#Dave hot rod imagine
fangirl-imagines · 4 years
Getting Married to Dave Would Include...
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A/N: Requested by @maggotqu33n. Sorry that these are kind of short. 
Okay so Dave doesn’t really “propose” per say. 
As sweet and thoughtful as he is, he’s just not a get down on one knee and pull out a ring type of guy.
He talks about wanting to marry you all the time though. All the time. 
It’s just kind of agreed upon between the both of you that one day you’re going to get married but neither of you are in any rush. 
The only problem with this though was that even though you both agreed you were going to get married one day someone still had to ask the other one. 
You end up being the one to propose to him. 
You surprised him and try to make it special for him. When he got home from work you’d made his favorite dinner, blueberry pancakes, and gotten him his favorite beer and rented a movie for the two of you. 
During the movie he felt you take his hand and thought you were just playing with his fingers like you did all the time until he felt something cool and solid slip onto his finger and noticed it was a ring. 
He couldn’t wait to tell everyone that the two of you were getting married. The next morning he immediately dragged you over to Rod’s to tell everyone the good news. 
The two of you would have a small and fun wedding, anything else just wouldn’t fit the two of you. 
Your guys wedding would be very casual, he’s just not really a dressing up kind of guy. 
He’d probably take his visor off though. No promises. 
Dave would absolutely cry when you walked down the aisle. 
Also you guys would absolutely have the best tasting cake! Dave is super excited about it because he picked it out himself. 
Rod, Ricco, and Kevin absolutely whatever car you guys leave in in the most tacky of fashions. 
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berkblockman · 5 years
Cheater // Dave (Hot Rod) x reader
Pairing: Dave (From Hot Rod) x reader Word count: 1908 Warnings: Cheating, fluff Summary: It’s a boring Friday afternoon when your little brother asks you to take him to the ice rink. You accept, not knowing what is waiting for you.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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It was just another Friday afternoon and you were on your house, watching TV and eating some chips. Usually, you liked to go out on days like this, but you had no plans for today but to keep sitting on the couch and wait for something interesting to happen. It was starting to get boring when your little brother came to you to ask you to take him to the ice rink.
Any other day, you would have probably refused that invitation, but since you had nothing better to do, you grabbed your mom’s car keys and drove him there. It had been a while since the last time you had been there, you didn’t quite remember. You were probably still in high school the last time you had gone to the ice rink, but since you were now a college student, you didn’t usually have the time to go to these kind of places. You had enough being able to pass all the subjects and still manage to have both love and social lives.
Parking the car outside in the parking lot, you and your brother walked inside the building. It was smaller than you remembered - or so you thought - but it was pretty much the same as always. Kids spending money everywhere, people ice-skating clumsily and awkward couples on their first dates. You couldn’t help but smile when you thought about your first date with your boyfriend on that exact same place, now you had been dating for almost 3 years.
“So, do you want to do some ice-skating?” You asked your brother, but he seemed to have other plans.
“Actually, James and everyone else are over the arcades. Do you mind if I go with them?” He asked, in a pretended innocent tone. You should have figured out earlier that all he wanted was for you to give him a drive.
“Just go.” You sighed. “But we meet here at 20:00 pm. If you arrive a minute later I’ll make your live a living hell.”
Without even answering, he ran to the place where his friends were. You rolled your eyes and sighed again, realizing you had 3 hours until you could get your spoiled younger brother and drive back home. Seeing yourself by your own, you decided to walk around the place to try and find something entertaining to do. You got closer to the rink, thinking about renting a pair of skates when suddenly you distinguished a familiar face in the crowd.
It was your boyfriend you saw, skating with a girl you recognized as one of your closest friends from college. From where you were standing, you watched them as they talked and laughed. You didn’t know they were that close, in fact, you had never even seen them together. You thought that maybe they were there because they were hanging out with mutual friends. But if that was the case, why hadn’t they invited you? That theory of yours immediately was turned to pieces when you saw them kissing passionately.
For the first seconds, you stood there, watching them in awe as the tears began to form in your eyes. Your first instinct was to confront them, but when you tried to walk in their direction, you felt your legs shaking and a weird ache in your stomach. Not being able to hold back your tears anymore, you ran to the bathroom, locking yourself inside one of the stalls and starting to cry bitterly.
In the meantime, Dave was watching time go by as he popped some bubble wrap. It was just another boring afternoon of working when his co-worker, Derrick, handed him some cleaning supplies.
“It’s your turn to clean the girl’s bathroom.” He informed him as Dave sighed with laziness. Cleaning public bathrooms was stuff that came out of nightmares. “Last time I had to do it, I got traumatized. There’s too many blood in there, dude.”
Wanting to finish that awful task as soon as possible, Dave grabbed the cleaning supplies his co-worker handed to him and dragged himself to the bathroom. He didn’t want to spend more time than necessary in there, but when he got closer to the door, he began to hear what seemed to be some whining. Frowning, he opened the door and got inside of the bathroom, trying to figure out where the crying was coming from. He supposed it was coming from the only stall that was occupied. Confused but curious, he got closer to the stall’s door and knocked slightly. You tried to hush yourself as you heard the sound, trying to calm down your breathing.
“Hey, umm… Are you okay?” He shyly asked. He had definitely heard you, so you couldn’t pretend that you weren’t there. As you tried to let out some words you wondered why was this guy in the lady’s bathroom.
“Y-Yes.” Your voice cracked when you talked back and you got mad at yourself for that.
“That doesn’t sound like ‘okay’ to me…” Dave said, wondering if he was doing the right thing or if it would be better to leave you alone.
“Why does it matter to you?” You asked, hopping that you’d be rude enough for him to leave you alone.
“Well, I work here and I simply came to clean the bathroom.” He explained. “But if you’re not okay, I guess I should help you.” You tried to grab some toilet paper to wipe your tears, but there was none there. “Can I do anything for you?”
“Actually, do you have some toilet paper?”
“Yes, I think I do.”
Dave searched within the cleaning supplies he had brought with him for some paper to give you. He was still looking for it when you opened the stall door. He gave you what you had asked and, as you wiped your tears away and blew your nose, Dave couldn’t help but to stare at you, amazed. Even though you were a mess in that moment, he thought you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Oblivious to what was going on inside his mind, you threw the paper you had just used into the bin.
“What happened to you?” He asked after a few seconds, worried.
“I just saw my boyfriend cheating on me.” You decided to tell him. You felt that you needed to get it out of your chest and right now, that ice rink worker was the closer you had to a friend. “With a friend of mine. And I wasn’t brave enough to confront him, I just ran here and started crying like an idiot.”
“I don’t know the dude, but he seems like a douche to me.” Dave considered, looking at you in the eye. “And you’re not an idiot just because you cried over it.”
“Well, I feel like an idiot.” Your voice cracked again as you talked. “On our first date, he took me here, you know. And next month it will be 3 years since we got together. But now I feel like I’ve been living a lie. All the times he told me we couldn’t meet because he had to study, all the times he stood me saying that he was too busy… How long has it been going on?” Feeling the tears falling again, you looked down. “He played me and I was an idiot for not realizing earlier.”
“He’s the idiot for playing you, not the other way around.” You heard his voice trying to comfort you and smiled slightly, thinking that it was actually incredibly sweet of him to worry for you even through you didn’t know each other at all. “If he did that to you, he didn’t deserved you at all.”
“I just want to confront him about it, but I am not brave enough to walk to him and do it in front of everybody.” You bit your lip in desperation.
“Don’t think about it now.” The kind stranger tried to calm you down. He had just met you, but he instantly knew he hated seeing you cry. “Let’s do something. Let’s get out of the bathroom. You can stay in the staff’s place for a while if you want. Is that cool?” You nodded with your head at his proposition. “I’m Dave, by the way.”
