#Digimon Xros Wars Manga
timelessanimo · 10 months
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Odaiba day 2023 art
Passing the torch to the next generation
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alpaca-clouds · 10 months
The Digimon Xros Wars Manga was awesome
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Honestly, the weirdest thing to me in all of Digimon is the Digimon Xros Wars manga. I make no secret of not having the highest opinion of Digimon Xros Wars as an anime. Mostly because it really felt like this kinda Mary Sue story, with Taiki as a Mary Sue and everyone else just telling him how awesome he is. Also... just the amount of sexualisation going on in terms of female characters. Which was in the end kinda sad. Because I really liked the set up. This "wars within a digital world" thing was just such an amazing idea. But... well, the anime did not deliver. At least not to me. Now, we do know there was A LOT of behind the screen drama happening - and that might be one of the reasons, that the anime ended up that way.
But not all is lost. Because Digimon Xros Wars also got a manga adaption and that one is... literally my personal favorite Digimon Manga. But really, despite the manga still sexualizing some female characters... This manga kinda solves all my issues with the anime - and also is somehow queer as fuck.
Most notably the manga makes a lot more use of Akari and Zenjiro. With the two of them actually getting to do stuff - and later on also getting their own Digivices. Nene actually has a ton more motivation and is so much more tragic. (Also gets confirmed as bisexual.) It also really plays around with established Lore from the Digimon franchise.
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In general the big thing for me here is, that Taiki is not this big perfect guy who can solve everything. In fact he is a fairly faulty character - and we actually get some information for him and why he "cannot leave anyone behind" and all of that. He really in this has become a super likeable character.
And they actually have a super fun real world arc, with the Digimon taking on human form. It is fucking adorable.
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So, yeah... If you have not read the manga before, you might wanna give it a shot. This one is really good.
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jackpotsadmon · 11 months
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this joke isn’t funny but i need to share my genius
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syanidebox · 4 months
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Did a poll at some local places I vendor at and these are the Digimon that won. Stickers(maybe charms?) are coming soon! Wanna see more? Let me know with a like or a comment!
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sinank0606 · 6 months
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Still one of the best and most surprising moments in the whole manga.
I so wish that the anime would have done something like that 😂
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((Can someone stop him from doing this over and over? Gatomon's been through enough trauma and both deserve to be happy.))
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youzl · 6 months
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sea-rhubarb · 11 months
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Coloring request from a personal friend :3 Had fun working on the katakana sfx and portraying distant figures
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skydigiblogs · 2 months
realized earlier today that i read through all of xros wars and didn't post anything about it
anyways go read the xros wars manga it's really good
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kideternity · 2 months
Does Lilithmon know that I'd genuinely commit so many atrocities for her
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timelessanimo · 6 months
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Old Taiki chibi
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Fluffcember Day 23: Snow Surprise
Yesterday forgotten to post here, again. The prompt was Leise rieselt der Schnee.
Fandom: Digimon Xros Wars (Manga)
Shipping: Taiki/Kiriha/Nene/Akari
Genre: Polyamory Fluff
Length: 623 words
[Ao3 Link]
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December the 23rd was finally a day all four of them had off and they had spent it accordingly. While it was too cold, really, to go to an amusement park, they had taken the sub down to Odaiba, visited the indoor Joypolis, before deciding rather spontaneously to go watch a movie. One of the Chinese fantasy movies was still playing and while it was a bit corny, it had been nice.
Kiriha could not help bit blush, as they were finally leaving the cinema and two people grabbed for his hands. With Taiki to his right and Nene to his left, there was an exchange of gazes and a bit of a shared chuckle between them.
“So, where are we going?” Akari asked, looking over to them.
Her implication was clear. They had a free day tomorrow and the day after and they might well spend it together.
“Kotone is coming over tomorrow,” Nene said. “She wants to spend Christmas.”
“That's lovely,” Akari said. “I have not seen her in… what now?”
“About three months,” Taiki offered.
“Yeah. It had been forever. Have you planned anything?”
“Not much,” Nene replied. “Just some gifts and… you know? The usual.”
“The usual meaning, that Kotone will probably drag us across Tokyo in two days,” Kiriha replied. Because ever since his future sister-in-law had moved away from the metropolis, she could think of so many things to do there, whenever she returned. Be it a certain restaurant she wanted to visit or a shop she wanted to go to.
“Can we come along?” Akari asked.
Nene shot Kiriha a side glance. “Maybe we could make it a girl's day.” She knew how easily he grew exhausted by the younger woman and her antics. Because, really, ever since returning from the Digital World by now nine years ago, Kotone had lost none of her energy. She had rather gained some more. At time he had to wonder, whether she was on drugs – or if just her overconsumption of caffeine and sugary drinks was to thank for it all.
