#Duke Ergi
ergivier · 6 months
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also yeah I'm late asf with these images 💀 I'm heinrey rn with all the hw I'm getting
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imbouttasue · 1 year
Rashta's dress? slay. im crying. Im on tears. the au of what could have been. They look so happy.
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nirstedamillen · 1 month
POV: They wishing you a good morning
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Can you talk about the misogyny and sex8sm of remarried empress?
Now, one of the victims of misogyny is Rashta. She was a slave and became a mistress to live a better life. And the hate she got before the webtoon show her murderous side is so unnecessary.
And everyone also blame her for trusting the wrong person.
'Why can't Rashta trust Sovieshu instead of Ergi?? 😡🤬🤬'
Why can't Ergi has a heart and not ruin people's lives? Hmmm....?
'Even if Kosair tried to harm Rashta, the baby still survive. It's not the baby' s fault their mother is a liar!!! ' yes, that is an actual comment I've seen on YouTube. Babe, blame Kosair for trying to harm a pregnant woman, not the woman who tried to survive.
Look at the one getting hated instead of Kaufman: Krista
Hey... Why not hate them both? Or you can still like them both.
Look, I don't mind horrible and problematic characters, cause all my ocs are somewhat problematic. I just can't stand it when it's unacceptable for a female character to be bad.
They all love a manipulative male character and when a female character is manipulative, it's unacceptable.
And what concerns me the most is that most of the fandom are teen girls.
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inventedsanity · 3 months
a 3am essay where i ranted on remarried empress again.... part 1
as a rashta fan, i don't think navier's character is that bad but i do wish they explored it more. like it is interesting to see a person realize they are more than what title they hold, navier had to learn on how she can do other things by just being herself and not an empress. she herself told how much the title empress meant to her and how losing it feels like losing a part of herself, which shows her codependency on this title but in my personal opinion, it felt like the webtoon never explored such themes enough. her character was barely explored or even had that much development. though to be fair, i haven't read the webtoon in a while after i saw how horrible the author was treating rashta and her character. the only thing explored in the webtoon was navier learning to be more in a relationship, the reason why soveishu and navier did not stay together was because of they relecutency to open up to each other even though they were in love with each other, they just failed to open up with each other. and i do wish that the author talked about how even navier has a play in this, im not saying soveishu being cheated should be excused but they should have showed on why not opening up to your partner is not always a good thing in relationships. rashta makes awful decisions for her wanting power just so she can't go back to her horrible past of being a slave, she's tired of being manipulated by the people around her, but during her want for power, she gets manipulated by the viscount who also traumitized the shit out of her by giving her a dead baby. which i also add that he never gets the proper treatment for his awful actions. he is not for once called out for being an asshole. also navier being a classist would also be a great theme to explore in the webtoon, she doesn't even have much of a reaction to the fact slavery happens in the kingdom. in the first few eps, when she finds out rashta was an ex-slave from rumors, she asks soveishu if it is true in such a weird manner like downgrading her? could just be me though duke ergi (i do love him), the guy who manipulated rashta the most after she came into nobility is given the least reprecussions in the webtoon, even the fans applaud him for manipulating her. he is aware of how alone she feels, she can't trust others after what her previous lover had done to her, by what the viscount did, by what her father did. she suffered so much and duke ergi is aware of how isolated she is, and took advantage of it. im not saying the author should excuse her actions, but they should stop downgrading her or making her do stupid actions (which is ooc) just to make navier better. literally in the latest episodes, we see panels of where rashta is sufferring and navier is just living her life and they have similar situations. like rashta sufferring after giving birth to her child and navier finding out shes pregnant. it just shows how the author has blatant favoritism towards the female lead. characters who are literally victims but also bad people at the same time and are so treated by the story are literally my favorite characters (azula from ATLA). i wish rashta got the same treatment as azula. rashta is smart and cunning and i wish the story accepted that. they make her do dumb decisions just to uplift navier to spread the message "navier wouldn't do that", the thing is ofc navier wouldn't do that, she was literally raised in nobility and taught to become an empress from day one but rashta? she was a slave and had to literally use her very limited skills to get a position in nobility, yeah she did do stupid shit but isn't it impressive that with literally no education that she somehow was able to survive in nobility? and navier that took years to study on becoming empress, rashta has done much faster within the limited time she has, obviously she hasn't perfected her studies and even complained on having to study, but i think she has the right. she was literally thrown into this hell fire without any time to prepare.