You introduced yourself to him and he guided you to his place of work, where he offered you a sit and handed you a bottle of water. You kept pouring your heart out to Dave, feeling better now that you had the chance to share what you were feeling to someone. Also, Dave was an unbelievably good listener, as he was able to both understand you and comfort you.
“Hey, remember what you said earlier about wanting to confront your boyfriend?” He asked after a while. “Well, I may have an idea, but we don’t have to do it if you don’t want to…”
After hearing Dave’s plan, you decided to start working on it. For the first part of the plan, you and Dave grabbed some white paint and went to the parking lot to find your boyfriend’s car. When you found it, you started writing the word ‘CHEATER’ in capital letters, just above the trunk. Then you went back inside.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Dave asked you one final time before starting the second part of the plan. You nodded and then he started to speak through the loudspeakers so everyone could hear him. “Attention, please. To the owner of the car with number plate HDS 932. Apparently, you have been caught. There’s a message for you waiting in your car, but I’ll sum it up for you: She’s dumping your cheating ass. Thank you.”
From where you were standing, you saw your confused ex-boyfriend getting out of the ice rink and rushing to the parking lot as everyone stared at him. He was clearly embarrassed and you couldn’t help but smile as you completed your little revenge. Dave stared at you in silence, glad that you were feeling a little better now.
You spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out with him, sitting on a corner and popping bubble wrap as you talked and got to know each other. Dave told you that he and his friends liked to do stunts and he invited you to go and see one of them someday, which you happily accepted. By the time you could realize, it was almost 20:00 pm.
“I have to take my little brother back home…” You got up as you started to say goodbye.
“It was rad to spend some time with you.” He said as he adjust his cap, causing you to smile. Neither of you wanted to say goodbye.
“I had a great time too. Thank you for everything.”
“Don’t thank me, it was my pleasure.” He laughed. “Maybe we could hang out some other time.”
“I’d love to.” You assured him and waved at him.
He waved you back as you got out of the room and went to look for your brother. When you found him, you two headed back to the car.
“I’m meeting James next Thursday on the ice rink again.” Your little brother said as you were driving back home. “Can you give me another ride?”
“Yeah, sure.” You answered as he gave you the perfect excuse to go see Dave again.
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haderberkman · 4 years
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bill-hader-imagine · 4 years
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chompachompa · 4 years
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Vinny Vedeci has the BIGGEST dick energy.
I'm sorry, I don't make the rules.
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lucarioisinthevoid · 3 years
*glues a blindfold on henry* 50/20 go go go
(I’m cutting this all a bit short. For the Ao3 thing I’ll be in a non-direct timeline, so Henry can still be tormented, but I wanna finish this for the blog- maybe not good, but right. Also, if anyone is curious, I was jamming out to the The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth mod soundtrack, namely Morphine and Innocence Glitched and you totally should listen to them, because now I associate them WAY too much with Henry and Dave respectively)
Henry scoffed. “… you are merely helping me. Now it will be easier to avoid the demon staying inside of the office.” That was a bit of a lie. It wasn’t that easy. But it didn’t matter. 50/20 go, go, go! How long until certain movements became a second nature? How long until surprise machines became meaningless? How long until he won? 50/20 go, go, go! Tricks and exploits. The machines stumbling over each other to get to him- There was only a handful of them that instantly approached when failed… … and those could be contained. 50/20 go, go, go! He lost count. But he was making ground. He was getting there. 50/20 go, go, go It was too easy. If it was based on chance… … then it was too easy. Why- Why was it this easy? Why was it- possible? The thoughts weren’t hunting him while he was playing- But they crashed into him when it was over. When they were gone. When it was quiet. All machines. All mechanics. They all were deactivated. The place felt- dead. After all the chaos, after all the pain, after him days, weeks- months?! … it was over. He felt cold. Not successful. Not excited. Not amazed. Just cold. Stumbling around, he managed to make his way out, his hands shaking from all the stress. He could breathe. He had space. … god, he hadn’t realized how much of a toll this project had taken on him. Now it was done though. Thankfully. Making his way back towards the office, he wondered what was waiting for him. Congratulations? Fury? Nothing at all? As he opened the door, he figured out- it was the third option. What was waiting for him wasn’t the void. It wasn’t the nothingness- it was merely empty. There was something occupying the space already, making a space… It felt so oddly floaty and muted. Goosebumps crawled up Henry’s arms and neck as he heard a deep, almost droned up tone rhythmically sounding from the back. Music? Stepping inside, the Pink Guy moved forwards, feeling slightly better the longer he walked. This was something he could live with, this almost felt familiar. There was an EXIT to this place- back to the office- and it didn’t disappear, that was rather easy to recognize by simply checking over the shoulder. There was PERMANENCE to his surroundings. Finally- In the distance. Something. Twitching. As he approached, it became clearer- The suit. Shaking and shuddering. For a second he felt worried- as though there was something he could even DO. Still, something compelled him to stop and look at the creature. Poor, pitiful, confused creature. “… tell me… what are you…? Why are you here?” The suit didn’t respond. It seemed drained, pained. … this wasn’t his fault however. Not this time. Slowly kneeling down beside him, he tried to catch a good look at the eyes- Then a voice from behind caused him to almost jump. “… he’s fine. He’ll be fine. I can’t say the same about you though.” The kid. Standing up slowly Henry didn’t turn yet. … this time, the voice sounded more… familiar. “There you are.” Henry mumbled. “… you took your time to face me. Were you scared?” It however just- sounded tired. “No.” “Then why were you hiding?” There was a moment of silence, long and cold. Finally, a sigh. “No, Henry. I wasn’t hiding. I was trying to make it more fun for you with a little mystery.” And that was the point where it felt like a few things that were titled before slid into place. It took a bit of gathering… … then Henry turned around. Dave was standing there, looking up at him. So small. So fragile. So- Disappointed. For a moment both of them looked at each other, Dave swiftly changing under his eyes, turning into his suited up form. The golden bunny shined slightly in the darkness, as he looked down at him in turn once more. Flickering. Incapable of maintaining a single form. It took another moment- Then Henry stepped back. “… so. This was your work. You were keeping me here, tormenting me. I was right with everything I said.” “No. You don’t even know how wrong you were.” Turning away from him, the- soul- moved away from him and the suit. But he continued. “Henry. I’ve grown tired of you. I think you don’t know how much I did for you.” “What did you ever do for me.” “I’ve protected you when you were alive. I’ve made this place when you were dead. I didn’t have to be here. I’ve made a mystery. I created something that for all intends and purposes you should like- while keeping up my deal with Fredbear. I wanted you to be happy, busy. To find some sort of balance for you.” There was such a confidence to the claim, that it caused Henry to pause. Still, he was too frustrated. “… perhaps you should have listened to me when I said I am not happy.” “Maybe. Yes, maybe. But then, what would have made you happy? You wanted to leave- and to where? To do what? What were you trying to find? There’s nothing out for there you anymore.” Henry had no response, for once in his life. Which Dave took as his chance to continue on, flickering between all his form at a rapid pace. The voice adjusting with each form- It almost sounded like multiple people talking at once. “We’ve been spending a lot of time together recently. And I think I learned something. Despite your insistence that I never learn.” One thing all of his forms had in common- their glares were all cold. “I think I get you now. I think I now know, Henry- you’re a lost cause.” “Are you-“ “No, hush, please, for the last time in our lives, wait for a moment to listen to me.” For a moment the soul closed its eyes, then opened them again. “You were my best friend. The childhood friend I imagined to have when I was young. With you, I felt so utterly myself. But… you lied. You told it to my face, after all this time.” Raising to his full height, Dave stared him down. “Henry. I want you to know, with all of your words, with all of your claims… you were wrong. Henry, I want you to know: YOU disappointed ME.” “You little-“ “You’re done. Henry, stop talking. There’s nothing to talk about anymore. I’m done. The exit is over there.” There was nothing but… calmness left in Dave’s voice. “You will leave. And you will not come back. This isn’t a place for you anymore.” Completely dumbstruck Henry stared at the creature. “I- what?” “You heard me. I put so much effort into this, hoping you’d like it.” He made a vague movement around himself. “But you didn’t. And I guess you can be angry with me for not realizing that you didn’t actually want immortality, or that you didn’t actually want to be near your machines… I thought I knew you and I thought I’d make a nice place for both of us to play in- within reason- and that maybe you’d be happy. But you’re not. And y’know what, Henry? I don’t think you’ll ever be. But that’s not my problem anymore.” With that Dave turned to leave, disappearing into nothingness, as though he was simply fading away. For another moment Henry stood there, disbelieving- Then the suit next to him started to calm down and he realized, he had to leave fast, otherwise he would lose his chance to be free. Moving towards the exit, shimmering red, he wanted to hesitate- And then there was red water. Red, hot, burning water everywhere.
