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".....ahem. Congrats on your transition, Ratatoskr, but you're still not allowed in my house."
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what if lilith had her own child unit??
Hello there new friend! I can tell you're new because I've actually explored this concept quite a bit in the past! But this ask did remind me that I've never actually made her a human form, so I remade her ref entirely:
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Say hello to Suiiki!! The dragon form is based on eels and sea snakes. She's a mischievous little stinker with a poor sense of boundaries but Lilith loves her anyway because she's a little noodle
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Drawing her brings me such comfort
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Inactive blog but I still love u Lilith u genuinely changed the trajectory of my life
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The ship I refuse to elaborate on ((that’s a lie plz ask I will definitely elaborate))
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The ship I refuse to elaborate on ((that’s a lie plz ask I will definitely elaborate))
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Out of Context Quote Starters from Conversations with my Boyfriend Part 15
501. “That’s okay your word-vomit is delicious.”
502. “I put the ‘sign’ in ‘assignment’. And you put the ‘ass’ in it.”
503. “If you said yes to everything I asked, I’d be spoiled, and your thighs would be meaningless!”
504. “No more flesh pressing.”
505. “I like my nubless nips, thank you very much.”
506. “I’m not a siren, I’m a cryren.”
507. “I’m not messy I just haven’t organized it.”
508. “You look adorable in prison.”
509. “Those are some nice clothes. They’d look even better behind bars.”
510. “What does dusty fan have to do with exposed nips?”
511. “I wanna go to bed now. I’m tired of talking about life and porn logistics.”
512. “That’s the most romantic and violent thing I’ve ever heard.”
513. “Whoa!!.. I’ve never seen a stud!!”
514. “There’s a difference between vore and an autopsy!”
515. “Why do you have pictures of your own nipples on your phone?”
516. “Is that all I am to you? A midnight thigh-warmer?”
517. “Maybe I’m like Pop-Eye or All-Might! You don’t know!”
518. “What do your elf eyes see, Leggylass?”
519. “It’s glued to her boobs with dark magic.”
520. “This wonder-boner can be yours for only $19.99 plus S+H”
521. “I don’t wanna handle anything!”
522. “MS paint me like one of your French girls.”
523. “I’ll still have one good boob-grabbing hand.”
524. “Do you not understand the depths of my wimpitude?”
525. “I come bearing baby.”
526. “Dang it, we started a war over you!”
527. “Distract your limbs again.”
528. “I’m so sick of seeing your husband.”
529. “We all live in a helmet submarine.”
530. “Isn’t that funny? I made a boob joke.”
531. “We’re gonna play super smash Bros on your eyebrows.”
532. “Laryngitis lasers.”
533. “Viridi seduce me with your knowledge of plants.”
534. “I don’t swoon. Swooning is for anime girls. And high schoolers!”
535. “Help me write a cephalopod make-out session.”
536. “If someone escaped with my lover and all my money, they’d get you and twenty-one dollars.”
537. “I have an optimistic outlook on pessimism.”
538. “Die naked about it.”
539. “Everyone has custom boobs I guess.”
540. “Breathe through your nose you coward.”
541. “I want to live vicariously through you. Grab your thigh.”
542. “Religion is stored in the air bubble.”
543. “They descend from the sky to be horny and then leave.”
544. “Abigail knows best.”
546. “When did this avocado get here?! Oh, it’s just Marie.”
547. “When I’m rich and famous I want to develop a pillow that feels like your thighs.”
548. “Your altruism is your downfall.”
549. “You don’t look edgy. You just look like you need a shower.”
550. “There’s no one else I can look at and be like ‘ooo look at them legs.... snuggle snuggle snuggle owo’.”
551. “Come marry me. I have lizards and seagulls.”
552. “I don’t need bodily freedom to read you a fan fiction.”
553. “I can’t focus on life when there’s doorknobs in the room.”
554. “What are we? An idiot challenge burger.”
555. “Those aren’t boobs, they’re gills. You don’t breathe through your boobs.”
556. “I have faith that you will learn to catch these hands.”
557. “I got a snot spot.”
558. “You already treat me like a ten cow woman.”
559. “How could you propose your love to the one thing I fear most in this world?!”
560. “I wish you would experience inertia.”
561. “Whenever I fly around in random directions I find bigger mountains and get mountain envy.”
562. “I’m less interesting than a paint lump.”
563. “Don’t try incest just to try it.”
564. “You’re like a shark; I only get to admire you from afar.”
565. “Are you succumbing to your basic thoughts you basic thot?”
566. “Oh I love suppressing the church!”
567. “I have a lust for fried chicken.”
568. “This is why you should never be naked ever.”
569. “I’m lovingly staring at the speeding ticket on my desk.” 
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Out of Context Quote Starters from Conversations with my Boyfriend Part 14
464. "He died as he lived: appreciating tits."
465. "I'm not voring you on our wedding night."
466. "OwO take my boobs you can have them I don't care."
467. "Lemme strip in public and then tell you not to look because I'm wiggling my hips."
468. "I wanna be a rich lady with a lazy bum room.”
469. "Don't shake your butt at me you stupid monkeys."
470. "I pride myself on keeping things off my nose."