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I'm not a Rashta fan but this art is pretty l not to share so hope you enjoy .
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For context she is crying because Duke ergi is leaving and he doesn't want to become her lover because of childhood trauma of his own.
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bokunosoul · 1 year
REMARRIED EMPRESS Characters modern day HCs
Duchess Tuania
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The divorced one also (😭)
This lady right here is friends with Navier in this timeline
A fashion editor at vogue or maybe an independent writer
Posh gal socialite
Lives at the fashion capital paris, france🇫🇷
wears only dior or chanel
elegant lady
Studied at cornell
Gives off a first lady vibe
Travels all around europe for her job
Duke Ergi
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Frat boy rich boy
This man owns multiple casinos and hotels he inherited from his parents
A man that is hard to get
He pullin hoes everywhere he goes
Hot as fck
A celebrity who models for dior and calvin klein
I think ergi would be korean
Drives a porsche
This man is a gentleman
Duke ergi gives off also idol vibes
He would be an boy group for sure
Would have so many fans
He would be in JYP or SM ent smth
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Lebetti would probly still an High schooler
Would be in a school club that is maybe abt animal rights club, sewing club or thespian club
Baby sats for her brothee as a side hustle
I think her job would be managing some personalities or a assistant
Many ppl would like her because of her loyal personality
Her family is well off but she works
Maybe a fan of some boygroups, girlgroups
Hates her brothers ex (rashta) but likes her son
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dumbkira15 · 4 months
Is it just me or does the webtoon art style of remarried empress just keeps getting better like
This is the first episode
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Heinrey look high
And this is the latest episode(?)
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See the difference?
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sovieshu-simp · 1 year
Now it's Ergi and McKenna or Erkenna
McKenna is very annoyed, irritated and displeased about Ergi putting themselves involved in such [ leave Your imagination] situation.
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Ngl, Ergi looks like Taejoo from Low Tide in Twilight.
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melevesxence · 1 year
lawful and unlawful — chapter one
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Duke Ergi Claude x Fem!Thief!Reader
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level — i
thesis — Duke Ergi Claude had one goal in the Eastern Empire — to trick the concubine Rashta into thinking he was on her side, but when a certain lowlife thief comes into the picture, the plan goes further and further off its tracks.
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A little cardinal chirped its greeting to the sun, and just as it finished its delightful song, the branches of a tree nearby were disturbed, and tens, perhaps hundreds, of birds flew out from the area, the cardinal joining them.
You grinned, scaling your way up the knobby tree and stopping on what you knew what be the smallest one you could climb onto that you could safely say would not snap under your weight. You peeked your head out of the thickets at the rising sun and waved rather dramatically before sitting down on the base of the branch and cracking your knuckles.
A plan was in consideration for the day, after all, even a thief needs a routine to make sure she gets everything done in time for the upcoming shortages that were bound to happen when the emperor starts planning the inevitable wedding of him and his mistress Rashta.
A feast for the imperials would not mean well for the commoners.
You didn’t really care, but sometimes, you couldn’t help but think about why it was so important for Emperor Sovieshu to marry that wrench to the point where he’d divorce another woman for her.
Royals and their crazy business.
You stretched one last time in the safety of your tree before retrieving the pad of paper you had been carrying around since day one. It only had a few empty pages left, but hey, you weren’t going to throw something out until you had milked it of every possible cent it could save you.
There was a budget. A budget you were most definitely not going to cross.
After making sure your satchel was secure around your waist, you jumped down from the tree, a bit risky, but you managed to land without breaking your ankles, so that counts as a win. In a very pleasant mood now, you cracked your knuckles again.