When he managed to crawl out of the lake, he looked around. Back at the lake. A fishing rod was on the pier… and nothing else. Making a noise, as loud as his throat could produce- Nothing. Not even birds flying up. Slowly Henry caught his breath, realizing that there was no place to go. The forest was too close together, at least right now. Maybe- maybe it would change, soon. Maybe he would leave. His fingers found the red rod besides him, grabbing it tightly, getting some comfort from the wood that felt very real, unlike the air around him. Right now there was nothing that he could do. So he would fish. And wait.
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handeaux · 4 years
Harry Spindler: From Wild Drummer To Wild Kingdom
If you ran into Cincinnati’s Harry Spindler in 1940, and hadn’t seen him since 1920, you might imagine you were meeting a completely different person. Harry had the good luck to find success in two entirely different fields.
In the beginning, Harry was the leader of one of Cincinnati’s pioneer dance bands. It is generally agreed that the first jazz record was pressed early in 1917. By December of that year, “Cincinnati’s Original Jazz Band,” directed by Harry Spindler was sizzling the local hot spots. Harry’s musical career was interrupted by World War I, which he spent as a musician first class in South Carolina.
Harry received an honorable discharge, headed back to Cincinnati and put another “Original Jazz Band” together. When his group headlined the “assembly dansant” at the Odd Fellows Temple on 11 January 1920, Harry was billed as “the Wild Drummer.” The only known recording of Spindler, a jaunty 1925 version of George W Meyer and Alfred Bryan’s “Brown Eyes, Why Are You Blue?” (Cameo 781) sounds all but sedate to modern ears, with no percussive pyrotechnics to speak of. An Enquirer article [9 September 1937] describes a photo of Harry’s old drum kit:
“The picture shows a drummer with more aids fastened to a trap drum than there are instruments in a modern cockpit.”
Harry and the boys had a good run. They toured Canada and the Far East, endorsed Wurlitzer instruments in newspaper ads, took first place in an Atlantic City popularity contest, played the best speakeasies in New York City and earned top billing at Cincinnati’s swankiest hotels.
The tour through Asia reignited Harry’s childhood passion for animals. As the band performed in India, Sri Lanka, China, Japan and Egypt, Harry bought a boatload – almost literally – of animals and shipped them back to the United States for sale to collectors. By 1930, wild animal collecting was his main source of income. Harry developed a partial paralysis of his right arm and could no longer maintain tempo on the drums. By then his international tours had yielded connections with animal dealers all over the world – and he piggy-backed on the reputation of Cincinnati’s Zoo. As he told the Cincinnati Post [27 March 1930]:
“Cincinnati may not be known in the jungles of India or South Africa, but if you are there and need a friend, all you have to do is to mention the name of Sol or Joe Stephan of the Cincinnati Zoo. Every native who trafficks in animals or birds has heard of these two men."
A 1929 expedition to India and Africa netted 500 animals. Harry learned that collecting the animals was easy. Transporting them was another thing:
“It was fun going over, but coming back you can imagine our job. With gales to buffet and with screaming, scratching, clawing, shrieking, howling, roaring wild beasts on board sick from the storm and heat, you can imagine how much sleep I had in 47 days.”
As a naturalist, Harry associated with several pet shops in the Cincinnati area, through which he sold some of his exotic animals. Throughout the years, Harry held any number of official titles, including Federal Zoological Instructor for the Civilian Conservation Corps, Zoologist for the Ohio State Department of Education, Sanitary Inspector for the city’s Department of Health, Director of the Cincinnati Recreation Commission Traveling Zoo, and Special Lecturer for the Hamilton County SPCA.
Harry was in demand as a lecturer throughout Cincinnati and the darling of local media. For years, he had his own column in the Cincinnati Enquirer and was regularly featured in Ollie James’ column in the same newspaper. Radio loved Harry, but it loved his pet mynah bird, Jerry, even more. From 1930 until Jerry died in 1950, Harry brought his talkative fowl to all the Cincinnati radio stations – including Ruth Lyons’ radio studio – and even to Dave Elman’s nationally broadcast “Hobby Lobby” radio show out of New York. Jerry could imitate a window shade rolling up, the squealing sound of automobile brakes, speak 20 words in English and whistle several tunes including “Sweet Adeline” and “That Old Oaken Bucket.” For old time’s sake, Jerry sometimes launched into a melody from his native India.
The talking mynah was far from Harry’s only trained animal. He even domesticated a black widow spider, teaching her to climb a glass rod out of her jar to amble around his palm before clambering back into the jar. Harry brought his poisonous arachnid to New York for a segment on “Hobby Lobby,” but a stagehand knocked the jar from a table and killed the little beast. Host Elman suggested Harry come back when he had trained another black widow. Harry replied:
“Alright, but listen – when I bring my next trained black widow, she’s going to have a dozen understudies with her.”
Throughout his career as a lecturer, Harry kept running into myths and ignorance about animals. So many Cincinnatians swore they knew someone who had seen a hoop snake grab its tail and roll away that he offered a $150 reward for anyone who could produce one. Listening to Harry, you get the impression that his audiences were as entertaining as he was. Here’s one he told the Enquirer [8 January 1939]:
“A man in one audience told me he knew of a grocer who had a monkey trained to steal customers’ change and conceal it in his mouth. The man claimed the monkey tried it on him, and he hit the monkey so hard that the animal spit out $906.”
Harry died in 1961 at the Veteran’s Hospital in Chillicothe, Ohio. He is buried in Spring Grove Cemetery.
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dherzogblog · 4 years
“I listen so you don't have to”
Hey everyone, we’re back! enjoy some music and musings from the last year
Make sure to click on there bold type for music links and extras!
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Lizzo- Juice Lizzo burst into 2019 with a hit song, huge album and wildly successful tour. The “pudding in the proof “. Easily the catchiest tune of the year with an irresistible Bruno Mars 80′s funk vibe, She has the kind of star power and charisma that makes her appealing to just about everyone, including your aunt, who no doubt will be grooving to this on bar mitzvah dance floors for years to come. Blame it on her juice.
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Jen Awad- Hungover
Big voiced, post Amy Winehouse soul singer blames it on the juice too. Maybe she was with Lizzo the night before?
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Charley Crockett- How Low Can You Go?
Multi ethnic Americana singer/songwriter delivers one of my favorite albums of the year where he effortlessly moves from country to blues to soul. He also recorded one of my favorite country covers of the year (see bottom of this blog for more info on that). His girl is breaking his heart (blame it on the juice again?) on this R&B styled song from a non album single.
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Durand Jones and The Indications-  Circles
More sweet 70′s soul, quiet storm style. The swirling strings and Delfonics harmonies would sound perfect coming out of the 8 Track player in your Pinto.
