#Dude I love when I make an unfinished book into an OC project. I can't fucking talk about them
cosmoknightchaos · 4 months
Hehe>:3 1, 2, 6, and 8. (Do whatever character you’d like:3)
Oh boy! Any character I want! I'm going to do all of them.
There are 35 different characters listed below. I'm not kidding when I say the response is long.
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
The following OCs are from a project I've dubbed Project Scepsis OS, a futuristic dystopian featuring a failed science experiment, an amorphous blob, a shapeshifter who eats organs like jelly beans, and a depressed 40-year-old man.
Paisley, despite being trapped in a laboratory for most of their life, isn't that bothered by it. If anything, they'd just prefer to go through and get rid of a whole bunch of memories, to clear up space. It's like clearing photos from your storage. Also, they're definitely the type of person to stay up at night thinking about that one embarrassing moment from years ago, so they'd trash all of those.
Marci, on the other hand, desperately wants to forget most of its time in the lab. Especially before it met Paisley. All of that was hell for it and it wants to forget that.
Kat is a very "Sparkle off, it's Thursday, forget who you are" type of person. She doesn't want to remember a single thing and be consumed by the personality of whomever she eats. Life has not been kind to her after the war :(
Vincent would most likely want to forget his son's death. It would be so much easier to bury himself in his work if he didn't have the weight of his son's death looming over him, even if that is what caused him to become a workaholic in the first place. Either that or erase all memory and involvement in the Scepsis model, though unfortunately his name has gone down in history with that one and he will never escape it.
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
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^This is Kat! She is a wanted war criminal across multiple planets for murder, cannibalism, and impersonation.
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Dill do you have any idea who you're talking to. I am the MASTER of the moral compass and how characters feel about it. I could write a full essay on a singular character's morals.
Moral compasses exist on a pentagram for me, with each angle being an extreme and every character existing on an extreme or somewhere in the middle. Congrats, you get all five extremes.
On the first point of the pentagon, the unbreakable and completely fucked compass. Myo, The Queen, and Flower, who may be so wrong in their actions but their compass has long been broken. The philosophy here is You cannot betray your moral compass if you don't have a compass to begin with. They're either too insane to have morals or whatever the fuck Queen is.
Second, our stubborn characters! Probably the biggest category of the extremes. Edge, Sky, Penelope, and Cosmo. While having a variety of personalities and motives, they all have very strict moral compasses. Not really strict in an uptight way, but they know where their loyalties lie and are so comfortable with that spot that it's gonna be ridiculously hard to break that. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad. It's just comfortable. However, with enough force, it can be broken- but that does require a lot of force.
On the next joint, characters like Altalune, Marion, or Anne, who's compasses are thrown to the wind every other Tuesday. High and mighty as they may think they are, both are giant hypocrites and will betray their moral compass the moment it becomes an inconvenience to their motives. There's also characters like Echo or Marc, who crumple like paper once put under the slightest pressure. They wouldn't betray their morals by themselves, but they fold like laundry when another person gives them orders.
Second to last are the traumatized folk. Gospel is probably the only real extreme of this group, but Kaizo is a very close second. This is for characters who have a strict moral compass at first, but after a certain event(s), their compass shatters and they have to go buy a new one. More often than not, that first set of morals isn't as healthy for them, and the new set helps them improve as people, but that doesn't mean it isn't earth-shatteringly traumatic and destroys everything they ever had faith in in the process.
Finally, the sporadic. Entropy! Tranquility by extent and pretty much all of my Higher Being/God/Godlike/God complex characters count too, but Entropy is the definitive extreme. The moral compass here functions like Captain Jack Sparrow's, simply pointing whatever way the character wants it to. It is fueled impulse, desire, and the Godlike arrogance and detachment from mortal life. There are no moralities, only fun and chaos.
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Let's just go down the list, shall we? OCs are categorized by source material!
Beyond the Graves (OC) Marci/Marc: Normally, no, possessed than yes. And does canonically. Echo: Same as above! AJ: More likely to commit murder than the other two, but doesn't. Cosmo: Probably did? Doesn't seem like it. Queen: Definitely. Easily. Canonically. For funsies
Ivy (OC) Jenny: Nope! She would only kill someone if she had to, and she would not get away with it! Morgan: Same as above, only she's slightly more willing to commit murder Myo: Without hesitation
Project Scepsis OS (OC) Paisley: Although they do commit it, they wouldn't get away with it very well. Marci: If it would happen, it would be accidentally. It would latch on to a living organism and accidentally tear their mortal form apart. It would never do it intentionally. Kat: She eats people's organs for fun Vincent: Definitely not. Even if he is responsible for the war machine that killed hundreds if not thousands. Creator: Said war machine mentioned above
Where Time Stands Still//Stopwatch (OC) Penelope: Absolutely not. Baby girl Audun: Probably not Altalune: Definitely. And if he doesn't get away with it, then he'll kill whoever witnessed it. Tristen Kannaroe: Little bitch man. Unfortunately he has not committed murder but he would not get away with it, he would get caught, and he would get what he fucking deserves. Entropy: Do you know who we're even talking about. This is the fucking God of Chaos Tranquility: Ironically, for being the God of Death, they have never taken a life. However they would very easily get away with it if they needed to. Eternity/Stopwatch: I mean yeah probably. I think gods in general have a good track record of getting away with murder
The Religious Trauma Squad (Hollow Knight) Gospel: She wouldn't commit murder, but if she did she wouldn't leave a single trace. Eviscerated by lightning bitch Edge: Oh yeah. Absolutely. Gospel would know in a heartbeat. Marion: He put his days of murder behind him after he left the troupe! He's reformed now! (<-Nearly fought Edge to the death if Gospel hadn't stopped him)
The Horalo AU/Where Time Stands Still (A Hat In Time) Skyscreamer: Commits murder canonically and does NOT get away with it. Thanks Entropy Flower Man: Have you read the book Entropy: They are still the Deity of Chaos Kannaroe: Doesn't and don't get away with it
The Wanderer AU (A Hat In Time) Ester: Yes! The Gravedigger: Uh... does it count as murder if they're ghosts? Cathrine: Nope! Wouldn't hurt a fly <3 Adrianne: Would and get his ass caught. Idiot Tranquility: Still a pacifist!
My other AHIT OCs Anya: Nope! They'd whack you with a large branch, but that's about it. Kaizo: He would eat your insides like a muffin for breakfast.
That's as many as I can remember. Feel free to ask about any of these I guess.
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