“Let’s do this,” you whispered to yourself, scanning the location, and upon not seeing anything worth being wary of scurried off toward the bright, bustling marketplace that was just asking to be robbed.
You walked through the arch that signaled the entrance to the marketplace fast enough that you were satisfied with how ahead you were of your schedule, which meant you would likely get a lot more loot than you expected you would get. That, was a strike of good luck.
Snatching an apple from a stand near the entrance for your breakfast, or at least a portion of it if you had a chance to swipe some more food, you went down the path of the marketplace, weaving through the hordes of people. Deciding it was taking too long, you went just outside an alleyway where nobody could really see you and jumped.
You grabbed the beam on a stable-looking stall and hoisted yourself up onto the red rooftops of the apartments surrounding the marketplace. It would certainly be a faster way around to getting what you needed, and though it was dangerous, you were willing to take that risk.
You were always willing to take a risk.
So, with that thought fresh in your head, you leaped across the roofs, steering away from the crowds and staying as low as you could. The adrenaline flew through your blood, prompting you to go faster, and faster, and fast enough to fly off to roof entirely…
Fast enough to fly off the roof entirely, indeed.
You landed very roughly on the ground, with a twisted cry at your folly as you felt the pain jerk at your legs and elbows. How could you have been so stupid?
“And who might you be?”
The warning alarms were going off in your head, but you looked up anyway, right into a pair of stunningly emerald eyes. You cringed inwardly at the thought, not knowing where the hell that stupid idea got into your brain.
“Who wants to know?” You replied, acting like you totally didn’t just fall from a five-story building with two likely broken legs and brought them up to your chest, wincing at the impact.
He looked back at you, unimpressed, but something about the way his lips trembled told you he was fighting not to laugh. It hurt your pride, but perhaps you had brought that upon yourself.
You breathed out your nose, averting your gaze and mumbling under your breath, “Just laugh.”
He snorted, then broke out into laughter as you watched through embarrassed eyes. He wiped at his eyes after a minute of him laughing at you while you just sort of stared. Shaking his head in a scolding manner of some sort, he said, “Duke Ergi Claude, and now it’s your turn to tell me your name.”
You held his gaze for a second longer before turning away and muttering out your code name, “Just call me X.”
You ignored him this time, popping open your satchel and downing the vial you took from it. Healing elixirs weren’t difficult to come by, and though they are expensive, that’s a rookie problem for a thief.
Duke Ergi eyed the now empty vial as you tossed it away and stood up after testing that your ankles still worked.
“Those are expensive,” he stated as you turned and started to leave the scene. Stopping right by the only visible exit of the little secluded pathway you had fallen into, you sighed, spinning on your heel to face the supposed duke once more.
“They are. I know, and I would very much appreciate if you’d just shut up and let me leave. It was” — you paused, shook your head in exasperation, and signaled air quotes as you continued — “‘nice’ meeting you, but I have unsettled business to tend to, and I’m sure you’re busy if you’re a duke as you claim. Since I doubt we’ll meet again, I bid you good day.”
You saluted him with an eye roll and backed out of the area and back into the market and out of his sight. Duke Ergi smiled to himself, brushing off the cuffs of his jacket as he picked up the glass bottle you had left behind.
He turned to look at the bustling marketplace which you had disappeared into, his brows scrunched and his face in a thoughtful expression.
to be continued…
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floralcavern · 8 months
I can’t be the only one shipping these two, right?
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ergivier · 2 months
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imbouttasue · 2 months
I like the way that Rashta adds honorifics/titles to other characters or calls them immoraly but when it comes to Heinrey, she just calls him by his first name lmao.
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nirstedamillen · 2 months
There's 1 impostor among us
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asakenajustexistshere · 2 months
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🤍 i wanna find other fans who ship them cause GOD DAMN after this scene i was FERAL.
I'm thirsty that they have no other scenes together.