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Dr.John- Such A Night (1941-2019)
A true music renaissance man. Starting as a teen in the studios of New Orleans, he learned his trade at the feet of the masters, playing R&B, jazz, and blues with equal skill and feel. The good doctor, (AKA Mac Rebbenack) went on to become an unlikely rock star in the early 70′s with his psychedelic and voodoo inspired Night Tripper alter ego. His long career found him playing several roles along the way, session man, producer, and The Big Easy’s unofficial funk ambassador. I picked this live version of the song because: A. He’s backed beautifully by The Band, B. It’s one of my favorite performances from The Last Waltz, and C. The live setting let’s you hear him stretch out a bit on the keyboards. I watched him perform many times, headlining or sitting in with others at Jazz Fest. No matter what the setting, he always fit right in and found the groove. Piano man, sideman, shaman, there was only one Dr.John.
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Van Morrison - Early Days
Like Dr. John, Van’s been around long enough to recall the birth of rock and roll. Throughout his career he never stopped paying tribute to his roots and those who inspired him. You can hear it in his musical references, cover tunes and name checks. At The Hollywood Bowl in October I got to see an unusually joyous performance as he wistfully traced a lifetime of musical influences across R&B, jazz and blues. His latest release is an unabashed love letter to those good old days, three chords and the truth.
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Spiral Stairs- Fingerprintz
Scott Kannberg is one of the co-founders of Indie rock legends Pavement. But truth is I never took much of an interest in them. I happened to read about his solo project where he mentioned listening to a lot of  Van Morrison and Nick Lowe while recording. That seemed like a  good enough reason for me to check it out. There are familiar ‘fingerprints” on this one, as you can definitely hear him channeling Van.
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Vampire Weekend- This Life
Hardly anyone is ambivalent about Vampire Weekend. Their preppy east coast look, and sleeve wearing, dad rock influences make them polarizing at best. Doesn’t matter to me, I like their catchy hooks, bone dry lyrics, caribbean rhythms, and ringing guitars.This is easily the sunniest song about cheating I ever heard.
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The English Beat- Whine and Grind/Stand Down Margaret Ranking Roger (1953-2019)
in January of 1980 England was in the grips of 2 Tone mania, the pop music movement that came dancehall crashing out of the UK Midlands, and for a brief black and white checkered moment, dominated the British charts. At the center of the scene were The Specials whose founder Jerry Dammers launched the 2 Tone label and created the blueprint for it’s sound, inspired by the Jamaican music he heard as a kid. These bands (including The Selecter and Madness), combined ska, reggae and punk that launched a brief music and fashion movement. They dressed in a mod black and white style making the look nearly as important as their sound. For most of these bi-racial bands, the goal was to make you dance AND think, with lyrics focusing on social and political issues affecting young people in Thatcher’s Britain. The track here is a good example of that.
I arrived in London on a traveling seminar ready to check it all out, as a college radio DJ I was already a fan of The Clash’s punky reggae. and I had read several dispatches from the British music tabloids like NME and Melody Maker. First chance I got, I was off to a record store where I stood at a listening station to hear The Special’s debut LP.  I was instantly transformed into a card carrying 2 Tone fan boy. As a student, without much money with a long trip ahead, I couldn't afford The Specials album, but I did buy a 45 by the label’s latest signing, The Beat.
The A side was a cover of Smokey Robinson & The Miracle’s “Tears Of A Clown”. It took a minute to get used to hearing the Motown classic played in their energetic ska sound. The tune ends with Ranking Roger “toasting” over the track reggae DJ style, not something heard much outside of Jamaica back then. Side B featured Roger taking lead and riding over a bouncy stop and start rhythm titled “Ranking Full Stop”. It was an instant 2 Tone classic, and I now had a new favorite band.
The Beat (AKA The English Beat) after just one 2 Tone single, were given their own Go-Feet label and releasing a full length album later that year. Their songs seemed to have a slightly more authentic Jamaican sound than the others, dubbier, upbeat and fun. In addition they dabbled in world music and afropop long before it became chic. I saw them perform on their first US tour in Boston later that year.
As the 2 Tone moment waned back home, the group quickly focused on the American audience, touring constantly in the process. The Beat were definitely the band most committed to breaking in the states and nearly did. By the third album, they gained some traction at US radio (particularly here in LA at KROQ) and played the US Festival, but it was too late. The band was already fracturing. Lead singer Dave Wakeling and Roger left unceremoniously in 1983 to form the short lived and mildly successful General Public, while bandmates Andy Cox and David Steele formed the much more successful Fine Young Cannibals. despite some huge hits, they too were short lived.
The original band never reunited. Roger and Wakeling performed together as The Beat for awhile, later each forming his own version. Roger in the UK and Dave in the US. Dave’s version tours constantly to this day. The 2 Tone label didn't last long and the music never truly caught on here. Ultimately suffering the same fate as other short lived UK music fads like Glam Rock or The New Romatics. Their impact was strong enough though to fuel the much maligned ska third wave of the 90′s, and bring Jamaican music a bit farther into the mainstream. All that really remains are the three great studio albums and the memory of their exciting live shows.
I booked the band on a CNN talk show in 1982. I remember they seemed frustrated and were already hinting at a challenged future for the group. Less than a year later they were done for good. I recall desperately wanting them to succeed, bringing my favorite band and the 2 Tone music to the masses. It’s hard to imagine there was a ever a time in your life when a pop group could break your heart like that. 
Foe me and other recovering rude boys/rude girls, the music endures, as does the message.  And today when I hear them streaming into my ear buds, I still want to “move my likkle feet and dance to the beat”, which for the dearly departed Roger I have to think, was always the point.  #loveandunity
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The Special- Vote For Me
Politics and social issues remain front and center as the 2 Tone founders return with their first album since the 80′s. Reunited for many years now, this current version of the band boasts more original members of The Fun Boy Three than the original The Specials. That did not stop them from delivering a totally respectable and relevant effort. You can hear dark echos of their classic "Ghost Town” on this dubby tune no doubt inspired by Brexit.
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Eddie And The Hot Rods- Do Anything You Wanna Do Barrie Masters (1956-2019)
in 1976/77 Eddie and the Hot Rods stood at the intersection of pub rock and punk as one scene fizzled, and the other burned down everything in its path. The Hot Rods had the classic straight ahead sound of the pub bands plus an attitude that leaned forward into the energy punk would embrace. They enjoyed a brief moment of UK chart success before literally falling into the cracks of the pop music scene. This song, one of my all time favorite singles, sum them up perfectly. Drawing a straight line from Graham Parker to The Clash with a touch of a classic Springsteen working class anthem. In other words....perfect.
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Beach Slang- Tommy In The 80′s
When I first saw the title of this song immediately assumed it was a Beach Slang’s tribute to The  Replacements guitarist Tommy Stinson . And even though Tommy himself plays on the track, it is not about him! In fact, it’s actually a tribute to obscure 80′s power popper Tommy Keene. I remembered the name from my MTV days, but honestly had to wiki him for clarification. Despite all these references, the whole thing sounds more inspired by “Jessie’s Girl” than either Tommy. 
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The Cars- My Best Friends Girl Ric Ocasek (1941-2019)
Truthfully. I was never a big Cars fan. But in my college days before digital music, you listened to whatever the radio played. And in Boston, they played The Cars a lot. It wasn’t long before they rose from local heroes to national charts toppers. They didn't have the bluesy street cred or swagger of hometown legends Aerosmith or The J Geils Band, but they were our very own neighborhood rock stars. Drummer David Robinson lived in the building next door to Noreen on Comm Ave, and it was always kinda cool to see them strolling around Back Bay or hanging out at a club. Their sound was little cold and metallic for me, but you couldn't deny they crafted pretty great pop and new wave singles. They were omnipresent sound of my college days. The hits literally followed me to MTV and NYC in the 80′s where I often spotted Ric and Paulina strolling hand in hand in Chelsea. This classic love triangle was always my favorite with it’s Tommy James like guitar at the top, handclaps, and unforgettable hook. The band disbanded long ago, but like the classic American automobiles, these songs were built to last.
