a College of Glamour Bard-though I might want him to be a Lore Bard. I’d want Jango to have the Charlatan background; perhaps the Prince of a lost Kingdom on a quest to reclaim his birthright-or maybe to slay the man who took what he lost and other such oppressors. Maybe multi-class into a Paladin of Vengeance down the line.
Elio could play really any of his top 3, but to play off of his Sun Motif, I’d rather have him play as a Way of the Sun Soul Monk. I'd want Elio's Monk Powers to be portrayed as something inherited from his Father-like it's this mystical force passed down through his blood line as the 'Sun Soul' or something. He's been hyped up as being destined for greatness in his world minor nobility, but reality, much like dice, are cruel. So with this context, perhaps he'd have the Knight-Variant of the Noble Background.
Finally, Jericho; none of his top 3 are the same for the other 3, which means any of the three are on the table. Might be best for him to play Rogue for diversity’s sake, but nah; I’d want him to play Druid; specifically a Circle of The Moon Druid. Honestly, I just have this big idea of a Water-Themed Druid, since the moon controls the tides and all; perhaps he has a Sailor Background, fell overboard, but was saved by an Undine who taught him the Druid Arts.
So that makes up our party: Jango the Bard, Elio the Monk, Jericho the Druid. This is, like, the bizarro version of the classic Fighter/Wizard/Rogue setup. XD Kind of makes me feel this is the D&D B-Team. Not to say this is a bad formation, just that it’s different.
I’d most likely play all 3 of them as Human-cause I’m boring, lol. 
This party would most likely form the same as most parties do: gathering in a tavern. Probably all hired to do a quest and bonding over nearly dying and fighting together.
In combat, I think all three of them can take up the front lines, with Jango and Jericho being more flexible with 'going into the back' when they need to spellcast.
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jacscorner · 3 years
So does this mean Star & Sorcery is dead or will be rebranded? With the D&D post and all.
lol, I never said that. XD I just enjoyed D&D and making tons of characters. And, well, if I had to play by myself, it’s not like I can just make a party of 7 Barbarians.
...Well, okay, I CAN, but, like, if you can’t tell, I like thinking of alternate interpretations of characters. But, for my own sake, if all 7 of those OCs were just Barbarians...
Jango - Wild Magic
Henry - Zealot
Ace - Totem Warrior (Eagle-Only Build)
Huckleberry - Battlerager (I don’t care if it’s a Dwarf-Exclusive Subclass, that’s dumb. Rules are more like guidelines)
Blake - Totem Warrior (Wolf-Only Build)
Elio - Storm Herald (Desert-Only Build)
Jericho - Storm Herald (Sea-Only Build)
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jacscorner · 3 years
Star & Sorcery: The Sun and The Moon
The Dawnwalkers
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The Dawnwalkers, a long lasting society of Sun Worshippers on planet Pallas, derived from an unknown ancestor that's not native to the planet. The Dawnwalkers are warriors first and foremost, with even their most brilliant minds having gone through martial training. They hunt for sport as well as for survival on Pallas' harsh world. Upon their 20th Birthday, they consider themselves adults and most partake on a personal hunt, where they must go alone. The bigger the trophy they come back, the greater their standings in the society. The Dawnwalkers had taken Mt. Sol for their ancestral home, along with the surrounding area. The higher up you live on the mountain, the higher in society you are, with the Royal Family and Republic Court sitting living at the mountain's peak with a few other nobles. It's not uncommon for citizens to literally and metaphorically climb up and down the mountain regularly. While weak spiritually, the Dawnwalkers pioneer a lot of the technology that makes it across Pallas. As mentioned before, the Dawnwalkers work on a monarchy, with an active Republic Court, acting as representatives for each of the 8 Sub-Tribes. The In-Acting King is a gender neutral term, and is used for whoever is the ruling the people and descended from the royal family. Said Royal Family can be challenged at any time by members of the Republic Court or members of their family on their behalf. The winner can take the title of King, sending the former family down the mountain. The new King's family becomes The new Royal Family, while the lower and their family is unable to run for Court for the off-chance of challenging the King again for one year. Meanwhile, members of the Court are elected into office once every 8 Years and have certain powers that can veto the King's decisions. Upon victory, the King is deemed as a Herald for the Sun, and their God; Lumen. Lumen is also a God of Fire, Light and Combat, and the Dawnwalkers believe that Lumen blesses their forge for their weapons and is pleased with the Dawnwalker's aggressive idea of sports. It's also why Mt. Sol is so important to the Dawnwalkers, believing the closer they are to the sky, the closer they are to their God, with the Dawnwalker King believed to be blessed by Lumen to in act his will. Thankfully, Lumen is someone who is wise and believed to never go anywhere without his own council of two to advise him. Son of the in-acting King is Prince Elio Marbleward, his royal family having been in power for 9 previous generations, making him the 10th in line to receive the title of 'King'. If all goes as planned, at least...
The Duskwalkers
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Their counterparts, The Duskwalkers, as you can guess, are Moon worshipers. The Duskwalkers are warriors, but first and foremost, they're philosophers. They focus on sharpening the body as well as the mind, striving to push education to all citizens, and have no qualms spreading their knowledge to those who seek it. They strive for science, but it's more on the end of medication than engineering. The Duskwalkers are known as wise alchemist and powerful sorcerers. On the planet of Pallas, there are two moons, represented as the Goddesses Nox, who rules the night and controls darkness and shadows, and Luna, who controls the sea and ties. The two Goddesses are thought to be passive and unwilling to fight, but they're supposedly never seen without their stalwart protector. Thus, the Duskwalkers continue this tradition by housing champions of their own. They're not known for starting fights, but they've finished plenty. The Duskwalkers don't have any controlled lands of their own, the bulk of their society sailing across the oceans of Pallas, confined upon massive floating cities and ships. These cities have elected officials, decided by an alternative vote method, with the two winning out of a circle of 10 choices are chosen to be Co-Chiefs. The 10 choices are regarded as the Duskwalkers Champions, chosen due to their own feats of bravery, academic prowess, and experience. This election is held every 10 years. One of those many champions is Jericho Rochenet, and the next election is in 7 years. However, he's considered something of a 'dark horse', unlikely to win due to his father's sins...
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