At this Taiki pressed his hand. “That might actually sound like a great idea.” He too exchanged gazes with Kiriha, making him unwittingly chuckle.
Yeah, there was so much implication going around between them.
Usually, he did not like it. Being so open about it all. It was just not the way he had been raised. But even Odaiba grew deserted after 11 in the evening and thus he did not really mind.
Down here by the harbor, the icy wind was more noticeable. It was a freakingly cold winter so far, as the temperatures had been around zero degrees for over a week now. But it was nice. Yeah. This was nice. When he was with them, he did not feel alone any longer.
“Yeah,” he agreed softly. “It sounds like a good idea.”
They all laughed at this, as Akari brought up her question from earlier: “So, where are we…” She stopped short and looked up at the sky, with Nene quickly mimicking her.
Only then Kiriha did the same and was surprised. “Snow?” he whispered, as he saw the first flakes slowly float down towards them.
Taiki stretched out one hand, catching a single snowflake in the air and watching it melt.
“Maybe we get a white Christmas,” Nene said, her smile now wide and warm. “Oh, Kotone would love that.”
“Yeah,” Kiriha muttered and could not help but smile himself, as their warm happiness was so infectious. “Yeah. I guess…” His gaze drifted up to the sky, where more and more white flakes came into few, softly reflecting the street lights, as they fell towards the ground. “Yeah, I guess that would be nice.”
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the-tubort · 2 years
Shoutmon X7 is such a wonderful representation of the power of friendship and love for Team Xros Heart and Blue Flare. Too bad that everything related to its arrival and build up had the pacing of a bullet train.
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alphagodith · 2 months
just some of my favorite shots of wizardmon from the digimon xross wars manga. i did not like how he was drawn in the dreamers manga so i got nostalgic. note there may be spoilers and some stuff is out of order/cut to fit more wizard.
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and the fun human tf sequence under the readmore cuz it's better with context but would make this an annoyingly long post
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for the record i DID translate the digicode and it's actual nonsense. says something like 'my boss told me to write something cool here'
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gotta love wizardmon's resting bitch face, especially in human form. man always looks bored/evil/annoyed but he's actually really cheerful xD the full manga was scanlated by xros raws, and you can download it there.
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sinank0606 · 4 months
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Its such a shame we never saw Nene in this outfit in either the manga or the anime. That definitely would have been so cool!
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shoutmonishere · 6 months
(hi @/mxjub1l3e, thanks for the inspiration btw-)
But it's more of bits of pieces of plot and nothing refined so-
Episode starts off with Taiki and Shoutmon rounding up some Digimon that ended up in DigiQuartz that might have done something that disrupt shit in the Human World.
The Digimon they catch/hunt are immediately sent back by Wisemon into the Digital World
(including Pinocchimon maybe, since we haven't really seen him beyond the episode he was reintroduced- unless im proven wrong when i get back into my rewatch mood.)
Once they both leave DigiQuartz, they like pop up out from an alleyway- somewhere obscure.
AND LO AND BEHOLD TAIKI SPOTS TATSUYA (yes, the same guy from the Xros Wars manga. Why yes, i will incorporate him into Hunters), THE FRIEND HE HADN'T SPOKEN TO SINCE HE GOTTEN HIMSELF INJURED, is right there.
Taiki tries to duck away and book it. But Shoutmon, who notices that, calls him out and pries the story out of his partner for context.
Because there is no fucking way that Taiki Kudou,
the guy that befriended KIRIHA- the jackass that tried to kill them so many times,
who can't not hottokenai on strangers,
would run away from a kid in a wheelchair.
Taiki eventually spills the tea (WHOOSH FLASHBACK) and after some considering, Shoutmon straight up fucking says
Dude, it's now or never.
Either you fucking run away again and continue to feel horrible about this forever
Or you go up and tell him how you feel, even if he might not forgive you right away.
Sure, both feels horrible right now, but atleast one of the two options ends with you not having to feel as bad and maybe receive forgiveness one day.
And after even more convincing (i.e Shoutmon pushing and poking Taiki with his microphone towards Tatsuya's general direction), Taiki scrounges up the courage to talk to Tatsuya—
Unfortunately enough, another digimon fucking appears and wreaks havoc in DigiQuartz, and this time Tatsuya gets involved
So Megidramon appears and it's apparently sapping off of people's feelings of guilt, and Taiki was coincidentally fueling him
Which leads up to Taiki having to talk to Tatsuya and come to terms that what happened to Tatsuya was out of his control
and that he shouldn't have to feel this much guilt over it because even Tatsuya did not and never have blamed him for his injury
Bada bing bada boom, Megidramon snapped out of it, captured with the power of friendship and sent back to the digital world
The episode ends with Taiki and Tatsuya on much better terms with eachother, yay :D
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