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The Neighborhoods- Don’t Look Down
The Cars were the only Boston group of the era to truly make it big, but that late 70′s scene boasted several other talented bands who scored label deals including: The Nervous Eaters, The Rings, The Paley Brothers, Robin Lane and the Chartbusters, The Fools, The Real Kids, The Stompers, and Mission Of Burma. Later on, The Lyres, The Neats The Del Fuegos, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, and Murphy’s Law  all managed to find the big time. It was a great time for local music back then. A city filled with students, plenty of clubs to pack on weekends, and college and commercial radio stations willing to play local bands. There were many good acts around town then, and my favorite, without a doubt, were The Neighborhoods. A young, brash power trio led by charismatic lead singer David Minehan. They played a ferocious brand of power pop/punk that would leave their audience breathless. I was certain they were destined for stardom. In the spring of 1979 they released their debut single “Prettiest Girl” on a local label and massive airplay on both college and commercial radio followed. They instantly became the hottest band in town, poised to become the next band from Boston to make it big. But it never happened. Bad luck, poor management and infighting derailed all the momentum. Before you knew it, the gritty street quality that was The ‘Hoods trademark was pushed aside by the synthesized sound of MTV. Over the course of the 80′s and into the 90′s they managed to release some pretty good albums on a variety of indie labels, but it never came together for them. The band reunited and gigs occasionally but hadn’t recorded for many years until right now. Forty years later, the neighborhood may not look the same, but their sound and spirit somehow survive. I suppose there’s something tragic and romantic about a great band lost to time, remembered only by the few who saw them way back when. They really were great, but I guess you had to be there.
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Jesse Mailn - Meet Me At The End Of The World Again
New York’s favorite son, soul survivor, and street poet Jesse Malin is back. He’s been around long enough to understand that “When it all blows up, when it all goes down, when it makes you sick, but you’re still around” is victory in itself.  It’s the only life he knows, so what can a poor boy do? 
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Brittany Howard- Stay High
This is from Alabama Shakes lead singer's excellent solo debut, unselfconsciously celebrating private moments spent with a lover on this  rootsy and gentle ballad. Her soulful falsetto conveys the kind of lustful bliss you might expect from Al Green or Prince. 
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Mississippi All Stars- Mean Old World
Bear with me. This one is tangled up in the roots of several southern rock legacies and is going to take a minute to unpack. The All Stars are led by Luther and Cody Dickinson, sons of legendary Memphis musician and wild man Jim Dickinson. They decided to cover T Bone Walker’s Mean Old World,  a blues number once recorded by Eric Clapton and Duane Allman as part of the historic Derek And The Dominos sessions. The track, featuring their dad Jim, did not make the original release but was later unearthed on an expanded reissue. Still with me?  So, as a bit of a tribute, the guys recorded their own version of the tune and invited Duane Betts, son of Allman Brothers guitarist Dickey Betts to record an Eat a Peach inspired guitar run at the end.
And oh yeah, Jason Isbell is on it as well.
Got all that? 
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Samantha Fish- Kill Or Be Kind
Have seen Samantha live several times over the past few years. She’s a very good blues/rock guitarist, vocalist and an exciting live performer. On the sultry “Kill or be Kind” she gives her lover an ultimatum. Fun fact: One of my son’s best friends from high school (Kate Pearlman) wrote two tracks on the album!
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Jade Jackson- Bottle It Up
Second album from this promising up and coming alt country artist. She’s on the super cool Anti label which providing immediate credibility and her albums are produced by Social D frontman Mike Ness. And when she’s not on the road she waitress’s at her parent’s restaurant in central California. I’m not sure you can get any more country than that.
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The Highwomen- Redesigninig Women
Inspired by The Highwaymen of Willie, Waylon, Johnny and Kris, this all female country “supergroup” quartet is out to break the stereotypes in country music with some really fine songs. While the male Highwaymen banded together to rescue careers in decline, these women (Brandi Carlisle, Amanda Shires, Marren Morris, and Natalie Hemby), are all on the rise. This song is lot of fun.
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John Prine- Unwed Fathers
John Prine is back with a remake of his heartbreaking tale of teenage pregnancy. He’s joined this time Margo Price. I got to see Prine live this fall at the beautiful Anson Ford Amphitheater here in LA. His simple, plain spoken lyrics and songs are timeless. I attended the show with my pal David Kissinger who observed that despite health issues, “Prine remains an national songwriting treasure and his performance was as life affirming as you’ll ever see.” Can’t say it any better than that.
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Shovels And Rope- Mississippi “Nuthin
Ever wonder whatever happened to that perfect couple from high school? You know, the high school quarterback and the prom queen? This one ain’t “Glory Days”. Our QB peaked in high school and never makes it back to the end zone again, plus he's tortured by the success his old flame enjoys. His anguish and desperation are palpable in this barn burner of a song whose vocals draw inspiration from June & Johnny and John & Exene.
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The Delines- Eddie and Polly
Eddie and Polly are young and in love, and doomed. Vocalist Amy Boone’s world weary vocals always sound like it’s 3AM. This one won’t do much for your holiday spirit, but it’s haunting melody might stay with you throughout it.
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Yola - Love all Night (Work All Day)
Love the one your with is (at least after work) is the basic idea on this track from this UK performer’s debut long player. Produced by Dan Auerbach of The Black Keys, the collection is full of excellent retro soul-folk. There was a fair amount of buzz in front of the release and she more than lives up to it including a nomination for a Best New Artist Grammy. 
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Mavis Staples + Norah Jones- I’ll Be Gone
First recorded effort form this duo. A bittersweet ballad that softly and soulfully looks ahead to a final salvation. But Mavis ain’t done yet. She’s still going strong, recording and touring constantly. She knows she may be running out of time, but there’s still work to do. And whenever she’s finally ready, you can be sure she’ll take us there.
Hope you and yours are well.  The Herzog’s wish you the best and look forward to seeing you in the new year.  For those of you who made it this far, thank you. I’ve got a bonus playlist for you. Artists you like playing songs you love:  covers/19 Enjoy.
Los Angeles, December 2019 
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fangirl-imagines · 5 years
Dating Dave Would Include...
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A/N: I stan Dave so hard and it is a true testament to Bill’s attractiveness that he can make a mullet look hot. 
Any relationship with Dave would be such a healthy and loving one I swear
Like the two of you would be best friends before you get together and when you do start dating the two of you are always together. 
Dave is kind of clingy so you usually wind up sitting in his lap and he is always trying to hold your hand. 
You always go to stunts with him to be supportive and are really good friends with Rod and the rest of the gang as well. 
Hanging out at the food truck a lot just to sit and talk without any distractions.
Until his friends show up. They crash most of your dates actually unless the two of you make an actual effort to get some privacy. 
Visiting him at work when he’s bored, bringing him food and just keeping him company, and he lights up when he sees you. 
Really chill and lowkey dates where you help him building stuff, which is usually handing him tools and talking about the upcoming stunts the team is planning, going thrifting together, him showing you how to ride his skateboard, or going to the grocery store and pushing each other on the back of the cart. 
Dave is so confident, he honestly does not care what people think of him at all. And his confidence rolls over to you a little bit too. He loves all the little quirks or things you don’t like about yourself. 
Do you have a quirky laugh? He thinks its adorable. Do you have your own style? He thinks it looks great because it’s yours. Softer body? He adores it. 
He hypes you up all the time and brags about you, his wicked awesome girlfriend, to anyone who will listen. 
He’s a very sweet and understanding boyfriend too. He will listen to you ramble on whenever you need to about something that’s been bothering you and he just likes to know about what's going on in your life, whether it’s with your family, friends, work, whatever. 
He also needs someone who is willing to do this for him though. He needs someone who will listen to him talk about his day at work, what his little sister did to get on his nerves, the stunts coming up that he’s excited about, or even just this crazy thing Ricco did today. 
He gives a lot of support and love and he just needs it in return. 
There is no toxic masculinity with Dave at all, either. He’s too comfortable with himself for that.