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gojocp · 7 months
Hi! If your requests are open, can we get some courting hcs of Duke ergi x reader with a reader who’s hella oblivious to his attempts and that just makes him fall harder 👀
a letter to my love
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cw: fluff, courting, reader is navier's lady in waiting and a noblewoman, reader wears a dress featuring: duke ergi
a/n: hello!! it's been a while, omg. schools has been soo annoying, but i'm back! lmk how this is, and i hope you enjoy!
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"Your Highness, are you sure you'll be alright?" One of the other ladies in waiting asks. "Of course, I have Lady (y/n) with me after all." She responds with a polite smile, gesturing to you. "She's competent," She adds.
"Oh, you're too kind, Your Highness," You say softly, feeling your cheeks warm up. "It's true," One of the other ladies-in-waiting chimes in, "She does more work than any of us. It's no wonder Her Majesty is bringing Lady (y/n) along." She continues, gushing while describing her fellow noblewoman.
"Oh, please. That's not true." You deflect, smiling politely. "Haha, as helpful as she is, I believe it's time for us to head to the Eastern Kingdom." Empress Navier chips in, stopping the other girls from continuing the conversation further.
A knight helps the Empress into a carriage, helping you in shortly after. The Emperor seemed too busy with paperwork regarding the empire's financial affairs and would head off at a later time.
As you arrive at the Eastern Kingdom, several guards ━along with the King himself, and Duke Ergi━ come to greet you at the entrance of the palace.
"Welcome! Esteemed guests, I hope your trip wasn't too draining?" The King asks, shaking both your and the Empress' hands. "I don't believe you've met Duke Ergi yet? He's a close friend of mine." The King continues, introducing the Duke.
"Ah, Hello, Your Majesty," He says, directing his greeting towards the Empress. "And you are?" He asks towards you, a soft smile gracing his features.
"Lady (y/n), Her Majesty's lady-in-waiting." You introduce yourself, politely. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Lady (y/n)." He takes your hand in his and places a soft kiss on your knuckles, smiling mischievously at you as he pulls away.
Sharing a knowing look with the Empress, the King starts, "We could have had Lady Krista's ladies-in-waiting tend to you during your stay."
"No, no. It's quite alright, Lady (y/n) is one of my best." She compliments. "Well, in that case, it should be fine. Let's head in then." The King continues.
As one of the servants shows you and the Empress to your designated rooms, you allow Her Majesty to enter her chamber and rest first, helping her wash up and settling her in.
As you are about to head back to your own room, you are stopped by none other than Duke Ergi. "Care for a stroll, Lady (y/n)? The palace gardens are beautiful at this time."
"Ah, are you sure?" You ask. "Of course." He responds, a devilish smile presenting itself on his lips. "Well, if it's alright with you." You continue, dismissing his suggestion as a friendly gesture; to get to know you better.
Following the Duke's lead, you head towards the garden, a blissful silence presenting itself in the air. He leads you both towards under different hedges and to a fountain, surrounded by different kinds of flowers. The water glistens in the moonlight and the flowers provide a beautiful array of color, surrounding the greys of the fountain and stones.
"Oh my, they're-" You start, astound by the beauty of it all, "They're stunning."
"They are, aren't they?" The Duke smiles at you, guiding you to the fountain and sitting on the ledge, gesturing you to sit next to him.
He plucks a flower near it and hands it to you. "It's lovely.." You smile, holding it between your fingers, and smiling gleefully.
"Oh, actually, I believe we should head back now. It's getting late." You stand up and dust off your dress, following the Duke as he guides you back to your sleeping quarters.
"I had fun, if you have time, I'd like to bring you to a place with even better scenery." He kisses your knuckles and lets go of your hand, as you enter the room.
"Better than that? Then, I'll have to take you up on the offer." You smile, closing the door behind you. Walking towards your bedside table, filling a vase with water, and placing the flower in it.
Walking back to his sleeping quarters, Duke Ergi smiles as he thinks to himself, 'She kept the flower..'
"It seems the Duke has taken a liking to you, (y/n)." The Empress states, glancing at you in the mirror as you fix her hair. "Oh, is that so? He seems like a kind person."
