#EXCELLENT song btw - honestly my favorite on Spirit Phone
starbuck · 2 years
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I know the kneejerk reaction from Black Sails fans to this line from Treasure Island is “but it wasn’t just for money, it was for love,” and that is SO true and valid. But, at the same time, I’d like to posit: imagine it was all just for money. So what?
A squire, someone born into more money than he could ever possibly know what to do with, is going to put down poor people for wanting economic stability???? For being willing to put their lives on the line to achieve it?????? It’s all very reminiscent of “‘You people, incapable of accepting the world as it is,’ says the man to whom the world handed everything.” Like Woodes Rogers, Squire Trelawney sees the pirates as villains for being unwilling to accept their lots in life and refusing to play by civilization’s rules, even though those rules are rigged against them.
YES, it’s about Stories and Civilization’s Warped Narratives and all of that, but also, even if Trelawney was right about this, he would still be wrong, and I think that’s important to keep in mind also.
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