He loves when you bring him flowers or something you thought he would like because he loves knowing you were thinking about him. 
Also its canon that he is a cryer and he has no problem crying in front of people. When he cries the best way to calm him down though is just to hug him and run your fingers through his hair. 
He loves making you laugh more than anything. It comes easily for him too because he just has a very laid back and goofy personality. He always has a dumb joke ready to cheer you up.
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berkblockman · 4 years
Axe throwing // Dave (Hot Rod) x reader
Pairing: Dave (From Hot Rod) x reader Word count: 1689 Warnings: Lenguage Request: could you do something about going axe throwing with dave for a date ? and maybe he comes up behind you and helps you throw it 🥺🥺🥺🤲🏻 (a/n): Thank you so much for this request, hope you enjoy it! My inbox is always open if you want to request again 😉
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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Summer was about to end and the thought of it had you feeling a bit nostalgic. It happened every year, the moment you realized you had to go back to class you felt like summertime had happened in the blink of an eye. But this year that feeling was stronger than ever. Maybe because it had been the best summer of your entire live, or maybe because you knew you wouldn’t have that much time to spend with Dave now that you were getting into your last year of college, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit down thinking about it.
And people was starting to notice your weird behavior. The whole crew was at Rod and Kevin’s garden, planning some stunts for Rod to perform on children’s birthdays and save some money to spend on improving your old equipment. Sadly, you knew that you wouldn’t be able to get involved in those plans due to your boring student life, so you stayed quiet as everyone was brainstorming, watching the time go by.
Dave was quick to notice there was something wrong with you. Normally, brainstorming was your favorite part of the whole ‘preparing stunts’ process and you always delivered smart and interesting ideas to the crazy plans they always had. Seeing you so quiet, he couldn’t help but get worried.
“Honey.” He tried to draw your attention by squeezing your hand lovingly. “Are you okay?”
Hearing him ask that snapped you back to reality. You looked at him in the eye and gave him a small smile.
“I just feel a little off.” You admitted as you looked around. You felt like you were being kind of a killjoy and you didn’t want to disturb everyone with your bad mood. “I think I am going to head back home.”
“Let me walk you there.” Your boyfriend insisted.
After saying goodbye to everyone, you started to walk your way back home. At first you both stayed silent, holding hands while you were still caught in your thoughts. Finally, it was Dave the one who broke the silence.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked after a long time. He was afraid to ask again because he didn’t want to force you into telling him or make you feel uncomfortable in any way, but he couldn’t help but to feel worried about you.
“I am okay.” You tried to convince him. Looking at him, you realized your answer wasn’t enough to make him stop worrying. “It’s something very stupid, really. Don’t worry about it.”
“If it bothers you it’s not stupid.” Dave stopped walking and looked at you in the eye. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, but I just want you to know that you can rely on me, that’s all.”
A smile formed immediately in your face as you placed a hand on his cheek to stroke it sweetly. Hearing him say those words made you even more aware of how much you were going to miss just spending time with him the next few months.
“It’s just that soon I’ll start my last year of college.” You began to explain. “And I’m not going to have a lot of time to spend with you and the rest…” Letting out a sigh, you continued. “I can’t stop thinking of how many things I’m going to miss because I’ll be studying… Like, this has been the greatest summer ever and I just don’t want it to end.”
Dave smiled back at you when you finally opened up to him. He placed his hand on yours and interlocked his fingers with you, suddenly having an idea.
“Well, summer’s not over yet.” He reminded you. “There’s a place I want to show you, if you’re okay with it.”
Excited by whatever idea Dave had just had, you walked back to your house so you could borrow your mom’s car. According to what he told you, the place you were going to was way too far to go walking. You drove as Dave gave you directions, wondering where he was taking you. It didn’t take long for you to arrive.
You looked at the enormous building in front of you, kind of confused. You didn’t quite know what this place was supposed to be. There was a target drawn as the logo on the top of the building and your mind started to wander through the possibilities. Was this a shooting gallery? You had never thought of Dave as the type of guy who enjoyed shooting guns.
He guided you inside and soon, seeing the people around you, you realized this place was destined to axe throwing. You were definitely surprised by it. You had never done something like that, and as interesting as it seemed, you feared it would be a little dangerous. Dave immediately told you it was completely save and that you didn’t need to worry. Yet, you were a little nervous about the whole thing.
After choosing an axe light enough for you to handle, Dave and you walked to one giant target.
“Okay. Do you see the bull’s eye?” He tried to explain you the rules. “If you stick the axe there, you get 6 points. The ring closest to the bull’s eye gives you 5 points, the next 4 and so on. The bigger ring gives you 1 point, and if you don’t hit the target or if the axe doesn’t stick properly you get nothing.”
“So, it’s kind of like playing darts, isn’t it?” You swung the axe around, trying to get familiar with it. Darts were a lot less heavy.
“You could say they’re similar.” Dave looked at you as you sighed, not being quite sure of how this whole thing worked. “It’s okay, just loosen up. It will be fun, you’ll see.” He assured you.
Trying to follow the advice he gave you on how to throw the weapon you carried in your hands, you nervously aimed for the target. In a matter of seconds, you saw your axe spinning around like crazy before it hit the wooden wall and fell to the ground. You looked at it, kind of disappointed. Even though it was only your first shot, you felt like this wasn’t for you.
“That’s not bad.” Dave assured you, picking up the axe for you. “The first time I threw an axe, it just felt directly to the ground.”
“I don’t know, Dave.” You sighed. “I feel like I suck at this.”
“Nope.” He was quick to say, walking back to you. “You are incapable to suck at this or at any other thing, there’s no alternate universe in which you suck at anything.” Looking at you in the eye, he handed you back the axe. “I know you can do anything you set your mind to.”
Seeing him being so supportive made you blush a little. The way those words came out of his mouth, like they were the absolute and only truth, made you realize that no one had ever believed in you as much as he did. It was truly moving.
Taking a deep breathe, you prepared to throw the axe again. This time it didn’t stick either, but it hit right next to the bull’s eye. Dave gave you the cutest thumbs up before picking up the axe again.
“That was really good aiming.” He said as he handed you the axe once more. “You just need to polish your throwing technique. Bend your knees a bit.” You did as you were told as he placed himself behind you, putting his hand on top of yours. “Don’t hold it too tight.” He advised you, you could feel his breathe on your ear. He guided your arm and showed you the right move to throw the axe. “It has to rotate one or two times before hitting the target.” Hearing his voice so close to you sent goosebumps all over your body.
Dave helped you throw the axe and you watched it carefully as it stuck in the wood. You jumped in excitement before high-fiving your boyfriend. After trying a few throws on your own, you decided it would be fun to compete against each other. Each one of you had 10 throws, and the one who scored more points was the winner. You were sure you were going to lose by the time you had run out of throws and you had scored 35 points. It wasn’t bad, but Dave was only 3 points behind you. Both of you thought he had victory on the palm of his hand as he swung the axe, so you couldn’t believe your eyes when he only got 2 points on his last shot.
“Oh my god.” You muttered in disbelieve. “Did you let me win?”
“I didn’t.” He laughed. “I told you, you kick ass.”
A big smile formed on your face as you heard him. Feeling the excitement all over your body, you embraced him tightly before kissing him.
After playing for a while, you got tired and just sat there to watch Dave play. You were way more calmed now that you were just enjoying the moment, not worrying yourself about things that hadn’t even happened yet.
“My dad used to bring me here when I was younger, before he left.” He confessed. “Whenever I had a big exam or something was bothering me, I would just tell him and he’d brought me here so I could distract myself and relax.” He threw the axe, hitting the bull’s eye. “This is kind of my happy place, and I wanted to share it with you.”
He walked to you and sat by your side as you processed his words. You felt your heart practically melting in your chest at the thought that you were that important to him. Dave grabbed your hand again while you tried to find the right words to say.