"Well, whatever the situation. Please let me know if he steps out of line." She responds. "Of course, though I would be the first to put him in his place." You giggle, tying her hair off with a bow.
Over your stay, you and the Duke grow closer. Sneaking out at night, watching plays, and looking at art exhibitions. All in the name of friendship, of course. There's no way the Duke feels the same way, you think.
On your final day, the Duke hands you a basket of peonies, with a letter attached to it.
"Peonies? They're lovely." You smile, feeling your cheeks grow warm.
"Yes, they mean-"
"Prosperity, wealth, and good fortune." You cut him off with a giggle.
'And love and affection..' The Duke thinks to himself, slightly dejected that you didn't pick up his hidden message. Well, hopefully, his letter will display his feelings.
"Lady (y/n), time to go." One of the servants informs you, a coy smile on their lips.
"Heading back already? Then, shall I visit the Eastern Empire sometime? You can show me around, there." He places a soft kiss to the back of your knuckles, causing the tips of your ears to burn.
"You should."
"I'll hold you to that."
When you arrive back, you quickly help the Empress, wash up, and sit at a small table in your room. You already placed the flowers in a nearby vase, and all was left to open the letter. You carefully open the envelope and unfold the paper.
My Dearest (Y/N),
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I find myself at a loss for words as I attempt to put into writing the sentiments that have been growing in my heart for some time now.
It is a confession of love that I feel compelled to share with you, not knowing how you may receive it, but hoping that you will understand the depth of my emotions. From the very first moment we crossed paths, you captured my heart with your grace, your kindness, and your gentle spirit.
Your presence in the palace has been a beacon of light and warmth in what can often be a cold and austere place. Your humility and beauty are beyond compare, and your innocence is a precious rarity that has enchanted me like nothing else.
I have admired you from afar, and every stolen moment in your company has left me utterly captivated. Your obliviousness to my attempts to court you has only deepened my affection. Your genuine nature, your compassionate soul, and your radiant smile have become the very essence of my happiness.
I understand if my feelings are unexpected, and I respect your response, whatever it may be. However, I cannot hide the truth any longer.
I love you, with a love that is pure, deep, and unwavering. My only wish is for your happiness, and if that happiness lies elsewhere, I will accept it with grace. There is something I would like to propose, though.
In getting to know you better, I have heard tales of your hometown in the Eastern Empire, and I find myself curious to explore the place that has shaped such an extraordinary person. I extend an invitation to you, my dearest (Y/N), to visit your homeland once more.
It would be my honor to accompany you and learn more about the world that has contributed to the remarkable individual you are today. Please consider my words with an open heart, and know that I hold your happiness above all else.
Whether your response be one of love or friendship, I will cherish your presence in my life and will always be devoted to your well-being.
Yours Sincerely and with the Deepest Affection, Duke Ergi
'Where did he get the chance to write all of this?' You think to yourself, pulling out another piece of paper, and an ink and quill; preparing to write your own letter in response to his.
My Dearest Duke Ergi,
I cannot express the joy and gratitude that fills my heart upon receiving your heartfelt letter. Your words have touched me in ways I never imagined, and I want you to know that my feelings are in perfect alignment with your own.
From the moment we first met, I felt a connection, a warmth that I could not explain. Your kindness, your intelligence, and your unwavering support have meant the world to me. I am not oblivious to your attempts to court me; rather, I have cherished each one, and my heart has responded in kind.
The depth of my affection for you is immeasurable. I love you, Duke Ergi, with a love that is as pure and true as the most precious gem. Your presence in my life has brought me happiness and contentment beyond words, and I look forward to every moment we can share.
Your proposal to visit my homeland in the Eastern Empire fills me with excitement and gratitude. It would be an honor to show you the place that has shaped me and to share the experiences of my past with you, my dearest love.
I cannot wait to explore the world with you by my side. I look forward to a future filled with love, happiness, and shared adventures. My heart is yours, Duke Ergi, and I cherish the promise of our journey together.
With All My Love and Deep Affection, (Y/N)
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