471. "Lesbian mermaid parents are ok."
472. "Why am I so horny? I can't see anything!!"
473. "This is the rectangle a la screw you!"
474. "I want to suckle at the breast of success."
475. "Baby buggy Bretta beetle."
476. "You can't have your dingle-dangle flopping in the wind while you're eating food." 
477. "My dream date is a very small crab with a poor sense of direction."
478. "B is the most sexual letter."
479. "I gave you a CHILD, and you let her STARVE."
480. "I want to vicariously grab a boob." 
481. "Oh there's bagpipers up high."
482. "I feel like F-ZERO is racing inside my body."
483. "I'm my own cheese advocate."
484. "Poyo-poyo mother-heckers."
485. "My tooshy isn't cushy it's all bony RIPPERONI."
486. "Don't you boob at me you boob."
487. "Are you trying to tell me that Bowser is the father of fetishes?"
488. "Today is the day I'll T-pose to you."
489. "Isn't this the masculine physique you desire to hold?"
490. "Only boring sad bedtime allowed."
491. "I'm the diamond in the dumpster please dive for me."
492. "You're such long arm leg lady." 
493. "I'm pushing your asexual buttons."
494. "She's going to face a future of alcohol."
495. "Your face is round like a doughnut it has a hole in it."
496. "I'm gonna Hufflepuff and blow your clothes off."
497. "I'm not a furry, but..." 
498. "🎶Laser hair removal from the crotch.🎶"
499. "You just hear boobs in everything."
500. "Your face is like the moon. It's round, pale, beautiful, and full of craters." 
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So uhhhhh I’ve been VERY into Splatoon 2 lately and part of the reason I haven’t been here much is because I’m writing a GIANT fic, but the existence of an OC in said fic has brought a certain other Fish With An Orb back into my mind...
So here’s a species swap. Lilith the Salmonid and Deco the Astral Dragon
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“K-Kellam, am I doing this right?! This seems unsafe!!”
“Well, your form is off; you’re supposed to be on top of the crystal. Otherwise you’re fine. Don’t worry so much.”
“Kellam I’m going to fall!!”
“And there’s ground underneath you! You’ll be fine, Lilith!”
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And though she wanted to, she couldn’t talk to you. She couldn’t find a way...
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Corrin shrugged. “I just thought that’s how it was, you know, to go along with the whole curse thing… Is it not normal for other kingdoms to be made up of floating islands?…”
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“Lilith, who exactly is the king, though? Where does he live in Valla? And why was he betrayed?”
She has to take a moment to breath deeply. “Milord.” Her eye twitches. “I was not referring to the floating islands. I was referring. To the copious amount of buildings in rubble. Everything is in ruins. Are you blind.” She questions.
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“And that is not for me to tell! He destroyed everything here, and he’ll likely try to do the same to us if we stay here. If you seek him out, you’ll be obliterated. It is that simple. I care about you a great deal, but I am not going to encourage this folly of yours, Milord.” A paw clenches against her crystal. “We need to leave. Before he discovers our presence. Ugh, if he hasn’t already...”
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((So like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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((Hey there, everyone! I caved and started writing a little fanfic/drabble series over on my Wattpad! The link is here ---> X but I’m not quite sure if it’s actually showing up? It says its still a draft on my end lol so let me know if any of you can see it rip
Also feel free to give me suggestions! Some of you have been here a while lol so if you have a particular headcanon of mine you’d like to see a chapter about, let me know!))
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Corrin was taken aback at Lilith’s harsh words. He hadn’t expected such a reaction out of her. He struggled to come up with a reply for several moments. “Lilith… I know about the invisible soldiers. But I can protect us! I’m prepared, Lilith.” he reassured her with an embrace.
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“The rest of what that stranger said. I can tell you now. He said ‘ I am the Forgotten Dragon, the Betrayed King, the Entombed God. In the name of the king of Valla, I sentence you to death!’ and then he attacked me with some kind of dark magic. Do you know of any of those names, Lilith? Since you’re an astral dragon, I thought maybe you might have knowledge of who the king of Valla is. But I could only ask you here, because of the curse.”
She snorted in slight irritation. He was so stubborn! She continued to stare off into the distance, watching for danger.
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“Ugh, yes I know those names! Is it not obvious, the King has a target on your head! That’s why it’s such a bad idea to be here!” She paused, realizing just how she was talking to him. “Forgive my brashness, Milord Corrin. But do you really not know about him? Why do you think this place looks as terrible as it does? This doesn’t just happen on its own.”
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“Wh-what’s the matter, Lilith? Have you been to Valla before?” he asked, trying to comfort her.
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Suddenly he noticed the tears streaming down her face. “Why are you crying?”
At the first question, she had to pause a moment and breath, both to calm herself down and to remember what her alibi was.
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“I.......no, but I know of it. Astral Dragons are world-travelers by nature. And you know what I know about this place? I know that it is wildly dangerous, and off-limits! I’m not supposed to be here, and neither are you for that matter!” She looked away from him, hoping she hadn’t been too loud. “You must understand, I care about you, I really do, but bringing us here is the most foolish idea you’ve had recently. Do you not realize what could happen to us?”
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