smartass-hoot · 4 months
MY AWESOME GIRLBOSS POGSLAY BROEST OF BROS, THE DAFFODUDE TO MY BROSES, THE BROMEO TO MY BRUHLIET!! i wanna know: jasmine tea, caramel macchiato, earl grey, and sparkling water :3
EYYYY IT'S MY BROULMATE, THE NOYA TO MY TANAKA 😤 mwah i love you bro you the bestest 🩷🩵 (link to the OG ask)
jasmine tea: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
oh man, i've always wanted to go to italy bc i love their food so damn much askjdnsdkfjk. i enjoy architecture and views and all too but my primary focus whenever i travel is trying to experience the culture of the place AND WHAT BETTER WAY TO DO IT THAN FOOD?? i've been obsessed with pasta from when i was a smol bean so i'd love to go there and taste all sorts of pasta and have fun with the locals (i think we'd get along 'cause our cultures are pretty similar).
caramel machhiato: You’re travelling the entire world but you can only take one person with you. Who do you take?
this is so hard 😭 i'd normally say family but since this is only one person, i'll have to choose a friend (my fam won't enjoy shit unless we're all together lmao). honestly i'd probably take my irl friend Art 'cause she's also a foodie like me and she enjoys taking long scenic walks to properly appreciate the places we're visiting. she also enjoys the same kinds of adventures that i do, and since our vibes match so much whenever we go out, i feel like we'd have the time of our lives even if it was just the both of us travelling the world askjdnskfjnkj
earl grey: The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action?
holy shit okay,,, so i actually have a whole procedure planned out for this + scoping out locations and route maps irl and learning how to hotwire a bus (ofc i only think about this a normal amount what are you talking about haha).
there's this huuuge supermarket that's located in the middle of nowhere so fewer zombies, so that would be the first place i hit to grab all the non-expiring canned food + high calorie stuff and a gas stove. and then since there's a bus parking space nearby i'd go there to steal one. buses are obviously the most safe option where i live because you can keep all your friends with you + luggage space + less damage when ramming into something. and then i'd go to this one statue place that's in the middle of a hugeass lake, and swim my way there since i'm assuming zombies won't be able to cover that big of a distance nor hear us from so afar. yada yada you get the gist of things lmao ksdjfnksjdf
anyways, i'd probably try to outlast the zombies without direct interaction, but if i run outta supplies or it seems like i'm going to get bitten or if it just gets too much, i'd probably try to take out as many zombies as possible with me lmao.
sparkling water: Describe what qualities you look for in a person
ooooh!!! i think i'm pretty flexible with the kind of people i like spending time with but some things i'd definitely prefer is someone who has a sense of humour (i laugh at everything and i love cracking jokes so this person should ideally enjoy the same haha), someone who is passionate and driven (it could be about anything in the world literally, i just love being able to support people's interests), someone who is kind (and i don't mean a goody two shoes, just someone with basic empathy and compassion), and someone who shares at least a couple of interests with me (could be animanga, reading, music, adventure, etc because i really love doing things together with people and just gushing for hours nonstop about some random thing).
anyways thanks for the ask bro, loved answering these 😤
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