#Eathelin shall be around temporarily for questioning as a guest muse!!
The gathered dragons took not too long to return to Home Plane, each happy to have beaten the beast.
Lilith floated outside her plane with her three friends, tearfully saying goodbye to them.
“Airavata, Misu, Eathelin, I’m gonna miss you guys.” Lilith told them with a smile. 
Misu gave her a reassuring smile of his own. “Hey, this isn’t goodbye forever, Lilith. You can bet we’re gonna visit you, ok? You can’t stop us.” He informed her matter-of-factly. 
Lilith laughed. “I suppose I can’t! I look forward to it.”
Misu nodded, grabbed Airavata, and began flying back. Lilith called out to him. “Hey, make sure to tell Great Moro that...” She looked down. “The beast was sorry.” 
Misu nodded dutifully, turning forward and flying off. Air waved his paw at Lilith as the other dragged him away. “Bye-bye, Lilith! I’ll see you later!”
Lilith giggled and waved back. 
Lilith turned to see that Eathelin was still beside her. She cocked her head. “Eathelin? What are you doing here? You have to go back home.”
The draconic Betta Fish gave her a skeptically amused look. “Oh really now? What makes you think I should?” She questioned teasingly.
Lilith blinked in confusion.
Eathelin rolled her eyes. “I’m staying here with you, Lilith! Duh! If there’s ONE monster out here hurting you, there could be more! As your bodyguard, it’s my job to keep you safe!”
“Eathe, you aren’t my bodyguard anymore. I can keep myself safe.”
“Whaaat? Are you saying you don’t want a friend to stay with you? At least for a little bit? Pleaaaase?”
Lilith rolled her eyes and relented. “Ok, fine. You can stay for the time being.”
“Yay!” Eathelin cheered, hugging the koi dragon.
Laughing together, the pair re-entered the Astral Plane.
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