“I love you, Dave.” Was all you could mutter as you looked at him in the eye. It was the first time either of you said it.
“I love you too.”
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haderberkman · 4 years
Let Me Cheer You Up
Dave X F Reader
Warnings: Smut, Language
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Requested by: Anonymous
Dave hated crying. After he cried, he usually felt awful for the rest of the day. He was crying because Rod wanted to stop doing stunts and break up the crew. He didn’t know what to do so he did the thing he could think of.
Y/N was in her kitchen cleaning when she heard her front door open and close. She peeked her head into the living room and saw a crying Dave standing in front of her TV.
“Dave, sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“R-Rod wants to s-stop doing stunts and break the crew up.”
Dave began crying harder, and Y/N hurried over to him and pulled him into a hug. He instantly wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled his face into her neck. Y/N rubbed his back as he tears steadily began to stop. He pulled back a bit and captured her lips is a calming kiss. They pulled away, and Y/N wiped his tears away with her thumbs.
“Do you feel any better now?”
“No, not really.”
Dave moved and sat down on her couch. Y/N stood there, watching him, and an idea came to her head. She walked over to Dave and sat down on his lap with her legs straddling his. She pulled him into an other kiss, and he gasped as she gently pulled his hair. He pulled back a bit, trying to catch his breath.
“W-What are you doing, Y/N?”
“Let me cheer you up. Please, I hate seeing you sad.”
“Fuck, yeah. Cheer me up.”
Y/N smiled at him before pulling him into another kiss. Dave wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. She ran her fingers through his hair again and moved to kiss his neck. She got off his lap, and he opened his eyes and saw that she was on her knees in front of him.
Dave was about to protest, but before he could speak, Y/N reached her hands out and began unbuckling his belt. He gently raised his hips, and she pulled his jeans and boxers down enough for his member to spring free.
Y/N loved giving Dave head, but she never got the chance to do it much because he didn’t like to be center of attention. He wanted to give more than he wanted to receive.
Before Dave had the chance to stop her, she quickly grasped him and began stroking him. He quietly moaned as his head dropped to the back of her couch. Y/N slowly began to suck and lick his member, and Dave moaned a little louder.
“Fuck, Y/N. That feels so good, sweetheart.”
Y/N hummed around him and went faster. Dave slid his fingers into her hair and gripped the long strands causing Y/N to moan around him. He gently bucked his hips causing her to lightly gag around him. Dave began squirming and voicing out how she made him feel.
“Y/N, baby. I’m gonna cum. Oh my God.”
Y/N took him all the way into her mouth, and he moan loudly as he came in her mouth. She carefully pulled him out of her mouth and swallowed. She laughed quietly at the sight of Dave in this moment. His head was laid back in the couch with his eyes closed, gasping for air. She thought he looked absolutely handsome.
Dave slowly raised his head and smiley widely when he locked eyes with her. She smiled back at him and stood up. Dave stood up too and fixed his pants before pulling her into a loving kiss. He pulled away and connected their forehead together.
“Thanks for making me feel better, sweetheart.”
“Anytime, babe. That’s what I’m here for.”
Y/N shot Dave a playful wink, and they both giggled at each other.
“I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Dave.”
Dave knew that Y/N would always be there to cheer him, and he loved her for it. She helped turn his sad, cloudy days into bright and sunny ones, and he couldn’t think of a better person than her to call the love of his life.
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bill-hader-imagine · 4 years
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chompachompa · 4 years
Bill Hader characters as "Can you buy me pads" texts
(If you want anyone added, let me know!!)
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Willy McLean:
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Richie Tozier:
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Officer Slater:
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cars-lovin-gal · 5 years
Cars Land Music Loop
I put together a list of all the music played on Radiator Springs Main Street in Cars Land (& also in the same order that they’re played there) & have also provided links so you can listen to them on YouTube because a few aren’t on Spotify. So for those of you who have been & want to reminisce, or if you have always wanted to go & want to imagine being there, if you like listening to Disney park music loops, or even if you just like rock & roll music…enjoy!
Route 66- Chuck Berry
V-8 Ford Blues- Mose Allison
Hot Rod Man- Tex Rubinowitz
Little Forty Ford- Leon Smith
Road Runner- Bo Diddley
409- The Quads
Let’s Go For A Ride- The Collegians
Welcome to Radiator Springs- Joe Louis Walker
Ride on Josephine- George Thorogood & the Destroyers
Big Green Car- Jimmy Carroll
Hot Rod is Her Name- Tom Tall & Ginny Wright
Automobiles- The Spaniels
Ford V-8- Honey Boy Allen
Mustang Sally- Wilson Pickett
Maybellene- Chuck Berry
Coupe de Ville Baby- Vernon Green & the Medallions
Hot Rod- The Collins Kids
Led Sled- Danny Freeman
Cruisin’- Gene Vincent & his Blue Caps
No Particular Place to Go- Chuck Berry
Bring My Cadillac Back- Baker Knight & the Knightmares
Key to the Highway- Little Walter
Hot Rod Queen- Deke Dickerson & the Eccofonics
Rocket 88- Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats
Draggin’- Curtis Godman
One Piece at a Time- Johnny Cash
Stand on It- Mel McDaniel
Built For Speed- Stray Cats
Fastest Short in Town- Robert A. Irvine & The Kentucky Colonels
Rocking Little Roadster- Fred Mollin & The Blue Sea Band feat. Gunnar Nelson
Hot Rod Lincoln- Johnny Bond
Twin Pipes & Pin Stripes- Sammy Masters
You Can’t Catch Me- Chuck Berry
Spinout- Elvis Presley
My Mustang Ford- Chuck Berry
The Phantom Dragster- The Bobby Fuller Four
Flat Tire- The Del Vikings
Black & White Thunderbird- Fred Mollin & The Blue Sea Band
My Old Car- Fred Mollin & The Blue Sea Band feat. Johnny Neel
Pink Cadillac- Sammy Masters & His Rocking Rhythms
My White Convertible- The Hall Brothers
Loud Mufflers- Robert Williams & The Groovers
Six Days on the Road- Dave Dudley
Hotrod Gang- Stray Cats
Pontiac Blues- Sonny Boy Williamson
Green Onions- Booker T. & The MG’s
Freeway of Love- Aretha Franklin
Radiator Rock- Joe Louis Walker
Ride on Josephine- Bo Diddley
Wheels- The Flying Burrito Brothers
V-8 Ford Boogie- Eleven Hundred Springs
Go Champ Go- The Champs
Dear Dad- Chuck Berry
Hot Rod Susie- The Manin Brothers
I Want to be Your Driver- Chuck Berry
Mustang Sally & GTO- John Lee Hooker
From a Buick 6- Bob Dylan
Cadillac- Bo Diddley
Hot Rodder’s Lament- Deke Dickerson & The Ecco-fonics
Hardtop Race- George Stogner
Slow Down “GTO”- Joe Louis Walker
King of the Road- Roger Miller
Peroxide Blonde & Hopped Up Model Ford- Jumpin’ Gene Simmons
I’ve Been Everywhere- Hank Snow
Push Button Automobile- Vernon Green & The Medallions
Motor Head Baby- Johnny “Guitar” Watson
Look at that Cadillac- Stray Cats
Sh-Boom- The Chords
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leonbloder · 3 years
Not Everything Needs A Shine
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In his new book, former Nirvana drummer and Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl relates a story about how he met two different rock-n-roll legends at an event he attended.
At first, Grohl was starstruck to get to meet two of his heroes, but then he took a closer look at both of them and had an epiphany.  
One of the stars had undergone a lot of plastic surgery, dental implants, and a host of other anti-aging measures.  He gleamed and glistened with a startling white smile, looking to Grohl like a meticulously restored vintage car.  
Grohl was not impressed.  Instead, he gravitated to the other of his heroes, whose weathered face and wizened appearance, topped by a mop of grey hair showed the story of his journey.
Grohl realized at that moment which person he would rather become.  He made a promise to himself:
That I  would aspire to become the rusted-out hot rod, no matter how many jump-starts I might require along the way.  Not everything needs a shine, after all... To me, that is beauty.  Not the gleam of prefabricated perfection, but the road-worn beauty of individuality, time, and wisdom.
I love that so much.  I have been a huge Dave Grohl fan for a long time, and this just endeared him to me even more.  From every evidence I have seen, I believe that Grohl lives his life filled with joy and wonder, showing kindness, playfulness, creativity, energy, and love.  
There's this verse from the prophet Isaiah in the Hebrew Scriptures that came to mind as I was reflecting on Grohl's quote.  It's a verse that I have read differently throughout my life, depending on my context and circumstances.  Here it is:
But those who keep waiting for the LORD will renew their strength. Then they’ll soar on wings like eagles; they’ll run and not grow weary; they’ll walk and not grow tired. (Isaiah 40:31, NIV)
Today, I'm reading this verse as a promise to those of us who have a little less tread on our tires, if you know what I mean.  
Experience has taught me that there is beauty in the deepening lines on my face, carved there no doubt by literally thousands of different moments of worry, anger, joy, sorrow, toughness, and tenderness.  
I also know that I probably should have been dead a hundred times or more over the course of my journey.  I've had my heart broken more than once.  I have lost faith and found it again.  
I've been filled with regret.  I have grinned from ear to ear out of joy.  I have sobbed myself to sleep.  My heart soars when I hear a great guitar solo, and a song I can sing at the top of my lungs.  
I still believe in love.  
I've also discovered something about what it means to "keep waiting for the Lord."  It's about patience and trust.  I'm learning what it means to be willing to sit for a while and let the path forward be revealed.  I'm constantly surprised by grace.  
If this resonates with you in any way---go ahead and testify just a bit, right where you are.  And when I say "testify" that's just the Pentecostal in me showing, and it merely means... say "Amen!" or "Preach!" or something like that.
You can also do this.  Put your hand on your heart, and if it's beating, know that you aren't done by any stretch of the imagination, no matter what is happening around you, and no matter what wear and tear you've experienced on the road.  
Not only are you beautiful with all your lines and creases, dents, and cracks, you have a great and glorious purpose.  Be patient.  Wait on the Lord.  You will be lifted up.  
May it be so for you today and every day.  And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen.  
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journeydb · 4 years
August 22 2019 Massachusetts
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It’s always such a treat to spend time with Rod and LouAnn and, sometimes, if I’m very lucky, our niece, Lexi, will be there, since she shares time between them and her mom, Donna and her husband, Chris.  Unfortunately, this wasn’t one of those times.  Their older daughter, Jess, lives in Marblehead near the beach with her boyfriend, Dave, so it’s a rare and wonderful occasion when I can visit her or she might be “up north” here visiting her folks.
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Lexi is one of the cutest people in the world and she is adored by everyone who knows her.  She is a real character and, having defied the statistics and lived a longer and fuller life than many people with Downs Syndrome, she is REALLY our “Supergirl”!  She is as big fan of Hannah Montana and also the former lead singer of the Moody Blues, Justin Hayward.  Rod takes her to concerts often and their favorites are the ones with Justin.  He knows she is such a big fan that at one concert a few years ago he handed her a rose from the stage.  That just about made her year!
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I did my usual routine here of running around their neighborhood and into “downtown”, the very small commercial area.  North Andover used to be a mill town and Rod and LouAnn live in one of the sections where the mill workers lived.  They share a big house with three other apartments and are on the second floors with views of their big back yard.  The flowers in front of the homes here at this time of year are pretty and the Yankee style of design and perspective is apparent everywhere.
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The mills have been converted into commercial space and some of the restaurants we typically dine at here are really good.
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For such a medium-sized town, with a population of 31,000, there are a LOT of churches of just about every denomination, but no mosques or synagogues, at last none that I have ever seen while jogging or driving around here.
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Even though Massachusetts is a “blue” state, there are still a fair amount of conservative thinkers here.
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I can’t imagine this truck in Boulder but it seems to fit in fine with the eclectic mix of conservative, liberal, and “hard to pin down” mindset which characterizes this part of the country.
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After my run I showered and we all went to the Green Apple Cafe for breakfast, which was delicious!
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Sadly, I had places to go and people to see, so I hugged them goodbye, hit the road and headed for North Billerica to visit their son, Randy’s family.
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It was wonderful to spend time with Randy, Colleen, Brynn, to her dad’s right, and Maeve, next to her mom.
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These girls have grown SO much since the last time I saw them, which was two years ago.  Brynn is starting high school next month and Maeve is in middle school.  They are pretty, smart, and, obviously, very close sisters.  Brynn resembles our side of the family more and Maeve resembles her mom’s side.  They wanted to share so much about their lives with me and I could have spent more time there but Colleen has health issues and gets tired after a while, and I didn’t want to impose on their hospitality, so I filled them in on what was happening on our side of the family, hugged them all, including Colleen’s mom and dad, who was taking these photos for us, and hit the road again.
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As I was driving from Billerica to Wilmington, our home town, for a drive down memory lane, I went through Burlington and passed Beaver Brook Road, where our cousins, the Panariellos, used to live and where I babysat for them for many years.  I wondered if I could find their house so I called Debbie for the street number and drove up to 18 Beaver Brook to see the house, which looked quite different than I remembered it.  I knocked on the door to let the owner know why I was taking pictures of her house, and she invited me in for a tour!
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It was beautiful and had been remodeled recently when she divorced her husband, who still lives up the street in the house they shared, so she can still be close to the kids, who live with her part time.  I know, I know, I’m a good listener, she just offered these details into her private life, I didn’t ask.  Anyway, the Panariellos can rest assured that their old house is in very good hands!
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The first stop in Wilmington was Silver Lake, where I learned to swim when I was six years old.  Our family spent a lot of time at that lake during the hot summers of our childhoods.  It was also a popular hang-out when we were in high school and I remember many lazy afternoons on beach blankets with friends and hearing about parties which I attended or wisely chose to pass up.
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Next stop was our high school, Wilmington High School, which looked really good because it had been recently remodeled.  I can’t imagine that was the first remodel since we graduated over fifty years ago.
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I was a football and basketball cheerleader and so were my sisters Kathi and Fran! 
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I was sorry to miss our 50th high school reunion but we were in Spain at the time.  The women in the photo above are part of our “gang” from high school, but some of them were friends in junior high and Peb and I met and became friends with Barbara, on the far left, when we were in sixth grade!  We’ve maintained these friendships, some of them, for nearly sixty years.
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This was our family home on High Street until our parents sold it and moved to Florida after our youngest brother, Marc, was married and on his own.  It’s not the house I grew up in.  That house burned down when I was living in Colorado in my late twenties.
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The younger family members grew up here and the rest of us returned for family gatherings, but it never felt like “home” the way our other house did.
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Many of the other houses in the neighborhood have been spruced up or remodeled but for the most part the neighborhood still looks a lot like it did when we used to live here, except for the woods behind our house, which were all cut down to build new neighborhoods.  You really can’t “go home again” because what you remember will always have been changed by time and people, I guess.  Still, no amount of cutting, burning and remodeling can change the memories we hold in our hearts.
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Since I didn’t make plans for the night, I drove towards Logan Airport, the one in Boston that I’m scheduled to fly back to Denver from tomorrow, through Revere, stopped and grabbed an Impossible vegan burger at a Burger King there for dinner and ended up a cute little motor hotel called The Inn at Crystal Cove in Winthrop By The Sea, a small community across the bay from the airport. 
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It was a spectacular sunset tonight!  I went to bed, tired but happy that I’d been able to be with so many people I love and to have seen the places which brought back so many memories, some happy and some sad.   Tomorrow is always another chance to move forward while maintaining connections with our past in ways that continue to make us who we are becoming throughout our lives.
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